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Document ID | 268184 |
Application ID | JTyNbYQG0lQYxwHHr6h4pA== |
Document Description | Users Manual |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
Supercede | No |
Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 59.95kB (749325 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2002-09-05 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2002-09-05 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2002-08-07 17:52:12 |
Producing Software | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2002-08-07 17:53:35 |
Document Title | Users Manual |
Document Creator | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
® 2 Triggers
® shift Button
(3 Channel Select Button
® 6 Flre Buttons
‘ @ Baway D-Pad
@ 2 Analog Joysticks
® Docking Station
Rechargeable battery
Lrberate yoursell wllh the remote and rechargeable Sailek P3000 Wrreless Pad, our lop—ol—lhe-range gamepao ollerrng
complete freedom in gameplay by removing the restructions of the Iradl'llonal cable The P3000 comes wllh a styllsh docklng
stetron and lwo rechargeable batterles that delryer 24/7 gamlng action and an LCD screen lhat dispiays your power level and
gamepad leatures
Just Look at these Features!
. 30 leet or unblockable wlreless range!
~ lntegral LCD screen indicates hatlery life and keypad learores at a glance
- Double your controls with ‘on-boaro' Shm Key and Smart Technology programming software to take gameplay to another level!
- Styllsh docklng stafiun acts as a slorage stand and oharg-ng unity convenlenlly powered by the some use; per!
- Includes 2 Rechargeable Nlckel Metal Hydrlde power packs
~ 24/7 wireless gaming
- No neeu lo buy expenslve reulaeement baneries!
The First Time You Use Your P3000 Wireless Pad
ln oroer lor the P3000 Pad to work you need to charge the haltenes helore you play To ublaln a lull charge, plaoe nne ol the
banery cells into the front ol the docking stallon (after you have complelsd the lrlstallatlcm) ano wait lor approximately one
hour, or untrl the green Ready lrghl comes on, rnoreaung Ihal lhe battery rs now lully charged, To recharge the battery alter
gameolay, srmply repeat the prooedure The hattery will usually delrver a rrllnimum ol 5 hours gameplay aher a lull charge
Saltek Smart Technology Software
Saltek Smart Technology soltware is the soltware that Saitek supplies lor our high-end game controllers. The Smart
Technology soltware comprises the product drivers tor these Saltek controllers and the optional programming soitware. By
keeping the two separate, the Sman Technology software otters two types of installation to suit the individual gamers needs,
which means even more gamers can enioy these quality Sallek products.
The Quick lnstall loads the product drlvels only (all that Is needed to use the controller) and is suitable for the new or Typical
User. This install is last and slmple and will have the garner up and running in no tlme at all.
The Full lnstall loads the product drivels and the Sarlek Smart Technology programming soliwarc and is suitable lor the
Advanced User. The programming soltware dellvers a poweriul set of teatures tor the ultimate configuration in the game
Although it is recommended torthe seasoned gamer. it can be installed at any time. This gives the typical user a chance to get
to know the controller belore taking gaming lo the next level.
Installation for Users of Windows® XF
Quick Install (Drivers Only)
This installanon will ONLY install the drivers tor your Sallek controller The Full lnstall (below). will install the drivers and the
Saitek Smart Technology programming sottware for your Saltek controller.
Note' Please do not connect the USB connector until asked to by lhe lnstallallon procedure.
1 with your computer switched on, close down any programs that are currently running and insert the Sailek Smart
Technology on into your CD-ROM drive.
2 When the Welcome screen appears. click Next to continue. (If the CD does not run automallcally, select S|an from (he
Wlndows® Taskbar, (hen Run and type D:\lnstalluexe and click OK - where D:\ is Ieller oi your CD-ROM drlve)
3 Alter readlng the Dlsclaimerr select lhe | accept the wnns 0' the Disclaimer option and dlck Next to cnnllnue.
4 Al the Device Driver Inslallation screen. Click on Next and lolluw the onscreen instructions
5 When prompted, plug your Docking Slatiorl's use connector into your computen then click on Contlgur- and then
Contlnuo Anyway, Follow the on-screerl instructions until you reach the Controller Properties screen
6 When the Controller Properties screen appears. click Next to View the Test screen
7 Now try out all your controller's buttons and controls to show that it is working property. When you have finisheo, click 0K.
8 At the Programmlng Sonwere screen. select Typlcal User and click Noxl.
9 At the Registration screen. select Ragistar my Saltck controller onllne ano tollow the onscreen Instructions or saloot
Register Latter and Cllck Next,
10 Click on Flnlsh to complete the installationl Your Saliek controller is now ready for use with your lavDrlle games.
Full Install (Drivers and Programming Software)
This installation will Install the drivers and the Saitak Smart Technology programmlng software for [he Saitek controller.
l Follow polrlts 1 - 7 oltno install procedure in Qunck lnstall (Dnvers Only) then at the Programming Software screen,
select Advanced User and click Next.
2 At the Programmable Controller Drivers screen, click Uudata and lollow the on-scfsen instructions. Al thls point you will
be asked to install such leatures as the Saltek Magic Mouse and Sallek Maglc Keyboard (lhese are what XP calls the
various elements ol your Sanek controller). Continue to click on Next. Continue Anyway and Flnlsh to accept the
installation until the installation at programming soltwarc successlul screen appears.
3 At the Installation of programmlng software successful screen, click Next.
A A1 the Registration screen. select Register and follow [he on—screen lnstructiorls or select Register Later and 01le Next
5 Upon compleilon ortns lnstallailon, you have tha Dptlon to Run Protllo Edllor, whlch will give you a vlew ol the 3-D
programming environment If you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at this point, iusl uncheck tna box and click on
Flnlsh to complete [he lnstallatlon. Your Saitek controller is now ready lor use with your lavontc games To access the
programming soflware click on the Saitek Smart Technology icon that the installation left on your Desktop
For a complele guide on how to program your Saitek controller, vlSli the Saiiek website at
Installation for Users of Windows® 2000
Quick Install {Drivers Only)
This installation wlll ONLY install the drlvers tor your Sailck controller Tne Full install (below). will install the drivers and the
Saltek Smart Technology programming sofiwave lor your Saltek controller
Note. Please do not connect the USE cfinrlEctor until asked lo by the Inslallat‘lon procedures
1 With your computer switched on. close down any programs that are currently running and insert the Sartok Smart
Technology CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2 When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to wntinue. (ll me CD does not run automatically, select Start rrom the
Windcws® Taskbar. then Run and type D:\lnstall.axe and click OK - where n:\ is letter of your CD-ROM drlve).
After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms at the Dlsclaimer option and click Next to continue,
At the Devlce Drlver Installallon screen, Click on Next and lollow the on-screen instmclionsv
When prompted. plug your Docking Slatlofl‘s use connector into your computer, then cllck on configure.
When the Controller Fropenies scieen appears. click Next to View the Test screen.
Now try oul all your controller's buttons and controls I0 show that lt IS working properly When you have finlshed, click OK
At the Frugummlng Software screen. select Typical User and click Next.
At the Regislration screen, select Register and lollcrw the Umsfleen instmcuons or select Register Later and dick Next
10 Click on Finish to complete the installation. Your Saitek controller is now ready tor use with your tavorite games.
Full Install (Drivers and Programming Software)
This installation Wlll install the drivers and the Sailek Smart Technology programming software for the Saitek controller.
1 Follow points 1 — 7 or the install procedure in Qulck install (Drivers Onlyt, then at the Programming software screen
select Advanced User and click Next
At the Programmable Controller Drivers screen. click Update and lollow the onscreen instructions.
Then all the installation or programing software successful screen, click Next
At the Raglstration screen. select Register and follow the oil—screen inslructions or select Register Later and click Next,
Upon wmpletlon of the installation you have the upllon to Run Profile Editor, which will give you a View or the 3-D
programming environment it you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at this point, just uncheck the box and cllck on
Finish to complete the installation. Your Saitek controller is now ready ror use with your lavorite games To access the
programming software click on the Saitek Smart Technology icon that the lnetallation left on your Desktop.
For a complete guide on how to program your Saitek controller, visit the Saitek website at wwwcsaltekmom.
Installation for Users of Windows® 98 and Me
Quick Install (Drivers Only)
This installation will install the drivers iorlhe Saitek controller only
More Please do not connect the USB connector untll asked to by me installation procedure.
1 Wim your compuler switched on. close down any programs that are currently runnlng and insert the Sallek Smart
Technology CD into your CD-RDM til-lye.
2 When the Welcome screen appears. click Next to confirms. (It the CD does not run automatically, selscl Star! from the
Windcws® Taskbar, (hen Run and lype D:\Setup.exe and cllck 0K).
3 After reading and accepting the Disclaimer, click Next to cantlnue.
Note: For your controller to work. you must have a minimum of Mrcrosott® Directx® 7 0a installed on your computer The
installer wrll automatically recognize it this sollware needs to be added, and wlll allow you to install it directly lrom the Sailek
Producl Companion CD. it necessary.
If you are asked to install Microsoft® DirectX® 8.1, click Install and lollow the tan-screen instrucfionsi and then reslart your
computer when prompted. Make sure that you leave the Saitek CD in the drive when restarting After lhls software has
been installed, you will automatically be taken to the installation to continue With the next step,
4 Follow the on-screen instmctions and select Yes, l want to restart my computer m7w when prompled.
Alter the restart. at the Device Driver installation screen, click on Next and loilow the onscreen instructions.
When prompted. plug your Docking Station‘s uss connector into your oomputer.
When the Controller Properties screen appears, cllck Next to view the Test Screen.
Now try out all your controller buttons and controls to show that it is working properly, When you haye linrsheo, click OK.
At the Programming Software screen. select Typical User and click Next.
10 At the Reglstratlon screen, select Register and follow the on-screen instructions or select Register Later and click Next.
11 CIch on Flnlsh to complete the Installatlcn. Your Saliek controller Is now ready tor use wlth yuur levonle games.
Full Install (Drivers and Programming Software)
Thls lnslallallofl will lnslall the drivers and the Sailek Smarl Technology programmlng soflware 10! [he Sallek controller.
1 Follow points 1 a 8 ol the install procedure in Quick Install (Drivers Only), then at the Programming Sonwaro screen‘
select Advanced User and click Next,
2 At the Programmable Controller Drivers screen, click Update and lollow the art-screen instructions. Al this point you M"
be asked to insert your Wlndows® cot however, DO NOT do this, just click on OK At the next screen, type
C:\wlndows\system into me prompl and click OK and lollow the on-screen instructions,
3 At the installation of programming sottware successful screen. cllck Next
4 At the Registration screen. selecl Register and follow the on-screen instrucllorls or selecl Register Later and click Next.
5 Upon completlon olthe lnslallalion‘ you have the option to Run Prom. soltor. which wlll give you a View of the 3-D
programming envlronmenl. ll you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at this point. lusl uncheck the box and cllck on
Flnlsh to complete the installation Your Sallek controller IS now ready lor use with your lavorite games.
For a complete guide on how to program your Sallek controller, visit the Saitek website at|
Installing the Programming Software at 6 Later Date
If you chose the Quick Install (Dnvers Only) you might want to lnslall the Saitclt Smart Technology programming software
once you have maslereo your new Sailek oontroller. To do this. simply reinstall your controller lollowlng the Full lrlslall (Drivers
and Programming Software} above.
Channel Select Button
Your Sallek P3000 Wireless Fad Comes Complete wlih a Channel Select Bullon so lhal two players enjoy wireless lreedom at
the same tlme by selecting dlllerenl frequencies, Simply press the Channel Selecl Button on the first pad to select Channel A
and on the second pod Io select Channel B. Your selection will appear in the pads LCD screen.
Introducing Saitek Smart Technology Programming Software
Saitek Smart Technology Programming Sohware (SST) Is the sollware Saitek supplles to configure your Saltek controller tor
enhanced lunctlonality. SST delivers a powerlul set ol features. allowing you to program your devroe with the ultimate
oonnguration for total rnteraction Despite a level ot sophistication previously unseen in the market, and because ot the Saitek
Smart Technology inslae. the sohware remains simple and intuitive to use.
For a complete guide on how to program your Satlek controller. Vlsll the Satlek weosrte at
a My computer Is not recognlzlng the P3000 ereless Pad - what’s wrong?
A Check the cable connections. Turn 0" the computer and then unplug your controller. Plug i| back in making cenain that is
securety attached.
0 Can I have another game cor-troll" connected to my PC at the same time?
To avoid potential problems and conflicts. we reoomrneno that you remove any existing game controllers helore instalting
the P3000 wireless Pad. Do this by selecting the prevlausly installed controller in the Game Controllers window and
clicking on Ramon
a I have plugged in my P3000 Wireless Pad using the usa connector and it has not been recognized by the
A Your USE connection may not be enabled within me computer Vuu can switch It on via your computer‘s BIOS settings
(please check the documentatlon that came wiIh your computer). II you are still unsure as Io whaI to do, mmacl Technical
Can’t get started — don’t worry, we’re here to help you!
Did you know that nearly all the products that are returned to us as laulty are not laulty at all , they have jusl not been
installed properly?
So. it you experience any difficulty with this product. please vrsrt our website or contact one of our triendly technrcal support
stall who will he pleased to help you.
Our websile wwwcsailekccom is designed to help you get the best psfion‘nanoe from your Sallek product And i' you still have
problems. we also have teams cl product specialists around the world you can call {or advice and Support. Comact delails are
provided on the Technical Support Cenler Iisl provided wllh this product. Sailek is dedicated to helping you enjoy your
purchase - please call us it you have any dililcultles or worries,
The Saitek Website
If you have acoess to an intemet connection, many or your technical queries may be answered with a simple Visit to the Sailek
Website at:
The technlcai support area will prdylde you with all the rnforrnau‘on you need to get the most out cl your controller, solve any
problems you might have and provrde you with the latest game configurations
The site also contains regularly updated materralr including inlorrnation about:
- Current and ionheeming products
~ Driver upgrades
~ Game eonirguratrons (Profiles)
~ Links to uselui Sites
Contacting Sal'tek
llyou do not have access to the lnternet. or little website cannot answer your question, you will need to contact your local
Sallek Technlcal Support Team.
However. belore oontaotlhg Technical Support here are a lew tips to help us to help you'
- Make sure you have lollcwed all the steps shown in this manual
- Check that the controller is correctly connected to your computer
. Confirm that your PC is funditming normally
Al Saltek. we aim lo ofier comprehensive and Ihorough technical support to all ol our users. 50. before you call. lollaw the
guldellnes below (0 ensure that you have all Cll the Information necessary lor us to help you.
1 Know thl probllm - make sure that you are clear about the problem you are having and that you can describe the
events that led up to it,
2 Check the Troubleshooting guide ein the Troubleshooting Section of this manual
3 Know your hardware - it it is posslble, have the lollowing inlormation to hand-
- The make and model oi the computer you are using
- The name and version at the game you were using when you started havrng problems
- The make and model ot your computer's motherboard
. The make and model ol your computer's sound card
4 Be ready , it possible. please try and ring whilst sitting at the computerwith all the relevant lhlormauon and hardware to
hand. it you are having a problem Wllh a particular game or application make sure that you have iI loaded,
5 Be patient - we try our best to deal wllh customer queries as quickly as posslble At times it may be necessary to rater
queries on to our specialist shill Please be patientl
To contact your local Saltek Technical Support Cenler. please look up the relevant contact details on the separate Teonnical
Support Center sheet that came packaged with this product
Product Information
vduage 2,4v NiMH Nominar Battery Packs (x2)
Operating Frequency ems/mum;
Wireless Range 30a
Battery Information
. Rechargeable NiMH battery
~ Must be disposed 01 properly
~ May explode w damaged or disposed o! m We,
- D0 nol short olrcull
- Use specified or supplied charger only
Conditions of Warranty
Wsmimy penud .s 2 years cnxn dale ul pumase wnn pm my slums: summed
Opuitirg hsnucnuns musl be «annm
Pmdw mus1 nm have been damaged as 5 mm of deflaoemenl misuse abuse neglea ucmdem desimcflofl m alteration Mme serial numben nnampe.
eweancan vulugu a! wnemsy yeaan allzvalmn av mamnance by any person or pany omer man 0m mm sews lac-my or an summed swce center use av
instalhsllon DY non-Sawek leplauemanl pans in me man an the modwficalnn gym-s prvducl h any way orlhe hcnmmnan m mls product mm any miner pmflucls.
m damage Ic me pmducl mused by nemenl. nne, Hunds‘ nannn-na or acts oY Gan, or any use vinlullve m insuunlorvs fumwshed by Ssnek me
congaiuns 0! saw snu be r-nnsa In rape-r m laphcemenl wnh me same in simuar un yac om 09va Ta omam vepslvs under me wanamy ptesem me pmducl
and amef 04 mum’s: [c g mu m mouse) In me “mum-ad Sanek Techniwl Suaaon Centev (ism on me sepeme shes! packaged wnn ms Woducl)
nampaflilmn ens-gee pyeaan Any leqmvsmems mal mnflml wilh any stale or Federal laws mlus xndlnr wigeuans snau nan be entanoeaaoe m 1th
pamlar (emtmy and Sallek w.“ name he (hose laws, rules, and/av ablgiliuns
wnen telummg me prndum «a; lenflln vleisa paw n my asrenmy, grefelably using ma Dfigina‘ pad
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