Salto Systems S L ABXW XS4 serie Access Control Electronic Lock BLE capable User Manual 201082 dft
Salto Systems S.L XS4 serie Access Control Electronic Lock BLE capable 201082 dft
- 1. User Manual
- 2. User Guide Note
- 3. User manual
User Manual
![INSTALLATION GUIDE AI6XX...201082 ED. 19/03/2014 All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.Installation guide Ai6xx...* Required only fordoors that exceed2-3/8" [60mm]thicknessA i 650 m 00 ff t x h r seriesA i 656 m 00 ff t x h rA i 658 m dd ff t x h rA i 660 m 00 ff t x h rA i 666 m 00 ff t x h rA i 668 m dd ff t x h r Mortise Locknot includedOutsideInsidet*3-1/8" [80mm.] 6-3/4" [170mm.]O 9/16"[O14mm.] Tubular orcylindrical latch not included1122a33a 46891011 *O 1"[O 25mm]71/4follow user manualAT THIS POINT DO NOTCLOSE THE DOORPROGRAM THE LOCK FIRST* Sólo para puertas deespesor mayor de 60mm[2-3/8"]EEngEInstallation guideGuía de instalaciónEngExteriorInterior Cerradura deembutir no incluidaEEngPicaporte tubular ocilindrico no incluidoEEngEn este punto no cierre la puerta,programe primero la cerraduraConsulte el manual delusuarioEEng5A156.25 grade 14°max.EngESALTO recomends the use of a mortise lock,with a maximum 4º pre-turnSALTO no garantiza el correcto funcionamiento delensamblaje, si se utilizan cerraduras con pregirosuperior a 4ºUSCLISTEDROnly with UL listedSALTO mortise lock or latch](

![INSTALLATION GUIDE AI6XX...201082 ED. 19/03/2014 All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.3/4==baBACDHGFEIJAT THIS POINT DO NOTCLOSE THE DOORPROGRAM THE LOCK FIRSTfollow user manualO9/16"[O14mm.]O9/16" mm[O14mm.]MIN.O1"MIN.[O25mm.]90º Reverse !COUNTER-CLOCKWISETHUMBTURNMODEL ONLYO5/8" [O16mm.]INSIDE ONLYSólo modelopalanca O5/8" [O16mm.]Sólo por el interiorB2Installation guide Ai6xx...==NOT OKSólo Baterias LR6CAUTION!!Fasten with selfdrillingscrew to keep it alignedOnly LR6 Batteries¡¡ATENCION!!Fijar el tornillo autotaladrantepara mantener el alineamientoEngEEngEIncorrectoEEngNO CIERRE LA PUERTA.PROGRAME LA CERRADURAConsulte el manual del usuarioEngEFIJACION: GIRAR SENTIDO ANTIHORARIOEEng](
![INSTALLATION GUIDE AI6XX...201082 ED. 19/03/2014 All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.4/4CERRADURA DORMITORIO/LLAVE DE EMERGENCIAAi658 m dd ff t x h rAi668 m dd ff t x h rInstallation guide Ai6xx...122a33a45781112*3a109t* Mortise Locknot included CLOCKWISECLIC ! Cerradura deembutir no incluidaEEng* Door detector for Ai6xx...Wooden doors RFDTCTW18W01Steel doors RFDTCTS18W01* Detector de puerta para Ai6xx...Puertas de madera RFDTCTW18W01Puertas metalicas RFDTCTS18W01EEngDORM LOCK / KEY OVERRIDEEEng4bWIRELESS 3/4" (19) A i 650 m 00 ff t x h W seriesA i 656 m 00 ff t x h WA i 658 m dd ff t x h WA i 660 m 00 ff t x h WA i 666 m 00 ff t x h WA i 668 m dd ff t x h W* Required only fordoors that exceed2-3/8" [60mm]thickness* Sólo para puertasde espesor mayor de60mm [2-3/8"]EEng*](