Salto Systems S L EB7 XS4 One Mifare/iClass/BLE technology Electronic Lock Series including all mechanical variants. User Manual 12 User 20manual

Salto Systems S.L XS4 One Mifare/iClass/BLE technology Electronic Lock Series including all mechanical variants. 12 User 20manual


Users manula

225083-      -ED. 24/10/2016All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.Installation guide XS41/4E i 750 m 00 ffc t x h r  seriesE i 751 m dd ffc t x h rE i 752 m dd ffc t x h rE i 753 m dd ffc t x h rE i 754 m dd ffc t x h rE i 756 m 00 ffc t x h rE i 757 m dd ffc t x h rE i 7P0 m 00 ffc t x h rE i 7P1 m dd ffc t x h rE i 7P6 m dd ffc t x h rIEngFDEInstallation guideGuía de instalaciónMontageanleitungGuide d'installationGuida all'installazioneGuia de instalaçãoPSALTO recommends the use of a mortise lock, with a maximum 4º pre-turn.SALTO recomienda utilizar cerraduras con un  pregiro máximo de 4º.SALTO empfiehlt den Einsatz von Einsteckschlössern mit max. 4° Vorspannung.SALTO recommande d’utiliser des serrures à mortaiser avec un angle au repos de 4° maximum.SALTO raccomanda l'utilizzo di una serratura con un angolo di pre-rotazione massimo di 4°.SALTO recomenda utilizar fechaduras com uma pré rotação máxima de 4º.Mortise Lock not includedCerradura de embutir no incluidaEinsteckschloss nicht enthaltenSerrure à mortaiser non incluseSerratura non inclusaFechadura de embutir não incluida4°max.One42mm 42mm160mm 125mm19,5mm 19,5mm45°OutsideExteriorAußenseiteExtérieurEsternoInsideInteriorInnenseiteIntérieurInternotOUTSIDEIEngFDEPINSIDE25mm14mmt > 6014mm145mm 105mm112- FOR 7F MODEL*TORX 20 (x2)TORX 20 (x6)ALLEN 3 (x2)BOLT (Depending on door thickness)PH2 (x1)*****
225083-      -ED. 24/10/2016All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.LRInstallation guide XS4EngE       Select handing         Seleccione mano       Drückerrichtung wählen         Choisir le sens de la bèquilleScegliere il verso          Selecione mão12 345TORX 203mm      Installation     InstalaciónInstallation      InstallationInstallazione      InstalaçãoDEEngF I PTemplate190ºMIN.25mm.14mm2 3==2/414mmOneDEEngFIPReal sizeReal size
225083-      -ED. 24/10/2016All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.NOT OKLR03AAAInstallation guide XS4One45678TO FIX CLOCKWISEEngFIJACIÓN: GIRAR EN SENTIDO HORARIOEAT THIS POINT DO NOTCLOSE THE DOORPROGRAM THE LOCK FIRSTFollow user manualNO CIERRE LA PUERTA. PROGRAMELA CERRADURATÜR NICHT SCHLIESSEN.ZUERST SCHLOSS PROGRAMMIERENNE FERMEZ PAS LA PORTE.PROGRAMMEZ LA BÉQUILLE AVANTPROGRAMARE LA SERRATURAPRIMA DI CHIUDERE LA PORTA,Consulte el manual del usuarioConsultez le manuel utilisateurFolgen Sie dem BenutzerhandbuchConsultare il manuale utente9DFIPEngEDFIP3/4NESTE PONTO NÃO FECHE A PORTA.PROGRAME O ESCUDO PRIMEIROConsult manual do usuárioPER FISSARE: SENSO ORARIOPOUR FIXER:SENS HORAIREUHRZEIGERSINN FESTSCHRZUBENFIXAÇÃO: RODAR EM SENTIDO DOSPONTEIROS DO RELÓGIO.TORX 20TORX 20Real sizeReal size
225083-      -ED. 24/10/2016All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.HOTEL GUEST ROOM LOCKHABITACIÓN HOTELHOTELZIMMERSCHLOSSPIÉCE D' HÔTELCAMERE HOTELQUARTO DE HOTELE i 751 m dd ffc t x h rE i 7P1m dd ffc t x h r*****tE i 7P6 m 00 ffc t x h r-Entry lock with privacy/lockout funtion and key override-Modelo entrada con privacidad y llave de emergencia con registro-Beschlag mit Privacy-Funktion und Notschlüssel-Béquille electronique avec fontion privacité et clef de secours-Modello entrata con privacy e chiave di emergenza con registrazione-Modelo entrada com privacidade e chave de emergencia com registoE i 756 m 00 ffc t x h r-Entry lock with privacy/ lockout funtion-Modelo entrada con privacidad-Beschlag mit Privacy-Funktion-Béquille electronique avec fonction privacité-Modello di entrata con privacy-Modelo entrada com privacidadet > 60PUSHPRIVACYEuropeanCylinderOverridePUSHPRIVACYInstallation guide XS4OneEngEDFIPUnplugDesconecteDébranchezZiehenScollegareDesliguar      Other models     Otros modelos      Andere Modelle       D'autres modèles       Altri modelli      Outros modelosEEngEngEDFIPEngEDFIPPDFI4/4ONLY FOR LE7Sxx seriesMORTISE LOCK*

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