Sam Ash Music CH288 Dual-Channel Wireless System User Manual

Sam Ash Music Corporation Dual-Channel Wireless System

User Manual

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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-10-08 00:00:00
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Creation Date2009-07-12 09:48:51
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Document TitleNF04171 說明書-RS 英文 CR288 SAMSON_V1
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS4

Samson Technologies
45 (mm Avenue
Hauppauge, New York 1178878816 OWNER'S MANUAL
Phone: lrSOOVSVSAMSON (17800737276766)
Fax: 63177842201 '
wwwsamsomhcom SAMSON
Copynght 2014‘ Samson Techno‘ogwes Covp.
Samson Techno‘ogwes Corp.
45 Gllpm Ave
Hauppauge, NY 11788
FCC Rules and Regulations
Samson wireless receivers are ce ed under FCC Rules part 15 and trans-
mitters are certified under FCC Rules part 74.
Licensing of Samson equipment is the user‘s responsibility and licensability
depends on the user’s classification. application and frequency selected.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equip-
ment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced Radio/TV technician for help.
WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved try the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
This device complies with RSS-ZIIJ of
Industry 8. Science Canada.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(I) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Herehy, Samson Technologies Corp., declares that this CRZBS, CH288,
CBZB ' in com 'ance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity may be con-
sulted at,media/suppm/manuals/
Important Safety Information
This Iightning flash With arrowhead symbol Within an equiIateraI triangIe
is intended to aIert the user to the presence of noneinsuIated “dangere
ous voltage" Within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient
magnitude to constitute a risk of eIectric shock.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangIe is intended to alert
the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance Ins
structions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
coIIection system ror used eieetronic products in accordance With iegisiation that requires proper
treatment, recovery and reeyeiing,
— Private househoId in the as memoer states of the EU, in SWitreriand and Norway may return their
used eieetronic produets tree or charge to designated coIIection raeiiities or to a retaiier (it you purchase a
simiiar new onei
For Countries not mentioned above. please eontact your ioeai authorities tor a eorreet method of dispasaI.
By doing so you WIII ensure that your disposed Product undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and
reeyeiing and thus preuent potentiai negative effects on the cnuironrricnt and human heaith.
E it you want to dispose this product, do not mix it with generai househoid waste There is a separate
Important Safety Information
Read these lnstructlons. 13,
Keep these lnstructlons.
Heed all warnlngs.
Follow all lnstructlons
Do not use thls apparatus near
Clean only wlth dry cloth
Do not block any ventllatlon openr
ings. lnstall ln accordance WIth the
manufacturer‘s lnstructlons.
Do not lnstall near any heat source
es such as radlators. heat reglsters,
stoves, or other apparatus (lncludr
ing ampllllers) that produce heat.
Do not defeat the safety purpose
ol the polarized or groundlng type
plug, A polarlzed plug has two 16,
blades Wlth one Wlder than the
other. A groundlng type plug has
two blades and a thlrd ground 17
lng prong. The Wlde blade or the
thlrd prong are provlded (or your
safety. lr the provlded plug does 18-
not flt lnto your outlet, consult an
electrlclan for replacement of the
obsolete outlet.
Protect the power cord from belng 19-
walked on or plnched partlcularly
at the plugs, convenlence recep-
tacles, and at the polnt where they
exlt from the apparatus.
Only use attachments/accessories
spanned by the manufacturer
Use only Wlth the cart, stand,
trlpod. bracket, or table specllled
by the manufacturer, or sold WIth
the apparatus. When a cart is
used, use cautlon when moving
the cart/apparatus Corn blnatlon
to avold injury from tiprover.
Unplug the apparatus durlng llghtr
enlng storms, or when unused for
long perlods oftlme.
Refer all servlclng to qualllled perr
sonnel. Service ls requlred when
the apparatus has been damaged
in any way, such as power supply
cord or plug ls damaged, llquld
has been spilled or objects have
fallen lrrto the apparatus has been
exposed to raln or moisture, does
not operate normally, or has been
This appllance shall not be
exposed to drlpplng or splashlng
water and that no object filled
Wlth llquld such as vases shall be
placed on the apparatus.
Cautlonrto prevent electrlcal shock,
match Wlde blade plug wide slot
fully insert.
, Please keep a good ventllatlon enr
vlronment around the entlre unit.
The dlrect plug-ln adapter ls used
as dlsconnect deVlce, the dlsconr
nect devlce shall remaln readlly
Eatterles (battery pack or batterles
Installed) shall not be exposed to
excesslve heat such as sunshlne,
flre or the Ilke.
Worklng Range
Audlo Frequency Response
T H.D. (Overall)
Dynamlc Range
Slgnal to Nolse
Operatlng Temperature
Tone Key Frequency
C3288 Belt pack Transmitter
Input Connector
Input lmpedance
Input Galn Range
RF Power
Power Requlrernents
Battery the
Dlmenslons (HxLxD)
CHZBB Handheld Transmitter
Mlcrophone Element
Input Galn Range
RF Power
Power Requlrernents
Battery the
Dlmenslons (HXE)
CR238 Receiver
Audio Output Level . Mlx Unbalanced
Audlo Output Level , Balanced
Audio Output lmpedance . Unbalanced
Audlo Output lmpedance . Balanced
Image Rejectlon
Operatlng Voltage
Dlmenslons (LXWXH)
300‘ (100ml llne ol slght
50 HZ , 15 kHz
<1%l@AF1kHZ,RF 46 dBu)
>100 dB Arwelghted
>85 dE
710°C (14“F) to +60“C (+140"F)
32.768 kHz
MlnerLR (P3)
38 dB
10 mW EIRP
Two AA (LR6) alkallne batterles
8 hours
3.75“ x 2.44“ X 0.75“
96mm x 62mm x 18.5mm
0.2 lb / 93 g
06 Dynamlc
28 dB
10 mW EIRP
Two AA (LR6) alkallne batterles
8 hours
10.23“ X 2.1“
260mm x 54mm
0.48 lb / 218 g
+14 dBu
+14 dBu
1k Ohms
470 Ohms
7100 dBm / 20 dB slnad
>50 dB
8.25“ x 4.9"x1.75”
210mm x 125mm x 44mm
0.99 lb / 450 g
A! Samson. we are cunt/nual/y lmpral/rrlg our products, therefore spec/flcatluns and
lmages are subject to change without notice.
Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System
Troubleshooting Table of Contents
Issue Solutions Introduction """""""""""""" 6
Make sure that the transmitter and receiver are both System Featwes ......................... 7
powered on. System Components ....................... 7
Ensure the transmitters batteries are installed correctl .
. y CRZBS Receiver Callouts ................. 8
Check that the transmitter is not muted
Confirm that the CRZBB adapter is correctly connected 08288 Belt Pack Transmitter ' ' ' """""" ’10
and plugged into an electrical outlet. CH288 Handheld Transmitter . . . ........... .12
Make Sure the CR288 ‘5 DOWSFEd 0” Quick Start ...................... .13
No Audio
Make sure the CR288 audio output connections are see Rack Mounting IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 17
curely connected,
Ensure that the receiver and transmitter are in line or Concert 288 Channel Plans ' ' ‘ ‘ ******* ’18
SighIWith one another. Troubleshooting. . . ................. .19
Check the receiver and audio input device level controls. Specifications. . . . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .20
Ensure that the transmitter and receiver are set to the
same operating channel It unsure, reset the channel by
performing an lR set.
The receiver output level or audio input device level may
be too high.
Distorted Audio Check the transmitters batteries, and replace it low.
The input gain on the transmitter (C8288) or audio source
level may be too high,
The transmitter may be too far away from the receiver
Move it closer to the receiver, or reposition the antennas.
Remove any sources that may cause RF Interference such
as cell phones, cordless phones, lighting equipment, come
puters, metal structures, etc.
Audio Dropout
Receiver Will not
power on
Transmitter Will not
power on (LED lights
Unwanted noise or
Check the adaptor to ensure it is properly connected and
plugged into an outlet providing power.
Replace the transmitter batteries.
If using multiple systems, make sure none of the systems
are operating on the same channel If the problem per-
srsts, change one or all of the systems channels.
20 SAMSON Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System
Introduction Concert 288 Channel Plans
Congratulatlons on purchaslng the Samson Concert 288 dual channel ereless Group 1*
system. The Concert 288 ls the ldeal solutlon tor the any appllcatlon requlrlng two 606—654 MHz
Wireless mlcrophones. Featurlng slmple operatlon, Wlth 16 avallable channels per
recelver and lnlrared set for the transmltter channel, the Concert 288 can qulckly be CH A Freq CH E Freq
up and runnlng out of the box, The Concert 288 system ensures clear, lnterruptlons 0 606.125 0 630125
tree periormance by comblnlng toneekey WIth autoemute. This coniiguratlon allows
only the transmltter's audlo to pass through the recelver, and mutes the output lf 1 507525 1 631625
there IS any interierence. 2 609050 2 633 050
The Concert 288 comes ln four conflguratlons. The dual handheld system includes 3 610'425 3 634 425
two CH288 handheld transmltters wlth Q6 dynamlc mlcrophone capsule. The 4 510-900 4 634 900
Pro Combo system has one CH288 handheld transmitter plus a C8288 belt pack 5 613,525 5 537 525
transmitter and the Samson SE10 earset mlcrophone. The AllslnsOne Combo system
lncludes one CH288 handheld transmitter, one C5288 beltpack transmltter, one 5 515100 5 539100
H55 headset mlclrophone and one LM5 lavaller mlcrophone. The Presentatlon Sys 7 616.475 7 640 475
tem lncludes two 08288 belt pack transmltters, two H35 headset mlcrophones and 8 618.000 3 642 000
two LM5 laveller mlcrophones. For travel or permanent Installatlon, the Concert 288
lncludes a standard 19" rackmount klt. 9 620'075 9 644 075
A 622, 75 A 4 75
In these pages, you'll flnd a detalled descrlptlon ol the features of the Concert 288 9 6 6 9
WIreless system, as well as a gulded tourthrough lts control panel, stepsbysstep B 523975 3 547975
lnstructions tor lts setup and use, and lull speclllcations. ll your ereless system C 625,050 C 649 050
Was purchased ln the Unlted States, you'll also find a Warranty Card enclosedidon’t D 626.975 D 650 975
target to llll It out and mall It ln so that you can recelve onllne technlcal support and
so that we can send you updated Informatlon about thls and other Samson products E 528-425 E 652 425
ln the future. Also, be sure to check out our webslte ( lor come F 629.975 F 653 975
plete lnformatlon about our full product llne.
We recommend you keep the folloWIng records for reference, as well as a copy of your
sales recelpt * Not for use In the USA and Canada. For questions regarding avallable
channels ln your area contactyour local Samson dlstrlbuton
Recelver Serlal number
Transmltter Serlal number:
Date of purchase:
Dealer name
with proper care and malntenance, your Concert 288 wneless system wnl operate
trouble-free for many years. Should your wireless system ever reouire serviclng, a
Return Authorlzatlon (RA) number must be obtalned before shlpplng your unlt to
Samson Without thls number, the unit WlII not be accepted Please call Samson
at LSOOVSSAMSON (17800737276766) for an RA number prlor to shlpplng your
unlt. Please retaln the origlnal packlng materials and, lf possible, return the unit in
lts orlglnal carton If your Concert 288 system was purchased outSlde of the Unlted
States, contact your local distributor for warranty details and servlce lnformatlon
6 SAMSON Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System
Concert 288 Channel Plans
System Features
Group H Growl - Professional ereless system for use in both live sound and sound contracting
470—515an 518—566 MHz app“ca“°"5
H A Freq CH B Freq H A Freq CH E Freq 0 True diversity technology maximizes active range (up to 300 feet) and reduces
0 470125 0 494125 0 513.125 0 542125 New” ‘me‘fe‘ence
1 4711525 1 4951525 1 5191525 1 5431525 - 16 available channels per receiver operating in the UHF band designed for maxir
mum system compatibility in the same location Without interference
2 473 050 2 497 050 2 521.050 2 545 050
0 The CR288 receiver is a halterack unit that can be used freestanding or can be
3 474 425 3 498 425 3 522425 3 546 425 mounted in any standard 19" rack using the included rack 1011 making it easy to
4 474 900 4 498 900 4 522-900 4 546 900 integrate into any traveling or lixed installation audio system
5 477 525 5 501 525 5 525525 5 549 525 0 Toneekey and autormute ensures clear, interruptioneiree performance allowmg
5 4791100 6 5031100 6 527,100 5 5511100 only the transmitters audio to pass through the receiven and mutes the output it
7 480 475 7 504 475 7 528.475 7 552 475 ”1579 ‘5 any interference
8 482 000 8 506 000 8 530.000 8 554 000 0 Up to 3007foot range (lineroirsight)
9 484 075 9 503 075 9 532-075 9 556 075 0 Up to eight hours oi battery life using two standard AA batteries
A 486 975 A 510 975 A 534,975 A 558 975
B 4871975 E 511975 B 535975 B 559975
c 489 050 c 513 050 c 537050 c 561050 System Components
D 490 975 D 514 975 D 538.975 D 562 975
All systems
E 492 425 E 516 425 E 540.425 E 564 425
CR288 receiver
F 493 975 F 517 975 F 541975 F 565 975 1:01”,st
1/A“to W‘ audio Cable
Rack mount accessories
Owner‘s Manual
Dual Handheld system
CHZSB handheld transmitter With (16 dynamic microphone capsule
Prn Cnmhn System system
CH288 handheld transmitter With 06 dynamic microphone capsule
C8288 belt pack transmitter
SE10 earset microphone with mlfll'XLR Connector
All-In-Une cumha System system
CHZSB handheld transmitter With (16 dynamic microphone capsule
CB288 belt pack transmitter
Two LMS layalier microphone With mlnerLR connector
Two H35 headset microphone With minirXLR connector
Presentation System
Two C3288 belt pack transmitters
Two LM5 lavalier microphone with mlriirXLR Connector
Two H55 headset microphone with minerLR connector
18 SAMSON Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System 7
CR288 Receiver Callouts
rsRm mm...
a. 4;
G) G)
1. Antennas - The antenna mountings allow full rotation for optimum placement. In
normal operation, both antennas should be placed in a vertical position. Both
antennas can be folded Inward for convenience when transporting the CRZSB.
2. VOLUME Cnntrnl (CH A) - This knob sets the level of the audio signal being output
through the CH A output jacks on the rear panel Reference level is obtained
when the knob is turned fully clockwise (to its “10" setting).
3. SELECT Button - Press this button to cycle through the each receiver‘s operating
channels. Press and hold this button to send the channel information to the
transmitter via infrared transmission
4. PEAK Indicator - This indicator lights red when the corresponding transmitted
audio signal is overloaded.
5. READY Indicator - This indicator lights green when the corresponding receiver
channel is receiving RF signal and the system is ready to use.
5. LED Display - The 7rsegment LED display shows each receiver's current operating
channel. The channels are indicated by 079 and AVF.
7. IR Transmitter - During ”IR SET” an infrared light is used to set the transmitter
3. VOLUME Cnntrnl (CH I!) - This knob sets the level of the audio signal being output
through the CH B output jacks on the rear panel Reference level is obtained
when the knob is turned fully clockwise (to its “10" setting).
9. POWER Switch - Use this to turn the CR288 power on and off.
Rack Mounting
The CR288 receiver can be installed into a standard 19” rack for transport or
permanent installation using the included rack ears. Follow the simple steps below to
mount the CR288:
Attach the included rack ears by sliding each rack
ear into the groove on either side of the CR288
until they lock into place, and the receiver flush
with the front panel. _
Position the CR288 receiver into
an available rack space and slide in
until the rack ears are touching the
rails of the rack case and are aligned
with the rack rail holes.
Mount the receiver into the rack using the appropriate size rack screws (not
included). To ensure equal tension and balance when installing the receiver, you
should secure screws in a crisscross pattern of opposite corners: top left ,> bottom
right ,> top right ,> bottom left
In order to mount two CR288
receivers in one rack space, the
system includes a center connection
piece. Slide the center connection
piece into the groove of each
receiver, secure using the included
screws, and attach the short rack
ears to each receiver. Mount the
receivers into the rack using the
crisscross pattern described above
Concert 258 Dual channel Wireless System 17
Quick Start
When the transmission is complete, the CR288 Will 1
receive RF signal and the tone key from the transmitter. ,i i
The CH A READY indicator Will light on the front panel ‘
of the CR288 receiver Repeat these steps for the CH
B transmitter and receiver. CH A and CH B available
frequency channels do not overlap, so you can set the
two receivers to the same channel number or letter.
Turn on your connected amplifier or mixer, but keep
the volume all the way down. Set the Volume knob
on the CR288 fully clockWise (to its “10” setting).
This is unity gain.
Speak or sing into the microphone Slowly raise the volume of your amplifier or mixer
until the desired level Is reached.
If you find the system has noticeable dropouts, reduced overall working range, or
unexpected noise bursts, change the operating channel of the system uSing the steps
When using multiple systems in the same irequency band, each system must he set to a
difieienl operating channel. (See "Concert 288 Channel Plans" on page 18)
CR288 Receiver Callouts
5 xlmxmruhum um...
1. DC Input » Connect the supplied power adapter here, using the strain relief as
shown in the illustration below. WARNlNG: Do not substitute any other kind of
power adapter. Doing so can cause severe damage to the CRZSB and Will void
your warranty.
2. BALANCED OUTPUT - Use this electronically balanced low impedance (600 Ohm)
XLR lack when connecting the CR288 to professional (+4dBu) audio equipment.
Pin Wiring is as follows: Pin 1 ground, Pin 2 high (hot), and Pin 3 low (cold)
3. MIX OUT UNBALANCED - Use this unbalanced high impedance (5K Ohm) ‘/4“ Jack
when connecting the CR288 to consumer HOdBV) audio equipment. The lack
Will carry the combined signal from receiver CH A and B Wiring is as follows: tip
hot. sleeve ground,
Usmg the strain re/ief: Gather up a /oop of Wire and pass
it through the strain relief, then pass the adapter p/ug
through the loop in order to create a knot.
Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System 9
C3288 Belt Pack Transmitter
1. Input Connector - Connect the input deVice Via the mlmrXLR connector. The
C8288 is supplied With either a lavalier, headset microphone or W instrument
2. Status Indicator - This LED displays the operation mode:
GREEN Normal Operation
RED Mute
Flashing GREEN LOW Battery
3. Power/Mute Switch - Press and hold to turn the unit on or 0“. Press and release
to mute or unmute the transmitter.
4. Belt Clip - Use this clip to fasten the CB288 transmitter to a belt or guitar strap.
Battery Cover Release - Push in both sides and pull back to open the 08288
battery cover.
6. Antenna - This permanently attached transmitter antenna should be fully
extended during normal operation.
Quick Start
Press the CH A SELECT button on the front of the
CRZBS to choose an available channel for the CH
A reciver. The channel number Will increase by one
digit, from 079 then AVE. Once the last channel has
been reached, the count Will cycle back to 0.
Position the transmitter about 6712“ (15730 cm) from the front of the CR288 With
the transmitter‘s lR window facing the IR transmitter on the front panel of the
CR288 receiver.
Press and hold the CRZSB CH A SELECT button
to set the transmitter to the same channel as the
receiver Via infrared transmussron
Concert 258 Dual channel Wireless System 15
Quick Start
With the transmitter powered off, install two fresh AA batteries into the C8288 belt
pack or CH288 handheld transmitter. Leave the battery compartment open.
Turn on the power to the transmitter by pressing and holding Power switch, the
indicator LED Will light green.
C3288 Belt Pack Transmitter
k W
7. Input GAIN Cnntrol - This control adjusts the transmitter input sensitivity to work
With microphone and instruments inputs For optimal performance, using the
included screwdriver, set the input GAIN control to Where you see the CR288
PEAK indicator start to light under high levels, then turn doWn slowly until the
PEAK light stops lighting.
8. Battery Holder - Insert two standard AA (LRG) batteries here, being sure to
observe the plus and minus polarity markings shown. Although rechargeable
Nerad batteries can be used, they do not supply adequate current for more than
four hours. WARNING: Do riot insert the batteries backwards: doing so can cause
severe damage to the C8288 and Will void your warranty.
9. IR Lens - This window is used to capture the infrared signal sent from the CR288
during the IR SET to channelize the transmitter.
10. Screwdriver - Designed for use In adiusting the C8288 Input GAIN control (See
#7 Input GAIN Control).
11. Channel Designation - Identifies the receiver channel that the belt pack syncs and
transmits With.
Concert 258 Dual channel Wireless System 11
CH288 Handheld Transmitter
1. Status Indicator - This LED displays the /'"’\
operation mode;
GREEN Normal Operation \ l
RED Mute ‘:/
Flashing GREEN Low Battery I l
2. Power/Mute Switch - Press and hold to
turn the unit on or oft. Press and release
to mute or unmute the transmitter.
3. Battery Cover - Unscrew the battery cover
and slide down to open the CH288
battery compartment
4. Battery Holder - Open the battery holder [I l [1
by pressing the tab and lifting the cover. @*
lnser‘t two standard AA (LR6) batteries
here, being sure to observe the plus
and minus polarity markings shown,
Although rechargeable Ni-Cad batteries {:9
can be used, they do not supply adequate
current for more than tour hours.
WARNING: Do not insert the batteries
backwards; doing so can cause severe
damage to the CHZBB and Will void your
5. Input GAIN Control - This control adjusts
the transmitter Input Sensitivity For
optimal performance, using the included screwdriver, set the input GAIN control
to where you see the CRZBB PEAK Indicator start to light under high levels, then
turn down until the PEAK light stops lighting
6. IR Lens - This window is used to capture the infrared signal sent from the CR288
during the IR SET to channelize the transmitter. The battery Cover must be open
and the IR Lens lacing towards the receiver to load the selected channel.
7. Plastic Screwdriver - Designed for use in adjusting the CB288 input GAIN control
(See #5 Input GAIN Control HH).
Note: The CH288 antenna cover and grill band have been color coded to easily
identify its corresponding receiver channel
CH A . Black antenna cover and black grill band
CH B . Silver antenna cover and silver grill band
Quick Start
In order [or your wireless system to work correctly, both the receiver and transmitter
must be set to tire same channel.
Follow this basic procedure for setting up and using your Concert 288 wireless
Physically place the CR288 receiver where it Will be used, and extend the antennas
vertically. The general rule of thumb is to maintain “line of sight" between the
receiver and transmitter so that the person using or wearing the transmitter can see
the receiver.
With the CR288 powered ofl, connect the included power adapter. Turn the CR288
on momentarily to confirm that the unit is receiving power. You'll see the LED display
light up. Then turn the CR288 power off.
With your amplilier or mixer oil and Volume control all the way down, connect the
CRZBS receiver mix output Jack to the line level input of a mixer or amplifier. Turn
the Level knob on the CR288 completely counterclockWise, then turn Its power on.
Concert 253 Dual channel Wireless System 13

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