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Document ID | 140198 |
Application ID | Gqy6dsZI3JxoCmPWn88I4g== |
Document Description | users manual 2 |
Short Term Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 145.16kB (1814516 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2001-03-13 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2001-03-13 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-03-12 14:41:44 |
Producing Software | Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2001-03-12 14:42:08 |
Document Title | users manual 2 |
I 2-3 05ch Posmon
On/Oll If you use Tone Burst mow. wed um:
l/2/3/4 l‘ mu use ml mode, select one
1-2-4 Repeat
Oil/Ill ll you use Full mode, select vepe'mrm ”LHlUL’l
1-2-5 Remote Frequency
II 704. seleued SMATV mode, lupul hennenc,‘ Vu'vgc 95K-
7150MH1 can be emevec
Positioner Setting
ll you have a 06ch l 2 melons”! System [hm mu \ en lake
advantage nl (he DnSEuC V 7 luncmm (wallabe
To use [MS mer‘lu‘ you ms! 34:1 l’osmnne ln DvSEuC Malls at
“2DiSEqC Setting" Othewrso you ml gel Um mm mmxjge
"Please set DiSEqC mode as positioner hm“
sslm any IR horn abaue salt-Hues and (new uul lh-v Raquel-a v‘
Symbolmtc, HT and Foam-f
ll [New l) no mnblem. wlcfl one "0m Menu Mode "User new"
”Use! Advanced' "Installer”
Suleu “User Basic" mode ll he Puyhmev mD'nES arvlmd 3 lm‘
50an “Usev Advan it it deudes Pummner s Movemem v, »-
]: Mme! Urn-mg Wm! Wfif-n qu wum 1L. mu m— mum w_ 1- m
Wes: seCeu [ms
Ink/101m Drrvmg has: When you WaH'. to mm tw mm m llu'
East 14011 |h>5
3IN1OIDI Dnvmq Up When you mam la (w lhu mmuv “V.“
weft ms
41 Motov Dru-mug [Nu/m when you war"! u. mu. "m umluv
nowmwvdsv seen "us
31 Stove (ur'e'u Pnsmon Suwummt i'm'fl‘ifl‘e‘ 5 , ,
we slqnal slam; w; 714 uv.‘ 5.3.9 I'le uvreM DENT-Jr"?! x flat?
5.16013 Stated 909mm Mme to Um
m m
“11 mm: anev 5 31410
1—3-3 Instdliev Mode
Mm cheul'wg (he Uu>hm r a flute u sure; Jm. a _w ~r w,
menu Hlslallfl mould SF‘. mp Dwsable l.m|t heme ualml ul'u
Dam uv ”SF" amantedknewu
H Mulul Dnvqu Wesl Mum you wart lo turn “a: um; 14 [hr
West SPEC! ”NS
1» Smp Mmov When you want (u alou (hr 1mm “4ng T'Hb
Opelatmg ‘DSRQOOO’ 0
4| Mutm “um“, (m: v‘lhel' .-.«. Mt rm mm the mult‘f m m- l
East. 59th th s E"
m (to to re‘evewce Pu) when ,‘
(emev, seec ' ts
an Set west. Lm w 3:1 t'»: Luttrffl “mum n, my ”Just Lwt
After sen ftg this mode. sated "Lin-able antt“
bl 50! [est tum Set the (ul't'l’tl mmov [it We Eda: L nut
After scum; U‘IIS mnxfn, salt-(t '7.Enable Lvmlt"
/| tnable erv my; rvoce enema) "5.814 West Lnrmt at 6 Set
East Lumil'
a| D-sabtc me 1hls modu- dtSdb‘t’S “5 Set West lell 8. 6 Set
East lell"
{mt n; mu the mom' to the
0 Movtng time is dependent on the kmd of Posttloner and
the size of Dish antenna.
174 Auto Scan
T'te sub menu 'AUTO SCAN' wt t mam: duwnuau at ultra"
dvdrmeh dulovrtdtutly how the ptepvuq'dmmeu Sateulea Pew-u,-
‘or m mu dtxpldy the nut; 5m wut.‘
Hm preouogmvw-ed Sutvlttles wu‘ on mud on w Mean
gem dputour ale Sdlefltte‘ the inn; Sun menu, dud pr?» ‘OK' Alt
the (mm'wls m '."»e M ”0m U'e sctutlt‘u Satellxtv t'i \ be
automatlmlly down (Jaded
‘ o Ops/dung SR9000‘
u. u! 4mm}uJHJ-«thtuM-n Huh]? \ (“J W» V.—
um No fiu'
AH Van all V) , nm—mm men-l 5 inner my ,r.+ mm.
mm 3Ldf‘ on», UN "wannels
ANN bun v: chm a w [he uulu 311” “we“
To mm: m v‘e- thaw: s and weak {4mm wt mum-u m, um
pwam mm the Uplrsv' "Manual Scan" whme we dmww‘ Jam
uu- t)~'~ empreu by [m- usev
Mm when wg ' c MANUAL SCAN” Mun 7h- mum: U. mm,
“he Qallomng wwn wad be dvapu'vm
Operating 'DSR9ODO' o
Satellite EN
You (an select the td'qel sale" [9 la! r'uanudw 39.1th
Load TR
This oplran wvl enable mp .JSPI to loan ar‘y traranmuei lmm 1h?
pvpproqvammec lrst avanlable wuhm 1h? rsra‘vpr
Mpg! (he lvequenq a‘ me nanmcnder mt. wanv m rmrl manually
Symbol rate
Mle the w’nhol rate nl the transponw ym wan! lc "mrl
“(Forward Error Correction)
Select the FEC 01 we trarsaonner mu want 10 " "vn
You can seled rhe vame ol 1/2, 21‘3 314‘ 5.6, ?.-‘8 ar aum
Scaled (he polawanon of the zransponder you mm "0
l-nr} l]MrrionlalNenncaI/Amol In the case ol rvflleMfdl 18'.“ and
m the (ass ol vemcal. ”V are output 1hrough INH llne
All -0 scan all channel
free 4 skip all scrambled serwes
NIT Seanh
You (an hr'cl mare lransmrnma usmq thr- hrmr- fmrwryk
- PID Seanhmg
Vou can manually firearm by emer f"; WLMmuecu'nudxcu'l’cfll names
Alter whet! unim- 1:95; “0K” lay (ran 1'. start sum
“539000 EM WA
Tm to rerun»: the fan” w] mum -r unr llnr “H r.“
unmu‘uzrluu sumc problem; a?! hanqmu Afly values J"
manna mm and Others mm mm be I)“ 9mm 1h? mew mm“.
will he {ya follmvs
Al xw rcuucsr wuflllw_ \' M. mm m. w, the mm: mm L;— «m
m anew xx-Oauk semngs aulcmatliany
Opera (my 'DSR9000‘
Ihe “Channel Olga-xsmg‘ m: m'u1‘."Hrt‘h“|LlH)lu
The ‘Channel Organlsing" ms-r'u m used to dflrz,» Ihr mm m. w
10 make Faw'ue I st nr rrow manna"—
Yhe mmrm-ws an"
1 I Delete Channel
BF‘P‘E’ W [7 Ramr. nhannm 0mm we (mm 7 ha'
Delete ' 45- rhammfl h',‘ ("emf-g my v0 sch-t! a” 1-1 J JHI (I:
you war! to dnflulc mu ("or we» Lr< key
Opera rm 'DSR9000'
171 Favome Channel
You ur' mange T'v' us’. of Rama Lm by nus-5.1 ‘u Lam“,
ia‘vmle hs'. by Fm“ xe‘,
Tm; um ynn can saw up 10 BL'Mwn-e > per edd- J imm'l H 5
Ram; lnls
vcu Lul‘ and c' am
we I“; 5 Hr Fadu) JSV
mm m (mung W, m urcxwd) . m u
1 J Move Channel
‘fllm! We (‘wuzm n‘, pvessng me \ Lew
as (hem'c‘ Up‘ Gown ‘vULrNOL— kw, [u HIUn‘t 1“ u\_ ‘r.1 mum L-
md pmssw kw, (105, n
Tn reLm- \:: gzrfiwrms gun}
Wu 'PARENTAL LUCK" [tohflt M;- ”xv-mg n—wunuw, am!
prevents unaulhonzed but-910 yuuv DSR9000 vhrough (re
PIMPFRSONAL IDENIIHCAUON NUMBFRE V\'hi(h rs a 4~dlgll lwufllhel
On schdmg lhvs menu, you ww new two uulum m m1 mu M any
desreu chaflne< and to change your PW vmue
J I Set Channel L0
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF
File Type Extension : pdf
MIME Type : application/pdf
PDF Version : 1.3
Linearized : No
Modify Date : 2001:03:12 14:42:08-05:00
Create Date : 2001:03:12 14:41:44-05:00
Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Page Count : 19
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