Samsung Electronics Co ML6000 LASER PRINTER User Manual MANUAL
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd LASER PRINTER MANUAL
fillfl 01 w ML-BUOULASERBEAM PRlNTER USER’S MANUAL FCC COMPLIANCE NOTICE This eqmpment has been tested and lound to comply wtth the ltrntts tor a C! B digttal device‘ pursuant to Part 15 at the FCC rules. These ttnnts deslgned to provide reasonable protectton agamst harmful interference t' a residential tnstallatten. Thts equlpment generates, uses, and can radtate re“: a [requency energy and, m not tnstalled and used tn accordance wtth the msth. > ttons, may cause harmful rnlerterence to radio cornmuntcations, Howe . there ts no fluarantee that tnterlerence will not occur m a particular mstallat '\ It thus equtpment does cause harmlul tnterterence to radto or televtston re: tlon‘ which can be determtned by turntng the equtpment oft and on, the u encouraged to try to correct the lntorterence by one or more ot the tollen ‘ measures: LA 0 0 Rte-orient or relocate the recetvmg antenna 0 Increase the separation between the eqmpment and the receiver 0 Connect the equipment tnto an outlet on a ctrcuit dllterent from that to vn : ‘ the recewer ts connected. 0 Cnnsult the dealer or an expertenced radio/TV technlCtart tor help. Sluelrtmt Wtowtrtce cables and l O rants must he newt lor thts equlpnr—v comply win the relevant FCC re; tlnttnns. Cltft‘n K nmdtttcattons nc' » 1pprnve I nt WHtlfl’} tw Sitr'w "2 authonty to operate thm equtpnrorn. vottt the UN The at liomntuntr ‘n, entttlert ‘rww tn tnentrn , hookla lilahle trom the “ I'lnn. a “armmyw nr «w, Rattmrlv ‘tn‘ e'lll‘n‘l'tltllll m Urn u‘lnjlllti Mn; amt-t m m; mwtmth 1. IC COMPLIANCE NOTICE Thtg Clam B mgltnl appa \ » ‘ (zll routnremunts at ttn‘: than; Intetterenrio—rCaustng Equipment Requlattons ol ICES—003. Get apparetl numértque de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigt’:nm.~ zt. Reglente'n lCES—003 Sur le lJlatenel hroulllour du Canada. ml?! at CDRH REGULATIONS This printer xs cemlied as a “Ciass 1" laser prooum under me UAS. department of health and human serwcesmHHS) radwahon performance slandard accord» mg to the radwalion controi for hea‘lh and safefiy act of 1968. Tms product complies wnh FDA radlahon perrmmance standard 21 CPR sub- chapter J Simon, radiatmn ennlted msme 1!va ”NW" N nompmmw coflhned Within pvmec— nvo housings and externa‘ covers. me Miser beam cannot escape durmg any phase of novma! user operafion LASER STATEMENT(LASERTURVALLISUUS) NEVER OPERATE AND SERVICE THE PRINTER WITH THE PROTECTNE WARNING COVER REMOVED FROM LASER/SCANNER ASSEMBLY. THE REFLECTED BEAM‘ ALTHOUGH lNVISlELE, CAN DAMAGE YOUR EYES. (‘Lw 1 m». mm“ I nukm ' immms kle 1 Lu ”w ~ \||Un[m‘ w) ,‘ Mwu u 'H‘\ \ \ — Haw/m» wasp; -,\ ‘r unVTfH‘HJ ‘m « u »r mum - m vwxmu m a ,, «a z » H ». v, rt VAHN NH VARO ;_ v~ azmmumvu‘muw u w-wuvuAum: CAUTION . Avoid Hxnrwlm' lo “MSW“ Mfior mdmimn whr’m 1 m: (hrvulopment unN h m ummw Um ”I cunlrrfls rw mm. mm; 1, ulvml than them; qmwmt humiu may mum in human expflsw-x POWER SAVER “vs primer contains advanced energy conservanon technology that reduces :3wer consumption when N is not in actrve use, Niven the prmter does um receive dara for an extended period or mne, power tonsumpuon is automatrcally lowered, 7' potemrafly [aster prrnling 01 lbs first page. you may turn the power save t'r from the Remote Conlrok Pane! seumg. EPA POLLUYION PREVENT ‘r-‘> energy star emblem does not represent EPA » ndorscmem 01 any pruri- 3t nr servrce, OZONE EMISSION "Wis Hunter has no corona wrrus and mm 7 u’: A flat gunerak ozone ms UL STANDARDS FOR OZONE » lJmJorvnners ripped ‘rrnn the, Mr, fmrd 1or 011m; unrmmrzns has he my (UL) Hus prvntm meet: (hr; ; J u n wrwum ‘ ; Jmfl—cr EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY SAMSUNG ELECTROMCS CO., LTD 416, Maelan-SDong, Palda\—Gu, Suwon City. Kyungki-Do, Korea declare soka responswbimv that the ML-SOOO, Laserprinter maetsme montovoueaive sngsss/EEctorEmn ; ': ‘uputlbmty. Compfiance was demons" to the muowmg flaw H (mm Journal GI “19 Euumam Commmmics EN 50081 — Emssmns LN 550 Radlated‘ Cw EN oSu H Conductm. fished m the m] amwfi — M‘flnmyi twcho A =‘ L“, A SAFETY |NFORMATION Safely “(J Roqmnmy Us! ”J {m mm pm‘. PRODUC 6m “13g .‘ w. QAMM‘; ( nAnumm, m w u x, mm) m CB H (1 QM] LASER SAFETY EEC MD “J! & E Hiil‘f tw [Eumpr , USA PI (71 H CHAN"? “ Subchunh'ml “NW“ JI XI 34” Technical Specifications Overview The appendix iS devwded mm. 0 Paper specmcamns a Printer specmcahons o Cams Specmmi ow: AppmmwacchmcfllSum" 1 “04 Paper specifications Acceplable paper The [ollowmg Iable gives deialls about [he print malenal you can load m size for a" (rays Each or the primer trays. ”oh Paper Size Tray 1 Tray A4 77777 1 210x297 ”77.7 C LETTER 216X 279GB SXH”) 0 O FopqLEGAL 13"; 1. 2m x asotgsrxwzvy 70 c LEGAULESAL 14") 27176} g5alafix14"; o c EXECUTH E 7 7 184 X 9670 75X1U.5”] . O S TATEMEE‘T NO X 216(5f>><8 5”) ‘SO 85 175 X 25‘) O 00 ' 182 X 91) f . @ e 7? Ammx Technical Spmiwfimhnm WMA’MQ 1;\,-3;r‘1.1~u:n 9L§X1H1®T m H“ m, ., Acceptable paper size for all trays continued Paper Paper size JIXIal~0| Tray 1 OPT Tray TRANSPARENCY —A4 AEETTER LABEL Ax , LETTER AeuNTERNATrONAL P937 CARD) PAPER WEIGHT our SHEET - ENVEIOPF PAPEP CAPACWY PCUTSHEH —tN\/ELOP[; , \ ARH , TRANSP/RH‘ ~ 210x297 2176 X 279(8 5x11“) 2194215001") 15, A115 Ammumx TULMHAJH [3m , tham 0 .3 Supported types The prlmer suppons the icliowmg types oi paper 01 paper 0 Plain o Prepunched o Transparency 0 Lenerhead 0 Preprrnled 0 Labels 0 Bond 0 Coicr 0 Card Stock 0 Rough O Recycled Guidelines for Make sure the paper iS good quality usin paper 9 Labels To avoid damaging me printer, use onii iabels recommended ior use in iaser primers. 0 The adhesive miem shoriiri he smhip .>.‘ 400 mus C), lire mmmrs maximum tomprxratunfi Transparencies To avord damagrngt rner‘ use onii trangrnr mmcs rccomrrmnrim for use in laser print 0 iraflspnrcncias u 400 ‘mos or ' mu prlnlur rriuxi m; mnxrmnm u 0,4 flp-ri-nrin rum» an ‘mwr‘iiir‘ziirmv, Printer Specifications MGChaniCEfl Characteristic? ‘ IbegériibfflgaWV7fl—_M_-fi charactensncs Dmeniions ‘ 7 7 7 imp]! véitage raingg: 1:7 W Rat-3d frequency PEwer Cornsurnplion; Idling” Prmlingmvemgc) \ Primingmeaki Environment wac’haiavcférislic " 4 7 ' mum Toner cartridge Characteristic Opera!” 7 7 Description flgcmm r J Storaqu UDU‘ZW Horum w ’) awhmon [w A w « ,1_u»,m:u Mnmm41Sgn‘rilwmlmvn 0 , Dina/m Engine Cflgracleristic ‘ Description Speed 3 12 PPM Resompon i 600 0m tag 7 7 7 7 7 lmaging 1 Etetropnotogrgaphx 77 777777 7 TO‘F‘"Q/F‘J§'UQ,,,,, N0""m§9,$9“quPOUE'IE/Q9‘1139K We; wan")? ‘ Less mar} 55 G5 FPOT '1 Less Ihan 13 secs 1 Mapmum 60.0007pgggs7per7mor1tlw 777 X 77? X 777mm Duty chm 7 SizerDH} Welqnt Power Consunmnon Less than 77kg(7?.77lbs7)7777 750W Magr’ 287QW7A7vg/ 20W S‘eep Pnrmnu. mdB Hume Lev Smndbv' 36GB Shzup ‘ Background n Wiper Handling IDes'cr'i'pfion idown ’ . ‘ MumPurpose flu, \1. H F'O ‘O‘ FYI ffw. .‘ HM A ’ ,i1(),MON.m mw’JG lbs) 0 L'nnnnnn‘ r’upcr 5170, ‘AG Q ‘nn hm, Mgtlmy o nwnml) I" 04; Anpwm r.» n ‘sm n mm Control|er H Cfiéraéreristic CPU Emu‘amox‘s Memor» :, rh‘m 4x ‘lwwn Description 7 Power PC, fiOOMHZ Default v PCLS Optm ostscnpt \eve\ 2 JMB'étan'dérd Max up to 1GMB 2, 4MB Flash memory ophon Postscnpt. 12MB Sta'marff ‘EEE 1284 Btype Optwon : Seual FL Imam Tan: Lomflalk L Mom, in f W ~
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