Samsung Electronics Co SCHI730 Dual-Band CDMA Phone w/ WLAN & Bluetooth User Manual

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Dual-Band CDMA Phone w/ WLAN & Bluetooth Users Manual


Users Manual

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Document ID484385
Application IDbPd6qiV7s8hUP57l/AIAsA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize159.61kB (1995151 bits)
Date Submitted2004-11-02 00:00:00
Date Available2005-02-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-11-02 10:12:18
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2004-11-02 10:12:47
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

9.User Manual
SCH-i730 iseptember 24, m4
SCH-I730 Key Map
-Function Keys
-QWERTY keyboard
Today Screen
-Making cells
-One Handed Dialling
—Answering calls
. Detailed Features of Phone
How to make a call and answer It
Phone Screen Icons
Personal Settings concerning a phone
. Phone Settings
-Setting the Desired Volume Level
—Tone Length
-Alerts Sounds &Notifications
-Turning the Ringer Off
. Messaging
Messaging Types
-Text Messaging
Call Logs - Call History
10. call Features
—Caller ID
-Ca||er Waiting
-CaIIer Forwarding
-Three—Way Calling
11. Unpacking
12. Health and Safty Information
September 24, 2004
mm Confidential
1A SCH-mo Key Map
4 WAY mvlflfl-‘fl
(“um Emu
“mm: c“ has
"PM li SD lo SM
j End
mm ‘
mm a“
mm 5m"
nufiga “2
l Functicr Keys
1 SEND , Make or Recehe a call
~ Speaker phone (Long pms In cal ing)
- Inmate phone dialer in id‘s mace
2 END - End volce call Cl da|a suaam
» Pam/tars phone on or OR (Long press)
- Take back It: Tcday screen
» Reject morning cal
3 C! R ~ Close application and Take back one leve‘ or one ween
- Erase Number in he 313m Nodashail PressrLong Press)
4 S—Way havgal‘won - 4 Direcnonal Nawganan (eys wnh Acflrm (ey
5 Calencar’DOfllEctS/‘CDHT’EXNaJnCYflr~ ‘nhates Specificappmaliens
SCH-i730 September 24, 2004
mm 7 ,, Confidential
I QWERTY keyboard
zr you wanl lo enlfir numeric keys. not alphabeuc keys press
"F N”(Funclion) key Mlowed by a numeric key you want to emef.
, Pressing any alphabetic key on 9 Today Screen 0! Phone Dialer wunhvork.
SCH-i730 Septembe;24, 2004
2. Today Screen
Tab (0 go In a Program
Tab to change dale and time
Tab to change owner lm'o
User‘s day at a gla nee
Tap- to open an associated
Tab ED create new item am
3‘ Detaibed Features 0? Phone
. Placing cents (General‘ Speed dial. Last call, Call rmm Cuntacls)
. Phone Memo f Voice Mail I SMS
‘ Call History (All calIslMissad/Outgoingllncommngy Caller)
v Phone Setting (Voice mail. Sound, Securily‘ etc)
‘ Caller ID
‘ Call waiting 1 Ca“ Forwamingi 3-Way Caumg
Speaker Phone
Smart Dwal
Phone Dralver Skin Change!
SCH-i730 sepéemher u, 2004
mm 7 Confidential
4. How to make a can and answar it
VL-nm‘ Imitmnm
, 5mm» Sirenglh
_ Scrum: Tyw
”90mm: x: ?r a“ m g , Cnaming
. , lbs
‘ e a \/'> mam.»— imam
Wino ~anna Prrrrscy
01099667478 » Bauery New
Bank son Key
,, Aiflveiync
u Div-Max
n swam ,
r; lnlcmetfunkver ‘
s. gauging
Making Calls
There are several drilerem era-lions mm allow you In make cals on yum nwt [730 Val: can um speed dlal,
Voice dlal, call history‘ or simply Bnlar the desired numbar and lap Talk 50?! Key" human an dialer,
steps w Malta 3 Call using lhe Keypld
L Prms “BEND‘ bullan or press any numeric key an Tuds)’ Screen to display me (mane screen as Eben/e
rmme referto the i730 Key map m the 1s; page)
2 Tap the desired number usm the stylus
Ifyuu make a mislake whre ialmg, mp ' Back 5011 Key" button on dime/r
Tap and mud “Back smKerr"nrr1rorr lo clear all me digus and snarl over
New: Aways use me swlus when muchlng the screen In avmd scrarchmg or damagrr can-sen by exam
fl Tag ‘Talk Sm! Ker bullon on dialer
0M Handed Dialing
Due handefi filming allows you In make 3 call while usingiusl one hand, To maka a call
Slmr One Handed DIAII
L m “Comzm' human Please refer m the i730 Key map In mg 151 page),
2, Plus the omNavimmon key up ordwn to sohcl the desired address book entry
Man: 11 you press and hold me OKINavlgaoorr key dawn killers are dlspiayefl mar wIII aulomalmally display the
first Bnlry boginning wim mm leuar
3, Press are OWNav-igstiun he, Io rmrrmy me army hinnlmllun and pram number
Home: To lamm m the commas semen press ma ommavrgauorr bunun whim me wlry ls disalamd,
4. Press “SEND‘ human la disalsy ms numberifl me plums screen
[Please refer ma me was Key m3 inlhe1slpaga)
5 Pres: Ksznn‘ bulron again In mm number
Answering Calls
r. Make sure mm me phone is turned On
2 When you receive rrr incomini call, the Phone humming screen is displayed
Tar; Answer ID anawer rrrrr ca at lgnam w sileucv nrr, ringeraml m4 me call go in wioemrfli
Noll): When you racam: an iflcomlng call ycu mm Silenco rm (ingw bi,‘ lappmg SEND" bullen
September 24, 2004
“m, Confidential
5. Phone Screen Icons
‘ {9 ilndicales that a battery is charging
Indicates that a new SMS text massage It; available If you tapthia won, a wmdnw is
displayed that allows you Io acceflss the Inbux,
lnuicales that the ringer is nlf.
Q AcweSync Enter
___,. J
a Voice call connecting or connected
‘ £1 Indicates that a new voicemail messages If you tap this icon. 8 wlndnw is
dlsplavsd that allows you Ir; listen to new voicemail messages
SCH-i730 ' ' ' ' swam, 24, 206;
6 Personal Settings concerning a phone
The phone options cusplays all the available (whorls far in phone,
The options are divided mm the mum-mg [ahs'
~ Phone - Aflmvs mu m mntigure a vowelrdfl phune numhsr View ymir exisling (mane number
Select «he desired sounds Bfisncmted wim the phone Volume nnlifinaaien setfings are also lncluded
c Qpflon - Nlaws yuu m Amflgum the SMS Ca‘lflack Number, Aflswen and Tum- Sammy;
- Alon - IWDWS you (0 mm on or afl the minute beep. Connect wne disconnecl tom-L m ERI Sound tune
(ERI - Enhanced Roaming Indicamrj
- Service - Anvws you In wnfflre |he Dam Hr.“ Rnammg selungs and to turn GPS on m of!
Selects ma desire mm privacy semngs
- sanumy - Allows you xo seu spacval numbers. mange the password, 0: mega ma plume 10 ma runny damn
sefllngs. Dispiays the current hardwafe and sofiwme version of ma 17341
Vhone - 1 (193) 4Sfl‘499
Voicemail: $35
Ring type:
Rhotflne? Windows Default 7 ,,
Keypad: Short Tones '
2] Notify me when vote pnvacy is
éCH-i730 7 September 24, 2004
mm — 7 Confidential
F‘huns Tab
These uuliuns ulluw you In configure sewn. diflelenlsemngs mm are wedfiu m me phone lmmuiug:
'Sy¢:err Sounds
Voicamall swings
To access the uuioematl se‘llngs
1 Tun Start m: an in me umm hart unaware mean
2 Tap swings
3 Tim ms Personal lab
4 Tap ms Phone mm:
5, Tap the Phone tan
e the mm he! in Cali 1mm mmmad m dwglnyad m me Vuwnuil bux
Tocnnnge zhe number. ma arm m and Ania: mu dulled numhar
Now: his mm vs mamam mop wncn you "carve ycur pnm You m graham-g m1 nan m change A:
unless fiber-Miss inslruclsc 1 your mman
Sounds mung;
These upnuns allow you lo cum-gum the fiuuxvjs for the v730.Thezse woes [he mg type. mg lune,
keypad mama. and 0mm sound settings: To access the sound swings:
1 Tap Start beaten In me um lefi mmemf me screen
2. Tap samngs
3, Taflhe Personal tab
4. Ya; mi Phone icon.
5 Tan me Phone mu.
6 Tu m Hing Typedmo mm; mm mm mm mum: ma tmlwmq Mug was
¢ Ring
~ increasmg Rulvg
« mug om
. vim“
. me'ae and mg
~ whims then my
- "CM
7. Tap m Ring Tone amp mmn anw and man one of mg Following ring (cum
- mummy
‘ 0mm
- Defaunmwn
. Digital
~ Gmlar
1 GIuthm
" Tfln
- Welcome
“ Hopmix
' Ncbeut
- Swain“
- 3 nmlr-hGumn
- Techie
- Valoe
0 new Ihe mug tuna use me pizyercmwfmls lam
mu Imm and 11m. 2m 1m mum slow
6 up "in Kbypad rimm1w1 mum and mu":
m "19 riyvz or me dug mg box Tu; me mm m play
Ell-i730 ' September 24, 2004
Option tap
sns EaIIBack Mmber
Key: @ Any 0 Talkonly
Auto: © off 0 35a: 0 Ssec O 10sec
Time © Am: O Manual
j sztuiny
SMS CaIIBack Number: Number used to call back for SMS received
Answel :
- Key :Which key can be used to receive an oncoming call?
Any key or only "SEND" key?
- Auto : Do you want to receive an oncoming call without pressing a key?
Off : I'll receive an oncoming call only by pressing a key
3 sec: I'II receive an oncoming cell afler 3 seconds automatically,
5 sec: I'II receive an oncoming call alter 5 seconds automatically
10 sec' I‘II receive an oncoming call after ll] seconds automatically,
Time“ Do you want to set your device clock automatically or manually?
SCH-i730 7 September 24, 2004
“mm—7 7 Confidential
Alen lap
Mnute heap: © On O off
connea tone: © On O OFF
Disconnecthme: ©0n Ooff
ERlSomdtone: Oon ©off
Alert Service Security
Thls 1ap Allows you to turn an or omhe minute beep, connecnane. dlsconnecnone, or ERI Snund (one.
(ERI ~ Enhanced Roaan Indicator)
SCH-i730 7 September 7.4, 2004
Service tap
“Settings 7 (“9 em 46 9:55 QB
can Made D]
Roamlng Hana only v
mm“ @ Hybrid Q EVDO 0 1x
fins 0 Locatton On Q 911 Gray
3353“ 0 Standard © enhanced
nan, 3m 5m -:
Settings” ' v d 45 me ‘ "Se- m. 1 1
.|| ‘
Phone Plume
Data Mode v Data Made Data off v
. r 1t 3 an .
“mm“ Data for next call R°“'“""~' “we “fly
Data until .owarad off
Hyhrld Hybfld
Mode © Hybvld O EVDO 0 1x Made
cps O Locaton On @ 911 Onty ups Location On
Voice Voice
wlvaty O Standard © Enhanced Mn“ 0 standard (9 Enhanced
Phone Optic!" Alert | Semico| qgeiogtinn | Alert | Service
Data Mode
. Data afi—Volce wilt be recetved as votce and data will he recewed as data
- Data for next call — Evan vulce call will be received as data fur only the next call.
~ Data until powered uff— Even voice thI be received as data until the device ts puweved ut’i
SCH-i730 '
September 24, 2004
mm Confidential
Roaming Roaming occurs when you travel outside the designated coverage area Your
phone automatically switches to roaming and the roaming icon is displayed on
the screen Your phone can roam on other digital networks When you are
roaming, extra charges may apply when making or receiving a call.
When you are roaming, some ofthe phone's features may not be available.
When you are roaming. your phone requires additional power from the battery
and may need to be recharged more frequently
Roniiiiiiq Gptioiis
The (allowing roaming options are available-
- Home only» Yourphone IS available for normal operation only in the designated
coverage area
~ Automatic-A- The preferred roarnhg list is used to acquire service. it no preferred
systems are round, any digital "A" system is acquired.
~ Automatic-B - The preterred roaming list is used to acquire sen/ice. lino preferred
systems are found, any dlgltal "B" system is acquired
Note: Contact your service providerior information regarding preferred systems
Hybrid Merle .
. Hybrid — allows the device to get senrices from both EVDO and 1X channels.
. EVDO — allows the device to get servrces from only EVDO channels
- 1X— allows the device to get services from only 1X channels.
~ Location On — always allows the device to inform its location
. 911 Only - allows the device to inform its location in only case of being pressed "911"
Voice privacy '
. Standard — allows the voice to be encrypted as a standard mode,
- Enhanced — allows the voice to be encrypted as an enhanced mode
SCH-i730 7 September 24‘ 2004
m Mntial
Security tap
Sett gs |<§1 36
If you press "Phone
Reset" button, All of
phone setthos wll
be reset!
'~ Version
Securrty ,‘
Plume reset : Resets the phone seltings to default seflings
Special Number: Special numbers are numbers that can be called when the phone is placed in
lock mode Up to 10 numbers can be assigned in the special numbers dralog
Change NAM Mode
Version : Displays the current hardware and software version oflhe i730.
SCH-i730 September 24, m4
7. Phone Settings
- $610“th Dsmmd Vulume Level
. Tune Lenglh
' Nails SalmlJS 8 Nolillcillluns
t Tuning the Rlngflr Off
Selling lhe Volume Levels
more are several dllrerenl volume levels Ural can be mnagured on me 6700. They are:
~ Value Volu mo
- Rficurd Volurlw
- Ring Vol-mm
- Syslom valumo
Voice Volume
The voice volume dstarmines lhe volume selling of are irlwpmin? caller, Thls selllng azn he sat quickly
try pressing (he up or den volume bullcn Insured on lire slde o the phone. To access me volce
volurrls sailings In the plume:
l, Tap Siart looarou nu ma upper rill oumo- a! the scraan,
11's» Settings
3. Tap me Syslem tau.
4. Yap Volume,
5 Using the stylua, lap llle desired level on rm slider loomed undur voice Volume
Non: You can also press arm had my sllder lab and move ll hémk and lam a‘lnllg lhE slldar Jsmg lrle slylus
5 Tan “OK" kl exll,
Record Volume
The record volume determines lhe recording levels for voice memo's. notes. or recorded
cmvarsallans. The higher the selling! Lhe more sensillve the mimphcrle.
To awess iho record volume sailings:
l Tao Slarl luaalsd m lha "war serr corner of ms scream,
2. Tap Settlngsr
cl “Yep the Syslem Ian.
4, Tap Vulume.
5 Usiny lire slylus. lap ma owed lever on [he sfiésr scale! lméflr Record Volume
6 Tap‘OK“ la en.
Ring Vclume
The rung volulrls dalmnlnss ha volume 5911an lor the ringer associaleu mm [he phono. You can also
sgfllhs ringer sllerrl if needed lo avoid alarming olhsrs in a quiel selllng. To access me ring volume
a rigs:
l Tap seen kinslnd l" (he Hyper lei? mmerol Illa airmen
2. Ta: Smings.
3‘ Ton the System lao.
4 Tap Volume
5 mm m slyllls. lnp lhe dasimd level on rm slider lumen unlier Ring Volume
6. Tap ‘OK" lo am.
Syslwm Volume
The syslem volume determines me wlume ssillngs ior lhe operallrl eyslam lnsralled m the l730l A
beep or mirror sound is heard whlle navrgallng lhruugh the means 0 arms lhe syslem valume
| Tap Slur! Inhaled in me upperien rnmargime streen
2 Tan Selllrrgsl
3 Tap lhe Personal ran
4 Tap Snunds ; Nolilicalions
5, Using lira stylus, lap Ana naslrod lanai cm lhn slicer mam moor System Volume.
6. Tap ‘mc” lo exll,
SCH-i730"? September 24, 2004
mm 7 7 Confidential
Setting the Tone Length
When dlafing a phone number, lnnss are smifleo each time a key is tapped, Tnssa tones can be set up
to be shorl. long; or hurled off. In some cases. longel lone lengths may he leqwred for accesslng
allwmaled systems or vulcemail. To set the lane length:
1 Tap start located la the upperlsll comer ul the semen
1 Tap Settings
1 Tap the Personal lab
4 Tap Pho na,
5, Tan the drop down allow mm so Keypad and select Short Toms. Long Tones or 0"
st Tap "ow m axll,
Alert Sounds & Notifications
Alert sounds can be configured lo! the following evenis:
~ AdiveSync: in sync
~ wives rx. En Vsyllt:
~ Beam: moleceive
~ lnbox: New s-mall message
~ 1mm New SMS message
' MSN Musengm: Comm Dnllnc
- MSN Msssangel. New message
- Phone“ lncomlng call
' Phone. Mused call
' Phone nice mail
' Remlmllsls
Selecting a Ringer for incoming, Missed Calls, or Voice Mail
To select a ringer for incoming owls:
l Tap Start [mutant in she upper left owner 01 Ihe ween
2. Tap settings.
3. Tap the Personal lab,
4. Tap Phone.
5199 other Settlngs.
5. Tap the mop awn am under Select an event and select Phone: Incoming Calls! Phone: Missed
Calls, or Phone: Voice Mail
1 If you selecled Phnne' lrlcofr-lrlg Calls. lap lhe drop down arrow next to Ring Type and select one ml the
- Ring
- Increasing Ring
- Ring Once
- vtlmle
- Vlhmle and rlng
~ Vibrate then nng
- None
8 If you seleclell Ring. lncveaslng ring. at Ring Once. lap (Ms drop down armw next to Ring Tone and ssleul the
deslred rmge.
Nata: To play (he sell-salted ringer. Lap the play button amm local-«l undef me ring lane box
9. Tap low to em.
Note: ll you save MM files ln the ‘vvlfldowsir‘lngs dlreciofy. the file can be selecled as a Ring Tone
Turning the Ringer Off
In sums cases, it may in necessary to turn of! the ringerlo avoid causing a problem in! those around
you To lum all the mlgef or set lt It) vibtale.
1 Tap Start located in the uppgr ism camel af the. seven.
2. Tap Settlngs
at Tap the Personal lab,
at Tap Phone,
5 Tap the «1m dawn almw next to Rlng Type Bull select
' Vibrate
' Nona
6 Tap “ow ‘13 exit
Mom: You tan also changs :he selllng qutckl)’ ny massing the volume my up cf down when the phone semen IS
SCH-i730 September 24, 2004
mm , 7 Confidential
8. Messaging
-Masxa e T as
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2004:11:02 10:12:47-05:00
Create Date                     : 2004:11:02 10:12:18-05:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 42
Mod Date                        : 2004:11:02 10:12:47-05:00
Creation Date                   : 2004:11:02 10:12:18-05:00
Producer                        : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Metadata Date                   : 2004:11:02 10:12:47-05:00
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: A3LSCHI730

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