Samsung LN40A500T1FXZA User Manual TV LCD Manuals And Guides L0809009
SAMSUNG LCD Television Manual L0809009 SAMSUNG LCD Television Owner's Manual, SAMSUNG LCD Television installation guides
User Manual: Samsung LN40A500T1FXZA LN40A500T1FXZA SAMSUNG TV LCD - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your SAMSUNG TV LCD #LN40A500T1FXZA. Home:Electronics Parts:Samsung Parts:Samsung TV LCD Manual
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Important Warranty Information Regarding Television Format Viewing
Widescreen format LCDDisplays (16:9,the aspect ratio of the screen width to height)are primarily designedto viewwide screenformat
full-motionvideo. Theimages displayed on them should primarily be in the widescreen 16:9ratio format, or expanded to fill the screen if
your model offers this feature and the images are constantlymoving. Displayingstationarygraphics and images on screen, such as the dark
sidebarson nonexpandedstandardformat television video and programming, should be limited to no more than 5% of the total television
viewingper week.
Additionally,viewingother stationaryimages and text such as stock market reports, video game displays,station Iogos,websites or computer
graphicsand patterns,should belimited as describedabove for all televisions. Displayingstationaryimages that exceed the above guidelines
cancause uneven agingof LCD Displaysthat leave subtle, but permanentburned-in ghost images in the LCD picture.Toavoid this, vary the
programmingand images, and primarilydisplay full screenmoving images, not stationary patternsor dark bars.
On LCDmodels that offer picturesizing features, usethese controlsto view different formats asa fulI screen picture.
Be careful in the selectionand durationof television formats used for viewing. Uneven LCDaging as a result of format selectionand use,as
well as burned-inimages, are not covered by your Samsung limited warranty.
U.S.A Only
The productunit accompanyingthis user manual islicensed under certain intellectualproperty rightsof certain third parties, in particular,
this productis licensed under the following US patents: 5,991,715, 5,740,317, 4,972,484,5,214,678,5,323,396,5,539,829,5,606,618,
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the use of this product unitto encodeand/or decode audiofiles conformingto the ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC13818-3. No rightsare
granted under this license for productfeaturesor functionsthat do not conformto the ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.
Other countries
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conformingto (SO/(EC11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3used or sold in combinationwith this productunit. The license only coversthe use of
this productunit to encode and/or decode audiofiles conforming to the ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.No rightsare granted under
this licensefor product featuresor functions that do not conform to the ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.
Subjectto the requirements,conditions, exclusionsand limitations of the original LimitedWarranty suppliedwith Samsung -_.Electronics
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The above describedwarranty repairs must be performed by a SAMSUNGAuthorized ServiceCenter Along with this Statement. the
Orig(na!LimitedWarranty Statement and a dated Billof Sale as Proof of Purchasemust be presentedto the Service Center.Transportation
to and from the Service Center is the responsibilityof the purchaser.
Conditionscovered are limitedonly to manufacturingdefects in material orworkmanship, and only,those encounteredin normal useof the
Excluded. but not limitedto. are any originallyspecified provisionsfor. in-homeor on-siteservices, mimmum or maximumrepair times.
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See the warranty card for more information on warranty terms.
Precautions When Displaying a Still Image
Asti!l image may cause permanent damage to the
• Do not display a still image on the LCD panel for more than 2 hours as it can cause screen image retention. This image
retention is also known as !!screen burn": To avoid such image retention, reduce the degree of brightness and contrast of the
screen when displaYing a still image.
• Watching the LCD TV in 4-:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the left,
right and center of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen.
Playing a DVD or a game conso!e may cause a similar effect to the screen,
3amages caused by the above effect are not covered by the WarrantY.
• Displaying still images from Video games and PCfor longer than a certain period of time may produce partial after,images.
To prevent this effect, reduce the 'brightness! and !contrast' when displaying still images.
© 2008 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

• List of Features .................................................................. 2 •Using Your TV as a Computer (PC) Display....................42
• Accessories ....................................................................... 2 • Display Modes............................................ 42
• Viewing the Control Panel ................................................. 3 • Setting up the TV with your PC ....................................... 43
• Viewing the Connection Panel ........................................... 4
• Remote Control ......................................................... 5
• Installing Batteries in the Remote Control ......................... 6 • Setting the Clock ............................................................. 45
• Connecting Cable TV ........................................................ 7 • Selecting a Menu Language....................................... 49
•Connecting a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite • Using the V-Chip.......................................................... 49
receiver (Set-Top Box',via HDMt .................................... 8 • Viewing Closed Captions (On-Screen Text MessagesJ
• Connecting a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite - Analog ....................................................................... 56
receiver (Set-Top Box',via DVt ..................................... 8 • Viewing Closed Captions (On-Screen Text MessagesJ
• Connecting a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite - Digital .................................................................... 57
receiver (Set-Top Box) via Component cables ..................9 • Adjusting the TV On/Off Melody Sound........................... 58
• Connecting a Camcorder ................................................... 9 • Setting the Entertainment mode ...................................... 58
• Connecting a VCR ....................................................... 10 • Using the Energy Saving Feature................................ 59
• Connecting a DigitaIAudio System .............................. 11 •Upgrading the Software ........................................... 60
• Connecting anAmplifier/DVD Home Theater .................. 11 • Self diagnosis ............................................................. 6'
• Connecting a PC ............................................................. 11
• Turning the TV On and Off .............................................. 12 • Connecting Anynet+ Devices ........................................... 62
• Plug & Play Feature......................................................... 12 • Setting UpAnynet + ................................................... 63
...................... 13 • Scanning and Switching between Anynet Devices ........63• Changing Channels ................................ +
• Adjusting the Volume ....................................................... 14
• Viewing the Display ..................................................... 14
• Viewing the Menus ........................................................ 14
• Using the TOOLS Button .............................................. 15
• Memorizing the Channels ........................................... 15
• To Select the Source ................................................... 17
• To Edit the Input Source Name ........................................ 17
• Recording ................................................................... 64
• Listening through a Receiver _Home theater) .................. 65
• Troubleshooting forAnynet + ........................................... 65
• Troubleshooting .......................................................... 66
• Installing the Stand .......................................................... 68
• Disconnecting the Stand.................................................. 68
• Auto Wall-Mou atAdjustment (Sold separately) .......... 69
• Changing the Picture Standard ................................... 18 • Wall Mount Kit Specifications (VESA) ......................... 70
• Customizing the Picture Settings ..................................... 18 • Using the Anti-Theft Kensington Lock ............................. 7 _
• Adjusting the Detailed Settings ................................ 19 • Securing the TV to the Wall ............................................. 72
• Resetting the Picture Settings to the Factory Defaults....22 • Specifications ................................................................. 73
• Configuring Picture Options......................................... 23 • Dimensions ...................................................................... 74
• Viewing Picture-in-Picture ............................................... 27
• Changing the Sound Standard ........................................ 29
• Customizing the Sound ............................................... 29
• Setting the TruSurround XT.......................................... 30
• Choosing Preferred Language ........................................ 31
• Choosing a Multi-Channel Sound (MTS) track ............ 31
• Automatic Volume Control ............................................... 32
• Setting the TV Speakers On/Off ...................................... 32
• Listening to the Sound of the Sub (PIP) Picture ........... 33
• Resetting the Sound Settings to the Factory Defaults.....33
Symbol Press Note One-Touch Button
• Managing Channels ........................................................ 34
• Clearing Scrambled Channels- Digital............................40
• Fine Tuning Analog Channels .......................................... 40
• Checking the Digital-Signal Strength ...............................41
EngliSh- 1

General Information
List of Features
• Adjustable picture settings that can be stored in the TV's memory.
• Automatic timer to turn the TV on and off.
• A special sleep timer.
• Excellent Digital Interface:
With a built-in HD digital tuner, non-subscription HD broadcasts can be viewed with no Cable Box/Satellite receiver
(Set-Top Box) needed.
•HDMI/DVI connection of your PC to this TV.
• Excellent Picture Quality
- DNle technology provides life-like clear images.
• SRS TruSurround XT
- SRS TruSurround XT provides a virtual surround system.
Please make sure the following items are included with your LCD TV. If any items are missing, contact your dealer.
Remote Control & Batteries
(AAA x 2)
Warranty Card /
Registration Card /
Safety Guide Manual
(Not available in all locations)
(LN40A500T1F "BN63-03031A)
(LN46A500T1F "BN63-03148A)
Power Cord Cleaning Cloth
(3903-000144) (aN 63-01798A) Owner's Instructions
:_ The items color and shape may vary depending on the model.

Viewing the Control Panel
Buttons on the Lower-Right Part of the Panel
The buttons on the lower-right panel control your TV's basic features, includingthe on-screen menu.
To use the more advanced features, you must use the remote control.
• .......................................................................................................
The product color and shape may vary depending on the model.
Toggles between all the available input sources O
(TV, AV, Component1, Component2, PC, HDMI1,
HDMI2/DVI). In the on-screen menu, use this button
as you would use the ENTER C_ button on the remote
Press to see an on-screen menu of your TV's features.
Intheon-screenmenu, use the+ VOL - buttonsas you
would use the • and • buttonson theremotecontrol.
Press to change channels.
In the on-screen menu, use the < CH > buttons as you
would use the • and • buttons on the remote control.
Press to turn the TV on and off.
Blinks and turns off when the power is on and lights up
in stand-by mode.
Aim the remote control towards this spot on the TV.

Viewing the Connection Panel
Use the connection panel jacks to connect A/V components that will be connected continuously, such as DVD players or a
VCR. For more information on connecting equipment, see pages 6~11.
[TV Rear Panel]
The product color and shape may vary depending on the model.
Connects to the audio input jacks on your Amplifier/ Connects the supplied power cord.
Home theater. O
Connects to a Digital Audio component.
Connects to the video and audio output jacks on your PC.
Connects to the HDMI jack of a device with an HDMI
- No sound connection is needed for an HDMI to HDMI
connection. O
Use the HDMI IN 2 jack for DVI connection to an
external device. Use a DVl to HDMI cable or DVI-HDMI
adapter (DVI to HDMI) for video connection and the
DVl IN (HDMI2) [R-AUDIO-L] jacks for audio.
- When using an HDMI/DVl cable connection, you must _)
use the HDMI IN 2 jack.
Connects to an antenna or cable TV system.
Connector for SERVICE only.
Connects Component video/audio.
The COMPONENT IN 1 jack is also used as the
AV IN jack.
- Connect the video cable to the COMPONENT IN 1
[Y/VIDEO] jack and the audio cable to the
Connect this to the jack on the optional wall mount
bracket. This will allow you to adjust the TV viewing
angle using your remote control.
The Kensington Lock (optional) is a device used to
physically fix the system when used in a public place.
If you want to use a locking device, contact the dealer
where you purchased the -iV.
The location of the Kensington Lock may be different
depending on its model.

Remote Control
You can use the remote control up to a distance of about 23 feet from the TV.
Press to display information on
the TV screen.
Turns the TV on and off. Press to display and select the
OTV available video sources.
Selects the TV mode directly. @ PRE-CH
ONUMERIC BUTTONS Tunes to the previous channel.
Press to directly select the
channel. _) CH v/CH ^
Press to change channels.
OGPress to select additional qi_ MENU
channels (digital and analog) Displays the main on-screen
being broadcast by the same menu.
station. For example, to select
channel "54-3", press "54", _) CO
then press "(_" and "3". Controls the caption decoder.
Press to increase or decrease _) RETURN
the volume. Returns to the previous menu.
0 =_(MUTE) I_) UPA /DOWN_ /LEFT_I /
Press to temporarily cut off the RIGHTI_ /ENTER
sound. Use to select on-screen menu
items and change menu values.
Used to display Channel Lists _) EXIT
on the screen. Press to exit the menu.
Use to quickly select frequently _ DMA (Digital Media Adapter)
used functions. Use this when connecting
a SAMSUNG DMA device
through an HDMI interface and
switching to DMA mode.
For more information on the
operating procedures, refer to
the user manual of the DMA.
This button is available when
"Anynet+(HDMI-CEC) '' is "On".
(see page 62)
Use these buttons in the
Channel list, etc.
(I) 8R8
Selects SRS TruSurround XT
Press to select the preset
display and sound modes for
sports, cinema and games.
Use these buttons in the DMA,
and Anynet + modes.
((_): This remote can be
used to control recording on
Samsung recorders with the
Anynet + feature)
Press to choose stereo, mono
or Separate Audio Program
(SAP broadcast).
Press to switch to your favorite
Picture size selection.
| |
| |
:_ The performance of the remote control may be affected by bright light.

Installing Batteries in the Remote Control
1, Lift the cover at the back of the remote control upward as shown in the figure.
2, Install twoAAAsize batteries.
:_ Make sure to match the "+" and "-" ends of the batteries with the diagram inside the
3, Replace the cover.
:_ Remove the batteries and store them in a cool, dry place if you won't be using the
remote control for a long time.
The remote control can be used up to about 23 feet from the TV.
(Assuming typical TV usage, the batteries should last for about one year.)
If the remote control doesn't work, check the following:
1. Is the TV power on?
2. Are the plus and minus ends of the batteries reversed?
3. Are the batteries drained?
4. Is there a power outage or is the power cord unplugged?
5. Is there a special fluorescent light or neon sign nearby?
Connecting VHF and UHF Antennas
If your antenna has a set of leads that look like the diagram to the right, see "Antennas
with 300 _ Flat Twin Leads" below.
If your antenna has one lead that looks like the diagram to the right, see "Antennas with
75 Q Round Leads".
If you have two antennas, see "Separate VHF and UHF Antennas".
Antennas with 300 QFlat Twin Leads
If you are using an off-air antenna (such as a roof antenna or "rabbit ears") that has 300
Q twin flat leads, follow the directions below.
t, Place the wires from the twin leads under the screws on a 300-75 _ adapter (not
supplied). Use a screwdriver to tighten the screws.
2, Plug the adaptor into the ANT IN terminal on the back of the TV.
Antennas with 76 QRound Leads
t, Plug the antenna lead into the ANT IN terminal on the back of the TV.
Separate VHF and UHF Antennas
If you have two separate antennas for your TV (one VHF and one UHF), you must combine the two antenna signals before
connecting the antennas to the TV. This procedure requires an optional combiner-adaptor (available at most electronics
t, Connect both antenna leads to the combiner.
2, Plug the combiner into the ANT IN terminal on the bottom of the rear panel.

Connecting Cable TV
To connect to a cable TV system, follow the instructions below.
Cable without a Cable Box
1, Plug the incoming cable into the ANT IN terminal on the back of the TV.
:_ Because this TV is cable-ready, you do not need a cable box to view
unscrambled cable channels.
Connecting to aCable Box that Descrambles All Channels l_ OUT_
1, Find the cable that is connected to the ANT OUT terminal on your cable box. ANTIN ANT
:_ This terminal might be labeled "ANT OUT", "VHF OUT" or simply, "OUT". !_
2, Connect the other end of this cable to the ANT IN terminal on the back of the TV.
Connecting to a Cable Box that Descrambles Some Channels
If your cable box descrambles only some channels (such as premium channels), follow the instructions below. You will need
a two-way splitter, an RF (A/B) switch and four lengths of RF cable. (These items are available at most electronics stores.
1, Find and disconnect the cable that is
connected to the ANT IN terminal on _fl _'}
your cable box. _ ANTI,
:_ This terminal might be labeled
"ANT IN", "VHF IN" or simply, "IN". _
2, Connect this cable to a two-way
Connect an RF cable between the
OUTPUT terminal on the splitter and
the IN terminal on the cable box.
Connect an RF cable between the
ANT OUT terminal on the cable box
and the B-IN terminal on the RF(A/B)
cable Splitter
Cable Box
Cable Box Switch
S, Connect another cable between the
other OUT terminal on the splitter and
the A-IN terminal on the RF (A/B)
switch. Incoming
Slitter RF (A!B)
Cable Box Switch
6, ConnectthelastRFcablebetween __ .__ _,,, .,,,_ ANT'Tv_eRe_I
the OUT terminal on the RF (A/B) i [ _
switch and the ANT IN terminal on the ............ r
rear of the TV. cable Splitter [jI
After you have made this connection, set the A/B switch to the "A" position for normal viewing. Set the A/B switch to the "B"
position to view scrambled channels. (When you set the A/B switch to "B", you will need to tune your TV to the cable box's
output channel, which is usually channel 3 or 4.)

Connectinga DVDPlayerorCableBox/Satellitereceiver(Set.TopBox)viaHDMI
This connection can only be made if there is an HDMI Output connector on the external device.
1, Connect an HDMI Cable
between the HDMI IN (1 DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver
or 2) jack on the TV and (Set-TopBox)Rear Panel
the HDMI jack on the
DVD Player or Cable
Box/Satellite receiver
(Set-Top Box).
TV Rear Panel
:_ What is HDMI?
• HDMl(High-Definition Multimedia Interface), is an interface that enables the
transmission of digital audio and video signals using a single cable.
• The difference between HDMI and DVI is that the HDMI device is smaller in size and
has the HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Copy Protection) coding feature installed.
:_ Each DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) has a different back
panel configuration.
The TV may not output sound and pictures may be displayed with abnormal color when
DVD players/Cable Boxes/Satellite receivers supporting HDMI versions older than 1.3
are connected. When connecting an older HDMI cable and there is no sound, connect
the HDMI cable to the HDMI IN 2 jack and the audio cables to the DVI IN (HDMI2)
[R-AUDIO-L] jacks on the back of the TV. If this happens, contact the company that
provided the DVD player/Cable Box/Satellite receiver to confirm the HDMI version, then
request an upgrade.
:_ HDMI cables that are not 1.3 may cause annoying flicker or no screen display.
Connecting a DVDPlayeror CableBox/Satellitereceiver (Set-TopBox)via DVI
This connection can only be made if there is a DVI Output connector on the external device.
1, Connect a DVI to HDMI
Cable or DVI-HDMI
Adapter between the
HDMI IN 2 jack on the
TV and the DVI jack DVD Player or Cable Box/
on the DVD Player or Satellite receiver (Set-TopBox)
Cable Box/Satellite
receiver (Set-Top Box).
2, Connect Audio Cables
between the DVl IN
jack on the TV and the
DVD Player or Cable
Box/Satellite receiver
(Set-Top Box).
TV Rear Panel
_i_iii DVI to HDMI Cable (Not supplied)
Each DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) has a different back
panel configuration.
:_ When connecting a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box), match
the color of the connection terminal to the cable.
:_ When using an HDMI/DVI cable connection, you must use the HDMI IN 2 jack.

The rear panel jacks on your TV make it easy to connect a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) to your TV.
1, Connect a Component
Cable between the
(1 or 2) [Y, PB, PR]
jacks on the TV and the
[V, PB, PR]jacks on the
DVD Player or Cable
Box/Satellite receiver
(Set-Top Box).
2, Connect Audio
Cables between the
2) [R-AUDIO-L] jacks on
the TV and the AUDIO
OUT jacks on the
DVD Player or Cable
Box/Satellite receiver
(Set-Top Box).
TV Rear Panel
,,_I Component Cable (Not supplied)
:_ Component video separates the video into Y (Luminance (brightness)), Pb (Blue) and
Pr (Red) for enhanced video quality.
Be sure to match the component video and audio connections.
For example, if connecting a Component video cable to COMPONENT IN 1, connect
the audio cable to COMPONENT IN 1 also.
:_ Each DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) has a different back
panel configuration.
:_ When connecting a DVD Player or Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box), match
the color of the connection terminal to the cable.
Connectinga Camcorder
They allow you to view the camcorder tapes without using a VCR.
1, Connect a Video Cable
between the AV IN
[Y/VIDEO] jack on the
TV and the VIDEO OUT
jack on the camcorder.
Connect Audio Cables
between the AV IN
[R-AUDIO-L] jacks on
the TV and the AUDIO
OUT jacks on the
TV Rear Panel
:_ Each Camcorder has a different back panel configuration.
:_ When connecting a Camcorder, match the color of the connection terminal to the cable.

Connecting a VCR
Video Connection
These instructionsassume that you have already connected your TV to an antenna or a cable TV system (according to the
instructions on pages 6~7). Skip step 1 if you have not yet connected to an antenna or a cable system.
t, Unplug the cable or
antenna from the back
of the TV.
2, Connect the cable or
antenna to the ANT IN
terminal on the back of
the VCR.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_....... iiiii_!i_i!!i_!i_ii_i_iii!_i_!_i!i!i!_!_!!_i!_!_!_i_!!!!i!!!!!i!!i!_!_!_!_!!i}!_i_!_!_!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!iiiii!i!!!i!iiii!i!!!!ii!!iiiiii!!iiii!!i!i!iiii!ii!!!i!ii!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......
3, Connect an RF Cable
between the ANT OUT
terminal on the VCR
and the ANT IN terminal
on the TV.
4, Connect a Video
Cable between the
VIDEO OUT jack on
the VCR and the AV IN
[Y/VIDEO] jack on the
5, ConnectAudio Cables
betweenthe AUDIO OUT
jacks on the VCR and the
on the TV.
VCR Rear Panel
I i s Audio Cable (Not supplied)
Video Cable (Not supplied)
........RF Cable (Not supplied)
TV Rear Panel
If you have a "mono"
(non-stereo) VCR,
use a Y-connector
(not supplied) to
connect to the
right and left audio
input jacks of the
TV. Alternatively,
connect the cable to
the "R" jack. If your
VCR is stereo, you
must connect two
Follow the instructions in "Viewing a VCR or Camcorder Tape" to view your VCR tape.
:_ Each VCR has a different back panel configuration.
:_ When connecting a VCR, match the color of the connection terminal to the cable.
When connecting to AV IN, the color of the AV IN [Y/VIDEO] jack (Green) does not
match the color of the video cable (Yellow).

Connecting a Digital Audio System
The rear panel jacks on your TV make it easy to connect a Digital Audio System (Home theater/Receiver) to your TV.
1•Digital Audio System TV Rear Panel
Connect an Optical Cable
between the "DIGITAL AUDIO
OUT (OPTICAL)" jacks on
the TV and the Digital Audio
Input jacks on the Digital Audio
When a Digital Audio System
is connected to the "DIGITAL
Decrease the volume of the
TV and adjust the volume
level with the system's volume
control. :_ 5.1CH audio is possible when the TV is connected to an external device
supporting 5.1CH.
Each Digital Audio System has a different back panel configuration.
When the receiver (home theater) is set to On, you can hear sound output from
the TV's Optical jack. When the TV is displaying a DTV(air) signal, the TV will send
out 5.1 channel sound to the Home theater receiver. When the source is a digital
component such as a DVD and is connected to the TV via HDMI, only 2 channel
sound will be heard from the Home Theater receiver. If you want to hear 5.1 channel
audio, connect the DIGITALAUDIO OUT (OPTICAL)jack on the DVD player or
Cable/Satellite Box directly to an Amplifier or Home Theater, not the TV.
Connecting an Amplifier/DVD Home Theater
1, Connect Audio Cables
between the AUDIO OUT
[R-AUDIO-L] jacks on the TV
jacks on the Amplifier/DVD
Home Theater.
When an audio amplifier is
connected to the "AUDIO OUT
[R-AUDIO-L]" jacks: Decrease
the volume of the TV and
adjust the volume level with
the Amplifier's volume control.
Connecting a PC
Amplifier/DVD Home Theater
TV Rear Panel
Audio Cable (Not supplied)
Each Amplifier/DVD Home Theater has a different back panel configuration.
When connecting an Amplifier/DVD Home Theater, match the color of the
connection terminal to the cable.
Using the D-Sub Cable
1, Connect a D-Sub Cable
between PC IN [PC] connector
on the TV and the PC output
connector on your computer.
2, Connect a PCAudio Cable
between the PC IN [AUDIO]
jack on the TV and the Audio
Out jack of the sound card on
your computer.
Using the HDMI/DVI Cable
1, Connect an HDMI/DVI cable
between the HDMI IN 2 jack
on the TV and the PC output
jack on your computer.
2, Connect a 3.5 mm Stereo mini-
plug/2RCA Cable between the
jack on the TV and the Audio
Out jack of the sound card on
your computer.
Using the D-Sub Cable TV Rear Panel
Using the HDMI/DVI Cable
TV Rear Panel
_ii 3.5 mm Stereo mini-plug/2RCA Cable (Not supplied)
_iii HDMI/DVI Cable (Not supplied)
:_ Each PC has a different back panel configuration.
When connecting a PC, match the color of the connection terminal to the cable.
When using an HDMI/DVI cable connection, you must use the HDMI IN 2 terminal.

Turning the TV On and Off
Press the POWER(b button on the remote control.
You can also use the POWER(b button on the TV.
Plug & Play Feature
When the TV is initiallypowered on, basic settings proceed automatically and subsequently.
t, Press the POWER button on the remote control.
The message "Menu Language, Store Demo, Channels and Time will be set."
is displayed.
Press the ENTER _ button, then "Select language of the OSD." menu
is automatically displayed. Press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select language, then press the ENTER E_
button. The message "Select 'Home Use' when installingthis TV in your
home." is displayed.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Store Demo" or "Home Use", then
press the ENTER _ button. The message "Select the Antenna source to
memorize." is displayed.
>- We recommend setting the TV to "Home Use" mode for the best picture in
your home environment.
>- "Store Demo" mode is only intended for use inretail environments.
>- If the unit is accidentally set to "Store Demo" mode and you want to return
to "Home Use" (Standard): Press the Volume button on the TV. When the
volume OSD is displayed, press and hold the MENU button on the TV for
5 seconds.
4, Press the • or • button to memorize the channels of the selected
connection. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Start".
>- Air: "Air" antenna signal.
Cable: "Cable" antenna signal.
Auto: "Air" and "Cable" antenna signals.
>- In Cable mode, you can select the correct signal source among STD,
HRC and IRC by pressing the A, •, • or • button, then press the
ENTER _ button. If you have Digital cable, select the cable system
signal source for both Analog and Digital. Contact your local cable
company to identify the type of cable system that exists in your particular
5, The TV will begin memorizing all of the available channels.
>- To stop the search before it has finished, press the ENTER _ button with
"Stop" selected.
After all the available channels are stored, it starts to remove scrambled
channels (see page 40). And then, the Auto program menu reappears.
Press the ENTER _ button when channel memorization is complete.
The message "Set the Clock Mode." is displayed.
6, Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Auto", then Press the ENTER _ button.
The message "Set to daylight saving time." is displayed.
If you select "Manual", "Set current date and time" is displayed.
(See page 45)
7, Press the • or • button to select "Off" or"On", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Select the time zone in which you live." is displayed.

8, Pressthe• or• buttontohighlightthetimezoneforyourlocalarea.Press
theENTER _ button. If you have received a digital signal, the time will be
set automatically. If not, see page 45 to set the clock.
9, The message "Enjoy your watching." is displayed.
When you have finished, press the ENTER _ button.
ff you went to reset this feature...
1. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the ENTER _ button again to select "Plug & Play".
For further details on setting up options, refer to the pages 12~13.
The "Plug & Play" feature is only available in the TV mode.
Changing Channels
Using the Channel Buttons
1, Press the CH M or CH ^ button to change channels.
When you press the CH v or CH ^ button, the TV changes channels in
You will see all the channels that the TV has memorized. (The TV must
have memorized at least three channels). You will not see channels that
were either erased or not memorized. See page 16 to memorize channels.
Using the Number Buttons
1, Press the number buttons to go directly to a channel. For example, to select
channel 27, press 2, then 7.
For quick channel change, press the number buttons, then press the
ENTER _ button.
Using the GButton
The _ button is used to select stations that broadcast a digital signal.
t, For example, for Channel 7-1, press 7, then (_, then 1.
HD indicates the TV is receiving a Digital High Definition signal.
SD indicates the TV is receiving a Standard Definition signal.
For quick channel change, press the number buttons, then press the
ENTER _ button.
Using the PRE-CH Button to select the Previous Channel
1, Press the PRE-CH button. The TV will switch to the last channel viewed.
To quickly switch between two channels that are far apart, tune to one
channel, then use the number button to select the second channel.
Then use the PRE-CH button to quickly alternate between them.

Adjusting the Volume
Using the Volume Button
1, Press the VOL - or VOL +button to increase or decrease the volume.
Using the MUTE button
At any time, you can cut off the sound using the MUTE button.
1, Press MUTE button and the sound cuts off.
"_" is displayed on the screen.
2. To turn mute off, press the MUTE button again or simply press the
VOL - or VOL + button.
f'÷ '1
Viewing the Display
The display identifies the current channel and the status of certain audio-video
1, Press the INFO button on the remote control.
The TV will display the channel, the type of sound, and the status of certain
picture and sound settings.
Press the INFO button once more or wait approximately 10 seconds and
the display disappears automatically.
Viewing the Menus
1, With the power on, press the MENU button.
The main menu appears on the screen.
The menu's left side has icons: Picture, Sound, Channel, Setup, Input,
2. Press the • or • button to select one of the icons.
Then press the ENTER _ button to access the icon's sub-menu.
3, Press the EXIT button to exit.
The on-screen menus disappear from the screen after about one minute.

Using the TOOLS Button
You can use the TOOLS button to select your frequently used functions quickly and easily. The "TOOLS" menu changes
depending on which external input mode you are viewing.
t. Press the TOOLS button.
The "TOOLS" menu will appear.
2. Press the • or • button to select a menu.
3. Press the A/•/,/I_/ENTER _ buttons to display, change or use the selected
items. For a more detailed description of each function, refer to the corresponding
i ml
(2Z) GE)
• Device List: see page 63
• Picture Mode: see page 18
• Sound Mode: see page 29
• Sleep Timer: see page 47
• Add to Favorite: see page 36
• Switch to Cable (or Switch to Air): see page 15
• PIP: see page 27-28
• Auto adjustment: see page 43
Memorizing the Channels
Your TV can memorize and store all of the available channels for both "off-air" (Air) and "Cable" channels. After the available
channels are memorized, use the CH v or CH ^ button to scan through the channels. This eliminates the need to change
channels by entering the channel digits. There are three steps for memorizing channels: selecting a broadcast source,
memorizing the channels (automatic) and adding or deleting channels (Channel Lists).
Selecting the Video Signal-source
Before your television can begin memorizing the available channels, you must
specify the type of signal source that is connected to the TV (i.e. an Air or a Cable
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
2i Press the ENTER _ button to select "Antenna".
Press the • or • button to select "Air" or "Cable", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Easy Setting
t. Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Switch to Cable (or Switch to Air)".
3. Press the ENTER _ button to switch Cable (orAir).

Storing Channels in Memory (Automatic Method)
Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Auto Program", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select the antenna connection, then press the
ENTER _ button.
Air: "Air" antenna signal.
Cable: "Cable" antenna signal.
Auto: "Air" and "Cable" antenna signals.
When selecting the Cable TV system:
Press the ENTER _ button to start the auto program.
Press the l, •, • or • to select the correct analog signal cable system
source among "STD", "HRC" and "IRC". Press the • or • button to select
"Start", then press the ENTER _ button. If you have Digital cable TV, select
the cable system signal source for both Analog and Digital.
:_ STD, HRC and IRC identify various types of cable TV systems. Contact
your local cable company to identify the type of cable system that exists in
your particular area. At this point the signal source has been selected.
S. The TV begins memorizing all available stations.
:_ After all the available channels are stored, it starts to remove scrambled
channels (see page 40). The Auto program menu then reappears.
If you want to stop Auto Programming, press the ENTER C:_ button.
The "Stop Auto Program?" message will be displayed. Select "Yes" by
pressing the •or • button, then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

To Select the Source
Use to select TV or other external input sources such as DVD players or Cable
Box/Satellite receivers (Set-Top Box) connected to the TV. Use to select the input
source of your choice.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Input", then press the ENTER 13_button.
2. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Source List".
Press the • or • button to select signal source, then press the ENTER
:_ Available signal sources: TV, AV, Component1, Component2, PC, HDMI1,
:_ You can choose only those external devices that are connected to the TV.
In the "Source List", connected inputs will be highlighted and sorted to the
top. Inputs that are not connected will be sorted to the bottom.
Using the Color buttons on the remote with the Source list
,, Red (Refresh); Refreshes the connecting extema! device&
•TOOLS (Option): Displays the "Edit Name '_and "Information" menus.
[_ Press the SOURCE button on the remote control to view an external signal
To Edit the Input Source Name
Name the device connected to the input jacks to make your input source selection easier.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Input", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Edit Name", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "AV", "Component1", "Component2", "PC",
"HDMI1 ", "HDMI2/DVI" input jack, then press the ENTER _ button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "VCR", "DVD", "Cable STB",
"Satellite STB', "PVR STB', "AV Receiver", "Game", "Camcorder", "PC",
"TV", "IPTV", "Blu-Ray", "HD DVD", "Digital Media Adapter" input source, then
press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ When a PC with a resolution of 1920 x 1080@60Hz is connected to the
HDMI IN 2 port, you should set the "HDMI2/DVr' mode to "PC" in the "Edit
Name" of the "Input" mode.

Picture Control
Changing the Picture Standard
You can select the type of picture which best corresponds to your viewing requirements.
1, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the ENTER _ button to select "Picture".
2, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Mode". Press the • or • button to
select "Dynamic", "Standard" or "Movie". Press the ENTER _ button.
,Dynamic: Selects the picture for high,definition ina bright rooml
, Standard: Selects the picture for the optimum display in a normal
,Movie: Selects the picture for viewing movies in a dark room.
3, Press the EXIT button to exit.
Easy Setting
1. Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Picture Mode".
3, Press the • or • button to select the required option.
4, Press the EXIT or TOOLS button to exit.
Customizing the Picture Settings
Your television has several setting options that allow you to control the picture quality.
1, To select the desired picture mode, follow the "Changing the Picture
Standard" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Backlight", "Contrast", "Brightness",
"Sharpness", "Color" or "Tint(G/R)", then press the ENTER [:_ button.
3, Press the • or • button to decrease or increase the value of a particular
item. Press the ENTER C_ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
>- When you make changes to "Backlight", "Contrast", "Brightness",
"Sharpness", "Color" or "Tint(G/R)", the OSD will be adjusted accordingly.
>- In PC mode, you can only make changes to "Backlight", "Contrast" and
:_ Settings can be adjusted and stored for each external device you have
connected to an input of the TV.
>- The energy consumed during use can be significantly reduced if the
level of brightness of the picture is reduced, and then this will reduce the
overall running cost.
'Back!ight: Adjusts the brightness of ccg back light,
• Contrast: Adjusts the contrast level of the picture
• Brightnessi Adjusts the brightness level of the picture.
, Sharpness: Adjusts the edge definit!on Of the picturel
• Color: Adjusts €ol0r saturation of the picture.
•Tint(G!R): Adjusts the color tint of the picture.

Adjusting the Detailed Settings
Samsung's new TVs allow you to make even more precise picture settings than previous models. See below to adjust
detailed picture settings.
Activating Detailed Settings
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the ENTER _ button to select "Picture".
2. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Mode".
Press the • or • button to select "Standard" or "Movie", then press the
ENTER _ button.
:_ "Detailed Settings" is available in "Standard" or "Movie" mode.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Detailed Settings", then press the
ENTER _ button.
In PC mode, you can only make changes to "Dynamic Contrast",
"Gamma" and "White Balance" from among the "Detailed Settings" items.
Setting the Black adjust
You can select the black level on the screen to adjust the screen depth.
4. Press the • or • button to select "Black adjust", then press the ENTER
5, Press the • or • button to select "Off', "Low", "Medium" or"High".
Press the ENTER _ button.
' Off: Turns off the black adjustment function.
,Low:Set s the black COlOrdepth to IOWl
•Medium: Sets the black color depth to medium.
,High: Sets the black color depth to high.
Setting the Dynamic Contrast
You can adjust the screen contrast so that the optimal contrast is provided.
6. Press the • or • button to select "Dynamic Contrast", then press the
ENTER _ button.
7, Press the • or • button to select "Off', "Low", "Medium" or"High".
Press the ENTER _ button.
' Off: Turns off the dynamic contrast adjustment function.
,Low:Set s the dynamic contrast to !ow,
,Medium; Sets the dynamic contrast to medium,
, High: Sets the dynamic contrast to high.

Adjusting the Gamma
You can adjust the Primary Color (Red, Green, Blue) Intensity. (-3 ~ +3)
8. Press the • or • button to select "Gamma", then press the ENTER
9. Press the • or • button to decrease or increase the value.
Press the ENTER _ button.
Setting the Color Space
Color space is a color matrix composed of red, green and blue colors.
Select your favorite color space to experience the most natural color.
t0. Press the • or • button to select "Color Space", then press the ENTER
t t. Press the ENTER _ button again to select "Color Space".
t2. Press the • or • button to select "Auto", "Native" or "Custom".
Press the ENTER _ button.
'Autoi Auto Co!or Space automatically adjusts to the most natural co!or
tone based on program sourcesl
,Native; Nat ve Color Space offers deep and rich color tone,
'Customi Adjusts the Color range to suit Your preference,
(see "Customizing the Color Spaceil)
Customizing the Color Space
t3. Press the • or • button to select "Color", then press the ENTER _ button.
"Color" is available when "Color Space" is set to "Custom".
t4. Press the • or • button to select "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Cyan" or
"Magenta". Press the ENTER _ button.
t5. Press the • or • button to select "Red", "Green" or "Blue" to change it.
Press the ENTER _ button.
t6. Press the •or • button to decrease or increase the value of a particular
item. Press the ENTER E_ button.
In "Color", you can adjust the RGB values for the selected color.
:_ To reset the adjusted RGB value, select "Reset".
'Red: Adjusts the red saturation level of the selected color.
, Green: Adjusts the green saturation level of the selected color,
, Blue: Adjusts the blue saturation level of the selected co!or,
,, Reset: Resets the color space to the defautt Valuesl
Changing the adjustment value will refresh the adjusted screen.
Settings can be adjusted and stored for each external device you have
connected to an input of the TV. For example, if you have a DVD player
connected to HDMI 1 and it is currently selected, settings and adjustments
will be saved for the DVD player.

Adjusting the White Balance
You can adjust the color temperature for more natural picture colors.
17, Press the • or • button to select "White Balance", then press the
ENTER _ button.
t8, Select the required option by pressing the • or • button, then press the
ENTER _ button.
19, Press the • or • button to decrease or increase the value of a particular
item. Press the ENTER 1:_ button.
•R-Offset: Adjusts the red color darkness.
•G-Offset: Adjusts the green color darkness.
•B-Offset: Adjusts the blue color darkness.
•R-Gain: Adjusts the red color brightness.
•G-Gain: Adjusts the green color brightness.
•B-Gain: Adjusts the blue color brightness.
•Reset: The previously adjusted white bakance will be reset to the
factory defaults.
Changing the adjustment value will refresh the adjusted screen.
Adjusting the Flesh Tone
You can emphasize the pink 'flesh tone' in the picture.
20, Press the • or • button to select "Flesh Tone", then press the ENTER 1:_
21, Press the • or • button to decrease or increase the value.
Press the ENTER _ button.
:_ Changing the adjustment value will refresh the adjusted screen.
Setting the Edge Enhancement
You can emphasize object boundaries in the picture.
22, Press the • or • button to select "Edge Enhancement", then press the
ENTER _ button.
23, Press the • or • button to select "Off' or "On". Press the ENTER _ button.

Setting the xvYCC
Setting the xvYCC mode to "On" increases detail and color space when watching
movies from an external device (ie. DVD player) connected to the HDMI or
Component INjacks.
24, Press the • or • button to select "xvYCC", then press the ENTER
25, Press the • or • button to select "Off" or "On".
Press the ENTER _ button.
:_ "xvYCC" is available when the picture mode is set to "Movie", and the
external input is set to "HDMI" or "Component" mode.
Resetting the Picture Settings to the Factory Defaults
t, To select the desired picture mode, follow the "Changing the Picture
Standard" instructions numbers 1 and 2. (see page 18)
2, Press the • or • button to select "Picture Reset", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "OK" or "Cancel", then press the
ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ Each mode can be reset.

Configuring Picture Options
Activating Picture Options
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the ENTER _ button to select "Picture".
2. Press the • or • button to select "Picture Options", then press the ENTER
:_ Press the • or • button to select a particular item. Press the ENTER
>- When you are satisfied with your setting, press the ENTER _ button.
>- In PC mode, you can only make changes to the "Color Tone" and "Size" from
among the items in "Picture Options".
Setting the Color Tone
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructionsnumbers 1 and 2.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Color Tone", then press the ENTER
3. Press the • or • button to select "Cool2", "Cooll ", "Normal", "Warm1" or
"Warm2". Press the ENTER _ button.
>- "Warm1" or "Warm2" is only activated when the picture mode is "Movie".
>- Settings can be adjusted and stored for each external device you have
connected to an input of the TV.
Setting the Screen Size
Occasionally, you may want to change the size of the image on your screen. Your
TV comes with six screen size options, each designed to work best with specific
types of video input. Your cable box or satellite receiver may have itsown set of
screen sizes as well. In general, though, you should view the TV in 16:9 mode as
much as possible.
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructionsnumbers 1 and 2.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Size", then press the ENTER button.
3, Press the • or • button to select the screen format you want.
Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
•16:9 : Sets the picture to 16:9 wide mode.
•Zoom1: Magnifies the size of the picture on the screen.
• Zoom2: Magnifies the size of the picture more than "Zoom1 '.
• Wide Fit: Enlarges the aspect ratio of the picture to fit the entire screen.
• 4:3 : Sets the picture to 4:3 normal mode.
• Just Scan: Use the function to see the full image without any cutoff
when HDMI (720p/1080i/1080p), Component (108Oi/1O8Op) or DTV
(1080i) signals are input.

When Double ( [_, mm) mode has been set in PIP, the Picture Size cannot be set.
Temporary image retention may occur when viewing a static image on the set for more than two hours,
>After selecting "Zoom1", "Zoom2" or "Wide Fit":
Press the • or • button to select "Position", then press the ENTER
button. Press the • or • button to move the picture up and down.
Reset: Press the • or • button to select "Reset", then press the ENTER
button. You can initialize the setting.
After selecting "Just Scan" in HDMI (1080i/1080p) or Component
(I080i/I080p) mode:
Press the •or • button to select "Position", then press the ENTER
button. Press the •, •, • or • button to move the picture.
Reset: Press the • or • button to select "Reset", then press the ENTER
button. You can initialize the setting.
HD (High Definition)
16:9 - 1080i/1080p (1920x1080), 720p (1280x720)
Settings can be adjusted and stored for each external device you have connected to an input of the TV.
DTV(1O8Oi), Component (1080i, 1O8Op),HDMI (720p, 1O8Oi,1O8OP) 16:9, Wide Fit, 4:3, Just Scan
PC 16:9, 4:3
[_ Alternately, you can press the P.SIZE button on the remote control repeatedly
to change the picture size.
16:9 Zoom1
Sets the picture to 16:9 wide mode. Magnifies the size of the picture o£
the screen.
Magnifies the size of the picture more
than "Zoom 1".
4:3_ Just Sca_n
Sets the picture to 4:3 normal mode. Use the function to see the full
picture to fit the entire screen, image without any cutoff when HDMI
(720p/1080i/1980p), Component
(1080i/1060p) or DTV (1060i) signals
are input.
Wide Fit
Enlarges the aspect ratio of the

Setting the Digital Noise Reduction
If the broadcast signal received by your TV is weak, you can activate the Digital
Noise Reduction feature to help reduce any static and ghosting that may appear
on the screen.
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
(Refer to page 23)
2. Press the • or • button to select "Digital NR", then press the ENTER
3, Press the • or • button to select "Off', "Low", "Medium", "High" or "Auto".
Press the ENTER _ button.
•Off: Turns the screen noise reduction function off:
• Low: Reduces screen noise at a low level.
•Medium:Reduces screen noise at a medium level.
• Highi Reduces screen noise at a high level.
• Auto: Automatically recognizes and reduces screen noise.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Setting the DNle (Digital Natural Image engine)
This TV includes the DNle function to provide high visual quality. If you set DNle
to on, you can view the screen with the DNle feature activated.
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
(Refer to page 23)
Press the • or • button to select "DNle", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Off' or "On", then press the ENTER
• Off: Switches off the DNIe mode.
• On: Switches on the UNle mode.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ DNle TM (Digital Natural Image engine)
This feature brings you a more detailed image with 3D noise reduction
and detail, contrast and white enhancement.
:_ "DNle" is only available in "Dynamic" mode.
Setting the HDMI Black Level
You can select the black level on the screen to adjust the screen depth.
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
(Refer to page 23)
2. Press the • or • button to select "HDMI Black Level", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Normal" or "Low", then press the
ENTER _ button.
• LOW:The screen gets darker.
This function is active only when an external device is connected to the
TV via HDMI. "HDMI Black Level" function may not be compatible with
all external devices.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

Setting the Film Mode
The TV can be set to automatically sense and process film signals from all
sources and adjust the picture for optimum quality.
t, Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
(Refer to page 23)
2, Press the • or • button to select "Film Mode", then press the ENTER
3. Press the • or • button to select "Off" or "Auto", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ "Film mode" is supported in TV, AV, Component (480i /1080i) and HDMI
(480i /1080i).
Setting the Blue Only Mode
This function is forAV device measurement experts. This function displays the
blue signal only by removing the red and green signals from the video signal so
as to provide a Blue Filter effect that is used to adjust the Color and Tint of video
equipment such as DVD players, Home Theaters, etc.
Using this function, you can adjust the Color and Tint to preferred values
appropriate to the signal level of each video device using the Red/GreenlBlue/
Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Color Bar Patterns, without using an additional Blue Filter.
t• Follow the "Activating Picture Options" instructions numbers 1 and 2.
(Refer to page 23)
2. Press the • or • button to select "Blue Only Mode", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3. Press the • or • button to select "Off" or "On", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ "Blue Only Mode" is available when the picture mode is set to "Movie" or

Viewing Picture-in-Picture
You can use the PIP feature to simultaneously watch the TV tuner (analog broadcasts only) and one external video source.
(See page 33 to select the PIP picture sound.) This product has one built-in tuner, which does not allow PIP to function in
the same mode. Please see 'PIP Settings' below for details.
While V-Chip (See page 49) is in operation, the PIP function cannot be used.
Activating Picture-in-Picture
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "PIP", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the ENTER _ button again.
Press the • or • button to select "On", then press the ENTER _ button.
If you turn the TV off while watching in PIP mode and turn it on again, the
PIP window will disappear.
You can view Analog TV broadcasts on the PIP screen (sub-picture) when
the main picture is from an external device connected to HDMI1,
HDMI2/DVI, Component1, 2 or PC.
When the resolution is set to 1920 xl080@60Hz and the current input
port is either PC or HDMI, and PIP is turned on, the main picture may not
be displayed clearly.
PIP Settings
Sub picture
Main picture
Component1, 2
HDMI1, HDMI2/DVI Analog TV broadcasts only
Changing the Size of the PIP Window
3, Press the • or • button to select "Size", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select the required option, then press the ENTER
You may notice that the picture in the PIP window becomes slightly
unnatural when you use the main screen to view a game or karaoke.
Changing the Position of the PIP Window
4, Press the • or • button to select "Position", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select the required option, then press the ENTER
:_ In Double Window ( [_ ) and Double Wide ( r-m ) modes, "Position"
cannot be selected.

Changing the PIP Channel
5, Press the • or • button to select "Air/Cable", then press the ENTER
6, Press the • or • button to select "Air" or"Cable", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select the desired channel in the PIP window.
Press the ENTER _ button.
:_ You can select only analog TV broadcasts on the PIP screen
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Easy Setting
t, Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2, Press the • or • button to select "PIP", then press the ENTER _ button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "On".
4, Press the • or • button to select a particular item.
5, Press the • or • button to select the required option.
6, Press the EXIT or TOOLS button to exit.

Sound Control
Changing the Sound Standard
You can select the sound mode to best suit the programming you're watching.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Mode". Press the • or • button to
select "Standard", "Music", "Movie", "Speech" or "Custom" sound setting, then
press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
'Music; Emphasizes music over voice&
'Movie: Provides the best sound for movies
, Speech; Emphasizes voice over other sounds
•Custom: Recalls you[ customized sound settings,
(see' Customizing the Soundll)
Easy Setting
t. Press the TOOLS button on the remote control
2. Press the • or • button to select Sound Mode
3. Press the • or • button to select the required option
4. Press the EXIT or TOOLS button to exit
Customizing the Sound
The sound settings can be adjusted to suit your personal preference.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select Sound then press the ENTER _ button
2. Press the • or • button to select Equalizer then press the ENTER
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Mode".
Press the • or • button to select "Standard", "Music", "Movie", "Speech" or
"Custom" sound setting, then press the ENTER _ button.

4, Press the • or • button to select a particular frequency to adjust.
Press the • or I_ button to increase or decrease the level of the particular
• Balance L/R: Adjusts the balance between the right and left speaker.
,Bandwidth Adjustment (lOOHz, 300Hz, lkHz, 2kHz, 3kHz, lOkHz):
To adjust the level of different bandwidth frequencies.
Resetting the Equalizer Settings to the Factory Defaults
5, Press the • or • button to select "Reset", then press the ENTER _ button.
> The equalizer resets to the factory defaults.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Setting the TruSurround XT
TruSurround XT is a patented SRS technology that solves the problem of playing 5.1 multichannel content over two
speakers. TruSurround delivers a compelling, virtual surround sound experience through any two-speaker playback system,
including internal television speakers. It is fully compatible with all multichannel formats.
1. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "SRS TruSurround XT", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Off' or"On", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
PresstheS.Sbuttonontheremoteoont otoseeotO.orOn/I . ,®NO00
595(_O_ TruSurround XT, SRS and (.) Symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.
TruSurround XT technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.

Choosing Preferred Language
The digitaI-TV transmission system is capable of simultaneous transmission of many audio tracks (for example,
simultaneous translations of the program into foreign languages).
Select the language you would like to hear the audio track in.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Preferred Language", then press the
ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to choose the language (English, Spanish or
French) you want, then press the ENTER 1:_ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ "Preferred Language" is available only in Digital TV mode.
:_ You can only select the language from among the actual languages being
[_ You can listen in a language other than the "Preferred Language" by pressing
the MTS button on the remote control.
Choosing a Multi-Channel Sound (MTS) track
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Multi-Track Sound", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3. Press the • or • button to select a setting you want, then press the ENTER
button. Press the EXIT button to exit.
* Mono: Choose for Channels that are broadcasting in mono or if you are
having difficulty receiving a stereo signal.
,Stereo: Choose for channe!s that are broadcasting in stereo_
• SAP: Choose to listen to the Separate Audio Program, which is usually
a foreign-language translation.
:_ "Multi-Track Sound" is available only in Analog TV mode.
:_ Depending on the particular program being broadcast, you can listen to
"Mono", "Stereo" or "SAP".
[_ Press the MTS button on the remote control repeatedly to select "Mono",
"Stereo" or "SAP".

Automatic Volume Control
Reduces the differences in volume level among broadcasters.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Auto Volume", then press the ENTER
3, Press the • or • button to set "Auto Volume", "Off' or "On" then press the
ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Setting the TV Speakers On/Off
Sound output from the TV speakers is muted.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select "TV Speaker", then press the ENTER
3, Press the • or • button to select "Off', then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ When "TV Speaker" is set to "Off", you can operate only "Preferred
Language" (in digital TV mode), "Multi-Track Sound" (in analog TV mode),
"Sound Select" (in PIP mode) and "Sound Reset" in Sound menu.
:_ The VOL -, VOL + and MUTE buttons do not operate when the "TV
Speaker" is set to "Off'.
TVSpeakerOn Speaker Output SpeakerOutput SpeakerOutput SoundOutput SoundOutput SoundOutput
TVSpeakerOff Mute Mute Mute SoundOutput _ SoundOutput SoundOutput
Video No Signal Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute
Nr] _ Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are
DIGI T A L trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Listening to the Sound of the Sub (PIP) Picture
When the PIP feature is activated, you can listen to the sound of the sub (PIP) picture.
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Sound Select", then press the ENTER {3_
3. Press the • or • button to select "Main" or"Sub", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
•Sub: Used to listen to the sound of the sub picture.
>- You can select this option when "PIP" is set to "On". (See page 27)
Resetting the Sound Settings to the Factory Defaults
You can restore the Sound settings to the factory defaults.
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Sound", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Sound Reset", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
3. Press the • or 1_ button to select "Reset All", "Reset Sound Mode" or
"Cancel" then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
, Reset All; All the sound values [etum to default Setting&
• Reset Sound Mode: Current sound values return to defalt settings.
,Cancel: Select the sound reset options.

Managing Channels
Using this menu, you can Add/Delete or set Favorite channels and use the program guide for digital broadcasts.
Viewing All Channels
Show all currently available channels.
To use the Channel List function, first run "Auto Program" (see page 16).
t. Press the MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the ENTER
2. Press the • button to select "Added Channels".
3. Press the • or • button to select "All Channels".
Shows all currently available channels.
Press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select a channel to view, then press the ENTER
C:_ button. You can watch the selected channel.
[_ Press the CH LIST button on the remote control to bring up the channel lists.
Using the Color buttons on the Remote with the Channel List
,Green (Zoom): Enta[ges or shrinks a Channel number.
' Yellow (Select)i Selects mu!tiP!e channel iiStsl
,TOOLS (Option}: Displays the '!Add" (or !tDe!ete:'), f'Add to Favorite,(or
"Delete from Favorite:i), !'Timer Viewing:'; !'Channe! Name Edit, and I_Aut0
Program '_menus.
A gray-colored channel indicates the channel has been deleted.
The "Add" menu only appears for deleted channels.
:_ A channel marked with the "v" mark means the channel has been set as a Favorite.
The "Delete from Favorite" menu only appears for channels with the "v" mark.

Erasing and Adding Channels
You can delete or add a channel to display the channels you want.
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the
ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • button to select "Added Channels".
3, Press the • or • button to select "All Channels".
:_ Shows all currently available channels.
Press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select a channel to delete, then press the
TOOLS button.
5, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Delete".
:_ All deleted channels will be shown on "All Channels" menu.
6, Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ You can also add a channel to the "Added Channels" menu in the same
:_ A channel must be deleted before it can be added back to the "Added
Channels" list.
:_ ToAdd (Restore) a channel back to the Added Channel List, follow steps
1-3 above, press the • or • button to select a channel to add, then press
the TOOLS button. Press the ENTER _ button to select Add.
[_ Press the CH LIST button on the remote control to bring up the channel

Setting Your Favorite Channels
You can set channels you watch frequently as favorites.
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the ENTER
2, Press the .< button to select "Added Channels".
3, Press the • or • button to select "All Channels".
>- Shows all currently available channels.
Press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select a channel as a favorite channel.
Adding multiple channels to Favorites
Press the • or • button to select the desired channel inthe channel
list. Then press the yellow button. Repeat the above operation to select
multiple channels. The Vmark appears to the left of the selected
5, Press the TOOLS button.
6, Press the • or • button to select "Add to Favorite", then press the ENTER
button. The "v" symbol will be displayed and the channel will be set as a
7, To cancel your favorite channel selection, press the TOOLS button when a
favorite channel is selected.
Press the • or • button to select "Delete from Favorite", then press the
ENTER _ button.
The channel is deleted from "Favorites" and the "v" mark also disappears.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ You can also Add or Delete a channel from Favorites in the "Added
Channels" menu in the same manner.
>- All favorite channels will be shown on "Favorite" menu.
[_ Press the CH LIST button on the remote control to bring up the channel lists.
[_ To select the favorite channels you have set up, press the FAV.CH button on
the remote control.
Easy Setting
t, Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Add to Favorite" (or "Delete from
Favorite"), then press the ENTER _ button.
>- The current channel is added to (or deleted from) Favorites.

Reserving aProgram (Timer Viewing)
If you reserve a program you want to watch, the channel is automatically switched to the reserved channel in the Channel
List; even when you are watching another channel.
To reserve a program, set the current time first. See pages 45~46. Reserved channels can only be set if they are in the
"Channel List" (See page 34).
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select a channel, then press the TOOLS button.
3. Press the • or • button to select "Timer Viewing", then press the ENTER
button. The Reserve a Program (Timer Viewing) screen appears.
4. Press the •/•/,/• buttons to reserve a program and then press the
ENTER _ button. Reserving a program has been completed.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
You can also reserve a program in the "All Channels" or "Favorite" menus
using the same procedures.
For information on how to confirm a viewing reservation, refer to page 38.
Only memorized channels can be reserved.
You can set the channel, month, day, year, hour and minute directly by
pressing the number buttons on the remote control.
(_ Press the CH LIST button on the remote control to bring up the channel lists. I (ca LIST) (MENU)
Digital Program Guide and Viewing Reservation
When a digital channel is selected, and you press the • button, the Program
Guide for the channel appears. You can reserve a program according to the
procedures described above.
:A program currently being broadcast.
@ :A reserved program

Confirming a Viewing Reservation
You can view, modify or delete a reservation.
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the
ENTER _ button.
2. Press the <button to select "Added Channels".
3, Press the • or • button to select "Programmed".
>- Shows all current reserved programs.
Press the ENTER _ button.
Modifying a viewing reservation
4, To select a reservation item to be modified, press the • or • button and
then press the TOOLS button.
5, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Change Info".
6, Press the A/•/</l_ buttons to change a reservation setting and then
press the ENTER _ button. The reservation modification is applied.
Canceling a reservation
4, To select a reservation item to be canceled, press the • or • button, and
then press the TOOLS button.
5, Press the • or • button to select "Cancel schedules", then press the
ENTER _ button.
6, Press the • or 1_ button to select "OK", then press the ENTER _ button.
The viewing reservation has been canceled.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Programmed Option
* Cancel schedules: Select to cancel a viewing reservation.
•Information; Select to view a viewing reservation_
[_ Press the CH LIST button on the remote control to bring up the channel
lists. l_Ls RETuR,

Labeling Channels -Analog
Channels can labeled so that their call letters appear whenever the channel is selected.
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the ENTER
2. Press the • or • button to select the channel to be assigned a new name,
then press the TOOLS button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Channel Name Edit", then press the
ENTER _ button.
Press the •/•/.</1_ button to select a letter, then press the ENTER
' Numeric buttonsi You can enter numbers.
•Red button: You can SWitchbetween English and Characters.
• Green button: You can delete an already entered character.
,Yellow button: You can enter a blank space.
•Blue button: Press this button to finish renaming a channel.
When you have finished, press the blue button to assign the new name.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ The names of digital broadcasting channels are automatically assigned
and cannot be labelled.
Storing Channels in Memory (Auto Program)
t, Pressthe MENU button.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Channel List", then press the ENTER
2. Press the • or • button to select the channel to be assigned a new name,
then press the TOOLS button.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Auto Program", then press the ENTER C_
For further details on setting up options, refer to page 16.

Clearing Scrambled Channels - Digital
The "Clear Scrambled Channel" function is used to filter out scrambled channels after "Auto Program" is completed.
This process may take up to 20~30 minutes.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
2= Press the • or • button to select "Clear Scrambled Channel", then press the
ENTER _ button. It searches scrambled channels, which are to be removed
from the list.
To stop searching scrambled channels;
Press the ENTER I:_ button to select "Stop".
Press the • button to select "Yes", then press the ENTER _ button.
3, When the scrambled channel searching is completed, press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ This function is only available in "Cable" mode.
Fine Tuning Analog Channels
Use fine tuning to manually adjust a particular channel for optimal reception.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Channel", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "Fine Tune", then press the ENTER
Press the • or I_ button to adjust the fine tuning.
To store the fine tuning setting in the TV's memory, press the ENTER
If you do not store the fine-tuned channel in memory, adjustments are not
To reset the fine tuning setting, press the • button to select "Reset", then
press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ .....will appear next to the name of fine-tuned channels.
:_ Only analog TV channels can be fine tuned.

Checking the Digital-Signal Strength
Unlike analog channels, which can vary in reception quality from "snowy" to clear, digital (HDTV) channels have either
perfect reception quality or you will not receive them at all. So, unlike analog channels, you cannot fine tune a digital
channel. You can, however, adjust your antenna to improve the reception of available digital channels.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu. Press the • or • button to
select "Channel", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Signal Strength", then press the ENTER
If the signal strength meter indicates that the signal is weak, physically adjust
your antenna to increase the signal strength.
Continue to adjust the antenna until you find the best position with the
strongest signal.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

PC Display
Using Your TV as a Computer (PC) Display
Setting Up Your PC Software (Based on Windows XP)
The Windows display-settings for a typical computer are shown below. The actual screens on your PC will probably be
different, depending upon your particular version of Windows and your particular video card. However, even if your actual
screens look different, the same basic set-up information will apply in almost all cases. (If not, contact your computer
manufacturer or Samsung Dealer.)
t, First, click on "Control Panel" on the Windows start menu.
2, When the control panel window appears, click on "Appearance and Themes" and
a display dialog-box will appear.
3, When the control panel window appears, click on "Display" and a display dialog-
box will appear.
4, Navigate to the "Settings" tab on the display dialog-box.
The correct size setting (resolution)
Optimum: 1920 x 1080 pixels
If a vertical-frequency option exists on your display settings dialog box, the
correct value is "60" or "60 Hz". Otherwise, just click "OK" and exit the dialog box. _ Ci_EEE
Display Modes
If the signal from the system equals the standard signal mode, the screen is adjusted automatically. If the signal from the
system doesn't equal the standard signal mode, adjust the mode by referring to your videocard user guide; otherwise there
may be no video. For the display modes listed below, the screen image has been optimized during manufacturing.
D-Sub Input
640 x 350
IBM 720 x 400
640 x 480 31.469
'! T
Vertical Pixel Clock 8ync Polarity
Frequency (Hz)Frequency (MHz)(H/V)
70.087 28.322 - /+
640 x 480
640 x 480
800 x 600
800 x 600
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1024 x 768
1024 x 768
1280 x 1024
1280 x 1024
1360 x 768
1600 x 1200
.................. ""/ Horizontal
Mode Resolutmn
! Frequency (kHz)
640 x 480 31.469
800 x 600 37.879
1024 x 768 48.363
VESA 1280 x 1024 63.981
1360 x 768 47.712
1600 x 1200 75.000
CEA 1920 x 1080p 67.500 60.000 148.500 + /+

Setting up the TV with your PC
How to Auto Adjust
Use the Auto "Adjust function" to have the TV set automatically adjust the video
signals it receives. The function also automatically fine-tunes the settings and
adjusts the frequency values and positions.
>- This function does not work in DVI-Digital mode.
>- Preset: Press the SOURCE button to select PC mode.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Picture", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "Auto Adjustment", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Easy Setting
t, Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Auto Adjustment", then press the ENTER
Adjusting the Screen Quality
The purpose of the picture quality adjustment is to remove or reduce picture noise.
If the noise is not removed by fine tuning alone, then make the vertical frequency
adjustments on your PC and fine tune again. After the noise has been reduced,
re-adjust the picture so that it is aligned on the center of the screen.
>- Preset: Press the SOURCE button to select PC mode.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Picture", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "Screen", then press the ENTER 13_
3. Press the • or • button to select "Coarse" or "Fine", then press the ENTER
_3_button. Press the • or • button to adjust the screen quality.
>- Vertical stripes may appear or the picture may be blurry.
Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

Changing the Screen Position
Adjust the PC's screen positioning if it does not fit the TV screen.
:_ Preset: Press the SOURCE button to select PC mode.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Picture", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "Screen", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Position", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to adjust the V-Position.
Press the <or • button to adjust the H-Position.
Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Initializing the Screen Position, Coarse and Fine
You can replace all image settings with the factory default values.
:_ Preset: Press the SOURCE button to select PC mode.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Picture", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Screen", then press the ENTER C:_
Press the • or • button to select "Image Reset", then press the ENTER
Press the EXIT button to exit.

Time Setting
Setting the Clock
Setting the clock is necessary in order to use the various timer features of the TV.
Also, you can check the time while watching the TV. (Just press the INFO button.)
Option 1: Setting the Clock Manually
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Time", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Clock".
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Clock Mode".
Press the • or • button to select "Manual", then press the ENTER
4, Press the • or • button to select "Clock Set", then press the ENTER
5, Press the <or I_ button to move to "Month", "Day", "Year", "Hour", "Minute"
or "am/pm". Set the date and time you want by pressing the • or • button,
then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
The current time will appear every time you press the INFO button.
You can set the month, day, year, hour and minute directly by pressing the
number buttons on the remote control.

Option 2: Setting the Clock Automatically
The Clock can be set automatically if you are receiving a digital signal.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Time", then press the ENTER 1:_ button.
2. Press the ENTER _ button to select "Clock".
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Clock Mode".
Press the • or • button to select "Auto", then press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select "Time Zone", then press the ENTER
5, Press the • or • button to highlight the time zone for your local area, then
press the ENTER _ button.
6= Press the • or • button to select "DST" (Daylight Saving Time), then press
the ENTER [:_ button. Press the • or • button to select "Off" or "On", then
press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ Depending on the broadcast station and signal, the auto time may not be
set correctly. If this occurs, set the time manually.
:_ The Antenna or cable must be connected in order to set the time

Setting the Sleep Timer
The sleep timer automatically shuts off the TV after a preset time (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes).
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Time", then press the ENTER {_ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Sleep Timer", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select the minute, then press the ENTER
To cancel the set sleep timer:
Press the • or • button to select "00', then press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the EXIT button to exit.
Easy Setting
t, Press the TOOLS button on the remote control.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Sleep Timer".
3, Press the • or • button to select the minute.
4, Press the EXIT or TOOLS button to exit.

Setting the On/Off Timer
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Time", then press the ENTER {_ button.
2, Three different On/Off Timer Settings can be made. Press the • or •
button to select "Timer 1", "Timer 2" or "Timer 3", then press the ENTER
3. Press the <or • button to select the desired item below.
Press the • or • button to adjust the setting.
• On Time: Set the Hour. Minute. am!pm and Activate/Inactivate.
(To activate timer with the setting you've chosen, set to "Activate".)
•Off Time: Set the Hour. Minute. am/pm and Activate/Inactivate.
(To activate timer with the setting you've chosen, set to "Activate".)
• Volume: Set the required volume level
• Antenna: Select "Air" or "Cable".
•Channel: Select the desired channel
•Repeat: Select "Once". "Everyday", "Mon~Fri". "Mon~Sat". "Sat~Sun
or "Manual".
:_ When "Manual" is selected, press the • button to select the
desired day of the week. Press the ENTER _ button over the
desired day and the V' mark will appear.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ You can set the hour, minute and channel by pressing the number
buttons on the remote control.
Auto Power Off
When you set the timer On, the television will eventually turn off, if no
controls are operated for 3 hours after the TV was turned on by the
timer. This function is only available in timer On mode and prevents
overheating, which may occur if a TV is on for too long time.

Function Description
Selecting a Menu Language
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Language", then press the ENTER
2, Press the • or • button to select "English", "EspaSol" or "Frangais".
Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Using the V-Chip
The V-Chip feature automatically locks out programs that are deemed inappropriate for children. The user must enter a PIN
(personal ID number) before any of the V-Chip restrictions are set up or changed.
"V-Chip" function is not available in HDMI, Component or PC mode.
U.S.A Only
This product is covered by the following U.S.patents: US4,930, 158, US4, 930, 160.
Setting Up Your Personal ID Number (PIN)
Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip', then press the ENTER
The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
:_ The default PIN number of a new TV set is "0-0-0-0".

3. The "V-Chip" screen will appear.
Press the • or • button to select "Change PIN", then press the ENTER
button. The Change PIN screen will appear. Choose any 4 digits for your
PIN and enter them. As soon as the 4 digits are entered, the "Confirm new
PIN." screen appears. Re-enter the same 4 digits. When the Confirm screen
disappears, your PIN has been memorized.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
If you forget the PIN, press the remote-control buttons in the following
sequence, which resets the pin to 0-0-0-0 : Power Off. _ Mute _ 8 -, 2
4 _ Power On.
How to Enable/Disable the V-Chip
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3. The "V-Chip" screen will appear.
To enable the V-Chip feature, press the ENTER _ button so that the "V-Chip
Lock" field is "On". (Pressing the • or • button will alternate between "On"
and "Off'.)
Press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

How to Set up Restrictions Using the TV Parental Guidelines
First, set up a personal identification number (PIN) and enable the V-Chip. (See previous section.) Parental restrictions can
be set up using either of two methods: The TV guidelines or the MPAA rating.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3. The "V-Chip" screen will appear. Press the • or • button to select "TV
Parental Guidelines", then press the ENTER _ button.
4. The "TV Parental Guidelines" screen will appear.
Press the • or • button to select one of the six aged based categories:
, TV-¥: Young Children , TV-PG: Parental guidance
'TV-Y7: Chitdren 7 and over ' TV,14i Viewers 14 and over
•TV-G: General audience-TV-MA: Mature audience
5, At this point, one of the TV-Ratings is selected.
Press the ENTER _ button. Depending on your existing setup, the "__"
symbol will be selected. (Blank = Unblocked, _/= Blocked)
While "z_" is selected, press the ENTER _ button to block or unblock the
category. To select a different TV-Rating, press the • or • button and then
repeat the process.
Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
:_ The TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA have additional
options. See the next step to change any of the following sub-ratings:
The V-Chip will automatically block certain categories that are "more
restrictive". For example, if you block "TV-Y" category, then TV-Y7 will
automatically be blocked. Similarly, if you block the TV-G category,
then all the categories in the "young adult" group will be blocked (TV-G,
TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA). The sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work together
similarly. (See next section.)
6, How to set the FV, D, L, S and V sub-ratings.
First, select one of these TV-Ratings: TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 or
TV-MA (See Step 4) and press the • button.
The "_'_" symbol will be displayed for each sub-rating. While ""_" is
selected, press the ENTER _ button to go to a sub rating. Press ENTER
to block the sub rating. To select a different TV-Rating, press the • or •
button and then repeat the process.
, ALL: Lock all TV ratings. * S: sexual situation
, FV: Fantasy violence , L:Adutt Language
• V: Violence • D: Sexua!!y Suggestive Dialog
:_ The V-chip will automatically block certain categories that are "More
restrictive". For example, if you block "L" sub-rating in TV-PG, then the "L"
sub-ratings in TV-14 and TV-MA will automatically be blocked.
7, Press the EXIT button to clear all the screens. (Or proceed to the next
section, and set up additional restrictions based on the MPAA codes.)
These categories consist of two separate groups: TV-Y and TV-Y7 (young
children through age 7) and TV-G through TV-MA (everybody else).
The restrictions for these two groups work independently: If a household
includes very young children as well as young adults, the TV guidelines
must be set up separately for each age group. (See next step.)

How to Set up Restrictions Using the MPAA Ratings: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, X, NR
The MPAA rating system uses the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) system and its main application is for
movies. When the V-Chip lock is on, the TV will automatically block any programs that are coded with objectionable ratings
(either MPAA or TV-Ratings).
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3, The "V-Chip" screen will appear. Press the • or • button to select "MPAA
Rating", then press the ENTER _ button.
4, The "MPAA Rating" screen will appear. Repeatedly press the • or • button
to select a particular MPAA category. Pressing the • or • button will cycle
through the MPAA categories:
'G: Genera! audience (no restrictions).
*PG; Paiental guidance suggested:
,PG'13i Parents strong!y cauti0ned.
,R: Restricted. Children under 17 should be accompanied by an adult.
• NC,!7: No childFen under age 17.
:_ Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
:_ While a particular category is selected, press the ENTER _ button to
activate it. The" C_" symbol will be displayed. Press the ENTER
button to block or unblock the category.
:_ The V-Chip will automatically block any category that is "More restrictive".
For example, if you block the "PG-13" category, then "R", "NC-17" and "X"
will automatically be blocked also.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

How to Set up Restrictions Using the Canadian English
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3, The "V-Chip" screen will appear. Press the • or • button to select
"Canadian English", then press the ENTER _ button.
4. Press the • or • button to select a appropriate restriction. Press the ENTER
C_ button to activate the restriction selected. The" _'_" symbol is indicated.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
>- Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
•C: Programming intended for children under age 8.
•C8+: Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8
years and over to watch on their own.
•G: GeneraJ programming, suitable for all audiences.
• PG: Parental Guidance.
• 14+: Programming contains themes or content wh ch may not be
suitable for viewers under the age of 14.
• 18+: Adult programming.
The V-Chip will automatically block any category that is "More restrictive".
For example, if you block G category, then PG, 14+ and 18+ will
automatically be blocked also.

How to Set up Restrictions Using the Canadian French
t. Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip', then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3. The "V-Chip" screen will appear. Press the • or • button to select
"Canadian French", then press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select an appropriate restriction. Press the
ENTER _ button to activate the restriction selected. The" C}" symbol is
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
•8 arts÷: Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8
years and over to watch on their own.
,13 ans+ Programming may not be suitable for children under the age
of 13.
,16 ans÷; Programming is not suitable for children under the age of 16,
,, 18 ans+: Programming restricted to adultsl
:_ The V-Chip will automatically block any category that is "More restrictive".
For example, if you block 8 arts+ category, then 13 ans+, 16 ans+ and 18
ans+ will automatically be blocked also.

Using the V-Chip for Digital channels
Parental restriction information can be used while watching DTV channels.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "V-Chip", then press the ENTER
button. The message "Enter PIN" will appear. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.
3. The "V-Chip" screen will appear. Press the • or • button to select
"Downloadable U.S. Rating", then press the ENTER _ button.
If informationis not downloaded from the broadcasting station, the
Downloadable U.S. rating menu is deactivated.
Parental restriction information is automatically downloaded while
watching DTV channels. It may take several seconds.
The Downloadable U.S. rating menu is available for use after information
is downloaded from the broadcasting station. However, depending on the
information from the broadcasting station, it may not be available for use.
4. Press the • or • button to select a appropriate restriction. Press the ENTER
13_button to activate the restriction selected. The" r_ ,, symbol is indicated.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
Parental restriction levels differ depending on the broadcasting station.
The default menu name and Downloadable US rating changes depending
on the downloaded information.
Even if you set the On-screen display to your desired language, the
"Downloadable U.S. Rating" menu will appear in English only.
The rating will automatically block certain categories that are more
The rating titles (For example: Humor Level..etc) and TV ratings (For
example: DH, MH, H..etc) may differ depending on the broadcasting
Rating title
The number of current The number of aJl
rating information rating information
How to Reset the TV after the V-Chip Blocks a Channel ("Emergency Escape")
If the TV is tuned to a restricted channel, the V-Chip will block it. The screen will go
blank and the following message will appear:
t, Press the ENTER _ button to select OK.
To resume normal viewing, tune to a different channel using CH v or
CH ^ button. Under certain conditions (depending on the rating of the local
TV programs) the V-Chip might lock out all the channels. In this case, use the
V-Chip function for an "emergency escape".
2. Enter your PIN, then press the ENTER E:_ button and press the • or •
button to temporarily disable the V-Chip Lock.
If you forget the PiN, press the remote-control buttons in the following
sequence, which resets the pin to 0-0-0-0 :
Power Off. _ MUTE _ 8 -, 2 -, 4 -, Power On.

Viewing Closed Captions (On-Screen Text Messages) -Analog
The Analog Caption function operates in either analog TV channel mode or when a signal is supplied from an external
device to TV. (Depending on the broadcasting signal, the Analog Caption function may operate on digital channels.)
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Caption", then press the ENTER
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Caption". Press the • or • button to
select "On", then press the ENTER C:_ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select "Caption Mode", then press the ENTER
button. Press the • or • button to select submenu (Default, CC1~CC4 or
Textl~Text4) you want, the press the ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
• The default is "CC1 "
•CCI: The Primary Synchronous Caption Service. These are captions
in the primary language that must be in sync with the sound, preferably
matched to aspecific frame.
•CC2: The Special Non-Synchronous Use Captions. This channel
carries data that is intended to augment information carried in the
•CC3: Secondary Synchronous Caption Service. Alternate program-
related caption data, typically second language captions.
•CC4: Special Non-Synchronous Use Captions. Similar to CC2
•Text1: First Text Service. This may be various non-program related
• Text2: Second Text Service. Additional data. usually not program
• Text3/Text4: Third and Fourth Text Services. These data channels
should be used only if Text1 and Text2 are not sufficient.
;'-- The Caption feature doesn't work in Component, HDMI or PC modes.
;'-- The availability of captions depends on the program being broadcast.
[_ Press the CC button on the remote control to turn the Caption "On" or "Off'.

Viewing Closed Captions (On-Screen Text Messages) - Digital
The Digital Captions function operates on digital channels.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2, Press the • or • button to select "Caption", then press the ENTER C_
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Caption".
Press the • or • button to select "On", then press the ENTER _ button.
4, Press the • or • button to select "Caption Mode", then press the
ENTER _ button. Press the • or • button to select submenu (Default,
Service1 ~Service6, CCl ~CC4 or Text1~Text4) you want, then press the
ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Digital Caption Options", then press the
ENTER _ button.
:_ "Digital Caption Options" are available only when "Default" and
"Service1 ~Service6" can be selected in "Caption Mode".
:_ Service1~6 in digital caption mode may not be available depending on the
Press the • or • button to select "Size", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select the desired Caption option, then press the
ENTER _ button. Press the • or • button to select the desired sub-menu
options (see options below), then press ENTER _ button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ The availability of captions depends on the program being broadcast.
.'_ "Default" means to follow the standard set by the broadcaster.
:_ Foreground and Background cannot be set to have the same color.
:_ "Foreground Opacity" and "Background Opacity" cannot be both set to
• Size: This option consists of "Default". "Small". "Standard" and "Large".
The default is "Standard".
•Font Style: This option consists of "Default". "Style0 ~ Style 7". You can
change the font you want. The default is "Style 0".
•Foreground Color: This option consists of "Default". "White". "Black".
"Red".-'Green". "Blue". "Yellow". "Magenta" and "Cyan". You can
change the color of the letter. The default is "White".
•Background Color: This option consists of "Default". "White". "Black".
"Red". "Green". "Blue". "Yellow". "Magenta" and "Cyan'. You can
change the background color of the caption. The default is "Black".
•Foreground Opacity: This option consists of "Default' "Transparent".
"Translucent". "Solid" and "Flashing". You can change the opacity of the
•Background Opacity: This option consists of "Default". "Transparent".
"Translucent". "Solid" and "Flashing". You can change the background
opacity of the caption.
•Return to Default: This option sets each of "Size". "Font Style",
"Foreground Color". "Background color". "Foreground Opacity" and
"Background Opacity" to its default.
[_ Press the CC button on the remote control to turn the Caption "On" or "Off". _ ml
II1 tll

Adjusting the TV On/Off Melody Sound
A melody sound can be set to come on when the TV is powered On or Off.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "External Settings", then press the ENTER
3. Press the • or • button to select "Melody", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Off', "Low", "Medium" or "High", then
press the ENTER _ button.
,Low:Set s the melody volume to !OW,
,Medium; Sets the melody volume to medium,
, High: Sets the melody volume to high.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
The Melody does not play
- When no sound is output from the TV because the MUTE button has been
- When no sound is output from the TV because the volume has been
reduced to minimum with the VOL - button.
- When the TV is turned off by Sleep Timer function.
Setting the Entertainment mode
The "Entertainment" mode enables you to select the optimal display and sound for sports, cinema and games.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "Entertainment", then press the ENTER
Press the • or • button to select "Off', "Sports", "Cinema" or "Game", then
press the ENTER _ button.
' Off: Switches the !'Entertainment'! function off.
• sports; Provides the optimal picture and sound quality for Sports,
• Cinema: Provides the optimal picture and sound quality for movie
watching. You can experience a richer picture and enhanced sound:
,Game: Provides the optimal picture and Sound quality for games, This
mode accelerates the playing speed when using an external game
console connected to the TV.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
If you set any of the three "Entertainment" modes to On, the settings will
be locked and can not be adjusted. If you want to make Picture and Sound
mode adjustments, the "Entertainment" mode must be turned off.
If you set any of the three "Entertainment" modes to On, "SRS TruSurround
XT" function is not available.
The "Entertainment" settings are saved for each input source.
[_ You can press the E.MODE button on the remote control repeatedly to
change the "Entertainment" setting.

Using the Energy Saving Feature
This feature adjusts the brightness of the TV in order to reduce power consumption. When watching TV at night, set the
"Energy Saving" mode option to "High" to reduce eye fatigue as well as power consumption.
t, Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
2= Press the • or • button to select "Energy Saving", then press the
ENTER _ button. Select the required option (Off, Low, Medium, High, Auto)
by pressing the • or • button.
Press the ENTER _ button.
, Off: -ruins off the energy saving function.
, Low: Sets the TV to low energy saving mode:
*Medium: Sets the TV to medium energy saving mode.
, High: Sets the TV to high energy saving mode.
, Auto: Automatically adjusts the brightness of the TV screen in
accordance with the scenes.
Press the EXIT button to exit.

Upgrading the Software
Samsung may offer upgrades for TV's firmware in the future. Please contact the Samsung call center at 1-800-SAMSUNG
(726-7864) to receive information about downloading upgrades and using a USB drive. Upgrades will be possible by
connecting a USB drive to the USB port located on your TV.
t, Insert a USB drive containing the firmware upgrade into the SERVICE port on
the rear of the TV. TVRearPanel
Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Press the • or • button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER _ button.
Press the • or • button to select "SW Upgrade", then press the ENTER
4, Press the ENTER _ button.
The message "Scanning for USB... It may take up to 30 seconds." is
5, The message "Upgrade version XXXX to version XXXX? The system will be
reset after upgrade." is displayed.
Press the • or • to select the "OK", then press the ENTER _ button.
Please be careful to not disconnect the power or remove the USB drive while
upgrades are being applied. The TV will turn off and turn on automatically
after completing the firmware upgrade. Please check the firmware version
after the upgrades are complete. When software is upgraded, video and
audio settings you have made will return to their default (factory) settings. We
recommend you write down your settings so that you can easily reset them
after the upgrade.

Self diagnosis
Picture Test
If you think you have a picture problem, perform the picture test. Check the color pattern on the screen to see if the problem
still exists.
1, Press and hold the C) button for more than 5 seconds.
:_ "Self Diagnostic Test" appears on the screen.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Picture Test", then press the ENTER
:_ "Does the problem still exist with this test pattern?" appears on the screen.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Yes" or"No".
If the test pattern does not appear or there is noise in the test pattern,
select "Yes".
If the test pattern is properly displayed, select "No".
*Yesi There may be a problem 'with the TV. Contact the samsung Call
center at 1,800 SAMSUNG.
, No: There may be a problem with your external equipment. Please
check your connections. If the problem still persists, refer to the external
device's user manual.
Sound Test
If you think you have a sound problem, please perform the sound test. You can check the sound by playing a built-in melody
sound through the TV.
t, Press and hold the -(_ button for more than 5 seconds.
:_ "Self Diagnostic Test" appears on the screen.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Sound Test", then press the ENTER
:_ "Does the problem still exist with this sound test?" appears on the screen.
3, Press the • or • button to select "Yes" or"No".
If the test pattern does not appear or there is noise in the test pattern,
select "Yes".
If you can normally hear the sound from the speakers, select "No".
* Yesi There may be a problem with the TV. Contact the Samsung Call
center at 1,800-SAMSUNG.
, No: There may be a problem with your external equipment. Please
check your connections If the problem still persists refer to the external
device's user manual.
If you hear no sound from the TV's speakers, before performing the sound
test, make sure "TV Speaker" is set to "On" in the Sound menu.
:_ The melody will be heard during the test even if "TV Speaker" is set to "Off' or the sound is muted by pressing the
MUTE button.
If headphones are connected, the test melody will play through the headphones.

About Anynet +
What is Anynet+?
Anynet + is a function that enables you to control all connected Samsung devices that support Anynet + with your Samsung
TV's remote.
Connecting Anynet+ Devices
The Anynet+ system can be used only with Samsung devices that have the Anynet+ feature. To be sure your Samsung
device has this feature, check if there is an Anynet+ logo on it.
To connect to a TV
_Anynet +Device 1 Anynet +Device 2
Connect the [HDMI 1]
or [HDMI 2] jack on the
TV and the HDMI OUT
jack of the corresponding
Anynet + device using an
HDMI cable.
To connect to Home Theater
Anynet + Device I
Optical Cable
HDMI 1.3 Cable
Home Theater Anynet+ Device 2
_ii il
HDMI 1.3 Cabl
1, Connect the [HDMI 1] or
[HDMI 2] jack on the TV
and the HDMI OUT jack
of the corresponding
Anynet + device using an
HDMI cable.
2, Connect the HDMI IN
jack of the home theater
and the HDMI OUT jack
of the corresponding
Anynet + device using an
HDMI cable.
Connect the Optical cable between the Digital Audio Out (Optical) jack on your TV and the Digital Audio Input on the
Home Theater.
When following the connection above, the Optical jack only outputs 2 channel audio. You will only hear sound from the
Home Theater's Front Left and Right speakers and the subwoofer. If you want to hear 5.1 channel audio, connect the
DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) jack on the DVD player or Cable/Satellite Box (ie Anynet Device 1 or 2) directly to
the Amplifier or Home Theater, not the TV.
Connect only one Home Theater.
You can connect an Anynet + device using the HDMI 1.3 cable. Some HDMI cables may not support Anynet + functions.
Anynet + works when the AV device supporting Anynet + is in the Standby or On status.
Anynet + supports up to 12 AV devices in total. Note that you can connect up to 3 devices of the same type.

Setting Up Anynet +
The following settings help set the Anynet + functions.
To use the Anynet÷ Function, Anynet + (HDMI-CEC) must be set to On
t, Press the MENU button. Press the • or • button to select "Application",
then press the ENTER _ button.
2. Press the • or • button to select "Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)", then press the
ENTER _ button.
3, Press the ENTER _ button to select "Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)".
4, Press the • or • button to select "On", then press the ENTER _ button.
The "Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)" function is enabled.
If you select Off, "Anynet + (HDMi-CEC)" is disabled.
When the "Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)" function is disabled, all the Anynet +
related operations are deactivated.
Setting an Anynet + Device to turn Off Automatically when the TV is Turned Off
t, Press the • or • button to select "Auto Turn Off', then press the ENTER
2. Press the • or • button to select "Yes", then press the ENTER _ button.
The "Auto Turn Off' function is enabled.
If you select "No", the "Auto Turn Off' function is canceled.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
The active source on the TV remote must be set to TV to use the Anynet +
_- If you set "Auto Turn Off' to "Yes", connected external devices are also turned
off when the TV is turned off. If an external device is still recording, it may or
may not turn off.
Scanning and Switching between Anynet +Devices
t, Press the TOOLS button.
Press the • or • button to select "Device List", then press the ENTER _ button.
Anynet+ devices connected to the TV are listed.
If you cannot find a device you want, press the red button to scan for devices.
2, Press the • or • button to select to a particular device and press the ENTER
button. It is switched to the selected device.
Only when you set "Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)" to On in the "Application" menu, the
"Device List" menu appears.
Switching to the selected devices may take up to 2 minutes. You cannot cancel the operation during the switching
The time required to scan for devices is determined by the number of connected devices.
When the device scan is complete, the number of devices found are not displayed.
Although the TV automatically scans devices when it is turned on using the POWER button, devices connected when
the TV is already on are not displayed in the device list. In this case, select the Searching Connections menu to search
If you have selected external input mode by pressing the SOURCE button, you cannot use the Anynet+ function. Make
sure to switch to an Anynet+ device by using the TOOLS button.

Anynet + Menu
The Anynet + menu changes depending on the type and status of the Anynet + devices connected to the TV.
Anynet + Menu Description
View TV Switches from Anynet + to TV broadcast mode.
Record , Starts a recording. (This menu works only for a device supporting recording.)
Menu on Device Shows the menu of the connected device.
Example: When a DVD Recorder is connected, the DVD Recorder's title menu
Device Operation Shows the play control menu of the connected device.
Example: When a DVD Recorder is connected, the play control menu of the DVD
Recorder a£t_ears:
Timer Recording Allows reserving a recording. (This menu works only for a device supporting
record!ng resewat!ons-) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
....s!£p Record!ng .........................................................................................................S!ops record!ng:
Receiver ...............................................................................................................................
Setup You can set the Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC), auto turn off, and searching connections for
using Anynet+.
TV Remote Control Buttons Available in Anynet + Mode
Device Type [_Operating Status Available Buttons
After switching to the device, when the Numeric buttons
menu of the corresponding device is •/•/_I/I_/ENTER _ buttons
Anynet + Device displayed on the screen. Color buttons /EXIT button
After switching to the device, while _ (Backward search) /(_) (Forward search)
playing a file (_D (Stop) /Q (Play) /(_D (Pause)
After switching to the device, when you
Device with built-in Tuner are watching a TV program OH v/OH ^ button
Audio Device When Receiver is activated voi_ -/VOL +/MUTE button
:_ The Anynet + function only works when the active source on the TV remote control is set to TV.
:_ The _ button works only while in the recordable state.
:_ You cannot control Anynet+ devices using the buttons on the TV. You can control Anynet + devices only using the TV
remote control.
:_ The TV remote control may not work under certain conditions. In this case, reselect the Anynet+ device.
The Anynet functions do not operate with other manufacturers' products.
:_ The (_), _ operations may differ depending on the device.
You can make a recording of a TV program using a Samsung recorder.
1, Press the TOOLS button.
2, Press the • or • button to select Recording Immediately and press the ENTER C_
button. Recording begins.
When there is more than one recording device
When multiple recording devices are connected, the recording devices are listed.
Select "Device List" and press the red button to search devices.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
:_ You can record the source streams by selecting "Record" after pressing the TOOLS button.
:_ Pressing the _ button will record whatever you are currently watching. Ifyou are watching video from another
device, the video from the device is recorded.
:_ Before recording, check whether the antenna jack is properly connected to the recording device. To properly connect
an antenna to a recording device, refer to the recording device's users manual.

Listening through a Receiver (Home theater)
You can listen to sound through a receiver instead of the TV speaker.
t, Press the TOOLS button. Press the • or • button to select "Receiver".
2, Press the • or • button to select to "On".
Now you can listen to sound through the receiver.
3, Press the EXIT button to exit.
If your receiver supports audio only, it may not appear in the device list.
The receiver will work when you have properly connected the Optical IN jack of the
receiver to the Optical Out jack of the TV.
When the receiver (home theater) is set to On, you can hear sound output from the
TV's Optical jack. When the TV is displaying a DTV(air) signal, the TV will send out 5.1
channel sound to the Home theater receiver. When the source is a digital component such as a DVD and is connected
to the TV via HDMI, only 2 channel sound will be heard from the Home Theater receiver.
When listening through the receiver, there are restrictions for using the PIP and audio-related (MTS, Preferred
language) menus.
If there is a power interruption to the TV when the "Receiver" is set to "On" (by disconnecting the power cord or a
power failure), the "TV Speaker" may be set to "Off" when you turn the TV on again. (see page 32)
Troubleshooting for Anynet+
Symptom _'_ !Solution _"_'-
Anynet + does not work. •Check if the device is an Anynet+ device. The Anynet + system supports Anynet +
devices only.
• Connect only one receiver (home theater).
Check if the Anynet + device power cord is properly connected.
Check the Anynet + device's Video/Audio/HDMI 1.3 cable connections.
Check whether Anynet + (HDMI-CEC) is set to On inthe Anynet + setup menu.
Check whether the TV remote control is inTV mode.
Check whether it is Anynet + exclusive remote control.
Anynet + doesn't work in certain situations. (Searching channels, Plug & Play, etc.)
When connecting or removing the HDMI 1.3 cable, please make sure to search
devices again or turn your TV off and on again.
+ +
I want to start Anynet +. • Check if the Anynet + device is properly connected to the TV and check if the
Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)is set to On in the Anynet + Setup menu.
• Press the TV button on the TV remote control to switch to TV. Then press the
TOOLS button to show the Anynet + menu and select a menu you want.
I want to exit Anynet +. • Select View TV inthe Anynet + menu.
• Press the SOURCE button on the TV remote control and select a device other
than Anynet + devices.
• Press CH, CH LIST, PRE-CH and FAV.CH to change the TV mode.
(Note that the channel button operates only when a tuner-embedded Anynet +
The message Connecting to • You cannot use the remote control when you are configuring Anynet+ or
Anynet + device.., appears on the switching to a view mode.
screen. • Use the remote control when the Anynet + setting or switching to view mode is
....The Anynet+d ev icedoeS notp! a y Y° u can not use!h e p!ay fun c!!o n when. P!Ug P!ax.! n £rogr eSS:......................................................................................
The connected device is not • Check whether or not the device supports Anynet + functions.
displayed. • Check whether or not the HDMI 1.3 cable is properly connected.
• Check whether Anynet + (HDMI-CEC) is set to On inthe Anynet + setup menu.
• Search Anynet + devices again.
• You can connect an Anynet + device using the HDMI 1.3 cable only. Some HDMI
cables may not support Anynet + functions.
• If itis terminated by an abnormal situation such as disconnecting the HDMI cable
The TV program cannot be Check whether the antenna jack on the recording device is properly connected.
The TV sound is not output Connect the optical cable between TV and the receiver.
through the receiver.

If the TV seems to have a problem, first try this list of possible problems and solutions. If none of these troubleshooting tips
apply, call Samsung customer service at 1-800-SAMSUNG.
Poor picture.
Poor sound quality.
No picture or sound.
No sound or sound is too low at
maximum volume.
Picture rolls vertically.
There is a problem with the picture
There is a problem with the sound
The TV operates erratically.
The TV won't turn on.
Remote control malfunctions.
'Check sic nat cable' message.
'Not Supported Mode' message.
Digital broadcasting screen problem.
The image is too light or too dark.
Black bars on the screen.
Picture has aRed/Green or Pink tint.
Closed Captioning not working.
Snowy picture.
Ghosting on picture.
Horizontal bars appear to flicker, jitter
or shimmer on the image.
Vertical bars appear to flicker, jitter or
shimmer on the image.
Try another channel.
Adjust the antenna.
Check all wire connections.
Try another channel.
Adjust the antenna.
Try another channel.
Press the SOURCE button.
Make sure the TV is plugged in.
Check the antenna connections.
First, check the volume of units connected to your TV (digital broadcasting
receiver, DVD, cable broadcasting receiver, VCR, etc.). Then, adjust the TV
volume accordingly.
Check all wire connections.
Run the Picture test in the Self diagnostic menu
Run the Sound test in the Self diagnostic menu
Unplug the TV for 30 seconds, then try operating it again.
Make sure the wall outlet is working.
Replace the remote control batteries.
Clean the upper edge of the remote control (transmission window).
Check the battery terminals.
Ensure that the signal cable is firmly connected to the PC source.
Check the maximum resolution and connected device's Video frequency.
Compare these values with the data in the Display Modes.
Please check the digital signal strength and input antenna.
Adjust the Brightness and Contrast.
Adjust the Fine tuning.
Make sure the broadcast you're receiving is High Definition (HD).
HD channels sometimes broadcast Standard Definition (SD) programming,
which can cause black bars.
Set your cable/satellite box to stretch or widescreen mode to eliminate the bars.
Make sure the Component cables are connected to the correct jacks.
If you are using a Cable/Satellite box, you must set Closed Captioning on the
box, not your TV.
Your cable box may need a firmware upgrade. Please contact your Cable
This is sometimes caused by compatibility issues with your cable box.
Try connecting Component cables instead.
Adjust the Coarse tuning and then adjust the Fine tuning.
Adjust the Coarse tuning and then adjust the Fine tuning.

Screen is black and power indicator
light blinks steadily.
Image is not stable and may appear
to vibrate when you have a computer
connected to the PC input.
Image is not centered on the screen
The picture appears distorted in the
corner of the screen
Possible Solution
On your computer check: Power, Signal Cable.
The TV is using its power management system.
Move the computer's mouse or press any key on the keyboard.
If the setting is not correct, use your computer utility program to change the
display settings.
Your TV supports multiscan display functions within the following
frequency domain:
Horizontal frequency (kHz) 30~60
Vertical frequency (Hz) 60~75
PC Maximum refresh rate (at 60 Hz) 1920 x 1080
Adjust the horizontal and vertical position.
The screen position must be adjusted on the output source (i.e. STB) with a
digital signal
If "Just Scan" is selected with some external devices, the picture may appear
distorted in the corner of the screen. This symptom is caused by the external
devices, no: TV.
The 'Resets all settings to the default This appears wnen you press and hold the EXIT button for a while. The product
values.' message appears, settings are reset to the factory defaults.
This TFT LCD panel uses a panel consisting of sub pixels (6 220 800) which require sophisticated technology to produce.
However, there may be few bright or dark pixels on the screen. These pixels will have no impact on the performance of
the product.

Installing the Stand
1, Attach your LCD TV to the stand.
Two or more people should carry the TV.
Make sure to distinguish between the front and back of the stand when attaching it.
To make sure the TV is installed on the stand at a proper level, do not apply excess downward pressure to the
upper left of right sides of the TV.
2, Fasten two screws at position Il! and then fasten two screws at position 0.
Stand the product up and fasten the screws. If you fasten the screws with the LCD TV placed down, it may lean to
one side.
Disconnecting the Stand
1, Remove four screws from the back of the TV.
2, Separate the stand from the TV.
Two or more people should carry the TV.
3, Cover the bottom hole with the cover.

Auto Wall-Mount Adjustment (Sold separately)
Once the auto watt mount is installed, your TV's position can be easily adjusted.
Auto Wall-Mount
"IV Rear Panel
Entering the menu
1. Press the &, T, • or I_ button on your remote control.
The Walt Mount Adjustment screen is displayed.
If the Wall Mount Adjustment screen is not displayed when clicking on
a direction button while watching your TV, use the menu to display that
• Press the MENU button to display the menu. Press the • or • button to select
"Setup", then press the ENTER (_ button.
• Press the • or • button to select "External Settings", then press the ENTER [3_
• Press the • or • button to select "Walt-Mount Adjustment", then press the
ENTER _ button.
Remembering the Position
2, Adjust to the desired position using the •,•, <,1_ buttons.
If you press an arrow button when no OSD is displayed on the TV screen,
the Adjustment screen appears.
Press the INFO button to reset. Press the •or I_ button to select "Yes",
then press the ENTER _ button. The position is initializedto the default
3, Press the Blue button.
Press the •and •buttons to select a save mode from either Position 1,
Position 2 or Position 3 in order to save the current position.
To notsave the current position,press the RETURN button.
When selecting asave mode, you cannot use the Color buttons.
4, Press the ENTER _ button to save.
When Position1 is selected, the message "Current positionsaved as
Position1" is displayed.
5, Pressthe ENTER _ button.
The saved Position appears on the left side of the OSD.
Moving to the remembered position
1, Complete Step 1 of"Entering the menu".
2, Pressing a Color (Red, Green, Yellow) button moves the auto wall mount to
the saved position.
You can move the wall mount to one of the 3 pre-set positionsby pressing the Red (Position 1), Green (Position2)
or Yellow (Position3) buttons.
If you adjust the positionafter moving to a pre-set position,the positiondisplaywilt disappear.
For installation, refer to the Installation Manual provided with the wall mount.
For product installation and the installation and moving of the walt mount, make sure to consult a specialized
installation company.
This installation manual is to be used when attaching the watt mount to a wall. When attaching to other building
materials, please contact your nearest dealer.
The auto watt mount will not work when Anynet + is operating.
LN40A500T1F and LN46A500T1F models are not compatible with the older walt mount model (WMN5090A).

Wall Mount Kit Specifications (VESA)
Install your wall mount on a solid wall perpendicular to the floor• When attaching to other building materials, please contact
your nearest dealer. If installed on a ceiling or slanted wall, it may fall and result in severe personal injury.
* I
Product Family_/ inches _ VESA Spec. (A B)"_'i Standard Screw _ ..............Cluantity
23 ~ 26 200* 100 M4
32 ~ 40 200 * 200 M6
46 ~ 55
42 ~ 50
55 ~ 70
(No VESA) M8
800*400 I
80 ~ 1400 * 800 4
Standard dimensions for wail mount kits are shown in the table above.
When purchasing our wall mount kit, a detailed installation manual and all parts necessary for assembly are provided.
:_ Do not use screws longer than the standard dimension, as they may cause damage to the inside of the TV set.
For wall mounts that do not comply with the VESA standard screw specifications, the length of the screws may differ
depending on their specifications.
Do not use screws that do not comply with the VESA standard screw specifications.
Do not fasten the screws too strongly, this may damage the product or cause the product to fall, leading to personal
injury. Samsung is not liable for these kinds of accidents.
Samsung is not liable for product damage or personal injury when a non-VESA or non-specified wall mount is used or
the consumer fails to follow the product installation instructions.
Our 57" and 63" models do not comply with VESA Specifications. Therefore, you should use our dedicated wall mount
kit for this model.
Do not exceed 15 degrees tilt when mounting this TV.
///_ Do not install your Wall Mount Kit while your TV is turned on. It may result in personal
injury due to electric shock.

Using the Anti-Theft Kensington Lock
The Kensington Lock is a device used to physically fix the system when using it in a public place. The appearance and
locking method may differ from the illustration depending on the manufacturer. Refer to the manual provided with the
Kensington Lock for proper use. The locking device has to be purchased separately.
_ Cable
Figure 2
Figure 1
The location of the Kensington Lock may be different depending on its model.
1, Insert the locking device into the Kensington slot on the LCD TV (Figure 1) and turn it in the locking direction (Figure 2).
2, Connect the Kensington Lock cable.
3, Fix the Kensington Lock to a desk or a heavy stationary object.

Securing the TV to the Wall
_Cautjoni Puiiingl pushing, or Climbing Onthe TV maYCausethe TV to faik !n particulai, ensure y0ur children donor
hang over or destabilize the TV; doing so may cause the TV to tip over, causing serious injuries or death. Follow
all safety precautions provided on the included Safety E!yer. For added stabi!ity, installthe anti-fa!l device for safety
purposes, as follows.
To avoid the TV from fallinq:
Put the screws into the clamps and firmly fasten them onto the wall. Confirm that the
screws have been firmly installed onto the wall.
You may need additional material such as an anchor depending on the type of
Since the necessary clamps, screws, and string are not supplied, please
purchase these additionally.
Remove the screws from the center back of the TV,put the screws into the clamps, and
then fasten the screws onto the TV again.
Screws may not be supplied with the product. In this case, please purchase the
screws of the following specifications.
Screw Specifications
- For a 17 ~ 29 Inch LCD TV: M4 X 15
- For a 32 ~40 Inch LCD TV: M6 X 15
Connect the clamps fixed onto the TV and the clamps fixed onto the wall with a strong
string and then tie the string tightly.
Install the TV near to the wall so that it does not fall backwards.
It issafe to connectthe stringso that the clampsfixed on the wa!l are equal to or lower
than the clampsfixed on the TV.
Untie the string before moving the TV.
Verify all connections are properly secured. Periodically check connections for
any sign of fatigue for failure. Ifyou have any doubt about the security of your
connections,contact a professional installer.

Model Name
Screen Size
PC Resolution
Dimensions (WxDxH)
With stand
With Stand
Without Stand
Operating Temperature
Operating Humidity
Storage Temperature
Storage Humidity
Stand Swivel
(Left /Right)
c40.04inches measured diagonally)
1920 x 1080@60 Hz
lOWx 2
(46.06inches measured diagonally)
1920 x 1080@60 Hz
lOWx 2
38.2 X 3.4 X 24.7 inches
(971 x 87.2 x 628 mm)
38.2 X 11.8 X 27 inches
(971 x 300 x 687 mm)
46.52 Ibs (21.1kg)
39.24 Ibs (17.8 kg)
43.5 X4.1 X 27.8 inches
(1106 x 104.2 x 706 mm)
43.5 X 12.8 X 30.2 inches
(1106 x 326 x 768 mm ram)
50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C)
10% to 80%, non-condensing
-4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)
5% to 95%, non-condensing
_20° ~ 20 °
Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
:_ This device is a Class B digital apparatus.
For the power supply and Power Consumption, refer to the label attached to the product.

LN40A600T1 F
887 19.5- J
4 628 687
607 _1
f,.,---- -..
_ 300_
/t7" Omm'O
! u
NOTE: All drawings are not necessarily to scale.
Some dimensions are subject to change without prior notice.
Refer to the dimensions prior to performing installation of your TV.
Not responsible for typographical or printed errors.
© 2008 Samsung Electronics America, Inc.

LN46A600T1 F
/--- /
_/0\ _ I
I_ 7oo_1
706.2 768
,,...---- -.,,
_'_ 326
/t1 o..,
! !
NOTE: All drawings are not necessarily to scale.
Some dimensions are subject to change without prior notice.
Refer to the dimensions prior to performing installation of your TV.
Not responsible for typographical or printed errors.
© 2008 Samsung Electronics America, Inc.

The GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU
General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and
to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the
GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to
make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you
receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs;
and th at you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender
the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you
modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the
rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these
terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for
this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they
have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a
free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made
it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may
be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work,
and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a
work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language.
(Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The
act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work
based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what
the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided
that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;
keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the
Program a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and
copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the
Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running
for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate
copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may
redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if
the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is
not required to print an announcement.)


How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this
is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most
effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where
the full notice is found.
One line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUTANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details type "show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type
"show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands "show w' and "show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of
course, the commands you use may be called something other than "show w' and "show c'; they could even be mouse-
clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for
the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program "Gnomovision' (which makes passes at
compilers) written by James Hacker.
signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a
subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what
you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License.

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Version 2.1, February 1999
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License,
version 2, hence the version number 2.1 .]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU
General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
software is free for all its users.
This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries-
-of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think
carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular
case, based on the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to
make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you
receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs;
and that you are informed that you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to
surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if
you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library,
you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to
the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives
you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that
the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company
cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we
insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in
this license.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the
GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General
Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs.
When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally
speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such
linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria
for linking other code with the library.
We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the
ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing
non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries.
However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so
that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent
case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting
the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a
large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more
people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNUtLinux operating system.
Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a
program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of
the Library.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference
between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The former contains code derived from the library,
whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run.

0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright
holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also
called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as "you".
A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application
programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work
based on the Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing
the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language.
(Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".)
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts
used to control compilation and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The
act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents
constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true
depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium,
provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of
warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of
this License along with the Library.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and
copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program
that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith
effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and
performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of
the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function
must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the
Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its
terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same
sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms
of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part
regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the
intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the
Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the
Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General
Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public
License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License
applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable
form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-
readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used
for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to
copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties
are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

compiledorlinkedwith it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the
Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library
(because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered
by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work
may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if
the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely
defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small
inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a
derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of
Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the
Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to
produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the
terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you
must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this
License. Also, you must do one of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including
whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work
is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object
code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable
containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at
run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into
the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as
the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified
in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution.
d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to
copy the above specified materials from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed
for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so
on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an
executable that you distribute.
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other
library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution
of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other
library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and
explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License.
Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate
your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not
have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to
modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.
Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this
License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.


How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it
free software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or,
alternatively, under the terms of the ordinary General Public License).
To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to
most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to
where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the library's name and an idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUTANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for
the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library "Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by
James Random Hacker.
signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1990
Ty Coon, President of Vice
That's all there is to it!