Sande Dacom Electronics K69 Bluetooth headset User Manual K66 20120813

Shenzhen Sande Dacom Electronics Co., Ltd. Bluetooth headset K66 20120813

user manual

This Bluetooth has  a special design  with wheel knob  switch wh ic h is us ed t o co nt rol t he v ol um e.Wh eel k no b sw it chVolume controlVol um e wi ll be u p wh en s ho rt pr es s th e Vol um e up a nd wi ll b e do wn w hen s ho rt p re ss th e Vol um e do wn .Important: Please kindly note that the functions or op era ti on s st ate d in t hi s us er ma nu al i s on ly appl ic ab le t o mobile phones which support Bluetooth handsfree. Please carefully read your phone’s instruction guide because the operation might be different.Ac tiv at in g vo ice d ia li ngYou r ph one m us t su pp ort thi s fu nc ti on, w he n is s ta ndb y mode single press the multifunction button.Playing MusicYou c an l ist en in g to t he musi c fr om P C or mobi le p ho ne .Re dia li ng t he l ast c al le d num be rDo ub le pr es s th e mu lti fu nc ti on bu tt on 2 s ec onds wh en he ad set i s in s ta nd by mo de .Re jec ti ng a c al la. Press the end key on your phone.b. P res s an d ho ld t he mu lt if un ct ion b ut to n on yo ur h ea ds et fo r ab out 3 s ec on ds w hen p ho ne i s ri ngi ng .En din g a ca lla. P re ss th e en d ke y on yo ur p ho ne .b. Press the multifunction button on your headset.Answering a ca lla. P re ss th e an sw er ke y on y ou r ph one .b. P res s th e mu lt ifu nc ti on b ut ton o n yo ur h ead se t.2. C onn ec t to 2 d ev ice s at t he s ame t im ea. Press multifunction button for 6 secon ds , th e he ads et i nt o pair status.b. S et th e ph on e to s ear ch f or B lu etoot h de vi ce .c. W he n pho ne f in ds h ead se t, c on fir m by s el ec tin g it f ro m li st .d. E nt er pi n co de “ 00 00” w he n pr om pte d by p ho ne .e. Repeat steps B-E if the pairing was unsuccessful.f.  If p ai rin g wa s su cc ess fu l, s ta rts t o fl as h gr een.Not e: Blue to oth h ead se t off a gai n, r e-o pen a t th is ti me  tw o Bl uetooth devices will connect automatically. 注意:以上功能只是用于具备支持免提功能的蓝牙耳机,若蓝牙手机的品牌或菜单功能不同,那么蓝牙耳机的使用方法将有不同。请仔细参阅你的蓝牙手机使用说明书。这是一款带有拨轮旋扭的蓝牙耳机,拨轮旋扭可以控制声音的大小。拨轮旋扭音量键调节音量大小: 为音量增大,动拨轮旋扭为音量减小。往上推动拨轮旋扭 往下推音量调节BLUETO OT H HAE DS ET USER G UIDEK66/K68/K69 Introduction.......................................................Charging the headset...............................................04Product  indication...................................................05Power on/off the headset..........................................07Pair to your Bluetooth phone......................................08Answering a call......................................................09Ending a call..........................................................09Rejecting a call.......................................................10Redialing the last called number..................................10Activating voice dialing.............................................10Playing music.........................................................10Wheel knob switch...................................................11Volume  control.......................................................11Correct disposal of this product..................................1203English....................................................................................01简体中文................................................................................13Charging the headsetYou r he ads et u se s a re cha rg ea bl e batte ry, y ou mu st c ha rg e th e ba tte ry f ul ly b efo re u si ng t he he ad se t fo r the f ir st t im e.1. P lu ggi ng t he c ha rgi ng c ab le i n the U SB c ha rg e port.2. T he r ed in di ca to r lam p re ma in s sol id w he n ch argin g.3. The fully charging takes 2-3 hours.4. T he r ed in di ca to r lam p go es o ut a nd th e gr ee n in dicat or remains solid when charging completed.IntroductionMeans of charging:-  Pow er a da pt er outp ut :  DC 5V 1 50m ABattery standard:-  Hi gh -ca pa bi li ty re ch ar ge abl e li th iu m polymer battery-  Ba tt ery v ol ta ge: 3.7 V (A dd it ion al f unction to protect battery)Product standard:-  Cl as s 2 ope ra ti on-  Talk t im e: 4 -5 ho ur s -  St an dby t im e: 6 0- 80 hours Product indication(Wa st e El ect ri ca l & El ectri on ic Equipment)Th is m ark in g sh ow n on th e pr od uc t or it s li te ratur e, indicates that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life.To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.Ho us eho ld u se r sh oul d co nt ac t eit he r th e re taile r wh er e th ey pu rc has ed t hi s pr odu ct , or t he ir lo ca l go ve rnm en t of fi ce, f or de ta ils o f wh er e an d how t he y ca n ta ke th is i te m fo r environmentally safe recycling.Business users should contact their supplier and check the te rm s and c on di ti ons o f th e pu rc has e co nt ract. T hi s pr od uct sh ou ld no t be m ix ed wi th o th er c ommer ci al w ast es f or disposal.Correct disposal of this product名称:蓝牙耳机充电方式:电源适配器输出:DC5V  150m A 电池指标:采用高性能锂聚合物电池蓝牙指标:功率:Class 2持续通话时长:4-5小时待机时长:60-80小时该款蓝牙耳机能接收来自蓝牙手机、蓝牙笔记本电脑及其他蓝牙设备的音频。(AV DONGLE;一般DONGLE)与PC蓝牙DONGLE配对连接后:可以收听电脑的各种音频,你可以用来语音聊天,从此实现无线QQ、MSN、SKYPE。产品描述耳机充电耳机使用充电电池,在首次使用蓝牙之前,必须给电池充足电。1、将充电器插头插入耳机充电接口。2、充电时,红灯恒亮。3、耳机充足电,大约需要 2-3 个小时。4、充满电后红灯熄灭,绿灯恒亮。A、按手机 。B、短按耳机多功能键。接听键接听电话2、同时连接两个蓝牙设置A、关机状态下长按多功能键约6秒蓝牙耳机进入配对状态,红灯绿灯交替闪烁。B、手机设置为查找蓝牙设备状态。C、当手机找到蓝牙耳机后,在手机列表中选择确认。D、按照蓝牙手机说明书,打开“蓝牙搜索”或“添加新设备”选择耳机名称,确认后按手机的提示输入“0000”确认E、配对失败后,请重复B到D步骤。F、如果配对成功后,闪烁绿灯。       备注:蓝牙耳机再次关机,重新开启,此时两个蓝牙设备会自动连接。A、按手机 。B、短按耳机多功能键。挂断键挂断电话A、按手机挂断 。B、当听到响铃时长按多功能键约3秒。键拒接电话在耳机处于待机状态双击 。多功能键末位重拨你的手机必须支持此功能,在待机状态下短按一次多功能键。语音拨号1. P air t he B lu et oot h he ad set f or t he f irst ti mea. T he d ist an ce b et wee n th e Bl ue too th h ea ds et and yo ur Bl ue too th p ho ne w oul d be b et te r wit hi n 1 me te r when pa ir ing , th e cl os er th e be tt er.b. Press multifunction button for 6 sec on ds , th e hea ds et i nt o pair status.c. S et t he ph on e to s ea rch f or B lu et oot h de vi ce .d. W he n pho ne f in ds h ead se t, c on fir m by s el ec tin g it f ro m list.e. Enter pin code “0000” when prompted by phone.f.  Re pea t st ep s B- E if the pa ir in g was u nsuccessful.g. I f pa iri ng w as s ucces sf ul , st art s to f la sh g ree n.Pa ir to y ou r Bl ue too th p ho nePo wer o n/ of f th e hea ds eta. To power on: press and hold multifunction button for ab ou t 3 sec on ds u nt il bl ue l ig ht f las he s.b. To po we r of f: wh en h ea ds et is p ow er o n, p ress an d ho ld mu lt ifu nc ti on b utt on f or a bo ut 6 se co nd s in dicat or l ig ht go es o ff.MIC指示灯听筒耳挂听筒充电口拨轮旋扭音量+音量-多功能键1、蓝牙首次配对。A、配对时,请将蓝牙耳机和手机的距离控制在1米的范围内,越近越好。B、关机状态下长按多功能键约6秒蓝牙耳机进入配对状态,红灯绿灯交替闪烁。C、手机设置为查找蓝牙设备状态。D、当手机找到蓝牙耳机后,在手机列表中选择确认。E、按照蓝牙手机说明书,打开“蓝牙搜索”或“添加新设备”选择耳机名称,确认后按手机的提示输入“0000”确认。F、配对失败后,请重复B到E步骤。G、如果配对成功后,闪烁绿灯。蓝牙配对步骤A、开机:长按多功能键约3秒直到绿灯闪烁。B、关机:在开机状态下,长按多功能键约6秒,指示灯熄灭。开关机产品描述..........................................................................................................14耳机充电..........................................................................................................15产品示意 图......................................................................................................16开关机.............................................................................................................18蓝牙配对步骤...................................................................................................19接听电话.........................................................................................................20挂断电话..........................................................................................................21拒绝电话..........................................................................................................21末位重拨..........................................................................................................21语音拨号..........................................................................................................21音乐播放.........................................................................................................22拨轮旋扭.........................................................................................................22音量调节.........................................................................................................22正确处理本产品..............................................................................................23产品保 修卡.....................................................................................................24用户存根.........................................................................................................25目录MICearhookreceiver indicator lightearphonemultifunction buttonwh eel k nob s wi tchcharging socketvol um e dow nvol um e upwww.china-dacom.com021213 142123 242522封面封底材质: 128克双铜内页材质:80克书写纸可听PC音乐或手机音乐。音乐播放FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any  other antenna or transmitter. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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