Sanyo Electric Co CDR019 Internal CD-RW drive User Manual Manual 2 of 2

Sanyo Electric Co Ltd Internal CD-RW drive Manual 2 of 2


Draft Users Manual 2 of 2

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Document ID104288
Application IDQ6HCXfuUEMwUt9Bdrq9yPw==
Document DescriptionDraft Users Manual 2 of 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize75.46kB (943257 bits)
Date Submitted2000-06-12 00:00:00
Date Available2000-06-23 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-06-12 11:45:33
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 3.0J Windows
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Titleæ©¡Manual 2 of 2.PDF
Document Creatoræ©¡Microsoft Word
Document Author: æ©¡Unknown

Installation Installation
2. Slfll pressmg the latches, remove the lrunl panel. Removing the floppy disk drive
On some personar ccmpulers [he ccmurxvc can be inslaHed wuh~
(mt remav'mg lhe floppy drsk drive Here we dcscnbe how (0 re?
move me floppy disk drive n news my.
|H 1- Re'nvvu 3“ tables can- 2. Pressmme drreclion 01 (he
Latches netted to me "copy dusk arrow and remove the
drive and “mm dnver floppy disk drive and CD7
Mark mu cames as you re- my dnvc unHS.
move them
r: m s
3 Pruss [he latches on "H: swdes of (he personal computer out-
1 Remove the (our screws, (hen remove the floppy disk dnve
horn lhe uniL Keep the screws.
(XII-NW drive
4, With me rarches pressed outwards, push me cuver luwavds floppy disk drive
Hm mm panel and Acmnvn rr
Mounting themucw (lnvufln the unit
|. Huvu (cur screws rnady.
Use screws 3 mm m dizmeier and 410 5 mm m length.
Hem are 12 screw holes on ther'wucw AmhRelcr lo the dimen—
smns dwagramv
2. lnserl mm; -K\\'dr\\4vifllo the emplv drive bay.
On some personal compulers the cover 15 Attached wnh screws. In
this case, remove me screws Io remove (ha cover.
17 13
Fasten U\m‘,LLK\\ duwm mace using the screws.
Remnunl the floppy disk drive using the same screws as has
Fasmn the uni! omo which xhet'u.l(\\'|lnwhas hean mourned
emu Ihe personal cumputer.
Connect lhe cables w the floppy disk drive and 17mm
as before.
Connecting the IDE cable
L Connect the [DE cable (0 We mun-um“,
Colored Wire
\I[)]'J cable
Connecting the audio cable
ll lnsmll the sound board in an expansion slot.
1. Connect the audio cable in [he r;n_,w,,m
Insert the audio cable Ilrmlvv
$ Audio cable
3. Insert the audio cable inm Illa audio conneclcr on [he installed
sound board.
Connecting the DC power cable
Insert (he DC power cable Irom (he personal campmer mm me
l‘l‘IIlVlllllu DCcunneclor,
£5 {a
DC power cable
Connecting the ground cable
Use Ihe ground cable when mam rm m Manes no: dlreclly (ouch
lhe personal compuler's melal lrame. German! the ground cable
between lhls (ermlnal and me personal cnmpumr's molal Imme.
M Ground cahle
Installation is now complete.
Hainsiall the personal nnmnuter's cover as below,
0 Cut am the drlve bay cover on the iron: panel oi me personal
compulcl, Illcrl lclllslall the Mom panel as below
Drlvc hay ccvcr
Installallon (“More depending on (he lvpu u! personal culnpuler
Fulluw [he inslruclluns in the personal compuler‘s owner‘s manual
[0 inslnll IhEl'Il.|u\’,lrr.\rr.Ir| an emnly mum havv
Installing the Device Driver
The CD-R drive‘s device drlver must be mslalled ln order (0 use me
(1mm (Irlvr‘ . Follow [he lnslrucllmls in [he 'ln>lallilll0n Manual" 0!
(he device driver included wlrh lhe SCSI board to insiaIl lha device
Connecting to an Audio Set
To play cos mruugh a stereo amphlicr
Connect the cable's slereo mln'l-plug in me cum» elm-l PHONES
Connect me cable‘swhlla plug Io me ampllfiers CD L (lam jack, Loading Discs
the red plug m the H mum) iack
Ee'ors using Ihe PH-IN‘ tll-ll-c check [hat lhs CD-W drlve's dawns
driver has been lnslalled on me nersnnal computer
1. Turn on the power ulthc personal compumr on whlch lhe l-mlw llm.‘
is installed.
2. Press the EJECT button The disc tray unens.
‘PersmlalcoleflCr Alldlo set
WM“! ”my 3. Load mu disc m me cemer of the disc (ray, mm me prmlcd
side faclng up.
Slereu lmaaplmnes (not supplmd)
4, Press me EJECT bum)". The dlsc lrav closes.
5 Play the dls he READ llldlcalur [lashes whlle the TOC [table
or conlenls bclng mad, man lums all The lndrcalor Iighls
dullng playback
Recurd data on the also The WRITE lndlcamr Ilgllls whlle am
ls belllg recorded,
Removing Discs
Check that all the indicators are ulf
Press lhe EJECT button It) open the disc tray.
Remove the disc
Press tho EJECT button to close the disc tray.
Removing Discs in Emergencies
Use the lulluw‘tttg utotbdum Iu turclbly remove a disc siioultl tltc
EJECT button not function dllc to power lallurc or software probr
Get a steel paper clip or the like
straighten the paper clip.
insert the paper tzlip into this ulrturgulicy uieet llulu and push in
with force. The disc. tray pops out.
Pull the d tray out and remove the disc.
push the disc tray hack in
Cautions on Use
Do not look directly at the laser beamt
Looking directly at the laser beam may result
HI luss at vismn.
Do not use warped or cracked discs.
Do not use Cracked or warped discs at discs
that have been repaired with glue. Discs turn
at high speeds in e the drive, so cracked,
warpeo hr repaired scs may break apart and
fly out, resulting in injury.
Do not touch internal parts,
Do not take the tlnve apart or attempt to
modify ili Doing so may damage it.
Do not touch connectors.
it the (JD—[m ilrttrr» connectors are touched.
grease oi static clccttlcliy train your lingers
may result in laulty contacts or mallunctlmi.
Also be careful not to touch the personal
computer's connectors when connecting Dr
disconnecting cables.
Do not connect and disconnect cables repeatedly,
Doing so will place excessive loads on the connectors and may
damage Ihem. Only connect and disconnect mules when nec—
prevent damage:
Do not etioiect to shocks or vibrations.
Do not let liquids, metal ubtects or other torutgn substances
get inside the drive.
Do not use the drtvc at a slant,
Dn not move the drive Wlth a dist: inside it.
Place of use
Avoid using the drive in the lolluwing typos olnlaces:
- Places stibiect to high temperatures or rapid lulllpumltltc
~ Places exposed Io dtlcct sunlight
. Places whore VIbI‘atIDnS are strong
- Non—level etirlaccs
Cautions on Use
0 To clean dirr oil (in) dlivc, wine gently with a soil, dry ciolh or
d clulh (c which water or a diluted neurral deicrgcnr has been
0 Male ihal using immene, lhinner Dr diner vniaiilc chemicais
muid resulr in derormaricn er discolorallcn.
Cautions on Handling Discs
0 Held discs is sllnh a way as to nor touch the side on which
nmhing is primed.
Do not write cor slick pieces of paper or labels on discs.
Use a son aim in Wipe clusi. din or iingcrprinrs nif me side of
me disc on which nothing is primed.
When wiping discs. aiwavs do so smning from the inside and
moving iowilrds the edge.
K “I
Do nol use benzene, ininner, anaiog record cluuncra or anti—
siullc 1190an on discs. Doing sn may damage niem.
Smre discs in (hair cases.
Do not sel discs m niflces exposed in direct suniigm or high
Recording: corn discs (conformlng in Orange Book
siandards, Parl z)
Playback: CDrROM. (ID-ROM XA and CD-DA discs
Diamel‘ar: 12 cm or8cm
Linear speed: 1.2 ill/s lu m "1/5
Recording/playback speed
Recording Normal and double speed
Playback: Normal, douhic and (madlunle spend
Signal transfer rate
Nurmal speed: “0st
x2 sxwed zslmlsli/i xx r-pi‘vll : lZflllkBIs
x4 spend nmkM m succrl wmkllrs
interface conneciur: so—pin,
DC connector: A-pin, +5V, +12V
Audio conneclor: lrpin
Outpul terminal:
oiliput level.
3.5 mm stereo mull—jack
70 mV (1 kHz. 720 dB)
Loading method: Trayleading
Dimensions: (WxDxHi me x188.5 x 41.3 mm
Weight: low 9
C Now lhal for improvcmcm purposes, specificaiiuns and dusign
die Gubincl lo change wnnmli rmlice.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 6
Creator                         : .橡.Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : 2000:06:12 11:45:33
Title                           : .橡.Manual 2 of 2.PDF
Author                          : .橡.Unknown
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 3.0J Windows
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: JBQCDR019

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