Sanyo Electric Co CDR021 Internal CD-RW Drive User Manual

Sanyo Electric Co Ltd Internal CD-RW Drive Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID127181
Application IDwhSzldHdlqZQvVHsajEQCw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize49.37kB (617171 bits)
Date Submitted2000-11-30 00:00:00
Date Available2000-11-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-11-27 10:29:42
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod2000-11-27 10:30:50
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

Unil: mm
0 Use screws 3 mm In diameter and 4105 mm in length.
Internal CD-RW Drive
FCC Compliance Statement
This equi ment has been tested and lound to wmulv with the hut-
its lot a Class 8 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 0! the FCC Rules.
Operation is sublect to the lollnwlng two conditions. It) This tie-
vlca may not cause harmlul interference. tzl This novice must at:-
wpt urry irrlurlcruncu received. Including nterlerence that may
cause undesired opnrutian. That. limit: are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interlerenze in residential
installations. This at: nrnmlt nencrntes. uses, and cuts rmtiatc it»
din lruquenrsy energy. utttl it not trtstalleu and used in accordance
wtlh the instructions, may cause nurrnltll interference to rattle oom-
munreations. However. there is no guarantee that lnrerlerenca will
not occ in a particuiar installatiutr. ll this trquipllrtetlt docs cause
harm! nlerleranca to mdro or television reception. whim ran be
determined by turning the equipment otl and on. the tint is en-
couraged to try to correct the interlernnze by one or more at the
lollowing measures:
- fienrient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Move the equipment away lrum receiver.
- Pluglhe equipment into an outlet and circuit dtllerertl from that
which puwcts the rwuivet.
~ ll necessary the user should consult the dealer or an dxpe'l
nnced die/t. vixien technicien tor additiunal suggestions.
050 or mntruta or augustments, or pnrlerrnunce ol procedures other
than tltose specified herein may result in ttuardous radi inrt ex-
The equipment should not be adjusted er repaired by anyone ex-
cept qualified service personnel.
Any changes or modifications to the equinment _bv the user not
expressly aunmved hill tile manufacturer could vord the user's au~
thority to operate the equiyment.
This digital apparatus does not named the Class is limits lor radio
noise nmistiuns lrom digital apparatus as set out in tho Rndln in»
terterenca Regulation ol the Canadian Department at Communi-
NOTE: Locate serial number (strewn on top ulutu clur-itl
unu luuuld it hurt: —>
We greatly apwtxctalu your purchase ul ilttlulmtw nann ensure
proper use, please read this manual carelttllv bole-e using the unit.
Also rater to the manual at your personal computer.
1. Unauthorized reproductrnn at "MS manual in what» or in part
r: prohibited.
1. The contents 0! lllls manual are sublet-J to change without no-
1 Plan Contact Sartve should you find-fly arm's in this manual
orehculd you havn any comments.
A. Note that Sanyo will not annual responsibility lor any prob.
terns resulting from the use at anallcation saltware.
IBM, IBM PC ml FUAT an tog-stored toll-marks el int-martuml Bust.
noss Machines Commotion ol the unit“! States.
M5. Mieromlt, MSADOS and Windows are reaistcrefl trademarks oi
Mtcromlt Corporation at the Unwed States.
Intel AB!“ hoe-Mr is l rlnistlitfll trade-nail: M lmelcotnorllion olllt:
Unitod Slltn.
Annalee nnrl the Atlanta: loqoaru registered trademarks or Admin. Inc.
MIA it a trademark ol Maples. Inc.
Table of Contents
About the C04! Drlvo
PC Our-ling Environment
Part Manes and Functions
Inslauinq an tho Personal eempmr
lnstallmg me Devico Driven.
Connecting to an Audio Sol.
Operation ..
Loading Discs ..
Removing Dixc
Cautions on Use.
Cautions on Handling Discs.
About the CD-R Drive
The CDvR (Compact DisbRccoroablnl time Is a device for convort-
mg the flats "cm the pevmnai computer am, stating it on (1041
discs. The internal encodu converts the 6313 innsl-rmd lrom tho
oovwnal compute: into CD lolmll nnd records it on tho CD-R the.
C05 made using mi; CDR drive eonlonn to tho physical and Ioni~
cal standards (or all mm: of CDs. As such, CD: made using this
CD-R dvivn can he ohvud an commercially avaiinolo CD players
and CD-ROM drives.
PC Operating Environment
PCIAT Compatibles
O For ma CPU. use In Hue! 460“ Processor sxm MH: in Men
0 Use P0003 6.3N or MSvDOS 6.2N and Windows 3.11964
0 Una a neuronal comnuwr wilh a mnmnry ol 3 MB or greater
H6 MR or “realm ruommmdod)‘
Normal recording is possiblewilh an cmplv XMS memory of t
MB or steam mgr starting Windows muss.
0 About 50 MB of empty space is required on the hard aim: for
on-lheJIv recording.
When recording nlmr morning on image liln‘ suit-cram capac-
rlv and work area lor recording "in range 0 6: mad-d.
For example. to luflv “cord 3 74-mimm oisc Milk 3 650 MB
caouiiv), 700 MB or Moro oi spun is nannsarv on me hard
disc conswlurino in. work area.
Part Names and Functions
Front Panel
(D Hoadphones iaclr (moms)
Cunnrcl nudphones with a smao mini-plug hero.
(5) Headphones voiumo control (VOLUME)
Use this re adjust “it volume 0! lhe hnadpMn-s connnclm to
ma PHONES incl: Turn clockwise lo incurs“ the volume,
@ Road indicator (READ)
Thl: indicmm rim lending (playback) mac».
When ill: Disc being read or aocosud
When flashing: TOC being read
When oll: Faust or slop mode
6) WfilolndicnloerRlTEi
fhis lights when data is being wriucn (recordndl.
(5 Dim lrnv
Sal {he disc halo. Frogs tho EJECT bullofl in open and c‘oso
the Xrav‘
Part Names and Functions
(s; Eiecl button (EJECT)
Press this to load or eject the disc.
Note that this button will not lunction during recording or when
a piohihil command is received lrom the personal computer.
(D Emergency eiect hole
use thin to lorcibly remove a disc should the EJECI button not
lunctiun due to power lailure or software problems, For ¢e~
tails, ruler to ‘Removing Discs in Emergencies".
Rear Panel
(57 Ground terminal (GND)
Use this when the CDR drive duos not directly touch the nor-
sonal computer‘s metal lramel Connect the ground cable be
tween this terminal and the personal computer's metal tremor
(9) Audio connector (AUDlOl
Audio srgnals are output lram this connector. use this when a
sound port compatible with tins connector 15 installttd on the
personal compulorl
Part Names and Functions
® Jumoers
Part Names and Functions lnsta'lation
m M
Installing on the Personal Computer
Turn all the personal computer's power and for snlely discorm
"out the power cord.
Disconnect all the cables for perinhernl devices Ira-n lhc [xer-
sonnl computer.
Remove the personal computer‘s cover.
Remove the drive bay cover on the front panel or the personal
For disconrmclims lll’KlCDl‘htnzs, refer (a Hit: ucrsolml commuter";
owner's manual.
Here we describe how in install thclllmw nllwu)" firmyo personal
(ll) ll)l‘2 CONNL'KTI‘OR
Utmnt‘cl. lln' pt'rmnul t:nmpult‘r.r< lbl') ttnhlv Itr'rrz Remov'ng the cover
1. Set Iho personal computer so that lhu lront panel is at (In: tun.
027 DC connector (DC INPUT)
Connect the person-ll computer’s DC power cable hem.
then nrnss rm the Iront panel‘s latches with ycur thumbs.
7 SM pressmg v e Immes, vcmm n (In! from panel
La {cues
3. plfi;>>1"u|dlh'l$5 on llm s des of mu pcvsonal company! cu!»
1X w=|h um! les pressed outwards, flush the wove! Iowa-as
my mm W- all and wmavc q
Dr! SW
"vi: w:-
c warm-ml mmpmus llw cover .s ulmuhuu mm- Mnews, in
nun-NV who syctcws m m-mnn: "it: cuvch
Removing the floppy disk drive
On some personolcempuwrs nu: ccmurive can be "madam wnh~
um unnovmg (ht: llonpv dish unvu, New we describe haw IO m
move mu nappy disk awe ii wacessavv,
I. Rumove a" cables com 2, Pmunnhoduecmnonhu
vented in me Hounv disk mmw and remnva ms
any: and (fluewl drive. liopnv disk drive nrd CD-
Matk uhn cables as you r0~ HW mm mils.
move them.
34 Remove lha four screws. than "move the "0an dilk dvive
(mm the unit. Keep lho term.
(TIHiW drivc~ —
Floppy ask dnvc
Mounting thann-RM’ dnvcon the unit
‘I. Maw lam screw: milflm
Use screws 3 mm In d-umcler and no 5 mm in lengxh,
Him: 3101? scmw harm: (In nlm-quuw mm RAM to "m dumer-
sinus diagram.
2. Insert lhu‘nmv «rmmlo ma emmv drive hav-
.. S!r~1-‘/~n.|~|l“r‘"
| I” mm (“r-
muc the pn
G, Cc. mum n
a: lurfcm
7 (fish all vC'
fig (he sn'm: screws as m:-
nu: win an mm 11m Hm Jms iman mm Nod
41min: ‘Iomly msk drive mm tru-lcw d'wa
Connecting the 131-1 cable
' Canmcilhe mEcnnsnmnm f”; arm-m.
/‘ Colored mic

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:11:27 10:30:50
Creator                         : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Producer                        : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Create Date                     : 2000:11:27 10:29:42
Page Count                      : 8
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: JBQCDR021

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