Sanyo Electric Co M221 Microwave Oven User Manual M221 Attach 4

Sanyo Electric Co Ltd Microwave Oven M221 Attach 4

Users Manual

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Document ID220177
Application ID651EdfC7nrrzIckCdy0G1Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize23.69kB (296156 bits)
Date Submitted2002-01-10 00:00:00
Date Available2002-03-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-12-04 15:45:45
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 3.0J Windows
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Titleæ©¡M221 Attach #4
Document Creatoræ©¡M221 Attach #4
Document Author: 橡三洋電機(株)

J-@—V3~IIIS>N-meifln I'ugel Mummy/«pm m. 1mm sum é L
Anachmpnl #4
Microwave Oven
Read these instructions carefuuy before using your microwave oven.
u you vonow the msnuctions, your oven wm provide you with many years of
good serviceo
% J é ‘rS'IUS\l€»l'rnllIIlll rdgez Murillo) Aprllllr zliiri NEI'M
(ai Do not attempt to operate this oven With the door open since openr
door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.
it is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
in) Do not place any object between the oven front tace and the door or
allow Soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces,
lci Do not operate the oven it it Is damaged, it is particularly important
that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
ill DOOR (bent)
(2) HINGES AND LATCHES (broken or loosened)
id) The overt should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone excepi
properly qualified service personnel.
Power Source: Ac 120 v, 60 Hz Ac |20 v, 30 Hz
Power Consumption: lesow ISSOW
Maximum Output: 1200W* lZOOW’
Oven Capacity: 1.2 cu. ft. 1,4 cu. ft.
Turntable Diameter: 10mm" 12755;
Dimensions: iw x h x d) zor'lrm” x ll—li," x ls-lS/Na" 2th,” x in," x lsiiw"
Weight: Approx. 35.5 lbs 39.5 lbs
Specifications subject to change without notice.
"According to lEC-705 test procedures. The iscvos test procedure is an
internationally recognized method of rating microwave wattage output.
Please record your product’s information
When you call to request service, you need to know your complete Model
number and Serial number Please fill in the information below. Please also
record purchase date, price and where purchased.
Model Number: (Located on the inner left side
of the control panel)
Serial Number: (Located on Ihe inner left side
ol the control paneli
Date oI Purchase:
Purchase Price:
Where Purchased:
The oven must be level.
The turntable and turntable roller
rest must be In the oven durlng
Place the cookware gently on the
turntable and handle it carelully
to avoid possible breakage.
Incorrect use of browning dish
may cause the turntable to break.
See page 7.
Use only the specified bag size
when using Direct Access
rhe even has several built-in
saielv switches lo ensure that the
power remains oil when the door
is open. Do not tamper with these
Do not operate the microwave
oven empty. Operating the oven
with no food or iood that is
extremely low in moisture can
cause 1lre,charring or sparking.
Do not cook bacon direcllv on the
turntable. Excessive local healing
of (he (urnlable may cause it to
Do not heat baby bottles or baby
food in the microwave oven,
Uneven heating may occur and
could cause physical injury.
Do not heal narrow-necked
containers, such as syrup bottles.
Do not attempt to deep-try in your
microwave oven.
Do not do home canning in this
microwave oven as it is
impossible to be sure all contents
or the jar have reached boiling
Do not use this microwave oven
for commercial purposes. This
microwave oven is made for
household use onlv,
Liquids, such as beverages, that
are heated in a microwave oven,
can overheat beyond their boiling
point without any evidence of
bubbling. This could result in hot
liquids suddenly boiling over,
To prevent this occurrence, the
following steps should be taken:
(3) Avoid using straight-sided
containers with narrow necks.
lb) Do not overheat,
lc) Stirthe liquid before placing
the container in the oven and
again hallway through the
heating time.
ld) After heating, allow to stand In
the oven (or a short time,
stirring again belore careiully
removing the container.
‘. a}
When using electrical appliances, basic safety procaulinns
should be followed, including the Iollowing:
To reduce ihe risk of burns, eleclril: shock, lire, injury to
persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:
1, Read all instructions beiore using
the appliance.
2. Read and iollow the specific
ENERGY" on page 2.
3. As with most cooking appliances,
close supervision is necessary to
reduce the risk ola lire in the oven
II a fin should start:
' Keep the oven door closed
' Turn the oven Dfl, and
' Disconnect the power cord or
shut off power at the fuse or
circuit breaker panel.
Keep in mind thsfnllowlng lules a( all
a. DO not overcook fond. Carelully
attend the appliance ii paper.
plastic, or olher combustible
materials are placed inside the
oven to facilitate cooking,
b. Do not use the oven cavilv for
storage purposes. Do rim store
combustible ilems such as bread,
cookies, paper products, etc.
insidethe oven. If lightning strikes
the power line, the oven may turn
on by itself.
C. Remove wire twist-ties and metal
handles from paper or plastic
coniainers/bags before placing
them in the oven.
4 This oven must be grounded.
Connect only to properly
grounded outlet. See
on page 6.
5. install or locale this even only in
accordance with the provided
inslallation instructions
Some producls such as whole
eggs, water with oil or fat, sealed
containers and closed glass jars
may explode and therelore should
not be heated in this oven.
Use lhis appliance only lor its
intended use as described in the
manual. Do not use corrosive
chemicals or vapors in this
appliance.This oven is specifically
designed to neatorcook food. ltis
not designed for industrial or
laboratory use,
As with any appliance, close
supervision is necessary when
used by children.
Do not operate this even if it has a
damaged cord or plu it is not
working properly or i it has been
damaged or dropped.
This appliance should be serviced
only by qualified service
technicians, Contact the nearest
authorized service facility lor
examination, repair or
. Do not cover or block any vents on
the oven.
. Do not store or use this appliance
.Do not use lhis oven nearwater,
near a kildlen sink, in a wet
basement or near a swimming
Pool. and lhe like.
.Do not immerse cord or plug in
.Keep cord away lrum healed
su rfaces.
,Do not let cord hang over edge nl
Iable or coumert
. When cleaning door and oven
surlaces that meet when door is
closed, use only mild,
nonabrasive soaps or delergenls
applied with a sponge or soft
cloth. iSce ”Cleaning”
instructions on page 29.)
L fig 0
Electric Shock hazard
. Touching some of the
internal components
can cause serious
personal injury or
death. Do not
disassemoie this
Electric Shock Hazard
- improper use oi the
grounding can resultin
electric shock. Do not
plug into an outietuntil
appliance is properly
installed and
(grounding) plug
Properly polarized
and grounded outlet
This appliance must be grounded. in the event oi
an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the
risk oi electric shock by providing an escape wire
tor the electric current, This appliance is equipped
with a cord having a grounding wire with a
grounding plug.'l'he plug must be plugged into an
outlet that is properly installed and grounded.
Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the
grounding instructions are not completely
understood or if doubt exisls as to Whether the
appliance is properly grounded, it it is necessary
to use an extension cord, use only a 3-wtre
extension cord that has a 3-pronged grounding
plug, and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the
plug on the appliance.
- A short powervsupplv cord is provided to
reduce the risks resulting lrom becoming
entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
- Longer cord sets or extension cords may be
used il care is exercised in their use,
' II a long card or extension cord is used: 1iThe
marked electrical rating of the cord set or
extension cord should be at least as great as the
electrical rating of the appliance. z) The
extension cord must be a grounding—type a,
wire cord, and 3) The longer card should be
arranged so that it will not drape over the
counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled
on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
Personal iniury Hazard
' Tightly-closed utensils
cnuld explode. Closed
Conlainers should be
opened and plastic
pouches pierced
oeiore cooking.
See toliowtng page for further instructions
"Materials you can use in microwave oven orto be
avoided in microwave oven."
Utensil Test:
1. Fill a microwave—sale container with 1 cup of
cold water 1250 rnLi along with the utensil in
Cook on maximum power lPlDOl tori minute.
Caielully ieel the utensil. ii the empty utensil is
warm, do not use it for microwave cooking.
Do not exceed 1 minute testing time.
1. Do not use plastic containers for testing.
2. Some containers and dishware may be warm
lor hot) in only one area. Do not use a
conlainer that becomes warm anywhere.
Materials you can use in microwave oven
Utensils Remarks
Aluminum loil Shielding only. Small smooth pieces can be used to cover
thin pans otmeat or poultry to prevent overcooking.Arclng
can occur it toil is too dos. to oven walls. The tail should
be at least 1 inch l2.5 crnl awayfrom oven walls.
Browning dish Follow manufacturer‘s instructions. The bottom 01
browning dish must be at least 31‘s inch (5 mm] above the
turntable. Incorrect usage may cause the turntable to break:
Dinnerware Microwavesale only. Follow manufacturer‘s instructions
Do not use cracked or ChiDDed dishes.
Glassjars Always remove lid. Use only to heat load until just warm,
Most glass jars are not heat resistant and may break.
Glassware Heauresistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no
metallictrim. Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.
Oven cooking bags Follow manuractuter‘s lnsttuctions Do not close with metal
tie. Make slits to allow steam (0 escape.
Paper plates and Use tor short-term cooking/warming only. Do not leave
oups 7 m7 oven unattended while cooking.
Paper towels Use to cover lood tor reheating and zbsurbing fsl. Use with
supervision Var shun-term cocking only.
Parchment paper Use as a coverto prevent spattering or a wrap tor
Plastic Follow the manuiacturer‘s instructions. Only use items
labeled “Microwave Saiet'Soma plastic containers soiten
as the tcod inside gets hot.
”Boiling bags" and tightly closed plastic bags should be
slit, pierced or ventod as directed by package.
Plastic wrap Microwavesaie only. Use to cover food during cooking to
retain moisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch load.
Thermometers Microwaversafe only [meat and candy thermometers).
Wax paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering and to retain
Materials to be av ed in microwave oven
Utensils Remarks
Aluminum tray May cause arClng. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.
Food carton with May cause arcing. Transler food into microwaveasate dish.
metal handle
Metal or metals Metal shields (he lood lrom microwave energy Metal trim
trimmed utensils may cause arcing.
Metal twistties May cause at g and could cause a fire in the oven.
Paper loads May cause a tire in the oven.
Plastic roam cups Plastic toam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside
when exposed to high temperature.
Wood Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and
may split or crack.
% éi\34t>55ltnl.\xzmhly lm rum Mnntuy I'ctrnlury luau» 3 mm
A .._
Remove the oven and all materials from (he carton,
Your oven comes with the following accessories‘
1 Turntable
1 Turntable roller rest
1 Instruction Manual
ow Cabinet lnrerror light Control panel
Door releasc button
- Press the button to open door.
- wnen vnu openme door during
Sniety interlock system eookrng process, the coakl’ng stops but
. . the pro ram will not be canceled
\ Sh“ °" W,” ”war." “W ‘5 Toucn s ART to resume cooking.
upened durlrlg uperarlclrl.
' Never place the turntable upside
Tmmbre down The turntable should never
be restricted.
' BDth turntable and roller rest
must always be used during
' All load and conlalners ol lood
are always placed on the
turntable tor cooking,
' Th turntable returns to its
nal sta 9 position when
cooking is finished. The light and
fan will remain on but mlcrowave
power is turned off.
' The turntable rotates clockwise
and counterclockwise; this is
0 If Turntable or roller rest cracks or
breaks, contact your nearest
authorlzed service center for
more rnlormatron regarding
neceoracle 8
1. Place the roller rest on the cavity
2, Place the turntable on top of the
roller rest as shown in the
diagram, Make sure the turntable
hub is securely locked in the
J $ l‘JIL/iff-nwmhl) IlIl large» Mainln Fchlunrv H 1mm 3mm é/ L
Remove all packing material and accessories. Examine the oven Ior any
damage such as dents or broken door. Do not install if oven is damaged,
NOTE: This unit is not designed for 50 Hz or any circuit other than a 120»voll/
GOVHZ AC clrcuit. This oven is designed Ior caumenop installation.
l Countertop Installation
1. Select a level surface that ~ Leave a minimum clearance of
provides enough open space (or 3 inches above the oven. in
the intake and/or outlet vents. . on "M mmove the legs "0," mg m
bottom ol the oven. —I
Blocking the intake and/or outlet %
openings can damage the oven.
Place Ihe oven as far away lrom
radios and TV’s as possible.
Operation of miciowave oven may
cause interference to your radio or
IV the cabinet is covered With a
protective film, remuve the film.
A minimum clearance of 3 inches is
required between the oven and any
adiacentwall. One side muslbe open.
2. Plug your oven into a standard
120-v0ll / 60~HZ household outlet.
Be sure the electrical circuit is at
least I5 amperes and that your
microwave oven is the only
appliance on Ihe Circuil.
WARNING: Do not inslall oven over a
range cooktop or other heat-
producing appliance. If installed near
Dr over a heat source, the oven could
be damaged and the warranty would
be void.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 8
Creator                         : .橡.M221 Attach #4
Create Date                     : 2001:12:04 15:45:45
Title                           : .橡.M221 Attach #4
Author                          : .橡.三洋電機(株)
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 3.0J Windows
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: AEZM221

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