Satellite Tracking of People AA70038 BluTag User Manual User Guide 1

Satellite Tracking of People LLC BluTag User Guide 1


User Guide 1

Satellite Tracking of People LLCUsers GuideVersion 6.2
Sixth Edition, Amendment 2 (November 2004)VeriTracks, BluTag® and various software icons are worldwide registeredtrademarks of Satellite Tracking of People LLC (STOP).The software described herein has U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending.STOP provides this publication as is without warranty of any kind, expressed orimplied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose.This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.Changes are periodically made to the information contained herein; thesechanges will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.  STOP maymake improvements and/or changes to the products described in this publicationat any time.Reproduction of this document is expressly forbidden.© 2005 Satellite Tracking of People LLC.  All rights reserved.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People iiiTable of ContentsChapter 1:  About VeriTracks and BluTag®............................................ 1About this document................................................................................. 1Getting Help .............................................................................................. 2Chapter 2:  Getting Started .......................................................................... 3System Requirements .............................................................................. 3VeriTracks Overview............................................................................. 4BluTag®..................................................................................................... 5Detailed System Processes ..................................................................... 6Logging In.............................................................................................. 6Understanding the Menu Options........................................................ 7Understanding Search and Data Entry Page Features ..................... 9User Discussion Forum...................................................................... 10Chapter 3:  Registering an Offender.......................................................... 11Hardware Components........................................................................... 11Enrolling a New Tracked Offender ........................................................ 13Offender Profile................................................................................... 13Offender Addresses............................................................................ 14Tracking Device .................................................................................. 15Zones................................................................................................... 15Preparing the BluTag® Device for Use................................................. 16Chapter 4:  Supervising an Offender......................................................... 17Software Components............................................................................ 17Searching for a Tracked Offender Record........................................ 17Offender Status................................................................................... 18Inventory.............................................................................................. 19
VeriTracks Users Manualiv Satellite Tracking Of PeopleZones ...................................................................................................20Chapter 5:  Conducting Searches ..............................................................23Incident Hit Search..................................................................................23Incident Search........................................................................................24Tracked Offender Search........................................................................24Zone Search ............................................................................................25Zone Hit Search.......................................................................................25Chapter 6:  Understanding Reports............................................................27The Report Frame ...................................................................................27Incident Hit Search Results ....................................................................28Incident Search Results ..........................................................................29Tracked Offender Search Results..........................................................31Zone Search Results...............................................................................33Zone Hit Search Results.........................................................................33Chapter 7:  Administration ..........................................................................35Incident.....................................................................................................35Zone .........................................................................................................37Preferences..............................................................................................39Profile ...................................................................................................40Notifications .........................................................................................41Map Preferences.................................................................................42User Accounts .........................................................................................44Chapter 8:  Maps .........................................................................................47Map Components ....................................................................................47Map Features...........................................................................................48Map Toolbar.............................................................................................49Best Practices When Working With Maps .............................................54Chapter 9:  Training Exercises ...................................................................55
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People vExercise 1  Registering an Offender ................................................... 55Exercise 1a  Attach the Device............................................................ 57Exercise 2  Notifications....................................................................... 57Exercise 3  Conducting a Tracked Offender Search.......................... 62Creating a Text Report....................................................................... 62Creating a Map Report....................................................................... 64Track Point Details ............................................................................. 64Identify Features ................................................................................. 65Adding Another Offenders Tracks .................................................... 66Playback Tracks ................................................................................. 66Map Details and Layer Lists............................................................... 68Exercise 4  Jump to Map Address....................................................... 69Exercise 5  Creating Zones.................................................................. 69Exercise 6  Incident Hit Search............................................................ 71Exercise 7  Incident Search ................................................................. 72Exercise 8  Preferences ....................................................................... 73
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 1Chapter 1:  About VeriTracks andBluTag®VeriTracks is an innovative public safety tool developed by GeneralDynamics Advanced Information Systems and offered exclusively by STOP.VeriTracks employs a combination of data integration, geo-mapping, andGlobal Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology to effectively remove theanonymity of non-incarcerated criminals under the supervision of local, stateor federal criminal justice agencies.  VeriTracks is applicable for arrestees onpre-trial release; convicted criminals on probation and other forms ofcommunity control; and parolees.  The system uses GPS technology toconstantly track the precise location of offenders and link that data to thelocation and time of reported crime incidents.  The system also electronicallymonitors certain exclusion and inclusion zones for violations.  Anyintersection of a tracked individual with a crime incident or zone violation iselectronically pushed to the appropriate police and corrections agency foraction.BluTag® is a one-piece device, about the same size as a small PC mouse,comfortable to wear and weighs in at just 6 ounces.  It has a fully rechargeablebattery, tamper resistant strap, panic alarm, personal alarm notification; on-board management controls and is completely waterproof to 15 feet.BluTag® not only is an ideal system to monitor offenders and defendants intheir homes, but it is an even more powerful tool when used to remotely trackthese individuals when they leave their homes for work, meetings, school,treatment and even court appearances.About this documentThis Users Manual describes the use of VeriTracks software and the BluTag®equipment.  It will enable you to maximize the value of the program's specialfeatures by showing tips and techniques where appropriate.For easier reading, look for the following conventions in this document:§"Select" refers to selecting an option from the screen with your mouse.§"Enter" refers to entering text or data into a field using the keyboard.§"=>" indicates a series of selections to be made.§Key + Key indicates that two keys on the keyboard should be pressed at thesame time.
VeriTracks Users Manual2Satellite Tracking Of People§Filenames, on-screen options, and field names are shown in bold arialtypeface.§Information to be entered using the keyboard is shown in courier newtypeface.Getting HelpThe technical support staff at VeriTracks is pleased to assist you with anyquestions you may have regarding the operation of VeriTracks and BluTag®.You can reach us by calling:1-877-588-722510455 White Granite DriveOakton, Virginia  22124Or send an email to:VeriTracks Support
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 3Chapter 2:  Getting StartedBecause VeriTracks is Internet-based, you will need a 128-bit encryptedbrowser, such as MS Internet Explorer® 5.5 or higher.  If your browser does nothave sufficient encryption capability, a message will appear and you will bedirected to a site where an upgraded browser can be downloaded.  For furtherassistance, contact our technical support personnel.Note:  The Back button will not work with VeriTracks on the web forsecurity reasons.  Please use the Last Result or Back options shown on theinterface.System RequirementsTo maximize use of your connection to the VeriTracks server, here are somerequirements you should be aware of:1. Cookies must be enabled on your web browser, for log-in identificationpurposes only.2. JavaScript must be enabled on your web browser.  (Note: for both #1 and#2, these should be enabled by default when using MS Internet Explorer®5.5 or higher).3. The best screen resolution setting is at a minimum, 600X800, and optimal,1024X768.  You can verify this setting by Right Clicking on your desktopanywhere => select Properties => select Settings tab => verify ScreenResolution from there.4. Using web applications has advantages as well, such as using both left andright mouse clicks, double clicking is not required, and there is a statuswindow available to let you know when you have multiple windows open.
VeriTracks Users Manual4Satellite Tracking Of PeopleVeriTracks Overview1. The Offender Tracking Unit (OTU) determines and records the offenderlocation.2. The OTU data is collected and stored on the VeriTracks central server.3. Crime incident data from local law enforcement agencies is collected and integratedwith offender location data.4. The hit engine determines correlation between offender location and the location ofcrime incidents to determine if the offender was in the vicinity of the crime when itoccurred.5. Criminal Justice users access the central server through a user friendly web interfaceto analyze and investigate offender movement, crime patterns and the correlation ofoffender location with crime incidents, investigative zones and probationary zones.12345
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 5BluTag®BluTag® is a one-piece device, about the same size as a small PC mouse,comfortable to wear and weighs in at just 6 ounces.  It has a fully rechargeablebattery, tamper resistant strap, panic alarm, personal alarm notification; on-board management controls and is completely waterproof to 15 feet.  Thanks tointelligent battery management software, the battery lasts in excess of 30 hourseven when used in fully active tracking mode. BluTag® can be fully rechargedin just 30 minutes.BluTag® not only is an ideal system to monitor offenders and defendants intheir homes, but it is an even more powerful tool when used to remotely trackthese individuals when they leave their homes for work, meetings, school,treatment and even court appearances.The monitoring system uses the wireless network for remote programming ofnew control parameters into BluTag® such as inclusion or exclusion zones.BluTag® uses the same network for sending location data and alarms to themonitoring system to make the solution easy to use for the agency.
VeriTracks Users Manual6Satellite Tracking Of PeopleDetailed System ProcessesLogging InIn order to begin using the VeriTracks system, please verify that yourmachine and browser meet the system requirements listed in the GETTINGSTARTED section of this manual.1. To get started, open up your MS Internet Explorer® browser.2. In the address line on the Home Page, enter the following address:,(for example, if youragency is located in Florida, then the address would be you will be brought to the log-in screen forVeriTracks.  (Note:  You may log-in to the training site for learningpurposes at To log-in, you will need to enter YOUR OWN User Name and Passwordthat has been assigned to you.4. If you forget your password, you can have it emailed to you.  To receiveyour password via email, enter your username in the space provided andthen click on the link Click here in the instructions next to the Passwordentry box.5. Click on the Login button when you have finished entering in your accountinformation.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 7Understanding the Menu OptionsThe VeriTracks home page consists of a Menu Bar and the Display Area inthe center of the page.  The Menu Bar is accessible from every VeriTracksweb page, while the Display Area changes to reflect the selected VeriTracksfunction.This is the VeriTracks Main Menu, accessible from all pages.The VeriTracks Menu Bar is divided into six sections:1. The Search link takes you to search pages where you can define specificparameters for your search.  The menu below drops down when you moveyour mouse over the Search link.2. The Administration link allows you to add or modify incident and zonedata, or administer your user name, password, and preferences.  The menubelow drops down when you move your mouse over the Administrationlink.3. The Supervision link allows you to conduct offender searches, enroll a newoffender, to administer and schedule device commands and inventory, andto create zones.  The menu below drops down when you move your mouseover the Supervision link.4. The Map link allows you to map an address or to retrieve previouslymapped addresses.  The map data entry box drops down when you moveyour mouse over the Map link.
VeriTracks Users Manual8Satellite Tracking Of People5. The Logout link logs you out of VeriTracks.  If you close your browseryou will automatically time out your session.  Please remember to select theLogout option to disconnect your session.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 9Understanding Search and Data Entry Page FeaturesAll Data Entry and Search pages within VeriTracks have a number ofcommon features and functions.1. Text Boxes Text boxes allow direct data entry using the keyboard, wheremultiple values can be entered separated by commas.2. Scrolling List Boxes  List boxes allow you to pick items from a list.Multiple items can be selected by holding down the control <CTRL> keyand selecting the item with the mouse.3. Text Box/Clipboard Pop-up Combination These boxes can be used likea text box or you may use the clipboard to pop-up a pick list of valid values.4. Date Fields All dates can be input directly or picked off a calendar pop-up list.5. Drop Down List Boxes  The drop down list boxes allow you to typeinformation directly into the box and search the list or pick one item off alist that drops down.  In these fields, you cannot select multiple values.
VeriTracks Users Manual10 Satellite Tracking Of People6. Buttons All search pages have TEXT, MAP, and RESET buttons.  TEXTwill produce a text report of the data you queried for.  MAP will produce amap of the Incident or Tracks you queried for.  RESET will clear yourquery and let you start over.  Data Entry pages will include the ADD button.When you have entered all the data to register a new offender or to create anew zone, you will need to click on the ADD button to add the informationto the database.User Discussion ForumA User Discussion Forum is available on the home page of the VeriTrackswebsite.  Select the Discussion Forum link and a new browser window will openwith a standard internet bulletin board/forum page layout.  To post a message orto start a new discussion topic, you will need to register as a forum user.  This isseparate from your VeriTracks account.  A valid email address is required andan activation message will be sent to that address.  The purpose of the forum isto allow VeriTracks users from all over the country to discuss topics andissues related to VeriTracks and to share tips and information.  Theadministrator reserves the right to remove messages that are deemedinappropriate.  Although the support team monitors the discussion forum, it isnot recommended to use this avenue for reporting system problems or bugs.Please use the support email for those kinds of
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 11Chapter 3:  Registering an OffenderIn order to start using the VeriTracks system, you will need to register youragencys offenders in the system and activate the BluTag® device.Hardware ComponentsSummary of BluTag® Specifications:·Single one piece device, including GPS and GSM/GPRS·On board logic controller programmable over the air·Remote programming of multiple inclusion and exclusion zones·Battery re-charge period about 30 minutes·Weighs only 6 ounces·High temperature stability·Buzzer or Vibration alarm can be programmed and sent immediately·Soft push panic alarm·Waterproof·Tamper resistant fiber optic strapGSM - Global System for Mobile Communications. This is the standarddigital technology for wireless phones in Europe and much of the rest of theworld. GSM is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. It is gainingground in the U.S. though it is broadcast on a different frequency than thesystem used in Europe.GSM is offered domestically by T-Mobile, Cingular, and AT&T Wireless.BluTag® currently uses the T-Mobile network which provides the largest GSMcoverage. GSM phones have a distinctive feature: a small, removable plasticcard, called a SIM card that stores user account information, including the phonenumber and speed dial entries, on an embedded chip.GPRS - General Packet Radio Service. This is a faster version of GSM,which speeds up data transmission for things like email and Web browsing. Itoperates at the speed of a slow home dial-up modem, usually 30-40 kilobits persecond. In wireless phone lingo it is considered a 2.5G technology, which willeventually be replaced by much faster 3G data technologies. BluTag® willoperate on GPRS.
VeriTracks Users Manual12 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleThe BluTag® Tracking UnitBluTag® is the worlds first all-in-one real-time offender tracking devicedesigned to be worn continuously on an offenders ankle.  BluTag® uses theGlobal Positioning System (GPS) location verification technologies to monitorand report positions to a custom designed, web based monitoring system.The BluTag® has a fully rechargeable battery, tamper resistant strap, panicalarm, personal alarm notification; on-boardmanagement controls and is completelywaterproof to 15 feet.  The battery lasts in excessof 24 hours even when used in fully activetracking mode.  A low battery signal will alertwhen the battery needs to be recharged.  Thebattery can be fully recharged in 30-45 minutes bysimply attaching a charging coupler to the bottomof the device.  Offenders or defendants canrecharge the battery anywhere.  Failure torecharge is an alert that goes to the officer andshould be addressed as a program violation.The Internet based monitoring system uses thewireless network for remote programming of newcontrol parameters into BluTag® such asinclusion or exclusion zones.BluTag® is set to one mode, Fully Active where all location data is reported innear real-time.The BluTag® is easilyinstalled by simply sizing theankle and clicking in apremeasured tamper resistantfiber optic strap.  If the fiberoptic light is interrupted atamper notice is sent to theofficer.Fully web enabled custommonitoring, mapping, andcontrol software enable staffto monitor large caseloads 24hours per day.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 13Enrolling a New Tracked OffenderTo add a new offender to VeriTracks:1. When you mouse over the Supervision menu option, select Enrollmentfrom the list.2. Under the Enrollment option, you can Enroll and UnEnroll your offenders.3. Select Enroll New Offender to add a new offender to the system.4. There are four tabs/areas for enrollment: Profile,Addresses,TrackingDevice, and Zones.  (NOTE:  not all fields are required information).Offender ProfileOffender ID Number This field contains the offenderidentification number.  This number mayvary by agency, depending on what youwould like to use for a unique identifier.SSN The offenders Social Security Number.First Name The offenders First Name.Last Name The offenders Last Name.Height The offenders height in inches.
VeriTracks Users Manual14 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleWeight The offenders weight in pounds.Hair Color Select the hair color from the drop downlisting.Eye Color Select the eye color from the drop downlisting.Gender Select the gender from the drop downlisting.Race Select the race from the drop down listing.Birth Date This field contains the offenders date ofbirth.  You may enter this or select the datefrom the calendar pop-up listing.Probation Officer Select the Probation Officer from the dropdown listing.Supervision Type Select the Supervision Type from the dropdown listing.Supervision Office Select the Supervision Office from the dropdown listing.Supervision Begin Date  Enter the Begin Date for Supervision, orselect the date from the calendar pop-uplisting.Supervision End Date Enter the End Date for Supervision, or selectthe date from the calendar pop-up listing.Prior Offenses Select the Prior Offenses from the dropdown listing.Sex Offender Select the Sex Offender Check Box if theoffender is a convicted Sex Offender.Offender AddressesHome Address:Street Number The offenders Home Street Number.Street Name The offenders Home Street Name.City The offenders Home Address City.State The offenders Home Address State.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 15Zip The offenders Home Address Zip Code.Phone Number The offenders Home Phone Number.Work Address:Street Number The offenders Work Street Number.Street Name The offenders Work Street Name.City The offenders Work Address City.State The offenders Work Address State.Zip The offenders Work Address Zip Code.Phone Number The offenders Work Phone Number.Tracking DeviceThe Tracking Device tab allows you to access assigned devices and to assignnew ones.  When you have accessed an enrolled offender you will see theirtracking device information on this tab of the enrollment process.  From hereyou can modify it if need be.Click on the Modify Device Assigned link to assign a device to a new offenderor to modify a currently assigned device.  There are two steps for assigning adevice to an offender:  select the device you wish to assign to the offender fromthe Devices drop-down listing, and then select the device template you wish toapply to the device from the Device Default Configurations drop-down listing.ZonesThe Zones tab allows you to view zones that are currently applied to an offenderand assign existing zones to an offender.  There are three (3) types of zones:Active, Passive and Global Zones.Active zones are assigned to and monitored on a 24 hour/7 day-a-week, activebasis within the device itself.  Notifications for Active Zone violations can be setup to your preferences and sent out for immediate response.Passive zones are monitored on a scheduled, passive basis by softwarecorrelation between track points and defined zones. The notifications for passivezone violations are generally emailed to users on a daily basis.Global zones are applied to all offenders being monitored within theVeriTracks program.
VeriTracks Users Manual16 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleEach type of zone can be assigned to individual offenders or to all offenders.Modify Zones Assigned is a link that will allow you to select from a list ofzones in the VeriTracks program that you can assign to your offenders.  Thezones listed for availability are zones created by anyone in your ORI.    To add azone to an offenders monitoring simply click on the zone name in the listing onthe left hand side of the page and move it into either the Active or Passive zonelist on the right.  In addition to these zones, zones that have been designated asGlobal are automatically assigned to each offender enrolled.  These Globalzones can be created by anyone in your state and assigned to all offenders.Preparing the BluTag® Device for UseOnce you have completed enrolling an offender into the Veritracks system, theactivation is almost complete.  The devices arrive to each agency in what iscalled sleep mode.  Once you have enrolled your offender and assigned thedevice you will need to attach the device physically to the offender.  To do thisfollow these easy steps:1. Measure the ankle:  Each device comes with multiple straps to fitdifferent size ankles.  You will need to measure the offenders ankle toselect the correct sized strap for attachment.2. Attach the device: Each device is a one-piece self contained unit.  Thestraps are attached by inserting them into the slots on either side of  thedevice.  Included with the device are small plastic clips that will fit onthe ends of the strap using the holes in the strap itself.  Once the clipsare in place, slide the end of the strap into the device opening.  Wrapthis strap around the offenders ankle and insert the other end in thesame manor.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 17Chapter 4:  Supervising an OffenderSoftware ComponentsWhen you mouse over Supervision on the Main Menu, the Supervision Menuoptions will appear.From here you can choose the function you wish to use in regards to youroffenders.Searching for a Tracked Offender RecordThere are two ways to find an existing tracked offender record:  from theSupervision Menu and from the Search Menu.To conduct a Tracked Offender Search you can enter any or all of the followingfields to limit the data result set returned:Office The office the offender is registered with.Select the office from the drop-down listing.Exclude Offenders Off Monitoring Select this check box to searchONLY on offenders who are currently beingmonitored, excluding those who are nolonger on monitoring.Offender Name-DC No  The offenders name and unique identifierassigned to the offender by the Departmentof Corrections.  Click on the clipboard pop-up listing to select the offender you wish tosee.City of Residence The city where the offender resides.Zip Code of Residence The zip code of the city where the offenderresides.Race The race of the offender.Sex The sex of the offender.
VeriTracks Users Manual18 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleProbation Officer The officer responsible for the offender.You can select an officer name from thedrop-down listing.Start/Stop Dates The dates you would like to include in yoursearch for offender tracks.  You may alsolimit this search by hours and minutes.Offender StatusThe Offender Status option provides you with a report of your offendersdevice and positioning information.NOTE:  The information provided in the Offender Status report is currentas of the last phone call by the device.  (When violations and other alertsoccur, officers are notified by email.  It is possible that between the time anotification is received and the time an officer checks in with VeriTracks,the violation or alert maybe cleared.)There are five (5) different functions available for your information: DeviceStatus, Last Position, Contact Offenders, Command Results, andViolations.1. Device Status:  This report provides you with current information aboutyour offender and their device.  Included is:  Offender Name, Last Contact,Low Battery, Zone Violation, Movement without GPS, and TamperViolation.a. Offender Name:  Displays the offender(s) name that you wish toview.b. Last Contact: Displays the date and time that the device last hadcontact with the VeriTracks server to exchange data.c. Low Battery: Displays a green checkmark to indicate the batterylife is okay, or a red  if the battery charge is low.d. Zone Violation:  Displays a green checkmark to indicate that thereare currently no zone violations, or a red  to indicate there hasbeen a zone violation.e. Movement without GPS:  Displays a green checkmark to indicatethat GPS has effectively monitored the location of the offender, ora red  to indicate that during movement the device changedfrom one cell to another and GPS did not monitor the deviceduring that time.  This produces a violation and a notification tothe officer supervising that offender.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 19f. Tamper Violation:  Displays a green checkmark to indicate thatthere has not been a tamper violation on the device strap, or a red to indicate that the device strap has been tampered with andmust be replaced.2. Last Position:  This tab will display a map that will show you the lastposition of the offender with the last call the device made to the server.  Ifyou have selected more than one (1) offender to view in the Offender Statusreport, it may not be as useful to view multiple offenders on the same map.The map will display the date and time of the last position for the offenderon the map as well.3. Contact Offenders: This tab will allow you to contact an offender byactivating commands on the device.  You can Activate Buzzer which sendsthe command to buzz the offenders device.  You can Activate Vibratewhich sends the command to cause the device to vibrate.  You can RequestDevice Data which sends the command to provide you with informationabout the device.  You can use this command to ping the position of thedevice.  Each agency will have policies set as to what the offender shoulddo when the device is contacted.4. Command Results:  This tab provides a listing of commands that havebeen sent out to devices within your agency.  This information is providedto you so that you know that the command has been received by the device.Displayed is the command that was issued, who it was issued by, theoffender that the command applies to, the command type, status and when itis completed/cleared.  In addition the start date and time and the end dateand time will be displayed.  There is a Refresh button on this screen sothat you can continue to refresh the server to check for new status on yourcommands.5. Violations:  This tab will provide you with a violation report for theoffender(s) that you selected.   The default date/time range is the previous24 hour period.  You can change the date/time range to view previousreports.InventoryThe Inventory menu option is where your agency will monitor your deviceinventory.  There are several sub-menu options available to assist you inmonitoring your device inventory: Inventory List, Change Device(s) Status,Change Device(s) Owner, Device Assignment Report and Device HistoryReport.
VeriTracks Users Manual20 Satellite Tracking Of People1. Inventory List:  Displays all devices within your agencies inventory,including each devices serial number, the offender that it is assigned to (ifany), and the status of each device (NEEDS REPAIR, PRE-SHIPPING,RECEIVED, RETURNED, SHIPPED, ASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED).2. Change Device(s) Status:  Select the device you wish to change the statuson by clicking in that devices row of information.  To select more than onedevice in the list, hold down your control key on your keyboard while youselect each device you wish to change.  Below the list of devices is a drop-down listing of status options to choose from.  Select the new status for thatdevice.  Click on the Submit button to save the changes.3. Change Device(s) Owner:  Certain agencies will be set-up as a parentcompany with possibly multiple agencies within its hierarchy.  Devices canbe moved around within these hierarchies.  In order to reassign a devicewithin your agency structure, the device must be unassigned.  Select thedevice you wish to change the owner of by clicking in that devices row ofinformation.  To select more than one device in the list, hold down yourcontrol key on your keyboard while you select each device you wish tochange.  Below the list of devices is a drop-down listing of all agencieswithin your agencies hierarchy that you have privileges to reassign devices.Select the agency from the list to change the owner.4. Device Assignment Report:  Displays a listing of all devices within youragency that are assigned to offenders.  In order to create this report selectthe date from the calendar that you wish to view.  The report provides youwith the serial number of the devices, the ORI that the device belongs, theoffender that the device is assigned to, the start date and end date (if thedevice has been unassigned on the date you selected) and the status of thedevice (ASSIGNED or UNASSIGNED).5. Device History Report:  Displays a report of all devices assigned to youragency.  This report is also dependent upon the hierarchy of how youragency was created.  If your agency is at the highest level of the hierarchyyou will be able to see all of the agencies within your structure.  This is aninformation only report.ZonesZones are created as a useful way to better track offender movements.  You willbe notified when an offender violates a zone that has been assigned to them.There are two types of zones:  Inclusion or Exclusion; and three types ofmonitoring of zones:  Active, Passive, or Global.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 21Inclusion zones are created to define an area in which on offender needs toremain.  For example, if they are confined to only their home and work, zonescan be created around each location, including the specific times the zone iseffective.  You can then monitor when an offender leaves their assigned zones.Exclusion zones are created to define an area(s) where an offender should notbe.  For example, an offender has been ordered to stay clear of their formerspouses home.  A zone can be set up around that home, assigned specifically tothat offender, and activated at all times.  When the offender enters into this zone,this will produce a violation.The following are the steps necessary to create a zone:1. There are two ways to access the zone menu, either by mousing over theSupervision or the Administration menu options and selecting Zone.  Youcan create a new zone or select one that you have previously created.2. Click on Add New Zone to begin the process for creating a new zone.3. Complete the Zone Entry fields as follows:Zone Name Name your zone.  Be sure to use a specificname that is meaningful to you.  Eachorganization may want to come up with anaming schema.Street No The Zone Address Street Number.Street Name The Zone Address Street Name.Cross Street Name The Zone Address Cross Street Name, ifany.City The Zone Address City Name.Zip Code The Zone Address Zip Code.Latitude The Zone Address Latitude.Longitude The Zone Address Longitude.Geocode Click on this button to produce the Latitudeand Longitude coordinates from the addressentered.  The address MUST be able toproduce Latitude and Longitude in order foryou to be able to map the address.  HINT:  ifthe Geocode does not work, try using anaddress of a neighboring building or homeand adjust your zone definitionappropriately.
VeriTracks Users Manual22 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleBuffer Distance Enter in Feet, Yards, and/or Miles the bufferdistance for the zone.Exclusion/Inclusion Select if this is to be an Exclusion orInclusion Zone.Start/Stop Dates Enter or select the Start and Stop Dates fromthe calendar pop-up for the zone.Offender Name  DC No  Enter or select the Offender Name(s) fromthe clipboard pop-up that this zone will beassigned to.Schedule The zone will be effective during specifictimes.  You can set-up the zone schedulefrom here by selecting times for each day,selecting everything when the zone appliesall the time, or use the smart select tospecify periods of time across each day.Reset/Add Select the Reset button to start your zoneentry again.  Select the Add button to addthe new zone.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 23Chapter 5:  Conducting SearchesVeriTracks provides the user with the ability to conduct searches on offendersas well as crime incidents and crime incident hits (where available), and zonehits.  The following details how to use the various search capabilities inVeriTracks.Incident Hit SearchThe Incident Hit search allows you to search for offender tracks that have comewithin the vicinity of a reported crime during the specified crime time andwithin 1,000 feet of the reported crime location.  Not all agencies will havecrime data available to them.  This function is only enabled when crime data isavailable and collected into the VeriTracks central server.To conduct the Incident Hit Search you can enter any or all of the followingfields to limit the data result set returned:Incident Hit No The unique identifier assigned to the hit bythe VeriTracks system.County The County in which the Incident occurred.ORI/Agency The Originating Agency responsible forinvestigating the Incident.Agency Case No The Case Number assigned by the ORI,which may be the same as the AgencyIncident Number.Primary Offense The nature/type code assigned by the agencyto describe the incident.Offender Name-DC No  The offender whose tracks crossed theincident, causing a hit to occur.Maximum Distance (ft.)  The distance the offenders tracks were fromthe incident.Minimum No. Points The amount of time the tracked offenderwas near the incident, the higher the pointsthe longer the time period.  This varies
VeriTracks Users Manual24 Satellite Tracking Of Peopledepending on the device used, as somedevices track points more frequently.Start/Stop Dates The dates you would like to include in yoursearch for incident hits.Incident SearchThe Incident search allows you to search for reported Crime Incidents.  Thisinformation is only available when crime data is collected into the VeriTrackscentral server from local law enforcement agencies.To conduct the Incident Search you can enter any or all of the following fields tolimit the data result set returned:Incident No The unique identifier for the incidentassigned by Veritracks.County The County in which the incident occurred.ORI/Agency The Originating Agency responsible forinvestigating the Incident.Agency Case No The Case Number assigned by the ORI,which may be the same as the AgencyIncident Number.Primary Offense The nature/type code assigned by the agencyto describe the incident.Disposition The current disposition of the crimeincident.Start/Stop Dates The dates you would like to include in yoursearch for incident hits.Tracked Offender SearchNOTE:  Please see Chapter 4, page 17, with information for conducting aTracked Offender Search.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 25Zone SearchThe Zone search allows you to search for Zones that have been created by yourORI.To conduct the Zone Search you can enter any or all of the following fields tolimit the data result set returned:Zone POC The individual responsible for initiating thezone.County The County in which the zone was defined.ORI/Agency The Originating Agency responsible for thezone.Zone No The unique identifier of the zone assignedby Veritracks.Street Name The name of the Street defined in the zone.Zip Code The zip code defined in the zone.Offender Name-DC No  The offender whose tracks crossed theincident, causing a hit to occur.Zone Hit SearchThe Zone Hit search allows you to search for offender tracks that have violateddefined Zones created by your ORI.To conduct the Zone Hit search you can enter any or all of the following fields tolimit the data result set returned:Zone Hit No The unique identifier of the offender tracksthat occur outside an inclusion zone orinside an exclusion zone assigned byVeritracks.Zone POC The individual responsible for initiating thezone.County The County in which the zone was defined.ORI/Agency The Originating Agency responsible for thezone.Zone No The unique identifier of the zone assignedby Veritracks.
VeriTracks Users Manual26 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleStreet Name The name of the Street defined in the zone.Minimum No Points The amount of time the tracked offenderwas near in violation of the zone, the higherthe points the longer the time period.  Thisvaries depending on the device used, assome devices track points more frequently.Offender Name-DC No  The offender whose tracks crossed theincident, causing a hit to occur.Start/Stop Dates The dates you would like to include in yoursearch for incident hits.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 27Chapter 6:  Understanding ReportsWhen users conduct searches you can either create text reports of the results ormap the results.  Each text report has common functionalities.  The report frameis the same the report contents change based on the report type.The Report FrameEach report is framed by a common set of information and buttons.1. Records:  This number indicates how many records were returnedbased on your search.  If you choose a link from an email notificationthen this number should only be one (1).2. Page:  This number indicates how many pages of results have beenreturned.  VeriTracks is set to show only 100 records per screen.This number will indicate when there is more than one (1) page in theresult set.  To access the next page, select the page number you wouldlike to view from the drop down listing.  A new button will appear atthe top as well.  This arrow button will also advance you to the nextpage.  1  2  3  4  5
VeriTracks Users Manual28 Satellite Tracking Of People3. Select All Records:  Each individual record is displayed on its ownnote card.  You can select individual or multiple note cards by clickingin the top right hand corner of the cards, adding a check to signifyselection, or if you want to select all records, click on this button.4. Map Selected Records:  To view your selected or all results on a map,click on this icon.   Be sure to select the individual or multiplerecords you wish to view on the map first.5. View as Table:  To view your result set in table format click on thisicon.   This view allows users to sort their data using any columnyou wish.  If your result set is large it also makes browsing through thedata easier.  To sort on any column in the result set in table format,click on the column header link and the table will automaticallyreformat the report within the table.Incident Hit Search ResultsEnter the appropriate information into the Search Page options to retrieve theIncident Hit information you are looking for.  You may also start this searchfrom your daily Incident Hit Notification email link.  Simply click on the link ofthe Incident Hit that interests you and you will be brought into VeriTracks, log-in and the report will automatically generate.  1  2  3  4  5
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 29From the above report you are provided with information about the incident andabout the offender who caused the hit to be generated.  You can choose tomap one or more incident hits from this report by simply selecting the individualincident hits note cards, or all of them, and then clicking on the Map SelectedRecords button.Below is an explanation of how to effectively use this report:1. VeriTracks Incident Hit Number: The VeriTracks hit engineautomatically assigns a unique number to each hit returned.  Thisnumber is displayed on the top left hand corner of each note card.  Thisnumber can be used in future searches for ease of re-retrieving records.2. Incident Information:  This section on the note card provides thedetails about the reported incident.3. Incident No. Hyperlink:  This is the VeriTracks generated IncidentNumber.  The hyperlink opens up the incident report for this incident soyou can obtain more detailed information about that incident.4. Offender Information:  This section on the note card provides thedetails about the time/date range, number of track points and the closestrecorded distance from the incident that the offender tracks crossed thereported incident information.  This information crossed with theincident information is what caused the hit to be generated.5. Offender Name Hyperlink:  This link opens up the offender detailsreport (see below) for this offender with detailed information about theoffender.Incident Search ResultsEnter the appropriate information into the Search Page options to retrieve theIncident information you are looking for.  This search option allows you to viewone (1) or multiple Incidents in the same report.
VeriTracks Users Manual30 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleFrom the above report you are provided with information about the incident.  Inaddition, there are links on each Crime Incident note card that will take you tocrime incident hit and violation information.  You can choose to map one ormore incidents from this report by simply selecting the individual incident notecards, or all of them, and then clicking on the Map Selected Records button.Below is an explanation of how to effectively use this report:1. Reporting Agencies ORI: VeriTracks will display the agency ORIand agency name for which the incident was reported.2. Incident Information:  This section on the note card provides thedetails about the reported incident.3. Incident No. Hyperlink:  This is the VeriTracks generated IncidentNumber.  The hyperlink opens up the incident report for this incident soyou can obtain more detailed information about that incident.4. Hits Hyperlink:  This link provides a text report of any hits thatoccurred for that particular incident.5. Violations Hyperlink:  This link displays a listing of offenders whohad device violations during the specified crime time period.  Thisincludes the distance and time from the last good point for the offenderbefore the violation.  The violation report will show only the 100closest offender violations.  1  2  3  5  4
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 31Tracked Offender Search ResultsEnter the appropriate information into the Search Page options to retrieve theOffender information you are looking for.  This search option allows you toview one (1) or multiple Offenders in the same report.From the above report you are provided with information about the Offender(s).In addition, there are links on each Offender note card that will take you toOffender Detail, Zone Report, and Detailed DC Report.  You can choose tomap one or more offenders from this report by simply selecting the individualoffender note cards, or all of them, and then clicking on the Map SelectedRecords button.Below is an explanation of how to effectively use this report:1. Offenders Name: VeriTracks will display the offenders name oneach individual note card.2. Offender Information:  This section on the note card provides thedetails about the offender.3. Offender Detail Hyperlink:  This link will give you detailedinformation about an offender for a specified period of time, i.e., thetime frame you selected to run the report for.  You can obtain specific  1  2  3  5  4
VeriTracks Users Manual32 Satellite Tracking Of Peopleinformation about the offender as well as the listed Probation Officersname and phone number.  On this report are several other links.a. Alerts:  The Violation Alert Summary details if the offenderhad any device violations during the specified period of time.It lists the Violation Date/Time, Violation Cleared, theViolation code, and the Duration that the violation occurred.These violations include, but are not limited to, BraceletGone,Bracelet Strap, and Motion No GPS.b. Device Summary: This link provides details about thedevice.  Not only does it list the Violations of the device, but italso lists when the Device at Rest, and Device in Charger.c. Incident Hits:  This link will take you to a table listing of allIncident Hits that the offender had for that specified timeperiod.  This report lists the Primary Offense, with links to theIncident reports, the reporting agency, the Points and Distancefrom the Incident, and the Start/Stop Date and Time.d. Zone Hits:  This link provides a table listing of any ZoneViolations for this offender for the specified period of time.This report lists the Zone Name, the Violation Date, the ORI,and POC (point of contact), the number of Points in theviolation, and the Zone Type.4. Zone Report Hyperlink:  This link provides a text report of any zonesthat this particular offender has been assigned to.  Anytime a usercreates a zone they have the rights to assign individuals whom theywish to keep out of an Exclusion Zone, or individuals whom they wishto keep inside an Inclusion Zone.  Users can do this individually orthere is an option to select ALL offenders.  This report applies ONLYto Zones that an individual offender has been assigned to.5. Detailed DC Report Hyperlink:  This link opens up a new browserwindow and will take you to the Public Web Site for the FloridaDepartment of Corrections.  This link currently is only connected foruse in Florida.  This site provides information to the public aboutoffenders currently on Parole or Probation through the FloridaDepartment of Corrections.  For investigative purposes, this siteprovides officers with more information about offenders, such as aliasnames used, last known verified address, and even provides aphotograph.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 33Zone Search ResultsEnter the appropriate information into the Search Page options to retrieve theZone information you are looking for.  This search option allows you to viewone (1) or multiple Zones in the same report.From the above report you are provided with information about the Zone(s).You can choose to map one or more zones from this report by simply selectingthe individual zone note cards, or all of them, and then clicking on the MapSelected Records button.Below is an explanation of how to effectively use this report:1. Zones Name: VeriTracks will display the zones name on eachindividual note card.2. Zone Information:  This section on the note card provides the detailsabout the Zone.Zone Hit Search ResultsEnter the appropriate information into the Search Page options to retrieve theZone Hit information you are looking for.  This search option allows you toview one (1) or multiple Zone Hits in the same report.  1  2
VeriTracks Users Manual34 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleFrom the above report you are provided with information about the Zone(s) andany associated Hits on those zones.  You can choose to map one or more zonehits from this report by simply selecting the individual zone hit note cards, or allof them, and then clicking on the Map Selected Records button.Below is an explanation of how to effectively use this report:1. Zone Hit Number: The VeriTracks hit engine automatically assignsa unique number to each hit returned.  This number is displayed on thetop left hand corner of each note card.  This number can be used infuture searches for ease of re-retrieving records.2. Zone Information:  This section on the note card provides the detailsabout the Zone.3. Zone Name Hyperlink: This link opens up the zone report (seeabove) for this zone with detailed information about the zone.4. Offender Information:  This section on the note card provides thedetails about the offender, whose tracks violated the zone, thus causingthe Hit.5. Offender Name Hyperlink:  This link opens up the offender detailsreport (see above).
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 35Chapter 7:  AdministrationVeriTracks provides the ability for users to administer their own accountinformation, to select the types of notifications they would like to receive, andan additional place to go to create zones.  A section under Administration wasalso included for smaller agencies to be able to input their own crime incidentdata when they do not have a system currently in place for this purpose.IncidentThe Incident Data Entry option is available for smaller law enforcementagencies that do not have an automated Crime Incident entry system already inplace, like a CAD system or RMS.  Electronic formatting of data is required inorder to feed the data into VeriTracks.  This function will not be used by mostagencies.Incident data is entered on three screens.  The first screen is the Incident Entryscreen.  Once the Incident data is entered and the incident record is added,offense and suspect information can be added as well.Incident Data:Agency Incident Number  The Agency Incident Number is assigned bythe ORI or Agency, which may be the sameas the Agency Case Number.Start/Stop Date & Time  The Start and Stop Date and Time of theCrime Incident as reported.Street No The Incident Address Street Number.Street Name The Incident Address Street Name.Cross Street Name The Incident Address Cross Street Name, ifany.City The Incident Address City Name.Zip Code The Incident Address Zip Code.Latitude The Incident Address Latitude.
VeriTracks Users Manual36 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleLongitude The Incident Address Longitude.Geocode Click on this button to produce the Latitudeand Longitude coordinates from the addressentered.  The address MUST be able toproduce Latitude and Longitude in order foryou to be able to map the address.  HINT:  ifthe Geocode does not work, try using anaddress of a neighboring building or homeand adjust your zone definitionappropriately.Primary Offense Select form the list of Primary Offenses thatdefine the Crime Incident.Disposition The current Disposition of the CrimeIncident.Agency Case No. The Agency Case Number is assigned by theORI or Agency, which may be the same asthe Agency Incident Number.Cleared Exceptionally  Select from the list of Cleared criteria.Responding Officer Name  The Officer that Responds to the CrimeIncident Call.Cleared Date The date the Incident was ExceptionallyCleared.After entering information about the Crime Incident you will click on the Addbutton.  Once you have added the incident information into VeriTracks, youmay then add additional information.Click on the Add Offense link at the bottom of the Incident Entry page andenter any or all of the following information:Offense Data:UCR Offense Code Select the UCR Offense Code from thedrop-down listing.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 37Offense Attempted/Completed  Select whether the offense wasattempted but not completed or actuallycompleted from the drop-down listing.Suspect Used Select from the listing any items the suspectused while committing the offense.Bias Motivation Select from the drop-down listing any BiasMotivation.Location Type Select from the drop-down listing theLocation Type.Number of Premises Entered Enter the Number of Premises Entered.Method of Entry Select from the drop-down listing theMethod of Entry.Type of Weapon Force Involved  Select from the listing any weaponsthat were used while committing thisoffenses.Crime Act Type Select from the listing the Crime ActType(s).Gang Related Type Select from the listing if there was any GangRelated Type involved with this offense.After entering information about the Crime Incident and Offense information,you will click on the Add button.  You may also have information to enter aboutthe Suspect.  Return to the incident by navigating back to the Data Entry=>Incident=> Select the Incident from the drop down listing. Click on the AddSuspect link at the bottom of the Incident Entry page and enter any or all of thefollowing information:Suspect Data:Age of Suspect Enter the age of the suspect.Sex of Suspect Select the gender of the suspect from thedrop-down listing.Race of Suspect Select the race of the suspect from the drop-down listing.ZoneZones are created as a useful way to better track offender movements.  You willbe notified when an offender violates a zone that has been assigned to them.
VeriTracks Users Manual38 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleThere are two types of zones:  Inclusion or Exclusion; and three types ofmonitoring for zones:  Active, Passive, or Global.Inclusion zones are created to define an area in which on offender needs toremain.  For example, if they are confined to only their home and work, zonescan be created around each location, including the specific times the zone iseffective.  You can then monitor when an offender leaves their assigned zones.Exclusion zones are created to define an area(s) where an offender should notbe.  For example, an offender has been ordered to stay clear of their formerspouses home.  A zone can be set up around that home, assigned specifically tothat offender, and activated at all times.  When the offender enters into this zone,this will produce a violation.The following are the steps necessary to create a zone:1. There are two ways to access the zone menu, either by mousing over theOffender or the Data Entry menu options and selecting Zone.  You cancreate a new zone or select one that you have previously created.2. Click on Add New Zone to begin the process for creating a new zone.3. Complete the Zone Entry fields as follows:Zone Name Name your zone.  Be sure to use a specificname that is meaningful to you.  Eachorganization may want to come up with anaming schema.Street No The Zone Address Street Number.Street Name The Zone Address Street Name.Cross Street Name The Zone Address Cross Street Name, ifany.City The Zone Address City Name.Zip Code The Zone Address Zip Code.Latitude The Zone Address Latitude.Longitude The Zone Address Longitude.Geocode Click on this button to produce the Latitudeand Longitude coordinates from the addressentered.  The address MUST be able toproduce Latitude and Longitude in order foryou to be able to map the address.  HINT:  ifthe Geocode does not work, try using an
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 39address of a neighboring building or homeand adjust your zone definitionappropriately.Buffer Distance Enter in Feet, Yards, and/or Miles the bufferdistance for the zone.Exclusion/Inclusion Select if this is to be an Exclusion orInclusion Zone.Start/Stop Dates Enter or select the Start and Stop Dates fromthe calendar pop-up for the zone.Offender Name-DC No  Enter or select the Offender Name(s) fromthe clipboard pop-up that this zone will beassigned to.Schedule The zone will be effective during specifictimes.  You can set-up the zone schedulefrom here by selecting times for each day,selecting everything when the zone appliesall the time, or use the smart select tospecify periods of time across each day.Reset/Add Select the Reset button to start your zoneentry again.  Select the Add button to addthe new zone.PreferencesThere are two types of users defined within VeriTracks:  Law EnforcementOfficers/Crime Analysts and Supervising Officers/Probation Officers.  ThePreferences menu option allows the user to modify their own account and selectthe types of notifications they wish to receive from VeriTracks.  In addition,users can set up how they want their default map layers to be displayed.  Each ofthese options can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate folder tab.For BOTH Law Enforcement and Probation Officers, some of your user accountinformation is modifiable.  You DO NOT have privileges to modify yourUsername, First Name, Last Name or Contact Type.  The following are thefields required to create a user account.
VeriTracks Users Manual40 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleProfileUser Name The unique identifier for your user accountassigned by your agency VeriTracksadministrator.First Name Your first name entered by your agencyVeriTracks administrator.Last Name Your last name entered by your agencyVeriTracks administrator.Password Your password will originally be assignedby your agency VeriTracks administrator,but you will be able to modify this as yousee fit.Confirm Password You will need to type your password in twotimes for verification.User Time Zone This allows the user to set the Time Zone inwhich VeriTracks should display data.Email Each user will need to enter their emailaddress and keep that up-to-date in order toreceive the VeriTracks notifications.Active Email This email address is used for the officer toreceive immediate notifications on theiroffenders movements.  This can be thesame email address listed above or anotherone, like on your cell phone or Blackberry.Phone Your phone number where you can bereached.Contact Type Your contact type is assigned to youautomatically, and cannot be modified,depending on the type of agency you workfor, i.e., law enforcement or corrections.The above fields are common for both types of users.  Once you have updatedyour user account information, you will need to click on the Update button.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 41NotificationsLaw Enforcement/Crime AnalystsLaw enforcement offices have fewer choices for notifications.  They can only benotified about Zone Hits and Crime Incident Hits.  For Zone Hit notifications,you can choose the notifications based on who set up the Zone.  The followinginformation pertains to Law Enforcement/Crime Analyst users:Zones I set up Selecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zones youhave created.Zones my ORI or Agency set up Selecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zonesanyone in your agency has created.Incidents reported by ORI or Agency Selecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Crimes reported by youragency.Supervising Officers/Probation OfficersProbation offices can be notified about Zone Hits, Incident Hits and equipmentrelated violations.  For Zone Hit notifications, you can choose the notificationsbased on who set up the Zone.NOTE:  To receive notifications based on individuals you supervise, theprobation officer MUST add the offenders they supervise to the OffenderName-DC No listing.Offender Name-DC No You will have to select Offender names ofthose individuals you are responsible forand/or are interested in tracking.  You canenter the names directly or select them fromthe clipboard pop-up listing.  These are theindividuals that will then apply tonotifications on your individuals only.The following information pertains to Supervising Officers/Probation Officersusers:Zones I set up Selecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zones youhave created.
VeriTracks Users Manual42 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleZones my ORI or Agency set upSelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zonesanyone in your ORI or Agency has created.Zones violated by my individuals onlySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zonesviolated by your individuals you selectedabove.Zones violated by my ORI or AgencySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Zone Hits on Zonesviolated by all offenders defined in yourORI or Agency.Incidents hit by my ORI or AgencySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Incident Hits whereoffenders in your ORI or Agency were nearthe Incidents.Incidents hit by my individuals onlySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Incident Hits where yourindividual offenders were near the Incidents.Device violations by my ORI or AgencySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Device violations by anyoffenders defined in your ORI or Agency.Device violations by my individuals onlySelecting this check box will ensurenotification of any Device violations by anyof your individual offenders.Map PreferencesThe Map Preferences tab will take you to the entire listing of map layer options.From here you can select and deselect the layers you wish to see by default onyour maps.  You can also change your defaults from the map toolbar as well.Best practice is to change your map preferences prior to creating a map.  Thatway the changes are saved and take effect when you do go to create a map.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 43Each map layer list can be either visible and/or labeled.  To remove the layercompletely, you need only deselect the item in the visible check box as that willremove the option for visible and label at the same time.  You can modify thislist as often as you like until you have the map layers as you would like them.NOTE:  The offender address layer has been restored to a single map layer thatcan now be customized to show offender addresses by Status with  "Current, OffMonitoring, or All" options, and by Agency, with "My ORI, My Individuals, orAll" options.  This enhancement removes the clutter on maps in areas dense withextraneous addresses.When you have finished selecting your preferences, be sure to click on theUpdate button.  You can also click on Reset to nullify your changes.
VeriTracks Users Manual44 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleUser AccountsEach agency will have an administrator account assigned for their use in order tomanage user accounts.  Administrators will be able to create users as needed andto modify user information.In the main menu bar of the VeriTracks Home Page place your cursor overthe Administration menu option.  The administration menu will appear below.Select the User Accounts option by clicking on the link.You will have the option here to Create New Users or to Modify Existing UserAccounts.Click on the Add New User option.To create a new user, enter the following information:
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 45User Name Assign a user name for the new account.You may want to use your agencysconventions for assigning user names, forease of use.First and Last Name Enter the first and last name of the new user.Password/Confirm Password Either assign a password and confirm it forthe user, or as is recommended enter anarbitrary password (like password orchangeme) to allow the user to enter theirown preferred password once they startusing the system.  Be sure to enter thepassword in both places.User Time Zone Select the time zone in which the user islocated from the drop down listing.Email Enter the users email address.  This alsocan be entered by the user when they log infor the first time.  It is not a mandatory fieldfor account creation.Active Email This email address is used for immediatenotification of offender movements.  Usersshould enter an address in where they wishto receive these types of alerts.Phone Number Enter the users phone number.  This alsocan be entered by the user when they log infor the first time.  It is not a mandatory fieldfor account creation.Contact Type Select the type of user this new account willbe.  There are three (3) contact types:Crime Analyst, Data Steward, andProbation Officer.  Law Enforcement usersare classified as Crime Analysts;Parole/Probation/Corrections users areclassified as Probation Officers; and DataStewards are generally users that will serveas data entry and enrollment officers.To complete the creation of a new user, navigate to the Privileges tab.
VeriTracks Users Manual46 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleGeneral users need to be granted Zone Configuration Privileges in orderto be able to create and edit new Hot Zones in VeriTracks.The Incident Configuration Privileges rights allow users to enter CrimeIncident information.  This feature is only used for smaller agencies whodo not already have an RMS system for Incident reporting.  In addition toselecting this privilege, the administrator for Veritracks will have togrant access to the agency ORI.The User Maintenance Privileges are reserved for users who will becreating and modifying user accounts.  Each agency needs to decide whoshould have the rights to administer users.The rest of the information is optional for the Administrator.  It isrecommended to have users log-in to VeriTracks and navigate toPreferences to change their own password, input their own phone numberand email address, and to select the types of notifications they wish toreceive.  Users can also access their map preferences from here to changetheir map layers.Once you have entered the necessary information click on the Addbutton.  Click on Reset if you would like to enter the information again.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 47Chapter 8:  MapsThe Map function in VeriTracks allows you to jump directly to a location on amap.  There are two ways to access this function:First, you can mouse over the Map link on the main menu bar.  This willprovide you with a drop-down box in which you can enter the addressinformation to be mapped.Second, if you click on the Map link on the main menu bar, you will beredirected to the Map Data Entry screen.  Here you can enter the addressinformation or select from a drop-down listing of previous addresses you havemapped.When you have entered the address information in either location, you will needto click on the Map button to create the map.Map ComponentsThe mapping functionality in VeriTracks is very robust and provides the userwith many features.  The components of the maps are:Map Area The map area is where the map and anygeographic elements and map features aredisplayed.Navigation Star The navigation star allows you to navigatearound the map by panning in any direction.You need only click on the direction on thestar that you wish to pan your map.  Thenavigation star is located to the upper leftside of the map area.Toolbar The toolbar contains tools for manipulatingdata on the map.  The toolbar is located tothe left of the map area.Map Date/Time Range The Map Date/Time Range indicates thevalid time range for map features.  Thisinformation is located above the map area.Map Scale The map scale shows the map scale at aselected zoom level.  The map scaleinformation is located above the map areaon the left-hand side.
VeriTracks Users Manual48 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleStatus Bar The status bar shows status information suchas latitude and longitude location of a point.If you click and drag a box around somepoint(s) the status bar displays distance aswell.  The status bar is located under themap area in the lower portion of the browserwindow.Map FeaturesThe features of the maps are:Crime Incidents The crime incidents are represented bydifferent colored thumbtacks, with eachcolor indicating the crime type.Offender Tracks The offender tracks are represented bydifferent colored dots, with each colorindicating a specific mapped offender.Zones The zones are represented by a pink(Exclusion) or green (Inclusion) circle.Offender Home Location The offender home locations are representedby a black house symbol.  You can add thetext for the name of the offender who livesthere as well (to be defined in the MapToolbar section).Offender Work Location The offender work locations are representedby a black factory symbol.  You can add thetext for the name of the offender who livesthere as well (to be defined in the MapToolbar section).Violation Display The violation display can be enabled byselecting the Label Offender Tracks optionfrom the Show/Hide Layer List pop-up (tobe defined in the Map Toolbar section).Red Circle denotes Bracelet Gone.Red Square denotes Bracelet Strap.Red Triangle denotes Motion with No GPS.Green Triangle denotes Device at Rest.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 49Green Square denotes Device in Charger.Map ToolbarThe map toolbar contains the following functionality:Back The back icon allows you to go to previousmaps created during your current session.You can only go back ten maps.Forward The forward icon allows you to go forwardto maps when using the back button to gobetween previous maps.Zoom In The zoom in icon allows you to focus in ona selected area of the map.  To use thisfeature, click on the icon to zoom an overall10% or draw a box around the desiredlocation on the map and then click on thisicon.Zoom Out The zoom out icon allows you to focus in ona selected area of the map.  To use thisfeature, click on the icon to zoom an overall10% or draw a box around the desiredlocation on the map and then click on thisicon.Select Incidents The select incidents icon allows you todisplay incidents that occurred in a selectedarea of the map.  To use this feature, draw abox around the desired location of the mapand then click the icon.  NOTE: Theincidents that appear also correspond withthe defined time of the map.
VeriTracks Users Manual50 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleSelect Tracks The select tracks icon allows you to displayoffender tracks that occurred in a selectedarea of the map.  To use this feature, draw abox around the desired location of the mapand then click the icon.Select Zones The select zones icon allows you to displayzones that cross a selected area on the map.To use this feature, draw a box around thedesired location of the map and then clickthe icon.Connect Track Points from Start Date/TimeThe connect track points from start date/timeicon allows you to connect track points for aselected offender, beginning with the earliestpoint to fall within the date range of themap.  To use this feature, select anoffenders track on the map by drawing abox around one track point to identify theoffender, and then select the Connect TrackPoints icon.Show Offender RangeThis density layer depicts hot spots wheremost of an offenders track points occur.This layer is created for each offender fromtheir entire history of points stored inVeriTracks.  The result can be used tovisualize an offenders home range, whichcovers where the offender has been andhighlights areas where the offender spendsmost of their time.  This layer will berecalculated once per week.  To use thisfeature, select an offenders track on themap by drawing a box around one trackpoint to identify the offender and then selectthe Show Offender Range icon.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 51Identify Features The identify features icon allows you toview a text report for selected incidents,tracks or zones. To use this feature, draw abox on the desired location of the map, toinclude all items (i.e., offender tracks,incident markers and offender address/worklocations) and then click the IdentifyFeatures icon.Show/Hide Legend The show/hide legend icon allows you todisplay or hide the map legend.Show/Hide Layer List The show/hide layer list icon allows you toselect different map layers such asinstitutions, roads and water bodies todisplay.Change Date/Time ParametersThe change date/time parameters iconallows you to specify a different date or timerange for the map.  This comes in handywhen you are looking at a map that spansmultiple days and you want to narrow theresult set down to a particular time period.Reverse Geocode The reverse geocode icon allows users toselect a point on the map and then obtain theaddress for that point.  To do this, click on alocation on an active map and then click onthe Reverse Geocode icon.  The system willdisplay an estimated address for that point.If you draw a box on the active map andclick on this icon, it will provide an addressfor the closest point in the upper left handcorner of the box.
VeriTracks Users Manual52 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleCreate/Edit Zone The create/edit zone icon allows the user toset the center and radius of a zone on themap.  While you are on an active map thatyou wish to create a new zone, click on theCreate/Edit Zone icon.  This will place asmall blue ball onto the middle of your map.Drag that blue ball to create thecircumference of the zone you wish tocreate.  Then move the center green ball tothe location of the zone (it does not have tobe exactly the center of the map).Playback Tracks The playback tracks icon allows the user toview the movement from one track point tothe next from the earliest point on map.  Touse this feature, from an active map thatcontains offender tracks (can includemultiple offenders), click on the PlaybackTracks icon.  This will regenerate the mapfor you and add a new tool bar at the top ofthe map.  You can move through theoffender tracks by using the VCR-likebuttons for playing, stepping through,stepping back and pausing.In addition, the bar can be dragged to allowyou to control the movement of the tracks.When tracking a single offender, theplayback symbol is a green dot with a bluetrail depicting the previous five track points.If your offenders tracks move off of thecurrent map, the map will automatically panand resume playback once it refreshes.Print Map The print map icon opens a new windowcontaining the map with a legend of theOffender Tracks that can be printed by theuser.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 53Re-center Map The recenter map icon allows you to select apoint or area on the map by clicking the spotwith your mouse or drawing a box aroundthe area and clicking on the recenter mapicon to re-center the map to that point orarea.  USGS Imagery As a demonstration of the power of aerialphotography to orient the user to the relativemap scale and provide a source of groundtruth, we have linked the USGS imageryavailable on Microsoft's TerraServerbeneath the VeriTracks maps.  Togglebetween the map and the imager by clickingthe camera button that has been added at thebottom of the map navigation tools.
VeriTracks Users Manual54 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleBest Practices When Working With MapsConstruct small searches to maximize performance and keep your map resultslegible.·Use the search pages to restrict your results to specific parameters suchas primary offense, UCR code or ORI or Agency.·Limit the date range you are using, whenever possible. Wide dateranges for tracks and incidents may turn up false positives on themap.·Use the zoom in icon to access greater detail on a specific location ofthe map.·If you receive a warning message that your box encompasses too largean area, stop the search and draw a smaller box.If you make a mistake in sizing the map, use the back icon on the tool bar toreturn to your previous map.Do not use the Back button on your browser when working with the map report.If you need to rebuild your map from your text report page, use the Last Resultslink under Search on the main menu.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 55Chapter 9:  Training ExercisesThe following sections will detail, using exercises, how to use the Veritrackssystem.  In order to get the most out of using the Training Site, please followalong with the examples.Exercise 1  Registering an OffenderThe first step in using the VeriTracks system is to your register your offendersand assign devices.  Your organization has decided to use the BluTag® devicefor tracking purposes.1. Access the VeriTracks website: https://demo.veritracks.com2. Enter your User Name and Password then click on the Login button.3. Once the system validates your account information, you will bedirected to the Home Page.  From here you have all of theVeriTracks menu options available for your use.  You will need tonavigate to the Supervision menu option.4. Mouse over the Supervision link and select Enrollment.Select theEnroll New Offender link.  Enter information as necessary to enroll anew offender.  The following is an example.  (NOTE:  if you are goingto assign PTU devices to training attendees, enter their information intothe system):Profile:a. Offender ID Number  VT12345b. SSN 123-45-6789c. *First Name Edgard. *Last Name Poee. Height 6f. Weight 206g. Hair Color Brownh. Eye Color Greeni. Gender Malej. Race - White
VeriTracks Users Manual56 Satellite Tracking Of Peoplek. Birth Date 01/12/1976l. Probation Officer Choose from the listm. Supervision Type Choose from the listn. Supervision Office Choose from the listo. Supervision Begin Date Select todays datep. Supervision End Date Select an end dateq. Prior Offenses Select from the listr. Sex Offender  Click the check box if the offender is a secoffenderAddresses:Home Information:s. Street Number 123t. Street Name Main St., Apt. 106u. City, State, Zip Fairfax, VA 22030v. Phone Number (703) 555-7676Work Information:w. Street Number 678x. Street Name Carmichael Ave.y. City, State, Zip Fairfax, VA 22030z. Phone Number  (703) 555-9393Tracking Device:  Click on the Modify Device Assigned link toassign a device to your new offender.aa. Devices  Select the device you wish to assign to this newoffender from the drop-down Device Default Configurations Select the device templateyou wish to apply to the device for use by your new offender.Zones:  Click on the Modify Zones Assigned link to assign zones toyour new Available Zones Select a zone or zones from the list on theright that you wish to apply to your new offender.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 57dd. Selected Active Zones for Offender  To add zones forActive monitoring, select the zone from the list on the left andclick on the right arrow button to add it to your active Selected Passive Zones for Offender  To add zones forPassive monitoring, select the zone from the list on the leftand click on the right arrow button to add it to your passivezones list.Click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen to save theinformation for your new offender.  If you wish to start over and enterin new information, click on the Reset button to clear all data entered.Exercise 1a  Attach the DeviceAfter you have completed registering the new offender, you will need to set upthe device equipment.1. Once you have completed the registration process, you will need toattach the BluTag®.2. Measure the offenders ankle and select the correct size strap froattachment.3. Insert the two (2) clips onto one end of the strap.  The straps havenotches that will line up with the holes in the strap ends.  Once youhave those in place, and clip on either side of the end of the strap, clickthe strap into the BluTag® device.  Prepare the second set of clips,wrap the strap around the offenders ankle and attach the device to theoffender by clicking the second end of the strap into the BluTag®.4. The offender is ready to go.Exercise 2  NotificationsProbation Officers and Law Enforcement Officers will generally start their useof the VeriTracks system by accessing their daily email notifications.  Aspreviously defined in the Data Entry section of this guide, users have the optionto select the type(s) of notifications they wish to receive on a daily basis.  Thisexercise is based on several assumptions:1. The user is defined as a Parole/Probation Officer.2. The user has opted to receive notifications about their individualoffenders.
VeriTracks Users Manual58 Satellite Tracking Of People3. The user has their own account information for logging into the system.On the training site, your instructor will give you temporary log ininformation to be used with the training site.https://training.veritracks.com4. The user has verified that their computer access meets the minimumspecifications outlined at the beginning of this guide.From the sample Email Notification below, you can access information from theweb about the offenders in the training database:*****************************************************************                       WILLIAM (FPC) TUCKER                                   *****************************************************************DOC No.: 090821   SSN:  595-01-8361 Probation Officer:  ROBERT MIXSON Activity SummaryNoneIncident Hit Activity SummaryPrimary Offense:  OTHERAgency:  TALLAHASSEE POLICE DEPARTMENTPoints-Dist.:  1 -555ft.Start/Stop:  From: 04/02/2001 at 00:00     To: 04/02/2001 at 00:00Primary Offense:  BURGLARYAgency:  TALLAHASSEE POLICE DEPARTMENT
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 59Points-Dist.:  1 -1958ft.Start/Stop:  From: 04/02/2001 at 04:00     To: 04/02/2001 at 04:00Primary Offense:  OTHERAgency:  TALLAHASSEE POLICE DEPARTMENTPoints-Dist.:  1 -1958.4 ft.Start/Stop:  From: 04/02/2001 at 04:00     To: 04/02/2001 at 04:00Primary Offense:  BURGLARYAgency:  TALLAHASSEE POLICE DEPARTMENTPoints-Dist.:  6 -107ft.Start/Stop:  From: 04/02/2001 at 11:36     To: 04/02/2001 at 12:36Primary Offense:  DISORDERLY CONDUCTAgency:  TALLAHASSEE POLICE DEPARTMENTPoints-Dist.:  1 -490.6ft.Start/Stop:  From: 04/02/2001 at 22:00     To: 04/02/2001 at 22:00Zone Hit Activity SummaryNone****************************************************************Each Offender Notification will give you information about your offenders thatare currently being tracked.  The information you receive will include aViolation Activity Summary,Incident Hit Activity Summary, and Zone HitActivity Summary.  The notification will be based on the offenders that youselected when updating your account under Data Entry>>Admin.  You mayalso receive notifications based on all offenders being tracked by yourorganization, if you have selected that option.On your daily notification you will have a link that will take you into the liveVeriTracks site.  For training purposes, we will be accessing the Training Site.When you click on the link, or enter the address into your web browser address
VeriTracks Users Manual60 Satellite Tracking Of Peopleline, you will then be prompted to log into VeriTracks.  If you are accessingthe training site, use the account information given to you by the instructor.  Ifyou are accessing your State VeriTracks site, then use your own assigned username and password (which will be given to you at a later date).Once you have logged in successfully to VeriTracks, you will be directed tothe Tracked Offender Search Results screen.  Here you will see note cards foreach of your offenders (see example below):Each card contains information about your offender, including the Agency,Department of Corrections assigned number, personal information, and theProbation Officer designation and their phone number.Additionally, there are links at the bottom of each card to access informationabout the offenders tracks.  Click on the Offender Detail link for MarshaPorter to access more detailed information about this offender.The Offender Detail will allow you to look at information about youroffenders Violations, Incident and Zone Hits.  Marsha, in this example, did not
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 61have any Alerts or Zone Hits.  She did, however have Device Violations andIncident Hits.  To see these, click on the links:Device Summary:
VeriTracks Users Manual62 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleIncident Hits:On the Incident Hits list, you also have access to retrieve information about eachIncident.  Click on the Incident link you wish to retrieve.  The Points-Dist.indicates how many points were tracked within the vicinity of that crimeincident time and how close the closest point was to the incident.At this point you may want to select one of the offender note cards and create amapping of the offender tracks.  To do this:1. Select the specific offender note card by clicking in the check box inthe top right corner of the card and then click on the Map icon.To map all offender tracks you can select the Select All  iconand then click on the map icon.2. Take sometime to get familiar with the map area.  Refer to the Mapssection on pg. 23 for further assistance on the map features and tools.Exercise 3  Conducting a Tracked OffenderSearchIn this exercise you are going to begin to use the Search function inVeriTracks.Creating a Text Report1. Navigate to the Supervision>>Search menu option.  Clicking on theSearch link will take you to the search page for tracked offenders.2. Problem: Find out what offenders supervised by probation officerRobert Mixson were doing on 2 April 2002.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 633. On the Tracked Offender search page, click on the Probation OfficerClipboard Popup Box.  This will display a list of all the ProbationOfficers from the Training ORI or Agency.4. Select Robert Mixson (there are 2 ways to find a name in the list:  1 use the scroll bar to navigate up and down the list; and 2  select anyname in the list and type the first letter of the name you are looking forand you will jump to the beginning of the list starting with that letter).Click on the Close button.  This will add Robert Mixsons name to thesearch page Probation Officer field.5. The next step will be to enter the date we would like to limit our resultsto.  You can do this by using your keyboard to enter the date in theStart Date field.  There is a suggested formatting in the field to follow.The other option is to click on the popup calendar.  If you choose thisoption, be sure to navigate to the correct year.  Another helpful feature,once you have entered the date in the Start Date field, click on yourTab key on your keyboard and the same date will automaticallypopulate the Stop Date field.  You can then modify it if need be toanother date for your search range.  The times will automatically set to00:00 and 23:59, to include the entire day.  If your search requires onlya certain portion of the day, then you can modify the times as needed.6. Click on the Text button to create your Text report.7. Results:  You will note that Probation Officer Robert Mixson has eight(8) offenders being monitored on the system in April of 2002.  You willbe able to look over the note cards and see who these offenders are.This may look familiar, as the link you used from the OffenderNotification was for this information.8. Take a few minutes here to look over the Offender cards.  Look at afew Offender Details reports and get familiar with the type ofinformation that you will receive on a daily basis.9. Zone Report:  Unfortunately, when the database was populated fortraining purposes, the offenders had not been set-up with zones;therefore there are no zone hits to look at.  Before you leave thetraining class, we will have an opportunity to look at some Zone Hits.10. The Detailed DC Report is specific to the State using the application.In FL this link is used to access the Department of Corrections (DOC)public website that has a listing of all offenders currently in the DOCsystem on parole and/or probation.  This link can be customized forneeds of any State.  For training purposes, you can access this site using
VeriTracks Users Manual64 Satellite Tracking Of Peoplethe links for the data contained within the training database.  Theoffenders are real, but may not currently be within the FL DOC.Creating a Map Report1. Create a map of the record for William Tucker.  Select the note card forWilliam Tucker and click on the Map icon.  View his tracks within themap area.  What does this view of the data tell you?Track Point Details1. Connect Track Points:  As you look at an offenders tracks on themap, there is only a small amount of data that you can obtain from justthose tracks.  Questions you might have would be:  Where did thetracks originate from at the beginning of the time period in the resultset?  In which direction did the offender start off and end during thetime period?  How many times did an offender pass a particularlocation on the map, i.e., a school, a known drug house, etc?  In orderto begin looking at the activities for the offender for that time period,you can connect their track points using the Connect Track Pointsicon.2. In order to do this you will need to drag a box around any of the trackpoints for that offender.  Once you have selected a point, click on theConnect Track Points icon and the points will be connected starting atthe very first track point for that time period.  The points will benumbered and connected with various colored lines.3. These colored lines also having meaning.  The line colors are Green,Yellow and Red connecting the track points.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 65a. Green Lines denote that less than a minute has passedbetween the times that those two points were recorded.b. Yellow Lines denote that somewhere between two to tenminutes has passed between the times that those two pointswere recorded.c. Red Lines denote that more than ten minutes has passedbetween the times that those two points were recorded.  Thiswill be listed as a violation and maybe something you wouldwant to check on.Identify Features1. Another feature to use to obtain more detailed information about yourmap and the tracks, is to use the Identify Features tool.  You cansimply select an area of interest on your map that contains track pointsand/or incidents by dragging a box around the area using your mouse.When you have selected the area on the map, click on the IdentifyFeatures icon.2. The Identify Features tool provides you with more informationspecific to the tracks, in addition to Offender Address information, andCrime Incident information.  Keep in mind that the ONLY informationthat comes up with this tool is information contained within theconfines of the area that you selected on the map.  The reports retrievedare the Offender Report, Offender Address, and Incident Report.3. The Offender Report provides you with the Date, Time, Latitude,Longitude, Speed, Direction, Status and Select Points.  Now thetracks are starting to tell a story.  Not only can you tell the time a trackwas actually recorded, but you can see how fast the offender wasmoving and in what direction.4. The Status lets you know if there were any violations recorded withthose tracks.  The code used for Status is:a. No-gps denotes Motion with No GPS.b. Br-gon denotes Bracelet Gone, where the bracelet is separatedfrom the GPS device.c. Br-str denotes Bracelet Strap, tampering or trying to cut thestrap off.d. Chrg denotes the Device is in the Charger.
VeriTracks Users Manual66 Satellite Tracking Of Peoplee. Rest denotes the Device is at Rest.4. The Select Tracks radio buttons allow you to select a particular trackbased on the time, direction, or speed that you are interested in, see thecorresponding track on the map, and then use the up and down arrowkeys on your keyboard to follow the tracks from that point.5. Take a few minutes and Identify Features for various areas of themap.Adding Another Offenders Tracks1. Another feature with the VeriTracks application is that you can viewmore than one offenders tracks on the same map for the same timeperiod.  This can be useful if you are interested in offenders who spendtime together or who may frequent the same locations.2. To add another offenders tracks to your map, navigate back toSearch>>Last Result.  This will bring you back to our initial textreport of offenders who are supervised by Robert Mixson.  You DONOT want to use the Back button on your browser.3. Select the records for William Tucker and Marsha Porter.  You do thisby clicking in the check box of each offenders note card.4. Click on the Map icon.  This will map the two offenders tracks.5. NOTE:  it is important to consider the offenders that you wish to trackon the same map.  If they live far apart or spend most of their time onopposite sides of town, the map will have to zoom further out,providing less detail, in order to be able to see both of their tracks forthat time period.  Consider carefully what it is you wish to see on yourmap first.6. Your map should now contain two sets of tracks, denoted by thedifferent colored points.Playback Tracks1. The Playback Tracks tool allows users to move from one track pointto the next from the earliest point on the map.2. From the map created in the previous instructions, the map for WilliamTucker and Marsha Porter, select the Playback Tracks icon.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 67You do not need to select anything on the map itself to work with thisfeature.3. Once you click on the Playback Tracks icon, VeriTracks willrecreate your map.  Appearance wise, it will be the same.  What youwill notice that has changed is the addition of the double arrows at thetop right portion of the map.  This allows you to navigate through thevarious time stamps throughout the map time.  When this box firstappears with the double arrows it will be empty.  When you click usingyour mouse on the arrow on the right, it will populate with the firstrecorded time.4. When you first click on that right arrow and start the timeadvancement, the specific points on the map will be highlighted withboxes around those track points.  As you move through time, the boxeswill move around the map area to highlight where each offender waslocated at each time.5. When you have advanced through the entire time for the map, amessage will be displayed to let you know you have reached the end.6. NOTE:  You can use your mouse to click on the right arrow to advancethe time forward or the left arrow to go backwards.  Once you haveclicked that right arrow the first time to get the time started, you mayalso then use your right and left arrow keys on your keyboard.7. Another question you might have while viewing tracks on a map is:Were there any crime incidents that occurred in the vicinity of theoffenders tracks for the time period that the tracks were recorded?  Aneasy way to find this out is by using your mouse to draw a box aroundthe map area where the offender tracks are located.  From there you canselect the Show Incidents icon to pull any incidents into your map.Keep in mind that these incidents fall within the area of the box youdrew, as well as the time of the map itself.
VeriTracks Users Manual68 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleMap Details and Layer Lists1. Maps are initially displayed with maximal geographic elements (i.e.,roads, county lines) to allow users full access to map layers.  You havethe option to change geographic detail to your map by turning on or offmap layers.  NOTE:  there will be certain map layer features that areavailable only at certain zoom levels.  If a map layer is grayed out thatmeans it is just not available at this particular zoom level.2. Click the Show/Hide Layer List icon on the toolbar.3. The Layer List setting box will appear.4. Select the layers and labels you want to display.  You can modify thisas often as you like to make your maps more meaningful to you.  Onceyou have selected your layers and labels, click on the Map button.  Youmay notice in the listing that there are layer categories.  You also havethe option to shut off the layers under any heading by deselecting theheading option.  For example, if you do not wish to see any LandmarkAreas layers, which would include things like State and National Parks,Airports and other items, you can simply deselect the category optionto shut off all of these layers for your current map.  This will notbecome a default.  Also note that if the category heading is selected butyou have deselected items within the list, the default setting hasprecedence.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 695. You may also set your selections as the default layers for your futuremappings.  Scroll down in the Layer List and select the check box toSet my default layers.  You can reset your default as often as you likeas well.Exercise 4  Jump to Map AddressUsers may have a need to simply map an address.  There are two options forjumping to an address on the map.1. Move the mouse cursor over the Map main menu option withoutclicking on it.  This provides a drop-down box containing fields inwhich you can enter the address information.  When you have enteredthe address information, click on the Map Address link.2. If you click on the Map main menu option it will open an addresssearch page.  The benefit to using this address mapping option is thatthe system will store the previous addresses that you have mapped andprovide them to you in a drop-down listing to choose from.  In thismanner you can retrieve maps of addresses you have previouslycreated.3. For this exercise, jump on the map to an address of your choice.  Youmay choose which option you would like to use.  NOTE:  with themapping functionality in VeriTracks all addresses have to be able tobe Geocoded, in other words, a latitude and longitude must be obtained.If for some reason the address you are searching for does not return alatitude and longitude, the address cannot be mapped and the systemwill tell you this.  You may need to use an address of a nearby store orhome and try that instead.  You can always adjust your view on themap once you have retrieved the area.Exercise 5  Creating ZonesThere are many uses for Zones when monitoring offender movements.VeriTracks has data entry pages that allow you to add new zones or toupdate/modify existing zones.1. To create a New Zone, navigate to the Data Entry main menu option.From the Data Entry menu, select Zone.2. Select the Add New Zone link to access the Zone Data Entry Page.3. If you need to modify an existing zone, you can select the zone fromthe drop-down listing.
VeriTracks Users Manual70 Satellite Tracking Of People4. When creating a new zone there are a number of data entry fields youwill need to fill in.a. Zone Name Name your Zone.  It is best to give your zone ameaningful and unique name to differentiate it from otherzones created by you or others in your ORI or Agency.b. Street Address For purposes of this exercise you can enterany address that you would like to use for this zone.  Maybeyour home or work address.c. City/Zip Code The City and Zip Code of the address.d. Geocode  At this point you need to attempt to Geocode forthat zip code.  As mentioned previously, if the system cannotobtain a latitude and longitude for that address, you cannot usethe address for the zone.  Be sure to verify your addressinformation.e. Buffer Distance Enter the values for how large you want thezone to be.f. Exclusion or Inclusion Select what type of zone you wantthis to be.g. Start Date/End Date The dates for the zone.h. Offenders  Select the offender(s) that this zone will beapplied.i. Time Select the times that the zone will be in effect.  Thiscan be different or the same for multiple days.  You can alsouse the Select All and the Smart Select options to make iteasier to set up similar times throughout the week.j. Lastly you need to click on the Add button.  A new page willappear indicating that the zone has been created.k. In order to update a zone, you select the zone you wish toupdate/modify from the drop-down listing.  Make thenecessary changes to the zone definition and then click on theUpdate button.  The next page will let you know that the zonehas been updated.5. You can also create a Map Based Zone (this could be an alternative ifyou cannot Geocode a particular address).  This allows the user to setthe center and radius of a zone on the map itself.
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 716. From the map (you can use the Map Address feature or use a mapfrom a Tracked Offender search result), select the Edit Zone iconfrom the toolbar.7. Click on the blue dot in the center of the map to adjust the radius of thezone (NOTE:  a green dot becomes the center of the zone).8. Move the green dot to change the center of the zone.9. Select the Edit Zone icon again to go to the zone entry page where youneed to name the zone and save it.  You will also need to finishentering the details for the zone, including the start/stop dates, theoffenders and the times.Exercise 6  Incident Hit SearchIn this exercise you will learn how to conduct a simple Incident Hit Search.1. Problem:  Find Incident Hits on THEFTS in LEON County thatoccurred between 15 and 23 April 2002.2. Select Leon from the County list box.3. Select Thefts from the VeriTracksPrimary Offense list.4. Enter 04/15/2002 for the Start Date and 04/23/2002 for the Stop Date.5. Click on the Text button at the bottom of the search page to create atext report of your results.6. Each Hit Report (note card) describes the crime incident on the tophalf of the card and the offender information on the bottom half.7. Included on the report are the number of points in range of the incidentand the distance of the closest point.8. Up to 100 records will be displayed per page and can be viewed byscrolling up and down.9. Additional pages of data can be viewed by clicking the Next Pagebutton (this Next Page link is not visible if there is only one page).10. Records can also be viewed in a table by clicking on the View as Tableicon.
VeriTracks Users Manual72 Satellite Tracking Of People11. In table view you can sort the information on any column just bysimply clicking on the column header of the data you wish to sort on.12. Lastly, you can view any of the Incidents on the map as well just byselecting the Incident and clicking on the Map icon.Exercise 7  Incident SearchYou can search for Incidents in VeriTracks as well.  You may want to conductIncident searches based on information you have received from law enforcementofficials or read in the paper.  What you might be looking for is a particularcrime and you want to know if any of your offenders were in the vicinity of thatcrime when it occurred.1. Problem:  Find all tracked offenders in the vicinity of a homicide inLeon County.  The homicide was reported by the TallahasseePolice Department and has a case number of 2001-025375.2. Select Leon from the County list box.3. Click on the ORI or Agency clipboard popup listing.  SelectFL0370300 Tallahassee Police Department.  Click on the Closebutton.4. Select or type the case number 2001-015375 in the Agency Case Click on the Map button to map the incident.6. To learn more information about the Incident you can draw a boxaround the push pin icon that represents the Homicide and click on theIdentify Features icon.7. To fully answer the question raised in this exercise, you need to findout if any of your tracked offenders were in the vicinity of the incidentwhen it was reported.8. Use your mouse again to draw a box around the push pin thatrepresents this incident.  It should be the only one on your map.  Thistime, however, you may want to make the box relatively big to definean area around the incident address.9. Click on the Select Tracks icon to see if there were any trackedoffenders in the vicinity of this incident.   Clicking on this iconwill retrieve any tracks for you of offenders that were in the vicinity(within the box that you drew) of that incident during that incident time
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 73(be sure to notice the crime incident time reported for the crime).   Thetracks will come up if they fall within the confines of the area youdefined, as well as, within one-half hour before the reported crime starttime up to one-half hour after the crime stop time.10. Be sure to use the Identify Features tool to get more information aboutthe crime and about the offenders whose tracks came up in the search.11. Another way to find out who the tracks belong to is to bring up theLegend by clicking on the Show/Hide Legend icon.   This willbring up additional information about what is contained within yourmap, including the color code for incident types, the offenders whosetracks you are looking at, and other map legend information.  TheLegend list can be moved anywhere on the screen and can be movedup and down to view the entire list.Exercise 8  PreferencesEach user will have their own user name and password assigned to them by anadministrator.  Users have the option of modifying some of their user accountinformation.  Users should always remember to check their own accountinformation for accuracy.1. Navigate to the Administration main menu option.  From the drop-down listing, select Preferences.2. If you would like to change your password, be sure to type in your newpassword in BOTH the Password and Confirm Password boxes.3. Users need to be sure to keep an up-to-date email address in the systemin order to receive Offender Notifications and system updates andalerts.  Users may also update their phone number information.4. You will also need to select the Offenders you wish to receivenotifications on.5. Lastly, users need to select which notifications you wish to receive.Please refer back to the Administration>>Preferences section of thisUsers Guide for details about the notifications.
VeriTracks Users Manual74 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleIndexActive  Email....................................32Administration..... iv, 7, 21, 27, 36, 65Age  of  Suspect.................................29Agency  Case  No ............ ..................28Agency Incident Number .................27Back................................................41Bias  Motivation ...............................29bro wser  set ting s ................................ 3Buffer  Distance................................31Change Date/Time Parameters..........43Change Device(s) Owner................20Change Device(s) Status.................20City........................................... 27,  30Cleared  Date....................................28Cleared  Exceptionally......................28Command Results ..........................19Confirm  Password............... ............ .32Connect Track Points from StartDate/Time ...................................42Contact Offenders..........................19Contact  Type ...................................32Crime  Act  Type ...............................29Crime incident data........................... 4Crime  Incidents ...............................40data  integration ................................. 1Device Assignment Report .............20Device History Report....................20Device Status..................................18Disposition ......................................28Edit  Zone.........................................44Email...............................................32Enrollment .....................................13Exclusion/Inclusion..........................31First  Name.......................................32Forward...........................................41Gang Related Type ..........................29Geocode ....................................28,  30geo-mapping..................................... 1Global Positioning SatelliteGPS ............................................. 1GPRS..............................................11GPS.............................................1,  40GSM ...............................................11help.................................................. 2hit  engine.......................................... 4Home ............................................... 6Identify  Features ..............................43Incident  Data  Entry..........................27Incident  Hit  search ...........................23Incident  search.................................24Inventory............................. iii,  19,  20Last  Name .......................................32Last Position...................................19Last  Results .....................................46Latitude.....................................27,  30
VeriTracks Users ManualSatellite Tracking Of People 75Location  Type..................................29Logout ............................................. 8Longitude.................................. 28,  30Map.iv, v, 7, 34, 39, 40, 41, 54, 56, 58,60, 61, 62, 63, 64Map  Area ........................................39Map  Co m po nents.............................39Map Date/Time Range .....................39Map  Features...................................40Map  Scale........................................39Map  Toolbar....................................41Maps ...............................................39Method  of  Entry...............................29Nav igation  Star................................39Notifications....................................33Number of Premises Entered ............29Offender Home Location..................40Offender Name-DC No .............. 31, 33Offender Status...................iii, 18, 19Offender Tracking UnitOTU............................................. 4Offender  Tracks...............................40Offender Work Location ..................40Offense Attempted/Completed .........29OTU................................................. 4Password .........................................32Phone ..............................................32Playback  Tracks...............................44Preferences......................................31Primary  Offense...............................28Print  Map ........................................44Race ................................................29Re-center  Map .................................45Reset/Add........................................31Responding Officer Name................28Reverse  Geo code .............................43Schedule..........................................31search..............................................17Searchiii, iv, v, 7, 9, 17, 46, 52, 54, 58,63, 64Select  Incident.................................41Select  Tracks ...................................42Select  Zone......................................42Sex  of  Suspect .................................29Show Offender Range......................42Show/Hide Layer  List ......................43Show/Hide  Legend ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ..43Start/Stop Date & Time....................27Start/Sto p  Dates...............................31Status  Bar........................................40Street  Name ............................... 27,  30Street  No ...... ............ ................. 27,  30Supervision....7, 13, 14, 17, 21, 47, 48,54Suspect  Used ...................................29telephone  s uppo rt.............................. 2Toolbar............................................39Tracked Offender Search..................24Tracking Device ............ iii, 13, 15, 48Type of Weapon Force Involved.......29UCR  Offense  Code ..........................28Username ........................................32
VeriTracks Users Manual76 Satellite Tracking Of PeopleUSGS  Imagery.................................45Vio latio n  D isp lay.............................40Violations .......................................19BluTag® ...ii, iii, 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 16, 47,49Zip  Code .............................. ..... 27,  30Zone  Hit  search................................25Zone  Name......................................30Zone  search .....................................25Zones ... iii, iv, v, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 29,33, 34, 38, 40, 48, 49, 61Zoom  In...........................................41Zoom  Out........................................41

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