Satellite Tracking of People AA90548 BLUBOX User Manual BlutagUserGuide8 1

Satellite Tracking of People LLC BLUBOX BlutagUserGuide8 1


User Manual Part 1

                   BluTag User’s Guide Version 8.1
  Blutag: FCC ID S5EAA700008 For body worn operation this tracking device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines  The highest reported SAR value is: 0.709 W/kg GSM850 and 0.967 W/Kg GSM1900.         Eighth Edition, Amendment 1 (November 2005) VeriTracks™, BluTag® and various software icons are worldwide registered trademarks of Satellite Tracking of People LLC (STOP).    The software described herein has U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending.   STOP provides this publication as is without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.   This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  Changes are periodically made to the information contained herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.  STOP may make improvements and/or changes to the products described in this publication at any time.  Reproduction of this document is expressly forbidden.  © 2005 Satellite Tracking of People LLC.  All rights reserved.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       i Table of Contents  Chapter 1: About VeriTracks™ and BluTag® .....................................................................1 BluTag®..........................................................................................................................................2 Summary of BluTag® Specifications:...................................................................................2 About this document .....................................................................................................................3 Chapter 2: Getting Started.......................................................................................................4 System Requirements...................................................................................................................4 Getting Help ...................................................................................................................................4 Logging In.......................................................................................................................................5 Understanding Main Menu Options ............................................................................................6 Chapter 3: Registering an Offender ......................................................................................9 Registering an Offender ....................................................................................................................9 Preparing the BluTag® for Use ...................................................................................................9 Installing BluTag® .......................................................................................................................12 Enrolling a New Tracked Offender in VeriTracks™................................................................13 Complete Enrollment Paperwork...............................................................................................15 Un-Enrolling a Tracked Offender in VeriTracks™ .......................................................................16 Removing the Strap ....................................................................................................................18 Changing a Tag on an Offender.....................................................................................................18 Storing and Maintaining BluTag® ..................................................................................................19 Review ...............................................................................................................................................21 Chapter 4: Zones......................................................................................................................22 Create a zone and assign it to an offender..............................................................................22 Creating Zones ......................................................................................................................22 Create a zone based on an address .............................................................................23 Create a Zone from the map ..........................................................................................24 Assigning Zones ....................................................................................................................24 Verifying a zone assignment......................................................................................................26 Verify the zone is assigned to the offender .......................................................................26 Verify the zone is in the proper place .................................................................................27 Edit a zone....................................................................................................................................27 Un-assign a zone.........................................................................................................................28 Expire a zone ...............................................................................................................................28
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       ii Review ...............................................................................................................................................28 Chapter 5: Event Control .......................................................................................................29 Setting up a schedule .................................................................................................................29 Deleting a schedule.....................................................................................................................30 Chapter 6: Events and Notifications...................................................................................31 Understanding Events and Notifications .......................................................................................31 BluTag® Events...........................................................................................................................32 Notifications..................................................................................................................................32 Event Driven Notifications....................................................................................................33 The Corrections Officer Summary Report .........................................................................34 Display the results in text reports........................................................................................35 Drill down to see OFFENDER DETAILS............................................................................36 Map one or more offender tracks........................................................................................38 Chapter 7: Supervising an Offender ...................................................................................39 Determining Offender Location and Status ..................................................................................39 About the Offender Status Tabs................................................................................................40 The Event Tab .......................................................................................................................41 The Device Assignment Tab................................................................................................41 About the Search Pages ............................................................................................................42 Use the Offender Search .....................................................................................................42 Display the results in text reports........................................................................................42 Using Mapping tools and procedures.......................................................................................43 Play back tracks ....................................................................................................................43 Review a track .......................................................................................................................43 Identify Features....................................................................................................................44 See the places an offender frequents ................................................................................44 Find offenders at a location at a time. ................................................................................44 Review ...............................................................................................................................................45 Chapter 8: User Administration............................................................................................46 Menu Options....................................................................................................................................46 Incident .........................................................................................................................................46 User Accounts..............................................................................................................................46 Zone ..............................................................................................................................................46 Preferences..................................................................................................................................46 Profile Tab..............................................................................................................................47 Notifications Tab....................................................................................................................47 Map Preferences Tab......................................................................................................49 Chapter 9: Inventory Management ......................................................................................51
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       iii Chapter 10: Using VeriTracks™ to Solve Crimes ..............................................................54 The Crime Hit Report.......................................................................................................................54 How to use the hit report ............................................................................................................54 Other methods and tools for crime solving ...................................................................................56 Finding offenders at the scene of a crime................................................................................56 If the crime has been added to VeriTracks™....................................................................56 Search Based on crime hits identified by the system .................................................56 Or Search Based on the crime incident ........................................................................57 If the crime is not in VeriTracks™ .......................................................................................57 Find offenders in a violation status when a crime occurred using the Third List................58 Using Aerial Photography...........................................................................................................58 Using zones for Law Enforcement.................................................................................................60 Creating Zones ............................................................................................................................60 Create a zone based on an address ..................................................................................61 Create a Zone from the map................................................................................................61 Review ...............................................................................................................................................62 Appendix 1:  Enrollment Tabs.........................................................................................................63 Offender Profile Tab..............................................................................................................63 Offender Addresses Tab ......................................................................................................64 Appendix 2: Conducting Searches.................................................................................................65 Incident Hit Search......................................................................................................................65 Incident Search............................................................................................................................66 Tracked Offender Search...........................................................................................................66 Zone Search.................................................................................................................................67 Zone Hit Search...........................................................................................................................67 Appendix 3: Understanding Text Reports....................................................................................69 The Report Frame .......................................................................................................................69 Incident Hit Search Results........................................................................................................70 Incident Search Results..............................................................................................................71 Tracked Offender Search Results.............................................................................................73 Zone Search Results...................................................................................................................73 Zone Hit Search Results.............................................................................................................74 Appendix 4: Maps...............................................................................................................................76 Map Components ........................................................................................................................76 Map Features...............................................................................................................................77
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       iv Map Toolbar .................................................................................................................................78 Best Practices When Working With Maps ...............................................................................81 Appendix 5:  Agency Administration.............................................................................................82 User Accounts..............................................................................................................................82
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       1 Chapter 1: ABOUT VERITRACKS™ AND BLUTAG® VeriTracks™ is an innovative public safety tool developed by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems and offered exclusively by Satellite Tracking of People (STOP) LLC. VeriTracks™ employs a combination of data integration, geo-mapping, and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology to effectively remove the “anonymity” of non-incarcerated offenders under the supervision of local, state or federal criminal justice agencies.  VeriTracks™ is applicable for arrestees on pre-trial release; convicted offenders on probation and other forms of community control; and parolees.  The system uses GPS technology to constantly track the precise location of offenders and link that data to the location and time of reported crime incidents.  The system also electronically monitors certain “exclusion” and “inclusion” zones for violations.  Any intersection of a tracked offender with a crime incident or zone violation is known as a “hit” and is electronically sent to the appropriate police and corrections agencies for action.  1. The supervised offender wears a BluTag® on his/her leg.  The “tag”  determines and records the offender location. 1 2 3 4 5
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       2 2. The tag data is collected and stored on the VeriTracks™ central server. 3. Crime incident data from local law enforcement agencies is collected and integrated with offender location data. 4. The “hit” engine determines correlation between offender location and the location of crime incidents to determine if the offender was in the vicinity of the crime when it occurred. 5. Criminal Justice users access the central server through a user-friendly web interface to analyze and investigate offender movement, crime patterns and the correlation of offender location with crime incidents, investigative zones and probationary zones. BluTag® BluTag® is a one-piece device, about the same size as a small PC mouse.  It is comfortable to wear and weighs just six ounces.  It has a fully rechargeable battery, tamper resistant strap, status call button, audible tone notification, vibration alarm notification, on-board management controls, and is completely waterproof to a depth of 15 feet.   Summary of BluTag® Specifications: • Single one-piece device, including GPS and GSM/GPRS • On board logic controller is programmable over the air • Remote programming of multiple “inclusion” and “exclusion” zones  • Battery re-charge period: about 30 minutes • Low-Battery notification by a vibration alarm • Weighs only six ounces • High temperature stability • Audible Tone or Vibration alarm can be programmed and sent immediately • Soft push status call button • Waterproof • Tamper resistant fiber optic strap
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       3 About this document      This User’s Manual describes the use of the VeriTracks™ software and the BluTag® equipment.  It will enable you to maximize the value of the program's special features by showing tips and techniques where appropriate. For easier reading, look for the following conventions in this document: "Select" refers to selecting an option from the screen with your mouse. "Enter" refers to entering text or data into a field using the keyboard. "=>" indicates a series of selections to be made.  Key + Key indicates that two keys on the keyboard should be pressed at the same time. Filenames, on-screen options, and field names are shown in bold Arial font. Information to be entered using the keyboard is shown in Courier New font.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       4 Chapter 2: GETTING STARTED Because VeriTracks™ is Internet-based, you need a 128-bit encrypted browser, such as MS Internet Explorer® 5.5 or higher.  If your browser does not have sufficient encryption capability, a message will appear and you will be directed to a site where an upgraded browser can be downloaded.  For further assistance, contact our technical support personnel 866-999-6427 toll free. System Requirements To maximize use of your connection to the VeriTracks™ server, here are some requirements you should be aware of: o Cookies must be enabled on your web browser, for login identification purposes only. o JavaScript must be enabled on your web browser.  (Note: for both #1 and #2, these should be enabled by default when using MS Internet Explorer® 5.5 or higher). o The best screen resolution setting is at a minimum, 600X800, and optimal, 1280 x 1024.  You can verify this setting by Right Clicking on your desktop anywhere => select Properties => select Settings tab => verify Screen Resolution from there. TIP - Using web applications has advantages: such as availability of both left and right mouse clicks, not requiring double clicking, and a status window notifies when multiple windows are open. Note:  The Back button will not work with VeriTracks™ on the web for security reasons.  Please use the Last Result or Back options shown on the interface. Getting Help The technical support staff at VeriTracks™ is pleased to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the operation of VeriTracks™ and BluTag®.   Our Technical Support Center:   1-866-999-6427 Our Mailing/Shipping Address is:  1800 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 130 Reston, VA   20191 Or send e-mail to:
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       5 Logging In 1. To get started, open up your MS Internet Explorer® browser. 2. In the address line on the Home Page, enter the following address using your state name in the space before .veritracks:   https://  3. You will be asked to accept the Security Certificate pictured to the right.   After you accept, you will be brought to the login screen for VeriTracks.   4. To login, you will need to enter the User Name and Password assigned to you. 5. If you forget your password, we can email it to you.  To receive your password via email, enter your Username in the space provided and then click on the link ‘Click Here’ in the instructions next to the Password entry box. 6. Click on the Login button when you have finished entering in your account information.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       6 Understanding Main Menu Options The VeriTracks™ home page consists of a Menu Bar and the Display Area in the center of the page.  The Menu Bar is accessible from every VeriTracks™ web page, while the Display Area changes to reflect the selected VeriTracks™ function.     This is the VeriTracks™ Main Menu, accessible from all pages.  The VeriTracks™ Menu Bar is divided into five sections: 1. The Search link takes you to search pages where you can define specific parameters for your search.  Law Enforcement agencies will usually use this menu bar to access read only information.  The menu below drops down when you move your mouse over the Search link.    2. The Administration link allows you to add or modify crime incident and zone data, or administer your user name, password, and preferences.  On this menu access is restricted to data owned by you or your agency or office. The menu below drops down when you move your mouse over the Administration link.  3. The Supervision link allows you to conduct offender searches, enroll a new offender, administer and schedule tag commands, manage inventory, and create zones.  Agencies with specific caseloads to supervise will usually use this menu bar to access and update their information.  Access to records through this menu is restricted to only that data owned by the agency or office. The menu below drops down when you move your mouse over the Supervision link.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       7 4. The Map link allows you to map an address or to retrieve previously mapped addresses.  The map data entry box drops down when you move your mouse over the Map link. 5. The Logout link logs you out of VeriTracks™.  If you close your browser you will automatically time out your session. On some of drop down menu items you will see small lock symbols next to the item name. The lock means you do not have access to this menu item.   Understanding Search and Data Entry Page Features All Data Entry and Search pages within VeriTracks™ have a number of common features and functions. 1. Text Boxes – Text boxes allow direct data entry using the keyboard, where multiple values can be entered separated by commas.  2. Scrolling List Boxes – List boxes allow you to pick items from a list.  Multiple items can be selected by holding down the control <CTRL> key and selecting the item with the mouse.  3. Text Box/Clipboard Pop-up Combination – These boxes can be used like a text box or you may use the clipboard to pop-up a pick list of valid values.  4. Date Fields – All dates can be input directly or picked off a calendar pop-up list.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       8 5. Drop Down List Boxes – The drop down list boxes allow you to type information directly into the box, search the list or pick one item off a list that drops down.  In these fields, you cannot select multiple values.  6. Buttons – All Search Pages have TEXT, MAP, and RESET buttons.  TEXT will produce a text report of the data you queried.  MAP will produce a map of the Incident or Tracks you queried.  RESET will clear your query and let you start over.  Data Entry pages will include the ADD button.  When you have entered all the data to register a new offender or to create a new zone, you will need to click on the ADD button to add the information to the database.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       9 Chapter 3: REGISTERING AN OFFENDER                     In this Chapter you will learn how to: - Register an offender and install the tag - Un-enroll an offender and remove the tag - Store and care for tags - Swap out a tag if it is damaged or needs maintenance                     Registering an Offender To start using the VeriTracks™ system, you need to register your agency’s offenders in the system and activate the BluTag® assigned to a specific offender.  The recommended registration process is as follows: 1. Prepare the BluTag® for use 2. Install the BluTag® on the offender 3. Enroll the new offender in VeriTracks™ and assign zones 4. Complete the appropriate enrollment paperwork Preparing the BluTag® for Use The BluTags® are shipped in a “deep sleep” mode. When you un-enroll an offender the tag automatically places itself in a deep sleep mode.  Before using the BluTag® you must:  1. Remove the tag from inventory 2. Wake it up – Plug the tag in to wake it up.   3. Charge it up – Charge the tag for at least 4 hours.   4. Update it -  If the tag has traveled any distance or is new, the tag will have to be placed in a location where it can acquire GPS almanac and empheris data. This can take up to 30 minutes with a clear view of the sky. If the BluTag®
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       10 has spent significant time indoors with no GPS whatsoever it may need to do this as well.   5. Verify Tag Operations - After at least 2 hours of charging, verify the BluTag® is communicating and has GPS.  We recommend verifying that the tag received a GPS fix within the last 30 minutes and called during the previous hour prior to installing it on an offender.  The tag still needs a full four-hour charge. Follow the instructions below to verify the tags readiness. a. Select Supervision => Inventory Menu Item. b. Click Device Data Load Report on left-pane menu list.  (It's the second to last report.) c. Select your tag number from the table. (Click the arrow images at the top of the screen to scroll list.)  You can click any part of a row in the table, it will then turn red, and your results will be displayed If there are no records with “Call in Date” of today, the tag has not awoken and it has not connected to the network.  If the GPS Date or Positions column are blank or have “NO GPS”, the tag has not acquired GPS.  At a minimum, you should see at least one call to VeriTracks™ in the last hour and five GPS positions in last hour before installing the tag.    In this example the tag has been communicating (calls at 1:04, 12:56, and 12:37, and had acquired GPS during each call.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       11  If the tag is not calling, indicated by no calls from the tag in the past hour, use these techniques to activate the tag’s calling into VeriTracks™.   – Plug the unit in and unplug it – repeat, you do not need to keep the tag plugged in for more than a few seconds – Press the Status Call Button until it buzzes – Take the tag to a different location – “take it for a drive” If the tag does not have a current GPS fix (five points in the last hour), use the following techniques.  Table Columns: Call in Date:  The date/time the unit last called into the server  GPS Date:  The date/time of a successful GPS fix.   Positions:  The latitude and longitude of a successful GPS fix.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       12 – Place the tag in the open with a full view of the sky - A car window is a good option – Take the tag for a walk or drive  Remember it may take a tag 20 to 60 minutes to acquire a GPS fix if the tag has been in storage or shipped a long distance.  Tags ship from our Reston, Virginia office in the Washington, DC metro area.  If you cannot rectify either condition, use a different tag and return the tag to STOP LLC.  If you need assistance, call our Monitoring Center for assistance 6. Prepare - Locate clips, strap, and installation tools. 7. <OPTIONAL> Set up zones   Before you install a tag on an offender, you can create zones for the offender while you prepare the tag for enrollment. Setting up and assigning zones is covered in Chapter 5.  Installing BluTag®  Once you have prepared the tag for use, you will physically attach the device to the offender.  Installation on the left leg is recommended to improve tracking in automobiles.  Follow these easy steps to install BluTag® on an offender. 1. Measure the offender’s ankle:  A the measuring strip is provided in the installation kit.   2. Cut the strap to size.  Carefully cut the strap to size using the cutters provided.  A straight cut right at the sizing line is required to avoid false bracelet tamper events from occurring.  3. Attach the device:  Each tag is a one-piece self contained unit.  Clips are included in the installation kit. Two clips must be placed on each end of the strap. The clips fit into holes on the strap. Insert one end of the strap (with the two clips) into one side of the tag. Wrap everything around the offender’s ankle and place the other end of the strap (with the two clips) into the
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       13 opposite side of the tag. Note:  The ends of the clips must align with the ends of the strap – as shown in photo below.         Correct alignment – end of strap and clips are flush.  Incorrect alignment – end of strap and clips are not flush.  4. Check the fit.  Once you have the strap attached, check the fit of the tag. The tag should be tight to prevent it from banging against the ankle.  No more than two fingers should fit between the strap and the ankle.  5. Press the Status Call Button.  This ensures that the tag is operational and clears any tamper alarms. When pressed, the button makes an audible tone.  Enrolling a New Tracked Offender in VeriTracks™  Do not assign the BluTag® (using the Assign Tab) to the offender in VeriTracks™ until the tag is attached to the Offender’s leg.  To enroll a new offender in VeriTracks™: 1. Mouse over the Supervision menu option 2. Select Enrollment, then click the Enroll New Offender link to add a new offender to the system.  There are five tabs/areas for enrollment:  Profile, Address, Tracking Device, Zones, and Event Control.   Note: only people in your office can access the enrollment screens for your offenders.  VeriTracks™ restricts access to the enrollment data to prevent accidental changes.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       14  3. Fill in Profile and Address tabs.  These tabs capture data about the offender.  Complete the information on these tabs as described in Appendix 1. 4. Assign the tag to the offender.  When you first access this tab you will see the status of the tag.  For a new enrollment the status fields will be blank.  Click on the Modify Device Assigned link to assign a device to a new offender or to modify a currently assigned device (see instructions for swapping a tag later in this chapter.  Select the device you wish to assign to the offender from the GPS Devices drop-down listing,      Assign a device by picking the device off the list of available devices.   Click here to make the Tag Assignment
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       15  5. <OPTIONAL> Assign Zones.  See Chapter 4 6. <OPTIONAL> Set up event controls. See Chapter 5 7. Complete the final verification of the install.   To verify that the tag is properly installed.  Go to the Supervision => Offender Status screen.  Verify that the tag has called in (Last Contact) since it has been installed and no open events are listed.        Last GPS Position  Last Call  Open Events Complete Enrollment Paperwork Each agency will have its own policies and procedures; The Administrators Guide contains sample enrollment forms that can be adopted by your agency.  These forms are used to gather information needed for enrollment and administration as well as to educate and advise the offender of their responsibilities related to the tracking equipment and your program. Below are some basic instructions that should be provided to the offender.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       16 Instructions to offenders: These procedures are the minimum instructions that should be given to all offenders. Don’t strike or try to open the tag. Avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures. Do not force a boot over the tag.   Charge the tag twice a day, once every 12 hours until the light turns green.  Charging should take less than 30 minutes. When charging the tag, the lights should be orange and green.  If the Red light comes on and stays on call your supervising officer. Do not:  • Tamper with the tag, or pull on the strap.  The strap is sensitive and will alert the supervising officer if it is tampered with.  • Press the button - this will send an alert to the supervising officer.  • Take the tag into a pool or hot tub • Take a bath, only showers In general we recommend telling the offender to: • Call the supervising officer if it buzzes.  • Charge the tag if it vibrates.  Since a vibration indicates a low battery, you may want the offender call if the tag vibrates as well.   Un-Enrolling a Tracked Offender in VeriTracks™  To un-enroll the offender in VeriTracks™: 1. Mouse over the Supervision menu option, select Enrollment from the list. 2. Under the Enrollment option, select the Un-Enroll link on the left hand side of the screen. 3. Select the offender you wise to un-enroll from the scrolling list.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       17  4. In addition to confirming that you want to un-enroll an offender, you can select a reason for the un-enrollment.  For agencies that do not want to use this functionality, the “None” option is automatically selected.    Note: This functionality is also implemented on the Tracking Device tab of Offender Enrollment.  Here a drop down list is activated when a tag is swapped (see Changing a Tag on an Offender).  Again, for agencies that do not want to use this functionality, the “None” option is automatically selected.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       18  Notes on un-enrollment: A. When you un-enroll the offender, VeriTracks™ orders the tag into a deep sleep. The deep sleep command will turn the tag off indefinitely.  B. Attaching the charging coupler is the only way to activate the BluTag®. The BluTag® will wake up and enter its normal Wake / Sleep cycle currently defaulted to 60 minutes on and 1 minute off C. If a tag will be reinstalled on an offender in the next 24 hours, we recommend immediately placing the tag on a charger and keeping it there until it is reinstalled.  Removing the Strap 1. After un-enrolling an offender, cut the strap to remove the tag from his or her ankle.  ONCE THE OFFENDER HAS LEFT 2. Using the supplied screwdriver, remove the four tamper-proof screws 3. Pry the bridge off the tag 4. Remove and discard the old straps and clips. 5. Replace the bridge using the four tamper proof screws Changing a Tag on an Offender Occasionally you may need to remove a device from an offender’s ankle due to service issues or damage and replace it with a new one.   You can either un-enroll and re-enroll the offender or go directly to the Tracking Device tag of Offender Enrollment.   Following the same procedures as described for assigning a tag, you can select the new one from the drop down list.  When selecting a new tag, a second drop down list is activated to capture the reason the original tag is being changed.  Again, for agencies that do not want to use this functionality, the “None” option is automatically selected.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       19  Note: Under Enrollment, on the Tracking Device tab, the labeled ‘Device Assignment History’ displays a list of the devices assigned to an offender.    The Device Assignment History Report lists the period of time a device was assigned to an offender, as well as the reason it was removed from the offender.   Storing and Maintaining BluTag® 1. Unused tags should be stored in a secure, dry space.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       20 2. Tags do not require charging while in storage. 3. Prior to re-enrolling a tag, follow the instructions for preparing a tag for use, registering an offender, and enrolling an offender.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       21 Review  How To…   Register an offender: Prepare the BluTag® for use Install the BluTag® on the offender Enroll the new offender in VeriTracks™ Complete the appropriate paperwork for the enrollment   How To…   Un-Enroll an offender in VeriTracks™ Un-enroll the offender in VeriTracks™ and remove the tag by cutting the strap. Complete any paperwork with the offender. After the offender has departed: Remove the strap ends from the tag by removing the safety screws and pulling off the bridge.  Throw away the strap .  Clips are re-usable if not worn, cracked or damaged.  Wipe down the unit down with a damp cloth (dampened with warm water or alcohol).  Place the unit in storage. It is ready for use again.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       22 Chapter 4: ZONES                     In this Chapter you will learn how to: - Create a zone and assign it to an offender. - Verifying a zone assignment. - Edit a zone. - Un-assign a zone. - Expire a zone                     Zones are a useful way to better track offender movements.  A Zone defines a geographic location that an offender must be in  (Inclusion Zone) or prohibited from (Exclusion Zone) entering at prescheduled times.  You receive notification when an offender violates an assigned zone.   Create a zone and assign it to an offender. Creating zones is a two-step process.  First the zone is created, then it is assigned to an offender. You can create Inclusion or Exclusion zones and have four ways to assign the zone(s) to the offender.  Zone assignment defines the way you are notified about violation events. Creating Zones Zones are created to better track offender movements.   Inclusion zones define an area in which an offender must stay.  For example, if an offended is confined to only his or her home and work during specific periods of time, zones can be created around each location with time sensitivity.  You can then monitor when an offender leaves their assigned zones. Exclusion zones define an area(s) where an offender is not allowed to enter.  For example, if an offender has been ordered to keep a distance of at least 500 feet from his or her former spouse’s home, a zone can be set up around that location with time sensitivity and remain active 24/7.  When the offender enters into this zone, this will produce a violation. There are two ways to create a zone:
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       23 1) Based on an address.  2) Directly on the map.  Create a zone based on an address The following are the steps necessary to create a zone based on an address: 1. Mouse over either the Supervision or the Administration menu options and select Zone.  You can create a new zone or select one that you have previously created. 2. Click on Add New Zone. 3. Complete the Zone Entry fields as follows:   Zone Name  Name your zone.  Be sure to use a specific name that is meaningful to you.  Each organization may want to come up with a naming schema.  The name must be unique.  If the name is not unique you will receive a message that the zone cannot be created.  Street No  The Zone Address Street Number. Street Name  The Zone Address Street Name. Cross Street Name  The Zone Address Cross Street Name, if not using the street number.   City  The Zone Address City Name. Zip Code  The Zone Address Zip Code. Geocode  Click on this button to produce the Latitude and Longitude coordinates from the address entered.  The address MUST be able to produce Latitude and Longitude in order for you to be able to map the address.  HINT:  if the Geocode does not work: check spelling and street type (Ave, Blvd, Rd), check for alternative street names (RT 50 vs. Arlington Blvd), or try using an address of a neighboring building and adjust your zone size. Buffer Distance  Enter the zone’s buffer distance in Feet, Yards, or Miles. Exclusion/Inclusion  Select if this is an Exclusion or Inclusion Zone. Start/Stop Dates  Enter or select the Start and Stop Dates from the
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       24 calendar pop-up for the zone. Schedule  The zone will be effective during specific times.  Set-up the zone schedule from here by selecting times for each day. Select everything when the zone applies all the time, or use the smart select to specify periods of time across each day. Reset/Add  Select the Reset button to start your zone entry again.  Select the Add button to add the new zone. Create a Zone from the map  The following are the steps necessary to create a zone based on an address: 1. Locate the zone area on the map.  You may want to go to a specific address using the Map link on the main menu.  2. Click on the    Create/Edit Zone icon.  This will place a small blue ball onto the middle of your map.  Drag the blue ball to create the circumference of the zone you wish to create.  Then move the center green ball to the location of the zone (it does not have to be exactly in the center of the map). 3. Click on the    Create/Edit Zone icon again. This will take you to the Zone Entry form.  4. Complete the Zone Entry fields as described above beginning with the Zone Name. Because the zone location and size are already defined you do not need to add the zone address, Geocode, or enter the buffer distance. Assigning Zones On the Enrollment screens, (Supervision – Enrollment – Zone Tab) the Zones tab allows you to view zones that are currently assigned to an offender and assign existing zones to an offender.  A zone can be assigned as one of three types of zones:  911, Active, and Silent.   o 911 zones are assigned to and monitored on a 24 hour/7 day-a-week, active basis within the device itself.  Notifications for 911 Zone violations can be set up to your preferences and sent out for immediate response.  911 zone notifications are also sent to the monitoring center for human intervention and follow up.  911 zones
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       25 are not available to all agencies or may incur an additional, per-event charge.     o Active zones are assigned to and monitored on a 24 hour/7 day-a-week, active basis within the device itself.  Unlike 911 zones, the notification is sent to the probation officer but the monitoring center does not automatically follow up.  Notifications for Active Zone violations can be set up to your preferences and sent out for immediate response.   o Silent zones are like active zone except the tag will not notify the offender but the notification is still sent to the supervising officer if they subscribe to it.  Silent zones can be used like a passive zone.  If the officer does not subscribe to the immediate notifications the event will only appear on the daily summary report. o Global zones are applied to all offenders being monitored within the VeriTracks™ program only by law enforcement agencies.  A supervising officer cannot assign a global zone. To assign a zone select Modify Zones Assigned.  This brings up a screen like the one shown below.  To add a zone to an offender’s monitoring schedule, simply click on the zone name in the listing on the left side of the page and move it into either the Active or Passive zone list on the right by pressing the arrow button next to the type of zone.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       26  Verifying a zone assignment After a zone is set up you should verify that the zone is assigned to the correct offender and in the correct location. Verify the zone is assigned to the offender To verify the zone is assigned to the correct offender search for the offender, Supervision => Search.  On the Offender Report, select Zone
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       27  Verify the zone is in the proper place The most effective way to verify the location of a zone is to view it by mapping it in the from the Zone report.  Select the (1) check box on the Zone report and (2) hit the globe.   For inclusion zones you may also want to map the zone after the first night the offender has gone home to verify the offenders points are in the correct place.  If the zone is incorrectly mapped you can edit the location of the zone.  Edit a zone Any time a zone is edited, it must be reassigned to all offenders that it was assigned to before the edit.   To edit any of the text fields on the zone creation page, select the zone off the main zone page.  Edit the fields and update the changes.  If you need to change the address on a zone, make sure to manually clear the latitude and longitude filed and use the Geo-Code button to recalculate the zones new latitude and longitude. You can also edit the location of the zone right on a map.  Select Supervision => Zone then select the zone off the drop down menu.  You can only edit zones you created.  Select the map button to map the zone location.  Once the zone has been mapped, you can move it by clicking and dragging. You can also resize the zone.  Once you moved the zone, click on the    Create/Edit Zone icon. This will take you back to the Zone Entry form.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       28 Edit the Zone Entry fields as desired. Because the zone location and size were already redefined they do not need editing. Make sure you update the zone to save your changes.  Then reassign the zone to all offenders who were assigned to it before the edit.   Un-assign a zone To un-assign a zone, select Modify Zones Assigned.  This brings up a screen like the one below.  Click on the zone name you want to remove by pressing the out arrow button next to the type of zone.   Expire a zone  Zones cannot be deleted.  To expire a zone once you are done with it, un-assign it from all offenders first.    To expire a zone, mouse over either the Supervision or the Administration menu options and select the zone you wish to expire.  Change the Stop Date to today’s date and the zone will expire. Review      How To…   Create a Zone 1. Locate the zone area on the map.  You may want to go to a specific address using the Map link on the main menu.  2. Click on the Create/Edit Zone icon to place a small blue ball on the middle of your map.  Drag the blue ball to create the circumference of the desired zone.  Move the center green ball to the location of the zone  3. Click on the Create/Edit Zone icon again. This will take you to the Zone Entry form.  4. Complete the Zone Entry fields.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       29 Chapter 5: EVENT CONTROL                      In this Chapter you will learn how to: - Set up a schedule for controlling events. - Edit a schedule. - Delete a schedule.                     Event control allows you to select time periods where events and the associated notifications are reported.  While this functionality works for the BluTag, it is designed primarily for the CellTag. During the selected time periods any event (Bracelet gone, etc) will be reported by the system.  During all other times, events will be ignored by the system and no notification of a violation will occur.  This functionality is used to suppress events and notifications in cases where an offender is in a custody or controlled situation and you do not want the events recorded.  For instance, for an offender in a shelter or work release program, event control could be used to suppress events like a bracelet gone when the CellTag is taken from the individual for the evening.  Setting up a schedule The Event Control tab on the enrollment screens allows you to set the times that events are reported.  The areas shown in Blue are the times for when events are recorded and notifications sent. For each day, select the start and end time for the schedule.  You can pick end times that are in the next day, VeriTracks™ will wrap the times around past midnight into the next day. Once you have saved the schedule THE TIMES THE SYSTEM WILL RECORD AND REPORT VIOLATIONS WILL BE IN BLUE.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       30  Deleting a schedule Select “Deactivate all Event Control Schedules” to clear the schedule.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       31 Chapter 6: EVENTS AND NOTIFICATIONS                     This chapter covers:   • BluTag® Events.  • Immediate Notifications. • The Daily Summary Report Notification.                     To supervise an offender you need to have the important and time-critical information delivered to you (any where).   The most frequently used tools for monitoring offenders are events and notifications.  BluTag® and VeriTracks™ can be used to detect violations of program rules and release conditions.  When time critical events occur, VeriTracks™ can immediately notify you.  For less time critical events, VeriTracks™ provides summary notification reports on a daily basis.     Understanding Events and Notifications Events are generated by either the tag or by a rule violation in the VeriTracks™ software.  For instance, if the tag detects that the strap has been tampered with or that it is in an exclusion zone, the tag will generate an event. Events are also generated by the server if, for instance, the tag fails to call on schedule, or the offender violates a silent zone. The events you receive and the method of notification vary with the type of tracking device and your preferences.  For instance, with a one-piece device there are no “Bracelet Gone” events since the entire unit is self-contained.   A notification is the way in which the event information is delivered to the supervising officer or other users. The VeriTracks™ system has two types of notifications: Event driven and Periodic.  To receive a notification, a user simply subscribes to the given notification and provides an e-mail address that will receive notifications. The e-mail address can be for an account on the users desktop, mobile phone, pager, PDA, or Blackberry device.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       32 BluTag® Events  The BluTag® and VeriTracks™ generate the following events: BRACELET STRAP BRACELET STRAP CLEAR Bracelet strap on the tracking device may have been tampered with.  ON CHARGER OFF CHARGER  Tag is placed on the charger LOW BATTERY ALARM LOW BATTERY ALARM CLEAR Warning that the battery needs recharging.  Clears when placed on charger. MESSAGE GAP MESSAGE GAP CLEAR The unit has failed to call in a specified time period.  Default is six hours. CELL ID CHANGE CELL ID CLEAR The unit has communicated with a different cell tower during each scheduled call-in over a specified number of call-ins.  EXCLUSION ALARM EXCLUSION CLEAR When an offender enters an area in which he/she is not allowed.  INCLUSION ALARM INCLUSION CLEAR When an offender exits an area in which he/she is required to stay. SILENT EXCLUSION ALARM SILENT EXCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  See above SILENT INCLUSION ALARM SILENT INCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  See above 911 EXCLUSION ALARM 911 EXCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  See above 911 INCLUSION ALARM 911 INCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  See above PRESS BUTTON  The Status call button has been pressed Notifications  Event driven reports are delivered when zones are violated or technical violations occur (e.g. when the tracking device is tampered with).  Each event report is related to a specific event.  Event reports are generated as they occur and delivered to the supervising officer based on his/her preferences. Periodic notifications include the daily summary report, monthly activity reports, and any custom report you may require.  The most common of these are the daily summary reports.  They are delivered each morning and summarize events from the previous day.  There are three daily summary reports available--one for corrections
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       33 officers, one for law enforcement officers, and one for administrators.  The purpose of the daily summary report is to summarize the previous day’s important events and focus the attention of officers on current and emerging offender problems.   To set up your notification preferences see Chapter 7 under Preferences. Event Driven Notifications The events you can receive notifications on are listed below.  Codes for each event type are used to shorten the message length to the phones making the message easier to readable, less scrolling is required.   On the event driven (immediate) notifications you get both open and close event notifications.  Open events start with a ‘+’ (plus sign).  Close event notifications start with a ‘-’ (minus sign).  The notification contains the following information: Event Type     Office     <zone name>     Offender name     Time and date  +IZ CA11116 BAKER VICTIM EXCLUSION ZONE THOMAS BAKER 04:49 11/10/05 - IZ CA11116 BAKER VICTIM EXCLUSION ZONE THOMAS BAKER 05:17 11/10/05 The underlines added for clarity only and are not on the actual notifications. Codes are: BRACELET STRAP  +BSTP BRACELET STRAP CLEAR  -BSTP ON CHARGER  +CHG OFF CHARGER  -CHG LOW BATTERY ALARM  +BATT LOW BATTERY ALARM CLEAR  -BATT MESSAGE GAP  +MGAP MESSAGE GAP CLEAR  -MGAP CELL ID CHANGE  +CELL CELL ID CLEAR  -CELL EXCLUSION ALARM  +EZ EXCLUSION CLEAR  -EZ INCLUSION ALARM  +IZ INCLUSION CLEAR  -IZ SILENT EXCLUSION ALARM  +EZS SILENT EXCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  -EZS SILENT INCLUSION ALARM  +IZS SILENT INCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  -IZS
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       34 911 EXCLUSION ALARM  +E911 911 EXCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  -E911 911 INCLUSION ALARM  +I911 911 INCLUSION ALARM CLEAR  -I911 The Corrections Officer Summary Report  The Corrections Officer Summary Report outlines the activities of each supervised offender.  It lists any events (technical violations, equipment status changes), Zone Violations and crime incident hits that have occurred in the last 24 hours or that are still open.     This report is e-mailed each morning to the supervising officer and provides summary information for each supervised offender.  The e-mail report contains hyperlinks that direct the supervising officer into VeriTracks™ for further analysis of the events or hits. An officer can view maps of multiple offenders or map a specific zone violation or crime hit. The purpose of this report is to provide the supervising officer with a quick view of issues or problems that have occurred in the past 24 hours without logging  into the system.  From this single report, the supervising officer can see which offenders had problems the previous day and which ones were compliant.  The goal is to allow the officer to focus on those offenders that are non-compliant or otherwise a problem as a priority and to remind the officer of events that may still be open.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       35  Hyper link to map of offenders tracks for the day  Technical Violations related to equipment Leaves/enters Tampers     Zone Violations      Correlation with crimes reports  Display the results in text reports The link in the Offender Summary report links to the offender report, shown below and described in Appendix 3, Reports.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       36  From the basic report you can:  • Show the records in a table, the results can be sorted by the columns displayed.   • See the zones assigned to this offender.  Click on the Offender Detail Link • In certain jurisdictions, you can link to detailed demographic or criminal history date on the offender using the Detailed DC Report link.  • Drill down to see Offender Details like violations, hits, and status changes for the offender during the selected time period.   Click on the Offender Detail Link Drill down to see OFFENDER DETAILS From the text report, click on the Offender Detail Link, which shows events and status changes for the selected time period.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       37  Select one of the different options to change the data displayed: Violations, Device Summary, Incident hits, or Zone Hits.   a. Violation:  The Violation Event Summary details if the offender had any device violations during the specified period of time.  It lists the Violation Date/Time, Violation Cleared, the Violation code, and the Duration that the violation occurred.  These violations include, but are not limited to, “Bracelet Gone,” “Bracelet Strap,” and “Motion No GPS.” b. Status:  This link provides details about the device.  Not only does it list the Violations of the device, but it also lists “Device at Rest” and “Device in Charger.” c. Incident Hits:  This link will take you to a table listing of all Incident Hits that the offender had for a specified time period.  This report lists the Primary Offense, with links to the Incident reports, the reporting agency, the Points and Distance from the Incident, and the Start/Stop Date and Time. d. Zone Hits:  This link provides a table of any Zone Violations for this offender for a specified period of time.  This report lists the Zone Name, the Violation Date, the ORI, and POC (point of contact), the number of Points in the violation, and the Zone Type.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       38  Map one or more offender tracks • Check the box in the upper right corner to select records.   • Click on the globe icon to map the records.    • TIP  - See Maps in Chapter 4 for more details on Maps
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       39 Chapter 7: SUPERVISING AN OFFENDER                     This chapter covers the tools you will use to supervise an offender.    • The offender status tool provides a quick snap shot of the offender’s current location and status.  • The Search Screen locates an offender’s history, including reports and maps that show where he/she has been.   • Mapping tools analyze where an offender has been and what he/she has been doing.                      Determining Offender Location and Status  There are two ways to view offender location and status information.  View the most current information with the Offender Status submenu.  View historic information, with the Search submenu option that is designed to manage and display a complete historic view of the offender’s actions.   The Offender Status button, like the inventory, enrollment and zone submenus, is designed specifically for the supervising officer. It allows you to contact the offender and capture notes on his/her activities.  Access to the offender status is limited to the offenders in your office, and parent offices if you are part of an organizational hierarchy.  Users outside your organization (law enforcement agencies for instance) cannot access offender status.   To promote data sharing, all users can access some offender information through the search submenu.  This is the only shared submenu under the supervision menu.  The pages under the search submenu are read only.  This prevents users from outside your organization from changing any offender data.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       40 About the Offender Status Tabs  The Offender Status option provides you with a set of tabs that give an immediate status of the selected offender.  The three tabbed screens highlight location, events, and offender device history for the selected offender. As shown below the main tab is Status – the information block shows the offender’s name and the device number.  It also shows the last reported location of the offender, the time of the last position, the last time the device reported in, and any events that are still open.  This tab also provides a link to a map of the offender’s activities for the day.  If the offender has not had any location data today it will show the data for the last day a position was obtained.   This map has all the tools and capabilities described later in this chapter.  Clicking on the contact button on the information block allows you to initiate an audible tone and/or vibrate action or requests the current location from the device.    CellTag Offender Status   BluTag Offender Status
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       41 NOTE:  The information provided in the Offender Status report is current as of the last call by the tag.  (When events occur, officers are notified by email.  It is possible that between the time a notification is received and the time an officer checks in with VeriTracks™, the event may have cleared.)  To refresh the data on the offender status pages, select the offender from the drop down list again. The other tabs are the violation tab and the Device Assignment tab.  The Event Tab The Event Tab lists all the violations for the offender within the last 24 hours.  The officer can change the time range on the screen to show longer or shorter periods of time.  You can also manage events on the Event Tab.  The officer can use the check box and confirm button to record the fact that the event was reviewed.  The notepad can be used to capture notes on the event.  The Device Assignment Tab  The Device Assignment Tab shows the assignment history for the offender including a reason for any change in the assigned tag.  This report lists the period of time a tag was assigned to an offender, as well as the reason the device was removed from him/her.  It is available from the enrollment pages as well.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual  Satellite Tracking Of People       42 About the Search Pages  To review an offender’s data on the shared pages (pages accessed by other agencies) or to quickly review your entire case load use the Search submenu and pages.  You may also use the search screen to view historic data that is older than 24 hours. The search screen is designed around text-based query screens that allow the user to create a custom query and generate the needed report.  Appendix X and Y described the offender search (also called Tracked Offender Search) and the four other query screens and associated reports.   The Search capability lets you display in read only format text reports and map historic location information. Use the Offender Search  To use the offender search you can enter any or all of the fields shown to limit the data result set returned.  These fields are defined in Appendix 2, under Tracked Offender Search. To review your case load, select your name in the supervising officer field and set the date range to the one of interest. Display the results in text reports This is the same report that is linked to the Offender Summary report described in chapter 6.   From the basic report you can:  • Show the records in a table, the results can be sorted by the columns displayed.   • See the zones assigned to this offender.  Click on the Offender Detail Link. • In certain jurisdictions, you can link to detailed demographic or criminal history date on the offender using the Detailed DC Report link.
VeriTracks™ User’s Manual Satellite Tracking Of People       43 • Drill down to see OFFENDER DETAILS like violations, hits, and status changes for the offender during the selected time period.   Click on the Offender Detail Link. • Map the offender’s movements. Using Mapping tools and procedures There are a number of tools and procedures for analyzing an offender’s tracks on a map. The following four procedures describe different ways to understand and interpret the mapped location data.   Play back tracks • Map one or more offender tracks (a collection of points during a specified time period)  • Click on the Playback Tracks icon       The playback tracks icon allows the user to view the movement from one tracking point to the next from the earliest point on map.  This will regenerate the map and add a new tool bar at the top of the map.   • Move through the offender tracks by using the VCR-like buttons for playing, stepping through, stepping back and pausing.  In addition, dragging the bar allows you to control the movement of the tracks.   • When tracking a single offender, the playback symbol is a green dot with a blue trail depicting the previous five track points.   • If the offender’s tracks move off of the current map, click on the auto pan check box so the map automatically pans and refreshes ..  Review a track • The connect track points from start date/time icon   allows you to connect track points for a selected offender, beginning with the earliest point to fall within the date range of the map.   • Map one or more offender tracks (a collection of points during a specified time period)

Navigation menu