Savi Technology 410R-M1 User Manual manual

Savi Technology Inc manual


Savi MobileReader410R QuickReference GuideVersion 1.0
ii Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference GuideFirst edition January, 1999Order number DOC-2003Part number 805-01467-001 Rev. ACopyright © Savi Technology Incorporated 1999. All rights reserved. First edition pub-lished in January, 1999. Printed in the United States of America.Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material andinformation, now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, includingwithout limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed onthe screen such as icons, screen display looks, etc.Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent acommitment from the vendor. The software and/or databases described in this documentare furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and/ordatabases may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It isagainst the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in thelicense or nondisclosure agreement.Savi, Batch Collection, TagOS, and TyTag are registered trademarks and Adaptive Rout-ing, Hand Held Interrogator (HHI), ITV, Savi Asset Manager, Savi Interrogator,Savi Retriever, Savi SDK, Savi System, SaviTag, Savi Tools, SealTag, SINC, TAV, andTyTag are trademarks of Savi Technology Incorporated.Other product names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks or registered trademarksof their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.Federal Communications Commission(FCC) NoticeThe Federal Communications Commission has established technical standardsregarding radio frequency energy emitted by computer devices. This equip-ment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference with radio/TVreception. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to causeharmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the inter-ference at his own expense.
Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide iii*WarningChanges or modifications to this equipment that are notexpressly approved by Savi Technology could void the author-ity to operate this equipment.Using this equipment in a manner not specified by the manu-facturer may impair the protection that the equipment provides.Savi Technology is not responsible for radio/TV interferencecaused by using unauthorized cable or by making unauthorizedchanges to this equipment.Use of controls or adjustments or procedures other than thosespecified herein may result in hazardous exposure to laser lightup to 205 mw at 670 mm. Technical assistance for the opera-tion and maintenance of the Savi MobileReader 410R can beobtained from Savi Technology Inc. 450 National Avenue,Mountain View, CA 94043. The phone number is 650-428-0550Software License AgreementThis is an agreement between you, the purchaser, and SAVI Technology Inc. (SAVI). TheSAVI software program (the “SOFTWARE”) described in this manual is licensed by SAVIfor use only according to the terms set forth herein. Starting the SOFTWARE constitutesyour agreement to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not start theSOFTWARE and instead, return the complete product to SAVI.LICENSESAVI grants you a SINGLE USER LICENSE to use only one copy of the enclosed SOFT-WARE on a single Computer. Multiple concurrent use is prohibited. The SOFTWARE isin “use” on a Computer when it is executed in the Computer or is loaded into the operatingmemory or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other stor-age device) of the Computer.NETWORK LICENSEIf the SOFTWARE is acquired for network use, the SOFTWARE may only be installed onone Computer functioning as a server and a NETWORK LICENSE must be purchased.The number of computers and terminals capable of accessing or operating the SOFT-WARE on the network must not exceed the number of users authorized by the NET-WORK LICENSE.DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS
iv Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference GuideYou are hereby granted permission to develop derivative products that use or incorporateall or part of the SOFTWARE and to use the derivative products on one computer. Permis-sion to use derivative products on more than one computer, or to distribute any derivativeproducts, may be obtained by either purchase of additional copies of the SOFTWARE orby separate written agreement between you and SAVI covering such use or distribution.COPYRIGHTThe SOFTWARE is copyrighted under United States and international copyright laws.Except as provided herein, you may not make copies, electronically or by any othermeans, of the SOFTWARE without written permission from SAVI. You may not copy thewritten materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.TERMINATIONThis LICENSE shall remain in force from date of purchase unless terminated. You mayterminate the LICENSE by destroying the SOFTWARE including documentation and allcopies made thereof. This LICENSE may also be terminated by SAVI if you fail to complywith the terms of this agreement. You agree, upon termination, to destroy the SOFTWAREincluding documentation and all copies made thereof.NO OTHER WARRANTIESWITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTENMATERIALS, SAVI AND ITS DEALERS AND SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL OTHERWARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUD-ING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MER-CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESIN NO EVENT SHALL SAVI OR ITS DEALERS OR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FORANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAM-AGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OFBUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS OR INDIRECT, SPE-CIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND) ARISINGOUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAVI PRODUCT, EVEN IF SAVIHAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty or limitations ofliability for consequential or incidental damages. You may have other legal rights.GOVERNING LAWThis LICENSE shall be construed, interpreted, and governed by the laws of the UnitedStates of America and the laws of the State of California. In the event of any conflictinginterpretation between the two, the laws of the United States shall prevail.U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTSThe SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause atDFARS 252.227-7013 or in subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of the Commercial Computer
Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide vSoftware-Restricted rights at FAR 52.227-19 as applicable. The contractor and manufac-turer is Savi Technology Incorporated, 450 National Avenue, Mountain View,CA 94043-2238.REGULATORY APPROVALSThe SMR-410R is UL listed (UL 1950), when powered by the NiCad battery or the exter-nal AC adapter (P/N 042684) operating through the Interface Adapter.LASER COMPLIANCE AND CAUTIONThis device is a Class II laser product (CFR 21, Subpart J) and has a maximum out-put of 2-5 mw at 670 mm.NONINCENDIVE INFORMATIONThis product is UL Listed as Nonincendive (UL-1604) for use in the following Divi-sion 2 hazardous locations:• Class I - Groups A, B, C and D• Class II - Groups F and G• Class III• Temperature Code: T4A• Maximum operating Ambient: 50 °CThe SMR410R is considered nonincendive only when used alone and powered by theNiCad battery pack. Make no other connections while in Division 2 hazardous loca-tions.There are no restrictions on the type of PC card that can be used in a Division 2 loca-tion. However, this card may only be changed while in an area known to be non-haz-ardous.WARNING: This product is rated Nonincendive as long as it is not abused or dam-aged, and is used according to its operating instructions. If these conditions are notmet, this device must not be operated in a Division 2 environment.
vi Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide
Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide viiContentsChecking the Contents .............................................................................. 1Using the SMR-410R ................................................................................ 2Using The Keypad ............................................................................... 2Installing the SMR-410R .......................................................................... 4Charging the battery ............................................................................. 4Inserting the Battery ............................................................................. 4Installing the Optical Interface Adapter ............................................... 5Starting the SMR-410R ....................................................................... 5Setting the Time and Date ................................................................... 6Using The RFID Software, HHIM.EXE .............................................. 6Starting HHIM.EXE ............................................................................ 7Collecting Tags .................................................................................... 7Entering Current Tag ID ...................................................................... 8Selecting the Current Tag .................................................................... 8Locating Tags ...................................................................................... 9Checking Status of the SMR-410R ...................................................... 9Exiting HHIM.EXE ........................................................................... 10Checking the Batteries ............................................................................ 10Maximizing Battery Life ................................................................... 10Placing the SMR-410R in Suspend Mode ......................................... 12Placing the SMR-410R in Storage Mode .......................................... 12Removing the NiCad battery ............................................................. 12Cold Booting the SMR-410R ............................................................ 13Transferring Files between the SMR-410R and a PC ......................... 13
viii Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide
Savi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 1Savi MobileReader410R QuickReference GuideThe Savi MobileReader 410R (SMR-410R) is a hand-held computerthat communicates with Savi RF tags (SealTag II and SaviTag 410) andfunctions as a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Hand Held Inter-rogator (HHI). This guide includes installation and usage of theSMR-410R, the features of SMR-410R, and the RFID software applica-tion.The SMR-410R is a combination hand-held bar code reader,computer and RFID interrogator. It has a 386 microprocessor,contains Microsoft MS-DOS, and is PC compatible.Checking the ContentsVerify that you have the following parts:• Savi MobileReader 410R• Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad) battery• Optical Interface Adapter• AC adapterThe following items are included only with optional configurations.• PMCIA card containing RFID software application
Using the SMR-410R2• RS232 null modem cableUsing the SMR-410RUsing The KeypadThe following figure shows the alphanumeric keypad for theSMR-410R. The keys generate characters and perform functions similarto a standard PC keyboard.AC adapterSavi MobileReader 410ROptical Interface AdapterNiCad batteryPMCIA card(optional)RS232 cable(optional)
Using the SMR-410RSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 3The following paragraphs describe the functions of theSuspend/Resume, Function, Viewport and Backspace keys.Suspend/Resume keyThis key activates and deactivates the SMR-410R.Function keyThis key provides access to alternate key codes that are printed in thelight blue color above each key. Press and then press the key togenerate the alternate code.Viewport keyIn conjunction with the Function key, this key moves the cursor up,right, down and left, corresponding with the direction of the arrows.Backspace keyThis key deletes the character to the left of the 0.321456789)>#@!$%^(*&home+pg up_*/end enter pg dninsdelAFBCDEYZWVUTSXMNOPQRGH I JKL~_+{}:'|-=[];"<>?,\,./Ctrl AltCapsEscfenternum lockF1 F2 F3 F4 F5F6 F7 F8 F9 F10IO/Suspend/Resume keyControl keyAlt keyFunction keyShift keyViewport keyEnter keyBackspace keyIO/ff
Installing the SMR-410R4Installing the SMR-410RCharging the batteryUse either of the following methods to charge the NiCadbattery.• Optical Link Method1. Place the battery in the reader.2. Attach the Optical Interface Adapter to the reader as described inthe section Installing the Optical Interface Adapter, later on thispage.3. Connect the AC adapter to the Optical Interface Adapter.4. Wait at least 15 hours for the battery to charge.• Battery Charger Method1. Place the battery in battery charger (available separately).2. Wait at least 2.5 hours for the battery to charge.Inserting the Battery1. Hold the reader so that the handle points down.2. Hold the battery under the reader handle.3. Slide battery into the reader handle and push firmly in.Installing the Optical Interface AdapterThe following figure shows the Optical Interface Adapter and itsconnectors. Use the RS-232 connector to connect devices that communi-cate with the SMR-410R. Attach the AC adapter to the AC adapter con-nector.
Installing the SMR-410RSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 5Installing the Optical Interface Adapter1. Verify that the reader is turned off.2. Insert the two lower tabs of the adapter into the lower slots on theback of the SMR-410R.3. Place the two upper tabs into the upper slots.4. Slide the locking mechanism towards the SMR-410R until theclosed lock symbol is completely visible.Starting the SMR-410RBefore you can use the SMR410R you need to follow these steps:1. Turn on the SMR-410R by pressing the yellow key on the key-pad.The Boot Loader menu appears and highlights the Reboot com-mand.Upper tabs9 pin RS-232connectorAC adapterconnectorLockmechanismUpper slotsLower slotsUnlock symbol locationLock symbol locationIO/
Installing the SMR-410R62. Press enter to cold boot the SMR-410R. For further information,see the section “Cold Booting the SMR-410R” on page 13.Note: If after 60 seconds no key is pressed, the SMR-410R entersSuspend Mode and the display disappears. Press to resume boot-ing. The DOS prompt (C:) appears when the SMR-410Rfinishes booting. Type G: and press enter after the DOS prompt to get tothe correct directory.Setting the Time and DateTo set the time and date:1. Enter the word time at the prompt.2. Press enter.3. Enter the current time (HH:MM:SS) and press enter.To type a colon on the keypad, press4. Enter the word date at the prompt.5. Press enter.6. Enter the current date (MM-DD-YY) and press enter.To type a dash on the keypad, press .Using The RFID Software, HHIM.EXEThe SMR-410R communicates with Savi Technology’s SaviTag 410 andSealTag II. With the SMR-410R you can move anywhere within rangeof these tags and communicate with them.fCan Not ResumePlease RebootBoot LoaderRebootPasswordDumpLoadResumeStorageOffIO/ffFffH
Installing the SMR-410RSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 7Demonstration software, called HHIM.EXE comes with the SMR-410Rand with it you can verify that the reader worksproperly.Starting HHIM.EXETo start the program:1. Enter HHIM at the C: prompt.2. Press enter.The main menu screen appears which contains the following com-mands:•CollectTags• Enter Current Tag• Select Current Tag• MobileReader Status• Background Noise•ExitTo select a command, press to move the cursor to the desiredcommand.To activate a command press enter.Collecting TagsThe SMR-410R “wakes” all tags within its range and reads the tag IDnumber. This is a pre-assigned, non-changeable 7-digitnumber. The SMR-410R collects the tags and status, stores the informa-tion and puts the tags back to “sleep”.To collect the tags:1. Select Collect Tags from the main menu.2. Press enter.During this process, the following message displays:Collecting tags...
Installing the SMR-410R8When the process is finished, the screen shows the number of tagscollected and the IDs of each tag. An asterisk (*) to the left of a tagindicates a low battery. The symbol ✹to the right of a tag identifiesa SaviTag 410; others are SealTags. Press Esc to return to the mainmenu.Entering Current Tag IDA current tag designation chooses the tag to which tag-specific opera-tions are directed, such as turning the audible beeper on or off, readingor writing data, or setting the tag clock. The current tag is designatedeither by entering a tag ID or by selecting an ID from a list of tag IDs.To enter the current tag:1. Select Enter Current Tag from the menu.2. Enter the 7-digit ID number from the label from the front of the tag.3. Press enter to make this tag the current tag. The tag menu appearswith the current tag at the top of the display.Selecting the Current TagThis command selects the current tag from the tags listed in the previoustag collection.To select a current tag:1. Move the cursor to Select Current Tag.2. Press enter. The screen displays the last collection file name asLastcoll.lst. This list contains tag IDs from the collection fromwhich you choose a new current tag.3. Press enter The collection list displays and lists the tags by IDnumber.4. Place the cursor at the desired tag ID and press enter to select thenew current tag. The main menu appears with the current tag at thetop of the display.
Installing the SMR-410RSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 9Locating TagsTo find a specific tag you might need to activate its beeper. The beeperemits a sound that can be used to locate an individual tag. Follow thesound to the tag’s location and deactivate the beeper.Activating the BeeperThe Beeper On command remotely activates a tag’s beeper. The beeperremains on for 90 seconds or until deactivated by the Beeper Off com-mand.To activate a beeper:1. Select a current tag.2. Select Beeper On from the Tag menu.3. Press enter to activate the beeper and return to the Tag menu.Deactivating the BeeperThe Beeper Off command remotely deactivates a tag’s beeper.To deactivate a beeper:1. Select Beeper Off from the Tag menu.2. Press enter to deactivate the beeper and return to the Tag menu.Checking Status of the SMR-410RThis command shows the current status of the SMR-410R including themodel number and version, available memory, tag batteries, and dateand time.
Checking the Batteries10To check the status:1. Scroll to MobileReader Status in the main menu using the Viewportkey.2. Press enter.Exiting HHIM.EXETo exit the program:1. Scroll to Exit in the main menu using the Viewport key.2. Press enter. This ends the current session.Checking the BatteriesThere are two batteries in the SMR-410R, the NiCad battery and theinternal Lithium Bridge Battery.The NiCad battery is the main power source for the SMR-410R. Thelithium battery supplies keep-alive power to the SMR-410R when themain battery is removed. When you remove or replace the NiCad batterythe Lithium Bridge Battery backs up the reader’s RAM and clock.Both batteries are rechargeable. The NiCad battery is recharged byattaching the AC adapter to the SMR-410R and plugging it into anexternal power source, such as a wall socket. The Lithium Bridge bat-tery is recharged by the NiCad battery.Maximizing Battery LifeTo maximize the life of the SMR-410R’s Lithium Bridge Battery andNiCad battery, choose from the following options.NOTE: The internal Lithium bridge battery is NOT user serviceable.The SMR410R must be returned to Savi Technology for replacement ofthis battery.
Checking the BatteriesSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 11CAUTION: If you do not use the SMR-410R for more than one week, you mustput the SMR-410R in Storage Mode.Usage Action ExplanationThe SMR-410R isused at least once aweek.Place the SMR-410Rin Suspend Mode(see “Placing theSMR-410R in Sus-pend Mode” on page12).Suspend Mode savesthe NiCad battery’spower. Press toput the SMR-410R inSuspend Mode.Check that the lowbattery icon is not on.The SMR-410R is notused for a week orlonger.•PlacetheSMR-410R in Stor-age Mode (see“Placing theSMR-410R in Stor-age Mode” on page12) and remove theNiCad battery.• Remove any PCcards.Storage Mode con-serves the LithiumBridge Battery’spower. You mustremove the NiCadbattery for StorageMode to activate.The SMR-410R hasbeen in use and theNiCad battery has alow charge.• Remove the batteryand insert anothercharged battery.or• Attach an externalpower supply (ACadapter) to chargethe installed battery.or•PlacetheSMR-410R inStorage Mode.A charged battery isnecessary to con-serve the LithiumBridge Battery power.IO/
Checking the Batteries12Placing the SMR-410R in Suspend ModeTo place the SMR-410R in Suspend Mode, press . Once in the Sus-pend Mode the SMR-410R saves all memory and cuts power to thehardware.When you want to use the unit again, press and the unitbegins functioning from the point from exactly where it was whenplaced in Suspend Mode.Placing the SMR-410R in Storage ModeIf you do not plan to use the SMR-410R for seven days or longer, placethe unit in Storage Mode.To place the SMR-410R in Storage Mode (these instructions are alsoprinted on the side of the unit below the antenna):1. Press to place the unit in Suspend Mode.2. Press and hold and the symbol on the cursor key,in that order. Then release the keys.3. Press a second time.4. Press and then to highlight Storage on the Boot Loadermenu.5. Press enter.6. Remove the NiCad battery.Removing the NiCad battery1. Hold the reader with the handle pointing right or left.2. Push battery inward slightly while at the same time pressing the doton the base of the battery. Pull the battery out about a half inch.3. Squeeze the two yellow buttons with your thumb and forefinger torelease the latches in the handle.4. Slide the battery out of the handle.Note: Do not remove the NiCad battery for more than 10 minutes without firstplacing the SMR-410R in Storage Mode. Otherwise the Lithium Bridgebattery discharges.IO/IO/IO/IO/IO/F3222IO/IO/
Transferring Files between the SMR-410R and a PCSavi MobileReader 410R Quick Reference Guide 13Cold Booting the SMR-410RBefore setting up the unit for the first time or after having system prob-lems you should cold boot the SMR-410R.To cold boot the unit:1. Press to turn off the SMR-410R.2. Press and hold and in that order. Then release thekeys.3. Press a second time.4. Press and then . The Boot Loader menu displays.5. Press enter. The Boot Loader menu appears.6. Press enter to activate the Reboot command, and the SMR-410Rreboots.7. Press enter at the intermediate prompt that appears before the finalC:> prompt.Transferring Files between the SMR-410Rand a PCFile transfers between a PC and a Savi Mobile Reader 410R (SMR) areexecuted by software operating in a client–server mode in which the PCfunctions as the server and the SMR-410R functions as the client (allcommands are entered from the SMR-410R).For further information see the PC—Savi MobileReader 410R FileTransfer User Guide, Savi part number 805-01867-001.IO/F322IO/
Transferring Files between the SMR-410R and a PC14
Savi MobileReader410R Specifications 15ASaviMobileReader410R SpecificationsThe following table shows specifications of the 433.92 MHz SMR410R.Integrated radiomoduleFrequency: 433.92 MHzOutput Power: 4mWData Speed: 9600 bps/27.7 kbpsRadio Type: Frequency Modulating TransceiverIndependent channels: 1Range: up to 300 feetEnvironment Operating: -4° to +122°FStorage: (-40° to 140° F)Humidity: 0 to 95% relative non-condensingHardware 386S microprocessorPC-AT compatibleEmulates full PC-AT 101 keyboardSoftware Microsoft ROM DOS 6.2Microsoft BasicUser-friendly configuration screenMicrosoft Interlink/Interserver communications pack-ageVirtual Wedge™Bar codessupportedAutodiscriminates among Code 39, 2 of 5, Interleaved2 of 5, Codabar, UPC/EAN, UCC/EAN, Code 128,Code 11, Code 93, Plessay, MSI, Code 16K, Code 49Display 16 line, 20 column backlitCGA compatiblevirtual 25x80 display with viewport
A16Savi MobileReader410R SpecificationsMemory size 4 MB battery-backed RAM512 Flash Drive2 MB Drive DPhysicalCharacteristicsWidth: 3.3” (8.4 cm)Length: 8.0” (20.3 cm)Depth: 3.25 “(8.25 cm)Weight: 2 lb. 2.7 oz. (excluding battery pack)DatacommunicationsInfrared serial communications interfaceRS-232C, RS-422, RS-485Protocols: PC Standard, Point-to-Point, Polling Dmode, Multi-drop, User-definedInterfaces InfraredD89 via optical link adapterPower Primary: 6.0VDC, 1500 mAhr NiCad battery packBackup: 3.6 VDC lithium cellCharging: 2 hours to charge NiCad with JZ2010chargerRegulatoryapprovalsUL Listed (UL1950), FCC Part 15OptionalAccessoriesHardware:Intelligent four-pack battery chargerOptical link AC Adapter1500mAhr NiCad battery packHolsterPower Supply512 Kb, 1Mb, 2 Mb, 4Mb SRAM PCMCIA memorycardSoftware:Programmer’s software kit (PSK)Operating Software:Savi Mobile Manager Model SMRS-1001Manuals:User’s GuidePower supplies
ASavi MobileReader410R Specifications 17Optical parameters Depth of Field:7.5 mil code (3 to 7.5”)10milcode(2to10“)20milcode(3to16”)40milcode(4to25”)

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