Schlumberger Water Services DIVERDXT 2.4 GHz Transceiver User Manual manual

Schlumberger Water Services (Netherlands) bv 2.4 GHz Transceiver manual


Annex No.5 Page 1 of 7                     Product description  Diver-DXT
Drive-by DiverASchlumberger TechnologyNorth AmericaWaterloo Hydrogeologic Inc.460 Phillip Street - Suite 101Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 5J2Tel:  +1 519 746 1798Fax: +1 519 885 5262sws-sales@slb.comSouth AmericaSchlumberger/Omnes do Brasil Ltda,Av. Eng. Domingos Ferreira, 4060, SL. 1206,Boa Viagem, Recife PE CEP: 51021-040Tel:  +55 81 3327 6816Fax: +55 81 3463 6000soliveira@flowpath.comEuropeVan Essen InstrumentsPO Box 553  2600 AN  Delft  The NetherlandsTel:  +31 (0)15 275 50 00Fax: +31 (0)15 275 50©Schlumberger *Mark of SchlumbergerSchlumberger TechnologiesField data, analytical data and spatial data are all critical components of a successfulgroundwater management strategy.  Schlumberger Water Services can help you tointegrate, analyze and reporton these many data types.• QA/QC functionality ensures data is accurate and within acceptable ranges•GIS capabilities provide the spatial and temporal distribution of virtually any field parameter•Cross-section interpretations of geologic and hydrogeologic data validate conceptual models•Advanced borehole logs highlight geologic features critical to subsurface characterization•Customized reports that address compliance guidelines and client needsAdvanced modeling programs address geologically complex site conditions that extendbeyond traditional flow and transport modeling. Our programs provide the highestdegree of accuracy necessary to minimize uncertainty.•Hydrogeologic conceptual models are developed directly within the data management system to support input for various numeric models•Model input incorporates multiphase flow,density-dependent flow,air flow,anddiscrete fractures, surfacewater and groundwater interactions•Aqueous geochemical analysis and modeling predict changes to water quality•Models results areoptimized and calibrated to site conditions•Finite element, finite difference, and finite volume gridding capabilities provide the numerical power to address any modeling project•Three dimensional visualization tools reveal spatial and temporal trendsFully integrated monitoring packages combine high-quality field instrumentation withsophisticated data transfer and data management technologies.  Our field techniciansare qualified to characterize, assess, and deploy optimal groundwater monitoring tech-nologies for your site.•Multilevel well systems monitor any number of zones in a single borehole•Measure pressure under shut-in conditions•Sample fluids without repeated purging•Conduct a variety of hydraulic tests•Frequent long-term measuring of conductivity, temperature, and water levels•Ceramic housing offers corrosion-resistance in most environments•Real-time, wireless data transfer to centralized information management systemsField MonitoringAnalysis and ManagementFFiieelldd MMoonniittoorriinngg TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• Baro-Diver•Micro-Diver• Cera-Diver• CTD-Diver*• HydroGeo Analyst•HydroManager• Micro-Diver• Mini-Diver• Westbay* SystemAAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeennttTTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem•AquiferTest• HydroGeo Analyst• HydroManager• Visual HELPMMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem (PHREEQC)•  ECLIPSE*•Petrel•Visual MODFLOW• UnSat Suite PlusModeling and SimulationProducts and TechnologiesSophisticated technologies engineered to overcome challenges and bring value to projects
SchlumbergerWATER SERVICESWater ServicesYour Drive-by Diver is:InnovativeWorldwide, the Drive-by Diver offers a unique, new solution for communicating with the Diver.WirelessIn the field it is possible to read the data from a distance of up to 150 metres.ReliableNo more chance of disruption: the monitoring wells no longer need to be opened to read the diver.Fewer errors, there is no chance that a Diver is mistakenlyreplaced in a different monitoring well, or that it is suspen-ded at a different depth.Efficient and effectiveIt is no longer necessary to look for the exact location ofthe monitoring wells. Various Divers can be read out simultaneously.The advantage of visual contact remains.The Drive-by Diver is compatible with existing projects,everything is possible in a single system.AffordableNo highly qualified personnel are required to take readings.Drive-by Diver saves you timeUisng the Drive-by Diver technology monitoring of ground-and surface water measuring points becomes much moreeasy. The time at the well, to download data from a Diver,is less than 35% in regards with the old situation. This isdue to the new, wireless system supplied by SchlumbergerWater Services.Periodical groundwater measurements can take quitesome time and cost time and money.  Not only at the well,opening the cap and making a physical connection, butalso finding the well in the different seasons of the year theDrive-by Diver is a unique solution. It is easier to find thewell, the well will find you. Also it is possible to communi-cate with more than one Diver at the same time. In theoffice it is very simple to transfer the data to a PC or laptopfor integration into a data management system. HydroGeoAnalyst,, is a softwarepackage which can be used for importing all kind of (Diver)data, presenting these in graphs or even do modeling.The ease of wireless measurementFor every monitoring location yourequire:•a monitoring well •a Diver•a Drive-by cable (DBC)•Optional: - Drive-by radio cover- monitoring well cap with pull-relief- monitoring well ringFor reading out the Diver:With your own laptop*:•Laptop- Win2000/XP/Vista- PCMCIA slot•Drive-by dongle with CF/PCMCIA adapter•LDM 6* Not supplied by Schlumberger Water ServicesWith a Pocket-PC**:•Pocket-PC- Windows Mobile 5- Compact Flash II slot•Drive-by dongle•Pocket-Diver 3 Manager/Reader (for free)Applications:mining, monitoring networks, com-munity monitoring, golf managament** Schlumberger Water Services supplies fully installed robust Pocket-PCs (Archer), but you can also useyour own Pocket-PC.In all cases, Schlumberger WaterServices can supply the completeinstallation for you. In addition, Schlumberger WaterServices can handle the maintenance,the data collection and the processing,in short the management for the entiremeasurement network."Wireless does not need a physicalcontact for the communication withthe Diver" •timeredution with a factor of three•efficient, reliable•high cost/performance ratio•no training needed for handling the system•data transfer and integration fast and easyTraditional data collectionDrive-by-Diver data collectionField experience  Saving time in CanadaThe City of Guelph (Ontario) is situated close to the ArkellSpring Grounds, an area of about 280 hectare. The citysubtracts about 60% of their potable water from thesewells; the remaining 40% is coming from wells spread outover the City area. To manage the quality and quantity ofthe groundwater the City wants to monitor all pumping andmonitoring wells in the area. For this purpose a pilot hasstarted in 2006 using more than 20 Drive-by Divers, mainlyin the Arkell Spring Grounds. The time needed to downloaddata from all the Divers including getting to the wells wasabout 14 hours. Using the Drive-by solution the time is noonly 4 hours, even in the winter time.Drive-by DiverDescription:In every (monitoring) well a Drive-by Diver is placed, existing of a Diver,cable and radio-unit on top of the well. The user can program the Diverusing the wireless connection between the well and the Field PC. On theFDC a radio dongle is mounted using an USB slot. On the Field PC the pro-gram Diver-Pocket is installed. Just by simple driving by the connectionbetween the Diver and the FDC is established in less than 30 seconds andthe communication can start. The distance between the FDC and the wellcan be up to 150 meters, depending on the local situation. Using this newand unique technology downloading data or even changing the settings ofa Diver becomes easy, fast and saves time, up to more than 60%. The sys-tem has been tested at several locations in the world and has proven tobe reliable and easy to use.The battery inside the radio unit on top of the well has an estimated lifetime of 5 years. The battery is field replaceable. For simpler communication with the DiverSchlumbergerWATER SERVICESCommunity monitoring.The Drive-by (walk-by) is a very good approach for enga-ging entirecommunities in monitoring activities for groundwater. The combinationof people concerned by their environment with solution like the Drive-bysolution, or should we call this Walk-by, allow to build local capacity tocollect, deliver, and use groundwater information to facilitate sustain-able decision-making. Drive-by (walk-by) is a solution given to anyone to contribute in the protection of the environment at no risk for thestakeholder for the well integrity or the quality of the data downloaded.The complete packageIf you use Diver data loggers the move to the Drive-by radio is simple. The signal from theDrive-by radio does not pass through metal, so if your monitoring wells are protected by ametal sleeve they require amendment. The Diver itself can be suspended in a metal monitoringwell casing, but the sleeve that protects the monitoring well must be able to allow radio signalsto pass through. The simplest way to achieve this is to drill a hole in the sleeve so that the radiois located outside of it. The radio is then covered and protected by the robust plastic Drive-bycover. If your Divers are suspended on steel cables, these cables must be replaced by DBCcables. Of course, a Drive-by dongle and the relevant hardware and software are required totake readings.
SchlumbergerWATER SERVICESWater ServicesYour Drive-by Diver is:InnovativeWorldwide, the Drive-by Diver offers a unique, new solution for communicating with the Diver.WirelessIn the field it is possible to read the data from a distance of up to 150 metres.ReliableNo more chance of disruption: the monitoring wells no longer need to be opened to read the diver.Fewer errors, there is no chance that a Diver is mistakenlyreplaced in a different monitoring well, or that it is suspen-ded at a different depth.Efficient and effectiveIt is no longer necessary to look for the exact location ofthe monitoring wells. Various Divers can be read out simultaneously.The advantage of visual contact remains.The Drive-by Diver is compatible with existing projects,everything is possible in a single system.AffordableNo highly qualified personnel are required to take readings.Drive-by Diver saves you timeUisng the Drive-by Diver technology monitoring of ground-and surface water measuring points becomes much moreeasy. The time at the well, to download data from a Diver,is less than 35% in regards with the old situation. This isdue to the new, wireless system supplied by SchlumbergerWater Services.Periodical groundwater measurements can take quitesome time and cost time and money.  Not only at the well,opening the cap and making a physical connection, butalso finding the well in the different seasons of the year theDrive-by Diver is a unique solution. It is easier to find thewell, the well will find you. Also it is possible to communi-cate with more than one Diver at the same time. In theoffice it is very simple to transfer the data to a PC or laptopfor integration into a data management system. HydroGeoAnalyst,, is a softwarepackage which can be used for importing all kind of (Diver)data, presenting these in graphs or even do modeling.The ease of wireless measurementFor every monitoring location yourequire:•a monitoring well •a Diver•a Drive-by cable (DBC)•Optional: - Drive-by radio cover- monitoring well cap with pull-relief- monitoring well ringFor reading out the Diver:With your own laptop*:•Laptop- Win2000/XP/Vista- PCMCIA slot•Drive-by dongle with CF/PCMCIA adapter•LDM 6* Not supplied by Schlumberger Water ServicesWith a Pocket-PC**:•Pocket-PC- Windows Mobile 5- Compact Flash II slot•Drive-by dongle•Pocket-Diver 3 Manager/Reader (for free)Applications:mining, monitoring networks, com-munity monitoring, golf managament** Schlumberger Water Services supplies fully installed robust Pocket-PCs (Archer), but you can also useyour own Pocket-PC.In all cases, Schlumberger WaterServices can supply the completeinstallation for you. In addition, Schlumberger WaterServices can handle the maintenance,the data collection and the processing,in short the management for the entiremeasurement network."Wireless does not need a physicalcontact for the communication withthe Diver" •timeredution with a factor of three•efficient, reliable•high cost/performance ratio•no training needed for handling the system•data transfer and integration fast and easyTraditional data collectionDrive-by-Diver data collectionField experience  Saving time in CanadaThe City of Guelph (Ontario) is situated close to the ArkellSpring Grounds, an area of about 280 hectare. The citysubtracts about 60% of their potable water from thesewells; the remaining 40% is coming from wells spread outover the City area. To manage the quality and quantity ofthe groundwater the City wants to monitor all pumping andmonitoring wells in the area. For this purpose a pilot hasstarted in 2006 using more than 20 Drive-by Divers, mainlyin the Arkell Spring Grounds. The time needed to downloaddata from all the Divers including getting to the wells wasabout 14 hours. Using the Drive-by solution the time is noonly 4 hours, even in the winter time.Drive-by DiverDescription:In every (monitoring) well a Drive-by Diver is placed, existing of a Diver,cable and radio-unit on top of the well. The user can program the Diverusing the wireless connection between the well and the Field PC. On theFDC a radio dongle is mounted using an USB slot. On the Field PC the pro-gram Diver-Pocket is installed. Just by simple driving by the connectionbetween the Diver and the FDC is established in less than 30 seconds andthe communication can start. The distance between the FDC and the wellcan be up to 150 meters, depending on the local situation. Using this newand unique technology downloading data or even changing the settings ofa Diver becomes easy, fast and saves time, up to more than 60%. The sys-tem has been tested at several locations in the world and has proven tobe reliable and easy to use.The battery inside the radio unit on top of the well has an estimated lifetime of 5 years. The battery is field replaceable. For simpler communication with the DiverSchlumbergerWATER SERVICESCommunity monitoring.The Drive-by (walk-by) is a very good approach for enga-ging entirecommunities in monitoring activities for groundwater. The combinationof people concerned by their environment with solution like the Drive-bysolution, or should we call this Walk-by, allow to build local capacity tocollect, deliver, and use groundwater information to facilitate sustain-able decision-making. Drive-by (walk-by) is a solution given to anyone to contribute in the protection of the environment at no risk for thestakeholder for the well integrity or the quality of the data downloaded.The complete packageIf you use Diver data loggers the move to the Drive-by radio is simple. The signal from theDrive-by radio does not pass through metal, so if your monitoring wells are protected by ametal sleeve they require amendment. The Diver itself can be suspended in a metal monitoringwell casing, but the sleeve that protects the monitoring well must be able to allow radio signalsto pass through. The simplest way to achieve this is to drill a hole in the sleeve so that the radiois located outside of it. The radio is then covered and protected by the robust plastic Drive-bycover. If your Divers are suspended on steel cables, these cables must be replaced by DBCcables. Of course, a Drive-by dongle and the relevant hardware and software are required totake readings.
SchlumbergerWATER SERVICESWater ServicesYour Drive-by Diver is:InnovativeWorldwide, the Drive-by Diver offers a unique, new solution for communicating with the Diver.WirelessIn the field it is possible to read the data from a distance of up to 150 metres.ReliableNo more chance of disruption: the monitoring wells no longer need to be opened to read the diver.Fewer errors, there is no chance that a Diver is mistakenlyreplaced in a different monitoring well, or that it is suspen-ded at a different depth.Efficient and effectiveIt is no longer necessary to look for the exact location ofthe monitoring wells. Various Divers can be read out simultaneously.The advantage of visual contact remains.The Drive-by Diver is compatible with existing projects,everything is possible in a single system.AffordableNo highly qualified personnel are required to take readings.Drive-by Diver saves you timeUisng the Drive-by Diver technology monitoring of ground-and surface water measuring points becomes much moreeasy. The time at the well, to download data from a Diver,is less than 35% in regards with the old situation. This isdue to the new, wireless system supplied by SchlumbergerWater Services.Periodical groundwater measurements can take quitesome time and cost time and money.  Not only at the well,opening the cap and making a physical connection, butalso finding the well in the different seasons of the year theDrive-by Diver is a unique solution. It is easier to find thewell, the well will find you. Also it is possible to communi-cate with more than one Diver at the same time. In theoffice it is very simple to transfer the data to a PC or laptopfor integration into a data management system. HydroGeoAnalyst,, is a softwarepackage which can be used for importing all kind of (Diver)data, presenting these in graphs or even do modeling.The ease of wireless measurementFor every monitoring location yourequire:•a monitoring well •a Diver•a Drive-by cable (DBC)•Optional: - Drive-by radio cover- monitoring well cap with pull-relief- monitoring well ringFor reading out the Diver:With your own laptop*:•Laptop- Win2000/XP/Vista- PCMCIA slot•Drive-by dongle with CF/PCMCIA adapter•LDM 6* Not supplied by Schlumberger Water ServicesWith a Pocket-PC**:•Pocket-PC- Windows Mobile 5- Compact Flash II slot•Drive-by dongle•Pocket-Diver 3 Manager/Reader (for free)Applications:mining, monitoring networks, com-munity monitoring, golf managament** Schlumberger Water Services supplies fully installed robust Pocket-PCs (Archer), but you can also useyour own Pocket-PC.In all cases, Schlumberger WaterServices can supply the completeinstallation for you. In addition, Schlumberger WaterServices can handle the maintenance,the data collection and the processing,in short the management for the entiremeasurement network."Wireless does not need a physicalcontact for the communication withthe Diver" •timeredution with a factor of three•efficient, reliable•high cost/performance ratio•no training needed for handling the system•data transfer and integration fast and easyTraditional data collectionDrive-by-Diver data collectionField experience  Saving time in CanadaThe City of Guelph (Ontario) is situated close to the ArkellSpring Grounds, an area of about 280 hectare. The citysubtracts about 60% of their potable water from thesewells; the remaining 40% is coming from wells spread outover the City area. To manage the quality and quantity ofthe groundwater the City wants to monitor all pumping andmonitoring wells in the area. For this purpose a pilot hasstarted in 2006 using more than 20 Drive-by Divers, mainlyin the Arkell Spring Grounds. The time needed to downloaddata from all the Divers including getting to the wells wasabout 14 hours. Using the Drive-by solution the time is noonly 4 hours, even in the winter time.Drive-by DiverDescription:In every (monitoring) well a Drive-by Diver is placed, existing of a Diver,cable and radio-unit on top of the well. The user can program the Diverusing the wireless connection between the well and the Field PC. On theFDC a radio dongle is mounted using an USB slot. On the Field PC the pro-gram Diver-Pocket is installed. Just by simple driving by the connectionbetween the Diver and the FDC is established in less than 30 seconds andthe communication can start. The distance between the FDC and the wellcan be up to 150 meters, depending on the local situation. Using this newand unique technology downloading data or even changing the settings ofa Diver becomes easy, fast and saves time, up to more than 60%. The sys-tem has been tested at several locations in the world and has proven tobe reliable and easy to use.The battery inside the radio unit on top of the well has an estimated lifetime of 5 years. The battery is field replaceable. For simpler communication with the DiverSchlumbergerWATER SERVICESCommunity monitoring.The Drive-by (walk-by) is a very good approach for enga-ging entirecommunities in monitoring activities for groundwater. The combinationof people concerned by their environment with solution like the Drive-bysolution, or should we call this Walk-by, allow to build local capacity tocollect, deliver, and use groundwater information to facilitate sustain-able decision-making. Drive-by (walk-by) is a solution given to anyone to contribute in the protection of the environment at no risk for thestakeholder for the well integrity or the quality of the data downloaded.The complete packageIf you use Diver data loggers the move to the Drive-by radio is simple. The signal from theDrive-by radio does not pass through metal, so if your monitoring wells are protected by ametal sleeve they require amendment. The Diver itself can be suspended in a metal monitoringwell casing, but the sleeve that protects the monitoring well must be able to allow radio signalsto pass through. The simplest way to achieve this is to drill a hole in the sleeve so that the radiois located outside of it. The radio is then covered and protected by the robust plastic Drive-bycover. If your Divers are suspended on steel cables, these cables must be replaced by DBCcables. Of course, a Drive-by dongle and the relevant hardware and software are required totake readings.
Drive-by DiverASchlumberger TechnologyNorth AmericaWaterloo Hydrogeologic Inc.460 Phillip Street - Suite 101Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 5J2Tel:  +1 519 746 1798Fax: +1 519 885 5262sws-sales@slb.comSouth AmericaSchlumberger/Omnes do Brasil Ltda,Av. Eng. Domingos Ferreira, 4060, SL. 1206,Boa Viagem, Recife PE CEP: 51021-040Tel:  +55 81 3327 6816Fax: +55 81 3463 6000soliveira@flowpath.comEuropeVan Essen InstrumentsPO Box 553  2600 AN  Delft  The NetherlandsTel:  +31 (0)15 275 50 00Fax: +31 (0)15 275 50©Schlumberger *Mark of SchlumbergerSchlumberger TechnologiesField data, analytical data and spatial data are all critical components of a successfulgroundwater management strategy.  Schlumberger Water Services can help you tointegrate, analyze and reporton these many data types.• QA/QC functionality ensures data is accurate and within acceptable ranges•GIS capabilities provide the spatial and temporal distribution of virtually any field parameter•Cross-section interpretations of geologic and hydrogeologic data validate conceptual models•Advanced borehole logs highlight geologic features critical to subsurface characterization•Customized reports that address compliance guidelines and client needsAdvanced modeling programs address geologically complex site conditions that extendbeyond traditional flow and transport modeling. Our programs provide the highestdegree of accuracy necessary to minimize uncertainty.•Hydrogeologic conceptual models are developed directly within the data management system to support input for various numeric models•Model input incorporates multiphase flow,density-dependent flow,air flow,anddiscrete fractures, surfacewater and groundwater interactions•Aqueous geochemical analysis and modeling predict changes to water quality•Models results areoptimized and calibrated to site conditions•Finite element, finite difference, and finite volume gridding capabilities provide the numerical power to address any modeling project•Three dimensional visualization tools reveal spatial and temporal trendsFully integrated monitoring packages combine high-quality field instrumentation withsophisticated data transfer and data management technologies.  Our field techniciansare qualified to characterize, assess, and deploy optimal groundwater monitoring tech-nologies for your site.•Multilevel well systems monitor any number of zones in a single borehole•Measure pressure under shut-in conditions•Sample fluids without repeated purging•Conduct a variety of hydraulic tests•Frequent long-term measuring of conductivity, temperature, and water levels•Ceramic housing offers corrosion-resistance in most environments•Real-time, wireless data transfer to centralized information management systemsField MonitoringAnalysis and ManagementFFiieelldd MMoonniittoorriinngg TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• Baro-Diver•Micro-Diver• Cera-Diver• CTD-Diver*• HydroGeo Analyst•HydroManager• Micro-Diver• Mini-Diver• Westbay* SystemAAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeennttTTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem•AquiferTest• HydroGeo Analyst• HydroManager• Visual HELPMMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem (PHREEQC)•  ECLIPSE*•Petrel•Visual MODFLOW• UnSat Suite PlusModeling and SimulationProducts and TechnologiesSophisticated technologies engineered to overcome challenges and bring value to projects
Drive-by DiverASchlumberger TechnologyNorth AmericaWaterloo Hydrogeologic Inc.460 Phillip Street - Suite 101Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 5J2Tel:  +1 519 746 1798Fax: +1 519 885 5262sws-sales@slb.comSouth AmericaSchlumberger/Omnes do Brasil Ltda,Av. Eng. Domingos Ferreira, 4060, SL. 1206,Boa Viagem, Recife PE CEP: 51021-040Tel:  +55 81 3327 6816Fax: +55 81 3463 6000soliveira@flowpath.comEuropeVan Essen InstrumentsPO Box 553  2600 AN  Delft  The NetherlandsTel:  +31 (0)15 275 50 00Fax: +31 (0)15 275 50©Schlumberger *Mark of SchlumbergerSchlumberger TechnologiesField data, analytical data and spatial data are all critical components of a successfulgroundwater management strategy.  Schlumberger Water Services can help you tointegrate, analyze and reporton these many data types.• QA/QC functionality ensures data is accurate and within acceptable ranges•GIS capabilities provide the spatial and temporal distribution of virtually any field parameter•Cross-section interpretations of geologic and hydrogeologic data validate conceptual models•Advanced borehole logs highlight geologic features critical to subsurface characterization•Customized reports that address compliance guidelines and client needsAdvanced modeling programs address geologically complex site conditions that extendbeyond traditional flow and transport modeling. Our programs provide the highestdegree of accuracy necessary to minimize uncertainty.•Hydrogeologic conceptual models are developed directly within the data management system to support input for various numeric models•Model input incorporates multiphase flow,density-dependent flow,air flow,anddiscrete fractures, surfacewater and groundwater interactions•Aqueous geochemical analysis and modeling predict changes to water quality•Models results areoptimized and calibrated to site conditions•Finite element, finite difference, and finite volume gridding capabilities provide the numerical power to address any modeling project•Three dimensional visualization tools reveal spatial and temporal trendsFully integrated monitoring packages combine high-quality field instrumentation withsophisticated data transfer and data management technologies.  Our field techniciansare qualified to characterize, assess, and deploy optimal groundwater monitoring tech-nologies for your site.•Multilevel well systems monitor any number of zones in a single borehole•Measure pressure under shut-in conditions•Sample fluids without repeated purging•Conduct a variety of hydraulic tests•Frequent long-term measuring of conductivity, temperature, and water levels•Ceramic housing offers corrosion-resistance in most environments•Real-time, wireless data transfer to centralized information management systemsField MonitoringAnalysis and ManagementFFiieelldd MMoonniittoorriinngg TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• Baro-Diver•Micro-Diver• Cera-Diver• CTD-Diver*• HydroGeo Analyst•HydroManager• Micro-Diver• Mini-Diver• Westbay* SystemAAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeennttTTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem•AquiferTest• HydroGeo Analyst• HydroManager• Visual HELPMMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy• AquaChem (PHREEQC)•  ECLIPSE*•Petrel•Visual MODFLOW• UnSat Suite PlusModeling and SimulationProducts and TechnologiesSophisticated technologies engineered to overcome challenges and bring value to projects

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