Scientech Electronics KP3N Wireless Keypad User Manual
Scientech Electronics Co., Ltd. Wireless Keypad
User Manual
KP-3S Two-way Wireless X-Keypad INTRODUCTION Tire KPess rs nol only a rnulli-user wireless keypad lo comrol lhe operanon oi L540, bul also a renrole conlroller lo swileh bra/air lhe lrghls or appliances lo provide you willr llolne nulonrallon convenienees. is can eonrrol nol only llrc devrce operalion individually bur also rnulliple devices/operalions by a nneslouch scene command. used ng lo lbe scene serllngs in llle base Unrl wuh rls bachlrglrr iearure, a user clin opemle il in a lolally dark environmeni liogelher wllh irs 9 sels ordedigir passwords] and can prevenl unaulhoa'aed use and nliiy llle user who conools lhe operanon oilhe Base Unii. Each comlnd w be Acknnwkdged by llle Base Unil in order lo ensure lire perrorrnanee orlhe syslem. l , , - - T Nola; Tlrir x.Keypad work: wllh the L54» Base Uni| roirware veralon mei- ‘ FEATURES l, Twoswny radio. Eaeh command will be echoed by lhe base Uau 1\vo ahorl beeps (bl, bl) means lhe commud was aeeepled. One long beep (b ) means no valid eello was received. 2, 9 user passwords (4-digil). Password I: Masler password. ldeiaull: 0000) Password 2-3v User password. Password 9 Latchkey password. (Using rhis password lo Away/Disarm lbe syslern rlle Lalehlsey Telephone number \ ll be dialed and announce Lniclikey Away/Disarrn message.) i, ind vidual openlron and swrlch conlml. Direclly conlrol lhe bnse llnil main zone operalion and a swilches. 4, Duress code operalron lo iniorm CMS silenlly. in holdup sinralion, rrlhe riser is iorced lo operaie loe sysiem. ailerenlerrng lhe duress eode (deraull 27352) will. any Arrn/Disann command . a duress eyenl will be sear ro lhe CMS ca 5, Requesl Torsyslem opernlion slams. Press rise 7- key lhen llre Base Llnu wrll rerum lhe syalem operalion sralur and show lhe slams on rhe LEDs. 6. One-[ouch scene eonrrol for swilcll and opernlioa, (Refer i0 lhe HyperSecnkLmk soiiware, Schedulingswileh Scene and luperalion Scene) 5 operallon sseaes- Away/Disarrn eonlrol oilhe Main zone and parlral zones irorn 91-99 a swilch scenes» On/Ofl‘comml or [5 swilches 7, invalid key crimes proreerion, The keypad \ '|I lack nselliorz minuros il'20 eonseeulive invalid key slrokes are delecled and iamperslgnal will be issued. a, Tamper deleelion. z lsmperdeleerors (omionxl), one (arm: removal irorn llle brackel (can be disabled) lhe olher iorlhe opening oi lhe ballery cover 9, Low Ballery Deleel u. when weak barlery is delecled, lhe backlil LED will flash wllh every keyslroke and a low banery signal will be senl lo lhe Base unil every 24 hours. Nola; since rbe lampering signal will he emriled when you open ihe ballery llaleh, you beller disable rhe Tamper siren iunclion (lnslnllerlsu SinmSu Tamper siren in Disarm) on Lseso beiore changing barlenes lo avoid lhe siren a red, lb, 1 degrees oislanl angle bracker losrallal n rnalres operalian much easier. ' g {or emergency help. INSTALLATION KP-SS can be will mounred near lhe enlranee or carried around by users as a remale connollerar home Wall lliounllng: Nola.- Valli anra/ers qumt should be alarm/ed arrl 4)]th reaelr o/c/Ifllmr. A) choose a convenienl Iocalron like on lhe door-lamb nron lhe wail adiaeeniro lhe door B)Usi|ig lhe brackeraaa remplale. mark lire holes on rbe wall by a pencil Drill and Nick (4 7mm)pilolllo1es 1 inch deep i‘br lhe screws, Fix lhe braelrel wilh lbe screws. Nose; For lhe wall rrlonn 'ng, you can enable lhe lamper(oplional) proleclion ilrnclion. Once she Keypad is Italian away from lhe braekel rhea a lamper signal he passed lo lhe base UniL uone BlukelTAmpel barren, Cover arable/baron -== WP“ My bnarrn (Injld:,n|z|lflll) DISlbI: Enlbk V bmekei ‘ ‘3’ ‘5' ‘9 ‘ boners ._ _ r: cs 2 =s ‘ 2 3 W“ 7. a =e a see Blackzl ‘ 5 6 m e=e e e=e a: Sclcw mum 7 a s 7/. Hnlzs (“PIN“) a a a a *l& 0/6 3/0 W © 2 b is ac Cover INITIAL SETUP lnrporlanl Nance: Keypad Zone Number nsslgnnrenl This Keypad only eon be enrolled la rue ialn ran eonlrol or 9x—flfl 91-99 arllalaone eanlrul arose vnlr, mire Zone number ls nul assigned lo ix-Dfl ur9x-flfl loen lne zone number in lhe Evens Log and Device saw; any nor be rorreel. irlhe enrolling process is done by using lhe base unll keyboard ihcn lhe Lone number should be rel as fix-fl!) or arm lrom lhe keyboard al iEnlerZone N llnrlaller MadelSel bcvicelEnroll bevlcemonlroller EnrolliEnlerznne No. l|' lhe enrolling process is done by using lire nyperSecureLlnlr xoflwnw lrorn a Pc when lhe Zane number should be changed lo bulb or mm .lrer lhe Keypad bas been learnl. rue iollawlr.K zonewurnuerr mrlaeorrigned manually in an Even! so, and bevlee Smuxi 81rn0.9x~n0 eavenls Ilkc Quick Anny, ranle, b and Keypad rnlur . e rsnrper, haliery row, reser. h-fll, Bx-fll =Mnsler. areuzeasamsawrba - urer 1415:: auurera ls lne unease, ..r.r Register lo lhe Elise Uni! (The base Unii should be sel lrr Connoller Enroll slale i'lrsl); Mash! PSW'I “/0 Key enlry lrallmllonlsourad Gmrl LEDOil GleenlEDilashasedeeeps Slams LED llaslvas loss: Nbie: The Keypad zone number shnllld he set as 8x-00 or 9x-00. Ailer regisirnllon, ille user elm change rlre lie e settings and Zone number in lhe Base Unlt bur ilre Luiehkey Tunclion will become useless, because ihe Laid ey user is permanently assigned lo riser number 9. PASSWORD MANAGEMENT Tile I/iimfler should learn rims Imw lo L‘lumgz lire password, .m viral can change lr when Imrtssnry. Sei/Chang Password Kay enlry ‘Mum PSW' 'nxxxx‘ lndlealloa/solnd Gdeerl LED on Vallow LED On Gmn lED lashes lumen was n=1,MaslerPamlloN(dilluil'flfluu'l n: 2-5, User Pnssmom lllurnbarsis also lar lalchlley um) as a. unless Code ldelaull m2) lll lhe run password enslrd mady lhan the keypad wrll esaapevnlh a Imlg aaepl am: New passvmrd. wuss is nuress Cude? This code is used (0 noliiy lhe CMS (Cenlrol Moailoring Slalion) llral an emergeney eyenl has occurred and requires immediale sssislarlce, When using lhls code to sel she operarlon mode, lire syrlena wi send duress event to the cMs immedlarel ,Thls funclion is especially useful inhere is an inauder lo the house or buslaess and you do nol wanl lo olerl blur/her |o lhe rscl lhal you have conlaeled lhe team already. De re Password: MaalalPswl war I lndloallan/snand Green [ED On Green LED llasrar leoef? beeps Masler and rmrnoer - a ‘ Dumas card in delsudl Key umy rl= 2~9. (Mole: numb OPERATION CONTROL Hljm'e using ”-3: (0 mural the symm remaIIIy, you have In pragmm a pmper Exil/Elmy Delny fime on III: Hm l/nll. Aw: Arm n0 exlldell MM Key enlry I 1mg“ psz I I I’ I Inmlmaunn Green lEDOu Green [ED Iasnes LES/Zheeps/ Red LED flashes 1»: Bass unll mien EulevAway made Anny Arm with exit delay : Kay enny I'4-digllPSW‘ I Ii‘fifl‘ I I I I I ludicalmIl/wund 64ml LED On Gmn LED Hunts m/ Red LED HIM m baaw sounds": meaelayllme/ amen LED new: 155/ 2 know Red LED Inms «I; um um mien Enbmway mode inek Ann! Key enny Pm: *fi/A rams-c Ind’wuuw/snum Red LED on NI Illa lemmas mm: mm :1 Away Mm Ease llnl sum EmorAwaymde Home Ann: Kcyenlry I-I-annpsvrl I’mfi I I Indlcalmllllmm Green LED 0" Glenn LED (lashes (35/2 Deeps Veluw [ED flashes 1|): Base Unit aclmll Enlel Harlem Dlsarm: Kenny MM) | F I Vmilcatlonlsmnd Green LED on San lED Mnasl 51!? been: Glee" [ED flashea 105 Base UM Echo“ Enlar Dlslrm mm: Slams Check: Key envy Press WE Which/sound I Green LED {lashes I55! 2 beeps Slams LED flashes IDS I Pnnlc Alarm Rely: : Kaysnlly Pm: */(') m1 ”/Q ImbaInNsmn-l Grim LED lllxlm 1 5:12 beeps Base um Hallo" camng for Pm: mgancy helpv Winn Ix Scene comral? 5mm Cunlml mcans Inn ybu can cwlml mulllpk swllcllts or open-hon: mm on: Lommmd Usmlly In: Fulani «ny can be mud in syxluns caning lens ollhbusaml: nldnllals and rtqlmlng leunsive mvlling nlyuur Ilrnn: wnn Lnesos syskms, me nszrcan sel mnes all me Base Uuil from a m by me HyperSzcureLink xnlllul'e men mmmL In swikh scams Inn Ihz Kcypnd, No wnnn is Mammy due Io lesns beluga wirelesssmm Switch 5; Scene Cnnrml Enable Disable: (Below functions are only ellecllve for (he Kevnml wlm Zone number 8x—no) serum using me Swilclu & Scene Conlrol, lllis runcnon must be enabled Ind Ihe menex ml me Else UniI mus! be sel nm. Keyenuy i’tess *‘fi/A Im/B tunnel | We: ro‘msmklimhle, sablall | lmmelmnlsound Green LED on 2 my: lmflvldn s on: Key enlry Pnss*/(') Press mm: nvmbev mm Mullen/sum new LED on Gm LED flashes 1.5s/ 2 beeps Base nullnmnn camper-aha mm on In In {A )Slv ch om mbg‘flisgllgm: Keyenlly IPless ”/0 I I Pmnwflcmwmsll'fi‘ol‘l'lv’fi') lmlauonlsomd mm LED on cm LED "2m“ «.54 2 new: Bas- uml 2mm" Comspbmflng 5%me all sum. §genc gunman Kvy enlly ms:*/(') 153/ E Puss scene numw (-1- In Inalcaunnlmum l | Vellw LED nn‘r I mean lED mm «5572 beeps I Base Uml swan mnsnmalm swlldles anon onemlnn Scel Control: Key enuy ‘Masm PSW' I Pms WE | m we numhu Hm"! I . | | naluunnnwna 9m LED on mm LED on em [ED flashes 1,551 2 hens Base unu amun Man and Ms mun onm mm sme, SPECIFICATIONS Power: IwoAAAalkaline bafleries. Passwords: In selsl 4 dugne Cnmm Dram: 1mm @slandby, some. @ RF mm ID" Es! ma hnflery Ii years (@ upuale zn limes/day) Radiu' eray cnmmulucaliull. Bmckel slnnl angle: 7 deym Sun as x 23 x15 mm (an Including me bmcke|l \Veigm (\v/o ballery): mm 120; Manual-Eackcoveupg (2544xasesx16M peg) WARRANTY The Manufacturer warrants its products (hereinafter referred to as the Product) to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twelve months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer’s obligations shall be limited within the warranty period. At its option, to repair or replace the Product or and part thereof. To exercise the warranty the Product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured. This warranty does not apply in the following cases: improper installation, misuse, failure to follow installation and operating instructions, alteration, abuse, accident or tampering, and repair by anyone other than the manufacturer. This warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, obligations or liabilities, whether written, oral, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. In no case shall the Manufacturer be liable to anyone for any consequential of incidental damages for breach of this warranty or any other warranties whatsoever, as aforesaid. This warranty shall apply to the Product only. All Products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Products, including batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due to Products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products. The Manufacturer shall have no liability for any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property or other loss whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise, based on a claim that the Product failed to function. NOTE: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating to conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause hannful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation, CE
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2013:02:20 11:25:08+08:00 Create Date : 2012:11:28 10:44:52+08:00 Page Count : 3 Mod Date : 2013:02:20 11:25:08+08:00 Creation Date : 2012:11:28 10:44:52+08:00 Metadata Date : 2013:02:20 11:25:08+08:00EXIF Metadata provided by