OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BATTERY LOADING: (FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. USE MINE BAlTERIES) Remember lolake 01.4  all balledes fmm the vaNcle and lransmltter 1. od nil &old  and new baueries. 2. Do MI mlx alkaline, slandard (Carbon-Zlnc), or rechargeable balkeriss. HOW TO  INSTALL BATTERIES IN VEHICLE 1. Push the ONlOFF swXeh Io'OFF poshlar on the underside of the vehkle. (Sae Dlagram 1) 2. Tum (he laW lo open lhe balte~y case mver and Imrt five fresh M shs alkaline ballerles as bdlcaad folowing he ermrawd (+I (-1 mlaritv. (Sse Diagram 21 3. Reptaw the beaiw css&ranbium the in&  to looEit. . HOW TO  INSTALL BATTERYIN TRANSMITTER 1. Remove banery cover end Install 2 'M' benerles by matchina +and - poles as Indlcaled In the ballely compartment (see dlagram #3) 2. Replace the ballery cover. NOTE:  REMOVE BATTERY AFTERYOU HAVE FINISHED USING YOUR VEHICLE. HOW TO  PLAY 1.  Bulld up anlenna by passing lhe cable lhrough the antenna lube pmvMed and plug Into the vehlcle Ughliy.  Olhemlse, the vehlcle will not worlc. (See Dlagram 4) 2. Push the ONlOFF sWh lo the 'ON' posltion of the vehlde. (See Dlagram 1) FORWARD RUNNINQ 3. Push the Driving Conlrol SLidcforfmrd  for forward running. (me Diagram 5). REVERSE RUNNING 4. Pull the Driving ConWl Shk backward for reverne running. (See Diagram 6) FRONT WHEELS STEERING ADJUSTMENT 5.  If lhe vehlcle does not run slralghl forward, adjusl the lever for ~tlsfedoly aUgnment on the underside of he vehlde. (Sea Diagram 7) STEERING OPERATION 6. Turn he Steering Canlml Sllck to he left or rlgM whlle pushhg ha Drlving Stlck fonvard el the same Ume. the car MU turn left or riphl and run forward.  (See Diagram 8) 7. Tum the Steadng Conlml Sick lo the left or mhl while pulllng the Drivthg SUckbackward at lha same time, the car wlfl turn left or righl and run backward. (See Dlagram 9) STOP OPERATION 8. Release both Conlml Stlcks, ha vehlcle will slop. (See Dlagram 10) FONIrd 1XM bmr*l FRnrd pwJ (2) (31 (4) h (6) Wdng Ulgmmlleru %t'+ Hop auaq COnW Suck 8lwdq Wol Suck p ,.I$ B Jb (8) (7) (8) (0) B (1 0) PERFORMANCE TIPS: - OonY  driva in graas, sand or curpsl. - DonYgo Uvough weter. - AWays use fresh slkeAne baWsrlas. - Be surela rast yowvshklsforal Isart30 mhutesaReteVely 15 mhutas oloperallon. - Meks sure ONMFF &ah on your vehlela Is CFF whan nol In use. - Don* bend antenna. - EM&d, CB Meiferenee, moblle phones, akcondltloning. elevalam and st4 girders h bullding will shhcl the aparaUon of your vehlcle. - DonYlaavatheva~or(tansmRtsrnssr60Umofheetorumtsr~sunlIphtforbngp~dttew. - Remethe belterics from thevehlcle and transmtner when m( h use. . Non-rediargeable betlerles am nal to be recharged (9V Sam). a DHlarent types d balteriea or new and used baltarles era nolto be mlxed. Radrargeable halterlea are only lo be mmved Iron, the toy bfom Wng charged. ReeharneaMe Mleriat are only lo be cherged under adult supaasbn. Only Wetis of the eeme orsquh9lenItypa as recommended are lo be used The supply tstmfnalr am no1 to be WWIted. DehM use rechargeable balterlas (for SV batlery). Donot ovetchsrge the rechnreegWs bailmy pack. AlTENTIDN: BaHelyl Balkafies shouY be InrlaHed by adult dy. FCCNOTE: THE ANTENNA PROVIDED IS A UNIQUE ANTENN& 6Y INSTAUTION OF UNAUTHORIZED ANTENNATO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH UEIAUTHOARED INSTALLATION WLD MDTHE USER'S AUTHORWTO opUU?E THE MUIPMEM. THE MANUHCTURER IS NOT AESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADD OR w INTERFEAENCE CAWED BY UNAUTHORIZEO MODJFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT.  SUCh MOMFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S  AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. ATTENTION PARENTS: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS TOY AND ALL ACCESSORIES BE PERIODICALLY EXAMINED mR POTENTIAL HAZARDS AND THAT ANY POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS PARTS BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED. EZTEC EZ-TEC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OWNED BY SCIENTIFIC TOYS, LTD. O 2006 SCIENTIFIC TOYS.  LTD.. CHAl WAN, HONG KONO. Vlslt us at PRINTED IN CHINA 0.1. N0.3630 A4 SIZE: 210 x 297(mm)

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