Scientific Toys 3104-49TS 49.82-49.90MHz WIRELESS R/C TOY-RX User Manual USERS MANUAL
Scientific Toys Ltd 49.82-49.90MHz WIRELESS R/C TOY-RX USERS MANUAL
Fcc unm- msanvgm Pnoulnsn |s A umqusanvzum av InsuLumon or unAuwokleb ANrEmu YD nus summsm. sucn unAumomzzD msmunou couLn vom ma users auwwwm organs ma Equipment. #95447(MW DODGE SRT-10) Size: 12.75")( 4, 75 " 65-30651100-0100 OPERAT G INSTRUCTlONS BA'ITERY INSTALLATION: ma RECHARGEABLE macn aArrEqv PACK AND CHARGER MUST as wanna) av Aburr. ONLV IHE RECHAHGEAELE NI-CD BAHERV FACKIS NOT CHARGED. PLEASE CHARGE IT FOR 9 HOURS PRIOR TO USE. L PI mews" paw bansry marger mmwan on L 2. confecafamfi caMes Ieamngbvmm Ihe Infinity use a saga emer sn in Is jack ard me sockgn'ignny. (gee Sfapgvgn 1) a To msommsa aaalaa. press down on me (flip and 911! apart, (See Diagmm 1) 4. Von abound wage ma banany pack for a mum me am Iwa vi es Then sausaauam charges will only la mlnvmum 4 hours. 5 Mar charging In! 4 hours, ms battery pack will be wann, Thls common is normal our IuIIy charged bananas. Iflhe speed of me car sows dawn suddenw, n am In rechalge. 6. Mar use, Ihe battery pack M! be hot! Wait at least 20 mass unm it ends Deters mhsrghg. 7. deuargmg a warm or hot oaflely pack will gram shaman balmy Me. BATTERV PACK CARE I cnunoNs: I. llbamerypack WOI‘COHHEQOIS ale WEI, «0th dry More chalghg, 2.IJ lhebama kfiiusnm 5 tube used rmraa'yafi? W“ a; 00 um mix old and new batteries 4. Do ml mix alkama, madam (carbon-zinc}, o: rsdvargeable Imkel—admium) balleries. 5‘ Do no: charge may pack mat Is hm. wax or sham leakages or corrosnm 5 Do notemose m Ilre. as examsion may lesull 7 Do not disassemble ma battery pack m m musk: My Mn wan-m (menu !) (mmnm 7) HOW To INSTALL BA‘rrEHv m VEHICLE: A.Makesueme0NloFstnmisinme “OFP'pcsiicn, (See Dlagam z) s, Tum ms is mapper m a MWIse direcn'on no open many 111633 Diagram 3) ca w M banav m to open and News ma 9 W “mm” (555.1? 3’ sac'flea ambauery am'éafinam (See DIagm a) E. Replaoe me battery covet. HOW To msnu. BATTERY m TRANSMITTER: Asliieepenflwbanfiwwalmsbackel «mama: and place mum Inside rollewm ma engraved (a) and H signs. (See Diagram 4) u: 5mm (antenna 3) “aims a mmwmn c a nu Wm (DIAGHAM a) VEHICLE OPIATION: A Plus the cable mmugn ma antenna lube gamed am plug into the vehicle my. (See Diagram 5) Bacmmaamannaomme ‘ awe transmitter and extend w canal-19:11, (Sea Diagram 6) 0. Push ma owes? swim «a me an" pusiuon. (See Ulagram 2) DRIVING FORWARD: D Push Ihe Dnvmg Comm sunk Iorwam Int Imwam runnmg (See Diagvam 7; DRIVING m REVERSE: a Pun ma Diving cml suck back-«am (or revevse running (See Dmgram 5) (menu 5} muenm By W. at” we mnmsmx "m 5‘“ CI C] I mm» mm» mart «menu 1) (menu a) FRONT WHEELS STEERING ADJUSTMENT: F lune vehlcie dues nm run slrawghl tmwzm, adjust me me; [or sanshcmry ahgnmem an me Werwe uHhe vemcle lsae Dlagmm 9; G," me whide runs Inward mm Ium -S|eenng Ahgnmem Lever" nowams "Fl." H. it me vehivie runs Inward ngm, (um “Swenng Alignment Levew mwards "L,“ 2. Adiusi me vansmmerw mach me bum semen mr me car For example, n Band 2 Is enacted mrme car, slide me bane swnch cl me (ransm‘meno Band 2. s Seletl amflevem band lor eaen pair 01 ca! and transmilter and go racing (See dimmm 15) TlPs FOR THE MULTl-PLAVER CONTROL » Du nomemi me antenna ~ Elecmcal. ca infedevence‘ mnnue phones anrmnflmmlng, ewe/am and sage girders in buddings wm amen me opemflnn m your vemde 4 Do no! leave me vehicle a: uansmmer near sources m healer direct smflghl for lung periods of lime. , Remus/ems benefies 1mm (he vemcre and W A (Lemme rm Nu MWMAM m mmmemw m u mm n we: m1: mamas mm m MW: aw rum M “ammonium“ anon m‘ We mast-Nam For: NOTE :TnE mercrufiER ls uo‘r 4. Band 5. and Band 6 was MHz (See diagram u)‘ fvwsrhEr mg n ‘ W 1 inmsmmw when they are no! m use (mam-n m (DIAGRAM u) RESPONSIBLE Fen ANY sum as STEERING OPERATION: > F “V ”9 "N "W 5» °" V°"e mmnrmsncs CAUSED av I To make IQ“ of right—hand (uvns while drMng m’gflfig'bm'figggjflafifl” ) unnumamzzn MODIFICATIONS TO nus 3:5:wa “firm fi?""°’§o“°fn§°§£k m man one car is 59m M same hand? sammzm. SUCH momentous couLn P 9 ”m9. " ori more men one Bansmmer is se'nmhs "mm “35“ WNW“ [onward m ihe same one (See Diagram 10) same ham l: ‘ E 10 mm: "is emuzm. J 7° W" “a" 0' “9“ W“? “W"? 'e"e_’59« ‘"’_" 2. II a car dues net respcnd‘ check me "195mm Cm'm' 5mm !9“ 0' ”9?“ "m"? nansrn‘mer and me carw ensure that bum m5! a?” pullng me Dnvlng Comm Suck backward at 3,5 Sm m me same ham? ¥ 7 7 77 7 7 we same lme- (See Diagram H) a The Mum-Player control Syslem slows (ousmm 1.1) (mean. u) n as “imfifi’i‘fi'fifimm m - mum le cars wnhm me conemqn as he ( s-rop OFEHAHON: . ms; at me “me “me, Use of am, We AOCESSOMES as PERIONCALLY gunmen 1 K To stop; release ham Comm! sucks oomml pmdums ma! are not gar! 0( [his 27 MHz: ‘, mm; FOR 901sz mumps mo mum i (See Dmersm 12a maize; fifi'é’s'fmfixfmte ' MD 1 am I w", ‘ ”m MD ‘ vamumuv umnous mm as ‘ CHANGING BANDS Fen Mum-Puma REPAIRiB 0" “WW“ 1 comm. SVSTEM PERFORMANCE 1195 \ onnem multiple Mum-Player 0mm System - Dom! drive car on grass, sand areal-pet ‘ vehicles to run up w 6 cars at the Sam lime. ' Dnncmrive car fl'flmgh water LAss'an s dmarenlhandmeach w. m 3 ~ Bemwleslyeu veneaefureueaex 1 avavlable bands are Band \, Band 2. and so mums amer every 15 minutes woos gamma mm, m), ‘ Band 3 var 2mm (See diagram 13]; Band ofopsmcn cum WAN, Mom «one. ‘ » - Mae we ONIGFF switch on your venue is inme”OFF‘ posilhn when Ms nut in use. mum: IN 0mm mmmsa
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Create Date : 2005:06:04 14:38:44Z Modify Date : 2005:06:06 08:33:14+08:00 Metadata Date : 2005:06:06 08:33:14+08:00 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:693fadd0-476e-4c5c-8d1f-f8d0e8afe8b9 Instance ID : uuid:9e746512-6eb9-4326-b3c2-189641db151e Has XFA : No Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by