Scientific Toys E894 27 MHz R/C Transmitter User Manual users manual
Scientific Toys Ltd 27 MHz R/C Transmitter users manual
users manual
QEERAIIQHJNSIRUSIIQMS— Tll! lillllRfiElll-l III-CI Il'l'll" PICK IS llbl clllllilb. nus! culls! II [on I llollls rllon TO “SI. Battery Charging l Flug itie wallpackbaflery eieigoiintewenmttet 2 Connect the cables hating iiom tne pettey puck and tits enoigeitogettiet ivy snoopingui. ieeu undlha socket togetne tigttiy ChurgenllanstAha-ln iseeniegpnii 3 re asemnecttti. ceeiespiess em on tit-sip and puii open tseeoipoosm 1] 4 Anei chnlgng [he pint-e, viii be wulm nus imitation is noimeitotmiiveitotgeu emeiiet 5 int.- spud oime venicie slows om sudd'lly it is time In nest-urge a Anei each use tne may pick will b. hen Allw ttie bulwy peck I0 cool iei II ie-e zc mlnum beioie ieciitig'nq Rechnlsirlq awl"! orhdsbfimw vlckwill eieimy stioitentn. useiut life oitne musty memes u \ ME eiiss -.i we ”fig 49, wee , tin/W em //'/‘; 17/4/47 BATVENPML measure I W/ lmry Pack Gare - Make sum llt- musty puck nndwnn-flms out-e chnlgsl an m beleieteciiniging. - flattery Dicks cln be winged lot mucn ionget pence: wlllleul hnlrrlv Hokwel we iecprtmenu unplvug‘nq the battery pack ii camlons e Do not ensige the bakery peek tnet is not, wot 01 shows ieektgeoi concept. , May expioeeii ispesedoiinniei , Benet cisessemueitieoetteiv pack. Hillary lnstallallun. Vnhlcla mamadllm ONIOFstllch is in tit-teiigptetmnk puii to open mamlguiellunk tne OMDFlech is inside Mnk- sure tine ON/DFleil: ettiie~oi=Rpositiomiseeniogiomzi Tum tit steppeiin en anti—clockwlse auction te spell the bflleqlid. teeeoieeioni ai Liit lite bettetv lid to open emt piece the betteiy pack lns'de piopeitv Pluglhe jack oftiietoetteiv pick into tiie socket elitie battery eompeitment. (SeeDlagmmM Push tne may no see tum tiie Ild stoppei in s clockwise dmmonlaclass muss.» STEERMG AUGNMENT we: nun-uni Renew UD lED mm iiioium \\ ‘ AMENNA DRMNG ci iiiii Slick NAG-NAM 5 mm“... 5 Battery lnslallallo . Transmlller i. stiete me bettety convan‘menl cevei on tlte back oi the Remote Gontiol unit enet insert ioui M patteties ecepidng to lhl aegiem in lhl bent-iv mmpumnnm (See Diegmi 5) z R'pluuthnbunafyccmpumnlctw-r Vehicle Opnntlon Sammiennhnnucrunch-lopnllhnhmsmm-rnnd-xfimdm i..ii men iseeoegemei B. Puss "W clbla ihlollgh the lrltannn Iub- moulded and $1149 lnlolhuvehicllfighfiyisun Dilwlm 7) Ci Lin up! open lhl wllqllelnmki slid. Iha ON/OFF Witch to Iha '0N“pusmonvlsee Dievmmzl — CABLE AMENNATUEE — DRMNE minim suit t “ REVERSE nun-uni In DRMNG e iiim siiet the battery pack wiil notbeused lei Eaveul dayi. uh WWW " j- ‘K W” mm “M“ mm , “ W ‘ SPEED in cAmR \ MAR ND 0mm mum; D Push me uRinG CONTROL seek toiwem (my item you) . eetivete tiie backwardstgtal smmd ” ‘ W ‘ ’ teee Dipgismsi DRIVINGIN REVERSE E pun [he DRIVING CONTROL seek back (towards you) isee Disgismvi F time within mos netmn mmghl toiweiet etgusttite LEVER meetisiectoiy alignm-m on mounts-ism eittteveincie (See Diseismai G it me veiimie nine mmrd Ian, tum me STEERING AUGNMENTIevslwt/nlck‘h' H. if the vehicle iuns leld iigm, tuin tne STEERING AUGNMENYIavmfiw/nldt‘l' mammal I To meue Ml oi light-hand mms while chi/mg ioiweiu, tumm- STEERING coNTRoL not (a ieit ei ngttwiiiie pushingthe umvmeemimmmtme sam- time [See Diagram mi 1, To tum lell ui iiyitwtiiie dnvlrlg ieveise min the STEERING CONTROL stick to ietl e ngtz while puliing th- DR/va stidt tuckwnd nttiie semen'iiie iSemogiom iii Manual K Reieeeebuth CONTROL fiizksln mpmevenicie Feature Detail 52mm , 3 diiieient speeds iiem slw to test by piessinp tne GEAR billion on (he Remote ounioi See detail in section "GEAR' , a g sounds , me blake iigiitvnti “ow when the veniciestops . m-blukallgmwill‘DN' whenlh- vehiaeetops manglnllighlwlfllllsh gvmunthevflllchmmslenolligM , piess me HORN butten en the Remote eemei to acfiinle tlteve e'siieiniSeeDieeieniai , piess the MGM button on the Remote mm to activate me veiiieie'siieeuiigitts iseeniegioinei SEAR . tiieie Ma 3 iwei ptspeees item eiotv to test selected ivy pressing the GEAR billion m the Remote lelol im Disgionici . tit peeu inuicetei iigiits up wntt e dill-mm epipitp ldenlfly meepeediSeeniaetemiei RED . SLOW VELLOW- MEDIUM GREEN - FASY ~ viess Ihe ALARM bullion on the Remote Conllol to set the scullily elem. (See Disgpm 5] e the lllrm indicetei w nesning wiiiie me sesuiity svseiii is "on isee Diagram i The epeieten wiii be leekee. Press uteALARMeutton eg- to (final , iiyou pkk up oimoveilte vehide, the alarm siienwiii go on , piessttteALARMoutton an stop tiie eieini s'ien et once in, mi w I REAIUSHL snows DIAGRAM 12 . pull to open tii. iunptionei lmnl em, and walking Amt-halts enti- limits-er: (See Diagram 12) .iitt upme Rome see (he ieeiisnc engne (SEE Disgism 12 , .iitt uploepenlhntmlgmallunk isee Diagram 12; -sv|w§| tefitymii 12 incti deli oi naive figure Performance ‘l'lps Do not drive sei on gm, send oi etipet , up not mve Izl miwghwete e ae siiie w vest youi vehide lei ll lens so minutes enei every is lll'rlllles oicpeietioii. , Make suie tiie woFstitelt cnyouiveiiieiei in tlte “OFF' positienwiten n isnot in use. , Doncteenotlteentenne. , Eiectiicei, ca inteiiesenee mobile phones, eii conditioning eievetets and steel games in miiuingswiii street tiie upemfinn elywlvehicle , Do not leava titeveiiicte pi Itansnmel nee. sources oincet o! in eiiectsuniigtt iotipng peiiposomme . Remove the eotteiiee iipni tne vehicle and pensmttei when itieyeienotiniiee
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