Scosche CBHSOL5 Bluetooth speakerphone User Manual CBHSOL5 spread indd

Scosche Industries Inc Bluetooth speakerphone CBHSOL5 spread indd

user manual

Download: Scosche CBHSOL5 Bluetooth speakerphone User Manual CBHSOL5 spread indd
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Document ID1470625
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Document Descriptionuser manual
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Date Submitted2011-05-24 00:00:00
Date Available2011-05-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2010-09-08 17:00:14
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Document Lastmod2010-09-08 17:00:21
Document TitleCBHSOL5_spread.indd
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yyy chaah yacay yaws regaydyng the use aya mauyys phona and spenkerphune whyya dvyvyng
yy you use the speakevphone wnyye dvyvyngy ensue your amenmn and vocus vemayrys on you
mspansyaymy ay dnvmg sayayy
(21 Never aHnw chyyayan m pyay wyyh the speakerphone SmaH pans may bc a chohynq hazard
(3) Chum; ayy sygns mm lemme an ayaaanaay devycg or RF yaaya pmduct m be swyachan an yn
(he assygnayau ayeas These csuya yncyuaa hcspyms hyasyyng areas and payamyayyy
eypyasyya aymnsnheyes
ya) Tum an yaunaaaahayphana anay m bnnrqu an ancnan Du rm! use yauy spaahayphana yn
an ayycyan
(a) Nevev pyaaa ay smve yha spukeyphnne ayanna ayaa ay m; zummnbyyz‘s 51:0er aymag
depyavmem or y may cause seyyeus ynyuvy when a sayayy aymag demoys
yms dzvyce camphes wytn ycc nu es van ys Gnu-hon ya subyecl to me yayyawng twu aanuyyyana
why; asyyaa may no! cause ymanayaaaa, and 2mm asyyaa mua- accapl any ymsfl'mnm mm may
he ymyyaa yncyuayna ymanaysnae tmt may cause undesymd opevmwy yna mlnmucmvev ya rym
vgxpunsybye my any radya mTVynerevanoe sauna ny unamhorynd modmnanan Toxhysequypmam
such madmcatynn coma vuyd the usevs autnanw ya upevflzthe equynmam
Fcc yD MucBHsoLs
scoscm hdashy's yna wzrmmx my; new In a. hn nan d'hcls n nayanay anu wmk'vunxmp 1m a
Danae qu-zy vompuvchu- mesmnmpmdunyxsodwnm unaaa ndmgvml'upmthnmhls
yndcptnoc y dtlcymynw lhcsuylabyhly 01 ms pysau . yma y/zrmn‘v yseNcmd m yye annnay purchura!
-na pmducl any yna wmzrw am Hm my Me pmduc' y nhvxyclflv dimlgad xub‘env In aaayyaanaa m
muss anuae aywmyor ancydcm by an act oyeon Thyswayvanly dun nmaDvankuuwmzh ha
“a. urphvxynzfly arnzuec sy lccydem shaman PM aaan mauaaav flyslxsembyed L" “and
ynsayyyna as ea sayrsx y, ayanmm bu'chasbwyflexvsbhthv amvehqyby ny we mean you a move
aay. . Wynn mu warmly nenaa "yum m Dmducl Wyn wee! ay navchnl -a Scuschr ynaux-nax h:
Seasche myhoplyun warepyaceovvenxwoepmquc'weemchaygerdmm'v hepmdumpmngepiyu
yn no mm shay Scosche ynuuaynes, we be napanasye my cyayms htyund 1M mpyactnen' value ay In
a . Dmdud a n any way a. yyaay. ah Vlsvnnsyhh 1m canilqurnhay ah naaanyay aamaa.x Nu
smmsswaymnas and no ympyyaa MY anvysa mnhevvm’ymexx av anypamauyn axe mm'wwysr nun!
n m yann mavl ywn cn ys mac. exvuss‘v n yyau ay ayy a-nav wmznlyli) may zpfl y In Dmduclx xaya by
Seaschs Scoxchs Mdasmex “mm a. neya nsaanaysysyay dyscvepancyex/yncawx was; Thu may ocuv
mum mlomuw' mznmaclunng chug" m cm»
m SoyarByuemmh Speakerphone (2) SETS aysucnan cups
m Vysovchp n) usacnamynqcanys
yyy Wynduwmmml h) MSElzarchargev
Eyuetaoth versyory 2 FEDR
Supnanau Eluztuutfi pyayyyas Hsp HF91 5
Onevawyg yyaquency band. 2 AGHz—ZABGHZ
Omput pnwev cyassz pcwgvcmpm upm m mners
mayyay name or number ayspyay and voyce announce
ynyagyayed rrs (us Engyysn yanguage) and Phoyvehook synchmnyzatyon taayuyas
Suppunzd devyces Up m a mubyye phanaa
ymegrated wyuy acne canceHaflon
Auln pawanon yaayuya
Max comacts Up to mm) cumacts
Stand—hymns um 4m nouys
Tayk Iyme 5—10 hours
use charge «yme Aopmx. 1x hauys
sway charge hms Appwx 15 hours
ynpuy yayyags sync N AOOMA
Banevv type 3 7y , ssomA (Mmum nanerw
saaayay mulwl z wzus
can. us run. was «on-52m“; x:
nouns man—Fm um—sunru ymy aamnoay my on Inn
Elueluuth ys a vegysterefl uadamayh ay Byuamayn sue, yna
gzqyascoscnswnusmyss ch sy socceHsoLs sue
open-mm (cont'dl
wan-m; omoFF ms vsxnosvezcn FUNCTION
rrs him an on or 011:Pr=ss and new me “vs" m s saccnds m standby mcee ("Vow-z;
Prompt On or ‘Vowce Promo! on“ \s announced «a eenme ns cuvrem stems]
Amusnm; ms rrs VOLUME
1 mm me volume: Undev standby made Puss (he w human in means: rrs vmlze
vomme on nave hear ‘Acnvmee m check (ha rrs volume
Tn film en en. vuluml Under standby made, Puss “vu hunun m decveuse vs vmce
vomme you nave hear Acumee‘ «a checkmefl's volume
Low vomms Pnovscnou OF “new
wnen me vnhage sf hungry decreases m a 3v yum wwH New Law Eaugry' anrmunced
Tne 5.1qu w power on amomanceuy wnen me vonage ws newcw 3 av
asswns m “nun
Ta resume me sewus ne ns nngma‘ setlmgs press and
how bow "w and “v: my m seconds and we LCD
msp‘ays ‘ Maggy Reset“ Puss and new bum ‘vu ene Master Reset
v—“ var en addmonm 3 seconds and you Wm hear ‘Se!
Facmry new: Commute mm ulqu Wm pawsv an
nnnnn o m
z. nuspuv (fun-uni
s. mlcrc-USB cnmcme Pan
1. MODE nunau by m» s PNnNEBooK mm
1. spams»:
9. soum PANEL
De nm expose the speakevphune m Mama, mmsmm m nemmny es n \s nm quvpmm
Do not use amswe cweanmg sch/ants (a dean «ns speakerphone
DD nm expose me speakevpnone m tempevcwves bsbw —4' crabove ua- Famenhsfl
Do not expese xne speakevphane lo ccnucx wnn snevp omems es W5 wwH cause
scmcmnq and damage
5 De nm nuempl m dwsxsszmbh «ne sueakevphune a: n does nm unnusm semczakfle
open-mm (cont'd)
Tu merem me volume: Press me vs symoor Vorume
eunon «o rncreese yerume by one reyer, repeer urns procedure
unm you nave reached rne desrred reyer
Tn decrees. m. voluml press rne w symhor Verume
bunen ro rncreese yorume by one reyer render (hrs procedure
unm you have reucneo me oesrred rever
TRANSFERRING A MOBILE wens-s puouznoox 70 ms soIWE
Arrer your pnone rs parred vu nre roIVUE, press and nurd the “Mode nunon war a seooncs wnerr
uegrnnrng m recerye rne phunehnak nne eewuz wrrr ennounce Leedrng phunzbnnk Preeee
wart wnrre roadrng xne phanebook rne suNUE wrrr announce “Prease war: every 30 secs wnen
rne process re comprere rne eelvus wrrr ennounee “Comm; Saved“ end annmmce the emounr
or pnone memory and 5m memow used rune memory rs rurrr rnen the some wru prompt
‘Phcnebwk rs run rr rarred, rne ulqu ryrrr pmmpr 1mm phonebwk fafled rrease check
wnerner your pnone suppons rnrs «uncrrerr were: The phanehuek dau seyed rrr me some wrrr
be erased automaflcafly wrrerr n rs parrec wnn anorner monrre pncne Prease repem «ne procedures
or Phnnehuck «rensrer wheneverynu Me cennecred wrrn a new moerre phnnz
NOTE: For rpnone A end rpnone ms «he pheneeook will nulom-ricnlly nenscer m the sowuz.
rrrrrrr fi0>z>|j .rrrr
Volume 12
rrrrrrrrr ., 0 ~,|:| .rrrr rrrrrmfl -\ 5] sea .rrr rrrrrmfl 5] sea .rrr
Phonebook Retrieve Phonebook smus:
Retrieve Comp|e1e gmnflim
nsmovma PNnNEBooK EmmEs rrrrrrrrr
Durmg standby mode, nord on re eern w and‘ ourrons
ror 3 seconds Tne LCD wrrr prompr “Phonsbcck Derered ,
end yen wrrr hear ‘Phanehank Derered“ The seIWE
wru derere the emrre phowebook vrom memory
‘\ U>>>D m
nurron (Mrs)
power ON/OFF Enfl eerr
Parrmg Reyecl can
Connecflng yorcc Dral
Answermg CaH Las| numeer Redror
v. and v- aunous
Vorume Adrusrmem
Deere Phonsbaok
Restore to Deveuu
rrs cry/arr
MODE aunons
rrensrer Cu”
Prrvaty Handsel Ger Phoneboak
pusxsv cons
Frxed peseuey Code noon
LCD mnlcnons
0 >>>
g) >>>D
CNAHfi'Nfi nnnn 0
Make sure mm the sequ vs quv cnsrgee aevare usmg n
use any vne cnarger provvaeu Da nov use cnargers vram any
mherdevvces as (Ms rnvgnv damage the dawn: A mu energe vs
apprcxvnvevevy : naurs using vne use car cnarger and v5 naurs
usvng lhE saver penev snerger
Yo cnevge vne lnIVUE:
v Underslandby rncce, usevne severpsnev crlhz use vvvaHH 9 ;»U mu
cnergvng came and car cneraerm charge me sum
2 A “Chargvng” vs nvsnveyes an vne LCD wnen vv
vs chargvrvg
a flu cnarqe vs avspvavea wnen vne asvvce vs vuuy cnargea
Full Charge
wmnsmEm sucnoN Mount (soun pnwER)
wnen moummg vne selqu wvvn (he wvnesnveva sucuon
mcum make sum the sucnon cups are vockea vnvc pvace
an me back a: vne mmmtvrvg crecve See next page var
Tne wvnasnveva sucvvan rnaunv aHowS you va use
dvrecl sunhgm m cnerge vne suIVHE cnsrge nrnes
may very aspenavng an vocavvpn and cpnanvpns
v svvae vne uIWE vnva vne wvnasnveva nvouncvng
creme vsee Fvgum1,page 5)
2. vass vne sucvvan nvounv anvp vne vnvenpr av vne
wvnesnveve sa than (he saver penev veces am Make
sure vne unn vs cm av rne arrecv vvne av svgm av rrevvva
(see Fvgum a page e.)
OPERATION (cont'd)
30qu a, Mob Phom , Dunn; a can Pmss vne “MODE‘ buflnn Mvct sne vne caH rs mama m
Your name annne The LCD snews Transvzned re Phone‘
Mohlle Phenelo souqu— nnn '\ a mu m
Pmss me “MFB‘ Men anse
and the can vs ramea buck vmm
you! name pncne m rns
“qu Th: LCDshuw:
‘Tvansvmed va Speakemhone"
nvaH “3, u m
to Phone In Speakerphone
mucv monE nvnvn n o ”D .n.
|n zne rnvasv av a cunvevsatmn‘ press rne wens hm—
mn once and vne speaker vommes ere emprnevvesuy
decvsased vp rnvnvnval vevev Tnvs nHDWs you re use vne
soIVuE vn vne ssrne mannev as a nenaneva pnene
P vacy Mode
Mung: Dunng s ca” press and ncvn vne
var a secanas va mute the nvveroanane
Un-Muu: press ena nava vne “MODE’ aunan vor 3
secmnds dunng mm: rncae m un—mute (he rnvcrapnane
ODE"bu\\un nnn 50»>>D m
Mule Micmphane
Answer: wnen vecsvvmg a secana can, nuvcxvy press the
we buns" ence in nave vne vnsv ca” an hue sne unswev vne szcund can
meanwnen recevvmes second caH press and ncvmne MFB" cunenvaraseeanasva
revecv vne secana can.
v van 2 EMS on vne Imev press and nova rne ‘MFB‘ puncn var a seaanas va swvvan pevween
zne 2 pnnne caHs
z wnn z cst an vne |vne navckvy press vne MFE‘ huflun ance va end vne vnsv ca” and stay
wnn vne seaana can
usmG ms solqu mum ~. g) >>>n m wlnnsmELn sucflnu MOUNY(=onl'd)
"mum; cuu
m can mm caHs Qmm yam meme phunc
(he seIVUE usmg vowce'dwal cammnnds w
Poned by youv momle phone av "om me toIVuE
Phnnzhack inure
Making Caushnm your mobile Mane: Dwmdwecfly vmm mar mm“ .‘ 3 ml] m
we phone The can ws uutomahcafly conwecled m we tolqu
Rec "9 c.| Wm your mum; phone Hugs, m; “Nu:
LCD w-u mspway the mcommg numbevor name and you wm
hem “CuH «am Name m Number“, press the mm" mm an
we soIVUE «0 answer the Ca”
Wm yuu have hmshza yum clH, mass m; ‘ we huunn an M: mczwvzv m and mg can m w
hear“End caH ,
Name: Scosche
amen-nu A CALL
Press m Hum m; was“ mm : secnnfls m mm an mcnmmg ca“ and van W hen mm omen“ v.50“ cup mum qusu pow“;
can successvm' Wm mmmhng m! “qu wwth "we vwsm chp mum“ make
mum ’\ a >>>I:| m sure we moummg chp ws locked mm mace on me back mm
REDIAI. usr oumomfi CALL mum mm:
Press m MFB" huuun Mme m LCD msways _ 9
Ream" and you wm ”a, Anew" The 9°le wm dwa‘ (he Redlal The wsor mou-mng chp mount aHows you to use the use
w amgcmg ca“ charge came m mgm an a dmmy any m m yuu need a
iasxer charge
(Dependenlen mobile phone “ppm; mm“ s 9 Wu m
1 mass the “MFE button once, we LCD shows ‘Vmce w
a cum sme m, name a! m person mung ca“ Voice Dlal
m be mam
mun“ (3
Tulum omhe eolvu reee eho hoTo «he “we puuoh «or
3 seeohoe, unm you hear ‘Powev on" and «he LCD «noroeror
oomee on orspTeyrno “Wc\ccmc“
To «urn OFF me loIVUE: Press and hem «he ‘MFE' puhon
«ore eeoohoe you own heer meevoFF' eho «he LCD «rpm
«ndmahov WTH go oh
Pamng «5 «he process or oohheehho «he solvuz wr«h your more phone «zerore usrno «he
snIWE w««h your moorle phone you mus« porr oorh dewces «« you wrsh «o use «he snIWE
wnh z orherem more phone, you mue« re—mmate «he pernho pmcess wr«h your rn«ehoeo
more phone ”W“ 0 >>>
Amer-rare Paan'
1 iner on «he inlvllE The unr« wrn ou«ome«roe««y
oonneo« «o «he «esr oeyree «« oner 5 seoonos r« can‘t
comma «a «no «es« demce‘ r« wTH ou«omo«roe««y go rn«o
pernho mooe and ehhouhoe rerrrno ohone , oleose
m your phone «n porrmg mooe
1nd eroer PIN eooe Inmv‘v mm“
Pa ng...
Te emr Pamng Moo. Mar-new
« Makesum «he "le rs «urneo oh Press «he we ou««oh
«or a seeonos un«r« «he eowuz s«e«es “Pam"! phone
-p«ea - pmyour phon rn pamng mudl eno n«.r Pm
cooe «new The ecu sereeh wTH reoo Pamng The oolvuz «5 how rn oernho mode
2, Turn on your moo-«e phone and mm «« w««h«n «a me«ers 0' «he IoIWEv
a mum: «he more orsooyery «ee«ure oh your more phohe herer «o your more phcng‘s
4 Sewn “CEHSOLE” rrom «he «rs« oroeyroes'ouno on «he moore phone
5 Emer «he oeouu orn oooe ‘0000‘ when orompreo by your more phohe sysrem «or orh node
5, The LCD wru reou awed v
The eowue wTH oTwoye mdmate a cannedmn «eon (sag ecu ehoh on page 3) whenever «« «s
perreo «o e moorle ohohe your more phohe wru eTso «noroe«e a connechun «eon wheheuer
your same «s payee «« «he «co-r «s no« presenh a race reehon can oe es«ao««shee oy marrue
aHy seTeehno «he sen/us «rom your mopre phnnz‘s arueroorh menu «r your eolvus «s ee«
as eh eu«hor«seo srueroorh oeyree on your more phone on eu«omer«o reconheehon can oe
cstabhshcd oy pmssmg «he wIVUE'x we" ounon onee mm“ a >>>D w
NOTE: - The inlqu wru oe eu«ome«roe««y swooheo oh when
r« rs orseohhemeo «rom a Dawed oeyree «or more «hen
2 mm Tms speoroT «omure «s «ncmpavawd «e
mammue «he seIVUE smooy/«eTh «me To rerhs«e«e
«he connecnon press «he ws «or 3 seconds «o power on «he tolqu
. ohoe«he oohheorroh reeuoeeesmT you my henr“Phun= «s reeoyroruee'
msconuzcnua eolvu: AND MOBILE mums
Somehmes you neeo «o arsoonnecz your phone «rom «he snIWE Fm sxamp‘s‘ when you
neeo «o oohhem «he solvuz wr«h oho«herE/ueroo«heeheo«eo moorTe ohohe oTeeee «onow «he
s«eps on «he nex« page «o deconned «he wIVUE w««h «he prepared moone phone
« iner oh «he Speakevphune
2. 5e«ee« “Dlsconnechflg on «he mueroorh dewce «rs« w your moors phone «o remove «he
NOTE: . «T «he conneumn/hnk «s «oer «he seWUE wm ouromorroouy power on «h 2 mrhures
- Once «he enscohhecnon «s suecese«u« you wm hear ‘ DTsconned comp«e«e v
Aher z mrhu«es «he eolvuz wru go rh«o eTeep mooe y r« «s ho« perreo wrrh e oeyroe The
soIVUE can be au«oma««ca««y oe «urneo on when you remrn «a your say by openrng «he
ooor The “7le Wm «hen reeohhee« «o your oeuree
NOTE: ~ Movmg «he soIVUE oTsomrns r« on
. When your eelvus «orne on or oh‘ you wru heor eh euore «ohe
. Wheh Vayehng leh or «rehspomno «he sowuz pTeese press oho how «he
‘MFB «o power on «hespeakevphune Thrswm preyennhe soqurrom
repeeuy powerrno on/oh ourrno «rehpoh oue «o mo«roh oe«eo«roh

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