Se Jin Electron SKM-4170U USB Keyboard User Manual users manual

Se Jin Electron Inc USB Keyboard users manual

users manual

                                                                            SKMSKMSKMSKM----4170U4170U4170U4170U    USER ManualUSER ManualUSER ManualUSER Manual  1111----1111    INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION           1111----2222     The explain of key functions The explain of key functions The explain of key functions The explain of key functions
    1111----1 1 1 1 Keyboard IntroductionKeyboard IntroductionKeyboard IntroductionKeyboard Introduction            Keyboard is the most intimate device between PC and User .           SKM-4170U is USB(Universal Serial Bus) Numeric Keypad . 1. 1. 1. 1. Numeric keyNumeric keyNumeric keyNumeric key                        2. Cursor / keypad key2. Cursor / keypad key2. Cursor / keypad key2. Cursor / keypad key            Usually , When press any key for a few second , repeat the key which      is pressed  and  stop the key if don’t touch the key       ( except NumLock key ) .      1111----2 2 2 2 Key ExplainKey ExplainKey ExplainKey Explain     Numeric key Numeric key Numeric key Numeric key           When Num Lock is ON  and you press a numeric keypad key  :          the Keys function like a number pad           CursorCursorCursorCursor////Key PadKey PadKey PadKey Pad               This keys function is very flexible    , according to application program .       [Home] [Home] [Home] [Home] KeyKeyKeyKey               Move cursor to the first of line or page , according to application program        [End] [End] [End] [End] KeyKeyKeyKey               Move cursor to the last of    line or page , according to application program         [PgUp] [PgUp] [PgUp] [PgUp] &&&& [PgDn]  [PgDn]  [PgDn]  [PgDn] KeyKeyKeyKey        Whenever press a key ,   move  a monitor  under scroll.         [+] and [-]Key : this keys has the function of  ADD , Subtraction                        mathematically.       [Ins]Key : this keys has the function of  Insertion/Replacement MODE                 [Del]Key : this keys has the function of Delete a Character in cursor.

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