Sears 308770140 User Manual SCREEN HOUSE Manuals And Guides L0111072
SEARS Screen Enclosure Manual L0111072 SEARS Screen Enclosure Owner's Manual, SEARS Screen Enclosure installation guides
User Manual: Sears 308770140 308770140 SEARS SEARS SCREEN HOUSE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your SEARS SEARS SCREEN HOUSE #308770140. Home:Home Improvement Products Parts:Sears Parts:Sears SEARS SCREEN HOUSE Manual
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OWNER'S MhNUAL SF_RS 308.770140 • safety rules • assembly • care • replacement parts II I I CAUTI( N! II I i III II II II I III III I DO NQT DIRECT LI_VE YOUR TENT SET UP IN _NL|GHT LONGER THA_ This product is made With flame resistant fabric which is designed to self-extinguish when removed from flame. However, it is not fire- NECES_AFr_ proof end the fabric will burn as long as it is in contact with a flame or fueled by any other source. QF TIME, I LIGHT THE SUN'S ULTRAVIOLET (1_) DEGF _.DES ALMOST !_lO MATERI ),L ESPECIALLY IN SUNLIGH_ FOR NYLON WILL Your tent is Vmter repellent, 2 Do not leave campfires unattended. 3. Do not allow CHILDREN or ADULTS to use lighted candies, matches flame sources in or near tents. or other 4. Do not use heating, lighting or cooldng equipment with open flames in or near tents. waterproof_ Dijring may I_eep occur, PER]ODS FADE AN_ inside Such objects may at point of contact. occurs, it can/_e controlled 7. Never use fuel burning, oxygen consum;ng devices (i.e. heaters, Janterns, or other flame soumes) 1. Always extinguish campfire before leaving area. Exercise care when using electricity lighting in and near tents. and 3_ Take your tent down and store properly after camping. Tent fabrics, like most fabrics, will be weakened by prolonged exposure to sunlight. the cause If seam leakage by applying a seam sealer compol_nd. wind or rein sollking DO... leakage of the:tent. leakage 0o not spray the tent with insecticide. B. EXTREME CAUTION: Never use any fuel burning oxygen consuming device or any devices that produce any fumes, including without limitation Stoves, lanterns, candles, hibachis, or heaters in or around your tent. This could result in carbon monoxide poisoning, injury and/or death. some touching 6. inside _in il is not from Although your tent at any time. heavy However. objects 5. Do not use other than recommended water repellent compounds on your tent. I NYLQN_ IF LEFT PROLQNGED FABRIC FABRIC II DO NOT... I. Do not pitch tents near open fire. 2 EVERY our tents constructed and screen houses to rigid specifications, periods are of the ground may loosen the stakes and cause the uprights to sink into the ground. weaken Thi_ will the rigidity ot the overall struc_re. Water pockets may also form in the roof If the unit is not assembled taut. possibly causir_ broken frames JII FULL ONE YEAR • and torn fabric. • I I II IIIII WARRANTY If, within one year from Iha cl,_feof purchase, this lent tails due to defect in material or workmanship, warranty servt_l is available by RE-TURNING IT TO TH_ NEARESI_SEARS STORF-JSERVICE CENTER in the UtliteO _=i.tes and Seen; will repair it. free of charge. This Wari'anty g_es yOU specifi€ legal rights, and you may also have :Other rights which vary from state to state. SE_Sp ROEBUCK AND CO. iDepa_menf 817 WA Holman Esta[es, IL 60179 USA II II _1 ill_ i CongraTulations on your purchase of a Sir Edmund Hillary lent, an exclusive brand or Seara. A. Center Pole Sel;tion C - Fronl Eave Pole D - S_e Upright Sections HOWTO ORDER REPLACEMGNT PARTS FORYOURNEW DOMETI_NT The Modet Number far your tent will be totuld on _e oofl_!mienoe pocks1s_ on the ir_ide of the tent, Always mention th_ Model Nurober in all cgffQ_;mdence regarding yOUr8ears Tent and: when ordering replaceroen[ pans All pert_ listed heroin may bt orden_l from any Seam, Roebuck end CO.NI_III =tom or by _alllng loll free 1.J800-366-7278, For _,lel_0ns ¢unceroing your kml, ceil 1,.100-325-8388. WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING 1, Pitt Number 2. Parts DemcriPtlon 3. Model Nuro_' 4, Name of Item I1 the psrll you need are not stocked lately, your older will be elocIronlcelly tr_*_tlt_l Cenler for expected hand!ing. KEY DESCRIPTION NO. II I A J Iii i B MODEL NO. PART N_ PART NO. _lJ • II SECTIONS I D FRONT SIDE AND REAR UPRIGHT COMPLETE tl iii 1 2 i tl'lt .... ,, 95-0029B SECTIONS II i 95-0028S EAVE POLE 4 95-0030B ii ....... 4 I 577014001 ................. TENT CARRY BAG j . IIII I III FRAME S 1 CABIN BA_ III I Ill I REQUIRED il _ _ C QUANTITY 9S,0027'B : i SIDE RIDGE POLE to a $eara Repair Parts Oistnbutton MODEL N0. 77014 J JJ CENTER POLE SECTION INFORMATION: 1 II I[11 I ! • III ,a,. .... i .... J IMPORTANT: ASSEMBLY NOTE: WE ADVI_iE YOU _ OF THE TENT. PLEASE ASSEMBLE THE TENT ONCE BICFORF.._GOING FOe THIS MOD,_L_ IT m RECOMMENOED LOOK ATTHE REPLACEMENT iP, MPING TO BECOME FAMILIAR TWO _ PARTS WIT__ THE P DIAGRAMTO SEE HOWYOUR Z. FRAME IS ASSEMBLED. • To prolong Ihe life of the tent floor, sel_ .1 level, clean areal for the campsite. • To prmmnt ifarrmge to lhe z._per, unzip the doom to allow _r to enler the toN. STEP 1: STEP 2: Separate f_me poles. E_tond the frsme pole sectiOns WhiCh are cheiocorded IOge_ec STSP 4: Locale _ four updqht sections.Sreni_g at one comer, _ce the end of the pole ascdon.with the clip Io¢.k_ the end of the plll.s'fic joint and cna_ into €)IICI_ Repeat thin pmce_Jm l_r the remain_ throe _mer3. Locate_the three frame pole Sectionsw_ththe plastic joints en eech em:l. Your_m_me/_ Place po|e _ec_ons on the greed for joining togelher. The se_.(ton withthe onlnge J_el_c Joints IS the center r_e pole and SRIOU_be plsceif in me middle. NOTE: STEP 3: now completelym_semblec_ and should _) ors,eL Make sum the sides of _heplamlcjeinM whi_ ere marked with "E" are fa_:fng_ center ridge pole. STEP B: I,jty mnl_:l(ItflatUnOerthetent frame withthe roof side _. L/kzJpdoom, S't_P l: _larling Locale 0".e four single poles. Theme are the save poles. They hay= a clip kx;;( on each end. Startieg with or_e comer, insarl one end into the pleMJo _clnt merke4 with "E" end the _thcr end into the o_ange plecdc joint. Make sure c._p locks on _e I;_es leap irtio place on _e plastic jOinLs. ReDesl this procedure tOT the remaining three €ome_S. This wllf form It_ fmnl and mar eeve of me lent. _ the _enlar ridge of the tent. Iocal_ me p_asfl_[tame clips atleche_ rE ;'he eenl,,,- of the tern I_. _mO snap onto the c_nler Mdo,) trSfl'l_ p_e. The finn( Ir¢:l rear clips ere me ,--_ "s" hooks end eh0uk_ inle_ed through the hole luc,_Iod on I_e pls_ Iolrdl;. III II I III II I i II I Tent shoMId appear as shown Continue 1o snap lent to frame elor_ side rfdges Follow the same procedure you used for the czmter ridge. STEP 7: Insed the pin attached at each €Or_et ol the tent NOTE: into the open end ot each frame pole Only, yol_oy and pml_ldlng NOTE: k2/ Locate the fnlme tle_ at each ai¢14 Comer of the tent ;_nd tie to frame. STEP B; fly es • canopy steps 5, S & 7 A curtain _lSSbeen included lot dividing your tent into two f_mw. Lo_,_le _e tiec alteched io cur_ln and tie to lllmt. Also, ¢orl_lnienoe Dockets are provided Ior _:toring small Oan'l_ng glen hammering tote ground by u,'_ing • hemmer or mallet. Make sur'e to pull lent out even and tl_hl. Continue staking dow_ remaining stake loops. as shown, do no Dy omitllng with step 8. For your €_venience, there are hanger loops Ioca_ ir_e your lent, Those aan be used Io _eng smell _ng Items, SLake down t_nt by insettJ!lg the I_qger stakea U_rough sloke loops located at eecl_ corner, Your tent should appear If y_U €114Jpoeo1o use your tent NOTE: To lake d_m tent, tallow tile above steps [r_ths revense ol_er. Be eure to leave door unzipped Place atal_ into stake beg which is provided. To roll lend.p, fold into thirds lengthwi.Se toward the door. _ opposite end of the door, stad• small, tight roll Wi_ poleo placed on top and roll toward the door. (_e rolled, tie a string or rope around tent to hol_4ntO place. Slide _eny, along with poles and stake _lzg. into car_y hag. STEP g: v_m the help of another person, l_ace fly€_er lent keeping peak of fy in line wrth the center Peak el the tent, Sepals should be cn undere:ideotfly. 5trol_h f/y out tightly et_ Oeer,/_file metal hook on eacfl corner of _e fly into the Open end of ea_ frm pole, doing opposite ,,;desal the same Ume. SAFETY • • • • AND HEALTH KITCHE_EQUIPMENT AIDS • Camp stx_e • Grill top _cl charcoal • Fire startOr Insect repellents Suntan lotions First aid kit ['fie preservers • Fry pan., • Sauce p_e CAMP • Coffeepot NEEDS • Heavy-d_ • Pot holde_ • Axe or hatchet • Pocket knife • Mixing • Sewing kit • Heavy-duty tape • Rope and clothes pins • Small shov.el (to extinguish fires) • Fishing rod and other sporting gear • Broom • Whisk broom • Compact tool kit • Hammer or mallet CAMPING ali_ serving spoons • Can/bottl d opener • Storage ct_mtalners • Cooler • Ice pack Insulated _g Water co_iner • Tableclo_ napkins, plates • Mugs, glai_es • Table kniv0e, forks, spoons • Dish pan :! • Detergent_ • Pot scrubl_rs • Plastic g_age bags • Paper to_ls EQUIPMENT * Sleeping bags • Ground sheet • Air mattress and repair kit • Portable stove • Cooler • Water jug • Pail • Toilet tissue TRAVEL ._DS • Roadmadp • Sung{assl_ • Washbasin • Mirror • Litter bag_ • Games • Binocular=i • Folding table • Lounge chairs • Funnel for fueling appliances • Camp lantern with extra mantles • Flashlight • Small fire extinguisher o Rain coats m I foil • Cooking t_rk, tongs, spatula • Kitchen _Ives - Tent • Waterproof • Waterproof aluminum • Camera a_ld film tarpaulins matches . I Jllll I III IIII I S_F/A,/RS I THANK YOU FOR PuRc:-tASIN(";= YEARS OF FUN CHAr4ACTERISTICS RAINING THAN AND A QUALITY ENJOYMENT IT iS DIFFERENT WHEN Ilil III HILLARY TENT, FROM YOUR GAMPiNG ON A SUNNY, WARM THIS TROUBLESHOOI'_G EQUtPMENT. DAY THAN ON GUIDE SOLUTli 1. CONDENSATION 2. SEAM STORE. DR 0AMP HOWEVER, IF MILDEW OCCUF_S |I_WA_HtN_I SOAP OR FELS NAPTHA SO/_P epLy WATER RE_PELLENT COMPOUND. 3. MILDEW 4. REPAIRING ATEAR i WE FAULTY ZIPPER 6. FADING FABRIC 7. FLOOR CONDENSATION O0 NOT LEAVE'YOUR TENT Slit UP IN DIRECT SUNLI dT LONGER THAN NECESSARY. FADE/_ND WEAKEN. FLOOR FROM FFELING _NAN T_IE Tli_NT FLOOR A GROUND CLOTH UNDER THE TENT PREVENTS THI PROLONG iTS LIFI_.311F CLOTH SHOULD BIE SMALLEI STAKES SHOULO BE PULLED PULLING ON TR_ OVFRSTRETCHING IIII 5OMETI.IING _N OUR i WITH , .J ip_ ANOTHE_ Y{N T. AVOID STAKING MAY CAUSE STAK_ LOOPS H H. ill TROUBLESHOOTING _3U]DE,'SENO , _UN'S ,,,,i ULTRAVIOLI:T IN i TO TEAA i I1(I US Y_IJ_ (UV} LIGRT DEGRADES ALMOST EVERY ,,,,,, i replac_mem part_l ii I I i 3 NDUSTRIAL DRIVE BUT NEVER BY THE FASR[C. I I CAMPING'. R_P,LIR PLEAL;t_ C_LL OUI_ NEW HAVEN, MO 63068 ii. ,, FABRIC IIIIIII IDEAS ON 'TRICK_ OF ,IE_TI_N_ OR PROELEMS, AND MA' SUNLIGHT FOR PROLONGED PERIODS OFTIME, NYLON FABRIC WILL _=AOEAND V Order _P L_PT D&MP ANO HELPS TO PREVENT RAIN STAKE. H_ _tMER OR A STAKE PULLER. TENT SO ! iGHT THAT iT STRETCHES PROCEDURES, FEATURES YOU'D LiKE "tO SEE. OR JUETYOUR THOUGHTS, IF 'R_U HAVE ANY CUSTOMER SI_RVICE DEPARTMENT AT I.S00-32S-B38U, OR WRITE US AT_ THE WENZEL COMPANY,:: THE OR AV_NINI3 EROMRUNNING UNDER THETENT. i I A CANVAS SUNUGNT FORPROLON_-eD PE_ioos Or_E. FAeRI_WILL REMOVING STAKES MISSED RECOMMEND F THE 7.JPPER E EPARATES, YOU CAN M_VE _ID REWORK THE ZIPPER. IFTHID DOESN'T )UR PART_, O_'PARTM_NT AND THI_N SF lOP INCUR AR_A. 5. WE'VE YOU bN LEAKAGE PERHAPS TO GIVE IT IS OF{Y PROBLEM 8. IS DESIGNED YOUR_NT MAY TAKE ON ALMOST H],jMAN A COOL_iCLOur._" DAY; DIFFERENT WH_.N IT IS i_RIAt, F.SPECIALLY :AKEN. i iii Sears 3ervicl) Canter_ or call Ihrough Menbon ¢ompkHe modRI numbers. toll I_ee 1-B00-366-7_78 NYLON. IF LEFT [N Jli , , i i ATTENTION!I! If You Have... • Camping SuggestiOns If You Need... • Problems Solved If You Have... • Consumer QuestiOns CALL OUR CONSUMER HOT LiNE 1-800-325-8368 .( i,i i ill _mmmm
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