Secure Wireless 433CO Wireless Carbon Monoxide Sensor User Manual

Secure Wireless, Inc Wireless Carbon Monoxide Sensor

User Manual

AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  1  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   Carbon Monoxide Alarm Manual  Figure 1: Alarm Features         Attention:  Please  take  a  few  minutes  to  thoroughly read  this  guide  which  should  be  saved  for  future reference and passed on to any subsequent owner.  This  CO  Alarm  is  only  compatible  with  the  Digital  Life Controller SKU #: RTL.69237 control panel(s).  Refer  to the panel installation instructions for revision verification details.  It  is  currently  not  compatible  with  other  control panels.  Please  contact  Technical  Support  for  any questions regarding compatibility.   Description  This wireless carbon monoxide (CO) Alarm monitors the levels  of  CO  gas  and  gives  early  warning  when potentially dangerous levels exist. It does not detect fire, smoke, or any other gas. If a dangerous concentration of CO  is  detected  by  patented  and  field-proven electrochemical sensor, an LED indicator illuminates and an internal siren is activated in Temporal 4 pattern. The CO Alarm  also transmits an alarm  signal to the control panel  within  15  seconds  of  detecting  dangerous concentration of CO gas. The control panel activates its internal  siren  and  reports  the  alarm  condition  to  the central  monitoring  station  (if  the  system  is  monitored). The CO Alarm also detects low battery, wall tamper, and sensor  end-of-life.  These trouble  codes are  transmitted to  the  control  panel  which  reports  the  condition  to  the central monitoring station. The alarm automatically reset when CO is no longer detected.   This wireless CO Alarm is Listed and compliant with the ANSI/UL 2034 standard for CO Alarms. It is intended for residential  indoor  dwelling  unit  applications  and  other areas  approved  by  the  authority  having  jurisdiction (AHJ). It is not intended for use in industrial applications.       WARNING: After seven years from initial power up, this alarm will beep two times every 30 seconds to indicate that  it  is  time  to  replace  the  alarm.  Replace  the  alarm immediately! It will not detect CO in this condition.      To  help  identify the date to  replace the alarm, an area has  been  reserved  on  the  side  of  the  alarm. Write the “replace  by”  date  (seven  years  from  power  up)  with  a permanent marker in the area provided.   Alarm location  CO Alarms should be mounted in or near bedrooms and living areas. We recommend that you install an alarm on each level of your home.   When  choosing  your  installation  locations,  make  sure you  can  hear  the  alarm from  all sleeping  areas.  If  you install  only  one  CO  Alarm  in  your  home,  install  it  near bedrooms, not in the basement or furnace room.   Place  the  alarm  out  of  reach  of  children.  Under  no circumstances should children be allowed to handle the CO Alarm.   Figure 2: Recommended locations      Locations to avoid  Improper  location  can  affect  the  sensitive  electronic components in this alarm. To avoid causing damage to the unit, to provide optimum performance, and to prevent unnecessary nuisance alarms:   •  Do not install in kitchens, garages, or furnace rooms that may expose the sensor to substances that could damage or contaminate it.   •  Do  not  install  in  areas  where  the  temperature  is colder  than  40°F  (4.4°C)  or  hotter  than  100°F (37.8°C) such as crawl spaces, attics, porches, and garages.   •  Do  not  install  within  5  ft.  of  heating  or  cooking appliances.  (We  recommend  15  ft.  to  prevent nuisance alarms.)   Do  not  install  near  vents,  flues,  chimneys,  or  any forced/unforced air ventilation openings.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  2  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   •  Do not install on metal surfaces.   •  Avoid  mounting  in  areas  with  a  large  quantity  of metal or electrical wires.   •  Do not install near ceiling fans, doors,  windows, or areas directly exposed to the weather.   •  Do not install in dead air spaces, such as peaks of vaulted ceilings or gabled roofs, where CO may not reach the sensor in time to provide early warning.   •  Do  not  install  near  deep-cell  large  batteries.  Large batteries have emissions that can cause the alarm to perform at less than optimum performance.   •  Do not obstruct the vents located on the alarm. Do not place the alarm where drapes, furniture, or other objects block the flow of air to the vents.   Battery installation and replacement  Note:  Place  the  control panel  into  sensor  test  mode  prior to replacing the batteries. If the control panel is not in sensor test mode  during  battery  replacement,  an  alarm/tamper  condition may be indicated.   To install or replace the batteries in this alarm:  1.  Slide the alarm body off of the mounting plate.   2.  If replacing batteries, remove the old batteries and properly dispose  of them as  recommended by the battery manufacturer.   3.  Install  the  new  batteries.  Note  the  polarity illustration in the battery compartment (see Figure 3 below).   Figure 3: Batteries      4.  Slide the alarm body back onto the mounting plate.   Note:  The  mounting  plate  will  not  close  if  all  three batteries are not installed. Figure 4: Sliding the alarm on the mounting plate       5.  Perform  a  sensor/RF  test  with  the  control  panel. See “RF communication test” on page 3  When  replacing  the  batteries,  use  one  of  the  following approved brands:  •  Duracell MN1500 or MX1500  •  Energizer E91  Note: For battery replacement information, see   Use of a different battery may have a detrimental effect on the alarm operation.  Note: Constant exposures to high or low humidity may reduce battery life.   After  installing  or  changing  the  batteries,  reinstall  your alarm.  Test  your  alarm  by  using  the  Test/Hush  button and check that the green Power LED is on.   Mounting the alarm  Note:  Verify  RF  performance  prior  to  permanently  mounting the alarm. See “RF communication test” on page 3.   The CO Alarm can be wall mounted or ceiling mounted.   To mount the alarm:  1.  Slide  the  alarm  body  off  of  the  mounting  plate. Place  the  mounting  plate  in  the  desired  location, and  mark  the  location  of  the  two  mounting  holes. Orient  the  mounting  plate  vertically or  horizontally as shown in the following figures.  Note: The alarm can also be directly mounted to a single gang box.   Figure 5: Vertical mounting
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  3  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   Figure 6: Horizontal Mounting      2.  Insert  the  two  screws  provided  and  secure  the mounting  plate  to  the  wall  or  ceiling  surface.  (If mounting in plasterboard or drywall, drill a 3/16 in. hole and use the plastic anchors provided.)  3.  After the mounting plate is secured, slide the alarm over the mounting plate (see Figure 4 on page 2).   Important labels provided  Two  labels  have  been  provided  that  have  important information on what to do in case of an alarm. Add the phone number of your emergency service provider in the space provided. Place one label next to the alarm after it is mounted, and one label near a fresh air source such as a door or window.   Programming  The  following  section  provides  a  general  guideline  for programming  (learning)  the  unit  into  control  panel memory. Refer to the panel documentation for complete programming details.   To add the CO Alarm to panel memory:  1.  Set the panel to program mode.  2.  Proceed to the Learn/Add Sensors menu.  3.  Select the desired sensor number.  4.  Trip  the  wall  tamper  by  removing  the  alarm  body from the mounting plate.  5.  When  the  panel  prompts  you  for  sensor  group number, enter the appropriate group number based on the system panel.  6.  At the panel, exit program mode.  7.  Place the alarm body back onto the mounting plate.   Note: Each CO Alarm is programmed with a unique ID when manufactured. The unique ID is enrolled into the control panel at  the  time  of  installation,  allowing  the  CO  alarm  to communicate with that specific control panel.   Testing  Note: This unit is sealed. The cover is not removable.     WARNING:  The  control  panel  must  be  placed  into sensor test mode while conducting any tests. Placing the control panel into sensor test mode for all testing helps to protect against false alarms and unintentional central station reporting.     Due to the loudness of the alarm, we suggest that you place  your  fingers  over  the  sounder  vent  while  testing your alarm.  Caution: Continuous exposure to the high sound level of this alarm over an extended period of time may cause hearing loss.   The CO Alarm provides three test modes:  • Normal  CO  Alarm  test.  Conducts  an  internal  self test and tests the sounder.  • RF communication test.  Tests the communication path with the control panel.  • CO Alarm functional gas test. Tests the functional operation of the CO sensing element.   Normal CO Alarm test  1.  Wait at least 10 minutes after installation to test the CO Alarm.  2.  Make  sure  the  green  Power  LED  is  flashing  for normal operation.  3.  Set the control panel to sensor test mode.  4.  Press and hold the Test/Hush button until the unit beeps  once  (approximately  1  second),  and  then release the button. If the unit is operating properly, you  will  hear  four  quick  beeps,  followed  by  5 seconds of silence, followed by four quick beeps.  5.  At the control panel, exit sensor test mode.  Note:  This  test  mode  does  not  test  communication  with  the control  panel.  You  will  receive  a  “Sensor  Test  Fail  or  Abort” message when the control panel exits sensor test mode.   RF communication test  This  section provides  general  guidelines  for  testing  the CO  Alarm  with  the  panel.  Refer  to  the  specific  panel documentation for complete testing details.   Before  testing,  ensure  that  your  control panel  is  set  to sensor  test  mode.  Setting  your  panel  to  sensor  test mode prevents an alarm signal from being transmitted to the  central  monitoring  station  (if  you  have  a  monitored system).  1.  Wait  at  least  10  minutes  after  installation  to  test the CO Alarm.  2.  Make  sure  the  green  Power  LED  is  flashing  for normal operation.  3.  Set the control panel to sensor test mode.  4.  Press and hold the Test/Hush button until the unit beeps  two  times  (approximately  5  seconds),  and then  release  the  button.  If  the  unit  is  operating properly, you will hear four quick beeps. The unit will  send  the  RF  test  packets  after  the  first  four beeps.  5.  The  control  panel  will  beep  and  display  the number of RF packets received.  6.  At the panel, exit sensor test mode.   CO inspection and functional gas test (for qualified service technicians only)  Note: Consult the most recent version of NFPA 720 for more information regarding the requirement for functional testing of CO  alarms  and/or  your  Local  Authority  Having  Jurisdiction (AHJ).  A  canned  CO  testing  agent  must  be  used  for  the  CO functional gas test.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  4  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   1.  Wait at least 10 minutes after installation to test the CO Alarm. 2.  Make  sure  the  green  Power  LED  is  flashing  for normal operation. 3.  Set the control panel to sensor test mode. 4.  Press and hold the Test/Hush button  until the unit beeps three times (approximately 10 seconds), and then  release  the  button.  The  unit  will  enter  the functional gas test mode. The Power LED will blink once per second while in functional test mode. 5.  Apply  UL  approved  CO  test  agent  to  the  slit  as shown in Figure 7 below. When CO is detected, the unit will activate a CO Alarm. The unit will send RF test  packets  to  the  control  panel  when  the  CO Alarm is activated.  Figure 7: CO testing slit      6.  The control panel will beep and display the number of RF packets received.  7.  At the control panel, exit sensor test mode.  8.  Exit functional gas test mode:  9.  Press  and  release  the  Test/Hush  button;  or  A  2 minute  timeout  will  automatically cause the  CO to return to normal operating mode.   Troubleshooting  This  information  is  provided  to  help  you  diagnose  and solve various problems that may arise while configuring or using the wireless CO Alarm.   Unit  does  not  power  up  properly  or  reports  low battery:  •  Make  sure  the  batteries  are  fully  seated  within  the battery compartment and the polarity is correct.  •  Make sure that all three batteries are installed. •  Check  the  battery  voltage  (1.5  VDC  nominal  per battery).  Control panel does not respond:  •  Use  the  60-401  RF  Sniffer  to  make  sure  the  CO Alarm is sending messages for activation.  •  Move or rotate the CO Alarm position.  •  Make sure the CO Alarm is properly enrolled into the control panel.  •  Make  sure that  you are  using  a compatible control panel (see “Specifications” below). Tamper condition does not restore:  •  Make sure  the  CO  Alarm body is  properly  installed on the mounting plate. •  Make sure there are no trouble indications at the CO Alarm. •  Make  sure that  you are  using  a compatible control panel (see “Specifications” below).  If a tamper alarm occurs: •  Make  sure that  you  are using  a  compatible  control panel (see “Specifications” below).  •  Make  sure  that  the  control  panel  is  in  sensor  test mode during sensor testing.  Specifications    Compatible Panels  Digital Life Controller   SKU #: RTL.69237    Power  Three (3) AA batteries    Battery Type  1.5 VDC Alkaline    Required Batteries  Duracell MN 1500, Duracell MX 1500   Energizer E91    Sensor Life  7 years    Frequency  433 Mhz    Supervisory Interval  64 minutes    Audible Alarm  Temporal 4    Alarm Response times    70 PPM = 60-240 min.   150 PPM = 10-50 min.   400 PPM = 4-15 min.    Dimensions  4.68 x 2.75 x 1.85 in. (119 x 70 x 47 mm)    Storage Temperature  - 4 to 140oF (- 20 to 60oC)    Operating Environment   Temperature  40 to 100oF (4.4 to 37.8oC)   Relative Humidity  10 to 95% non-condensing     Regulatory Information    ETL Rating    ANSI/UL 2034  FCC Compliance   The device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules devices as well as Industry Canada Rules and Regulations licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  Conformité Réglementaire Ce dispositif est conforme à la réglementation de la IC et (Partie 15) de la FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis à deux conditions : (1) ce dispositif ne doit pas  causer d’interférences nuisibles, et (2) ce  dispositif doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner des conditions de fonctionnement indésirables.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  5  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11    FCC ID: QNP- 433CO IC: 4676A-433CO         Operation Characteristics  Table 1: Operation characteristics  LED Display Alarm Sound Units Status Control Panel Status Recommendation Normal operation  Green Power LED flashes every 30 seconds.  None.  Normal DC operation (sensing no CO) and with good batteries.  Normal operating condition.  None.  Carbon monoxide alarm  Red Alarm LED flashes with beeps.  Four quick beeps, 5 seconds silence, repeating.  Alarm condition. Dangerous concentrations of CO detected.  Alarm condition.  See “Alarm procedure” on page 8.  Low battery / low battery hush  Red Alarm LED flashes every 60 seconds.  One quick beep every 60 seconds.  Batteries need to be replaced.  Trouble condition, trouble beeps every 60 seconds.  Replace all three AA batteries.  Press  Test/Hush  button  and  release. This will silence the low battery audible chirp between 8 and 11 hours allowing for  a  more  convenient  time  to  replace the batteries.  Alarm end-of-life indicator  Red Alarm LED flashes two times every 30 seconds.  Two quick beeps every 30 seconds.  End of CO Alarm life.  Trouble condition, trouble beeps every 60 seconds.  Press  the  Test/Hush  button  and release. This will silence the end-of-life signal for  up  to three  days.  After three days,  the  unit  will  resume  end-of-life chirps.  Hush  mode  will  silence  the alarm ten times or up to 30 days. After 30  days,  the  unit  can  no  longer  be hushed.  Replace  the  CO  Alarm immediately.  The  unit  will  not  respond to CO.  Trouble/service alarm  Red Alarm LED flashes every 30 seconds.  One quick beep every 30 seconds.  Unit is in trouble condition.  Trouble condition, trouble beeps every 60 seconds.  Replace  batteries.  If  condition continues,  unit  has  malfunctioned. Replace  immediately.  Unit  will  not respond to CO.  Error condition  Red Alarm LED constantly on.  Constant alarm.  Very low battery or unit malfunction.  Trouble condition, trouble beeps every 60 seconds.  Replace  batteries.  If  condition continues,  unit  has  malfunctioned. Replace  immediately.  Unit  will  not respond to CO.  Test mode  Red Alarm LED flashes with beeps.  Four quick beeps, 5 seconds silence, repeated once.  Normal operation when Test/Hush button is pressed.  Sensor test mode  CO  not  detected.  Alarm  for  test purposes only. Tamper  Red Alarm LED flashes every 30 seconds.  One quick beep every 30 seconds.  Unit is in tamper condition.  Trouble condition, trouble beeps every 60 seconds.  Place  alarm  body  back  onto  mounting plate.  If  condition  continues,  unit  has malfunctioned. Replace immediately.      Maintenance tips   To keep your alarm in good working order:  •  Perform a CO Alarm test once a week (see “Normal CO Alarm test” on page 3).  •  Vacuum  the  alarm  cover  once  a  month  to  remove accumulated dust.  •  Never use detergents or solvents to clean the alarm. Chemicals  can permanently damage or  temporarily contaminate the sensor.  •  Avoid  spraying  air  fresheners,  hair  spray,  paint,  or other aerosols near the alarm.  •  Do not  paint  the  unit.  Paint  will seal  the  vents and interfere with proper sensor operation.  •  Move the CO Alarm to a remote location, to prevent possible  damage  or  contamination  of  the  sensor, prior to performing any of the following: •  Staining  or  stripping floors or  furniture, painting or wall-papering.  •  Using aerosols or adhesives.       WARNING: Reinstall the CO Alarm as soon as possible to assure continuous protection.      •  The following is a list of substances that at high levels  can  damage  the  CO  sensor  or  cause temporary readings that are not CO readings:  •  Ethylene,  ethanol,  alcohol,  iso-propanol, benzene,  toluene,  ethyl  acetate,  hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide.  •  Also  most  aerosol  sprays,  alcohol-based products,  paint,  thinner,  solvent,  adhesive,  hair spray, after shave, perfume, auto exhaust (cold start), and some cleaning agents.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  6  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   Information about carbon monoxide  Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless poison  gas  that can  be  fatal  when inhaled. CO inhibits the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen.  Periodically review this  alarm manual and discuss  your CO  Alarm  emergency  procedure  with  all  members  of your family. Never ignore a CO Alarm. A true alarm is an indication  of  potentially  dangerous  levels  of  CO.  CO Alarms are designed to alert you to the presence of CO before  an  emergency  -  before  most  people  would experience symptoms of CO poisoning, giving you time to resolve the problem calmly.  Determine  if  anyone  in  the  household  is  experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that while victims are aware they are not well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save themselves either by exiting the building or calling for assistance. Also, young children and household pets may  be  the  first  affected.  You  should  take  extra precautions  to  protect  high-risk  persons  from  CO exposure  because they  may experience  ill  effects from CO  at  levels  that  would  not  ordinarily  affect  a  healthy adult.  Symptoms of CO poisoning  The  following  common  symptoms  are  related  to  CO poisoning  and  should  be  discussed  with  ALL  members of the household:  • Mild exposure = Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often described as “flu-like” symptoms).  • Medium  exposure  =  Severe  throbbing  headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.  • Extreme exposure = Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory failure, death.  If you experience even mild symptoms of CO poisoning, consult your doctor immediately.  Conditions that can produce carbon monoxide  •  Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel burning appliances caused by:  •  Outdoor  ambient  conditions  such  as  wind  direction and/or velocity, including high gusts of wind; heavy air in  the  vent  pipes  (cold/humid  air  with  extended periods between cycles).  •  Negative  pressure  differential resulting  from the use of exhaust fans.  •  Simultaneous  operation  of  several  fuel  burning appliances competing for limited internal air.  •  Vent  pipe  connection  vibrating  loose  from  clothes dryers, furnaces, or water heaters.  •  Obstructions  in or  unconventional  vent pipe  designs which amplify the above situations.  •  Extended operation of unvented fuel burning devices (range, oven, fireplace, etc.).  •  Temperature  inversions  which  can  trap  exhaust gasses near the ground.  •  Car idling in an open or closed attached garage, or near a home.  What CO alarms can and cannot do  CO Alarms provide early warning of the presence of CO, usually  before  a  healthy  adult  would  experience symptoms. This early warning is possible however, only if your CO Alarm is located, installed, and maintained as described in this manual.   Because carbon monoxide is a cumulative poison, long-term exposures to low levels may cause symptoms, as well as short-term exposures to high levels. This unit has a  time-weighted  alarm;  the  higher  the  level  of  CO present, the sooner the alarm will be triggered.   This  CO  Alarm  can  only  warn  you  of  the  presence  of CO.  It  does  not  prevent  CO  from  occurring,  nor  can  it solve an existing CO problem. If your unit has alarmed and you’ve provided ventilation by leaving your windows and doors open, the CO buildup may have dissipated by the  time  help  responds.  Although  your  problem  may appear  to  be  temporarily  solved,  it  is  crucial  that  the source of the CO is determined and that the appropriate repairs are made.   CO  Alarms  have  limitation.  Like  any  other  electronic device, CO Alarms are not fool-proof. CO Alarms have a limited  operational  life.  You  must  test  your  CO  alarm weekly, because it could fail to operate at any time.   If  your  CO  Alarm  fails  to  test  properly,  or  if  its  self-diagnostic test reveals a malfunction, immediately have the unit replaced. This alarm will not monitor CO levels while in a trouble condition.   CO  Alarm  can  only  sense  CO  that  reaches  the  unit’s sensor.  It  is  possible  that  CO  may  be  present  in other areas  without  reaching  the  alarm.  The  rate  and  ability with which CO reaches the alarm may be affected by:   •  Doors or other obstructions.  •  Fresh  air  from  a  vent,  an  open  window,  or  other source.  •  CO being present on one level of the home and not reaching  a  CO  Alarm  installed  on  a  different  level. (For example, CO in the basement may not reach an alarm on the second level, near the bedrooms).   For  these  reasons,  we  recommend  you  provide complete coverage by placing a CO Alarm on every level of the home.  CO Alarms should not be used to detect the presence of natural  gas  (methane),  propane,  butane,  or  other combustible fuels.   Instruct  children  never  to  touch  or  otherwise  interfere with  the  alarm.  Warn  children  of  the  dangers  of  CO poisoning.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  7  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11   Important warning statements  This  carbon  monoxide  alarm  is  designed  to  detect carbon monoxide from ANY source of combustion. It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire, or any other gas.       WARNING:  Carbon  monoxide  alarms  are  not  smoke alarms. This carbon monoxide alarm is not a substitute for  installing and  maintaining an  appropriate number of smoke  alarms  in  your  home.  This  CO  alarm  will  not sense  smoke,  fire,  or  any  poisonous  gas  other  than carbon monoxide even though carbon monoxide can be generated by fire. For this reason you must install smoke alarms to provide early warning of fire and to protect you and your family from fire and its related hazards.       Caution:  This  alarm  will  only  indicate  the  presence  of carbon monoxide at the sensor. Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas.       WARNING: This product is intended for use in ordinary indoor locations of family living units. It is not designed to measure  compliance  with  Occupational  Safety  and Health Administration (OSHA), commercial, or industrial standards. It is not suitable for installation in hazardous locations  as  defined in  the National Electric  Code. The installation  of  this  device  should  not  be  used  as  a substitute for proper installation, use and maintenance of fuel burning appliances, including appropriate ventilation and  exhaust  systems.  It  does  not  prevent  CO  from occurring, nor can it solve an existing CO problem.       WARNING:  This  device  is  designed  to  protect individuals  from  acute  effects  of  carbon  monoxide exposure.  It  may  not  fully  safeguard  individuals  with specific medical conditions. If in doubt, consult a medical practitioner.  Individuals  with  medical  problems  may consider  using  warning  devices  which  provide  audible and  visual  signals  for  carbon  monoxide  concentrations under 30 PPM.       This  carbon  monoxide  alarm  requires  a  continuous supply of electrical power - it will not work without power.   This  alarm  has  not  been  investigated  for  carbon monoxide detection below 70 PPM.       Contact information    For  residential  consumers,  please  contact  your  local security  system  installation  company  for  product replacement service.   Product  returns  from  security  professionals  and installers   For  all  product  returns,  including  warranty repair/replacements,  non-warranty  repairs,  advance replacements,  and  credit  returns  call  AT&T  at  1-855-288-2727   Manufacturing information   Manufactured  by  Interlogix,  a  UTC  Fire  and  Security company, 1275 Red Fox Road, Arden Hills, MN 55112.    Carbon Monoxide Alarm Procedure         1.  Operate the Test/Hush button; 2.  Call your emergency services (Fire Department or 911);     3.  Immediately move to fresh air – outdoors or by an open door/window.  Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for.  Do not reenter the premises nor move away from the open door/window until the emergency services responders have arrived, the premises have been aired out, and your alarm remains in its normal condition.   4.  After following steps 1-3, if the alarm reactivates within a 24 hour period, repeat steps 1 – 3 and call a qualified appliance technician to investigate sources of CO from fuel burning equipment and appliances, and to inspect for proper operation of equipment.       If problems are identified during this inspection, have the equipment serviced immediately.  Note any combustion equipment not inspected by the technician and consult the manufacturer’s instructions, or contact the manufacturer directly for more information and CO safety and the equipment.  Make sure that motor vehicles are not , or have not been, operating in a garage attached or adjacent to the residence.   PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: Warning:  Activation  of  the  CO  Alarm indicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide (CO) which can kill you.
AT&T. All Rights Reserved.  8  P/N 0000 – Rev. A – 10 Oct 11    Never restart the source of a CO problem until it has been corrected.  Never ignore the sound of the alarm!  If the alarm is sounding, pressing the test/reset button will terminate the alarm.   If the CO condition that caused the alert in the first place continues, the alarm will reactivate.  If the unit alarms again within six minutes, it is sensing high levels of CO which can quickly become a dangerous situation.

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