SendFar Technology WPC-02005 Wireless LAN Card User Manual WPC 8110

SendFar Technology Co., Ltd. Wireless LAN Card WPC 8110



AWireless LAN CardUser’s ManualThe user guide is fit for both Long Range Wireless LAN Card WPC-8110 and Wireless LAN Card WPC-2110i■  ContentsCHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................. 11.1 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............................................................................ 11.2 PC CARD DESCRIPTIONS ...................................................................... 11.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 21.4 NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................. 2CHAPTER 2. INSTALLING DRIVERS & CLIENT UTILITY ..................... 42.1 INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS 95/98/ME/2000/XP................................. 42.2 CHECKING AFTER INSTALLATION ............................................................ 92.3 WIRELESS LAN CLIENT UTILITY .......................................................... 112.4 UNINSTALLING DRIVER AND UTILITY ..................................................... 17CHAPTER 3. CONNECTING TO A NETWORK..................................... 183.1 CHECKING AND ADDING CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT NETWORKS ............... 183.2 CHECKING AND ADDING NETBEUI ....................................................... 203.3 CHECKING AND ADDING TCP/IP .......................................................... 203.4 CHECKING AND ADDING FILE AND PRINTER SHARING FOR MICROSOFTNETWORKS ................................................................................................... 223.5 CHECKING AND ADDING COMPUTER NAME & WORKGROUP NAME......... 22CHAPTER 4. TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................... 23CHAPTER 5. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ......................................... 25CHAPTER 6. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE INFORMATION ............. 26
1Chapter 1. IntroductionThis chapter describes the package contents, PC Card description, systemrequirements, features & benefits, applications and network configurationsof our wireless LAN products.1.1 Package ContentsThe PC Card package contains the following items as shown in Figure 1-11. One PC Card2. One Installation CDFigure 1-11.2  PC Card DescriptionsThe PC Card is a standard PC Card that fits into any PCMCIA Card Type IIslot. The PC Card has a LED indicator as shown in Figure 1-2.Figure 1-2The LED shows three Link statuses:Blinking –, When the PC Card operate in a Peer-to-Peer mode, no matterthe wireless is connected or not.Solid Green – When the PC card setup a wireless connection with anAccess Point.Off – No wireless activity.21.3 System RequirementsInstallation of the PC Card requires:1.  PC/AT compatible computer with PCMCIA Type II slot.2.  Windows 98//ME/2000/XP operating system environment.3.  Minimum 1.3M bytes free disk space for installing the PC Card driverand utility program.1.4 Network ConfigurationsTo better understand how the wireless LAN products work together tocreate a wireless network, it might be helpful to depict a few of the possiblewireless LAN PC card network configurations. The wireless LAN productscan be configured as:1.  Ad-hoc (or peer-to-peer) for departmental or SOHO LANs.2.  Infrastructure for enterprise LANs or IP Sharing for 56K/ISDNTA/Cable/DSL Modem – Connect Internet and your SOHO network.Ad-hoc (peer-to-peer) ModeThis is the simplest network configuration that several computers equippedwith the PC Cards that form a wireless network whenever they are withinrange of one another (Figure 1-3). In ad-hoc mode, each client, is peer-to-peer, would only have access to the resources of the other client andrequires no the access point. This is the easiest and least expensive wayfor the SOHO to set up a wireless network.Figure 1-3 A wireless Ad-hoc network
3Infrastructure ModeThe infrastructure mode requires the use of an access point (AP). In thismode, all wireless communications between two computers have to be viathe AP no matter the AP is wired to Ethernet network or stand-alone.If wired to an Ethernet network as shown in Figure 1-4, the AP serves as abridge and provides the link between the server and the wireless clients.The wireless clients can move freely throughout the coverage area of theAP while remaining connected to the server. Since the AP is connected tothe wired network, each client would have access to server resources aswell as to other clients.Figure 1-4 Infrastructure mode4Chapter 2. Installing Drivers & Client UtilityThis chapter describes how to install the PC Card drivers and client utilityunder Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP.2.1  Installation for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XPInstallation Procedure:1.  Turn on your computer.2. Insert the Wireless LAN Driver CD into your CD-ROM drive. Run it byselecting RUN from the Start menu and running PrismWin.exe or justdouble click the PrismWin.exe from CD-ROM drive.3.  The setup information will shown as Figure 2-1. Follow the instructionsas they appear.Figure 2-1
5 64. Click Finish to complete setup and then restart your computer.
75.  Insert the PC Card into the PCMCIA slot of your computer.6.  A warning message would pop up while installation, the messageshows this driver need the “digital signature”, and click the Yes button.7.  Make sure that the network protocol parameters are set correctly foryour computer. These include the IP address, subnet mask, gatewayand DNS. If you are unfamiliar with how to set network protocolparameters, refer to Chapter 3 Connection to Network for details.8.  Restart your computer for changes to take effect.Note1.  If your computer running Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT installedWireless LAN PC card and you would like to upgrade to Windows XP,you have to remove Wireless LAN PC card driver & utility from yourcomputer in advance to let the Wireless LAN PC card work withWindows XP properly.2.  Please follow the procedure: click Start button, select Program, pointto Wireless LAN PC Card, and then click Uninstaller to uninstall thedriver and utility automatically3.  Once you finish removing the driver and utility, please refer to theabove installation procedure for Windows XP.8Uninstallation Procedure:1.  Insert the Wireless LAN PC Card into the PCMCIA slot.2. Right click My Computer--->Select Properties.3. On the Hardware tab, choose Device Manager, and click NetworkAdapter.4. Choose Wireless LAN PC Card and remove it.5.  After removing the Wireless LAN PC Card, restart your computer.
92.2  Checking after InstallationAfter installing the driver and utility, follow the steps below to check thatthe PC Card is operating correctly.1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and then click Control Panel.2. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon, thenselect the Device Manager tab.3. Double-click Network adapters, then select Wireless LAN PC CARDas shown in Figure 2-3Figure 2-34. Click the Properties button, then check the message. This device isworking properly is displayed for Device status as shown in Figure 2-104.5.  If you find the Yellow (?) sign on the adapter or the above message isnot displayed, it shows the installation is not successful or the wirelessLAN PC Card is not operating properly. Uninstall and re-install thedriver, referring to Chapter 2-6 Uninstalling Driver and Utility.Figure 2-4
112.3  Wireless LAN Client UtilityWireless LAN Client Utility is used to display or change the PC Cardinformation about link, configuration, encryption, and utility/driver/firmwareversion information. The client utility will also help you with site selection.The client utility will be installed automatically after installing the driver andutility. A new icon should appear in your Icon tray. If the icon changes to redicon, it means the wireless is disconnection.After finishing installing the driver and utility, the client utility willautomatically be executed and show a small green radio icon at the rightcorner of Taskbar whenever the PC Card is inserted into the PC Card slotof your computer. Double-click the radio icon to open the Wireless LANClient Utility window as shown in Figure 2-5. You can click the taps on thetop of the windows to select various screen messages. Below we explainthe use and meanings of the various screen messages.Figure 2-5121. Link InfoStateShows status information about the radio link, as shown in Figure 2-5   Associated BSSID – means the wireless client is connected to an accesspoint. BSSID is shown in the form of six hex digits which is the MACaddress of the access point.Scanning – means the wireless client is searching for an available accesspoint in infrastructure mode.Disconnected – means there are no access points or other wireless clients(if communicating in Ad-hoc mode), or the PC Card is unplugged in yourcomputer.Current Tx Rate (Mbits/s)The data speed that wireless client is transmitting.Current ChannelThe operation radio frequency channel that wireless client is using ininfrastructure mode. In infrastructure mode, wireless client will always gothe same channel as their Access Point.Throughput (Bytes/sec)  Tx: shows the outgoing (sent) data speed.  Rx: shows the incoming (received) data speed.Link QualityThe bar shows the measured signal level and connection status. Thehigher blue bar is, the better is radio signal received by the PC card.Signal StrengthThe bar shows signal strength level. The higher blue bar is, the morepowerful radio signal is received by the PC Card.
132. ConfigurationNetwork TypeSelects one of the following network type, as shown in Figure 2-6.Figure 2-6Peer-to-Peer: this is the IEEE802.11 peer-to-peer mode of operation andrequires no the Access Point. When wireless clients are operated in thismode, all wireless clients require the same SSID and don’t care the channelnumber.Access Point: this mode of operation requires the use of an Access Point.In this mode, all wireless communications between computers have to bevia the Access Point. (Default setting is Access Point)Network NameNetwork Name (SSID) is an identification code required for communicationin a wireless LAN. You will only be able to connect with a wireless client(Peer-to-Peer) or an Access Point (Infrastructure) which has the sameSSID. If the SSID of a PC Card is set as ANY, then the PC Card is possibleto be connected to all available Access Point. (Default setting is ANY)Transmit RateSelect the transmission rate at which the client transmits the data packets.14You can set this to Fully Automatic, 1Mbps, 2Mbps, Auto 1 or 2Mbps,5.5Mbps, or 11Mbps. (Default setting is Fully Automatic)Peer-to-Peer ChannelSelect the operating radio frequency channel in 802.11 peer-to-peer mode.
153. EncryptionIf you require high security in transmission, you can select 64 or 128-bitWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key to encrypt data (Default setting isDisable) as shown in Figure 2-7. WEP encrypts each frame transmittedfrom the radio using one of the Keys from this panel. When you use WEP tocommunicate with the other wireless clients, all the wireless devices in thisnetwork must have the same encryption key or pass phrase.Figure 2-7This panel allows the entry of keys or pass phrase, which can then bewritten to the driver and registry. Note that each key must consist of hexdigits, it means that only digit 0-9 and letters A-F are valid entries. If enteredincorrectly, program will not write keys to a driver.164. AboutAbout tab shows the product/driver/utility/PC Card firmware version asshown in Figure 2-8. Users have to use this version number whenreporting their problems to technical support.Figure 2-8
172.4  Uninstalling Driver and UtilityIf the PC Card installation is unsuccessful for any reason, the best way tosolve the problem may be to completely uninstall the PC Card and itssoftware and repeat the installation procedure again.Click the Start button, select Program/Wireless LAN PC Card, and thenclick Uninstaller to uninstall the driver and utility. Uninstaller willautomatically uninstall and clear all drivers, utility, related settings installedpreviously.18Chapter 3. Connecting to a NetworkThis chapter describes how to prepare for connection to network afterinstall the PC Card drivers and utility.The following is required for all computers if you want to connect to anetwork.1. Check Client for Microsoft Networks is installed.2. Check NetBEUI -> Wireless LAN PC Card installed.3. Check TCP/IP -> Wireless LAN PC Card is installed.4.  Check file and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks.5.  Check computer name and workgroup name.3.1  Checking and Adding Client for MicrosoftNetworksThe Client for Microsoft Networks enables you to connect to other MicrosoftWindows computers and servers and use the files and printers shared onthem. If you work on Microsoft network environment, you need to set upClient for Microsoft Networks.1.  After finishing installing the driver & utility and rebooting the computeras described in Chapter 2. The computer will show a dialog box titledEnter Network Password dialog box. Enter your password if it hadbeen set or just click Cancel.2. Click Start button, select Settings and then click Control Panel toopen the Control Panel window.3. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Network icon to openthe Network dialog box.4. . Select Configuration tab to check Client for Microsoft Networks isinstalled as shown in Figure 3-1. If no, click the Add button. SelectClient and click the Add button.5. Select Microsoft for Manufacturer and Client for Microsoft Networksfor Network Client, and then click OK.
19Figure 3-1203.2  Checking and Adding NetBEUINetBEUI is a protocol you can use to connect to Windows NT, Windows forWorkgroups, or LAN Manager servers. If you work on Microsoft networkenvironment, you need to set up NetBEUI protocol.1.  Repeat the step 2 and 3 of Chapter 3-1 Checking and Adding Client forMicrosoft Networks.2. Select Configuration tab to check NetBEUI -> Wireless LAN PC Card isinstalled. If no, click the Add button. Select Protocol and click the Add button.3. Select Microsoft for Manufacturer and NetBEUI for Network Protocol, and thenclick OK.3.3  Checking and Adding TCP/IPTCP/IP is the protocol you use to connect to the Internet and wide-areanetworks. If you want to connect to Internet, you need to set up TCP/IPprotocol.1.  Repeat the step 2 and 3 of Chapter 3-1 Checking and Adding Client forMicrosoft Networks.2. Select Configuration tab to check TCP/IP -> Wireless LAN PC Cardis installed. If no, click the Add button. Select Protocol and click theAdd button.3. Select Microsoft for Manufacturer and TCP/IP for Network Protocol,and then click OK.4.  If yes, double-click TCP/IP -> Wireless LAN PC Card to open TCP/IPproperties as shown in Figure 3-2. Due to different networkapplications there are many different settings here. You can selecteither Obtain an IP address automatically or Specify an IP address.If you use the Specify and IP address, then you need to enter an IPaddress, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP address, and DNS Server IPaddress for connecting to Internet.
21Figure 3-2223.4  Checking and Adding File and PrinterSharing for Microsoft NetworksFile and printer sharing for Microsoft networks gives you the ability to shareyour files or printers with Windows NT and Windows for Workgroupscomputers. If you want to share your files or printers with Microsoftnetworks, you need to set up this service.1.  Repeat the step 2 and 3 of Chapter 3-1 Checking and Adding Client forMicrosoft Networks.2. Select Configuration tab to check File and printer sharing for MicrosoftNetworks is installed. If no, click the File and Printer Sharing button.3. In the File and Print Sharing window, select what you need, and click OK. Fileand printer sharing for Microsoft Networks, and then click OK.3.5  Checking and Adding Computer Name &Workgroup NameWindows uses the computer name and workgroup name to identify yourcomputer on the network. Please enter an unique name for your computer,the workgroup it will appear in, and a short description of the computer.1.  Repeat the step 2 and 3 of Chapter 3-1 Checking and Adding Client forMicrosoft Networks.2. . Select Identification tab (Windows 98) or User Information tab (Windows 95)to check the computer name, workgroup and computer description are entered.If no, enter a computer name, a workgroup name and then click OK. Thedescription field may be left blank. If you want to share data with other persons,make sure you have the same workgroup name.
23Chapter 4. TroubleshootingThis chapter describes the problems and corresponding solutions that mayoccur when installing a PC Card.Symptom SolutionWindows does notdetect the PC Cardwhen installed.Verify that the PC Card is properly inserted intothe PC Card slot.Check whether the computer has a Plug andPlay BIOS.Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP might not detect thePC Card if a previous installation of the PC Cardwas cancelled before it was finished. Remove theprevious driver, and redo the installation again.Driver fails to load A resource conflict could exist.For Windows 95/98/ME/2000, use the DeviceManager to resolve resource conflicts. SelectSystem from the Control Panel, then click onthe Device Manager tab.Device conflict on aWindows systemA device conflict under Windows 95/98/ME/2000may be related to the PC Card.For Windows 95/98/ME/2000, use the Computerproperties to identify the used I/O port addressesand IRQ values.If there is a device conflict, select alternativesettings for I/O Base Address or IRQ values. Ifyou know which device is conflicting with the PCCard, you have the option of changing thatdevice’s I/O address or IRQ instead of changingthe PC Card.No resource conflictswere detected, but thewireless station does notattach to the networkVerify that the SSID of the PC Card matches thatof the access point. Use the NetworkConfiguration Properties Application in theControl Panel to modify the SSID.Verify that the Network Mode of the PC Card is24configured correctly.Nonfunctioning card LED The PC Card is not powered on. The cause maybe:--No Driver loaded or installed.--Card – Driver mismatch which prevented thedriver from loading.--Device conflict which prevented the driver fromloading.Actions:--Verify that a driver has been installed.--Determine if there is a conflict with anotherdevice.Weak signal orintermittent connectionTry reorienting the antenna. The PC Cardantenna is attached to the end of the PC Card.For best use of the antenna:Keep the area around the antenna clear frommaterials that could block radio transmission,such as metal objects, electronic devices, andcordless telephones.If your signal is weak, change the direction of theantenna slightly.If necessary, move your notebook computer afew inches to find a better signal.Use the Link Quality and Signal Strength displayin the Client Utility to determine the bestlocation and orientation for a network connection.
25Chapter 5. Product SpecificationsGeneralRadio Data Rate 11, 5.5, 2 and 1 Mbps, Auto FallbackOperating Voltage 3.3V/5VRegulation Certifications FCC Part 15/UL, ETSI 300/328/CECompatibility Fully interoperable with IEEE802.11b compliant productsLED Indicator RF Link activityNetwork InformationNetwork Architecture Support ad-hoc, peer-to-peer networks andinfrastructure communications to wired Ethernet networks via Access PointDrivers Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XPAccess Protocol CSMA/CARoaming IEEE802.11b compliantSecurity 64/128-bit WEP data encryptionRadioFrequency Band 2.4 – 2.484 GHzRadio Type Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)Modulation CCK (11, 5.5Mbps), DQPSK (2Mbps), DBPSK (1Mbps)Operation Channels 11 for North America, 14 for Japan, 13 for Europe, 2for Spain, 4 for FranceRF Output Power 19dBm (WPC-8110), 13dBm (WPC-2110)Sensitivity @FER=0.08 11 Mbps <-85dBm (WPC-8110), 83dBm(WPC-2110)5.5 Mbps<-88dBm (WPC-8110), 86dBm (WPC-2110)2 Mbps <-91dBm (WPC-8110), 89dBm (WPC-2110)1 Mbps <-93dBm (WPC-8110), 91dBm (WPC-2110)EnvironmentalTemperature Range 0 to 55 C (operating), -20 to 75 C (storage)Humidity (non-condensing) 10% to 95% typicalPhysical SpecificationsForm Factor PCMCIA Type II PC CardDimensions 118.5(L)mm * 54.5(W)mm * 9.2(H)mmWeight 45 g26Chapter 6. Regulatory Compliance InformationRadio Frequency Interference RequirementsThis device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and Canada RSS-210.Operation is subject to the following conditions:1.  This device may not cause harmful interference.2.  This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.3.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter.4.  Since the module is installed inside the end product, the end product should beaffixed a label on visible area showing that this product contains a RF module,and also its FCC ID.Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one of the following measures:z  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.z  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.z  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.z  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC CautionAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.

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