Sensus Metering Systems VXU3600 Vehicle Transceiver Unit User Manual VXU Operator s Manual

Sensus Metering Systems Vehicle Transceiver Unit VXU Operator s Manual

User Manual

VXU Operator’s ManualInvensys RadioRead System
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 2 -Table of Contents1. Components of the VXU System: ............................................................... 32. Setting up the VXU for Reading:................................................................. 43. Instructions for AutoVu:.............................................................................. 64. VXU System Specification and Description:............................................ 11
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 3 -1. Components of the VXU System:The components that make up your vehicle read system are the following:1. VXU (Vehicle Transceiver Unit).  This is the big gray box with the coolingfins and two handles on the front.2. Laptop computer.  The model of your laptop may vary, but Invensyscurrently supplies the Dell™ Latitude laptop computer with the VXU system.3. Laptop Power Supply and cables.  The laptop will have two power supplyoptions.  One set of charging cables plugs into a standard wall outlet, and theother set is a special converter box and cable that connects directly to theVXU chassis.  For general charging when the VXU is not in use, use thestandard wall outlet charger.  To keep the laptop charged while using theVXU, use the converter and cable that connects directly to the VXU chassis.4. Magnetic mount antenna.  This antenna connects directly to the VXU andcan be mounted on the top of your vehicle.5. Serial Cable.  The serial cable connects the VXU and laptop computer, andis used to transfer data between the VXU and laptop.6. Attenuator cap.  This cap is supplied to fit on the Antenna connector on theVXU chassis when the VXU is not in use.7. VXU Carrying Case.  This case is designed to protect your VXU fromdamage during transit, and has room for the other components in the system.The VXU should be stored in its case, in a dry, well-ventilated place when notin use.Note:  It is important to always begin your vehicle reading process with a fully charged laptopbattery.  For this reason, it is advisable to keep your laptop plugged in to a wall outlet, using thesupplied charging pack, whenever it is not being used for meter reading.  By doing so, you canensure that the laptop always has a full charge when you begin the reading process.   The laptopdoes get power from the VXU when it is properly connected to the VXU, but often the vehicleitself cannot supply enough power to run the VXU, the laptop, and charge the battery at the sametime.  By starting with a fully charged laptop battery, you can significantly lower the risk of yourlaptop shutting off due to a low battery.
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 4 -2. Setting up the VXU for Reading:Note:  It is important to always begin the reading process with a fully charged laptop battery.  TheVXU system is designed to keep your laptop charged while in use, but often times the vehicleelectrical system is unable to supply enough current to adequately run the VXU, the laptop, andcharge the laptop battery at the same time.  For this reason, it is recommended that you keep thelaptop plugged in to a wall outlet with the supplied charging cables, when it is not being used formeter reading.  At very least, plug in the laptop to a wall outlet for several hours prior to readingmeters, to allow time for the battery to become fully charged.  This will greatly reduce the chancesof losing readings due to a laptop failure during the reading process.Setting up the Vehicle Read system is a relatively simple process, and involvesjust a few cable connections.  There are a couple of important things toremember when setting up the system, however:A. NEVER run the VXU (interrogate or read meters) without first connecting theantenna cable to the VXU chassis.  This can seriously damage the VXUtransmitter, and may result in the VXU becoming inoperable.   To avoid sucha possibility, always connect the antenna cable to the VXU chassis FIRST,and the power to the VXU chassis LAST.B. Place the VXU chassis in the vehicle so that the cooling fan hole (on the rightside) and the cooling fins (on the back) are not obstructed.1. To begin setting up the Vehicle Read system, place the VXU chassis in aconvenient location inside the vehicle.  Keep in mind that the power cableswill need to reach the power port on the vehicle.  It is helpful for the operatorto be able to see the face of the VXU chassis when operating the system.2. Connect the Antenna cable to the connector on the VXU chassis.  This isclearly marked with a red warning label reminding you to do this beforeapplying power to the VXU.3. Connect the Serial cable to the VXU and laptop computer.  The cable shouldonly fit one way to the VXU chassis (the male end to the VXU, the female endto the laptop).  Secure the cable with the twist screws on each side of the plugto prevent the cable from becoming dislodged during use.4. Connect the laptop power supply cable and transformer to the VXU andlaptop.  Notice that the location of this connector on the VXU is clearlymarked “Computer Power Out”.  The cable provided has a special connectorthat will lock into place.  This connector will only fit one way, and is a differentsize than the main VXU chassis power connector.  There should be a
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 5 -transformer box and cable that connects between the VXU and laptop.  Therewill be a special end to the cable that connects to the back or side of thelaptop.  (It is on the back of the Dell™ Latitude).   Note:  If your laptop computerdoes not have a power cable that connects to the “Computer Power Out” port on the VXUchassis, you should be able to purchase a cable from the computer vendor.  This will allowyou to connect the laptop directly to a second power port (cigarette lighter receptacle) on thevehicle.  In some cases it can be beneficial to connect to a separate power port to power thelaptop, especially if the vehicle electrical system is weak, or cannot supply enough currentthrough one power port (cigarette lighter receptacle) to run the entire Vehicle Read system.5. Connect the main VXU chassis power cable to the VXU “Power In”connector, and connect it to the vehicle power port (cigarette lighterreceptacle).  Test the power connection by turning on the VXU at the mainpower switch on the face of the VXU chassis, and check that the switch glowsred.  This indicates if the system is receiving power.  Depending on thevehicle, you may need to have the vehicle running in order to get current fromthe power port (cigarette lighter receptacle).6. Power up the laptop computer, and open the AutoVu ™ application.  You arenow ready to retrieve the route information from the route diskette and beginreading meters.VXU Chassis Face
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 6 -3. Instructions for AutoVu:1. Obtain a route diskette that has been loaded with the meters that need to beread.  This diskette must be loaded from the AutoRead program.2. Set up the VXU in the vehicle, and remember to connect the Antenna wirefirst, and the power last.  Transmitting (trying to read meters) with theantenna wire not connected to the VXU will damage the transmitter on theVXU.3. Connect the laptop computer to the VXU with the serial cable.   Also connecta power source to the computer to keep it fully charged while reading meters.It is possible to connect the laptop to the VXU for power, or in some cases, aseparate power source on the vehicle is preferable.  It is a good idea to fullycharge the laptop computer from an AC outlet inside before beginning thereading process.4. After the VXU and other components are connected, boot up the computerand open the AutoVu application.  It should open to the screen shown below:
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 7 -5. Your particular screen may not display the “Vxutest” route.  This is a routethat is used for testing AutoVu.  You can ignore this route.6. Place the route diskette into the laptop and move the pointer up to the menuitem labeled “Route”.  A drop down menu will appear.  Choose “RetrieveNew Route” from this menu.  The screenshot below illustrates this.7.  A window should appear which will let you choose the location and the nameof the route file you wish to retrieve.  The file should be found on “3 ½ FloppyA:".    The name of the route file itself will vary, depending on the name of theroute in the AutoRead program.  However, the name of the route will be“VXU001.rte” in most cases.  In any case, the file that should be selected willhave an extension of “.RTE”.   See the screenshot below.
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 8 -1. Double click on the proper route file, or click once on the file name to select it,and then click on the button labeled “Open”.  The route should then beretrieved from the diskette to the AutoVu database.  Remember that whenyou retrieve a route that has been read previously with the laptop, it will eraseany other readings you had taken for that route last time.2. Once the route is retrieved, remember to change the CYCLE to somethingdifferent than it was the last time the route was read.  For example, if youread on Cycle 7 last month, change to Cycle 6, or Cycle 8, or any otherdifferent cycle.  If the cycle is not changed, no MXUs will respond to the VXU.To change the Cycle, move the pointer up to “Route” again and select “EditCycle/Class”.  Then choose a different Cycle number, and click “OK” to savethe change.
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 9 -3. Once the class has been changed, make sure all connections are still good,and that the VXU itself is on, and then press “CTRL + R” to begin readingmeters.4. It is important to save the readings periodically while reading.  Every 15minutes is a good rule of thumb.  To save the readings to disk, first halt theinterrogation by pressing “ESC”.  Wait about 10 seconds until theInterrogation stops.  Then press “CTRL + E” to export to disk.  Anotherwindow will appear which prompts you to choose the location to save the file.The “3 ½ inch Floppy A:” should be selected.  Usually, you can just press
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 10 -the “Enter” key on the keyboard after pressing “CTRL + E” to save thereadings to the diskette, or click the “EXPORT” button.   After severalseconds, the readings will be saved to disk and you can continue with readingmeters.5. To begin reading again, simply press “CTRL+R”.  You may also begin readingagain by moving the mouse up to “Route” at the top of the screen, clicking,and choosing “Run Route”.  The interrogation will resume.  Remember torepeat step 11 (to save the readings) periodically.6. When finished reading the route, Export the readings to disk one last time,and take the disk back to the office for processing.  You can do this by eitherpressing “CTRL+E” and then “ENTER” again, or just quit AutoVu and theExport window (shown above) should pop up automatically.  After pressing“ENTER” or clicking on “Export” AutoVu will save the readings to diskette andAutoVu will close.
 VXU Operator’s ManualMetering Systems- 11 -4. VXU System Specification and Description:See next page.
 GENERAL The following specifications describe the requirements for a radio-based automatic meter reading system as it relates to the mobile radioVehicle Transceiver Unit (VXU). If meters and/or other equipment areincluded in the proposal or bid, that material will be covered under aseparate specification. RADIO SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The radio AMR system must have the ability to read meters equippedwith absolute encoder registers using either a hand-held or mobileinterrogation unit. The encoder registers will be connected to a MeterTransceiver Unit (MXU) that will provide the radio link from the meter tothe interrogation device.The radio AMR system will utilize a true two-way (interrogate andrespond) communication protocol that enhances system integrity andreliability.  Upon completion of the meter reading route, the meter reading datafrom the VXU will be downloaded via a PC with radio AMR software.The radio AMR software will prepare and format the meter readingdata for the printing of selected management reports and the transferof the meter reading data to the billing software for customer invoicing.   VXU BASIC FUNCTIONS The VXU is considered the complete package that will permit the utilityto read meters by using any vehicle in the utility’s fleet via radio sig-nals. The complete VXU package, as a minimum, will include the following: ● A laptop computer connected to the VXU with the capability to han-dle multiple reading of radio equipped meters and the storage ofmeter reading data ● VXU radio operating software  ● A magnetic mount antenna that connects to the VXU for optimalradio reading performance ● A power cable capable of plugging into a 12-volt cigarette lighter topower the VXU ● Applicable connector cables for the computer and VXU ● Carrying case for all VXU equipmentThe VXU will have the capability to collect and store meter readings atany time on the meter reading route via radio transmission with anymeter equipped with an encoder and MXU.The VXU will send an alert signal to a MXU connected to a meter fittedwith an encoder register. Upon receipt of the alert, the MXU will trans-mit the meter reading data to the VXU. Once this data is received and ifall parameters are valid in the meter reading message, the VXU willacknowledge the MXU that the data is valid and permit the MXU to gointo a power down mode. The VXU will be able to handle multiple read-ings from MXUs simultaneously. The VXU software will periodically transfer the meter reading data tothe hard drive of the VXU computer to maintain already read meters incase of power failure.  The VXU computer will also have its own batteryin case of vehicle power system failure.  VXUSPEC 1 of 2 SPECIFICATIONS RadioRead W For Automatic Meter Reading System ➀ Mobile Radio Vehicle Transceiver Unit (VXU) The VXU will provide the capability to read the MXUs in either a geo-graphic mode or blind mode. Geographic mode being the ability toalert and receive transmission for a specific MXU or group of specifiedMXUs. In the blind mode, the VXU will be able to alert and receivetransmission from any MXU within range of the alert signal simulta-neously.  The VXU shall also have the capability to address MXUs on a wild cardalert basis. The wild card will be operator controlled from the VXU.The VXU, in conjunction with the MXU will have the capability of utiliz-ing a reading cycle code within the transmission protocol. The readingcycle code is utility controlled and changes with each reading cycle.Once an MXU has been successfully interrogated and powered downusing a specific reading cycle code parameter, the MXU will not alertagain until the code is changed.  For optimum performance, the VXU will have the capability to analyzenoise levels of applicable RF channels in the area and select the opti-mum frequency for the MXU to transmit. It will then command throughthe alert signal to the MXU what frequency to transmit the meter read-ing back to the VXU. The VXU shall be able to function either with or without a meter read-ing route.  With a reading route, the VXU will be able to read the metersin either blind or geographic reading mode and post the readings to theproper account through the use of the MXU and encoder register iden-tification number.  Without a reading route, the VXU will be able to readthe meters in either blind or geographic reading mode. The VXU willretain the meter readings for later posting to the billing software bymatching with the proper account through the use of the MXU andencoder register identification number.The VXU software will have the capability to address MXUs in conjunc-tion with the MXU class code option.  The class code being an optionalutility defined code programmed into the MXU for meter reading. VXU DATA TRANSFER The VXU will be able to store the meter reading data either on the harddisk of the laptop computer or on a diskette of the computer disk drive.If stored on the computer hard drive, the meter reading data will beable to be transferred to the computer interfacing to the billing softwarethrough file transfer to a diskette.  The VXU computer will also have thecapability to be directly linked to the interfacing computer for computerto computer transfer. The VXU computer will have a programmablebaud rate capability for the computer transfer. VXU POWER REQUIREMENTS The VXU will be powered from any vehicle in the utility’s fleet that has a12-volt power system.  The VXU computer will have its own battery forbackup in case of the vehicle system failure. The backup battery will beable to operate the VXU computer for at least two (2) hours with a fullycharged battery.  VXU NAVIGATION SYSTEM The VXU will provide for an optional navigation system. The VXUdesign will permit a commercially available GPS receiver to be inter-faced to the VXU via an RS232 link.
 RadioRead ®Mobile Radio Vehicle Transceiver Unit (VXU) SPECIFICATIONS  Invensys Metering SystemsP.O. Box 487450 N. Gallatin AvenueUniontown, PA 154011-800-METER-IT1-800-638-3748FAX (Direct to Factory)Local: (724) 439-7729Toll Free: 1-800-888-2403Web site: www.ims.invensys.comselect North American WaterEmail: AUTHORIZED INVENSYS DISTRIBUTOR VXUSPEC 2 of 2 FCC REGULATIONS All equipment must comply with current Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) requirements which include proper labeling of theVXU. Modifications to transceiver equipment not authorized by InvensysMetering Systems may void FCC  equipment  certification.  . FREQUENCY/MODULATION The VXU will operate on the 956 MHz channel for the purposes ofalerting the MXU in a licensed mode. It will utilize AM modulation forthe alert tone.The vendor will be responsible for assisting the utility in obtaining anyrequired license from the FCC for operation of the equipment. CARRYING CASE The VXU will be supplied with a portable carrying case to permit easystorage and transportability of the VXU as one unit.  The carrying casemust be able to store all components of the VXU package required forvehicle meter reading via radio AMR. INSTALLATION AND TRAINING Complete installation and operating instructions will be included for allof the supplied hardware and software equipment.Proposal must include any additional costs for training and assistanceto install and begin operation of the VXU and operating software. Thevendor will also inform the customer of what pre-installation activitiesare to be completed and what support materials will be needed for theinitial installation.   PERFORMANCE WARRANTIES In evaluating bid submittals, warranty coverage will be considered. Thevendor shall be required to state its warranty and/or guarantee policywith respect to each item of proposed equipment. The procedure forsubmitting warranty claims must also be provided. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND  SUPPORT In addition to initial warranty periods, vendors are required to supplyinformation on required or optional maintenance programs beyond thewarranty period for both hardware and software. Features of those pro-grams shall also be included with any additional charges such as anhourly rate for on-site and/or remote support. The location of and pro-cedures for obtaining such support shall be stated. ➀ See additional specifications.RF Exposure Notice Per FCC Rules To meet the RF exposure requirements in 1.1307 of FCC Rules, a separation distance of at least 53 cm (21 inches) shall be maintained from all persons during operation of the transmitter.
  AMR-304-R1 1 of 2 METER READING SYSTEM VEHICLE TRANSCEIVER UNIT (VXU) APPLICATION:  The Invensys RadioRead T  Vehicle Transceiver Unit(VXU) is a portable radio-based meter reading device which canbe used in any vehicle providing 12-volt DC power. The operatorsimply sets up the system in the vehicle, loads the desired meterreading route into the computer and drives along the meter readingroute in proximity to the meters to be read. The meter reading datais collected while the vehicle traverses the route. The complete VXUpackage includes everything needed to read meters that areequipped with Invensys Meter Transceiver Units. RADIOREAD T  OPERATION:  The Invensys RadioRead systemuses two-way data communications between the VXU and MeterTransceiver Units (MXU) connected to compatible utility meters.When reading meters, the VXU transmits an alert signal to theMXUs, with the operator having the option of directing the alertsignal to all MXUs within range (blind reading mode), or toindividual MXUs (geographic reading mode). When the alert signalis received, each MXU responds by transmitting its data in directsequence spread spectrum modulation. The VXU receives this dataand acknowledges by sending the MXU a message to return to itslow power sleep mode. SYSTEM RELIABILITY:  The Invensys RadioRead system'scommunication architecture ensures reliable meter readings. TheVXU determines clear channels in the 902-928 Mhz spreadspectrum radio frequency band. When the VXU transmits the alertsignal to the MXUs it also establishes the frequency to be used totransmit back this meter reading data. This signal selecting andsynchronization capability provides a highly efficient meter readingprocess that is reliable even in a noisy radio frequencyenvironment.Meter reading is virtually error-free when using RadioRead to readmeters equipped with Invensys absolute encoder registers. Theabsolute encoder registers provide readings taken from actualpositions of their odometer wheels. When readings cannot beobtained due to damage, vandalism or tampering, the errorcondition will be indicated at the time of reading. High or lowcustomer usage patterns can also be verified at the time of thereading. PORTABILITY:  Through the use of advanced miniaturized design,the radio electronics can be packaged in a very compactenclosure. With the addition of a portable computer, connectingcables and antenna, the complete VXU package can be stored inits handy carrying case, ready for fast and easy setup in anyvehicle. This portability eliminates the need to purchase andmaintain a dedicated meter reading vehicle. D ESCRIPTION S PECIFICATIONS SERVICE Radio based mobile utility meter reading system PHYSICALCHARACTERISTICS VXU in metal case with carrying handles.Portable computer in plastic housing.Connection cables, magnetic mount antenna and hardside component carrying case included. DIMENSIONSVXUComputerCarrying Case Wide: 15.10" (383.54 mm)Deep: 11.24" (285.49 mm)High: 5.22" (132.58 mm)Weight: 21 lbs. (9.53 kg)Wide: 11.8" (299.72 mm)Deep: 8.9" (226.06 mm)Weight: 6.64 lbs. (3.01 kg)Wide: 19.25" (488.95 mm)Deep: 13.78" (350 mm)High: 11.87" (301.49 mm)Weight: case: 11 lbs. (4.99 kg)    Complete assembly: 39 lbs. (17.69 kg) POWERVXU withPortableComputer 12-volt DCDC adapter through VXU(with battery back-up; computer only) COMMUNICATIONS Transceiver to computer:Radio Transmit: 956 Mhz (AM)Receive: 902-928 Mhz,    Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum READING RANGE Dependent on MXU installation and RF propagation at time of reading APPROVALSUS:Canada:Mexico: FCCIndustry CanadaSCT LICENSEREQUIREMENTS Equipment licensing requirements are coordinated by Invensys for FCC, Industry Canada and Mexican SCT. Radio licensing may be required by government agencies for other countries. Users should consult their respective government agencies for licensing requirements. RadioRead  T
   Invensys Metering SystemsP.O. Box 487450 N. Gallatin AvenueUniontown, PA 154011-800-METER-IT1-800-638-3748FAX (Direct to Factory)Local: (724) 439-7729Toll Free: 1-800-888-2403Web site: www.ims.invensys.comselect North American WaterEmail: AUTHORIZED INVENSYS DISTRIBUTOR The RadioRead VXU package in its handy carrying case is fully portable. User Friendly Software:  STRIPES (Invensys Interface PollingEquipment System) is a software program especially designed foroperating the VXU. STRIPES features an easy to use pull-downmenu system that permits convenience and simplicity for directingthe meter reading process. STRIPES allows manual entries andspecial route notes to be made by the meter reader/operator viathe portable computer's keyboard. The meter reader/operator canalso easily edit configurations in the route data when necessary.STRIPES works in conjunction with Invensys Automatic MeterReading System (AutoRead T ), a software program designed tomanage utility meter reading data by interfacing with a utility’s ownbilling software. RadioRead T  Makes Reading Utility Meters Fast, Easy and Reliable The RadioRead System can be used to read more meters in amatter of minutes than a typical meter reader, using a manual entrysystem, can usually read in a day. The portable RadioRead VehicleTransceiver Unit (VXU) plugs into a vehicle's standard 12-voltelectrical system enabling it to be used in any car or truck.Coupled with a portable computer and AutoVu software, the VXUpackage provides utilities with maximum meter reading efficiencywhile requiring a minimum of operator training for operation.Thanks to direct sequence spread spectrum modulation technology,RadioRead also provides greater meter reading reliability with fewernon-reads, range limitations and errors compared to other types ofradio based meter reading systems. The system’s higher reliabilityproduces a higher number of completed meter readings to furtherenhance  operating efficiency and minimize customer relationsproblems.Because the RadioRead System works with the same absoluteencoder registers used by the Invensys PhonRead T  System andTouchRead T  System, utilities have greater flexibility such as mixingand matching to meet specific needs or situations—or for plannedmigrations from one system to another without requiring the metersand registers to be exchanged. The RadioRead System is alsoeasily upgradeable to a fixed base meter reading system.Carrying CasePortable ComputerAntennaVXU Power CableVXUSerial CableComputer Power Cord AMR-304-R1 2 of 2 Plug-in-and-go set-up is fast and easy to use. METER READING SYSTEM VEHICLE TRANSCEIVER UNIT (VXU) RadioRead  T

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