Sepura plc SRG3500XB TETRA Mobile/Gateway Terminal User Manual Mobile Gateway

Sepura plc TETRA Mobile/Gateway Terminal Mobile Gateway

Mobile gateway accessories

sepura     Mobile & Gateway  Accessory i/f specification SB-P-06-4066      PRODUCT BULLETIN  © SEPURA PLC 2011
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 2 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    Contents  LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................... 5 ISSUE HISTORY ............................................................................................. 6 PREFACE ........................................................................................................ 7 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7 Terminology ............................................................................................................................. 7 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... 7 Conventions ............................................................................................................................. 7 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ................................................................ 8 INTERFACE OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 10 Transceiver ............................................................................................................................. 10 Console ................................................................................................................................... 10 AIU Mk1 ................................................................................................................................... 11 AIU Mk2. .................................................................................................................................. 11 Example interconnect block diagram .................................................................................. 12 CONSOLE INTERFACE ................................................................................ 13 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 13 Transceiver connector. ......................................................................................................... 13 Console/AIU connector ......................................................................................................... 13 Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 14 Line Level Audio Support ..................................................................................................... 16 POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE ..................................................................... 19 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 19
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 3 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 19 Speaker configurations ......................................................................................................... 21 AUDIO ACCESSORY INTERFACE (AAI) ..................................................... 22 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 22 Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 22 Audio Accessory Identity Table ........................................................................................... 24 Accessory Keys Table .......................................................................................................... 24 Audio gain .............................................................................................................................. 25 AIU MK 1 Jack Connectors ................................................................................................... 26 Connector Details .................................................................................................................. 26 Jack Signals ........................................................................................................................... 26 AIU MK 2 Jack Connectors ................................................................................................... 27 AAI2 – via jack connector ..................................................................................................... 27 RCI CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................... 29 Connector Details .................................................................................................................. 29 Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 29 DESK MOUNT UNIT CONNECTORS ........................................................... 31 Desk Microphone/Headset Connector................................................................................. 31 Connector Details .................................................................................................................. 31 Signals .................................................................................................................................... 31 Foot Switch Connector ......................................................................................................... 31 Connector Details .................................................................................................................. 31 Signals .................................................................................................................................... 32 Loudspeaker Connector ....................................................................................................... 32 DATA CONNECTOR INTERFACE ............................................................... 33 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 33
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 4 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 33 ANTENNA’S .................................................................................................. 35 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 35 Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 35 GPS ANTENNA ............................................................................................. 36 Connector details .................................................................................................................. 36 Signal details .......................................................................................................................... 36 CONSOLE AND AIU CABLE SPECIFCATION ............................................ 37 Cableform Mechanical Details .............................................................................................. 37 Cable form Grommet ............................................................................................................. 38 NOTICE ......................................................................................................... 39 Contact Details ....................................................................................................................... 39
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 5 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES  The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product  defined  in  this  document.    This  document  is  intended  for  the  use  of  Sepura  plc‘s customers and/or other parties only for the purposes of the agreement or arrangement under which this document is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Sepura plc.   The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer and/or other party assumes full responsibility when using  it.   Sepura plc welcomes  customer  and/or  other  party  comments  as  part  of  the  process  of  continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding but  shall  be  defined  in  the  agreement  or  arrangement  made  between  Sepura  Plc  and  the customer and/or other party.   However, Sepura plc has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions.  Sepura plc will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by this document. Sepura plc‘s liability for any errors in this document is limited to the documentary correction of errors.  Sepura plc will not be responsible in any event for errors in this document or for any damages, incidental or consequential, (including monetary losses), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the applicable laws. Other  product  names  mentioned  in  this  document  may  be  trademarks  of  their  respective companies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 6 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   ISSUE HISTORY    Version Date Change Version 1 1st June 2006 Supersedes SB-P-05-4042 Version 2 24th July 2006 Added declaration of conformity statement. Added abbreviations table. Clarified difference between Mk1 and  Mk2 AIU‘s. Added cable form details. Version 3 22nd Sept 2006 Clarified data interface = PEI port  Corrected  AIU  Mk1  and  Mk2  contents  re  audio  accessory support Clarified MIC and EAR on RCI port no longer supported AIU Mk1 superseded by AIU Mk2 Added Input freq spec and levels for GPS antenna  Version 4  19th Jan 2007 3679 parameter details added SRM/G2 and 3 digital I/O capability clarification. Version 5 17th April 2007 Added  reverse  battery polarity comment  and  note  re  digital input resistance. Corrected block diagram GPS connector. Added GPS LNA gain requirement  Version 6 17th Feb 2009 Incorporates  V9  changes  (AIS  Issue  7  and  8  of  the development document) Version 6a 6th May 2009 Added  [ITU-T  V.24]  and  [ITU-T  V.28]  RS232  serial  data compliant Version 6b 13th Aug 2010 Added  comment  to  section  6  regarding  sidetone  being present for all accessories Issue 7 15th Sept 2010 Corrected formatting issues found in issue 6b Issue 7a 10th Jan 2011 Corrected hyperlink error on page 13 & 14. Added reference for SCC AIS Issue 7b  20th Jul 2011 Further tidy up of formatting Issue 7c 30th Jul 2012 Corrected references to digital i/o on console (page10)
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 7 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   PREFACE INTRODUCTION This  product  bulletin  describes the  electrical  and  physical  interfaces  of  the  2000  and  3000 series of Sepura Mobile and Gateway products.   It has been produced to enable accessory providers to interface their products to these radio platforms.   TERMINOLOGY  Term Definition Signal names with lower case ―n‖. These signals are active low.  ABBREVIATIONS Convention Description AAI Audio Accessory Interfaces AIU Application Interface Unit DMU Desktop Mount Unit MDT Mobile Data Terminal RCI Remote Control Interface RCU Remote Control Unit PEI Peripheral Equipment Interface PTT Press-to-talk switch.  CONVENTIONS  Convention Description  Note icon, emphasizes related, reinforcing, or important information.  Caution icon. Indicates actions or processes that require caution from the user
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 8 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY  Sepura  mobile  terminals  and  approved  accessories  are  compliant  with  the  essential requirements  of  the  1999/05/EC  Radio  and  Telecommunications  Terminal  Equipment (R&TTE) Directive. The mobile variants and accessories are specified in the Declaration of Conformity number DC/C 02001-3.  A copy of the declaration is available from Sepura on request. As such, Sepura mobile terminals are compliant with the following mandatory specifications: Safety  to  relevant  parts  of  EN 60950  (Safety  of  Information  Technology  Equipment).  This includes the Low Voltage Directive (LVD);  Electromagnetic  Compatibility  (EMC)  to  relevant  parts  of   EN 301 489  (Electromagnetic Compatibility & Radio Spectrum Matters);  TETRA air interface to EN 303 035 (Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Harmonized EN for TETRA equipment covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive); In  addition,  Sepura  mobile  terminals  and  Third  Party  Accessory  must  also  maintain conformance in the following areas: Dust & moisture protection to IP54 or greater to meet the needs of the user environment and the relevant parts of ETS 300-019; CEN1789:2000 Protection  against Acoustic Shock to relevant parts  of ITU P.360.  Sepura mobile terminals comply with the maximum audio levels specified for Longer Duration disturbances.  The performance of the mobile must not be compromised by the r.f. field generated by the mobile interfering with the accessory (different versions of Sepura mobile terminals operate over frequencies within the range 350 MHz to 900 MHz and generate signals complying with TETRA standards).  For example no audio interference should occur when a TETRA portable transmitting at 1 W r.f.  power,  at  frequencies  between  300 MHz  and  900 MHz,  is  held  within  1cm  of  the accessory. The  product  shall  not  degrade  the  performance  of  a  SRM/G  3500/3900  installation  when tested to TETRA EMC spec. EN 301489-1&18 V1.6.1 (2005-09) Including Annex B. The  combination  of  the  accessory  and  the  mobile  must  be  ―fit  for  purpose‖.  The  use  of  an accessory must not make the mobile difficult or awkward to use, or in any way degrade its performance.       It  is  most  important  that  any  accessory  designed  for  use  with  Sepura  mobile terminals does not affect any of the current approvals
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 9 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Sepura requires the designer/manufacturer to:   Allow  Sepura  to  review,  and  comment  on,  the  ―Test  Plan‖ —  this  document  will describe  the  tests  to  be  performed  by,  or  on  behalf  of,  the  Third  Party  accessory designer/manufacturer to confirm continued compliance with the above specifications,    Provide Sepura with a ―technical file”, which shall contain design details and results of tests undertaken and the appropriate Declaration of Conformity. The information must be  approved  by  Sepura prior  to  the  Third  Party  supplying  the  Accessory  to customers.     Sepura must be notified of any amendment to the approved Accessory which could affect the continued conformance. In the event that there is a problem, perceived or real,  with  the  interaction  of  Sepura  mobile  terminals  and  the  supplied  Third  Party Accessory, the Third Party must make available to Sepura documentary evidence of relevant test results.           The “technical  file” must be approved by Sepura prior to the Third Party supplying the Accessory to customers.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 10 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    INTERFACE OVERVIEW  The  Mobile  and  Gateway  products  are  available  as  a  one,  two  or  three  unit  solution supporting  a  mix  of  up  to  two  Consoles  or  Application  Interface  Units  (AIU)  plus  the transceiver, allowing the radios to be used in many different applications and support up to 4 audio accessories such as handsets, fist microphones and headsets.  TRANSCEIVER  The SRM and SRG series of transceivers support:    2 off Console Interfaces - each can support a Console, an AIU, or an external data application connected via a Sepura data lead. Any combinations of units on the two Console Interfaces are possible. The Console interface is also used to customise and program the unit via Radio Manager.   1 off Power interface providing connection for the battery, ignition sense line and also the transceivers speaker.   3 digital inputs and 1 digital output on the power interface connector   1 off RF connector for the Tetra antenna.   GPS connector (optional).      The  SRM2000,  SRG2000  and  SRM3500  series  of  transceivers  are  no  longer available; they have been superseded by the SRG3500/SRG3900 transceiver.    CONSOLE  Each Console provides:    2  off  AAI  ports  allowing  connection  of  two  audio  accessories.  Each  AAI  supports optional hook signalling, PTT input and up to 6 accessory keys.   1  off  data  interface  with  RS232  PEI  port  allows  connection  to  an  external  data application  via  a  Sepura  Data  Lead.  The  interface  is  also  used  to  customise  and program the unit via Radio Manager.   The  extra  3  digital  inputs  and  1  digital  output  available  on  the  transceiver  power interface connector are not available from the console.      For details of the SCC accessories interface, see document MOD-10-1253 for further information
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 11 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    AIU MK1 The AIU Mk1 provides:    2  off  AAI  ports  allow  connection  of  two  audio  accessories.    Each  AAI  supports optional  hook  signalling,  PTT  input  and  up  to  6  accessory  keys.  AAI2  audio connections  are  also  mirrored  to  the  Jack  sockets,  allowing  flexibility  in  the connection of audio accessories.   1  off  data  interface  with  RS232  PEI  port  allowing  connection  of  an  external  data application  via  a  Sepura  Data  Lead.  The  interface  is  also  used  to  customise  and program the unit via Radio Manager.    3 digital inputs.    1 digital output.      The  AIU  Mk1  (part  number  300-00087)  is  no  longer  available,  it  has  been superseded by the AIU Mk2 (part number 300-00217).   AIU MK2. The AIU Mk2 supersedes the MK1 device and provides:    1 off AAI allowing connection of one audio accessory.  The AAI1 supports optional hook signalling, PTT input and up to 6 accessory keys.   AAI2  is  only  presented  on  a  Jack  socket,  allowing  connection  of  a  second  audio accessory.   1 off RCI port enabling control of the transceiver via an RCU such as the Sepura 300-00164.   1  off  data  interface  with  RS232  PEI  port  allowing  connection  of  an  external  data application  via  a  Sepura  Data  Lead.  The  interface  is  also  used  to  customise  and program the unit via Radio Manager.    3 digital inputs.    1 digital output.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 12 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   EXAMPLE INTERCONNECT BLOCK DIAGRAM The  diagram  shows  just  one of many  possible  solutions  and  highlights  the  flexibility of  the Sepura product.   Console Interface  (15 way HD Type)   Proprietary console interface signaling   Standard RS232 PEI Port for connection of third party equipment and transceiver programming.    Microphone line audio   Earpiece line audio   Console power   On/Off Control   Ground Data Interface Connector  (15 Way HD Type)   Standard RS232 PEI Port for connection of third party equipment and transceiver programming   4 Programmable I/O (AIU only) Console or  AIU Mk1 Audio Accessory Interface (10 way Hirose)   Microphone input   Earpiece output   Hooking input   PTT input   Accessory soft key input   Accessory identifier input   Ground Power Supply Interface  (15 way D Type)   Supply input and ground reference   Ignition sense input   Loudspeaker Output   4 Programmable I/O Antenna Connector  BNC Audio Accessory 2 Audio Accessory 1  MDT or Programmer Battery/ Ignition detect Digital I/O Loudspeaker Data Lead 15 Way HD Type to  9 Way D Type Console to Transceiver Cable 15 way HD type to 16 way Hirose GPS Connector  (option) SMC Transceiver
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 13 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    CONSOLE INTERFACE  There are a number of Console Interfaces: 2 off on the Transceiver designated ‗Interface1‘ and ‗Interface 2‘. 1 off on the Console used  to connect the Console back to the transceiver via ‗Interface1‘ or ‗Interface 2‘. 1 off on AIU Mk1 and 2 designated ‗TRX‘ used to connect the Console back to the transceiver via ‗Interface1‘ and ‗Interface 2‘.  CONNECTOR DETAILS TRANSCEIVER CONNECTOR.  Connector Type:  15 way high density D type female    Connector viewed from the rear of the Transceiver CONSOLE/AIU CONNECTOR  Connector Type: Hirose 16 way male header,  Sepura part number 3513 999 99318 Mating plug:  Hirose number DF11-16DS-2C        11     12      13      14      15 1          2         3        4         5 6       7       8     9      10 1       3      5       7       9      11    13     15  2      4       6       8      10     12     14     16 Connector viewed from the rear of the Console.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 14 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   SIGNAL DETAILS   Transceiver Pin No. (15 way HD D-type) Console Pin No. (16 way header) Signal Name  Signal Direction Signal Function Signal Characteristics 1 14 CONSOLE_TXD Input to  control subsystem Control data from the console. RS232 levels 2 16 CONSOLE_RXD Output    from control subsystem Control  data  to  the console. RS232 levels 3 5 PWR_ON Output  from console subsystem Switch  signal  to  turn transceiver on2. Low going edge  triggered.  Pull to 0 V to switch-on. (Pull  up  to  un-switched 12 V  rail  in  the transceiver.) Assertion time: 10 ms 4 15 POWER_OUT Output  from  PSU subsystem Power  supply  to console 13V  nominal  supply, enabled  internally  to  the transceiver.  Includes over current/temperature protection. Rated for  280 mA  nominal load 400 mA max. 5 Console interface 1  2 LS_LINE_13 Output  from  audio subsystem Audio  line  output  to console. Maximum  output  (  peak DAC output) 1.25 Vpk sine, a.c. coupled, into 600 Ω load. 5 Console interface 2  2 LS_LINE_13 Output  from  audio subsystem Audio  line  output  to console. Maximum  output  (  peak DAC output) 1.25 Vpk sine, a.c. coupled, into 600 Ω load. Line  output  from audio subsystem. LINE AUDIO OUT  See note 3 below Maximum  output  (  peak DAC output) 1.25 Vpk sine, a.c. coupled, into 600 Ω load. 6 4 LS_LINE_2 Output  from  audio subsystem Ground  return  for audio line output. Ground to audio star point 7 Console interface 1  1 MIC_LINE_SIG Single  function: input  to  audio subsystem. Audio  line  input signal  from microphones connected  to console. Maximum  operating  level (  FSD  on  speech  ADC) 0.65 V  pk  sine,  AC coupled,  into  600 Ω  load impedance. 7 Console 1 MIC_LINE_SIG Reserved  input function Reserved  input function Reserved input function
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 15 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Transceiver Pin No. (15 way HD D-type) Console Pin No. (16 way header) Signal Name  Signal Direction Signal Function Signal Characteristics interface 2  Input  to  audio subsystem Microphone input. Audio  in:  maximum operating  level  (  FSD  on speech  ADC)  0.65 Vpk sine,  AC  coupled,  into 600 Ω load impedance. Line  input  to  audio subsystem LINE AUDIO IN See note 3 below Audio  in:  maximum operating  level  (  FSD  on speech  ADC)  0.65 Vpk sine,  AC  coupled,  into 600 Ω load impedance. 8 Console  interface 1 3 MIC_LINE_GND Input  to  audio subsystem. Ground  return  for microphone input. Main  ground  to  audio  star point via 100 Ω resistor. 8 Console  interface 2. 3 MIC_LINE_GND Input  to  audio subsystem. Ground  return  for microphone input. Main  ground  via  100 Ω resistor.    Input  voltage must be < 0.3 V (to ensure input  functions  as microphone input). Reserved function Reserved function Do NOT tie to ground 9 9 RS232_DCD4 Output from control subsystem  RS232 levels  10 7 RS232_RXD4 Output from control subsystem  RS232 levels 11 12 RS232_TXD4 Input  to  control subsystem   RS232 levels 12 11 RS232_RTS4 Input  to  control subsystem Hardware  flow control RS232 levels 13 10 RS232_CTS4 Output from control subsystem Hardware  flow control RS232 levels 14 8 RS232_DTR4 Input  to  control subsystem Data terminal ready RS232 levels 15 13 GND - Power  Ground  and return  for  digital paths. - metal shell 6 Screen  - Over-all cable screen Connect to digital GND  Notes: Intentionally blank
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 16 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   The  mechanism  to  switch  the  transceiver  off  from  the  console  uses  a  Sepura  proprietary message sent over the console control data interface (pins 1 and 2). Line level audio is supported on the 380-430MHz band transceiver with V9 software (or latter) plus  the  appropriate  Feature  License  Code  (part  number  600-00033)  installed  via  Radio Manager.  380-430MHz  radios  can  be  identified  by  having  ―W‖  as  the  fifth  character  of  the nineteen character hardware code.   RS232 interface is [ITU-T V.24] & [ITU-T V.28] Compliant  LINE LEVEL AUDIO SUPPORT The following table is a subset of the table in 6.4 showing only the relevant connections for Line Level audio:  Line Level Audio IN (pins 7 and 8 on Console Interface 2) and  Line Level Audio OUT (pins 5 and 6 on Console Interface 2)    Transceiver Pin No. (15 way HD D-type) Console Pin No. (16 way header) Signal Name  Signal Direction Signal Function Signal Characteristics   Line  Audio  OUT pair 5 Console interface 2  2 LS_LINE_13 Line  output  from audio subsystem. LINE AUDIO OUT  See note 3 above Maximum  output  (  peak  DAC output) 1.25 Vpk sine, a.c. coupled, into 600 Ω load. 6 Console interface 2 4 LS_LINE_2 Output  from  audio subsystem Ground  return  for audio line output. Ground to audio star point   Line  Audio  IN  pair 7 Console interface 2  1 MIC_LINE_SIG Line  input  to  audio subsystem LINE AUDIO IN See note 3 above Audio in:  maximum operating level (  FSD  on  speech  ADC)  0.65 Vpk sine,  AC  coupled,  into  600 Ω  load impedance. 8 Console  interface 2. 3 MIC_LINE_GND Input  to  audio subsystem. Ground  return  for microphone input. Main  ground  via  100 Ω  resistor.  Input  voltage  < 0.3 V  (to  ensure input  functions  as  microphone input).  metal shell 6 Screen  - Over-all cable screen Connect to digital GND  It is expected that a 3rd party will construct a bespoke cable to bring the above connections into use.   A splitter/breakout box  (300-00221) is available  to allow both  connection  of a  Console and facilitate simple connection by a third party cable (see over leaf).
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 17 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011                             The  above  shows  a  just  one  possible  installation  option  with  two  consoles,  the splitter/breakout box together with what accessories may be attached whilst Console Interface 2 is programmed to support Line Level Audio.   Console  attached  to  Interface  2  with Line  Audio  enabled  If  a  console  is connected  to  Console  Interface  2  and Line  Audio  is  also  enabled,  you cannot attach and  accessory  with an  earpiece. This  is  because  the  audio  is  set  at  a specific level. DAT Line -out Audio, No Mic, No Sidetone  PEI data5V supplyLine -out Audio, with MicLight-BarPA Loudspeaker  DAT recorder  Call Detail Recorder PTTHandsfree mic DAT Line -out Audio, No Mic, No Sidetone  PEI data5V supplyLine -out Audio, with MicLight-BarPA Loudspeaker  DAT recorder  Call Detail Recorder PTTHandsfree mic A  console  connected  to  Console Interface  1  can  support  the  full range of accessories – even with Line Audio enable Expander box 12GND K30 CIF1 CIF2PWRCIF1CIF2 PWRTRX2 TRX1SSUFRONT of VEHICLEREAR of VEHICLEPTT3 TRX1PTT4 TRX2 This is the ignition detect line into each TRXThese cables carry unamplified mic signal1 2These cables carry unamplified mic signalPTT21             Only  one  of  these  options  may  be  programmed  at  a  time  using  the  Radio Manager.                                                                              300-00221 Splitter/Breakout Box
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 18 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   A third-party MDT manufacturer could equally attach his MDT audio IN and OUT in place of the items shown in Red above  For more details - please refer to:   Feature  Description  V9  bulletin  number  MOD-08-538  for  details  on  the  options available whilst using Line Level Audio.   Radio Manager v1.5 onwards
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 19 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE  There is a single Power Supply Interface located on the rear panel of the Transceiver. CONNECTOR DETAILS  SIGNAL DETAILS Pin Number SRM Signal Name Input/ Output SRM2 Description Performance 1,2,9,10 GND_CAR I Supply input 0V 4,5,11,12 12V_CAR I Supply input 17V absolute max. 15.6V max operating 13.2V nominal, 10.8V min. operating Abs. max operating current 7.5A See notes below. I(off) <5mA I(stby, registered) <450mA I(rx, speech full volume) <2.3A I(Tx, 10W single slot) <5.1A All currents assume a single Console connected. Reverse polarity protection (see note 9) 3 IGN_SENSE I On-Off See notes overleaf. 6 LS_B O Loudspeaker  See signal LS_A 15 way male D type                                          Connector viewed from the rear of Transceiver.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 20 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Pin Number SRM Signal Name Input/ Output SRM2 Description Performance 7 GPI_1 I Programmable I/O input 1 VIH min = 2.0V VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms (see also note 10) 8 GPI_3 I Programmable I/O input 3 VIH min = 2.0V VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms (see also note 10) 13 LS_A O Loudspeaker Typical solution is a balanced 4 ohms single speaker with 8W maximum load power.  The speaker drive is rated to support two parallel 4 ohm speakers in a balanced 2 ohm configuration. Speakers with power rating of less than 8W may be prone to damage. See section 5.3 14 ODO_1 O Programmable I/O output Open drain, active low.  500mA max sink current 15.8V max external voltage Protected against inductive loads. VOL max = 200mV @ 0.5A 15 GPI_2 I Programmable I/O input 2 VIH min = 2.0V VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 21 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Pin Number SRM Signal Name Input/ Output SRM2 Description Performance (see also note 10) Screen   Screen   Notes:   1.  The Transceiver will power up if the on/off key (PWR_ON) is held ‗on‘  on the Transceiver regardless of the state of the ignition (IGN_SENSE) signal. 2.  The Transceiver hardware will power up if the ignition line (IGN_SENSE)  goes  high at the same time that the power input goes high and the power input is >10V.  The power input must rise at a rate of >100V/s for the product to power up.  3.  The Transceiver hardware will power up if the power input is present and >10V and the ignition line (IGN_SENSE) goes high. 4.  The mechanism to switch the transceiver off from the console uses a message sent over the console interface. 5.  The  Transceiver  software  is  able  to  turn  the  Transceiver  off  even  if  the  ignition (IGN_SENSE) is high. 6.  A Transceiver software parameter 3679 – Inactivity Timer - can be configured so that the Transceiver  will  switch  off  immediately  the  ignition  (IGN_SENSE)  goes  low  or  after  a defined period of inactivity.  7.  Neither of the power up signals; PWR_ON and IGN_SENSE, maintains the Transceiver power on (i.e. they are non-latching).  The Transceivers own software is responsible for holding the Transceiver internal power supply on. 8.  It is NOT possible to disable the ability of Console Mode button to power the radio ON or OFF 9.  Reverse polarity protection is provided. When reverse polarity connected a diode allows in excess of 10A to flow through it, this will cause the external fuse to break and cut off the battery power without damaging the radio. 10. There is a pull-down resistance on each digital input. The resistance to ground, will vary in the range 10k to 27k ohms depending on the applied input voltage, this because there is a resistor divider network feeding a transistor junction SPEAKER CONFIGURATIONS  Typically  only  one  4ohm  8w  speaker  is  connected  to  the transceiver  However the speaker driver  is rated  to  support two  parallel 4ohm speakers in a balanced 2 ohm configuration as shown below.    No  dual  speaker  adapter  cable  is  currently  available  from Sepura, it is  expected that the installer will manufacture an appropriate splitter cable    5V supply
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 22 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    AUDIO ACCESSORY INTERFACE (AAI)   There are two AAI ports designated AAI1 and AAI2 located on the Console and AIU. A subset of AAI2 connections are duplicated on two jack sockets on AIU Mk1.  AIU Mk2 supports the AAI2 interface via jack connectors only.  NOTE:- Audio side-tone is permanently present for all accessories! CONNECTOR DETAILS  Header: Sepura 3513 999 99316 Mating plug:  Hirose number  DF11-10DS-2C   SIGNAL DETAILS Pin  Number Signal Name Input/ Output Description Comment 1 ACC_ID I Accessory Identity 5V  ADC  input  with  internal  47k  pull-up.      See section 6.3 2 GND - Main  Ground return - 3 SCN - Screen Connection - 4 ACC_KEYS I Accessory Keys 5V  ADC  input  with  internal  330R  pull-up.    See section 6.4 5 nON_HOOK I Hook Signal 5V CMOS input, active low.  Internal 47k pull up to 5V  6 nPTT I PTT input 5V CMOS input, active low. 1       3      5       7      9          2      4      6       8       10       Connector viewed from the rear of the Console or AIU.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 23 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Pin  Number Signal Name Input/ Output Description Comment Internal 47k pull up to 5V  7 MIC_SIG I Microphone input Console & AIU mk. 1, 2, 3 Sensitivity at ―normal‖ setting = 100 mVpp for max. modulation. Sensitivity at default ―high‖ setting = 10 mVpp for max. modulation. DC bias via internal 2.2 kΩ pull-up to 3 V when microphone enabled; floating when microphone muted.  Zin = 2.2 kΩ.  AIU mk. 2 1, 3 Sensitivity at default ―normal‖ setting = 150 mVpp for max. modulation. Sensitivity at default ―high‖ setting = 15 mVpp for max. modulation. DC bias via internal 4.4 kΩ pull-up to 3 V.  Zin = 1 kΩ.  If  microphone  resistance  < 100 Ω,  “high”  sensitivity is  selected.    Sensitivity  =  15 mVpp  for  max. modulation. 8 MIC_GND - Microphone return -  9 EAR_SIG O Earpiece output 32  ohms,  power capability  =  approx  100 mW  max. (See note 7 below) 10 EAR_GND - Earpiece return -   Notes: 1.  Transceiver gain set to reference level, see section 6.5 2.  The AIU Mk1 has been superseded by the AIU Mk2. 3.  There are two audio gain  settings: ―normal‖ intended for handheld microphones and ―high‖ intended for remote microphones.  If the audio accessory identification resistor (see section 6.3)  is 10 kΩ,  or  greater,  the  ―normal‖  gain  setting  is  selected.    ―High‖ gain (20 dB higher than ―normal‖ gain) is always selected when the audio accessory identification resistor is 0 Ω, i.e., ACC_ID is connected to ground.  4.  AIU Mk2 only   If the microphone resistance is < 100 Ω, the gain will be ―high‖.  This functionality is intended to allow dynamic microphones to operate with this interface — as used in certain motorcycle helmet installations.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 24 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    Accessory ID resistor Microphone resistance Gain setting ≥ 10 kΩ > 1 kΩ, e.g., electret ―Normal‖ ≥ 10 kΩ < 100 Ω, e.g., moving coil (AIU Mk2) ―High‖ 0 Ω any value ―High‖  5.  The earpiece amplifier does not have any output current limiting resistors fitted and is designed to drive loads with a minimum impedance of 8 Ω loads from a 5 V supply 6.  The  transceiver  mutes  the  microphone  by  turning  off  the  electret  microphone  DC supply on pin 7 of the AAI.  If the audio source is not an electret microphone, then the accessory must implement its own mute by detecting the loss of the DC voltage from this pin.  7.  When Normal gain is selected, the presence of a microphone load with a resistance of  less  than  100  Ohms  will  automatically  select  a  higher  gain  signal  path.  This functionality is intended to allow dynamic microphones to operate with this interface - as used in certain motorcycle helmet installations. The transceiver is unaware of any gain change. 8.  These signals and pin out are not compatible with SRM1000 accessories.   AUDIO ACCESSORY IDENTITY TABLE The  transceiver  identifies  audio  accessories  attached  to  an  AAI  through  the  resistance presented between pin 1 and pin 2 of each AAI.  Audio Accessory Type Associated identifying resistor value, ohms (2%) Nominal voltage on ACC_ID pin, V Nominal ADC value no device attached  5 255 reserved 220k 4.1 210 local  microphone,  PTT  &  hook,  (e.g.  fist microphone)  100k 3.4 173 local  microphone,  PTT,  earpiece  &  hook (e.g. handset); 47k 2.5 128 local  microphone  &    PTT  without  hook (e.g. desk microphone) 22k 1.6 82 local microphone, PTT & earpiece without hook (e.g. headset)  10k 0.88 45 remote  microphone  &  switches  without hook; 0 0 0  ACCESSORY KEYS TABLE The transceiver identifies which accessory key is pressed through the resistance presented between pin 4 and pin 2 of each AAI.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 25 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Device state Key press Nominal  voltage  on  ACC_KEYS pin, V Nominal ADC value not attached N/A 5.00 255 attached None 4.51 230 attached 0 3.94 201 attached 1 3.35 171 attached 2 2.70 139 attached 3 2.00 102 attached 4 1.46 74 attached 5 0.85 44  The  accessory  keys  use  a  circuit  structure  like  that  given  below.    Resistor  values  and associated logical key numbers (which map to functions specified by the Radio Manager) are as follows:           AUDIO GAIN Different  microphones  require  different  gains  settings,  e.g.,  a  fist  microphone  will  usually require a lower gain setting than a remote microphone.   The audio gains of different microphone categories, e.g., fist microphone and headset, can be adjusted  over  a  45 dB  range  via  Radio  Manager.    This  gain  variation  takes  place  in  the transceiver and is in addition to the console and AIU sensitivity settings, ―normal‖ and ―high‖, described in section 6.2.  The sensitivities for the console and AIU stated in section 6.2 are achieved  when  the  transceiver  audio  gain  -  programmable  via  Radio  Manager  -  is  set  to 24 dB.  Accessory Radio Manager default setting Covert microphone 30 dB 68R 68RRR 82R 180R 270R 560R 5 3 4 2 1 0 ACC_KEYS GND Key number = 1800R
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 26 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Radio  manager includes  default transceiver  gain settings  for  various accessories,  but  if  these  are  incorrect  for  a  particular  customer‘s  needs,  the  gain  can  be programmed to any setting within the 45 dB range.  AIU MK 1 JACK CONNECTORS  Jack sockets provide an alternative method for connecting audio accessories to the AIU Mk1. The jack sockets are an alternative format for the AAI2 connector.  One Jack socket designated ‗MIC‘ supports:   Microphone audio.   Accessory ID.  The other Jack socket designated ‗PTT‘ supports:   PTT.   Accessory key 5 only.      It  should  be  noted  that  in  the  AIU  Mk1  the  Jack  sockets  share  the  AAI2  audio connections; hence accessories must not be plugged in to the Jack sockets and the AAI2 connector at the same time.   CONNECTOR DETAILS Stereo 3.5mm Jack socket. Mechanical latching is provided by securing the jack plug body to features in the AIU mounting plate   JACK SIGNALS   Jack  Pin  number  Identification  (for reference):      MIC‘ Jack Socket:  Pin Signal Name 1 GND 2 ACC_ID (AAI-2 Channel) 3 MIC_SIG (AAI-2 Channel)    Desk Microphone Fist microphone Handset Headset Remote microphone 27 dB 1 2 3
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 27 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    ‗PTT Jack Socket:  Pin Signal Name 1 GND 2 Jack key input 10 kΩ pull-up to 5 V in the AIU.  Connecting this pin to GND via a 22 kΩ (or less) resistance will cause the console software to see ‗Accessory Key 5‘ pressed on AAI2. 3 nPTT  (AAI-2 Channel)  Note if an SRH side jack microphone is connected in the via the microphone jack socket, the ACC_ID signal will be shorted to GND (pins 1 and 2 shorted) by the mono jack plug, so the remote microphone accessory will be detected correctly   AIU MK 2 JACK CONNECTORS  On the Mk 2 version of the Accessory Interface Unit (AIU) some of the pin functionality is re-allocated  on  the  AAI2  connector  and  the  connector  is  renamed  ―Remote  Control  Interface‖ (RCI) (see section 7).   The AIU Mk 2 has a VOGAD circuit in line with both of the microphone paths. The gain on the AAI1 and AAI2 mic paths can be locally varied according to the type of microphone connected and a microphone detect function is provided on AAI1.  AAI2 – VIA JACK CONNECTOR For AIU Mk 2 the AAI2 audio input functionality is only available via the jack connector. The performance and expected signal properties are slightly different from those of AIU Mk 1.  Jack Pin Number Signal Name Input/ Output Description Performance 3  MIC_SIG I Microphone input Normal gain: 150mVrms nominal High gain: 15mVrms nominal Low gain: 1.2 Vrms nominal. 2.2 kΩ internal pull up to 8V.  The higher bias voltage and the addition of microphone load detection, allow this interface to operate with active remote microphones e.g.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 28 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Accessory  ID  resistor, ACC_ID2 Microphone resistance or current Gain setting ≥ 10 kΩ > 20 kΩ  (< 0.4 mA),  e.g.,  passive electret ―Normal‖ ≥ 10 kΩ < 100 Ω, e.g., moving coil ―Low‖ ≥ 10 kΩ ≥ 1.5 mA, e.g., active electret ―Low‖ 0 Ω > 20 kΩ  (< 0.4 mA),  e.g.,  passive electret ―High‖
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 29 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    RCI CONNECTIONS  The  RCI  is  present  on  the  AIU  Mk2  only.  It  allows  an  RCU  to  control  the  features  of  the transceiver without using the radio console   CONNECTOR DETAILS  Header: Sepura 3513 999 99316 Mating plug:  Hirose number DF11-10DS-2C  SIGNAL DETAILS  Pin Number Signal Name Input/ Output Description Performance 1 8V5 O Supply output Supply output to power remote control devices. 8.5v Current limited to ~500mA 2 GND - Main Ground return - 3 DATA I/O 1-wire data 3v Logic Levels, Sepura proprietary protocol (see note 1 below) 4 ACC_KEYS I Accessory Keys 5V ADC input with internal 330R pull-up.  See section 6.4 5 nON_HOOK I Hook Signal 5V CMOS input, active low. Internal 47k pull up to 5V 6 nPTT I PTT input 5V CMOS input, active low. Internal 47k pull up to 5V 1      3       5       7       9                                               2      4      6       8      10                                        View looking at connector mounted on the AIU Mk 2 PCB.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 30 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   7 MIC_OUT_SIG O Microphone output Buffered version (0dB gain) of the Jack Microphone input signal. AC coupled with internal 6k8 load resistor to MIC_OUT_GND (see note 3) 8 MIC_OUT_GND - Microphone output return  9 EAR_SIG O Earpiece output 32 ohms, power capability = 100 mW max (see note 2 and 3 below). 10 EAR_GND - Earpiece return -   Notes: One wire data for support of an RCU such as the Sepura 300-00164 The  earpiece  amplifier  does  not  have  any  output  current  limiting  resistors  fitted  and  is designed to drive a minimum of 8ohm loads from a 5V supply. The MIC_OUT and EAR signals are no longer supported within the software for this interface.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 31 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    DESK MOUNT UNIT CONNECTORS  The transceiver may be mounted within the case and the console mounted on top of a Desk Mount Unit to facilitate operation outside of a vehicle.   The Audio Accessory Interface signals from the AAI1 connector on the back of the Console are cabled to a 9-way ‗D‘ socket and a ¼‖ jack socket to allow for connection of  a range of desk accessories.  DESK MICROPHONE/HEADSET CONNECTOR CONNECTOR DETAILS 9-way, standard density D-socket, with 2 off 4-40UNC hex pillars. SIGNALS The following signals connect back to the AAI1 connector in the back of the Desk Mount Unit console. See section 0 for Signal details.  Pin Signal Name Comments 1 ACC_ID See section 6.3 2 GND See section 6.2 3 ACC_KEYS See section 6.4 4 EAR_SIG See section 6.2 5 EAR_GND See section 6.2 6 nON_HOOK See section 6.2 7 MIC_SIG See section 6.2 8 MIC_GND See section 6.2 9 nPTT See section 6.2 Shell GND   FOOT SWITCH CONNECTOR CONNECTOR DETAILS Panel  mounted,  ¼‖  3-pole jack socket with a mechanical latching mechanism. (e.g. Neutrik NJ3FP6C).
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 32 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   SIGNALS Pin Signal Name Comment Sleeve GND GND Ring  GND GND Tip nPTT See section 6.2   LOUDSPEAKER CONNECTOR The Desk Mount Unit has an internal speaker. Connection to the speaker is made on the rear of the unit where there is a 2-pin plug which will accept the speaker connector form the Desk Mount Unit power supply lead.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 33 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    DATA CONNECTOR INTERFACE  A single Data Interface Connector is located on:   The lower surface of the Console.   On the outside of the AIU.  CONNECTOR DETAILS Connector Type:  15 way high density female D type. Type JST KSEY-15S-1A3F19-13    SIGNAL DETAILS  Pin Signal Name  Signal Function Signal Function & Signal Characteristics 1 AODO1/MISO Console Programming & Programmable I/O -Output Open drain, active low. 500mA max sink current 15.8V max external voltage Protected against inductive loads. An external 10 kΩ pull-up resistor to 5V is required for console programming.  See {1} for details VOLmax = 300mV 2 MOSI Console Programming  - Input 5V logic.  See {1} for details. 3 nReset Console Programming - Input 5V logic.  See {1} for details. 4 SCK Console Programming - Input 5V logic.  See {1} for details. 5 5V Console Programming - Output 5V nominal, 10mA max. Not protected against misuse. 6 AGPI_11 Programmable I/O - Input VIH min = 2.0V     11    12      13      14     15  1       2       3      4       5  6       7      8      9       10
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 34 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Pin Signal Name  Signal Function Signal Function & Signal Characteristics VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms 7 AGPI_21 Programmable I/O - Input VIH min = 2.0V VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms 8 AGPI_31 Programmable I/O  - Input VIH min = 2.0V VIL max = 0.8V Protected against accidental application of vehicle supply voltage Assertion time: >100ms 9 RS232_DCD RS232 Data See section 4.4 10 RS232_RXD RS232 Data See section 4.4 11 RS232_TXD RS232 Data See section 4.4 12 RS232_RTS RS232 Data See section 4.4 13 RS232_CTS RS232 Data See section 4.4 14 RS232_DTR RS232 Data See section 4.4 15 GND - See section 4.4 Metal shell Screen - See section 4.4   Notes  There is a pull-down resistance on each digital input. The resistance to ground, will vary in the range  10k  to  27k  ohms  depending  on  the  applied  input  voltage,  this  because  there  is  a resistor divider network feeding a resistor junction  Only the AIU supports digital inputs or outputs, the console does not.
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 35 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    ANTENNA’S CONNECTOR DETAILS  Type: BNC socket.  SIGNAL DETAILS  Pin Signal Name  Signal Function Signal Function & Signal Characteristics Centre ANTENNA Main TETRA RF input/output 10W  max  average  power  (20W  max. peak) during transmission DC  grounded  internally  using  100K resistor Outer GND Ground return Ground
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 36 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    GPS ANTENNA  CONNECTOR DETAILS  Type: SMC female (on the radio).  SIGNAL DETAILS   Notes: The  GPS  circuitry  within  the  SRM/G  will  operate  with  a  passive  antenna.  However  due  to cable loss an active antenna with LNA gain between 20dB and 30dB is advised to counter the cable loss. Sepura supplied GPS antennas have an LNA gain of 26dB to counter a 5dB loss in 5m coax cable. Active antenna‘s draw 5V dc at up to 40mA. Pin Signal Name  Signal Function Signal Function & Signal Characteristics Centre GPS_ANT GPS RF input and active antenna DC feed  Vnom.5V I max.40mA Internally protected against external short circuits to ground.  RF input from GPS antenna = 1575.42 MHz (L1 Band) at a level between –135 dBm and –152 dBm into a 50 Ω impedance.  LNA gain see note 1 below  Outer GND Ground return Ground
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 37 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011    CONSOLE AND AIU CABLE SPECIFCATION  In order to connect audio accessories to the Console or AIU, the cable form and its retaining grommet should adhere to the following specification: CABLEFORM MECHANICAL DETAILS Overall dimensions              Plug Termination      Stripped section: 76 +/- 2 mm  116+/-2mm Plug grommet: see  section 12.2  Identifier: Ø = 5.5mm max x 25mm typ Sleeve  over  jacket breakout:  Ø = 6mm max  x 10mm typ  See note 3 Hirose Plug  20 mm min  Sleeve  over  any  mic coax  break-out  and other  wires:  10mm typ. Mic  coax break-out  See note 2  5  mm typ  Less than 3000mm (see note 1)  ØOD = 5.2 +/- 1mm  116 ±  2mm Accessory termination                                         Plug termination As  required  for accessory termination
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 38 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   Notes: The complete overall length of cable for any accessory including any extension leads must not exceed 3000mm.     Longer  cable  lengths  will  require  Sepura  to  obtain  further  approvals  before  the accessory  may  be  used,  the  costs  re-approval  will  be  borne  by  the  accessory designer/manufacturer.  In  order  for  the  accessory  to  achieve  the  required  conformity,  it  is  recommended  that  the cable be overall screened and Mic signals to be additionally screened. To  avoid  shorting  any  exposed  length  of  overall  drain  and  microphone  screen  must  be sleeved with  a tight fitting  heat shrink to  achieve a shrunk-down diameter of approximately 1mm to fit into the insulation crimp of the Hirose pins.     CABLE FORM GROMMET Tolerance:   linear dimensions ± 0.1mm, angles ± 1º Projection:   3rd angle Fixing method:  moulded onto cable. Material:   polyurethane type 58300, shore hardness 80A, colour black. Pull force:   Grommets to withstand a minimum pull force of 100N. Tooling:   Sepura Development to approve gate position prior to tool manufacture. Surface finish:   polished
SB-P-06-4066 sepura  Mobile & Gateway Accessory i/f specification 30th July 2012 Page 39 of 39 Issue 7c © Sepura plc 2011   NOTICE    All  rights  reserved.  This  document  may  not  be  reproduced  in  any  form  either  in  part  or  in whole  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  Sepura  plc,  nor  may  it  be  edited,  duplicated  or distributed using electronic systems.  Company and product names mentioned in this document may be protected under copyright or patent laws.  The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in this document.  This document is intended for the use of Sepura customers and/or other parties only for the purposes of the agreement or arrangement under which this document  is  submitted,  and  no  part of it  may be  reproduced or  transmitted in  any form  or means without the prior written permission of Sepura plc.         CONTACT DETAILS   Sepura plc Radio House St Andrew‘s Road Cambridge CB4 1GR United Kingdom   Web : Tel:  +44 (0)1223 876000 Fax:  +44 (0)1223 879000

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