Sercomm OC830 HD IP Camera User Manual

Sercomm Corporation HD IP Camera

User Manual

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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2015-07-21 00:00:00
Date Available2015-07-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-07-16 16:45:07
Producing SoftwareDocuCentre-IV 3060
Document Lastmod2015-07-17 09:08:18
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorDocuCentre-IV 3060

HD IP Camera
Setup Guide
Document Version: 1.0
Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks and lrade names are the properties of men respective
The following ilems should be included. If any oilhese items are
damaged or missing, please comaci your service provlder lmmedlalely.
l. Waierprool HD IP Camera x 1
2, Siand x 1
00 tents
3 3M DC Power Adapierx I
4 Screw/Anchor x 2
5 DC In Rubberxl
5 Rubber-Cap x1
7, RJ45 USB Cable x1 (Only for paring. nol sullable {or oumour usage)
This Chapterpmvi . deter/s aflhe Wetarpmoitit) lP
Cameras features components and capacities.
The HD lP Camera has an integrated Microcomputer and a
high quality Mega Pixel Omni Vision CMos Sensor, enabling it to
display high quality live streaming video over yourwrred LAN, the
internet. and tor the Waterprcci HD lP Camera. an 802.11N Wireless
Using enhanced H.264 technologies. the Waterprooi HD lP Camera is
able to stream high quality video and audio directly to your PC. The
high compression capabilities ot H 254 reduce network bandwidth
requirements to amazingly low levels.
This weather-resistant camera, which With the IP66 rated housing and
internal heater, let you keep an eye on your belongings — even in harsh
envrronmenis. it is also an all-in-one camera that has automatic and
manual day/night switching, PiR sensor and buiiHn infrared LEDs,
which can provide illumination around 6 meters long under low light
conditions in a simple. economical manner.
Figure 1: Network Diagram — Waterproot HD IP Camera
- Standalone Design. The Waterprooi HD IP Camera is a
standalone system with built—in CPU and Video encoder. it requires
only a power source and a connection to your LAN orWireiess LAN.
. Dual Video Support. The Waterprooi HD iP Camera can supcon
H.264 and MJEPG video for diiterent image compression.
. Suitable tor Home. Business or Public Facilit s. Whether tor
Home. Business or Public Facility surveillance. or just tor
entertainment and fun, the Waterprooi HD IP Camera has the
teatures you need.
- Day/Night Switch: with the day/night switching teature, you are
able to view and record better images even in the dark oi night.
- IR LED Support. Each Waterproof HD IP Camera has one infi'ared
LED. The LED can provrde illuminau'on around 6 meters long. that
can help to output a better vrdeo quality while under low—light
conditions such as on cloudy days. or in the morning or evening.
- FIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Support. The Waterprooi HD IP
Camera is embedded with a PIR Sensor, which senses intrared light
radiating trom human bodies in its field oi view This ieaiure is very
helpiui in enhancing home security systems.
- Built-in Heater. The buitt-in Heater can support the camera to be
used in the extreme cold outdoor climate applications. The heater
should be turn on when temperature is below 6’0.
Wireless Features
. Supports 11ri Wireless Stations. The 802.11n standard provides
for backward compatibility with the 302.11b standard. so 502.11n,
302.1 to and 802.11g Wireless stations can be used simultaneously.
- Wired and Wireless NeMcrk Support. The Waterprooi HD lP
Camera supports either wired orwireiess transmission.
. WEP Support. Pull WEP suppori (64/128 Bit) on the Wireless
inlerface is provrded.
- WPA/WFAZ Support. The WPA Personal/WPAz Personal
standard is also supported, aliowmg advanced encryption oiwireiess
. WPS Support. WPs (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) can simplity the
process ot connecting any device to the wireless network by using
the push button configuration tPaC) on the Waterprooi HD IP
Camera. or entenng a PM code it there's no button.
Basic Setup
7:315 Chapter plat/ides awaits an how {0 ms
Configure the Waterproof HD IP Camera
S stem Re rements
. To use the Wireless intertace on the wireless model. other Wireless
devices must be compliant with the |EEE802.11b, IEEEBDZJ 19. or
IEEE802.11n specifications. All wireless stations must use
compatible settings.
5 cal Detal s - Water roof HD I? Cam
From Panel - Waterproof HE) IP Camera
Figure 2: Front Panel
1. Light Sensor This Is hardware sensor to detect LUX.
2. Lens No physical adjustment is required or possible for
the lens. hut you should ensure that the lens
cover remains clean. The image quality is
degraded ii the lens cover is dirty or smudged.
3. PIR Sensor This is hardware sensor to detect motion.
Rear Final - Waterproof HD IF camsra
Figun 3: Rear Panel
1- DC Power Input Connect the supplied 12VIi ,5A power
adapter here. Do not use other power
adapters; doing so may damage the Camera.
2. WFSIResaI Button This button has two functions:
1. WPS. Push the WP8 button on the
device and on your other wireless device
to perlorrn WPS tunction that easily
creates an encryption-secured wireless
connection automatically.
. wps PBC Mode. When pressed and
released (one second), the
Waterprooi HD IP Camera will be in
the wps PBC mode (Auto hrlk mode).
. wps Fin Code Mode. When pressed
and held for 3-10 seconds, the
Waterproof HD IP Camera will be in
the WP5 Pin Code mode
2. Reset to manufacturer delault valued
and reboot. When pressed and held
over to seconds. the settings of Network
Camera will be set to their detault
3‘ Mlcrophone The built-in Microphone is uselul for bi-
direction volce Conversation.
4- PW" LED 0" (Green) - Power 0"- Set up of Wate roof HD IP Camera
(Green. Amber)
oli- No power.
Blinking (Green) - The Power LED will blink 1. Assemble the Camera
during slari up This WI" lake 55 to 57 Attach the Camera Stand to the camera.
seem“ 2. Internet Connection
on (Amber) . Firmware upgrade IS failed.
Blinking (Amber) - Tne firmware is
a Wire Connection
Connect the Camera to a lO/lOOEaseT hub or switch using a RJ—45
. . use cable (Only ror parlrlg. not suitable tor outdoor usage) and a
5. Network/Wireless On (Green) . Network (ereless or LAN) standard LAN cable.
LED connection is available
(Gram ”he” one Wireless or LAN is not connected or
camera is not sending/receiving data.
Blinking (Green) - Data is being transmitted
or received via the LAN or ereless
0n (Amber) - If the LED is on (or 5 seconds
and then off. me WPS function ls failed.
Blinking (Amber) , WPs lunctlon is being
5- LAN port Use a RJ745 USES cable (Only liar paring. not
sullable lor outdoor usage) to connect your
camera Io a10llOOBaseT hub or swltchc
. Plugging in the RJ—45 use cable wlll
dlsable the Wireless interiace. Only 1
interface can be active at any time
Model, it will dleable the Wireless Interface. The
ere 55 and LAN interfaces cannotbo used
. The RJ-45 USB cable should onI be . . .
wmemed or disconnected wheny‘he Note! simultaneously. Using the LAN interlac- is
camera is wad OFF Mam" or recommended for Initial configuration Alter in. Wireless
demhing fhe RJ-45 USB cable wile the settings are correct, llie Wireless lnterlace can be used.
camera IS powered 0" dues NOT SWI‘Ch his first time you conneclto the camera, you should
the lnterface between wired and wireless. connect tlie RJ-45 uss cable and configure the Wireless
IP Camera wlth ippropriaw settings. Than you can
unplug [he RJ-45 USE cable and power olf lhe cam-far
Th: wlreless IP Camera wlll be In wireless interface
when you paweron the camera sgain.
' Wireless Connection
Press the wps button on the camera for 3—5 seconds and on your
other wireless device as well to establish a wireless connection
automatically The wireless connection is successful when the
Nerwork/WPS LED (green) remains on.
3. Power Up
Connect the supplied i2v11.5A power adapter to the Wireless IP
Camera and power up. Use only the power adapter provided. Using
a different one may cause hardware damage.
'Nole: The operating temperature or power adapter is 0° c to 407 0.
Please ensure the power adapter is indoor usage.
4. Check the LEDs
- The Power LED will turn on briefly. then start blinking. It will blink
during startup, which will take 55 to 57 seconds. After startup is
Completed, the Power LED should remain ON.
- The NeMork/WF'S LED should be ON.
O- tona Maun no the Waterraaf HD IP Came
‘Note: Please ensure camera is configured and added to the network
before permanent mounting.
| Identliy the location for mounting the Camera.
2. Align the two mounting holes at the bottom of the camera stand with
the two screws, and mount the mounting plate onto the screws
21,! 8g
3, Screw/attach the camera onto the camera stand.
4, There are two methods for Internet connection:
- Connect a usa to RJ-45 caole (Only for paring, not suitable rcr
outdoor usage) to Ihe USE port oi the Wireless lF Camera, Then
use a standard LAN Cable to connect an available purl on your
- Press the wps button on the Wireless IP Camera tor 3-5 seconds
and on yourother Wireless device as well to estaolish a wireless
connection automatically. The wireless connection is successtul
when the Network/WPS LED (green) is on.
5 Connecl the power Cable intn the back of the camera and [hen Insert
the rubber cap.
Caution: Make sure the rubber cap is allached seamlessly and
well-pOSltioned to the camera so me Water will not gel inio Ihe
6' Plug the adapter and inlo a power outlet.
7 Adlusl the wireless IP Camera to a desired posiiron and secure it
Appendix A
Water roof HD IP Came
Modal Waterproof HD IP Camurz
Dimensiam 15m (W) x 764.11": (H) x 32.8mm (D)
Operatlng 40° C lo 50" C (Cold Slarl: 40%! healer mods: 40’0 lo
Temperature mcl
Video compassion H264 and MJVEG
Image resolution 16 9 720p (1280'720). 640‘350
4'3 XGA (102N720) VGA (640'480). QVGA (320740)
Mixed Mode (720E VGA. QVGA)
slams Tampemlure .«r c In 70* c
chrx Menace l M use mmmememm (only tar new. not
some tor ram usage)
Wileless lnleflace IEEE 502.11n/802.Mb1502 11g compalible. WEF 64/125
hll, WPA/WPM personal securlky Support
sum 1 WPSINelwork Bunion
LEDs 2
Power Adapler 12Vl1.5A. 100~240V
Re ulato A - rovals
FCC Statement
rh’ eqummenl has been tested and iound w comply wllh lh
dlgllal devlca‘ pursuant m Fan i5 0! line FCC Rules. These ’Imlts are dESlgned |D
provide reasonable Wale ' against harmful inierlerence In a residenlral mslallalmrl.
This equipmeni generates, uses and can radiaie radio lreouency energy and‘ if not
lnslalled and used In accurdance wllh lne Irlslwctlans, may cause nannlul lmeflerence
lo radio cummumcallons. However, mere l5 no gualantee mar aneHevence will nol
occur lll a pamcular lnslallallun ll inis equipmenl does cause nannlul inierlerence la
radrc or |elev15lun recepllon, which can be determined by lumlng me equlpment all
and on, me user ls encouraged id iry in correct me lrlterference by one olrne icildwlng
- Rednent or relocate the receiying antenna
. increase the separation between the equipment and receiver,
- connect lne equipment into an outiet on a circuit diilerent irorn that to wriicti Die
receiver is connected.
. consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician ter nelp
Ta assure continued compliance. any changes or modifications riat expressly
approved by tne party responsible ior compliance could vuid the users authority to
operate this equipment. (Example - use only shielded .nleriace cables when
connechng to compmer or peripheral devices),
FCC Radiation Exposure statement
Tnis equipment complies nitn FCC RF radiation expusure limits set lertii ier an
uncontrolled environments Tnts equipment should be installed and operated WWI a
minimum distance or 20 centimeters beMEen tne radiater and your budy
Tnis device complies witn Pan t5 at tne FCC Rules Operalmn is sutriect to tne
lollowing two conditions.
(1) This devlce may no| cause narntiul tnterterence, and
(2)1nis deyiee must accept any interierenee received, lndudtng tnterierence that may
cause undesired aperauon.
Thls transmitter must not he odlocated at operating in conlunctmn wttri any other
antenna or transmitter
CE Approval
CE Standards
Tins product complies With the QQISIEEC directives including tne tollowtng safety and
EMC standards
- ENss 02224
CE Marking Warning
Tnis is a class a pruduct, in a domestic enyiranrnent tnis product may cause radlo
tnterierence in wnictr case the user may be required ta take adequate measures,

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