SevenStar Electronics S701 Search and Rescue Transponder User Manual S 701 SART User Guide

SevenStar Electronics Ltd Search and Rescue Transponder S 701 SART User Guide

User Guide

For your nearest distributor contact  SevenStar Electronics Limited on: Tel:  (+44) (0) 1793 852829 Email: The S.701 SART has been designed to comply with Ma-rine Equipment Directive and USCG requirements. Slim, modern, lightweight unit for carry-off use or permanent in-stallation in life rafts Manual or auto activation Non-hazardous, field-changeable battery pack  Fully complies with: IEC 1097-1 IEC 90645 ITU-R M.628-3 IMO A.802 (19) IMO A.694 (17) Optional mount-ing pole S.701 SART User Guide   THE UNIQUE BENEFITS OF OWNING A SEVENSTAR SART  SevenStar Electronics Ltd has beenassessed and approved to BS EN ISO9001:2000.   The information in this User Guide isaccurate at the time of printing, anddoes not form a contract betweenSevenStar and any other party.        SevenStar Electronics Ltd 2003  Ergonomic, lightweight design  Easy to handle and operate  Designed for ‘carry-off’ OR for permanent liferaft installation  The only SART that uses non-hazardous batteries – safer andmuch cheaper to replace when necessary   Manual OR auto activation  Compact, modern design also excellent for leisure craft  Field-replaceable battery minimises cost of ownership  Digital design guarantees excellent lifetime performance under all conditions TO ACTIVATE THE SART IN AN EMERGENCY: WITHDRAW SART FROM BRACKET PULL DOWN ON THE  RED CLIP  TO ACTIVATE MAKE YOUR WAY TO LIFERAFT FIT TO LIFERAFT  AS SHOWN
 INSTALLATION  Mounting Bracket Fix the mounting bracket to asecure section of wall orbulkhead, away from any directsource of heat, oil, water, fuel,etc. Check that all straps areclear of sharp edges orcontamination. Two SARTs canoften be mounted one on eitherside of the bridge wing oncommercial vessels. Install the SART into thebracket, ensuring the blackhanging strap is located into itsrecess  behind the SART (mainlabel facing you). Secure theSART with the red Velcrofastening strap.  Permanent installation on Survival Craft (option) The S.701 SART fromSevenStar Electronics has beenspecifically designed for easyinstallation into liferafts, andcan be arranged for manual orautomatic activation. Automaticactivation can be achieved bysecuring the hanging strap andthe activation clip to theappropriate parts of the liferaft.  Leisure Craft Stowage (option) Store in a safe location where you can reach it easily if needed. MAINTENENCE  Regular Maintenance The S.701 SART has beendesigned for minimalmaintenance. Simply check it iscorrectly fitted into its bracketand that the red activating clipremains in the OFF (closed)position. If necessary, wipe theunit and its bracket with aplain cloth and soapy water.SOLVENTS MUST NOT BEUSED to clean the unit, asdamage may result. A SARTshould be tested annually byremoving the SART from itsbracket, pulling the red clipdownwards, and holding theSART so an X-band radar settriggers it. The radar displayshould show concentric rings,and the SART LED should flashrapidly.  Battery Replacement This unit contains specialbatteries in a sealed pack, partnumber  S.701B. The batterypack is marked with its expirydate, which is usually 5 yearsfrom purchase. Replacementpacks are available fromSevenStar, or from theirappointed agents worldwide.Battery pack replacement canbe performed by any competentservice agent, or by ourappointed distributors (see website).  USE Release the red Velcro strap, then pull the SART from the mounting bracket. Make your way to the liferaft.  Pull down firmly on the red activation clip to turn the SART ‘ON’.  The LED will flash slowly. When in range of a radar signal, the LED will flash rapidly. Pass one end of the blackhanging strap over the top ofthe support tube, and tie thestrap to allow the SART tohang in the centre of the craft.Alternatively, you can mountthe SART on the telescopicpole if provided (option).

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