LIGHT DUTY COMMERCIAL MICROWAVE OVEN MODELS Mllllfl. NUMllfll SERIAl NUMBER IJIIIE IJI I’IIIIEIIASE .\ IIEIIIEII TELEPHONE SEIVIEEII TELEPIIDIIE «9 TO PHONE: SERVICE and PARTS (lor your nearest Sharp Authorized Servrcer and Parts Dislrrbutor) United Slates. ..... l-EOO-BE—SHARF’I237-4277J ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER INFORMATION v ., 201-529-5706 TO wag; For addrricrnal lnlormalron: Commercial Microwave Oven Department Sharp Electronics Corporation Sharp Plaza, Box 650 Mahwah‘ NJ 074302135 For sen/roe problems warranlv Information missrnq items and other assistance. Sharp EIECKrOmCS Corporanon Customer ASSISIanCE Center 1300 Napervrlle Drive Homeovllle, IL 60441-1091 Please provide the Iollowlng lnIOImaIiOfl when you write or call“ model number‘ serial numberl date oI purchase, your complete mailrng address (lncludrng zrp code)‘ your daytime telephone number (rncludlng area code) and dBSClIDllOl’I ol the problem TO ACCESS INTERNET: WWW sharp-usa.com J I SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants to the Iirst end—user purchaser that this Sharp brand product (the “Product"), when shipped in its original container, Will be free from detective workmanship This warranty does not applyto any appearance items ol the Product nor to the additional excluded itemts) set forth below nor to any Product the exterior oi which has been damaged or deiaced, which has been In order to enlorce the rights under this limited warranty, the purchaser should iollow the steps set forth below and provide prooi oi purchase to the servicer. To the extent permitted by applicable state law, the warranties set iorth herein are in lieu oi, and exclusive oi, all other warranties. express or implied Specifically, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUDED. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES warranties may not validly be disclaimed or excluded, the duration of such implied warranties is limited to the periodis) from the date oi purchase set forth below. Neitherthe sales personnel ofthe seller nor any other person is authorized to make any warranties other than those described herein, or to extend the duration ol any warranties beyond the time period described above on behalf oi Sharp. V r ro uct I N mb iscri i n: Commercial Microwave Oven H421HT/Fl-21HV/R-21HC (Be sure to have this information available when you need service for your oven.) Warramy Egri‘od forthis Produm: one year in the end user's place of business. The warranty continues tor an additional two years. for a total of three years. with respect to the magnetron tube; laborandserviceare notprovidedfree oichargeiorthis additional period. "ional I Exclu r rn Warranty Qaveragg (if any): Accessories, mbber or plastic parts, light bulbs. glass pans or any printed materials. Where to thain Serv'cg' Contract your Sharp Authorized Servicer to obtain on- site service for this Product. The Servicer will come to your location and if it is necessary to remove the Product, the Servicer will reinstall it. Be sure to have Proof of Purchase available. TO OBTAIN SUPPLY, ACCESSORY OR PRODUCT INFORMATION, CALL 1-800»BE-SHARP. ’ “if GHOUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This appliance must be grounded. This oven is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire With a grounding plug. it must be plugged ll’llD a wall receptacle that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and local codes and ordinances. in the event ol an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces risk oi electric shock by providing an escape wire lor the electric current. WARNING — improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk at electric shock. Electrical Requirements The electrical requirements are a 120 volt 60 Hz. AC only. 15 amp. or more protected electrical supply. It is recommended that a separate circuit serving only this appliance be provided. The oven is equipped with a 3~prong grounding plug. it must be plugged into a wall receptacle that is properly installed and grounded. Should you only have a 2—prong outlet, have a qualified electrician install a correct wall recep— Iaole. A 3~prong adapter may be purchased and used temporarily il local codes allow. Follow package directions. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce risk ol becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Extension Cord it it is necessary to use an extension cord. use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a S-biade grounding plug and a S-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on the microwave oven. The marked rating of the extension cord should be AC 115-120 volt. 15 amp. or more. Be carelul not to drape the cord over the countenop or table where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over accidentally. Notes: 1 it you have any questions about the grounding or electrical in- structions. consult a qualified electrician or service person. 2. Neither Sharp northe dealer can accept any liability tor damage to the oven or personal injury resulting from lailure to observe the correct electrical connection procedures. Radio or TV Interlerence "mm m, Permanent and Correct lnsl‘lllllon cramp-t sum name. we“ Temporary Use Should there be any interterence caused by the microwave oven to your radio or TV, check that the microwave oven is on a diilerent electrical circuit, relocate the radio orTV as tar away lrorn the oven as feasible or check position and signal oi receiving anlenna, Because your Sharp Commercial Microwave Oven will be used ire- quently, place it so that there is easy access tor all users. 1. Be sure all elec|rical requirements are melt See above. 2. Airinlaks openings are on the back at the unit. install the unit at least 2 inches away from the nearest wall to permit adequate ventilation lor proper cooling and air flow in the oven. 7‘le" 3. install the unit where no excessive heat or steam are generated. Do not place next to an oven or cooking surlace. 4. The unit may be secured to a countenop or stand. There is a screw hole in the bottom olthe unit. Ailerlhe oven is perrnanenllyplaced, drill a hole through the counter top tor a 3/16 inch sell~tapping screw The hole should be 1 inch lrom the left side of the outer case cabinet and 7-t/E inches back from the lront edge at the cavity lace plate. 1" Hole PART NAME CONTROL PANEL PP’N.‘ 9:9- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11A R421HT 9-21 HV J R-21HC Digital Readout DOUBLE QUANTITY pad EXPRESS DEFROST pad Ten number pads tor time and memory pro- gramming SELECTATIME pad STOP/CLEAR pad: touch to step operation of even and clear remaining heating time SELECTAPOWEFI pad lor setting variable power level (Ft-21HT only) START pad; touch to operale oven alter door is closed and time is set SET pad for setting memory CHECK pad tor checking memory SIGNAL pad for settlng signal sound Accessory lor R~21HY, R»21HV : Menu labels 12. Light Up Dial for setting cookingtime( Ft-21HC only) The letters from A to T correspond to cookan time lor convenience. BEFORE OPERATION ' Belore operating your new oven, make sure you read and understand this operation manual com— pletely. 1) Plug in the oven. The digital display wrll then show 2) You can Input the pads only when the door is closed. 3) Oven light and fan motor work tor 1 minute whenever the door is opened or alter cooking. MEMORY OPERATION The R-21HT model has 20 and Ft-21HV model has 10 memory banks which can store cooking pro- grams. The first ten memory banks have been programmed previously as lollows. but they can be changed. See page 9. Memory No. Cook Time Output Power 1 10 sec. 100‘75 2 20 sec. 100% 3 30 sec. 100% 4 45 sec. 100% 5 1 min. 100°/u G 1 min. 15 sec 100V: 7 1 min. 30 sec. 100% B 2 mm. 100% 9 2 min. 30 sec. 10070 0 3 min. 100% lnlcrmation in these memory banks is not lost due to power interruptions. it the power goes oft, the oven does not needto be reprogrammed. No batteries are necessary tor this type at memory. Cooking with memory ' Suppose you want to cook by using memory 1. which was programmed tor 10 seconds at 100%. Procedure Display 1 I 1 Place tood in oven. no Touch number pad. Atter about 1 sec. In ' IL! STEPS FOR OPERATING FOR R 1HT, R 1HV 4) Theprogramandthecheckarecanceledwhen any pads are not touched For more than 3 minutes. 5) During cooking, except memory cooking. the oven stops when the door is opened, and the program is canceled ii the START pad is not touched within 1 minute aiterthe dooris closed. 6) The cooking is canceled when the door is opened during memory cooking. Cooking double quantity with memory Double quantity means the best time tor cooking two servings or twice the amount programmed in the memory pad; it is not double Ihe time. ' Suppose you want to cook 2 servings by memory number i. l Procedure rsplay DOUBLE QUAN'l'lTV 1 Place load in oven. , Touch DOUBLE w x1 QUANTITY pad 1 l 2 Touch number pad. After about 1 sec. I I”! ' I l 9—4 Note: The “MEMORY" cooking system does not require the use ol the START pad. Memory pad cannot be used to start the oven it any program is on display. lithe door is opened during memory cooking, the program is canceled. To stop the cooking of a memory pad and then restart. tirsl, touch the STOP/CLEAR pad, then open the door, check lood. close door and touch START. If your programmed time is over maximum time at Double Quantity, you cannot use Double Quantity lor the memory. You can cook only 1 serving See page 11. Note: (For Ft-21HTi 1! you want to cook by using memory 11-20. touch the desired number pad twice within 1 second. Memory check You can check the intormation programmed into each memory, Checking time and power level ' Suppose you want to know the information pro- grammedinlomemovytprogrammedlomminutes at 607“ tor the lst stage and 2 minutes at 30% at the 2nd stage, Procedure Display flfi/ 1 Touch CHECK W m pad. 1 I 2 Touch number . m I pad. Alter about 1 sec. , I'll—I —’ 'ULJ REPEAT Note: 1. To cancel memory check. touch'lhe CHECK pad. 2, When . L IS displayed at Step 1,the memory is not set. 3. (For R421 HT) 11 you want Io check memory 11-20, touch the desrred number pad twice. 10 Checking magnification ' Suppose you want to know the magnification lac- tor ior double quantity in memory 1. Procedure Display CHECK 1 Touch CHECK pad. t; m DOUBLE uuAN‘m’v nun be 2 Time h DOU B L E QUANTITY pad. 1 ,r 3 Touch number pad. to xx w After about 1 sec ' I I7 I'E I n nu Note: 1 To cancel memovycheck.touchthe CHECK pad. 2. The magnilicationiactor1,7iorthe DOUBLE QUANTITY is stored in all memories when thi.= oven is shipped Express Defrost Use Express Detrost to defrost meat and pouttry taster and better, Caiculate total detrost time tram chart below. Express Defrostcan be programmedlur a maximum oi 90 minutes. ’ Suppose you want to delrost one pound cl lamb chops lor 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Procedure Display \ sxensss DEFROST n 1 Touch EXPRESS m ‘ L/ DEFHOST pad. . 2 3 lo j 3,7 2 Enterdefroslingtime. 5 ' Ll (Reler to chart be- tow.) START ’ ‘1 n E<3u 3 Touch START pad. on w Midway through the defrosting cycle, CHECK will light in the display and an audible signal will be heard. You may open the door. turn food over and shield any warm portions. Close the door. START 4 Touch START pad. Express Defrost Chart Note: It you do not open the door when an audible stgnalsounds. the defrosting cycle witlcontinue and the defrosting time will count down to 0. TiPS: Allow loads to stand a tew minutes atter defrosting to equalize the temperature tor better cooking results. Check food afterstanding. It additionai time is needed, continue to detrost with time cooking. it IS better to defrost with 307; power tor R- 21HT, For R721HV. it ts better in deirost with Express Deirost continuously. Foods that arethe same thicknessthroughout detrost better. It toads have varied thickness. it may be necessary to shield the thin edges witnsmallllatpiecesotaluminumioiltoprevent overdetrasting. ( Food Thickness Time (min/lb.) Beet steak less than I" 3—3'/z more than i" 3'la—4 Lamb chops t" 2'lz-3 Pork chaps less than 1" zw—a more than 1“ 7 avg-4 _ Boneless chicken W-“h' 2'/z—3 breasts ’/“'—1 ' 343V: Fish steak ‘lz' 2—2‘1: ‘/¢'—1 ' 2 ‘lz-B ‘bitiiiEBflCO‘NVENtENT FEATURES Signal setting Demonstration mode There is achoice ot2 different sounds and no sound T0 demonstrate,touch SELECTATIME. 0 and then on your oven. touch START and hold lor 3 seconds.Cooking operations can now be demonstrated with no power T° se‘ s'gnaL mu“ me SET pad ‘W’Ce W'""“ 2 in the overt The timer will count down rapidly. secondsandthentouchtheSlGNAL pad continuously until you hear desired tone. To cancel. touch SELECTATlME.thenO and STOP/ CLEAR SERVICE C L CHECK Please check the lollowing before calling for service! 1. Plug the power cord into a three-pronged electric-outlet. (See page 4) 2. Place one cup of water in a glass measure in the oven and close the door securely. Operate the oven tor one minute on High (1007s). A. Does the oven light come on? Yes No B. Does the cooling tan work? Yes No (Put your hand over the back ventilation opening.) 0. (For H-21HT, Fl-21HV) Does the “ON" indicator come on? Yes No D. At the end of 1 minute, is the water hot? Yes No It "NO" is the answer to any of the above questions, please check electrical outlet, luse and/or circuit breaker. "they aretunctioning properly, CONTACTYOUR NEAREST SHARPAUTHORIZED SERVICER. A microwave oven should never be serviced by a "do~lt-yoursell" repair person, NOTE: It lime is counting down very rapidly, the demonstration mode may be set. To cancel, unplug the oven 1rom the electrical outlet and replug, ERROR MODE Should the error indicator appear in the readout, lollow the instructions: EE Mode Reason Action Required EE 9 Maximum time is exceeded Check page 11 in the Operation Manual. Touch STOP/CLEAR pad and reprogram corv rectly. 14 COOKING GUIDE Utensrls METAL 1) Frozen Preoooked Foods in Foil Containers When cooking loods in toil containers, the container should be no more than 1/2” deep. The best method to use is, alter removing the loil cover, return the metal container to the paper box or package it came in and place this entire unit in the microwave oven. There must be more load than metal. and the metal container must not touch the oven walls. 2) Metal Skewers Small metal skewers may be used ii there is a large proportion otlood to the amount ol metal. It arcing does begin, stop the oven. remove the load and change to a wooden skewer. Whenever using metal loil, loll containers or metal skewers, be sure that the metal does not touchthe sides 0' the CVeI'L GLASS GLASS- CERAMIC CERAMIC AND CHINA UTENSILS Most glass, glass ceramic. ceramic and china utensils are excellent for use in microwave ovens. Heal» resistant glassware unless it has metallic trim or metal portions, can almost always be used in the microwave oven, no matter whether it is clear oropaque. However, you must be careful not to use delicate glassware since it might crack lrorn the heat of the food but not lrom the microwaves Most dinner plates, unless they have metallic trim, are acceptable lor heating loods. Utensils with metallic trim or metal parts, such as screws, bands, handles, etc. must be avoided. Cracked or crazed glazes or chips are also Indications that a dish should not be used. Ceramic mugs or cups with glued on handles are also not recommended lor use in a microwave oven. PAPER GOODS For low heat cooking, such as reheating or very short cooking times and lor loods with low lat, sugar or water content, paper is a good utensil tor microwave oven use. Napkins, towels, plates, cups, canons, paperlreezerwrap and the paperpulp board that some meats come packed in are also convenient utensils lor use in the microwave oven. Cardboard can also be used. Paper is used in the microwave oven as a moisture insulator, Wax coated paper plates and cups should be avoided since the high temperatures that the foods reach may cause the wax to melt. Plastic coated dishes, however, are line lor use in the microwave oven. Wax paper and paper towels provide an excellent loose cover lor loods and help prevent spatters. Do not use paper towels, plates or other utensils made lrom recycled paper. Recycled paper products may contain certain impurities which could cause the paper to ignite during microwave heating. Some paper products may contain harmiul substances, PLASYIC AND FOAM UTENSILS Plastic and loam dishes and containers should not be used lor cooking foods with high fat or high sugar content since the heat 01 the load is too hot lorthe plastic and may cause it to melt orlose its shape. Cooking pouches designed to withstand boiling and freezing tor conventional cooking, work well in the microwave oven. Do not close plastic cooking pouches with the metal tie wraps provided, sinoe they get very hot and will melt the plastic wrap. Any closed pouch or cooking container should be pierced so that steam is allowed to escape. Do not attempt to cook in plastic storage bags as they will not withstand the heat of the load. Plastic wrap may be used to cover loods during cooking. Stretch-type plastic wraps are not suitable lor use in the microwaveoven because theylorrn too tight a seal. Wheneverremoving plastic wrap that has been tightly lormed around the utensil, just lift the plastic away lrom you so that the steam can vent and there will be no danger ol scalding. Melamine is not recommended for use in the microwave oven, WICKEH, WOOD AND STRAW Wicker. wood and straw may be used in the oven lor shon periods of time; however, they should not be used lor high lat or high sugar content loods slnce the heat ol the lood could possibly char the utensil. Wooden handle scrapers, spatulas and spoons may be left in the microwave oven during the cooking process. 16 it Casseroles 1. Arrange casseroles with larger pieces or bulk ot food around the perimeter of the casserole; depress in center. 2. Casseroles should be heated covered with a non-metallic cover or plastic wrap except casserole with crusts. fl tightly covered, puncture plastic wrap or loosen at one comer so steam can escape, Be careful when removing plastic wrap; pull wrap away lrom you with the tines of a fork. 3. Cover casseroles evenly wtth sauce or gravy before refrigerating. Vegetables 1. Arrange vegetables with larger pieces around the perimeter of the dish: depress in center. 2. Small uniform sized vegetables like peas, diced carrots and corn heat easily in the microwave oven. A butter sauce will speed the process. 3. Heat vegetables covered with either a non-metallic cover or plastic wrap. It tightly covered, puncture plastic wrap or loosen at one corner so steam can escape. Be careful when removing plastic wrap; pull wrap away from you with the lines at a fork. 4, Most vegetables should be slightly undercooked when preparing for later reheating in the micro- wave. Cool quickly and store covered. 5. Microwaved vegetables retain their bright color, flavor and nutrients. Defrosling (For R-21HT, R-21HV) 1. See page 12 tor EXPRESS DEFROST directions. 2. Avoid over-defrosting. Foods should be removed from the microwave when they are still sligme icy in the center, Allow foods to stand covered for 1 to 2 minutes to complete defrosting. a. (For R-21 HT) SELECTAPOWER allows you to defrost food at the power level and speed you choose. Generally defrosting is done at 30% or lower. To use SELECTAPOWEFI fordefrosting, first program lime lollowed by touching the SELECTAPOWER pad and the number pad for percentage of power level (for exampfe, 3 represents 30% power). The microwave power will pulse on and off to defrost frozen foods gently without heating. (For R-21HC) See page 7 for DEFROSTING FROZEN FOODS CHART. Timing gu de Since different foods heat at different rates of speed, there are several influencing factors that should be taken into consideration when heating loads with microwave energy, t. The lower the Initial temperature of a food, the longer it will take to heat in a microwave oven. 2. Since with a microwave oven you are heating with time rather than temperature. it is helpful to know the starting temperatures of the foods, Foods held at room temperature will heat more quickly than refrigerated foods. 3. The different chemical makeups of foods affect the heating times. Highly salted foods heat faster than non-cured items. Animal fats heat more quickly than lean parts of meat. Fats in a colloidal stale heat faster man protein (egg yolk cooks before the white). 4. The density of a food is determined by how compact the molecules are arranged within the food. A pound of roast beef is denser than a pound ol bread. Even though they weigh the same. the bread contains more air and is therefore less dense, Denser loods require longer healing times. 5. The thickerthe load, the longerthe heating time. if two foods have the same density. the thinner load will heat before the thicker one. 6. The shape of fire food alsoallects the heating time. Low round loads that are depressed in the center heat faster than highly mounded scooped foods. This has to do again with the density. The denser the mass to be heated, the longer the heating time. 7. The more food placed in the oven cavity of one time. the longer the heating time, This is because there is a constant level of energy coming from the magnetron tube during the heating process. If there are several food items in the oven. they will each absorb some of the energy thus making the total heating time longer. The time required for heating is not directly proportional to the increased amount of food. The heating time should be increased by about 80% for each additional like food item. 18 Heating and Cooking Time Guide Con’t Quantity Item 8 oz. Macaroni (cheese sauce) 5 oz, Stutted Peppers 8 oz. Pot Pie 8 oz. Ravioli 8 oz. Shrimp Creole 5 oz. Shrimp Newburg 8 oz. Short Ftibs oi Beet B oz. Spaghetti 5 oz. Stew, Chicken 8 oz. Tuna Casserole 8 oz. Turkey Slices Vegetables 4 oz. Asparagus‘ 4 oz. Beans. Green 4 oz. Broccoli 4 oz. Carrot Slices 4 oz, Cauliflower 4 oz. Corn Niblets 4 oz. Mushrooms 4 oz. Peas 4 oz. Potatoes au Gratin 4 oz. Potatoes (pm-bakedl Quantity Item Plated Meals 1 small Plated Meal 1 large Plated Meal Primary Cooking 4 slices Bacon 1 pound Bacon (precook to reheat) 2 Scrambled Eggs 12 Scrambled Eggs (precook to reheatl t ear Com on the Cub 1 medium Potato 2 medium Potatoes 40 oz. Frozen Broocoti Pieces 24 oz. Frozen Broccoli Spears 96 oz. Refrigerated Lasagna Approximate Heating Time 100% Power(seconds) 7080 100-110 100-110 100-110 30-90 50-90 100-1 1 D 80-90 1004 10 100-1 10 90-100 40-50 40-50 40-50 40—50 40-50 40-50 30-40 3040 50-60 5060 Approximate Heating Tlme 100% Power 2-2‘/z rnin. 2'lz-3Va min, 2‘I1-3 min. 8-10 min. 5060 sec. 4'/z-5 min. 2-21; min. 3'13-4 min. 7»8 min. 14-16 min. 7-9 min. (H-21HV) 15 min. at 100 "A (R-21HT) 10 min. at 100 “A, 17 min. at 50% 20 Comment: Heal, covered. from relrig. Stir atter reheat. Heat. covered, trom retrig, Heal, covered, trom retrig. Heat, covered, lrom relrig. Heat, covered, lrom retrig. Heat. covered. trorn retrig. Heal. covered, trorn relrig. Heat. covered, trorn retrig, Heat. covered, lrom retrig, Heat. covered. lrom relrig. Heat, covered, trom relrig. Heat, covered. lrom relrig. Heat. covered. lrorn relrig. Heat, covered, trom relrig. Heat. covered. trom retrig. Heat, covered, lrom relrig. Heat. covered. lrom retrig. Heat. covered, trom retrig. Heal. covered. from refrig. Heat. covered. trom retrig. Heal, uncovered, from relrig. Comment: Heat. covered, lrorn relrig. Heat. covered. trom relrig. Cook between paper towels. Cook between paper towels. Stir during cooking. Stir during cooking. Cover, tum over during cooking. Wash. dry, prick. Cook on paper towel. Stand. Rearrange during cooking, Rearrange during cooking. Cover with lid tor tir'st hall at cooking time. Uncover lor second hall 01 cooking time. After cooking. allow to stand. covered. lor least 5 minutes to make cutting and serving easier. AUTO-TOUCH® GUIDE for R-21 HT, R-21HV For more complete information and salety precautions, relerto your Operation Manual. MEMORY CHECK Suppose you want to know lhe inlormation programmed into the memory, 1 Touch CHECK pad. 2. Touch number pad 1 MULTIPLE SEQUENCE COOKING (R-21 HT) l Suppose you wanttocooklor 4 minutes at 60% and then coniinue to cook lor 2 min- utes at 30°41. ’ 1, Enter cooking time forl stage . Enler power level tor lst stage. . Enter cooking lime tor 2nd stage . Enter power level tor 2nd stage. t Touch START pad. OPERATION sELEcrATlME COUNTER CHECK 1. Touch CHECK pad 2 times. Total count will be displayed. To check count touch each pa alter step 1 above. Count ol memory l ‘ etc‘ Count ot manual cooking Count ol Express Delrosl Tocleartnenumberot times: Suppose you want to clear the times in memory ‘lt 1 Touch CHECK pad 2 times. 2, Touch number pad I, 3. Touch SET pad, Any mount can be canceled by touching the SET pad during the checking mode, d as indicated below, EXPRESS DEFHOST SELECTAM 1. Set the Light Up Dial lor the appropriate cooking time at l00% power. The oven will slan cooking immediately, To stop the ovenppen the door or turn the Lighl Up Dial to “01 22 AUTO-TOUCH® GUIDE for R-21 HT, R-21HV For more complete lnlormaiion and salety preoaulions. refer to your Operation Manual. COOK WITH MEMORY Suppose you want to cook using memory. 1. Touch number pad (For HerHT only) It you want to use memory 11720. touch desired number pad lwice within 1 second, COOKING DOUBLE QUANTITY W|TH memoev ' Suppose you want to cook 2 servings by memory/1. 1. Place load in oven, Touch DOUBLE QUAN- TITY pad, . Touch number pad MEMORY PROGRAM ENTRY Suppose you want to set 4 munutes at 60% tor the tst stage lor 1 sewing in the memory 1. 1. Touch SET pad 2 times wilhin 2 seconds. 2. Touch number pad 3. Enter cooking time, 4. Enter power level. 5. Touch SET paid 2 times. SHARP. TIME COOKING Suppose you want to cook for 2 minutes and 30 sec» ends at 50%. 1. Touch SELECTATIME . Enter cooking time. . Touch SELECTAPOWER (except Rv21HV) . Enter power level. (except Ftv21HV) . Touch START pad. EXPRESS DEFROST Suppose you want to defrost tor 3 minutes and 30 see ends. 1. Touch EXPRESS DEFROST pad. . Enter desired deirost lime. (Refer to Express Doirost Chart on one 12.) . Touch START pad. , Midway through the detrosting cycle. CHECK will light in the display and an audible signal will be heard, You may open the door. turn lood over and shield any warm portions Close the door. - . Touch START pad. SELECTATIME 2130 SELEC'APOWER EXPRESS DEFROST 3F3|0 START ll you do not open the door when an audible signal sounds, the delrostlng cycle will continue and the defrosting time will count down to 0. SHARP ELECTROMCS CORPORAT'ON TINSEA759WRRO-Dfil Prinled lnThaiIand Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430—2135 1998.7 _l| é} lr 1, Do not operate the oven empty, Either tood or water should always be in the oven during operation to absorb microwave energy. 2. Limit use of metal to those specitic examples given in this booklet. Generally, metal should not be used in the microwave oven during operation, 3. Do not heat eggs in the shell. Pressure will build up inside the shell and it will explode. Do not reheat cooked eggs unless they are scrambled or chopped Puncture the yolk hetore heating eggs. 4. Do not heat oil or tat tor deep tat trying. 5. Pierce the "skin" at potatoes, whole squash, apples or any truit, vegetable or meat with a skin covering belore heating. 6. Use only popcorn packaged in special microwaveble packages. Pop using 100% power. Listen caretully when popping corn. When popping slows to one or two seconds between pops, remove from oven. Should you ever smell scorching, remove bag trom oven immediately.” any unpopped kernels remain, do not try to re-pop; it may cause a tire. 7, Do not use paper towels, plates or other utensils made lrom recycled paper tor microwave heating,- Flecycled paper products may contain certain impurities which could cause the paperto ignite during microwave heating. SPECIFICATIONS AC Line Voltage Single phase 120V. 60Hz, AC. only AC Power Required 1.55 kW Output Power 1000W “ Frequency 2450 MHz Outside Dimensions gum-(vii) x lfi'tDi x 12mm 520mth) x 406mmtD) x 309mm(H) (including tee!) Cavity Dimensions 13’/-'(W) x tun-(D) x swim 353mth) x 370mmtD) x 207mm(H) Weight Approx. 37 lbs/17 kg t “EC-7054988 Test Procedure The International Electrotechnical Commission‘s standardized method tor measuring output wattage, This test method is widely recognized. In Compliance with Standards set by FCC » Federal Communications Commission Authorized. DHHS— Complies with Department oi Health and Human Services (DHHS) rule. CFFt, Title 21 Chapter I, Suoohaptar J. @— This symbol on the nameplate means the product is certified by NSF International. — This symbol on the nameplate means the product is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 21 Heating and cooking time guide Quantity Item Approximate Heating Time 100% Power (seconds) Pastrles, Rolls and Baked Goods 2 Biscuit 12 1 Bun B 1 Danish Pastry 10 1 Dinner. Roll 8 1 Doughnut 10 1 Muffin (small) 10 1 slice Pie 30 1 Sweet Roll 10 Breakfast Items 8 02. French Toast 5 Bacon 70—80 5 oz. French Toast 0 Sausage 70-80 6 oz, Pancakes & Bacon 4050 6 oz. Pancakes & Sausage 40-50 5 oz, Scrambled Eggs & Bacon 40-50 5 oz, Scrambled Eggs & Sausage 40-50 4 strips Bacon 40-50 4 links Sausage 40-50 Sandwiches 4-5 oz. Bacon 0 Tomato 30-40 4-5 oz. Best Barbecue 30-40 4-5 oz, Burger 3040 4-5 oz. Cheeseburger 40-50 4-5 oz. Corned Beat _ 40-50 2 oz. Frankfurter 20-30 5 oz. Jumbo Franklurter 30-40 3'/1 oz. Grilled Cheese 30-40 4 oz. Ham Sandwich 30-40 4-5 oz. Ham & Cheese 30-40 5 oz. Italian Sausage 40-50 4-5 oz. Pastrami 40-50 4 oz. Roast Beet 40-50 4-5 oz, Submarine/Hoagie 40-50 5 oz, Chili Burger 40-50 4 02. Chili Dog 30-40 4 oz. Sloppy Joe 3040 Casseroles B 01. Baked Beans 90-100 3 oz. Beel Burgundy 110-120 8 oz, Beet Goulaah 90-100 8 oz‘ Beet Stew 110-120 8 oz. Beet Slices with Gravy 90-100 6 oz. Cabbage Rolls 100-110 8 oz. Chicken Frrcassee 90-100 8 oz. Chicken a la King 90-100 8 oz. Chlli Con Came 90-100 8 oz. Creamed Chicken 90-100 B oz. Lasagna 110-120 3 oz. Meat Loal 110-120 8 oz. Macaroni (beet sauce) 90-100 1 9 it Comment: Heat, uncovered, irom room temperature Heat, uncovered, trom room temperature Heat, uncovered, from room temperature Heat. uncovered. lrorn room temperature Heal. uncovered, lrom room temperature Heal. uncovered. irom room temperature Heal, uncovered, lrom relrigerated temp. Heat. uncovered, lrom room temperature Heat, uncovered. from relrig. Heat, uncovered. from relrig. Heat, uncovered. irom retrig. Heat, uncovered. from ratrig, , Heat, covered. from relrrg. Heat. covered, lrorn relrig. Heat. covered, lrom relrig. Heat. covered, from refrig. Heat, uncovered, from relrig. Heat. uncovered, from retrig. Heat, uncovered, from retrig, Heat. uncovered, from reirig. Heat. uncovered, trorn retrig. Heat. uncovered. lrom refrig. Heat, uncovered, 1mm relrig. Heat, uncovered, irorn retrig. Heal. uncovered, lrom redrig. Heat, uncovered, trorn rein'g. Heat. uncovered, trorn retrig. Heat. uncovered, lrom relrig. Heat. uncovered. lrom relrig. Heat, uncovered. from relrig. Heat, covered. lrom retrig, Heat. covered, lrom relrig. Heat, covered. tram retrig. Heat, covered. from relrig, Stir alter reheat. Heat, covered. from relrig. Stir alter reheat. Heal. covered. tiom relrig. Stir alter reheat. Heal. covered. trorn reln’g. Stir alter reheat, Heal, covered, lrom reirig. Heat, covered, lrorn retrig. Heat, covered. lrorn retrig. Heat, covered. lrom relrig. Stir after reheat. Heal, covered. lrom relrig. stir after reheat. Heat. covered, lrorn relrig. Stir after reheat. Heat, covered, lrorn retrig. Heat. covered. lrom reirig. Heat, covered, from relrig. Stir after reheat. Guidelines for microwave heating Several iactors should be kept In mind when selecting utensils to be usedlor microwave heating. 1. A plate with a narrow rim oi about 1/2~inch is recommended. This keeps the load all at the same level for more even. unitorrn heating. 2. Casseroles and sauced items should be healed in straight sided containers. 3. Containers should be chosen to be large enough to contain foods as they expand with healing. Milk products are especially subject to boil-overs. 4. Most toods heat better if they are covered. Covering retains the heat that has been created. reduces dehydration and helps keep the oven clean. There should be an opening for steam to escape lrom the food. Covers should also be non-metallic to allow tor proper heating. Techniques 1. Microwave cooking is ideal for times when you run out at certain items or for preparation during slow periods. 2. Avoid overcooking. Small portions of food should stand 2-3 minutes following cooking; during this standing time foods will complete cooking. Large portions require longer standing times. 3. When a range ol times is given in a recipe (243 minutes), always cook the shorter amount at time and check tor doneness. Foods can always be returned to the microwave tor additional cooking. Overcooked foods are laugh or dry. 4. Arrange loads with thicker portions orlarger pieces towardthe outside of the making container. Most foods cook more evenly and taster it covered. 5. The microwave oven is quite useful in reducing broiling times forsteaks and chops. Partially prepare the meat In microwave oven, then broil for a shorter period at time. 6. Sliced meats should be at least 1/2-inch thick tor best heating results. Tumingthe meat product over once during the heating process will yield more unitorm heating. Pastries 1. Placing rolls or muffins on a paper towel or napkin or wrapping in a paper towel eliminates excess moisture and gives best results. 2. Avoid overheating. Baked Items will be hotter on the inside than on the outside. Overheating causes baked products to be dry and tough. Ereaktast Items 1. Eggs should be slightly undercooked when preparing them torlater reheating in the microwave. Cool quickly and store covered. 2. Arrange loods on platterwilh easily heateditems nearcenter 01 plate (eggs)and denser Items toward outside (sausage). 3. Do not cook eggs in the shell. Pressure will build up inside the shell and it will burst. Do not reheat cooked eggs unless they are scrambled or chopped. Puncture the yolk before cooking eggs. Sandwiches 1. Fre-loast bread and cool on air rack. Egg and shortening rich bread gives best reSUlts. 2. Sandwich meats should be sliced very thin. When assembling sandwich. place thicker portions toward outside edges. 3. Cover sandwiches and retrigerate no longer than three hours. When ready to heat in the microwave. unwrap and place on paper towel or napkin. Most sandwiches should be heated uncovered unless wrapped In paper towel or napkin. The paper absorbs excess moisture. preventing the sandwich trom becoming soggy. - 4. Avoid overheating. Filling heals rapidly. and overheated sandwiches become dry and tough. 17 CARE AND CLEANIN VERY IMPORTANT CAUTIONS ‘DO NOT OPERATE the even without the splash covers in place. ‘DO NOT REMOVE the ceramic shelttromthe oven, ‘DO NOT OPERATE the oven without the air ventilation cover. ‘DO NOT USE commercial oven cleaners, abrasive or harsh cleaners or scouring pads on any part 0! your microwave oven, Oven exterior The outside oi your oven can be easily cleaned with mild soap and watert Make sure to rinse thoroughly and dry the exterior with a salt towel. Control panel Care should be taken in cleaning the control panel. Open the door before cleaning to inactivate the control panel pads Using a cloth dampened with water only. gently wipe the panel until it becomes clean. Avoid the use of excess water. Do not use any sort of chemical orabrasive cleaner. To do so may cause severe damage to the panel and make program- ming impossible Caution for R-21HC: Take care not to move the Light Up Dial {ram “0“ during cleaning, or the oven will start as soon as you close the door. Oven interior 1) For easy cleaning, Wipe any spatters or spills with a soft damp cloth or sponge at the end of each day. For heavier spills, use mild soap and rinse thoroughly with hot watert 2) At least once a week, remove the splash covers and wash in a mild detergent solution The splash covers are located on the back wall near the top ol the oven and on the right side wall. The covers may be removed easily. Simply remove tour clips (A) as shown in Fig, l,Then remove the splash covers trom the oven. To replace the back splash cover (B), secure Fl .1 Door 9 Back splash cover (a) . ‘———'—" ' —/ t! “I! o 9 ‘soe (Al Ml splash —.. were) _- (A) (M the cover to the oven side walls with two clips (A) as shown in Fig.1. To replace the side splash cover (C), insen two projections ofthe cover (C) into the holes otthe oven right wall as shown in Fig 24 And secure the cover to the oven right wall with two clips (A) as shown in Fig 1. 3) Wipe any grease. spills or spotters on the door seal surtaces with a sott damp cloth or sponge so that they do not build up. The door seals must always be tree of grease and spotters so that the door closes properly. Door Wipe the door and window on both sides ire- quently with a damp cloth to remove any spills or spatters. Always keep the door seals and seal surtaces clean so that any grease, spills or spat- ters are not allowed to build up. Such a buildup could result in leakage of microwave energy from the oven, l T Counter check Set counler to "0" before using oven ior the first time. See next column. To check times used You can check total times oven. each memory. manual cooking and Express Delrost were used, Total count Touch CHECK pad twice. To check count. touch each pad as indicated below, alter lOUChlflg CHECK pad twice. Count of memory Touch each number pad or memory, Touch SELECTATIME ‘ padt Count 01 manual cooking Count of Express Touch EXPRESS Defrost , DEFROST pad, ' Suppose you want to know total times oven and memory part 1 were used. In lhat case the oven was used 8268 times and the memory 1 was used 5131imes. Procedure Dlsplay WECK x 2 1 Touch CHECK pad 2 timestTotal count Will be displayed. 5555 1 l' 2 Touchnumberpad1 "° W‘ to checklolal times it was used. After about 1 sec. 5 {57 &______/ ——” Note: 1. To cancel counter check, touch CHECK pad. 2, (FOR R-21HT) You can know count of memory pads 1 - 10 only. Memory pads 11 - 20 cannol be checked. 3. When the maximum count at 9999 is reached, il will return to at 13 To clear the number of times Each number cl times can be cleared by touching SET pad during checklng mode. ' Suppose you want to clear the llmes ol memory 1. Procedure Display _ cuscx x 2 1 Touch CHECKpadZ 88 58 times.Total counl will 36! be dlsplayed. 1 I 2 Touch numberpad 1 "° W Iochecklotaltimes H was used.‘ Alter abuul 1 sec. 5 I 3 SET [7 3 Touch SET pad, on Male: 1. To cancel counter check, touch CHECK pad. 2, To clear times 0! manual cooking, touch SELECTATIME pad in Step 2 Instead 01 number pad. 3. To clear times of Express Defrost. (ouch EXPRESS DEFROST pad in Step 2 inv stead oi number pad, . 4. To clear total IImeS used, skip Step 2. Time cooking H-21 HT Your oven can be programmed lor up lo 3 cooking sequences and has 11 preset microwave power levels. Cooking sequence Maxis stages Microwave power level 0~100% Cooking lime Max. 30 minutes lor each singe. And loial cooking lime is maxim minutes. This model has 11 power levels. Use correct number pad alter touching SELECTAPOWER pad. Microwave POWER level Number pads Display ' Suppose you wanl lo cook lor 2 minutes and 30 seconds al 50%. R-Zl HV Your oven can be programmsdlor only one stage on 100% power level with a maximum ol 30 minules. Follow steps 1 and 3A Cooking sequence 1 stage Microwave power level 100% only Cooking time Max 30 minules Multiple sequence cooking (H-21 HT only) 'Suppose you wanl to cook lor 4 minutes El 60 % ior lst slage and lhen coniimue to cook lor 2 minutes at 30% lor 2nd stage. Procedure Display ‘ I4I0 0 1 Enter cookinglime In 1 st stage. J: CI) [7 'LI 511mm ll P _ E a 2. Enter power level in lst stage. SLEE'AH‘MER [E P_ an [7 1 Elna looking lime. E" 3L! 4. smeg'gxer level in U @ IE 5. Touch START paid, 5 EU 2 Enterpowarlevel. P“ Sig (Fl-21 HT only) 3 Touch START pad. Nole: It is noi necessaryloiouchSELECTAPOWEH pad lor 1007». II the cooking time is over the maximum time, ihe display will show ‘EE 9“. 11 7 | Q Memory program entry You can change memory programs tor memory banks. See time cooking on page 11. R-21 HT Memory banks 20 Cooking stage Memory No.1 -10 max. 3 stages Memory NO. 11-20 max. 2 stages R-21HV Memory banks 10 Cooking stage 1 stage The Fl-21HV oven can be programmed only using 100% power. Follow steps 1.2.3 and 7 below, Setting time and‘power level Note: 1. (ForR-21HT) it you want to set memory 11-20, press the desired number pad twice, 2. It the cooking time is over the maximum time, the display will show “EE 9'2 See page 11. 3. At step 1. no audible signal will be heard when the SET pad is touched the tirst time. An audible signal will sound when the SET pad is touched the second time. Setting magnification factor Ovens are shipped with a magnification lactor 01 1.7 for DOUBLE QUANTITY. You can change the magnification taclor lor double quantity and have ll stored in the memory, ' Supposeyouwantloselthemagnificationfaclorto 1 67101 double quantity in memory 1, ' Suppose you want to set 4 minutes at 60% tor the Procedure Display 1st stage and 2 minutes at 30% tor the 2nd stage _—— tor 1 serving in memory 1.(Fi-21HT) " 2 (——————fi 1 Touch SET pad twice ~ Procedure Display within 2 59° "0 SF! x 2 DOUBLE , ClUANYTTV 1 Touch SET pad twtce ' - “mm" 2 sec w 2 Touch DOUBLE m x, ’ ' QUANTITY pad. l l _U ,' 2 Touch number pad 3 Touch number pad 1. "0 ‘1 SELECTATlME SEiICl'ATIME 14 0 0| Ll 17“ fl. ”” ~u u 4 Touch SELECTATIME U 9 U 3 Entercookinglimelor pad. 1st stage. I 1 ll 6 l 7 —‘ summon 6 1 I7 P - EU 5 Touch NUMBERpacls "5 ' 4 Enter power level in 1,5 and 7. 1st stage. [557— x 2 E111 8-55 5 Entercookinglime for 2nd stage. Sflimmwm 6 Enter power level tor 2nd stage, SET J x 2 7 TouchSETpad twice ' 6 Touch SET pad twice. ' Note: 1. In case you want to change the magnifica- tion lactor it must be set tor each pad separately, 2. The magnification lactor can be set trom 0.00 lo 9.99. 3. At step 1, no audible signal will he heard when the SET pad is touched the first time, An audible signal will sound when the SET pad is touched the second time. Your oven can be programmed ior up to 6 minutes on HIGH (100%) power. The cooking time input varies trom 10 seconds to 30 seconds depending on the total length oi the cooking time as shown in the table below. Cooking time Increment 0 . 1 minute to seconds 1 - 3 minutes 15 seconds 3 A 6 minutes 30 seconds 1. Place inod on the ceramic shell and close the door securely. 2. Turn the Light Up Dial to the desired cooking time. Note that the light indicates the cooking time. Cooking will start immediately. 3. The oven light and the couling1an will be onthrcughout any cooking operation. 4, When the Light Up Dial reaches “0" and the audible signal is heard. oven operation ceases. the light goes out and the tan stops, . 7 NOTE: -The Light Up Dial can be set to operate the even within 1 minute alter a cooking cycle ends or alter closing the door. -The oven door can be opened during the cooking cycle at any time. All ’ microwave activity stops. Close the door to continue the cooking process or turn the Light Up Dial to “0" to end cooking. DEFROSTING FROZEN FOODS CHART Weight Microwave Procedure Time Ground Meat .50 lb. 1 minute 1. Poweronaseconds.Breakapartandremovedelrnsted pieces. Stand 1 minute, 2. Power on 30 seconds. Allow lo stand lor 5 minutes to equalize temperatures. 1.00 lb. 2 minutes 1. Poweron 1 minute. Breakapartand remove detrosted pieces. stand 2 minutes. 2. Power on 1 minute, Allow to stand tor 5 minutes to equalize temperatures. Steaks (“Vt“) 100 lb. 2 minutes 1. Powercn 1 minute. Separate andshield. if necessary. Stand 1 minute. 2. Power on 1 minute. Allow to stand tor 5 minutes to equalize temperatures. 1.50 lb. 3 minutes 1. Poweront ‘l; minutes. Separateandshietd.“necessary. Stand 2 minutes. 2. Power on 1 V: minutes. Atlowto stand tor 5 minutes to equalize temperatures. Chops 1.00 lb. 1 V: minutes 1. P0weron4559conds.Separateandshielddlnecessary, Stand 2 minutes. 2, Power on 45 seconds. Allow to stand tor 5 minutes to equalize temperatures. Boneless 1.00lb. 1 '/z minutes 1. Poweron45seconds.Separateandshield."necessary. Chicken Breasts Stand 2 minutes. 2. Turn chicken over and rearrange, Powercn 45 seconds, Allow to stand lor 3 minutes to equalize temperatures. Chicken Pieces 1.00 lb. 2 minutes 1. Powerent minute. Separateand shield, ilnecessary. (with bone) Stand 2 minutes, 2. Turn chicken over and rearrange. Power on 1 minute. . Allow to stand lor 3 minutes to equalize temperatures. 2.00 lb. 3 minutes 1. Poweront ‘lzminutesSeparale andshield,ilnecessary. Stand 2 minutes, 2. Tumchickenoverandrearrange. Poweront l/zrriinutes. Allow to stand (or 3 minutes to equalize temperatures. ~l | O lauqqen asea Jazno'gl sfiuguado anew! J!V'SL mus A|ddns JGMUd “n sBuguado pus JSAOG anEllluaA mfg; mopugM qfinmm-eas HUM JOOP UGAO'ZL emuw 100011 saaeuns BUHESS puE s|eas 1000 ‘01 safiugu 1000 “5 SerIE] mac sfiuguedo 143321 woo elem ace; AuAEQ |aued |ouuoo ueqs cgmmao “4511 new JSAOO qseIds spgs JaAca qsmds xpeg v-‘N‘c'ivmw‘rx‘m' IMPORTANT SAFETY RUCTIONS when using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be (allowed, including the lollowing: WAR N | NG — To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire. injury to persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy: 1. Read all instructions before using the appliance. 2. Head and follow the specific “PRECAUTiONS TO AVOID POSSiBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY" on page i. 3, This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See "GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS" on page 4. 4. Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with the provided installation instructions. 5. Some products such as whole eggs and sealed containers — for example, closed glass jars — may explode and should not be heated in this oven. 6. Use this appliance'only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use corrosive chemicals or vapors in this appliance, This type of oven is specifically designed to heat. cook or dry food. It is not designed for industrial or laboratory use. 7. As with any appliance, close supervision is necessary when used by children. a. Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug. if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged or dropped. 9. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest Sharp Authorized Servicer Ior examination, repair or adjustment. 10. Do not cover or block any openings on the appliance, 11,Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this product near waterftorexample, near a kitchen sink, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool and the like. 12, Do not use this appliance near the steamer or the tryer. 13.Do not immerse cord or plug in water. 14.Keep cord away from heated surfaces. 15. Do not let cord hang over edge oi table or counter. 16.5ee door surface cleaning instructions on page is, i7.To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity: a, Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance il paper. plastic or other combustible materials are placed inside the oven to facilitate cooking. b, Remove wire tWIst-lies from paper or plastic bags before placing bag in oven. c. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off and disconnect the power cord or shut ofi power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel. d. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Do riot leave paper products, cooking utensils or food in the cavity when not in use. 18. II the oven light fails, consult a SHARP AUTHORIZED SERVICEFI. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS C0 ENTS Front cover For Customer Assistance Contents ..... Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy Limited Warranty ..... Important Safety instructions Grounding instructions Installation ..... Part Names ....... Steps for Operating for R-21HC Detrosting Frozen Foods Chart Steps for Operating for R-21HT,R-21HV Before Operation . Memory Operation Cooking with memory Cooking double quantity with memory . Memory program entry Setting time and power level Setting magnification factor . Memory check Checking lime Checking magntlication wwmmmmmmflwmnswm—A 11 11 11 12 12 13 .13 .13 14 14 14 14 Manual Operations Time cooking Multiple sequence cooking Express Defrost ..... Express Delrost Chart Counter check To check times use To clear the number at times Other Convenient Features Signal setting Demonstration Mode. Service Call Check Care and Cleaning 15 ~ Cooking Guide 16 Utensils 16 Guidelines for microwave heating. 17 Timing guide 15 19 21 21 .22-Back cover Healing and cooking time gut e Reminders“ Specifications Auto-Touch Guide,..,.. PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY (a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open-dooroperation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks, (b) Do not place any object between the oven iront lace and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces. (c) Do not operate the oven it it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven door close property andthatthere is no damage tothe: (1 ) door (bent), (2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces. (d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except property qualified service personnel.
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