Sharp DMR0177 Microwave Oven User Manual M6160 6260 US vp

Sharp Corporation Microwave Oven M6160 6260 US vp

User manual

Operating and Installation InstructionsMicrowave OvenTo prevent accidents and damage to the appliance, please read theseinstructions before installing or using the microwave.M.-Nr. 09 798 370en - US, CA, MX
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.................................4Appliance description .............................................16Oven interior and accessories........................................16Control panel .....................................................17Included accessories ..............................................18Before first use...................................................19Principle of operation .............................................20How does a microwave oven work? ...................................20Functions .......................................................21What can a microwave oven do?......................................21What operating modes does the microwave have? .......................21Microwave Solo mode ...........................................21Automatic Programs .............................................21Suitable cookware for microwave ovens..............................22Material and shape ................................................22The plate cover ...................................................25Clock display ....................................................26Setting the clock ..................................................26Resetting the clock ................................................26Hidden clock display ...............................................26Operation .......................................................27Opening the door..................................................27Placing dishes in the microwave ......................................27Turntable......................................................27Closing the door ..................................................27Starting a program.................................................27"Door" message ................................................28Interrupting or resuming a program ...................................29Changing the settings ..............................................29Cancelling a program ..............................................29At the end of a program.............................................29Keep-warm function................................................30Minute + (programmable) ...........................................30System lock ......................................................31Timer ...........................................................32Reprogramming the timer.........................................32Timer + Cooking program ........................................32Contents2
Using the automatic programs ......................................33Automatic Defrosting )..............................................33Automatic Cooking ................................................33Popcorn Æ......................................................35Recipes for automatic programs 2..................................36Saving your favorite programs......................................39Changing settings ................................................41Reheat ..........................................................44Cooking.........................................................45Defrosting / Defrosting and reheating or cooking ......................46Canning.........................................................47Suggested uses ..................................................48Cleaning and care ................................................49Oven interior and inside of door ......................................49Appliance front ...................................................51Included accessories ..............................................52Frequently Asked Questions .......................................53After sales service ................................................55Caring for the environment.........................................58Electrical connection..............................................59Installation ......................................................60Contact details ..................................................63Contents3
When using electrical appliancesalways observe basic safetyprecautions, including the following:WARNING - To reduce the risk ofburns, electric shock, fire, injury topersons, or exposure to excessivemicrowave energy:Read all instructions beforeinstalling or using the oven.Read and follow the specific,"PRECAUTIONS TO AVOIDPOSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGY" in the "IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS"section of this manual.This appliance is intended forresidential use only. Only usethe appliance for its intendedpurpose. Install or locate thisappliance only in accordancewith the provided installationinstructions.This appliance complies withcurrent safety requirements.Improper use of the appliancecan lead to personal injuryand material damage.Intended use~The appliance is intended foruse in domestic households andsimilar working and residentialenvironments.This appliance is not intendedfor outdoor use.~The microwave oven isintended for domestic use onlyto cook, defrost, reheat and canfood. Any other use is notpermitted.~Do not use the microwaveoven to store or dry flammablematerials. If such items are driedin the microwave oven, themoisture contained in thematerial evaporates, causing theitems to dry out andspontaneously combust.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS4
~Persons who are unable tosafely operate the microwaveoven due to limited physical,sensory or mental capabilities, orbecause of a lack of experienceor knowledge, may only use theappliance if they are supervisedwhile doing so. These personsmay only use the appliancewithout supervision if they havebeen shown how to use it in asafe manner, and if they are ableto recognize and understand thepotential risks of improper use.Safety with children~All children must be keptaway from the microwave ovenunless constantly supervised.~Children must not be allowedto clean or maintain themicrowave oven withoutsupervision.~Please supervise any childrenin the vicinity of the microwaveoven and do not let them playwith the appliance.~Danger of suffocation! Ensurethat any plastic wrappings,bags, etc. are disposed of safelyand kept out of the reach ofchildren.~Risk of injury! The maximumallowable weight on the door is17.6 lbs (8 kg). Do not allowchildren to hang, lean or sit onthe door when open.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS5
Technical safety~A damaged microwave ovencan be dangerous. Alwayscheck for visible signs ofdamage. Never use a damagedappliance.~If the power cord is damaged,it must be replaced by a Mieleauthorized technician in order toprotect the user from harm.~Operating a damagedmicrowave oven can result inmicrowave leakage and pose adanger to the user. Do not usethe appliance if:– The door is warped– The door hinges are loose– Holes or cracks are visible inthe casing, the door or the wallsof the oven interior.~Any contact with liveconnections or tampering withthe electrical or mechanicalcomponents of the microwaveoven will endanger your safetyand may lead to appliancemalfunctions. Do not open thecasing of the appliance underany circumstances.~To avoid damaging themicrowave oven, make sure thatthe connection data (voltage andfrequency) on the rating platecorrespond to the building'spower supply before connectingthe appliance. When in doubt,consult a qualified electrician.~Do not use a power strip orextension cord to connect themicrowave oven to electricity.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS6
~To guarantee the electricalsafety of this appliance,continuity must exist between theappliance and an effectivegrounding system. Thisappliance must be grounded.Connect only to properlygrounded outlet. It is imperativethat this basic safety requirementbe met. If there is any doubt,have the electrical system of thehouse checked by a qualifiedelectrician.The electrical safetyof the microwave oven can onlybe guaranteed if it has beenconnected to a groundingsystem that complies withapplicable safety regulations.Compliance with thisfundamental safety requirementis extremely important in order toeliminate damage caused by amissing or disconnectedgrounding system (e.g. electricshock). When in doubt, have thebuilding's wiring systeminspected by a qualifiedelectrician.~For safety reasons, themicrowave oven may only beused when it has been fullyinstalled.~Repair work should only beperformed by a Miele authorizedservice technician. Repairs byunqualified persons can causeconsiderable danger to users.~Any repairs not performed bya Miele authorized servicetechnician will void the warranty.~The microwave oven must bedisconnected from the powersupply during repair work,cleaning or maintenance.~Miele can only guarantee thesafety of the appliance whengenuine original Miele spareparts are used. Defectivecomponents must only bereplaced by genuine originalMiele spare parts.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS7
~If the microwave oven isinstalled behind a cabinet door,it may only be used with thecabinet door open. Do not closethe cabinet door when theappliance is in use. Heat andmoisture can build up behind thedoor and cause damage to theappliance and cabinetry. Do notclose the door until theappliance has cooled downcompletely.~The microwave oven may notbe used in mobile installations(e.g. on ships).Proper usePRECAUTIONS TO AVOIDPOSSIBLE EXPOSURE TOEXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGYDo not attempt to operate thisoven with the door open sinceopen-door operation canresult in harmful exposure tomicrowave energy. It isimportant not to damage ortamper with the safetyinterlocks.Do not place any objectbetween the oven front andthe door or allow soil orcleaner residue to accumulateon sealing surfaces.Do not operate the oven if it isdamaged. It is particularlyimportant that the oven doorcloses properly and that thereis no damage to the: (1) door(bent), (2) hinges and latches(broken or loosened), (3) doorseals and sealing surfaces.The oven should not beadjusted or repaired byanyone except properlyqualified service personnel.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS8
~Always ensure that food issufficiently heated.Many factors will affect theoverall cooking time, includingthe type, amount and nature ofthe food, its initial temperature,and changes to the recipe.Some foods may contain micro-organisms which are onlydestroyed by thorough cooking.Therefore, when cooking orreheating food, it is particularlyimportant that food is heated atadequate temperatures for asufficient amount of time. Whenin doubt, select a longer cookingor reheating time.~It is important that enoughheat is allowed to spread evenlythroughout the food beingcooked.This can be achieved by stirringand/or turning the food, and byobserving a sufficiently longstanding time, which should beadded to the time needed forcooking, reheating or defrosting.Standing times are "resting"times in which the heat isuniformly distributed in the food.~Always remember that timesfor cooking, reheating anddefrosting in a microwave ovenare usually considerably shorterthan in the case of traditionalmethods of food preparation.Excessively long cooking timescan lead to food drying out andburning, or may even cause it tocatch fire.Do not dry bread, rolls, flowers,herbs, etc., in the microwaveoven as these could also catchfire.~Do not use the microwaveoven to heat up pads orcushions filled with cherry pits,wheat grains, lavender or gel,such as those used inaromatherapy. These pads canignite when heated even afterthey have been removed fromthe appliance.~The microwave oven is notsuitable for cleaning ordisinfecting items.Items can get extremely hot andthere is a danger of burningwhen the item is removed fromthe appliance. Fire hazard!IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS9
~The microwave oven can bedamaged if it is used withoutfood or when loaded incorrectly.Therefore, do not use theappliance to warm empty dishesor to dry herbs or other similaritems.~Always ensure that food or abrowning dish has been placedin the microwave oven and thatthe turntable is in position beforeturning on the appliance.~Do not cook or reheat food orliquids in sealed containers, jarsor bottles.Otherwise, pressure will build upand can cause the bottle orcontainer to explode.~When heating food anddrinks, remember that the heat iscreated in the food itself, andthat the cookware will normallybe cooler. The dish is onlywarmed by the heat of the food.The temperature of the containeris not an indication of thetemperature of the food or liquidit contains. Check the food forthe desired temperature afterremoving it. This is particularlyimportant when preparing foodfor babies. Shake or stir babymilk and food thoroughly afterheating, and try it yourself first toensure that it will not burn thebaby.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS10
~The boiling stick ensures thatliquids heat up evenly, allowingbubbles to form at the right time.When boiling and, in particular,when reheating liquids usingmicrowave power without theboiling wand, the boiling point ofthe liquid may be reachedwithout the typical production ofbubbles. The liquid does not boilevenly throughout. This "boilingdelay" can cause a suddenbuildup of bubbles when thecookware is removed from themicrowave oven or when it isshaken. This can ultimately leadto the liquid boiling oversuddenly and explosively. Burnhazard!The formation of bubbles can beso strong that the pressureforces the appliance door open.Risk of injury and damage!When reheating liquids, alwaysplace the boiling wand suppliedinto the cup or glass.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS11
~To avoid fueling any flames,do not open the appliance doorif you see smoke coming fromthe food in the oven interior.Interrupt the current process byturning off the appliance with theOn/Off button and disconnectingit from the power.Do not open the door until thesmoke has dissipated.~Never leave the microwaveoven unattended when cookingwith oil or fat.~Due to the high temperaturesradiated by the microwave oven,nearby flammable objects cancatch fire while the appliance isin use. Do not use the microwaveoven to heat the room.~If using alcohol in yourrecipes, please be aware thathigh temperatures can cause thealcohol to vaporize and even toignite on hot surfaces. Do notheat undiluted alcohol in theappliance. Fire hazard!~Do not use the microwaveoven to heat up or can food insealed containers, such ascanisters or jars, as pressure willbuild up in the container andmay cause it to explode.~Food which is stored in theoven interior or left there to bekept warm can dry out, and themoisture released can lead tocorrosion damage in themicrowave oven. The controlpanel, countertop andsurrounding cabinetry can alsobe damaged.Always cover food that is left inthe appliance.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS12
~To avoid corrosion on thestainless steel surfaces of themicrowave oven, thoroughlywipe away any splashes on theinterior walls from food or liquidscontaining salt immediately afterthey occur.~The oven interior can get hotduring use. Burn hazard! Cleanthe appliance interior andaccessories as soon as theyhave cooled down. Waiting toolong can make cleaningunnecessarily difficult and, inextreme cases, impossible.Under certain conditions, stronggrease and gunk buildup candamage the appliance and evenbe dangerous. Fire hazard!Please follow the instructions oncleaning in "Cleaning and care".~Fire hazard! Usingmicrowave power withplasticware that is not microwavesafe can cause it to melt anddamage the appliance.Do not use any containers,dishware or utensils made of orcontaining metal. Do not usealuminum foil, lead crystalglassware, temperature-sensitiveplastics, wooden dishes, metalclips, plastic clips with metalparts or paper twist tiescontaining wire. Do not usebowls with milled rims, or plasticcontainers without a fullyremoved aluminum lid (see"Suitable cookware formicrowave ovens").These items can be damaged orcause a fire hazard.~Do not leave the microwaveoven unattended when reheatingor cooking food in disposablecontainers made of plastic,paper or other flammablematerials.Before using disposablecontainers, make sure they aresuitable for use in microwaveovens. See "Suitable containersfor microwave ovens".IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS13
~Do not reheat food in themicrowave oven in heat-retainingbags intended for normal ovens,such as bags used for grilledchicken.~Eggs can be cooked withouttheir shells using microwavepower only if the yolk membranehas been punctured severaltimes first. Otherwise, thepressure may cause the eggyolk to explode.~When eggs are cooked withtheir shells in the microwaveoven, they may explode, evenafter being removed from theoven interior. Only cook eggs intheir shells in the microwaveusing a specially designed eggboiler.Do not reheat hard-boiled eggsin the microwave oven.~Food with a thick skin or peel,such as tomatoes, sausage,potatoes and eggplant, shouldbe pierced or cut in severalplaces before heating in order toallow steam to escape andprevent the food from bursting.~Cookware with hollow knobsor handles is not suitable for usein the microwave. Moisturegathered in the hollow recessescan cause pressure to build up,and the item can explode(unless the recesses aresufficiently ventilated). Werecommend that you do not usethese types of dishes for cookingin the microwave oven.~To check the foodtemperature, interrupt thecooking process.Only use a thermometerspecifically approved for usewith food to measure thetemperature. Do not usethermometers containingmercury or liquid, as these arenot suitable for use at very hightemperatures and can breakeasily.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS14
~Do not use a steam cleaner toclean the microwave oven. Thesteam may reach electricalcomponents and cause a shortcircuit.Stainless steel surfaces~Adhesives will damage thecoated stainless steel surfaceand cause it to lose itsresistance to grease and grime.Do not use sticky notes,transparent adhesive tape,masking tape or other types ofadhesive on the stainless steelsurface.~Stainless steel is easilyscratched. Even magnets cancause scratching.Accessories~Only use genuine originalMiele accessories and spareparts. Using accessories orspare parts from othermanufacturers will void thewarranty, and Miele cannotaccept liability for damagecaused by the use of such parts.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSAND REVIEW THEMPERIODICALLYIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS15
Oven interior and accessoriesaControl panelbTurntablecOven doordPlate covereBoiling stickAppliance description16
Control panelfOn/Off button KgAutomatic Popcorn program ÆhSelector knobfor microwave power and automatic programs(can be turned clockwise and counter-clockwise).iClock/timer displayjbutton (for saving a 1- to 3-stageprogram sequence) MkAppliance settings XlClock +mSelector knob for entering time and weight(can be turned clockwise and counter-clockwise).nTimer NoStop button UU UUpStart / Add one minute /Minute + button (programmable) cqBack button #for cancelling last entryrOK buttonAppliance description17
Included accessoriesPlate coverThe plate cover supplied must only beused in the Microwave Solo mode.It prevents food from drying out and theoven interior from becoming dirty, and itaccelerates the heating process.Boiling stickWhen heating liquids, the boiling stickshould always be placed in thecontainer. It helps heat liquids evenly.These products and other usefulaccessories can be ordered via theMiele website or from your Miele dealer.Appliance description18
Allow the microwave to situnpacked for approx. 2 hours aftertransport before using it for the firsttime.During this time, the temperature of theappliance can equalize with the roomtemperature.This is important for the correctelectronic functioning of the appliance.,Ensure that any packing materialis disposed of safely and kept out ofthe reach of children. Danger ofsuffocation!^Remove all packaging material whenunpacking the appliance.Do not remove the plate cover to themicrowave outlet in the oven interior.^Check the appliance for anydamage.Do not use the microwave oven if:–The door is warped.– The door hinges are loose.– Holes or cracks are visible on thecasing.Operating the appliance with thistype of damage will result inmicrowave leakage and pose adanger to the user.^Clean the oven interior and allaccessories with a soft sponge andwarm water.^Place the enclosed quick guide tothe frame behind the door (asillustrated), making sure they do notblock any of the vents.Before first use19
How does a microwave ovenwork?The microwave oven contains a high-frequency tube called a magnetron. Itconverts electrical energy intoelectromagnetic waves calledmicrowaves. These microwaves arethen distributed evenly throughout theoven interior and reflected by its metalwalls, which allows the microwaves toreach and penetrate the food from allsides. Distribution of the microwaves isoptimized by an activated turntable.In order for microwaves to reach thefood, they must be able to penetratethe cookware being used. Microwavescan penetrate porcelain, glass,cardboard and plastics, but not metal.Therefore, you should not usecontainers which are either made ofmetal or contain it in any form, such asgold or silver trim. The metal reflectsthe microwaves, which may causesparking to occur. The microwavescannot be absorbed.The microwaves will pass through anysuitable cookware and find their waydirectly into the food. All food containsmoisture molecules which, whensubjected to microwave energy, beginto oscillate at a rate of 2.5 billion timesper second. The friction caused bythese vibrations creates heat, whichfirst starts developing around theoutside of the food and then slowlypenetrates it toward the center. Themore water a food contains, the faster itis reheated or cooked.Because the heat is produced directlyin the food:–Food can generally be cooked withlittle liquid or oil.–Defrosting, heating and cooking isfaster than using a conventionaloven.–Nutrients, such as vitamins andminerals, are generally retained.–The color, texture and taste of foodare not impaired.The production of microwaves stopswhenever the program is interrupted orthe microwave oven door is opened.During operation, the closed and intactdoor prevents microwaves fromescaping the appliance.Principle of operation20
What can a microwave ovendo?With a microwave oven, food can becooked, reheated or defrosted veryquickly.You can use the microwave oven in thefollowing ways:–Food can be defrosted, reheated orcooked by entering a power settingand a time.–Deep-frozen ready-made meals canbe defrosted and then reheated orcooked.– The microwave oven can also beused as a "little kitchen sidekick," proof dough, to melt chocolateand butter, to dissolve gelatin, toprepare glazes or to can smallamounts of fruit, vegetables andmeat.What operating modes doesthe microwave have?Microwave Solo modeSuitable for defrosting, reheating andcooking.Automatic ProgramsYou can choose from the followingautomatic programs:–Nine defrosting programs():Ad1toAd9),– Three cooking programs for frozenfood()2:Ac1toAc3)– And four cooking programs for freshfood(2:Ac4toAc7).These programs are weight-dependent,which means that you will need enterthe weight of the food.The weight can be displayed in grams(g) or pounds (lb). See "Changingsettings" for more information.In addition to these, there is also theautomatic Popcorn program Æ.Functions21
Microwaves–are reflected by metal,– pass through glass, porcelain,plastic and cardboard,–and are absorbed by food.,Fire hazard!Cookware that is not microwavesafe can be destroyed and maydamage the microwave oven.Material and shapeThe material and shape of thecookware used affect the reheating andcooking time. Flat cookware with acircular or oval shape generally workbest, since the food will heat moreevenly than in square or rectangularcookware.Cookware with hollow knobs orhandles in which moisture canaccumulate is not suitable for use inmicrowave ovens, except whenthese hollow recesses aresufficiently ventilated.Otherwise, pressure can buildup,which may cause the recesses toexplode. Risk of injury!MetalMetal containers, aluminum foil,metal utensils, and dishwarecontaining metal (decoration suchas gold rims or cobalt blue) must notbe used in the microwave oven.Metal reflects microwaves and thushinders the cooking process.Avoid using plastic containerswhere the aluminum lid has notbeen completely removed.Suitable cookware for microwave ovens22
Exceptions:–Ready-made meals in aluminum foiltrayscan be defrosted and reheated in themicrowave oven. Important: Removethe lid and make sure the foil tray is atleast 1" (2.5 cm) from the oven walls atall times.Since food will only be heated from thetop in this case, it is better to remove itfrom the aluminum foil tray and transferit to a microwave safe cookware. Theheat distribution will then be more even.When using aluminum foil trays,crackling and arcing can occur.Make sure that the aluminum foil isat least 1" (2.5 cm) from the ovenwalls at all times. It may not touchthe walls.– Metal meat skewers or clampsThese should only be used if they arevery small in comparison to the size ofthe cut of meat.GlasswareHeat-resistant glass or ceramic glassare ideal for use with microwave power.Crystal glassware is unsuitablebecause it contains lead whichcould cause the glass to crack inthe microwave oven.PorcelainPorcelain is a suitable material.Do not use porcelain that has metaltrim, such as a gold edge, or hollowknobs or handles.EarthenwareDecorated earthenware is only suitableif the decoration is beneath the glaze.Earthenware can get very hot.Glazes and colorsSome glazes and colors containmetal substances.This makes the dishes they coverunsuitable for use in the microwaveoven.WoodWooden containers are not suitable.Moisture contained in the woodevaporates during the cookingprocess, causing the wood to dryand crack.Suitable cookware for microwave ovens23
PlasticsPlasticware must only be used in theMicrowave Solo mode.It must be heat-resistant and able towithstand temperatures of at least230°F (110°C). Otherwise, theplastic may melt and fuse with thefood.Special microwave-safe plasticware isalso available from retail stores.Plasticware made of melamine is notsuitable for use in the microwave oven.It absorbs microwave energy andbecomes very hot. Before purchasingplasticware, make sure the material ismicrowave safe.Plastic cooking bags can be usedfor cooking and reheating food.They should be pierced beforehandso that steam can escape. Thisprevents a buildup of steam andreduces the risk of the bag bursting.Specially designed steam cookingbags that do not need to be piercedare also available. Follow theinstructions listed on the packaging.Do not use metal clips, plastic clipswith metal parts or paper twist tiescontaining wire. They can ignitewhen heated.Disposable containersDisposable containers made of plasticmust meet the requirements indicatedunder "Plastics" to be suitable for use inthe microwave.Do not leave the applianceunattended when reheating orcooking food in disposablecontainers made of plastic, paper orother flammable materials.Protect the environment by avoiding theuse of disposable containers.Suitable cookware for microwave ovens24
The plate cover–Prevents too much steam fromescaping, especially during longerreheating times.–Speeds up the cooking process.–Prevents food from drying out.–Helps keep the oven interior clean.Always cover food with the microwave-safe cover supplied.You can also use microwave-safeplastic wrap in place of the cover.Use plastic wrap that is recommendedfor use in a microwave oven. Heat cancause common household plastic wrapto become deformed and fuse with thefood.,Sealed containers and glassjars, such as jars of baby food, mustbe opened before they are placedin the microwave oven.Do not cook or reheat food or liquidsin sealed containers, jars or bottles.With baby bottles, the screw topand nipple must be removed.Otherwise, pressure builds up whichcan cause the bottle or container toexplode.Do not use a lid or cover if:– Food coated with breadcrumbs isbeing cooked.– Cooking meals which are to be givena crisp finish.,The plate cover must only everbe used with the Microwave Solomode.Because the cover can onlywithstand temperatures of up to230°F (110°C), it should only beused in the microwave oven andsolely in the Microwave Solo mode.At temperatures in excess of 230°F(110°C), the plastic can melt andfuse with the food.The cover should not form a sealwith the cookware. If the cover isused with cookware that only has anarrow diameter, there may not beenough room for condensation toescape through the side openingsof the cover. The cover will overheatand may begin to melt.Suitable cookware for microwave ovens25
,The microwave oven may not beoperated until it has been properlyinstalled in a cabinet.Setting the clock^Connect the appliance to the powersupply."12:00" lights up in the display, andthe +symbol flashes until thecurrent time of day is set.^Turn the selector knob to set theclock.^Touch the "OK" or "+" button toconfirm.The new time setting is then applied.You can switch between the 24-hourand 12-hour format (see "Changingsettings").Resetting the clock^Touch the +button.The +symbol will flash in the displayfor a few seconds.^While the +symbol is flashing, usethe selector knob to change theclock.^Touch the OK or +button to confirm,otherwise the clock will reset to theoriginal time.Hidden clock displayIf the appliance has not been used inapprox. 10 minutes, the clock will behidden and continue to run in thebackground. The display will be dark.The appliance is turned off and must beswitched on using the ON/OFF buttonKbefore it can be used again.You can deactivate this appliancesetting if you would like to see the clockdisplay at all times (see "Changingsettings").Clock display26
Opening the doorIf the microwave oven is in use,opening the door will interrupt thecurrent program.,Risk of injury! The maximumallowable weight on the door is 17.6lbs (8 kg). Do not allow children tohang, lean or sit on the door whenopen.Placing dishes in themicrowaveIdeally, the dish should be placed inthe middle of the oven interior.TurntableThe turntable helps the food to cook,reheat or defrost evenly.Do not operate the microwavewithout the turntable in place.The turntable begins turningautomatically when a program isstarted.Do not cook, reheat or defrost fooddirectly on the turntable. Make sure thatthe dish is not larger in size than theturntable.Turn or stir food during cooking, or turnthe dish, so that it heats up evenly.Closing the doorIf the door was opened while themicrowave was in use, touch the "Start"button to resume the interruptedprogram.Starting a programUse the appropriate selector to choosethe microwave power level and thecooking time.^Use the power selector to choose thedesired power level.The hsymbol and the power levelselected will light up in the display."0:00" flashes for the minute entry.You can choose from 7 different powerlevels.The higher the power level, the moremicrowaves reach the food.Operation27
When heating up foods that cannot bestirred or turned during cooking, orfoods with very different consistencies,it is best to use a lower microwavepower level.This ensures that the heat is distributedevenly. Heat for long enough to cookthe food properly.^Set the required time using theselector knob.You can choose any length of timebetween 10 seconds and 90 minutes.Exception: If the maximum power levelis selected, you can set a time of up to15 minutes. The machine withautomatically decrease to a 600 Wpower level to protect from overheating(protection from overheating will appearin the display).The time required depends on:–The initial temperature of the food.Food taken from the refrigerator willneed longer to reheat, cook, etc.than food already at roomtemperature.–The type and texture of the food.Fresh vegetables contain more waterand cook more quickly than storedvegetables.–The frequency with which the food isstirred or turned.Frequent stirring or turning heats thefood more evenly, and it is thereforeready in less time.–The amount of food.As a general rule:Double the quantity = nearly twicethe timeFor a smaller quantity of food, thecook time decreases proportionately.–The shape and material of thedishware.^Touch the "Start" button to start theprogram.The interior lighting comes on.A program can only be started if thedoor is closed."Door" messageThe "Door" message in the display is areminder that the appliance cannot beused without food inside it.Operating the microwave withoutfood can damage the appliance.If the door has been closed for 20minutes or longer when the "Start"button is touched, the word door willappear in the display to remind you toopen the door and make sure there isfood in the appliance before you touch"Start". You cannot start a program untilyou do this.Operation28
Interrupting or resuming aprogramAt any time you can......interrupt a program:^Touch the UU UU button, or open theappliance door.The time stops counting down....resume a program:^Close the door and touch the "Start"button.The program will continue.Changing the settingsAfter starting the program, if youdetermine that......themicrowave power level is toohigh or too low:^Select a new power level....thetime entered is too short or toolong:^Interrupt the program (touch the UU UUbutton), use the selector knob to seta new time, and resume the program(touch the "Start" button),or alternatively:^Use directly the selector knob to seta new time, and resume the program(touch the "Start" button),or alternatively:^Touch the "Start" button duringoperation to increase the cookingtime. Each touch of the buttonincreases the time by another minute.(Exception: The time increases by 30seconds when the microwave oven isbeing used at maximum power.)Cancelling a program^Touch the UU UU button, or open theappliance door.The time stops counting down.^Touch the #button.At the end of a programA signal will sound when the cookingprogram is complete. The oven interiorlighting goes out.The signal repeats several times. Then,a brief reminder signal sounds atregular intervals for a period of timefollowing the end of the program. It ispossible to deactivate these functions(see "Changing settings").^If you would like to stop the signal,touch the #button.Operation29
Keep-warm functionThe keep-warm function will turn onautomatically at 80 W for a maximum of15 minutes approx. 2 minutes after theend of a cooking program that was runat a power level of least 450 W,provided that the door remains closedand no buttons are tapped.h,80WandH:H will appear in thedisplay.Opening the door or operating one ofthe buttons or selectors while the keep-warm function is in progress will cancelthe function.The keep-warm function cannot be setas a separate function.You can deactivate this function (see"Changing settings").Minute + (programmable)Tapping the "Start /c" button issufficient to start the applianceoperating at maximum power.Three cooking times are stored in thememory:^30 sec: Touch "Start /c" button once^1 min: Touch "Start /c" button twice^2 min: Touch "Start /c" button threetimesTouching "Start /c" four times in a rowwill return you to the first saved time,etc.The cooking time can be increasedduring operation by tapping the "Start"button. Each time the "Start" button istapped, the duration is increased byanother 30 seconds.Reprogramming saved timesYou can change the saved cookingtimes.^Use the "Start /c" button to select thetime you wish to reprogram (touchonce, twice or three times) and holdthe "Start /c" button.^While holding the "Start" button,change the time using the selectorknob (max. 15 minutes).The modified program will run whenthe "Start /c" button is released.If there is a power outage thereprogrammed times will no longerbe saved and must be reset.Operation30
System lockThe system lock prevents unauthorizedoperation of the appliance.To activate the system lock^Touch the Xbutton.0and Plight up in the display, andthe Xsymbol flashes.^Turn the selector knob until S0shows in the display.S0and Xlight up in the display,and 0flashes.^Confirm with OK.S0lights up in the display and 0flashes.^Turn the selector knob until SIappears in the display.SIlights up in the display, and 0flashes.^Confirm with OK.Xand SIlight up in the display, and0flashes.After a few seconds, the displayswitches to the clock and the 0symbol.Nearly all appliance functions are nowlocked. Only the timer can be usedwhen the system lock is active (see"Timer").If there is a power outage, thesystem lock will need to bereactivated.To deactivate the system lock^If you would like to deactivate thesystem lock, touch and hold the OKbutton until a signal sounds.The 0symbol will disappear.Operation31
TimerThe timer can be used to keep track ofother activities in the kitchen, e.g.boiling eggs. The time set counts downin one-second increments.^Touch the N.button. "00:00" flashes in the display,and the Nsymbol lights up.^Set the desired time using theselector knob.^Touch the "Start" button to start thetimer.It will also start on its own after a fewseconds if the "Start" button is notpressed.^When the set time has elapsed, "0:00"appears and the Nsymbol flashes.^Touch the #button once. The Nsymbol disappears and the clock isshown.Otherwise, the signal will repeat severaltimes before the time begins to countupwards in seconds, indicating theamount of time that has passed sincethe set time elapsed.Reprogramming the timer^Touch the UU UU button.The current timer countdown isinterrupted.^Use the selector knob to change thetime.^Touch the "Start /c" button to resumethe timer countdown.Timer + Cooking programThe timer can be used at the same timeas a cooking program and will countdown in the background.^Touch the Nbutton while theprogram is in process."00:00" flashes in the display, and theNsymbol lights up.^Set the desired time using theselector knob.^After a few seconds the timer willbegin to count down.A few seconds after this, the displaywill change again to show the currentcooking time counting down. The Nsymbol indicates that the time iscounting down in the background.Do not touch the "Start" button to startthe timer in this case. This will increasethe duration of the current cookingprogram by one minute.Remaining time^Touch the Nbutton.The remaining time on the timer willshow in the display.Operation32
All automatic programs are weight-dependent.The weight of the food can bedisplayed in either grams (g) or pounds(lb). See "Changing settings" for moreinformation.After selecting a program, enter theweight of the food. The microwave ovenautomatically calculates the timeaccording to the weight entered.After cooking, let the food to stand atroom temperature for the suggestednumber of minutes ("standing time") toallow the heat to be distributed evenlythrough the food.Automatic Defrosting )Nine programs are available fordefrosting different types of food. Therecommended standing time for Ad 5 isup to 30 minutes, depending on theweight, and approx. 10 minutes for theother programs.Ad1¹Steak, cutlets(8 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.2 - 1.5 kg))Ad2%Roasts(8 oz - 4 lbs 6 oz (0.2 - 2.0 kg))Ad3ºGround meat(8 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.2 - 1.5 kg))Ad4¼Chicken drumsticks(8 oz - 3lbs 5 oz (0.2 - 1.5 kg))Ad5Chicken(1 lb 13 oz - 8 lbs 13 oz (0.8 - 4.0 kg))Ad6ÂFish fillet(6 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.15 –1.5 kg))Ad7$Fish, whole(6 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.15 - 1.5 kg))Ad8½Cakes(4 oz - 3 lbs 1 oz (0.1 – 1.4 kg))Ad9¾Bread(4 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.1 – 1.5 kg))This program is particularly suitable fordefrosting sliced bread. If possible,place individual slices of bread in themicrowave oven, or carefully separatethem from one another at the halfwaysignal.Automatic CookingThere are three programs for frozenfood and four programs for fresh food.The standing time for each program isapprox. 2 minutes.Cooking frozen food )2Ac1#Vegetables(2 oz - 4 lbs 6 oz (0.05 - 2.0 kg))Ac2¿Frozen dinners, (can bestirred) (11 oz - 2 lbs 3 oz (0.3 - 1.0 kg))Ac3Casseroles and gratins (8 oz- 2 lbs 10 oz (0.2 - 1.2 kg))Cooking fresh food 2Ac4#Vegetables(2 oz - 4 lbs 6 oz (0.05 - 2.0 kg))Ac5ÀPotatoes(4 oz - 3 lbs 5 oz (0.1 - 1.5 kg))Ac6ÃRice(2oz-1lb1oz(0.05 - 0.5 kg))Ac7ÄFish fillet in sauce(15 oz - 4 lbs 6 oz (0.4 - 2.0 kg))Using the automatic programs33
^Turn the power selector to c.The symbol for the first availableautomatic program will appear in thedisplay: The microwave powersymbol hand Ad: I light up, and thedefrost symbol )flashes.^Turn the selector knob until thedesired automatic program appearsin the display:e.g. the Ad 5 program fordefrosting chicken.^Touch OK.Either "g" or "lb" flashes in the display asa prompt to enter the weight, and thesymbol for microwave power hlightsup, as well as )and/or 2, dependingon which group the selected automaticprogram belongs to.The minimum weight for the selectedautomatic program also continues toshow in the display.^Use the selector knob to change theweight.^Touch OK.The time corresponding to the weightentered appears in the display, and thestart symbol flashes.^Touch the "Start" button.The time begins to count down and hlights up, as well as )and/or 2.A signal will sound halfway through thecooking time.^Interrupt the program to turn or stirthe food, and then resume theprogram.If necessary, the programmed timescan be extended by a few minutesduring operation by touching the "Start"button repeatedly until the desired timeshows in the display. For all programs,it is only possible to extend the time bya few minutes.A signal will sound when the cookingprogram is complete.The lighting in the oven interior goesout.Using the automatic programs34
Popcorn ÆThis automatic program is suitable formaking microwave popcorn.Microwave popcorn is sold in stores invarious different packaging units. Thisprogram is designed for use with apackaging unit of approx. 4 oz. Forpackaging units of a different size, thecooking time can be changed within acertain interval (see "Changingsettings").However, it is not possible to changethe time of the program that is currentlyrunning.This program is not suitable formaking popcorn from kernels.Only use this automatic program forpopcorn which is specificallylabelled as microwave popcorn.^Place the bag on the turntableaccording to the instructions on thepackaging.Make sure that the bag has enoughroom to expand. If it comes intocontact with the wall of the oveninterior and gets stuck there, a heatbuildup may occur.^Touch Æ.The program will start after a short time.It will start immediately if you touch the"Start" button.You will soon hear the first kernelspopping.^Stop the program before the end ifthe popping noises becomeinfrequent. Follow the instructions onthe packaging.The bag gets very hot.Use caution when removing from themicrowave.Using the automatic programs35
Here you will find a few suggestedrecipes for the automatic "Cookingfresh food 2" programs, which you canadd to or modify as desired.It is important to follow the weightguidelines for each program. Ifthese weights are exceeded, thefood will not be sufficiently cooked.AC 4 #VegetablesPlace the prepared vegetables in acontainer. Depending on the freshnessand moisture content of the vegetables,add 3-4 tbsps. water and a little salt orother seasoning. Enter the weightincluding the water, place the coveredcooking container on the turntable andcook. Halfway through the cookingtime, a signal will sound, prompting youto turn or stir the food.When cooking vegetables in a sauce,the weight entered must include thesauce. Do not exceed the maximumweight guidelines.Carrots in a chervil cream sauce(serves 2)Preparation time: 25 - 35 minutes3/4 lb (350 g) carrots, washed andpeeled1/3 tbsp (5 g) butter1/4 cup (50 ml) vegetable stock(instant)1/3 cup (75 g) crème fraîche1 tbsp. white wineSalt and pepperA pinch of sugar1/2tsp mustard1-2 tbsp fresh chervil, chopped, or 1tbsp dried chervil, choppedApprox. 1 tbsp thickenerCut the carrots into sticks or slices(approx. 1/8 in (3-4 mm) thick) andplace in a cooking container.Combine the rest of the ingredients tomake a smooth sauce, and pour overthe carrots.Cover and cook. Stir when the signalsounds halfway through the cookingtime.Setting: Cooking fresh food Ac 4 1Weight: 1 lb 3 oz (525 g)Place cooking container on theturntableRecipes for automatic programs 236
Ac 5 ÀPotatoesThis program can be used to cookpeeled, new and bouillon potatoes.Enter the weight for the potatoes andthe cooking liquid.For peeled potatoes, peel, wash anddrain the potatoes and place them in acooking container. Season with a littlesalt, cover and cook.When cooking new potatoes, addapprox. 1 tbsp water per potato. Ifcooking the potatoes in their skins,pierce the skins several times with afork or skewer before cooking, thencover the container and cook.Golden curried potatoes(serves 3)Preparation time: 25 - 35 minutes1 lb 2 oz (500 g) peeled potatoes1 onion, finely diced3/4 tbsp (10 g) butter1 – 2 tbsp curry powder1 cup (250 ml) vegetable stock (instant)1/4 cup (50 ml) cream1/4 lb (125 g) peas (frozen)Salt and pepperCut the potatoes into large cubes(approx. 1 1/8 x 1 1/8 in (3 x 3 cm)), oruse small potatoes.Place all of the ingredients into asuitable container and mix well.Cover and cook. Stir when the signalsounds halfway through the cookingtime.Setting: Cooking fresh food Ac 5 ÀWeight: 2 lbs 3 oz (1000 g)Place cooking container on theturntableAc 6 ÃRiceUse this program to cook rice in themicrowave. Enter the weight of the dryrice.Add boiling water to the rice using aratio of 1 part rice to 2 parts water.Cook uncovered.Recipes for automatic programs 237
Ac 7 ÄFish fillet in sauceFish curry(serves 4)Preparation time: 35 - 45 minutes11 oz (300 g) pineapple pieces1 bell pepper, red1 small banana1 lbs 2 oz (500 g) firm white fish3 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp (30 g) butter1/2 cup (100 ml) white wine1/2 cup (100 ml) pineapple juiceSalt, sugar and chili pepper2 tbsp thickenerDice the fish and place in a suitablecontainer. Drizzle with lemon juice.Quarter the peppers, remove the seedsand pith and cut into narrow strips. Peeland slice the banana. Add to the fishalong with the pepper and pineapplepieces and mix well. Add the butter.Mix together the wine, juice, spices andthickener to make a smooth sauce andpour over the fish. Mix everythingthoroughly, then cover and cook.Setting: Cooking fresh food Ac 7 ÄWeight: approx. 2 lbs 10 oz (1200 g)Place cooking container on theturntableRecipes for automatic programs 238
One favorite program can be saved intomemory. This program can be used foryour most frequently cooked recipe.The program can have up to 3 stages(for example: 1 minute at 600 W,followed by 2 minutes at 450 W, andfinally 3 minutes at 150 W).Programming(The example given is for a three-stageprogram.)^Turn the power selector to the 12o'clock position.^Touch M."1" will flash in the display.^Select the power level and durationfor the first stage.^Touch OK.^Next, select the second power leveland duration.^Confirm with OK.^Now select the third power level andduration, and then touch OK.^Once you have finishedprogramming, turn the powerselector to the 12 o'clock position.You can then use the selector knob toscroll through your entries and checkthem.^Start the program to save the entry.Do not run the entire program unlessthere is food in the appliance.If there is no food in the appliance,touch the UU UU button as soon as youhave started the program to preventthe appliance from being damaged.One- and two-stage programs can besaved in the same way. Theprogramming process is completed bymoving the power selector to the 12o'clock position and then touching the"Start" button.Saving your favorite programs39
Using the favorite program^Turn the power selector to the 12o'clock position.^Touch M.^Turn the selector knob to view theindividual program stages.^Touch the "Start" button.If there is a power outage, theprogram will no longer be savedand must be reentered.Changing an entryYou can override the previously savedprogram by entering a new program.^Turn the power selector to the 12o'clock position.^Touch M.The first program stage appears inthe display.^Touch OK to change the first stage."1" will flash in the display.^Enter the new program sequence asdescribed above.Saving your favorite programs40
Some of the appliance's factory defaultsettings can be changed if desired.See the chart on the following page forthe different options available.The original factory settings are markedin the chart with an asterisk*.To change a setting, proceed asfollows:^Touch X.In the display, Xwill flash and Pand0will light up.^Touch OK.PIwill appear in the display.^Use the selector knob to choose thesetting that you wish to change (PIto P11and P0). Turn it until thedesired setting shows in the display.^Then, touch OK to call up the setting.The status that is currently validappears in the display, e.g. S1, etc.^Turn the selector knob if you wish tochange the status (see chart), andconfirm your entry by touching OK(for P8and P0, hold OK for approx.4 seconds).The change is then saved to thememory. Pwill appear in the displayagain, together with the number for thesetting.The other settings can be changed inthe same way.If you do not wish to change the settingshown and would like to move toanother setting, touch #.^Touch Xif you are finished changingsettings.Changes to the settings remainsaved during a power outage.If there is too long of a pause before thenext entry, the clock will reappear in thedisplay. If this happens, repeat yourentries.Changing settings41
Settings Available settings (* factory default)PI Clock display S0*SIIf the appliance has not been used for alonger period of time, the clock will behidden and continue to run in thebackground. The appliance is turned off andmust be turned on before it can be usedagain.The clock is turned on and remains visible.The appliance is ready for use.P2 Signal tonevolumeS0SItoS7*Signal tones are turned off.Signal tones are switched on. You canchange the volume of the tone. The toneassigned to a status will sound when thestatus is selected.P3 Keypad tone S0SI*Keypad tones are turned off.Keypad tones are turned on.P4 Clock 24 h12h*The 24-hour clock display is active.The 12-hour clock display is active.P5 Reminder signal S0SI*The reminder signal is turned off.The reminder signal sounds every 5 minutesfor a period of time after the end of theprogram.P6 Unit of weight SIS2*Food weight is displayed in grams (g).Food weight is displayed in pounds (lb).P7 Display brightness SItoS7,S4*Different levels of brightness can be set. Thebrightness assigned to a status will appearwhen the status is selected.P8 Demo mode(for presentationsin dealershowrooms or attrade shows)S0*SIDemo mode is deactivated.Demo mode is activated. When a button orselector is operated, MES_ shows briefly inthe display. The appliance can be operated,but the microwave function does not work.P9 Keep-warmfunctionS0SI*The keep-warm function is turned off.The keep-warm function is switched on.Changing settings42
PI0 "Door" message S0SI*The "Door" message does not appear.The "Door" message appears if the door hasnot been opened in the last 20 minutesbefore "Start" is pressed. "Start" is thenblocked.PII Popcorn 2:302:402:5003:20 *03:50The maximum duration for this program canbe altered between these values.P0 Factory default SOSI*Factory default settings have been changed.Factory default settings have been restored,or have not been changed.Changing settings43
Select the following microwave powerlevels to reheat food and drinks:Drinks .....................900WFood ......................600WFood for babies and toddlers . . . 450 W,Be sure that baby/toddler fooddoes not become too hot. Heat foronly 1/2to 1 minute at 450 W.Tips for reheatingAlways use a lid or cover for reheatingfood, except when a drier finish isdesired, e.g. breaded poultry/meat.,Always remove the lids fromjars, especially jars of baby food.Remove the screw cap and nipplebefore warming baby bottles.When reheating liquids, place theboiling stick supplied with theappliance into the cup or glass.Never reheat hard boiled eggs in amicrowave oven, even without theshell. The eggs can explode.Food taken straight from the refrigeratorwill take longer to reheat than foodstored at room temperature. Thecooking time required depends on thetexture of the food, its initialtemperature and the amount to becooked.Always ensure that food issufficiently reheated.If you are unsure whether a sufficientlyhigh temperature has been reached,continue reheating a little longer.Larger amounts of food should bestirred or turned from time to timeduring cooking. Stir the food from theoutside towards the middle, as foodheats more quickly from the outside.After reheatingBe careful when removing dishesfrom the appliance. They may behot.Although heat is not normally producedin the cookware itself by themicrowaves (apart from stoneware),heat is transferred from the food to thecookware, which can cause thecookware to become hot.Allow food to stand at roomtemperature for a few minutes afterreheating so that the heat can spreadevenly throughout the food and so thata consistent temperature is reached.,After reheating food/drinks,especially for babies and smallchildren, stir it or shake thecookware and check that thetemperature does not pose anydanger.Reheat44
Place the food in a microwave-safecookware and cover it.When cooking, it is recommended toinitially select a power level of 900 Wand then, when the food is hot, reducethe power level to 450 W for a moregentle continued cooking.For dishes such as rice or pudding,first select a power level of 900 W, andthen reduce it to 150 W for simmering.Tips for cookingThe cooking time for vegetablesdepends on their texture.Fresh vegetables contain more waterthan vegetables which have beenstored and usually cook more quickly.Add a little water to vegetables whichhave been kept stored.Food taken straight from the refrigeratorwill take longer to cook than food whichhas been kept at room temperature.Stir or turn food from time to time duringcooking to help it cook more evenly.Ensure that foods that spoil quickly,such as fish, are thoroughly cookedfor an appropriate length of time.Food with a thick skin or peel, suchas tomatoes, sausages, potatoes(cooked in their skins) and eggplant,should be pierced or the skin cut inseveral places before cooking to allowsteam to escape and prevent the foodfrom bursting.When cooking eggs in their shells inthe microwave oven, you must use aspecially designed egg boiler.Otherwise, the eggs will explode,even after being removed from theoven interior.Eggs can be cooked without their shellsin the microwave oven only if the yolkmembrane has been punctured severaltimes first. The pressure couldotherwise cause the egg yolk toexplode.After cookingBe careful when removing dishesfrom the appliance. They may behot.Although heat is not normally producedin the cookware itself by themicrowaves (apart from stoneware),heat is transferred from the food to thecontainer, which can cause thecontainer to become hot.Allow food to stand at roomtemperature for a few minutes (standingtime) after cooking so that the heat canspread evenly throughout the food andso that a consistent temperature isreached.Cooking45
Do not refreeze partially or fullydefrosted food. Consume defrostedfood as soon as possible, as it willlose its nutritional value and spoil ifleft for too long. Defrosted food mayonly be refrozen after it has beencooked.DefrostSelect the following microwave powersettings to defrost food:–80 Wfor defrosting very delicate food,such as cream, butter, cream cakesand cheese.– 150 Wfor defrosting all other foods.Remove the frozen food from itspackaging and place in a microwave-safe container. Do not cover. Turn, stiror separate the food about halfwaythrough the defrosting time.To defrost meat, unpack the frozenmeat and place it on an overturnedplate in a glass or porcelain cookwareso that the meat juice can drip off andbe collected. Turn from time to timeduring defrosting.When defrosting poultry, be sure tostrictly observe food hygiene rules.Do not use the liquid from thedefrosted poultry.Risk of salmonella poisoning!Always follow USDA guidelines onfood safety.Meat, poultry and fish do not need tobe fully defrosted before cooking.Defrost the food until its surface is softenough to accommodate herbs andseasoning.Defrosting followed byreheating or cookingDeep-frozen food can be defrosted andimmediately reheated or cooked.After defrosting, select 900 W and then450 W.Remove the food from its packagingand place in a covered microwave-safecontainer for defrosting and reheatingor cooking. Exception: Ground beefshould be left uncovered while cooking.Foods containing large amounts ofliquid, such as soups and vegetables,should be stirred several times duringthe process. Carefully separate andturn slices of meat halfway through.Turn pieces of fish at the halfway mark.After defrosting followed byreheating or cookingAllow the food to stand at roomtemperature for a few minutes so thatthe heat can spread evenly throughoutthe food.Defrosting / Defrosting and reheating or cooking46
You can use the microwave to cansmall amounts of fruit, vegetables andmeat in glass jars. Prepare the items asyou normally would.Do not fill the jars more than 1" (2.5 cm)below the rim.Only use clear adhesive tape ormicrowave-safe clips to close thejars.Never use metal clips or jars withscrew-on lids.Do not use canisters for canning.When canisters are used, excesspressure is produced which maycause the canisters to explode. Riskof injury and damage!For best results, use no more than four1 pint (1/2- -liter) jars at a time whencanning. Place the jars on the turntable.Set the power level to 900 W and bringthe jar contents to a boil. The amount oftime required for this depends on:–The initial temperature of thecontents.–The number of jars.The amount of time required for thecontents in all jars to start bubblingevenly is as follows:1jar..............approx. 3 minutes2 jars .............approx. 6 minutes3 jars .............approx. 9 minutes4 jars ............approx. 12 minutesThis is enough time for canning fruitand cucumbers.For vegetables, reduce the power to450 W once the contents startbubbling.Cook- Carrots for approx. 15 minutes- Peas for approx. 25 minutes.After canningRemove jars from the oven interior,cover with a towel and leave to set in alocation protected from drafts forapprox. 24 hours.Remove the clips or the adhesive tapeand make sure that all glasses aresealed properly.Canning47
Food Quantity Powerlevel(in W)Time(min)NotesMelting butter 7 tbsp (100 g) 450 1:00 – 1:10 Do not cover.Meltingchocolate4 oz (100 g) 450 3:00 – 3:30 Do not cover.Stir halfway through melting.Dissolving gelatin 1 packet +5 tbsp water450 00:10 –00:30Do not cover.Stir halfway through dissolving.Preparing flantopping/fruit glaze1 packet +1 cup (250 ml)liquid450 4 – 5 Do not cover.Stir halfway through heating.Yeast dough Starter made with1/2 cup (100 g)flour80 3 – 5 Cover and leave to proof.Chocolatemarshmallows1 oz (20 g) 600 00:10 –00:20Place on a plate, do not cover.Saladdressings1/2 cup (125 ml) 150 1 – 2 Heat uncovered at low power tobring out flavor.Bacon 4 oz (100 g) 900 2 – 2:30 Place on paper towel, do notcover.Softeningice cream1/2 gallon (500 g) 150 1 – 3 Place open ice cream containerin microwave oven.Skinningtomatoes3 tomatoes 450 6 – 7 Cut a cross into the top of eachtomato, cover, and heat in a littlewater. The skins will slip offeasily. The tomatoes can getvery hot.Preparingstrawberry jam1 lb (300 g)strawberries, 1 1/2cups (300 g) sugar900 7 – 9 Mix the fruit and sugarin a deepcontainer, cover and cook.The information provided in this chart is intended as a guide only.Suggested uses48
Do not use a steam-cleaner to cleanthe microwave oven.Steam can reach the live electricalcomponents of the appliance andcause a short circuit.Oven interior and inside ofdoor,The oven interior can get hotduring use. Burn hazard!Clean the appliance interior as soonas the microwave has cooled down.Waiting too long can make cleaningunnecessarily difficult and, inextreme cases, impossible.Under certain conditions, heavygrease and grime can damage theappliance and even be dangerous.Fire hazard!The oven interior and inside of the doorcan be cleaned using a damp clothwith a mild cleaner or liquid dish soapmixed with water. Wipe dry with a softcloth.For grease and grime, heat a glass ofwater for 2 to 3 minutes until the waterbegins to boil. The steam will collect onthe walls and soften the buildup.The oven interior can now be wipedclean (with liquid dish soap ifnecessary).Do not remove the plate cover to themicrowave outlet in the oven interior.Do not let water or any objectspenetrate the vents in the appliance.Wring out cloths before using themto wipe out the oven interior toprevent moisture from getting intothe openings.Do not use abrasive cleaners, sincethese will scratch the appliancesurfaces.To neutralize odors in the microwaveoven, put a cup of water with somelemon juice in the oven interior and heatfor a few minutes, or until boiling.Cleaning and care49
The door should be kept clean at alltimes and checked at regular intervalsfor any signs of damage.,If you notice any damage to thedoor, do not use the appliance untilthe defect has been repaired by aMiele authorized technician.To clean the oven interior:^Remove the turntable and wash iteither in the dishwasher or by handwith liquid dish soap and water.^Always keep the roller ring and theoven floor below the turntable cleanso that the turntable can turnsmoothly.^Clean the contact surfaces betweenthe turntable and the roller ring.Do not turn the support manually, asthis could damage the drive motor.Cleaning and care50
Appliance frontDo not let water or any objects getinto or block the air vents in the doorframe.It is best to remove any grease andgrime on the appliance front imme-diately.If it remains on the surface for alonger period of time, it maybecome impossible to remove,causing the surfaces to discolor orchange.Clean the front with a clean sponge anda solution of hot water and liquid dishsoap. After cleaning, dry the front with asoft cloth.A clean, damp microfiber cloth can alsobe used without cleaner.All of the appliance surfaces areeasily scratched. Scratches onglass surfaces may even lead tobreakage under certain conditions.Contact with unsuitable cleanerscan alter or discolor the surfaces.To avoid damaging the surfaceswhen cleaning, do not use any of thefollowing:–Cleaning products containing soda,ammonia, acid or chloride–Lime removers–Abrasive cleaning products, such asscouring powder, scouring liquid, orpumice stones–Cleaners containing solvents–Stainless steel cleaners–Dishwasher cleaner– Oven sprays– Glass cleaners– Hard, abrasive sponges andbrushes, such as pot scrubbers– Eraser sponges– Sharp metal scrapersCleaning and care51
Included accessoriesBoiling stickThe boiling stick is dishwasher safe.Plate coverWash and dry the cover after each use.The cover can be washed in adishwasher. However, discolorationcaused by natural dyes, e.g. fromcarrots, tomatoes or ketchup, mayoccur.This discoloration is permanent but willnot affect the stability of the cover.Cleaning and care52
,Repairs to this appliance mustonly be carried out by a Mieleauthorized service technician instrict accordance with current localand national safety regulations.Repairs and other work byunqualified persons may pose adanger to the user.However, you can resolve the followingminor problems yourself:What to do if......aprogram will not start.Check whether:^The appliance door is closedproperly.^The system lock has been activated(see "System lock").^The word "Door" appears in thedisplay. The door has remainedclosed for 20 minutes or longer (see"'door' message).^The appliance is properly pluggedinto an electrical outlet.^The main circuit breaker has tripped.If this is the case, there could be afault in the appliance, the building'selectricity supply or anotherappliance (unplug the power cordfrom the outlet and contact aqualified electrician or Miele see"After sales service").. . . a noise can be heard after thecooking process is complete.This is not a malfunction.The cooling fan will continue to run for awhile after the cooking process todispel any moisture from the oveninterior and prevent it from settling onthe control panel or surroundingcabinetry.It will turn off automatically.. . . the display does not light up.Check whether:^The clock display is turned off.. . . the turntable does not turnsmoothly.^Check whether the oven floorunderneath the turntable is clean.^Check whether the contact areasbetween the turntable and the rollerring are clean.Remove any food or grime.. . . food is not adequately defrosted,heated or cooked at the end of theselected cooking time.^Check whether an appropriate powerlevel was selected for the timeentered.The lower the power level, the moretime necessary.^Check whether the program wasinterrupted and not resumed.Frequently Asked Questions53
. . . the microwave function isworking but not the oven lighting.^You can operate the appliance asusual, but the lamp has blown. Toreplace the lamp, contact Miele.. . . strange noises are heard whenthe microwave oven is in use.Check whether:^The food is covered with aluminumfoil.If so, remove it.^Sparks are being created by the useof crockery with a metallic finish (see"Suitable cookware for microwaveovens").. . . the clock in the display is notaccurate.After a power outage, the clock willneed to be reset.^Set the correct time of day.. . . food cools down too quickly.In the microwave oven, food begins tocook from the outside first. From there,the heat moves toward the inside of thefood.If the food was cooked at a high powerlevel, it is possible that the heat may nothave reached the center of the foodyet, causing it to be hot on the outsidebut cold in the middle. During thestanding time, the heat is thentransferred to the center of the food.This may leave the food warm in themiddle but cold on the outside. Whenreheating food with differentconsistencies, such as plated meals, itis therefore useful to select a lowerpower level and lengthen the cookingtime.. . . the microwave oven turns offduring a cooking, reheating ordefrosting program.There may be insufficient air circulation.Check whether:^The air inlet or outlet is blocked.Remove any objects if necessary. Forsafety reasons, the appliance mayautomatically turn off if it overheats.Cooking can be resumed after a cool-down period.If the microwave oven turns offrepeatedly, please contact Miele.,If you are not able to solve theproblem by following theinstructions above, do not, underany circumstances, open theappliance casing.This microwave oven should only berepaired by a Miele authorizedtechnician.Frequently Asked Questions54
In the event of a fault which you cannoteasily fix yourself, please contact theMiele Technical Service Department:U1-800-999-1360techserv@mieleusa.comV1-800-565-6435service@miele.caWhen contacting Technical Serviceplease quote the serial number andmodel of your microwave. Thisinformation is visible on the silver dataplate.MieleCareMieleCare, our Extended ServiceContract program, gives you theassurance of knowing that yourappliance investment is covered by5 years of worry free ownership.MieleCare is the only Extended ServiceContract in the industry that guaranteesrepairs by a Miele Authorized ServiceProvider using genuine Miele parts.Only genuine Miele parts installed byfactory trained professionals canguarantee the safety, reliability, andlongevity of your Miele appliance.Please note that unless expresslyapproved in writing by Miele’s Servicedepartment, Extended ServiceContracts offered by other providers forMiele products will not be recognizedby Miele. Our goal here is to preventunauthorized (and untrained) servicepersonnel from working on your Mieleproducts, possibly doing furtherdamage to them, you and/or yourhome.To learn more about MieleCareExtended Service Contracts, pleasecontact your appliance dealer or visitus online at: sales service55
Installation Instructions
Disposal of packaging materialThe cardboard box and packingmaterials protect the appliance duringshipping. They have been designed tobe biodegradable and recyclable.Ensure that any plastic wrappings,bags, etc. are disposed of safely andkept out of the reach of children.Danger of suffocation!Ensure that anyplastic wrap is disposed of safely andkept out of the reach of children.Danger of suffocation!Disposal of your old applianceOld appliance may contain materialsthat can be recycled. Please contactyour local recycling authority about thepossibility of recycling these materials.Before discarding an old applianceensure that it presents no danger tochildren while being stored fordisposal. Unplug it from the outlet, cutoff its power cord and remove anydoors to prevent hazards.Caring for the environment58
,CAUTION: Before servicing,disconnect the power supply byeither removing the fuse, shutting offthe power main or manually"tripping" the circuit breaker.Installation work and repairs shouldonly be performed by a qualifiedtechnician in accordance with allapplicable codes and standards.Repairs and service by unqualifiedpersons could be dangerous andthe manufacturer will not be heldresponsible.Before connecting the appliance tothe power supply, make sure thatthe voltage and frequency listed onthe data plate correspond with thehousehold electrical supply. Thisdata must correspond in order toprevent machine damage. Consultan electrician if in doubt.Only operate the appliance after ithas been installed into cabinetry.The appliance must be plugged intoan appropriate outlet that is installedand grounded in accordance withall local codes and ordinances.Power supplyThe microwave comes equipped with apower cord with a NEMA 5-15 Pmolded plug ready plug ready forconnection to a:120 V, 15 A, 60 Hz power supply.WARNING: THIS APPLIANCEMUST BE GROUNDEDInstaller:Please leave these instructions with theconsumer.Electrical connection59
When installing the microwave oven,ensure that there is unhinderedventilation at the front of theappliance.Do not block the ventilation slotswith any objects.When transporting the microwaveoven, do not carry the appliance bythe door handle. Doing so maydamage the door.Use the handle recesses on thesides of the casing.Installation dimensionsInstallation60
Installation instructionsThe microwave oven may not beoperated until it has been properlyinstalled in a cabinet.^Slide the microwave oven into thecabinet space, and pull the cablewith the plug through the rear wall ofthe cabinet.Installation61
^Align the appliance.^Open the microwave door and screwthe appliance into the side walls ofthe cabinet using the screwsprovided.Installation62
639 Independence WayPrinceton, NJ  08540Phone:Fax:www.mieleusa.comU.S.A.Miele, Inc.National HeadquartersPlease have the model and serial numberof your appliance available beforecontacting Technical Service.CanadaImporterMiele LimitedHeadquarters and Miele Centre800-843-7231609-419-9898609-419-4298Technical Service & SupportNationwidePhone:Fax:TechnicalService@mieleusa.com161 Four Valley DriveVaughan, ON  L4K 4V8www.miele.ca800-999-1360888-586-8056Customer Care CentrePhone:customercare@miele.ca800-565-6435905-532-2272GermanyManufacturerMiele & Cie. KGCarl-Miele-Straße 2933332 Gütersloh
M.-Nr. 09 798 370 / 00en - US, CA, MXM 6160 TC, M 6260 TC

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