Sharp HRO00146 Cellular Phone User Manual Users manual
Sharp Corporation Cellular Phone Users manual
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Users manual
総合お問い合わせ先 <ドコモ インフォメーションセンター> 故障お問い合わせ先 ■ドコモの携帯電話からの場合 ■ドコモの携帯電話からの場合 151(無料) 113(無料) (局番なしの) (局番なしの) ※一般電話などからはご利用になれません。 ※一般電話などからはご利用になれません。 ■一般電話などからの場合 ■一般電話などからの場合 0120-800-000 0120-800-000 ※一部のIP電話からは接続できない場合があります。 ※一部のIP電話からは接続できない場合があります。 受付時間 受付時間 午前9:00~午後8:00 (年中無休) 24時間 (年中無休) ●番号をよくご確認の上、お間違いのないようにおかけください。 ●各種手続き、故障・アフターサービスについては、上記お問い合わせ先にご連絡いただくか、ドコモホームページ、iモードサイト にてお近くのドコモショップなどにお問い合わせください。 ドコモホームページ -81-3-6832-6600*(無料) 滞在国の国際電話 アクセス番号 -81-3-6718-1414*(無料) *一般電話などでかけた場合には、日本向け通話料がかかります。 ※SH-11Cからご利用の場合は、+81-3-6832-6600でつながります。 (「+」は「0」ボタンを1秒以上押します。) *一般電話などでかけた場合には、日本向け通話料がかかります。 ※SH-11Cからご利用の場合は、+81-3-6718-1414でつながります。 (「+」は「0」ボタンを1秒以上押します。) 一般電話などからの場合 <ユニバーサルナンバー> 一般電話などからの場合 <ユニバーサルナンバー> ユニバーサルナンバー用 国際識別番号 ユニバーサルナンバー用 国際識別番号 -8005931-8600* *滞在国内通話料などがかかる場合があります。 ※主要国の国際電話アクセス番号/ユニバーサルナンバー用国際識 別番号については、ドコモの「国際サービスホームページ」をご 覧ください。 ●紛失・盗難などにあわれたら、速やかに利用中断手続きをお取りください。 ●お客様が購入されたFOMA端末に故障が発生した場合は、ご帰国後にドコモ指定の故障取扱窓口へご持参ください。 ◎公共の場所で携帯電話をご利用の際は、周囲の方への心くばりを忘れずに。 環境保全のため、不要になった電池は NTTドコモまたは代理店、リサイクル 協力店などにお持ちください。 ’11.●(1版) TINSJA821AFZZ 11* **.* ** MS124 1 ’11.● 再生紙を使用しています SH-11C 取扱説明書 取扱説明書 -8000120-0151* *滞在国内通話料などがかかる場合があります。 ※主要国の国際電話アクセス番号/ユニバーサルナンバー用国際識 別番号については、ドコモの「国際サービスホームページ」をご 覧ください。 SH-11C ドコモの携帯電話からの場合 ドコモの携帯電話からの場合 滞在国の国際電話 アクセス番号 iモードサイト ⅰMenu お客様サポート ドコモショップ 海外での故障について <ネットワークオペレーションセンター> (24時間受付) 海外での紛失、盗難、精算などについて <ドコモ インフォメーションセンター> (24時間受付) ’11.● 9 ページ 2011年3月25日 FOMA端末の取り扱いについて 金曜日 午前11時46分 FOMA端末内のドコモUIMカードや microSDカード挿入口に水などの液体 や金属片、 燃えやすいものなどの異物 を入れないでください。 警告 火災、やけど、けが、感電の原因となります。 赤外線ポートを目に向けて送信しない でください。 目に悪影響を及ぼす原因となります。 運転の妨げとなり、事故の原因となります。 赤外線通信使用時に、 赤外線ポートを 赤外線装置のついた家電製品などに向 けて操作しないでください。 赤外線装置の誤動作により、事故の原因となります。 ピクチャーライトの発光部を人の目に 近づけて点灯発光させないでくださ い。 特に、 乳幼児を撮影するときは、 1m 以上離れてください。 視力障害の原因となります。また、目がくらんだり驚い たりしてけがなどの事故の原因となります。 注意事項: 当製品に使用されているピクチャーライト光源LEDは、 指定されていない調整などの操作を意図的に行った場 合、眼の安全性を超える光量を放出する可能性がありま すので分解しないでください。 EN60825-1:1994 A1:2002 & A2:2001 クラス 1 LED製品 自動車などの運転者に向けてライトを 点灯しないでください。 航空機内や病院など、使用を禁止され た区域では、 FOMA端末の電源を切っ てください。 電子機器や医用電気機器に悪影響を及ぼす原因となり ます。 なお、自動的に電源が入る機能を設定している場合は、 設定を解除してから電源を切ってください。 医療機関内における使用については各医療機関の指示 に従ってください。 航空機内での使用などの禁止行為をした場合、法令によ り罰せられます。 ただし、電波を出さない設定にすること等で、機内で携 帯電話が使用できる場合には、航空会社の指示に従って ご使用ください。 ハンズフリーに設定して通話する際や、 着信音が鳴っているときなどは、 必ず FOMA端末を耳から離してください。 また、 イヤホンマイクなどをFOMA端 末に装着し、 ゲームや音楽再生をする 場合は、適度なボリュームに調節して ください。 音量が大きすぎると難聴の原因となります。 また、周囲の音が聞こえにくいと、事故の原因となりま す。 Earphone Signal Level ピクチャーライト The maximum output voltage for the music player function, measured in accordance with EN 50332-2, is 32.0 mV. はじめに [9/25] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 101 ページ 2011年3月25日 Quick Manual CAUTION Use only the battery packs and adapters specified by NTT DOCOMO for use with the FOMA terminal. May cause fires, burns, bodily injury or electric shock. Do not throw the battery pack into a fire. The battery pack may catch fire, explode, overheat or leak. Do not dispose of used battery packs in ordinary garbage. May cause fires or damage to the environment. Place tape over the terminals to insulate unnecessary battery packs, and take them to a docomo Shop, retailer or institution that handles used batteries in your area. Avoid using the handset in extremely high or low temperatures. Use the FOMA terminal within the range of a temperature between 5°C and 40°C (for temperatures of 36°C or higher, such as in a room with a bath, limit usage to a short period of time) and a humidity between 45% and 85%. Charge battery in areas where ambient temperature is between 5°C and 35°C. 金曜日 午前11時46分 Do not point the illuminated light directly at someone’s eyes. Especially when you shoot still pictures or moving pictures of young children, keep 1 m or more distance from them. Do not use Picture Light near people’s faces. Eyesight may be temporarily affected leading to accidents. EN60825-1:1994 A1:2002 & A2:2001 CLASS1 LED Product Picture Light CAUTION: Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedure other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. As the emission level from Picture Light LED used in this product is harmful to the eyes, do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet. Servicing is limited to qualified servicing station only. Picture light source LED characteristics a) Continuous illumination b) Wavelength White: 400-700 nm c) Maximum output White: 208 μW (inside FOMA terminal 0.62 mW) その他 [101/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 101 102 ページ 2011年3月25日 金曜日 午前11時46分 Before Using Attaching battery pack Inserting UIM Perform with the FOMA terminal turned off and closed while holding with your both hands. The battery pack is not waterproof/dust-proof. 1 Slide the back cover lever in the direction of the arrow (1) to unlock and remove the back cover (2) The FOMA terminal has a slot to remove the back cover. Securely hold the FOMA terminal as shown in the illustration to prevent excessive force on the back cover and hook a nail on the slot and remove the back cover upward. 1 Hook a finger on the tab and pull out the tray (1) Pull out the tray straight until it stops. 2 Hold the UIM with the IC Notch (gold) side turned down and set on the tray (2) IC (gold) 3 Push the tray all the way in (3) Tray Tab Notch Note that inserting or removing the UIM forcibly may damage the UIM or deform the tray. Slot 2 Attach the battery pack Turn a recycle mark side of the battery pack up, match tabs and attach the battery pack. 102 With a recycle mark side up Tabs その他 [102/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 103 ページ 2011年3月25日 3 Insert the tab of the top of the back cover into the FOMA terminal slot (1), attach it in the direction of the arrow (2) and securely push down with both hands (3) The back of the back cover has also five tabs to insert the back cover. Securely push tab areas down with both hands so that gaps are not left between the FOMA terminal and the back cover. 金曜日 午前11時46分 Using unnecessary force when attaching or removing the battery pack may damage the connector terminal for the battery pack (charger terminal) on the FOMA terminal. Securely close the back cover. If not closed securely, the back cover may come off and the battery pack may fall out due to vibration. May damage the waterproof/dust-proof performance and allow water to seep or dust to get in. Charging Back cover Securely push tab areas down with both hands 4 Slide the back cover lever in the direction of the It is recommended that the accompanying desktop holder be used for charging to prevent water from seeping or dust from getting in caused by forgetting to close the external connector terminal cover. The AC adapter and desktop holder are not waterproof/dust-proof. Never try to charge the battery pack when the FOMA terminal is wet. 1 Turn the arrow side of the AC adapter connector up and insert it into the connector terminal of the desktop holder (1) Keep the connector parallel with the desktop holder and securely push all the way in until it clicks. 2 Insert the AC adapter power plug into an outlet (2) arrow (4) to lock Lever その他 [103/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 103 104 ページ 2011年3月25日 3 When placing the FOMA terminal in the desktop holder, charge alert is heard, charging LED illuminates, and charging starts Place the FOMA terminal in the direction of the arrow until it clicks (3). 金曜日 午前11時46分 Part Names and Functions Connector (with the arrow side up) Charging LED 100V AC outlet FOMA AC Adapter 01/02 4 Charging is complete when charge alert is heard and charging LED turns off Hold the desktop holder, flip the FOMA terminal forward and lift it out. Pull the AC adapter out of the outlet when left unused for a long period of time. Key illustrations may look different from actual keys. When charge alert is not heard or when charging LED does not illuminate, check that the FOMA terminal is placed securely in the desktop holder (except when terminal is turned off, manner mode is set or charge alert is [OFF]). When placing the FOMA terminal in the desktop holder, be careful not to catch a strap, etc. 104 その他 [104/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 105 ページ 2011年3月25日 金曜日 午前11時46分 1 Air vent 2 Whole voice panel 3 Main display 4 Brightness sensor 5 z: MENU/Operation guidance key 6 m: Mail/Operation guidance key 7 s: Start/Hands-free key 8 1 to 9, *, 0 and #: Dial/Character entry keys 9 $: Multi/VeilView key a Sub camera b wt: Multi-guide key c C: Camera/Operation guidance key d i (,): i-mode/Operation guidance key e c (J): i-Channel/Clear key f H: Power/End key g y: MAP/GPS key h Mouthpiece/Microphone i GPS antenna j Charger terminal k Called/Charging LED l FOMA antenna m Sub display n microSD Card slot o &: Side key p Picture Light q Strap hole r Main camera s Speaker t Infrared port u Back cover v b mark w Back cover lever x External connector terminal その他 [105/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 105 106 ページ 2011年3月25日 Viewing display 金曜日 午前11時46分 USB connection Record message Keypad dial lock Manner mode Icon display area Silent/Vibrator Public mode (Drive mode) microSD Card Main icons Software update Battery level (High b Low) IC card lock Music&Video Channel Signal status (Strong b Weak) When [ ] appears, the handset is outside the service area or in a place with no signal. Hands-free GPS Personal data lock 1Seg recording Basic Operations Turning power on 1 H (for at least 2 seconds) Press H for at least 2 seconds to turn the power off. i-mode mail/SMS/Area Mail/ Information received i-αppli Alarm/Schedule Changing screen display to English 1 In the Normal menu, [本体設定] (Setting)/[文字表 示/入力] (Text display/input)/[Select language]/[English] Ir communication i-mode UIM error Self mode Music&Video Channel program reservation 3G VeilView 106 Making initial setting [Date and time setting]/set the date and time [Password]/register a terminal security code [Keypad sound]/set the keypad sound [Text size]/set the font size collectively [Request permit/deny]/set GPS location provision 6 C その他 [106/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 107 ページ 2011年3月25日 Checking your own phone number 1 In the Normal menu, [Profile] Switching entry modes 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Entering characters Ex.) When entering “電話” 1 In the character entry screen, enter “でんわ” でんわ: 4 (four times)/* (once)/0 (three times)/r/0 (once) To enter multiple characters assigned to the same key: Enter a character/r/enter a character 2 C 3 t Entering pictograms/symbols 1 In the character entry screen, C To switch between pictogram/Deco-mail pictogram/Deco-mail picture: C To switch between single- and double-byte symbols: z 2 Select a pictogram/symbol Entering emoticons 1 In the character entry screen, z/[Pict/Symbol/ Smiley]/[Smiley] For a mail message: In the character entry screen, z/[Quote phrase/data]/[Pict/Symbol/ Smiley]/[Smiley] 2 Select a category/select an emoticon Vibration/Manner]/[Ring tone] 2 Select an item ; [Call ring tone] ; [Videophone] ; [Mail]/select an item 3 Set each item/C Changing terminal security code 1 In the character entry screen, m 2 Select the entry mode Changing ring tone 午前11時46分 Lock/Security Character entry 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Sound/ 金曜日 Security]/[Change security code]/enter the current terminal security code 2 Enter the new terminal security code 3 Enter the new terminal security code again 4 C Changing network security code 1 In stand-by, i/[お客様サポート] (user support)/[各種設定 (確認・変更・利用)] (settings (check/change/use))/[ネットワーク暗証番号変 更] (change network security code) Changing i-mode password 1 In stand-by, i/[English]/[Options]/ [Change i-mode Password] Setting PIN code 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[UIM setting] 2 Select an item ; [Change PIN1 code]/enter the terminal security code/enter the current PIN1 code/enter the new PIN1 code/enter the new PIN1 code again/C ; [Change PIN2 code]/enter the terminal security code/enter the current PIN2 code/enter the new PIN2 code/enter the new PIN2 code again/C ; [PIN1 entry ON/OFF]/[ON]/enter the PIN1 code その他 [107/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 107 108 108 ページ 2011年3月25日 金曜日 午前11時46分 Various lock functions Incoming call restriction All lock 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Lock settings]/[All lock]/enter the terminal security code Omakase Lock Omakase Lock is a service to lock the personal data and IC card functions in case of loss, etc. by only your request to DOCOMO via phone. Refer to “Mobile Phone User’s Guide [Basic Usage]” for details on Omakase Lock. Set/Release Omakase Lock s 0120-524-360 Office hours: 24 hours (in Japanese only) (open all year round) ※ Unavailable from part of IP phones. ※ Omakase Lock can also be set/released from the My docomo website using PCs. Self mode 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Other setting]/ [Self mode]/select the setting/[Yes] Personal data lock 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Lock settings]/[Personal data lock]/enter the terminal security code/select the setting Keypad dial lock 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Keypad dial lock]/enter the terminal security code/select the setting Auto-key lock 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Lock settings]/[Auto-key lock]/ select the lock type/enter the terminal security code/set each item/C IC card lock 1 In stand-by, r (for at least 1 second)/[Yes] Setting response to a call with no caller ID 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Call rejection setting] 2 Select an item ; [Anonymous]/enter the terminal security code/set each item/C ; [Payphone]/enter the terminal security code/ set each item/C ; [Unavailable]/enter the terminal security code/ set each item/C Rejecting a call from a caller unset in phonebook 1 In the Normal menu, [Setting]/[Lock/ Security]/[Call rejection setting] 2 [Unregistered caller]/enter the terminal security code/select the setting Voice/Videophone Calls Making a voice/videophone call 1 In stand-by, enter a phone number 2 s (Phone)/C ( 3 H to end the call Receiving a voice/videophone call 1 When a call is received, the ring tone sounds and the called LED flashes 2 s 3 H to end the call Making a call with redials/received calls 1 In stand-by, r (I) (Redial)/q (M) (Received calls) 2 Point the cursor to the history 3 s (Phone)/i ( その他 [108/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 109 ページ 2011年3月25日 金曜日 午前11時46分 Using overseas Replying to i-mode mail Making a call to outside the country you stay in (including Japan) 1 In stand-by, enter “+” (0 for at least 1 second), country code, area code (city code) and other party’s phone number When the area code (city code) begins with “0”, omit the “0” when dialing (Include “0” when making a call to some countries or regions such as Italy). 2 s (Phone)/C ( Making a call in country you stay 1 In stand-by, enter a phone number 2 s (Phone)/C ( Making a call to WORLD WING user overseas When you make a call to a WORLD WING user overseas, you make a call as an international call to Japan regardless of your country of stay. 1 In stand-by, enter “+” (0 for at least 1 second), country code “81” (Japan) and the other party’s mobile phone number excluding the first “0” 2 s (Phone)/C ( 1 In the received mail details screen, z/[Reply/ Mail Sending i-mode mail In stand-by, m/[Compose message] Select the TO field/enter an address Select the SUB field/enter a subject [Message]/enter a message Checking new i-mode mail 1 In stand-by, m/[Check new mail/message] Forward] 2 Select the reply method 3 Compose and send a mail Displaying a mail in Inbox/Outbox/ Unsent box 1 In stand-by, m 2 Select a box 3 Select a mail Phonebook Adding phonebook entries 1 In the Normal menu, [TEL function]/ [Phonebook]/[Add to phonebook]/[UIM operation] 2 Set each item/C Camera Shooting still pictures 1 In stand-by, C 2 t/& 3 t/& Shooting moving pictures 1 In the Normal menu, [CAMERA/TV/MUSIC]/ [Camera]/[Movie shooting] 2 t/& 3 t/& to end shooting 4 [Save] Displaying shot still pictures 1 In the Normal menu, [Data box]/[My picture] 2 [Camera] folder/select a still picture その他 [109/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 109 110 ページ 2011年3月25日 Playing shot moving pictures 1 In the Normal menu, [Data box]/[MUSIC] 2 Select music data Movie] 2 [Camera] folder/select a moving picture Network Services Watching 1Seg Setting Voice Mail Service Setting channels 1 In the Normal menu, [CAMERA/TV/MUSIC]/ [1Seg]/[Channel setting] When the confirmation screen appears: [Yes]/ proceed to step 3 z/[Create] Select the registration method ; [Use preset] ; [Auto setting]/[Yes] ・ If you do not select an area: [No]/proceed to step 6 Select an area Select a prefecture/district [Yes] Watching 1Seg 1 In the Normal menu, [CAMERA/TV/MUSIC]/ [1Seg]/[Activate 1Seg] Playing recorded videos 1 In the Normal menu, [Data box]/[1Seg] 2 [Video] folder/select a video Music Playback Using Music&Video Channel The Music&Video Channel service is provided in Japanese. 1 In the Normal menu, [CAMERA/TV/MUSIC]/ [Music&Video Channel] 2 Select a program 110 午前11時46分 Using MUSIC Player 1 In the Normal menu, [Data box]/[i-motion/ 金曜日 Voice Mail Service is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that requires subscription. 1 In the Normal menu, [TEL function]/[Voice mail service] 2 [Activate]/[Yes]/[Yes]/enter the ringing time/[OK] Setting Call waiting service Call waiting service is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that requires subscription. 1 In the Normal menu, [TEL function]/[Other network service]/[Call waiting] 2 [Activate]/[Yes]/[OK] Setting Call Forwarding Service Call Forwarding Service is a free option (no monthly fees) that requires subscription. 1 In the Normal menu, [TEL function]/[Other network service]/[Call forwarding] 2 [Activate]/[Yes]/[Yes]/enter a phone number/C/[Yes]/enter the ringing time/ [OK] Osaifu-Keitai Hold the b mark of the FOMA terminal over the scanning device to use as electronic money or railway tickets or to retrieve ToruCa. When the FOMA terminal is stolen or lost, immediately contact your provider of Osaifu-Keitai compatible service for handling methods. その他 [110/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ General Notes Options and related devices Battery Pack SH23 FOMA AC Adapter 01 for Global use FOMA AC Adapter 01/02 Desktop Holder SH32 Main specifications Size Weight 110 (H) × 50 (W) × 15.0 (D) mm (16.0 at thickest point) (when folded)* 120 Ũ (with battery pack attached)* Voice call: 200 min* Videophone: 110 min* Continuous talk time FOMA/3G Continuous stand-by time FOMA/3G Charge time FOMA AC 120 min* Adapter 01/02 FOMA DC 120 min* Adapter 01/02 When mobile: 360 hr* Approximate value At rest: 540 hr* Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of Mobile Phone This model SH-11C mobile phone complies with Japanese technical regulations and international guidelines regarding exposure to radio waves. This mobile phone was designed in observance of Japanese technical regulations regarding exposure to radio waves (*1) and limits to exposure to radio waves recommended by a set of equivalent international guidelines. This set of international guidelines was set out by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the permissible limits include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health condition. The technical regulations and international guidelines set out limits for radio waves as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, which is the value of absorbed energy in any 10 grams of tissue over a 6-minute period. The SAR limit for mobile phones is 2.0 W/kŨ. The highest SAR value for this mobile phone when tested for use at the ear is ɜɜ W/kŨ. There may be slight differences Th between the SAR levels for each product, but they all satisfy the limit. The actual SAR of this mobile phone while operating can be well below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum required to reach the network. Therefore in general, the closer you are to a base station, the lower the power output of the device. This mobile phone can be used in positions other than against your ear. This mobile phone satisfies the international guidelines when used with a carrying case or a wearable accessory approved by NTT DOCOMO, INC. (*2). In case you are not using the approved accessory, please use a product that does not contain any metals, and one that positions the mobile phone at least 1.5 cm away from your body. ̷͈ఈ 111 The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate that there are harmful effects attributed to the use of mobile devices. They recommend that if you are worried about your exposure then you can limit your usage or simply use a hands-free kit to keep the mobile device away from the head and body. Please refer to the WHO website if you would like more detailed information. facts_press/fact_english.htm Please refer to the websites listed below if you would like more detailed information regarding SAR. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Website: Association of Radio Industries and Businesses Website: (in Japanese only) NTT DOCOMO, INC. Website: SHARP Corporation Website: sar/index.html (in Japanese only) *1 Technical regulations are defined by the Ministerial Ordinance Related to Radio Law (Article 14-2 of Radio Equipment Regulations). *2 Regarding the method of measuring SAR when using mobile phones in positions other than against the ear, international standards (IEC62209-2) were set in March of 2010. On the other hand, technical regulation is currently being deliberated on by national council (As of ɜɜ, 2011). 112 ̷͈ఈ European RF Exposure Information Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health. The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kŨ and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear was as ɜɜ W/kŨ*. As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest hi h t transmitting power the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to reach the network. The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a hands-free device to keep the mobile phone away from the head. * The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing. 113 ページ 2011年3月25日 Declaration of Conformity Hereby, Sharp Telecommunications of Europe Ltd, declares that this SH-11C is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the original declaration of conformity can be found at the following Internet address: (in Japanese only) FCC Notice This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 金曜日 午前11時46分 Information to User This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation; if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1. Reorient/relocate the receiving antenna. 2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC RF Exposure Information Your handset is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organisations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. その他 [113/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 113 The exposure standard for wireless handsets employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kŨ. The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear and worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The highest SAR value for this model handset when tested for use at the earr is ɜɜ W/ kŨ and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is ɜɜ W/kŨ. Body-worn Operation; This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept 1.5 cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a 1.5 cm separation distance between the user’s body and the back of the handset. The use of beltclips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model handset with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF emission guidelines. SAR information on this model handset is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID APYHRO00146. Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) Website at 114 ̷͈ఈ Inquiries General inquiries(Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) s 0120-005-250 (toll free) ɦ Service available in: English, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean. ɦ Unavailable from part of IP phones. (Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (open all year round)) From DOCOMO mobile phones (In Japanese only) r (No prefix) 151 (toll free) ɦ Unavailable from land-line phones, etc. From land-line phones (In Japanese only) s 0120-800-000 (toll free) ɦ Unavailable from part of IP phones. Please confirm the phone number before you dial. Repairs (Business hours: 24 hours (open all year round)) From DOCOMO mobile phones (In Japanese only) r (No prefix) 113 (toll free) ɦ Unavailable from land-line phones, etc. From land-line phones (In Japanese only) s 0120-800-000 (toll free) ɦ Unavailable from part of IP phones. Please confirm the phone number before you dial. 115 ページ 2011年3月25日 For Applications or Repairs and After-Sales Service, please contact the above-mentioned information center or the docomo Shop etc. near you on the NTT DOCOMO website or the i-mode site. NTT DOCOMO website: http:// i-mode site: iMenu/お客様サポート (user support)/ドコモショップ (docomo Shop) (In Japanese only) Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones International call access -81-3-6832-6600* (toll code for the country you free) stay You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc. ※ If you use SH-11C, you should dial the number +81-3-6832-6600 (to enter “+”, press the “0” key for at least 1 second). From land-line phones Universal number international prefix -8000120-0151* You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. ※ For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international prefix, refer to DOCOMO International Services website. 金曜日 午前11時46分 Failures encountered overseas (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones International call access -81-3-6718-1414* (toll code for the country you free) stay You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc. ※ If you use SH-11C, you should dial the number +81-3-6718-1414 (to enter “+”, press the “0” key for at least 1 second). From land-line phones Universal number international prefix -8005931-8600* You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. ※ For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international prefix, refer to DOCOMO International Services website. If you lose your FOMA terminal or have it stolen, immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of the FOMA terminal. If the FOMA terminal you purchased is damaged, bring your FOMA terminal to a repair counter specified by DOCOMO after returning to Japan. その他 [115/115] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 115
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