Shinwa MC55 Car Kit Bluetooth Module User Manual Product User Guide
Shinwa Industries (China) Ltd. Car Kit Bluetooth Module Product User Guide
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Product User Guide 产品名称:车载蓝牙模块 APPELLATION:Car Kit Bluetooth Module 产品型号:BT-MC55-JKX MODEL: BT-MC55-JKX 客户名称: CUSTOMER: 版 本:R1.0 VERSION:R1.0 客户承认 CUSTOMER APPROVED 信华精机有限公司 Shinwa Industries(China)Ltd. 制作部门 (Executed Dept.) 制作 Executed By 审核 Checked By 批准 Approved By 营业部 Sales Dept. 批准 Approved By BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 产品规格书变更履历表 Revision History 序号 版本 变更内容 生效日期 制作 确认 批准 NO Version Change description Date Prepared by Confirmed by Approved by 1.0 首次发行 First Release 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 内容 CONTENTS 1. 介绍 INTRODUCTION 1.1 简要 OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………4 1.2 特征 FEATURES………………………………………………………………….…4 1.3 应用 APPLICATION……………………………………………………………..….5 1.4 框图 MODULE BLOCK……………………………………………………….……5 2. 规格 SPECIFICATION 2.1 普通规格 GENERAL SPECIFICATION…………………………………...……….6 2.2 温度规格 TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATION……………………….…………….6 2.3 射频规格 RF SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………………….. 6 2.4 音频规格 AUDIO SPECIFICATION…………………………………...........……. 7 2.5 电流规格 CURRENT SPECIFICATION………………………………….....……. 8 3. 设计应用 DESIGN APPLICATION 3.1 管脚外形 PIN CONFIGURATION…………………………………………………8 3.2 管脚定义 PIN DEFINITION……………………………………………………….9 3.3 物理尺寸 PHYSICAL DIMENSION………………………………………..……..9 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 3.4 PCB 封装 RECOMMENDED PCB MOUNTING PATTERN …………………… 10 3.5 原理图应用 APPLICATION SCHEMATIC……………………………….....……10 3.6 注意事项 NOTICE PROCEEDING……………………………………….....…….11 4. 可靠性测试 RELIABILITY TEST………………………………………………………12 5. 包装信息 PACKING INFORMATION ……………………………………………….13 1.介绍 INTRODUCTION BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 简要 OVERVIEW 1.1 ★ BC5多 媒 体 芯 片 是 由 一 单 芯 片 射 频 和 基 带 IC组 成 的 应 运 于 蓝 牙 2.4G系 统 ; The BlueCore™5-Multimedia External is a single-chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems; ★ CSR BC5多 媒 体 芯 片 支 持 高 达 32M的 外 部 FLASH存 储 ; BlueCore5-Multimedia External interfaces up to 32Mbits of external Flash memory. When used with the CSR; ★ 当 用 户 采 用 CSR蓝 牙 协 议 栈 时 ,它 完 整 兼 容 蓝 牙 V3.0规 格 体 系 在 数 据 和 语 音 上 的应用. Bluetooth stack provides a fully compatibility with Bluetooth v3.0 specification system for data and voice use. 1.2 特征 FEATURES ★ 频率范围在2.4GHz ~~2.4835GHz之间 在2.402GHz 2.480GHz之间 Frequency Band 2.4GHz ~~2.4835GHz 2.402GHz 2.480GHz ★ 蓝牙2.1+增强数率模式/蓝牙3.0 Bluetooth V2.1+ EDR/ Bluetooth 3.0 ★ 高级音频传输协议,音视频远程控制协议,耳机/免提协议,串口通信协议 A2DP, AVRCP, HS/HFP , SPP,PBAP Profiles ★ 状态指示(配对,铃音,拨号,通话) Status indication (Pairing, Ringing, Dialing, Talking ). ★ 模块和手机端音频相互转换 Audio transfer between car-kit and mobile phone. ★ 噪声抑制 Noise Reduction. ★ 回音消除 Acoustic Echo cancellation. ★ 内部16位立体声编解码 Build-in 16-bit stereo Audio Codec ★ 蓝牙有效自由空间连接距离长达10m Range up to ten meters cable free connection with Bluetooth devices ★ 立体声音乐播放,停止,暂停,前进,后退功能 Stereo audio play, stop, pause, forward, backward. ★ 电话本下载 Phonebook download BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 1.3 应用 APPLICATIONS ★ 车载免提 Hands-Free Car Kits ★ 高音质单声道耳机 High Quality Mono Headsets ★ 高音质立体声无线耳机 High Quality Stereo Wireless Headsets ★ 无线通话 Wireless ★ USB端口多媒体传输 Analogue and USB Multimedia Dongles 1.4 模块框图 Speakers MODULE BLOCK 2. 规格 SPECIFICATION BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 2.1 普通规格 GENERAL SPECIFICATION ‣ 产品或项目名称 ‣ 芯片类型 Product or Project Name Chip set : Car Kit Bluetooth Module : CSR BC05 Multi-Media external ‣ 产品射频功率等级 Power class level ■ ‣ 额定电压 Rated Voltage 5V; 9V ‣ 波特率 115200 ‣ 工作电压范围 Operation Voltage range 5.3~4.7V;9.3~8.5V ‣ 湿度 : 10% ~ 90% Baud Rate Humidity Class 2 (-6dBm < PAV < 4dBm) ‣ 工作范围 Operation Range : 10 meters (33 feet) ‣ 尺寸 Dimension ‣ 核心规格版本 Core Specification Version 42×51× 4.2mm 1.2 2.0 2.0+EDR 2.1 2.1+EDR 3.0 3.0+HS 4.0 2.2 温度规格 TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATION ‣ 工作温度范围 Operation Temperature range -40~85℃ ‣ 储存温度范围 Storage Temperature range -40~90℃ BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 2.3 射频规格 RF SPECIFICATIONS 2.3.1 发射射频规格 TX Radio Characteristics 项目 Items 条件 Conditio 输出功率(平均值) 最小 Min. 典型 Typ. 最大 Max 单位 Unit NTC -6 dBm NTC 140 175 kHz NTC 115 NTC 0.8 Output Power(Average) Delta-f1 avg 调制特性 Modulation characteristics Delta-f2 max Df2avg/Df1avg kHz 初始载波频率误差 NTC -75 75 kHz DH1 NTC -25 25 kHz 载波频率漂移 DH3 NTC -40 40 kHz Carrier frequency drift DH5 NTC 40 kHz 20 KHz Initial carrier-frequency tolerance Drift rata/50us -40 -20 ※ NTC:Normal Test Conditions +15 to +35℃, 2.3.2 射频接收规格 RX Radio Characteristics 项目 Items 条件 Condition 单时隙灵敏度 (P=-70dBm) Single sensitivity (P=-70dBm) 多时隙灵敏度 (P=-70dBm) Multi Sensitivity(P=-70dBm) NTC NTC 最大输出电平(P=-20dBm) Maximum output Level(P=-20 dBm) NTC ※ NTC:Normal Test Conditions +15 to +35℃, 2.4 音频规格 AUDIO SPECIFICATION 最小 Min. 最大 Max <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% 单位 Unit BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 项目 Item 范围值 Range 典型值 Type 单位 unit 备注 Remark 电压伏值 Vrms OUT-PUT LEVEL 1.0±0.1 1.0 音源 1khz 频率响应 FREQUENCY RESPONSE -3~+3 DB 音源 17~20000hz, 失真度 DISTORTION <-60 -65 DB 音源 1khz 信噪比 S/N Ratio >80 85 DB 音源 1khz/ZERO 通道分离度 CH SEPARATION >75 80 DB 音源 1khz 通道不平衡度 Channel Unbanlance <1.5 0.05 DB 音源 1khz 备注:音频指标测试规格是采用 A2DP 方式测量值定义 2.5 电流规格 CURRENT SPECIFICATION 模式 Mode 电源开启(开启瞬间) Power on(split second) 正在配对 pairing 配对成功 Paired 连接状态 Connected 呼叫 In call 最大 Max 单位 Unit 83 70 50 45 60 mA mA mA mA mA 3. 设计应用 DESIGN APPLICATION BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 3.1 管脚配置 PIN CONFIGURATION 3.2 管脚定义 PIN DEFINITION PIN 10 11 NAME DESCRIPTION MIC+ 差动正极的 MIC 输入 Differential input (+) for MIC input 差动负极的 MIC 输入 Differential input (-) for MIC input 电源供应 Power supply +9V 音频右声道输出 Audio SPK_R Channel Output 音频左声道输出 Audio SPK_L Channel Output 音频地 Audio Ground Ground 地 电源供应 Power supply +5V 串口的输出 Serial data output 串口的输入 Serial data input 复位脚 Reset When low, must low for >5ms cause a reset MIC+9V AUDIO_R AUDIO_L AGND GND +5V UART_TX UART_RX RESET 3.3 物理尺寸 PHYSICAL DIMENSION BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 TOP 层 BOTTOM 层 参考实物图 尺寸 42*51*4.2mm 备注:若实物与图片存在差异,请以实物为主 3.4 PCB 封装 RECOMMENDED PCB MOUNTING PATTERN 3.5 原理图应用 APPLICATION SCHEMATIC 10 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 3.6 注意事项 NOTICE PROCEEDING 3.6.1 串口 UART 蓝牙核心模组工作电压是 3.3V,对于串口通信信号线的 UART_TX, UART_RX 设计,请按以下要求 配合模块设计电路: The core module of Bluetooth works at 3.3V. For the circuit design of serial communication signal line UART_TX and UART_RX, you can fulfill it according to follow suggestions 1.如果主机 MCU 是 5V 工作,需增加电平匹配电路; If the host MCU works at 5V, it is necessary to increase the level matching circuit; 2.如果主机 MCU 是 3.3V 工作,则也需增加串接 470R-1K 电阻匹配设计,避免出现电压不匹配工 作损坏蓝牙的串口; If the host MCU works at 3.3V , you also need to add threaded 470R-1K resistor matching design to avoid the damage to the serial interface caused by the voltage not matching ; 4. 可靠性测试 RELIABILITY TEST 11 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 测试项目 Test Item 条件 Conditions 高温存储 High Temperature(Storage) 在 90℃环境下放置 24 小时,然后在常温 常湿下放置 2 小时后测试,模块应满足可靠 性测试标准。 低温存储 Low Temperature(Storage) 在-40℃环境下放置 24 小时,然后在常温 常湿下放置 2 小时后测试,模块应满足可靠 性测试标准。 在 +40℃,90%RH环境下放置48小时,然 后在常温常湿下放置2小时后测试,模块应 满足可靠性测试标准。 模块必须能够在 +85℃ 环境下连续工作 高温工作 High Temperature(Operating) 24 小时,在此过程中应满足 HFP 通话和 A2DP 音乐播放功能 模块必须能够在-40 环境下连续工 24 小 低温工作 Low Temperature(Operating)/ 时,在此过程中,模块应满足 HFP 通话和 A2DP 音乐播放功能 高低温循环 在-40℃环境下放置 1 小时,然后温度升 High Temperature and High 至+85℃(温度转换时间为 1 小时),在+85 Temperature cycle ℃环境下放置 1 小时;然后温度降至-40℃ (温度转换时间为 1 小时),再在-40℃环境 下放置 1 小时;如此不停的循环 5 次,最后 在室温恢复 2 小时后测试模块应满足可靠 性测试标准 高湿存储 High Humidity(Storage) 可靠性测试标准 Standard of Reliability Test. 12 测试编码 Test No Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 项 目 Item 输出功率 Output Power 载波频率漂移 Carrier Frequency Drift DH1 DH3 DH5 Drift rata/50us Df1avg 调制特性 Df2max Modulation Characteristic f2avg/Df1avg 最小值 Min 典 型 值 最大值 Typ. Max 单 位 Unit -6 -25 -40 -40 -20 25 40 40 20 dBm KHz KHz KHz KHz 175 KHz KHz 140 115 0.8 单/多时隙灵敏度 (P=-70dBm) single/multi Sensitivity(P= <0.1 -70dBm) %(BER) 5.包装信息 PACKING INFORMATION (临时规格,后续更新) 13 BT-MC55-JKX 规格书 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. This modular complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. If the FCC identification number is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: ZWYMC55” or “Contains FCC ID: ZWYMC55.” when the module is installed inside another device, the user manual of this device must contain below warning statements; 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. The devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product. If the IC identification number is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following: “Contains transmitter module IC: 12033A-MC55” or “Contains IC: 12033A-MC55.” when the module is installed inside another device, the user manual of this device must contain below warning statements; This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. The devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product. 14
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