Shot Scope Technologies SS03 Golf performance tracking device User Manual
Shot Scope Technologies Ltd Golf performance tracking device
User manual
/\ 5hal— 550,09 o 1512- I B135 5125m P115 ‘ IYParl . ' Mme :ra‘,“ GET STARTED wwwshotscopefiom GET STARTED Thank you for buying a snm Scope v2 Before turning on me device. p‘ease read our mu user guide availab‘e ax: www.shotscope.comlgetslarted STEP ONE: DOWNLOAD Download and Ins‘aH the Shot Scope app avananle - on iOS‘ Android and desktop STEP TWO: USER PROFILE Once mstaHed. loHow the msxrucxions in Me app to create a user prams STEP THREE: CONNECT Connect your band usmg me usa cab‘e prowded, orthe BTuelcolh connection and dewnmad your courses. TIPS & HINTS Gel me most oul at your v2 by lollowrng these five steps‘ Customize your lags to match your clubs In My Bag , Gleal for comparlng clubs againsl eaen olher Flrld and download nearby Courses qulckly and easily With the ‘nearby courses' feature Setup your preferences in llre watch seitrngs menu - Do you measure in yards or me\ers? Are you left or rrgnr handed7 Adding positlonzl shots in me editlng system is the key lo more accurate data, Retain all of your oaia , Sometimes me had rounds teaen you the most about your gamel Visit our website {or more information: SHOTSCOPECARE Us: I damp cInlh m papulnwel m clean yum snm Ssnpe wnlch Du nut ipuy Wu cleanus .1”me um yuurShm Scope watch Do not :xpoie you! shm Scope wash m envemer mgh o! Iow rempersmres Do rm bung yaw 5m scape walch mm comic! wIlh any sharp objects as ms could cause scrmrres and damage, Du nur snempuo repsu, modlfy ormsassemme your Shol Scope watch. It does nut cunlnm nny usevdlwicubIe cumpunenls nnd dam so wm vmd [he warranly Use the suDDIIefl usa came 10 change the 5m Scone wamh wuh usa cumphanl puns u youvsho‘ Snap: wa'ch becomes submerged m a hqmd o! a mum names In summer wIIh me watch, mm me Walsh 0", Wm: any excess liqmd "am we szace mm wauh and place we warsh ‘m a my area rm 14 mm In masr cases the walch shauId pnwer up and funcmm Pmpeva once comple‘ely dry, ”me want. dues nor puwer up ruer InIlnwmg Hues: slaps cunlnd cusmmev suppnfl iI Youvwarraflly Denod Is suII acwe LEGAL snot scoP: rzcuuummzs ma LIMITED WARRANTY 8| SAFETY INFORMATION ran CONSUMERS pmvEchn av CDNSUMER pnancmN LAWS 0R REGULATIONS IN THEIR COUNTRY or PURCHASE. mE BENEFIYS CONFERRED avms LIMITED WARRANTY ARE IN ADDITION TO ALL mums AND REMEDIES CONVEVED av SUCH CONSUMER PRDYECYIGN LAWS AND REGULATIONS shm Scan! Yenhnn‘ugms Ltd mums av: wavnnlgd m a: he: «mm dams m mauvia‘s, somponsm and wcvkmansmpthmuqh namal use the warranty Pence bzgms on me dale or pmchas: 1mm shm 5:09: Technoxogves Lu! and \as‘i ma Peuod of (12) manlhs lam new pmducl m (90) days my a miurbx'shed pmducx u a delecx m mum-L cnmynnenl or workmanship \s discuvarad mmm weWanan-y Pwud you my new Shox Scene Yachnnlugms Ltd in wvilmg m rm mm shall such nnhflcntmns a: vecelved by SM Scope Techno‘ogms kd \alenhan 14 days any the uplm‘iun a: “I: Wmnmy Pannd snm 3m. chhnnlugm: m MW at us sole emu. vepaw or veplace any malenals m campunsmsmu an m nomal use Such mum o! vep‘acemem wm be made a! no chavge m (he cusmmer V01 pans or lahmn, Provided that «m susmmev man be vesponsims mvany smwmq and lmnspcnallan cos! All remms musl be shipped m Shm scape Tachnolugms ud semc: cenve lav asssssmem my cu rem a! replacement m mam \s inlandad m a: Mini un‘y is a perfmmance mm; devme lo! won and mus! no! be used Var any mm purpose lzquirmg plans: mensmemanl ul am: n, dlslancg Incatmn 0r lopngraphy 5m Scone Techno‘ngles ud mans nn warranly as w «he accmacy w wmpmsms gr map an; m 0H: mum 5m Scone mmmngms m mums me excmswe ngh! m repair a! vaphce (wwh . MW 0! new‘yrovevhau‘ed vep‘acemen' pmduco lhe devme or sallwam or may a run mum Mme puvchase price a HS ic‘e mums". SUCH REMEDY SHALL as vow SOLE mu EXCLUSNE REMEDY FOR Aw BREACH a; wARRAer Tu ablain wananry semce‘ comm yuuv authonzed manuwnere purchas: accurmd m ruum 1:: sum 5cm Technnlnglu m Securely packme dwce and copy bflhe ongmal sa‘es mam whvch \s lzquirad as m: pmu'ul purchase Vuv warmnly 5mm ma ship ‘0 Shel Scope Technolcmes m, The cuslcmev \s responsme m an sh‘pplng andtunspnnatmn can: Fur :h pmg mm mmm 5m Scone Techno‘ngles m, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS rms IImdad wanamy extends only In pmducfs vuvchaxed Ivom Shel Scope TecnndIadIes LId m an aumamd vesellel rms wananIy dnes no! appIy m‘ (I) easmene damage suan as suaIches, mm and dams I) consumable pans such as ha“ a, “mass pmducl damage nas aaednad due m a defea m maIenaIs. compenem evwmkmansme; (In) damafle :adsed by achdeM, lhuse, mm. flund, Ina, n! n|hev acts nl “Elm: urlezmnI causes (IV) damage caused by same» DerIormed by anyone We is nm an aulhmized samsa pvnvldu alshm Saaas Technnlugms udI Iv) damage m a Druducuhal has been medmed n! aIlered out wmlen pumlsxinn a: Shut Scope TechnnIugies Ltd, 01 (vi) damage lo a weddu ma! nas been no! been enardad m powered In mama-Ice wnn me cnamIng and powering miImcIIoni pvadgd by Shel Scnpe TechmlogIes le‘ (III) we sanaI number on me mam nas been aIIeyed. devaced or mnuved, (VIII) 1h: mam I: supphzd m Imansad I01 ma :valuafian, IasIIng or demanslrafian vmnuses Ior wmch snm scape mnnolumas ud dues nm mm a puvchflse pvice m Imam Iea Ia (h: mammum ans.“ asrmmad by appIican: Ilw AII seawaye and semces Dvavlded by sum Scope reahneIogIes L1d,IncIudmghI:lmyInadad mftwam .s amidad 'As Is- wIlhnul warranly 0! any kmd Wnnom IImIlmg me «magma Shel Scope TechnolugIEs ud dues HM wananI «nanne npevahon uHh: madden Schwale or sewmes w." he ermv naa Shel Stave Technolcgms ud dues nm wananI Ina: any equpmenI, SYiIem nr nelwovklhal Ihe pmdufl saflware or samaes am used In cunIdncIiun wnh mu be em" hu. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW ALL IMPLIED wmumIzs AND CONDITIONS or MERCHANTABILITY unsucrokv QUALITV on FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR euneosz ARE LIMITED TO ms nummou or THE wwwmr 95mm. ALL 0mm EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, nzpazssunmus nun wARRAMnEs, INcLunms BUT NOT quTzn To my IMPLIED mmmv o; NON' mmwcmzm ARE mscLAIMEn to me man No! mmmzn av APPLICABLE LAW, w No EVENTW‘LL sNorscoPETEcHNoLoles LTD as UABLE FDR (i) LOST on amen am m caNNEchN mm mm on mucmzm or A new on Loss a; menus on mu; (m Lass a; ma Axum/m use mm: mm vacuums aw senwczs Aw) on FOR SPECIAL woman, costouzumL INcmENmL on PuvaE DAMAGE: mkmsss nF ms rHEon or LIAmLmr (momma NEGLIGENCE) m we :vzm wan: sum scope vscwommss m: HAS BEEN ADVISED c; we Poss‘BlL‘TV OF DAMAGES w m: zxrw NUT momma» av prcmz LAW, w No EVENYW‘LL sHaT soup: rsanoLomes LTD Lmalm :xczzn runmcum mu av mu m: CONSUMER rm: m: mmum Unlzss mndifiad m wvmng by snm Scnpg Yachnulngxcs m this Ilmlled wanamy .5 undersmad m bum camp‘ele and excmswe :gvelmam hm..." yuu m snm Scupe Tachnnlngles Lm Suvelsedmg all Wm! agreemenls, oral ov wnuen, and 3“ mile! communicuions bH’ween you and sum Scope rechnmugm ud Nn 5m scape Techrmlog‘es Lm empmyee, agar“ m resaHer ls iumarized m mak: any mm or wvmen madmanon. enension o! afldmcn In [his Hmned warranty ONLINE AUCTION PURCHASES mam: much-and "Waugh nnline auchnns an: nnl alxgxble luv warranry average, Onllne aucnon mmmauuns are no! accepxed «m warmnly msmcmn In ubtnm wavnmy szwlces, an nngma‘ musz 0! (he sales recelpl vmm (he nugma‘ retailer ‘5 required 5m scope Technn‘ugies Ltd mu m mplnm mlxsmg cumpunems «mm any package purchased lhmugh an cnlme auclmn. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Tms mm wavramy Ls mum a same: may a suppmlcommu Answus (a uchmca‘ suwon quesnons can I): «ma :1. supportyshotscopexom SAFETY INFORMATION 8e HEALTH WARNINGS Fm your pelmml salely and la avuld damage in device ldlluw salely lnlavmauon guldelmes delallefl beluw. Falluve l0 avald we Ianwlng umenually hazanluus slluntlnns suuld vlsuh .n savinus ulury ‘AIways cansuIl yuur Phyliclan/Dncluv helm. laegmmng m madllylna any exemse plngram. ll you have a pacemaker m alher imvlamed eleslmmss devlce, ccnxulI yum Physlcian/Dunov befove uslng any eleclmnlc devmes [mm Shnl Scope Technologles ud. -Du new clean cl weal me devlc: wnen you IVE shaming n, Always unplug me deulea fllsl helore eleanlng II -nu nol expose cne deuce or any umev :Iutrun‘lcs Product used ld charg: lne dav‘lce ld l'lquld, momma, humm y, m ram whlm enavalnd me dense. :xposureld waler cl molsmre dwlnc enardmn euuld vesull m damuae In th: sleeuuules susuus und mny .esull in Iallure or exploslau ‘Du Hm pull av apply eueesswe main m lame uu elmer 1h! Wm. a! me snap Damage Ia enewaeen snap may cause damaguo uuemal eIammmc clvwfls ~0nly use me devlce as delalled MI W: user manual. BATTERV WARNINGS ll mese gum ' es are net lulldwed the lnlemal l'llhlumVl'nn hauery may expenenee a shunened we span or may pvesenl a vlsk dl damage in {he deu e, me, chemcal aum, :leclmly‘: lzak, and/ m lnlury ‘Du Hm snug. av use lne uuu m u caruv :lmllav pluse whevelh: Inslde Ismverawve may be oven ‘5 degree: Celslui (u: ) ‘Du Hm luv! an. devlce axpused In a neae some! n! u. a u an lemDeralur: locallon, suen as m lhe sun or u. an unauended vehlcle rd uveuem damage, vemuueme devlce hamlhe vehlcl: cl store u mu cl dlrecl sunllgnu suen as u. {he glove aux, -Dc nol dlsaseemnle modify. u'manuhcmra puneuue cl damage me devlce an new snsn clvclm the banery ovdevlce by bvlnulny lhelemunsls n cnnlacl metal or newer nh'ecl nus cauId cans: personal mlv'Y. exploslon N we -Do MI Immwse av EXDDSQ the device In way, why IIdeS, (Ire. euphemh cmhy ether mum -Do no! shock In banery by deDmg a! Ihvowmc IL ‘Du hm upehueuhe dawn: mm 07 1h: hempemum ”hues svecmed Ill (he ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS In xhls manual. «the davlca m hhhew shnw: eh, hype a damage, sueh he hulng, sweIlmg or mencmemem. oheeehhhue use ImmedIaler and suntan Shm SCOPE Tuhnulug‘es Md 'Keep ehy exposed hauery am av reach av Inlahls or smalI chIIdren CARE GUIDELINES emu: exheme shock and harsh healmlnl, bacause u m degmde me Me (II we dewce ‘Only In: h amp cImh n! paplv |nw=l wmh walarlu clech |he aehhce Do nu! spray mh any chemicaIs‘n elech [he dewce enc hm expnsl 2h: deviceln enramer high m Inwlzmpanmvu ~Da hm mg m devme mm camacl wuh any sharp omens ms chum cause damage ch scvatche; ~90 hm axIemDI m renal! many or disassemble me mm AM (he de income: submevged m II um \um «he dwce on wlpe excess hqum Imm me surlace cl me devme and place Ihe devIce III a dry are: “H 14 huuvi. In mas‘ casn‘he device should pnwer up and «uhcmh pmperIy chce campleler fined POWER SPECIFICATIONS Biliary Lire a ham playlng gnIl chavgmg 5v Mlcvn usa BATT ERV rhe dewce has ah Imemal thmm PcIymer venhalgeable bauery. rhe bamery ihuuld 0th be replaced by athuvIzed Shm SCOPE Technolchas Lm approved pelsnnaI A usershnuld heuev anempl 10 milling the battery TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Opaulmg Tgmpevalme n-c m we (zz'nu um snargmg Temperamre 5-cm as'c (AI‘FIDHTFI Sluvage Tempemuv: 4mm As'c (Ia'nonz‘n PRODUCT DISPOSAL mspose uHhE Shutswpe dewee bauery 2nd Packagmq m xne aeemdanae wnn InciI .egnlauuns Du nm dispnse nf me billevy wnn requ‘ar hausehu‘d wasle. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) STATEMENT nus eqmnmenx radlaus radwo'requency enemy and m nu used vmpeny , 1M1 l5. m sum aezomanee wnn me msvuenons m ms manual , may cause nnervevenee 1o 7:qu commumcauons and Mex/mom vecev‘icn upemmn \s :uhjectlnlhelanwing Mu cnnd ans (1) DH: dam. "my nm emu: hnrmlul inlzrlevenca and (2) 1h name must lccepl erferencelml may cause undesired uperfllmn nuns dance Tms uewee nas been leslnd and lmmd m camply wuh me mnns «or a class a digwla‘ dew-2e, puvsuanuo 931115 enna FCC mles rnese hmus are demand In Dvcwde rezsunahIE Drolecnon aqamsl nannml mmflevence m a msldenual InsuIlauen me Eqmpmenl genemes, uses and can vadwate namonequeney enemy ind, u no‘ ins1iIled and used In aeeumaneewnn cne nnsuusuons may cause hava .menenensem ndiu sommunicanen, Howeve «me Is no guavanfee man mfevfevence mu .nn uccm .n a yamcuIav instaHalmn INNS equlpmem dues anus. harmfuI nnan .neem ladin uvlelelemn vecaphun, whxch can be datummld hylummg me eqmpmlnlo" and en, the use! .s Encouraged In lry m canad |he inwaranee by an: In more at me IaHanng measures» ~Rennem or mlccal: [he racewmg anxenna. ~Increase {he sevaranon Delwnen me eanlvmem and vecewer -Cannecl me mmpmenl mm an mule! on a mun muenenx Imm mane whmh (he mcewer .s canneued -ConsuII (he dealer u! an expeneneed radio/TV (echmclan my help changes a! modificamns nm express‘y avvmved by the em responsvhle for comphance could vmd me user's au‘homy‘o nyevalelh: Eqmpmlm FCC m ZAHWR - 5503 CE MARKING & EUROPEAN UNION COMPLIANCE C 62200 Pmmms mended m. 53‘: wuhm me European Uman are marked with a cE mavk wmch mdmmei complianu co aPnHCab‘e dwu‘ives and Eumpean nmms (EN) as mums APPLICABLE DIRECTIVES RTTEE Iaaa/E/Ec EMc mnzcnvz znodlws/EC ROHS nmEcIIVE znwas/Ec WEEE mum/ac SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT av usINc m: nEva, van AGREE m a: mum) av ms YERMS 0F TNE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE ucENsE AGREEMENT PLEASE READ nus AGREEMENT CAREFULLY, Shm Scope renhnmagms Lm gram ynu the luv m Imznst m us: m: .meave :mhaddzd 17: (his devvce (1h: "sofMare“) m bmary exec-name form m (he mlmal cperanan arm device 3. pmam, Tule‘ nwnevsmp nghls, m mugcmw pmpefly my"; in nnd m the Suhwav: vemnm wilh Shot Scove mmmoqles Ltd You acknowledgemai 1h: suflware .5 me pmpevty a! stun Scope Technolagms Lm and .s pmlecled undev immmm capyugm mm m lunhev acknuwledg: 1M1 me smmwe, mgamxauun, and cod; 0! (he Somme, «or Much source cod: ‘5 no! pmvmed, ave vamamuaue scales at Shel Scnpe Tzchnnlngxu m m agvu nutln decnmpfll, duasscmhle, mom uvevse assemble, veverse enqlnean 0v uduce m human lemme mm. me snilware m any pan lheveniar creme any deviuuv: wmks hnsad an m: .meave To find out more informalin or [or our online help guide v www.shatscope.comlgetstarted Join our social pages :0 he kept uplo date with the latest snm Scope news: f Facebook: shotscope y Twitter: @sholscope Instagram: @shoLscope
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