Shuaixian Electronic Equipment SX986 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

Shenzhen Shuaixian Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. Bluetooth Headset Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID2463133
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-12-04 00:00:00
Date Available2014-12-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-11-27 18:38:42
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2014-11-27 18:38:42
Document TitleSX -986璇存槑涔︼紙14.11.21锛
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: Administrator

Bluetooth Headset
Quick Guide
Please read, lollow and keep «nese ins«ruc«ions
Heed all warnings on «he producl and in «he operalion
a slop using this producl immedia«ely il it causes discomlorl or
pain When using «his produc«, i« is recommended «ha« you limi«
volume «o help avoid harm «o yourears and danger resul«ing
«rom being unable «o hear wha« is going on around you.
4 Keep «he device ou« ol extreme heatand humidity
5 Do no« use «he device near water, such as sinks, balhlups,
swrmming pools, washing machines, «uos olwaler, etc
s using a headphones while driving can dislract you and
increase the likelihood or an accidenl
7 Power time may dlt‘ter depending on personal hablE
a. To prevenl possible hearing damage, do no« lislen a« high
volume levels «orlong periods
a Prolonged listening a« high volume could lead «o hearing
7 elueloolh Headphse«
a lnstruchon manual
Featu res
a elue«oo«h4 o
7 Supports «wo mopile phones
7 Voice promp«
a use charging cable
7 3.5MM Audio cable
a Earphone oatlery display on iphone
7 Foldable Headset
A Adiustaple headpand
e MuItlrtUnCtan ounon (power onroh, pairing, play/pause,
answer/end callslre)ec« call/lasl number redial )
0. Volume up (Next «rack)
D Volume down (Last «rack)
E LED indicalor
F Micro use charging por«
G Microphone
H. use charging cable.
l 3 5MM Audlu in
J Fuldlng mode
Charging SX-SSG
a To charge sxegas, plug «he included use charging caple in«o
sxegaa and computer(or an optional use charger) When
sxrsee canery is very low, «he red LED wrll continuallyllash
and a lull charge can «ake up «o two hours wi«h solid red LED
ligh« The red LED wlll «urn oil when charging has been
e The headphones has a nourremovable IithlumVpcIymeV ballery
~:~ Do no« lry«o remove «he baneryDo no« dispose oi «he
headphones in a lire, the pattery may explode
o Dispose or «he headphones in accordance with «he applicable
laws and regulalions in your area «or «he disposal or
lithlumVpulymer oa««eries
c Nonrcampllance wlth «he condi«ions oi use ol «he llthlumrpolymei
cattery may cause a «ire, explnsmn or chemical «rum
0 Do not allow pahery leakage «o come rn«o coniact wr«h eyes or
skin ln case at con«acl, flush eyes or skin wilh plenty olwater and
seek medical advice
0 Do no« expose «he llthlumapulymer pattery «o a «emperalure higher
«han so'c
~:~ Do no« disassemble, crush. short-circuit or incinera«e your ba««ery
as i« may cause «ire, lnluiy, bums, orother hazards.
o Belore yourhrst «ime use, please recharge your headphones
0 Do not overcharge your player, or i« may shonen «he battery‘s lile
o The «irnes afcharge/dlscharge are no less «han sou cycles
Connecting SX 936
Product piclure in this manual is lordemonstraticn purpose
Actual produc« may be dlflerent.
, Take sx—gas ou« ol package, adiust «he lenglh 0t
headband for your comfort.
Have 1st mobile phone paired with sx-sas.
a : tong press ‘MFE‘ bullon «or T secondshll red/blue indicator
ligh«s blink alternately
o Turn on elue«oo«h in «s« mopile phone. search headset “sxrsse
and have devrces paired
Have the 2nd mobile phone connected with SX-BBG
a Long press ‘MFB' button «ill indica«or ligh« is oil sx-ess‘is oil)
and turn all Bluetaoth cl let mdblle phone.
p Turn on elue«oo«h headset 'sxeges“ again
5' Turn on ‘Blue«oo«h' in «he 2nd mobile phone and i« wlll search
elue«oo«h headsel "sx-eas“ automatically
d Meantime, turn on ‘Eluetuoth‘ in your «s« mobile phone click
previous pairing record and connect
u g sx-sse
Listen to music or make a call.
Playl Pause.
1. Select an audio«rack or vrdeo clip.
2 Tap (press less «nan one second) «he Multlrluncticn bulton «o
play lpause «he audio «rack or video clip
a. Short press the putton “ -, '+ "to have volume up/ down
4 Long press the volume' +
you r lavouri«e
— button to adiusl volume to
5 Puwerul‘l «he headphone,and plug «he provided audio eaple «or
ponahle music player
Answer on incoming call
a Connec« «he headphone «o a sman phone shon press «less
«han one second) «he Multi-«unc«ion pulton to answer an
incoming call
End a call.
a short presslless «nan one second) «he Multirlunctlon button lo
end «he call
Rejectan incoming call.
7 Press the MuItlrtuHCthn button lor two seconds
Voice dial
7 undel the head: tstundby made, double pless the volume dawn key
un«il you heard u‘ promp«ed «c lei go
Voice promp«
“Paweicrtt' ‘Palllng" , “Pairing Complet
. *Poiiing no«:omplere‘ Incomlngmlt
, “Buttelylslow'
* connecled
A tong press Multltuhdlohul pu««on un«il «he plue ond red «ED indico«oi
ligh« «losh. sxeqso will promp« ’Powel on when lurn i« on. and
promp« “poring“ under «he poiring mode,
a sxevxo will promp« Palllng Complete' owe i« mmlezled wilh
elue«oolh device, l« prompts “(nnne(led“ when :uaesxfully
mnneded wrrh elue«oo«h devlze, and i« promp« dlsconnerled when
dlsmnneded sx—vao will have voice promp« “Pulvlng no« Complele“
il no« surresslully (mined wiih your elue«oo«h devlzes wilhin To minules
c sxem will prompl
lnromlng mll‘ when «here is on lncomlrlg cell
0 5X4?“ will promp« oo«leryislow" When i« is low ponery
E «orig press Mul«i«unr«ionol Buiron will lurn clr sxem. i« vvill promp«
“Power 0 "
r Chinese / Engllsh ualm promp« swi«ch me«hod long pless poih
previous and «orword ou«lon, releose when heoring long been promp«s,
and «hen i« will swi«ch «o chinese voice promp« The deloul« se««irrg is
English VOlCE promp«
LED indications
Flashing elue. elue«oo«h Aconnechon is made, your
headphones is ready «o use
Slaw Flashing The oa««ery is in low power,
Red Headse« dlsccnnected
Short Flashing When you «urn oil «he headphones
Red successtully, the red LED wlll short flash
and go oil
SW Red Chargingand «he red LED will lurn on il
charging iinished
No ligh« Your headphones is power oli.
correspond with V4 0
Support HSPs HFPs Ame avece
Transmriirg Power Class2
Working Dis«ance Range slam
Frequency Range 2 4DZGHz-2 4BOGHZ
Charge Time» s 2 5 hours
Talk Time 213 5 hours
Muslchme 2M hours
s«andpy Time zlzo hours
s s helowlor solutions to common pmbllms
use the provided use charging
caple«o charge «he pattery py
rererrrng «o «he -charging lhe
wireless headphone" in «his guide
check illhe headphone is receiving
power lrom yourcompuler‘s use
port; l««he headse« is no« in charge,
please check whether charging
connection is connected and make
sure the power supply «o «he
headphone is working
Try repressing «he multlrm notion
LEDs are no« ligh«
(siippons «wo mobile phones)
Try powering oil «he headphones, and
lhen power i« back on by pressing the
elue«oo«h nol connectlhg? Mum'mm‘a" “mu"
lll‘alled «o pairwithin 3 minu«es,
rerestabllsh pairing between «he
headphones and your elue«oo«h
device by reierring «o ‘connechng «he
wireless headphones“ in «his guide
Try using «he headphones with a
oil-«erenl elue«oo«h device
Make sure «he elue«oo«h lealure is
anivaled ol your device
The light or s«a«e will «lash slowly
when elue«oo«h headse« connecled
«o your blue«oo«h device. elue«oo«h
headset oonnechon slandard
distance is within «um
Dis«orled sound? No sound
a«all'> Microphone no«
Make sure the headphones is
selec«ed as «he aciive ou«pu« audio
device on your elue«oo«h device
Ad)usl «he volume sellings «c an
audiole level on both your
headphones and elueloolh devices
Please «urn omhe headsetand
charge i« when red light «lashing
and promp« wrth blare
Compliance statement
I. Thls devlce cemplles wlth Fan 15 at the FCC Rules Opeiatlorl Is
sumecl «o «he lollowing «wo condilions
(t) This device may no« cause harmlul lnterl‘ererlce
(2) This devlce must accept any interterence recelved, lncluding
inlerlerence «ha« may cause undesired operation
2. Changes or modihcalions no« expressly approved by «he pany
respensrble «or compliance could void «he users au«horily «o
operate the eouipmenl

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