Siemens Medical Solutions Department MED EH and S PPU098 Physiological Pulse Unit User Manual MAGNETOM Skyrafit Operator Manual MR System

Siemens Medical Solutions, Department MED EH&S; Physiological Pulse Unit MAGNETOM Skyrafit Operator Manual MR System


user manual I
Operator Manual – MR System
syngo MR E11
Answers for life.
Operator Manual – MR System
syngo MR E11
Indicates a hint
Provides information on how to avoid operating errors or information emphasizing
important details
Indicates the solution to a problem
Provides troubleshooting information or answers to frequently asked questions
Indicates a list item
Indicates a prerequisite
A condition that has to be fulfilled before starting a particular operation
Indicates a single-step operation
Indicates steps within operating sequences
Used for references and for table or figure titles
Used to identify a link to related information as well as previous or next steps
Used to identify window titles, menu items, function names, buttons, and keys, for
example, the Save button
Used to emphasize particularly important sections of the text
Used for on-screen output of the system including code-related elements or
Identifies inputs you need to provide
Used for the navigation to a certain submenu entry
Identifies variables or parameters, for example, within a string
Used with the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury or material damage.
CAUTION consists of the following elements:
Information about the nature of a hazardous situation
Consequences of not avoiding a hazardous situation
Methods of avoiding a hazardous situation
Menu > Menu Item
4MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
WARNING consists of the following elements:
Information about the nature of a hazardous situation
Consequences of not avoiding a hazardous situation
Methods of avoiding a hazardous situation
MAGNETOM Skyrafit | syngo MR E11 5
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
6MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Layout of the operator manual 11
1.2 The current operator manual 11
1.3 Intended use 12
1.4 Authorized operating personnel 13
1.4.1 Definitions of different persons 13
2 Safety 15
2.1 Preface about safety 15
2.1.1 Hazards and risks 15
2.1.2 Common causes of accidents 15
2.1.3 Responsibility 15
2.1.4 Configuration of hazard hints 16
2.2 Common/permanently existing hazards 16
2.2.1 Electromagnetic fields 16
2.2.2 Safety instructions on the static magnetic
field 18
2.2.3 Safety instructions on RF and gradient
fields 20
2.2.4 Contraindications 23
2.2.5 Mechanical hazards 25
2.2.6 Compatibility 28
2.3 What else must be observed? 30
2.3.1 Ambient conditions 30
2.3.2 Access to the examination room 30
2.3.3 Noise development 31
2.3.4 Patient care 32
2.3.5 Artifacts and imaging errors 33
2.3.6 Maintenance/repair 38
2.3.7 Signs and symbols 38
2.3.8 System owner-related advices 41
2.3.9 Coils/quality assurance 41
2.4 In case of emergency 41
2.4.1 Emergency switches 41
2.4.2 Medical emergency 44
2.4.3 Coolant accidents 45
2.4.4 Fire/Fire fighting 46
Table of contents
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3 MR system components 47
3.1 Overview MR system 47
3.1.1 About function 47
3.1.2 Super-conducting magnet 47
3.1.3 Electronics cabinets 47
3.1.4 RF coils 49
3.2 syngo Acquisition Workplace 49
3.2.1 Host 50
3.2.2 Data recording 50
3.2.3 Monitor 50
3.2.4 Keyboard 51
3.2.5 Mouse 52
3.2.6 syngo MR Workplace (optional) 53
3.3 System control 53
3.3.1 Description 53
3.3.2 Operating the Dot display 57
3.4 Patient table 57
3.4.1 Description 57
3.4.2 Operating the patient table 59
3.5 Dockable patient table 64
3.5.1 Description 64
3.5.2 Operating the dockable patient table 65
3.6 Laser light localizer 70
3.6.1 Using the laser light localizer 70
3.7 Alarm box 72
3.7.1 Description 72
3.7.2 Checks 72
3.8 Intercom 74
3.8.1 Description 74
3.8.2 Operating the intercom 75
3.9 In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace 76
3.9.1 Description 76
3.9.2 Operating the In-Room syngo Acquisition
Workplace 77
3.10 Other components and accessories 80
3.10.1 Gradient supervision 80
Table of contents
8MR System | Operator Manual
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4 Physiological imaging 83
4.1 Triggering methods 83
4.1.1 Prospective triggering 83
4.1.2 Retrospective gating 84
4.2 Physiological Measurement Unit (PMU) 84
4.2.1 Description 84
4.2.2 Preparing the measurement 89
4.3 ECG triggering 91
4.3.1 Description 91
4.3.2 Performing 92
4.4 Pulse triggering 95
4.4.1 Description 95
4.4.2 Performing 95
4.5 Respiratory triggering 96
4.5.1 Description 96
4.5.2 Performing 96
4.6 External triggering 97
4.6.1 Input for external trigger signal 97
4.6.2 Performing 98
5 MR system operation 99
5.1 Daily functionality checks 99
5.1.1 Checking the functionality and
cleanliness 99
5.2 Starting up and shutting down the MR system 100
5.2.1 Starting the system (System On) 101
5.2.2 Shutting down the system (System Off) 103
5.2.3 Shutting down the syngo MR Workplace 104
5.2.4 Starting/ending Standby 105
5.3 Preparing the MR system 105
5.3.1 Connecting the squeeze bulb 106
5.3.2 Setting tunnel conditions 106
5.4 Preparing the patient 106
5.4.1 Informing the patient 107
5.5 Physiological effects 108
5.5.1 Operating modes 108
5.5.2 Exposure to low frequency
electromagnetic fields 110
5.5.3 Exposure to RF electromagnetic fields 112
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5.6 Starting/Stopping the measurement 115
5.6.1 Starting the measurement 115
5.6.2 Stopping the measurement 115
6 Maintenance 117
6.1 Cleaning 117
6.1.1 Cleaning the LCD monitor/video display 117
6.1.2 Cleaning the camera lens 118
6.1.3 Cleaning the data carrier 118
6.1.4 Cleaning the plugs and connectors 118
6.1.5 Cleaning the patient table and the straps 118
6.1.6 Cleaning and disinfecting the receptors 118
6.1.7 Disinfecting system components 119
6.1.8 Care and cleaning of floors 119
6.2 Return and disposal 120
6.2.1 MR System 120
6.2.2 Packaging 120
6.2.3 Batteries and accumulators 120
7 Appendix: regulatory information 123
7.1 Medical devices of other manufacturers 123
7.2 CE for Physiological Measurement Unit (PMU) 124
Table of contents
10 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
In order to operate the MR system accurately and safely, the
operating personnel must have the necessary expertise as well as
knowledge of the complete operator manual. The operator manual
must be read carefully prior to using the MR system.
Layout of the operator manual
Your complete operator manual is split up into several volumes to
improve readability. Each of these individual operator manuals covers
a specific topic:
Hardware components (system, coils, etc.)
Software (measurement, evaluation, etc.)
Another element of the complete operator manual is the information
provided for the system owner of the MR system.
The extent of the respective operator manual depends on the system
configuration used and may vary.
All components of the complete operator manual may include
safety information that needs to be adhered to.
The operator manuals for hardware and software address the
authorized user. Basic knowledge in operating PCs and software is a
The current operator manual
This manual may include descriptions covering standard as well as
optional hardware and software. Contact your Siemens Sales
Organization with respect to the hardware and software available for
your system. The description of an option does not infer a legal
requirement to provide it.
Introduction 1
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The graphics, figures, and medical images used in this operator
manual are examples only. The actual display and design of these
may be slightly different on your system.
Male and female patients are referred to as “the patient” for the sake
of simplicity.
Intended use
Your MAGNETOM MR system is indicated for use as a magnetic
resonance diagnostic device (MRDD) that produces transverse,
sagittal, coronal and oblique cross sectional images, spectroscopic
images and/or spectra, and that displays the internal structure and/or
function of the head, body, or extremities. Other physical parameters
derived from the images and/or spectra may also be produced.
Depending on the region of interest, contrast agents may be used.
These images and/or spectra and the physical parameters derived
from the images and/or spectra when interpreted by a trained
physician yield information that may assist in diagnosis.
Your MAGNETOM MR system may also be used for imaging during
interventional procedures when performed with MR compatible
devices such as in-room displays and MR Safe biopsy needles.
The MAGNETOM MR system is not a device with measuring
function as defined in the Medical Device Directive (MDD).
Quantitative measured values obtained are for informational
purposes and cannot be used as the only basis for diagnosis.
For the USA only: Federal law restricts this device to sale,
distribution and use by or on the order of a physician.
Your MR system is a medical device for human use only!
1 Introduction
12 MR System | Operator Manual
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Authorized operating personnel
The MAGNETOM MR system must be operated according to the
intended use and only by qualified persons with the necessary
knowledge in accordance with country-specific regulations, e.g.
physicians, trained radiological technicians or technologists,
subsequent to the necessary user training.
This user training must include basics in MR technology as well as
safe handling of MR systems. The user must be familiar with potential
hazard and safety guidelines the same way the user is familiar with
emergency and rescue scenarios. In addition, the user has to have
read and understood the contents of the operator manual.
Please contact Siemens Service for more information on available
training options and suggested duration and frequency of such
Definitions of different persons
Term used Explanation
Operating per-
Person who operates the system or software,
takes care of the patient or reads images
Typically physicians, trained radiological techni-
cians, or technologists
System owner Person who is responsible for the MR environ-
ment. This includes legal requirements, emer-
gency plans, employee information and qualifica-
tions, as well as maintenance/repair.
MR worker Person who works within the controlled access
area or MR environment
User/Operator as well as further personnel (for
example, cleaning staff, facility manager, service
Introduction 1
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Term used Explanation
Siemens Serv-
ice/service per-
Group of specially trained persons who are
authorized by Siemens to perform certain mainte-
nance activities
References to “Siemens Service” include service
personnel authorized by Siemens.
1 Introduction
14 MR System | Operator Manual
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Preface about safety
Hazards and risks
An MR system may present various hazards. Some occur only during
the examination, while others exist permanently and thus are also
relevant to non-users (e.g. cleaning personnel).
The various hazards and the corresponding safety instructions are
explained in the safety chapter of this operator manual.
Common causes of accidents
Despite safety instructions, some hazards lead to accidents time and
again. In particular, this includes magnet accidents and RF burns/loop
formation, as well as the use of incompatible devices and the wearing
of clothing with electrically conductive materials. A detailed patient
screening ensures that the patient is free of metallic objects and
clothing with metallic yarns or appliqués.
The following sections provide information on how to avoid the most
common mistakes and the resulting safety risks. These sections were
prepared based on the long-time experience of Siemens.
Siemens accepts no responsibility for the safety, reliability, and
performance of the MR system, if the MR system is not used in
accordance with the instructions for use (Operator Manual, System
Owner Manual). Siemens is also not responsible for any direct or
indirect damages caused by incorrect operation. This includes, but is
not limited to, accidents with ferromagnetic objects. This applies
even if the consequences only become obvious at a later point in
Safety 2
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Configuration of hazard hints
All hazard hints are identified in a special way. The following
keywords signal the level of hazard involved:
WARNING Warning regarding risks that may result in
death or serious physical injury.
CAUTION Warning regarding risks that may result in
minor physical injury or material damage.
Source of danger!
Common/permanently existing hazards
The frequency at which the potential hazards mentioned in this
section lead to accidents is still too high. Therefore, it is especially
important to observe the instructions on how to avoid these
dangerous situations.
The most significant hazards include:
Electromagnetic fields
Mechanical hazards
Incompatible devices
Electromagnetic fields
In the examination room, there are different kinds of electro-
magnetic fields and the resulting risks.
2 Safety
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Fields Most serious hazards
Static magnetic field Movement by implants and prostheses in the body
Attraction, alignment, and projectile-like acceleration of magnetizable
( Page 18 Safety instructions on the static magnetic field)
Gradient fields Peripheral nerve stimulation
( Page 20 Safety instructions on RF and gradient fields)
RF fields Warming of body tissue
( Page 20 Safety instructions on RF and gradient fields)
All persons (e.g. patients, physicians, operating and cleaning
personnel, accompanying persons, and rescue personnel/fire
fighters) are exposed to these fields in the examination room.
Therefore, all limits and safety measures regarding
electromagnetic fields equally apply to patients and MR workers.
Observe prohibition signs in the area near the entrances to the MR
system and the controlled access area.
The static basic field is generated by a superconductive magnet and
may extend beyond the examination room (walls, ceilings).
In order to minimize the hazards mentioned, the controlled access
area of the basic field is identified on the floor (0.5 mT line). Outside
the controlled access area, the magnetic flux density is less than
0.5 mT. See: System owner manual
Linearly rising additional fields of variable strength - gradient fields -
are superimposed on the static main magnetic field in three different
orientations. They may cause shifts in charge in the patient's tissue
and lead to peripheral nerve stimulation.
The nuclear spins of the body tissue are stimulated via pulsed
electromagnetic RF fields. These RF pulses are generated by an RF
transmit amplifier and transferred via RF coils to the object to be
Static magnetic field/controlled
access area
Gradient fields
RF fields
Safety 2
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RF fields lead to warming of the body tissue. In this context, an
important value per body weight is the specific absorption rate or
SAR. ( Page 108 Physiological effects)
Possible undesirable side effects for MR are dizziness, heating,
claustrophobia and nerve stimulation.
Safety instructions on the static magnetic field
The list of objects in this chapter is not exhaustive. It only serves as an
illustration of objects that present hazards in the presence of
magnetic forces.
Only use equipment specified or recommended for use in the
controlled access area.
Side effects
2 Safety
18 MR System | Operator Manual
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Movement and/or alignment of implants and prostheses in the
body, as well as attraction, alignment, and projectile-like
acceleration of magnetizable objects may result in very serious
Injury to patient and operating personnel
Do not use resuscitation devices - for example, defibrillators
or oxygen bottles - in the examination room.
Do not use transport trolleys, movable beds, stretchers, etc.
that consist of magnetizable parts.
Do not wear or carry any magnetizable objects on your person
- for example, watches, pens, scissors, etc..
Use only proven MR Safe or MR Conditional accessories, parts
subject to wear and tear, and disposable articles with the MR
Use only MR Safe or MR Conditional tools and devices.
Service work on the MR system may only be performed by
Siemens Service.
Ensure that only authorized personnel enter the controlled
access area (0.5 mT exclusion zone), for example, electricians
or cleaning personnel trained in MR safety.
Keep the door to the examination room closed.
Magnetizable objects introduced into the magnetic field become
Injury to patient and operating personnel
Inform the operating personnel about the effect of forces on
ferromagnetic parts or implants, especially on systems with a
higher field strength (for example, 3T). Explain that the forces
increase with the field strength of the magnet!
Safety 2
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For China only: In 3-T systems medical supervision is required for
all patients according to IEC 60601-2-33 (2nd edition).
When persons (e.g. MR workers or patients) are exposed to the static
magnetic field, possible effects are dizziness, light-headedness, or
metallic taste, especially in 3-Tesla magnetic fields.
1Ask the patient to lie still during the measurement.
2Keep a sufficient distance to the magnet and avoid rapid
movements of the head.
Dizziness, light-headedness or metallic taste in the patient‘s
mouth during measurements and/or table movements in a 3-
Tesla magnetic field!
Reaction of fear by the patient
Prior to the examination, inform the patient about the
possible occurrence of these symptoms.
Magnetic flux densities exceeding 0.5 mT can interfere with
electronic implants or other devices. The main magnetic field may
either affect or destroy electronic data carriers such as check or credit
cards, hard disks, ID cards with magnetic strips and/or magnetic
tapes, diskettes or pocket calculators, as well as RFID chips (Radio
Frequency Identification).
Safety instructions on RF and gradient fields
Do not examine patients unable to communicate potential
overheating effects (e.g. small children, seriously ill, paralyzed,
unconscious, sedated, or handicapped patients).
Dangerous current loops may be generated when parts of the
patient's body touch. These loops may lead to burns or increase the
probability of stimulation.
Current loops are also generated when the patient's skin contacts the
tunnel lining or RF coil cables.
Dizziness during exposure
Device malfunctions
Patients at risk
Current loops and bore wall
2 Safety
20 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Ensure to prevent potential current loops as shown in the red
labeled illustration.
Ensure the patient is positioned with proper distance (5 mm) to
magnet tunnel as well as proper distance between parts of the
body as shown in the green labeled illustration.
To lower the effects of gradient fields or RF fields, keep a sufficient
distance from the RF coils and the magnet tunnel (gradient coils),
and reduce the time of exposure during measurements.
Safety 2
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The patient is wearing electrically conductive material! Incorrect
patient positioning!
Formation of electric current loops
Peripheral nerve stimulation of the patient
Ensure that the patient does not wear clothing that is wet or
dampened by perspiration.
Ensure that the patient is free of metallic rings, chains, or
electrically conductive materials worked into items of clothing
(for example, brassiere support wires, metallic appliqués or
woven metallic yarns).
Always position the patient so that the patient's arms are
aligned with the torso and ensure that hands, arms, and legs
do not touch (minimum distance: 5 mm).
Ensure that the minimum distance of 5 mm is maintained
between patient and tunnel covering.
To ensure this distance, use positioning aids, e.g. blankets
made of linen, cotton, or paper, or dry material that is
permeable to air.
Ensure sufficient ventilation.
Heating up/ignition of synthetic blankets via the RF field during
the measurement!
Patient burns
Use only covers made of paper, cotton or linen.
2 Safety
22 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Heating up of RF blankets or shields used to avoid aliasing
Patient burns
Never use RF blankets or other conductive sheets within the
MR system.
This chapter contains very important information about MR
safety: In principle, a qualified physician must evaluate the risk/
benefit ratio of the MR examination for every patient.
To date, there is no scientific proof that MR examinations are
harmless for pregnant women, the unborn (embryos or fetuses)
and children under two years of age.
In general, an MR examination is contraindicated for patients with
electronic or electronically conductive implants or metals, especially
those containing ferromagnetic foreign matter.
Typical contraindications for MR examinations are:
Electronic implants: e.g. pacemakers, stimulators, insulin pumps
Artificial heart valves, aneurysm clips
Metal splinters in the eye (danger of retinal detachment)
Artificial anus (anus praeter) with magnetic closure
Transdermal drug patches with metallic backings
Electrically conductive implants and prostheses
Metallic spirals for contraception (IUDs = Intrauterine Devices)
Transdermal or other similar implants (for example, body piercings
as well as magnetic piercings)
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Electronic and/or electrically conductive implants and
magnetizable inclusions in static and low-frequency magnetic
fields and RF fields!
Risk of patient death/patient injury
Ask the patient about implants and inclusions.
Do not perform MR examinations on patients with electronic
or electrically conductive implants and magnetizable
Ensure that patients wearing such implants and/or inclusions
remain outside the exclusion zone (0.5 mT line).
Exceptions: Certain implantable medical devices have been cleared,
approved and/or licensed by the Competent Governmental
Authorities and/or labeled by the device manufacturer as “MR
Conditional”. For such implantable medical devices, the previously
mentioned list of general contraindications and the warning may not
be applicable in its entirety.
It is the responsibility of the device manufacturer to declare an
implantable medical device as MR Conditional if appropriate and to
define the conditions (constraints) for safe MR scanning. The MR
operator must be aware of any such conditions for MR scanning. It is
the obligation of the MR operator to assure that these conditions are
strictly adhered to. To obtain these specific conditions the MR
operator may refer to the labeling of the implantable medical device
or contact the device manufacturer. Siemens MR does not assume
responsibility or liability for the operation of the MR system with any
implantable medical device. Especially, Siemens MR is not responsible
for controlling technical parameters of the MR system other than
those defined by the normal operating mode, the first level controlled
operating mode and the data provided in the system owner manual,
such as spatial gradient field plots.
2 Safety
24 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Eddy currents induced by low-frequency magnetic fields!
Patient burns
Do not examine patients with electrically conducting implants
or prostheses.
Electrically conducting objects!
Injury to patient due to warming
Incorrect diagnosis due to artifacts
Request that the patient removes all electrically conducting
objects, e.g. necklaces, rings, braces, rubber bands for long
hair, piercings as well as jewelry.
Request that the patient removes all clothing including
electrically conducting material, for example, bras, metallic
appliqués or woven metallic yarns.
Inform patients that eyeliners and tattoos may contain
ingredients causing artifacts or skin irritations during MR
examinations. In some cases, patients have been burned.
To prevent injuries, instruct patients to remove makeup prior
to the examination.
Instruct patients to seek medical attention in case of
discomfort during or following the MR examination.
Mechanical hazards
Collisions and injuries are more prevalent when using the
exchangeable tabletop, the patient table or when performing
maintenance activities.
Observe the warning and prohibition signs as well as the safety
Collision and points of injury
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Accidental patient table movement!
Injury to the patient
If you plan an intervention outside the magnet, activate the
Table Lock function at the Dot display with the control unit to
avoid accidental patient table movement, or injury to the
patient. After completing the intervention, the table can be
Cover of the table lifting column is defective; access to moving
parts is possible!
Risk of severe contusion during vertical movement
Complete the current examination and then shut down the
Notify Siemens Service.
2 Safety
26 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Vertical and horizontal movement of the patient table!
Injury to patient and other persons
Damage to the patient table
Ensure that there are no obstacles (e.g. extending or
overhanging body parts, hair, clothing, straps) between table
and the magnet, or that the additional equipment (e.g. IV
tube, respirator or ECG) does not get caught and remains in
and on the patient when moving the tabletop.
Secure the patient’s arms and legs with straps so that the
patient is not caught between the tabletop and the magnet
cover. Remain in the MR examination room with helpless
patients (e.g. children and patients who are either seriously
ill, paralyzed, unconscious, sedated, handicapped or
medicated), even if the patients are secured during the
Ensure that the sensor for height detection is not obstructed
by clothing, sheets, or accessories, etc.
Keep the patient under visual or acoustic control.
In case of hazardous conditions, press the Table Stop button.
Explain the significance of protocol-controlled table
movements to the patient.
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Improper patient transport with the dockable patient table,
improper use of the side rails!
Injury to the patient
Damage to the patient table
Carefully transport the patient on the dockable patient table.
Secure the patient if necessary.
Do not pull/push the tabletop or use the emergency release to
avoid any unintended horizontal movement.
Use the side rails as intended (as an arm rest or in the vertical
position e.g. for securing the patient). Always make sure that
the side rails are completely engaged after moving them and
consider possible pinching parts on the side rails.
Fold the side rails down to move the tabletop.
The risk of stumbling is related in particular to the unfavorable
routing of cables/hoses of interventional components.
Cable/hoses of interventional components!
Injury to patient and operating personnel
Route cables/hoses of interventional components so that it is
not possible to trip over them.
Among other things, the following hazards or complications may
occur through the use of third-party products during MR
Heating of system cables or connection cables
Interference with MR image quality
Malfunctioning of third-party products
Risk of stumbling
Combinations with other
systems, accessories
2 Safety
28 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Auxiliary equipment, which has not been specifically tested and
approved for use in the environment of the MR equipment, may
result in burns or other injuries to the patient.
If the MR system is combined with other systems or components, it
must be ensured that the planned combination and cable routing do
not affect the safety of patients, personnel, or the environment.
Ensure that the devices used in the examination room are
compatible with the field strength of the MR system. For
example, devices compatible with 1.5 T systems may be
unsuitable for 3 T systems, and vice versa. See also MR
Conditional: ( Page 29 Labeling)
Contact Siemens Service prior to combining the MR system with
other devices.
Peripheral equipment (e.g. patient monitoring, life support or
emergency care equipment) which is not specified or recommended
for use in the MRI environment, including the controlled access area,
may be disturbed by the RF field or the magnetic fringe field of the
MR system. This equipment may also disturb the proper function of
the MR system.
ASTM International developed a new classification system for
implants and ancillary clinical devices. The following definitions
MR Safe An item that poses no known hazards in all MR environments. MR Safe items
include nonconducting, nonmagnetic items such as a plastic petri dish. An
item may be determined to be MR Safe by providing a scientifically based
rationale rather than test data.
Safety 2
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MR Conditional An item that has been demonstrated to pose no known hazards in a specified
MR environment with specified conditions of use. Field conditions that define
the specified MR environment include field strength, spatial gradient, dB/dt
(time rate of change of the magnetic field), RF fields, and SAR. Additional
conditions, including specific configurations of the item, may be required.
MR Conditional devices (for example, RF communications equipment) may
present hazards as well. Observe the manufacturer's operator manual to
avoid potential hazards and injuries.
MR Unsafe An item that is known to pose hazards in all MR environments. MR Unsafe
items include magnetic items such as a pair of ferromagnetic scissors.
Detailed information on B0 values, gradient and RF data, as well as
graphic representations of the spatial distributions are included in the
MR compatibility data sheet. See: System Owner Manual
What else must be observed?
Ambient conditions
As the ambient conditions and SAR have a considerable effect on the
patient’s body temperature, you must regularly check the ambient
The patient’s ability to dissipate surplus heat is increasingly affected
as the room temperature and relative humidity increase.
Ensure that the room temperature is at or below 22°C and the
relative humidity does not exceed 60%.
Access to the examination room
Free access to and exit from the examination room must be ensured
at all times.
1Regularly check the correct functioning of the door to the
examination room.
Technical data
Regulating the room
2 Safety
30 MR System | Operator Manual
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2Ensure that the door to the examination room opens and closes
Noise development
By switching the currents in the gradient coils for imaging purposes,
the mechanical forces lead to noise development (humming,
knocking noises) during the MR examination which can exceed
99 dB(A) in the bore.
Noise development during the MR examination!
Injury to patient and people in the examination room
(hearing impairment)
Provide the patient with appropriate hearing protection that
lowers noise to at least 99 dB(A).
Mandatory provide anesthetized or unconscious patients with
hearing protection. Ear protection for these patients should
not be omitted even at moderate sound levels.
Ensure that personnel and accompanying persons in the
examination room wear hearing protection during the
examination that lowers noise to at least 85 dB(A).
For required level of hearing protection, see: System Owner
Manual, Technical data: Hearing protection data. All hearing
protection devices must provide the required level of sound
Adequate attenuation levels can be achieved by using, for example,
ear plugs. Ear plugs offering sufficient hearing protection can be
found in the Siemens Accessories catalog.
The standard Siemens headphones are intended for communication
with the patient and can be used in combination with ear plugs.
Safety 2
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For appropriate sound attenuation, the proper use of hearing
protection is important. All personnel should be trained to correctly
apply the hearing protection.
Special attention and training of the operator is required for proper
positioning of the hearing protection for neonates and infants. In
addition this applies to any other condition where an alternative
form of hearing protection might be necessary.
For MR examinations of infants special hearing protection may be
Due to increased anxiety the permissible sound pressure level may
be a reason for concern for pregnant women and their unborn, for
newborns, infants and small children as well as older persons.
Patient care
Patients must be informed about the hazards and safety measures
during MR examinations. Before doing so, it must be confirmed that
an MR examination is permissible and/or checked if increased
precautions are necessary.
Patient received insufficient clarification of facts!
Injury to patient
Explain to the patient the conduct expected and possible risks
Inform the patient about the monitoring and communication
equipment e.g. squeeze ball, intercom.
Instruct the patient regarding possible heat development
during the MR examination.
Inform the patient about noise developing during the MR
Prior to the MR examination, instruct patients of possible
stimulations during the examination i.e. twitching muscles,
tingling sensation.
Patient information
2 Safety
32 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Patients may be acoustically as well as visually and physiologically
monitored in the MR system.
The viewing window or a video system is used for visual
The intercom can be used to acoustically contact the patient.
( Page 74 Description)
Medical supervision: MR Conditional monitoring devices are used
to monitor the patient's vital parameters, provided the conditions
for safe operation are observed.
Medical supervision means adequate medical management of
patients who can be at risk from some parameters of exposure to the
MR equipment, either because of the medical condition of the
patient, the levels of exposure or a combination.
All patients should receive at least routine monitoring. For some
(e.g. sedated, physically unstable) patients, monitoring of the
vital parameters is mandatory. In the First Level Controlled
Operating Mode medical supervision is also mandatory.
Incompatible monitoring devices!
Patient burns
Use only monitoring devices, for example, ECG electrodes and
pulse sensor, that meet the conditions for safe use (MR Safe
or MR Conditional).
Artifacts and imaging errors
Due to their magnetizability, foreign objects in the area of the
magnet bore cause strong local distortions of the basic field and lead
to considerable image artifacts. Depending on the level of distortion,
diagnosis may be difficult, impaired or completely impossible.
Patient monitoring
Safety 2
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Causes: Artifacts and imaging errors are listed according to their
source for error:
System-related artifacts/imaging errors
Patient-related artifacts/imaging errors
User-related artifacts/imaging errors, see: Software operator
User-related and patient-related artifacts/imaging errors can be
largely avoided through patient instructions and proper conduct of
patient and personnel.
The MR image may show system-related artifacts/imaging errors
despite careful preparation.
If the same artifact/imaging error appears repeatedly, document
and submit it to Siemens Service.
RF-signal interference caused by incompatible accessories e.g.
patient monitoring devices!
Streaks and bright spots in the MR image
Use only accessories tested and approved for the MR system.
Keep the door to the examination room closed.
Vary the bandwidth of the MR sequence.
Whenever possible, use local coils for the MR examination.
Phasing of MR signal is not set correctly!
Structure is shown in the wrong position
Repeat the measurement for the structure in question by
using a second orthogonal slice and check whether the
position of the structure is reproducible nor not.
System-related artifacts/
imaging errors
Stripe artifacts
Incorrect slice positioning
2 Safety
34 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Local variation in the sensitivity of local coils!
Continuous fluctuations in MR image brightness
Whenever possible, use a local coil with transmit
characteristics that are more suitable for the field of view
Use the normalization filter.
Static and/or stationary brightness errors on the LCD monitor
due to aging!
Incorrect diagnosis
Scroll through the images to ensure that the MR image does
not show differences in brightness, spots, or cloudiness and
check bright objects for afterglow.
Keep your eyes always in central monitor position with a
vertical view angle towards the screen surface for best image
Inhomogeneous RF field!
Asymmetry of contrast in the MR image
Whenever possible, use a local coil with transmit
characteristics that are more suitable for the desired field of
Variations in brightness
Variations in signal and
Safety 2
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Spatial non-linearity of the gradient field and inhomogeneity of
the static magnetic field!
Pin-cushion and barrel-shaped distortions and/or loss of
signal in the margins of the MR image
Go through a distortion correction.
Position the region to be examined as close to the magnet
isocenter as possible.
Use phantoms for the control measurements.
Incorrect localization data due to spatial non-linearity of the
gradient field and inhomogeneity of the static magnetic field!
Incorrect stereotactic planning or breast biopsy
Take localization errors into account while planning
stereotactic interventions or breast biopsies.
Distorted slice edges in the margin due to spatial non-linearity of
the gradient field and inhomogeneity of the static magnetic
Incorrect stereotactic planning
When planning stereotactic interventions, take into account
slice distortion at the margins of the MR image. This applies in
particular to graphic slice positioning (GSP) as well as other
graphic slice displays and slice positioning data independent
of the possible use of distortion correction.
Distortions/signal obliteration
along the edges
Localization errors due to
Potato chip artifact
2 Safety
36 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
When using the DIXON method, water and fat swaps might
Incorrect diagnosis
Diagnosis should be confirmed by a second contrast and/or a
different orientation.
Poor image quality! Wrong image position!
Incorrect diagnosis
Prior to the examination, inform patients about movements
and their negative effects on the measurement.
Ensure that the patient does not move during the
Monitor the patient during the MR examination.
Imprecise localization due to patient movement during
functional MR imaging (fMRI)!
Incorrect stereotactic planning and injury of the patient
Incorrect assignment of active brain areas
Prior to the examination, inform patients about movements
and their negative effects on the measurement.
Use Siemens scan protocols with motion correction.
Monitor the patient to ensure that the task is performed
DIXON swapping
Patient-related artifacts/
imaging errors
Safety 2
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High voltage and currents inside the electronics cabinets!
Risk of death by electrocution
Electronics cabinets should only be opened by Siemens
Windows, doors, and emergency flaps must not be blocked.
The following safety-relevant accessories should be checked:
All RF coils for the transmitting and receiving system
ECG and respiratory sensor
Disposable electrodes
Pulse sensor
For detailed information about maintenance of the MR system, see:
System owner manual
In case of serious malfunctions, shut down the MR system
immediately and notify Siemens Service.
Signs and symbols
Magnetic field RF field Observe operator manual
Daily checks
Safety-relevant accessories
Serious malfunctions
Warning signs
2 Safety
38 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Potential injury to persons Risk of injury Laser radiation
Risk of breaking Maximum load side rails
Laser (for the US only)
Refilling with liquid nitrogen and helium
The following objects are prohibited in the examination room:
Prohibition signs
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Implants susceptible to
electromagnetic effects
Open flames, no smok-
Metallic implants and
other metallic objects
inside the body
Mechanical watches
and electronic data car-
Fire extinguishers with
magnetizable metal
Metal parts, e.g. tools Electronic data carriers
Unauthorized access Implants susceptible to electromagnetic effects
Sign requiring mandatory hear-
ing protection
Non-ionizing radiation
Further symbols
2 Safety
40 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Protective class symbol B for
application parts
Protective class symbol BF for
application parts
System owner-related advices
Some safety instructions address the system owner. They are
included as “Safety information” in a separate operator manual, see:
System owner manual. This manual also contains the technical
description of the system.
Coils/quality assurance
Safety instructions covering the intended use of coils and
measurement phantoms are included in a separate operator manual.
See: Coil operator manual.
In case of emergency
1Before working with the system, familiarize yourself with the
location and functionality of the emergency switches installed.
2Report all accidents resulting in personal injury immediately to the
appropriate authorities.
3Observe the established emergency plans (e.g. emergency plan in
case of coolant accidents, emergency plan for fire fighting).
Emergency switches
The MR system has different types of emergency switches.
Switch Effect Emergency
Magnet Stop Shutting down the static magnetic
field (quenching)
E.g. in case of accidents with attracted
metal parts or in case of fire
Safety 2
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Switch Effect Emergency
Emergency Shut-
Electric power of the entire MR system
is switched off, but magnet remains at
E.g. in case of fire
Table Stop Motorized table movement is stopped In case of accidents or injury due to
table movement
In case of emergency, the relevant switch should be pressed.
(1) Magnet Stop switch
(2) Emergency Shut-down switch
(3) Table Stop button
The Magnet Stop switch triggers a controlled magnet quench
(shutting down the magnetic field). The MR system is not
disconnected from the power.
There are two different versions of the Magnet Stop switch on the
MR system: as an individual switch or as an integral part of the alarm
box. The switches may also be installed in other places of the MR
Magnet Stop switch
2 Safety
42 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
After the Magnet Stop switch has been pressed, an alarm is triggered
at the alarm box. The WARNING LED will light up and an alarm signal
will sound.
As a rule, Siemens Service must be called following a quench.
The magnet must only be put back into operation by Siemens
Service personnel.
Formation of droplets due to condensation during quenching!
Personal injury
Risk of fire
Do not touch the exhaust line.
Do not stand under the exhaust line.
Avoid open flames and do not smoke.
System indicates Magnet Stop error!
Hazardous conditions because the magnet cannot be
quenched in case of emergency
Immediately remove the patient from the magnet.
Restrict the access to the examination room.
Notify Siemens Service.
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Typically there are two Emergency Shut-down switches installed:
one near the alarmbox and another one in the examination room.
The switch is used to switch off the electric power of the entire MR
Fire or electrical accidents!
Personal injury
Press the Emergency Shut-down switch immediately.
Contact your fire department.
It is located on the intercom and on the patient table.
Medical emergency
Medical emergency during MR measurements!
Risk of death to patients
Terminate the measurement immediately.
Remove patients from the examination room for treatment
unless it is certain that the medical equipment required is
appropriate for use inside an MR room.
Do not store or operate oxygen bottles, defibrillators, or other
auxiliary tools for resuscitation in the examination room.
Emergency Shut-down switch
Table Stop button
2 Safety
44 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Squeeze bulb is defective!
Risk of injury to patient because emergencies cannot be
Check the functionality of the squeeze bulb daily.
Coolant accidents
During a quench, a person might become unconscious due to severe
shortness of breath:
1Remove unconscious persons immediately from the examination
2Start adequate first aid measures and contact a physician
Direct contact with subzero liquids, gases, and surfaces (e.g. pipes)
may lead to frostbite. The eyes and mucous membranes are
especially vulnerable.
Improper handling of liquid helium!
Skin damage caused by frostbite
Do not rub frostbitten skin areas.
1Remove clothing carefully from the locations involved.
2Rinse frostbitten skin with lukewarm water.
3Cover frostbitten skin with sterile bandages.
4Do not apply powder or creams.
5Contact a physician immediately.
First aid in case of shortness of
First aid in case of frostbite
Safety 2
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Fire/Fire fighting
The following devices/materials may be used for fire fighting:
Non-magnetic CO2 extinguisher
Self-contained, anti-magnetic compressed-air breathing apparatus
(or hose connection)
Airtight chemical protective suit
2 Safety
46 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
MR system components
Overview MR system
About function
A detailed specification of the systems hardware and software is
available in the Info dialog box (main menu Help > Info).
Super-conducting magnet
The super-conducting magnet generates a strong homogeneous
magnetic field with a field strength of 3 T.
The magnet is filled with liquid helium as a coolant. Following
installation, it is adjusted to the desired operating field strength. The
ramped-up magnet does not require additional electric power to
maintain the magnetic field. Under normal operating conditions,
there is no helium boil-off.
To minimize the effects of the magnetic fringe field on the
environment, the magnet of the MR system is equipped with active
super-conducting shielding.
The gradient system provides precise localizing slice positions.
For details on the gradient system, please refer to the System owner
Electronics cabinets
The electronics cabinets are located in the engineering room or the
operating room.
Magnetic field
Cooling system
Gradient system
MR system components 3
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(1) Gradient cabinet
(2) Control cabinet
(3) System separator
The gradient cabinet contains the power electronics for generating
the magnetic field gradients.
The control cabinet includes different electronics components to
operate the MR system.
The control cabinet includes a sequence-programmable, optical
trigger signal output which can be made externally accessible by
Siemens Service via installation of a fiber optic cable.
Gradient cabinet
Control cabinet
3 MR system components
48 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Please note that Siemens provides customers with the optical
trigger signal output for research purposes only. No devices
connected to this output have been tested by Siemens. Before
connecting devices to the MR suite using the optical trigger
signal output, they must be tested for safety by trained
Before using devices in the proximity of the magnet, their non-
magnetic properties and clinical operation in the magnetic field
have to be confirmed.
The use of devices connected to the optical trigger signal output
has to comply with any applicable governmental or local hospital
Institutional Review Boards (IRBS).
Siemens will not be held responsible for the use of any device
and resulting consequences in connection with the optical trigger
signal output.
The system separator contains electronics components and cooling-
equipment to deliver an adequate cooling power for the system. If a
special cooling system (chiller) is installed, the system separator is not
RF coils
The description, handling and quality measurements for RF coils are
included in a separate operator manual. See: Coil operator manual
syngo Acquisition Workplace
The workplace in the control room is known as syngo Acquisition
Workplace (syngo Acq WP). It includes the host processor with the
operating elements monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
An additional component of the syngo Acquisition Workplace is the
intercom. ( Page 74 Description)
System separator
MR system components 3
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Among other things, the host processor includes the following
Patient management
Image selection and storage
Measurement sequence management
Measured MR images may be transferred to other systems or
computers via the network connection (e.g. PACS or RIS
systems). MR images from other systems or computers can be
received via the network as well.
Information about network connections is displayed in the Info...
dialog window.
Data recording
The MR system provides the following modules for data recording:
CD/DVD burner
DVD drive
An interface (e.g. USB connection) for a paper printer is also
The burn and read process is started via the software. See: Software
operator manual
Only CD-Rs/DVD-Rs (Recordable) labeled “Medical Grade” and having a
gold-colored layer are suitable for documenting data for medical
purposes. Siemens Service will provide you with CD-Rs/DVD-Rs.
Please take into account the handling, care, storage of CDs/DVDs
and CD-Rs/DVD-Rs as specified by the respective manufacturers.
The monitor is used for displaying MR images as well as user dialogs.
It is switched on or off as part of the overall MR system.
Data carrier
3 MR system components
50 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
All other adjustments are blocked since the monitor is already
optimally configured by Siemens Service.
Do not touch the surface of the screen using sharp, pointed
Do not position containers holding fluids, e.g. cups or glasses, on
top of the monitor.
In addition, general cleaning instructions must be observed.
The monitor may only be opened by authorized Siemens Service
The syngo Acquisition Workplace is equipped with an original
Siemens keyboard. This keyboard is a modified Windows keyboard
where the numeric keys have been replaced with symbol keys.
The symbol keys are used to access frequently used functions. The
F4, F5, F6, F7, and F8 function keys enable you to access the
individual task cards. The F1 function key lets you access the Online
Function Original Siemens key Windows key
Increase/decrease image brightness (set window
position) /
NUM / /
Increase/decrease contrast (set the window width)
* / -
Automatically set contrast and brightness 9
Page forth/back in the examination
8 / 7
MR system components 3
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Function Original Siemens key Windows key
Page forth/back in the series
5 / 4
Page forth/back image by image
2 / 1
Open patient registration Ins
Selecting the Patient Browser Del
Copy to film sheet Enter
Highlight 3
Send to node 1 +
If the computer system is connected to a clinic-wide processor
network (HIS/RIS), use the Examination task card to send images to
other network addresses via node 1.
The system is equipped with a wheel mouse.
3 MR system components
52 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Left mouse button:
Selecting or moving objects
Starting applications
Executing commands
Center mouse button/wheel:
Changing the window values of patient images
Scrolling (for example, through the Patient list)
Right mouse button:
Opening the context menu (depending on the position of the
mouse pointer)
syngo MR Workplace (optional)
The syngo MR Workplace allows for evaluation, documentation and
post-processing of previously measured images while acquiring
images at the syngo Acquisition Workplace. It accesses the database
of the host processor.
It is not possible to perform measurements at the syngo MR
Workplace. It is not connected to the MR scanner or the image
reconstruction system.
System control
The system control is used to operate the system and the patient
table. It comprises control units and the Dot display.
MR system components 3
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The control units are located at the right and the left side of the
patient table at the front of the magnet cover. Optionally, additional
control units are located at the back of the magnet.
Each control unit consists of a jogwheel and several additional
(1) Control unit for positioning the table
(2) Control unit for menu navigation and for adjusting settings for
patient comfort
( Page 59 Operating the patient table)
( Page 57 Operating the Dot display)
( Page 105 Preparing the MR system)
For better user guidance, the jogwheels and buttons are backlit.
Control units
3 MR system components
54 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Depending on the situation, the small jogwheel can have different
Rotate: e.g. for navigating through the display menu or for
changing settings of, for example, ventilation
Push: e.g. for resetting the patient alert or for starting a
Alternatively, use the intercom to reset the patient alert or to
change the volume settings of the headphones and
The optional control units at the back of the magnet additionally
comprise a Table Stop button.
The Dot (Day Optimized Throughput) display provides status
information as well as several tools.
The display is located above the magnet bore opening at the front of
the magnet cover. Optionally, at the back of the magnet, a second
display can be installed for the additional control unit.
The display shows several pieces of information:
Information concerning patient positioning (e.g. patient
orientation, current table position, auto-positioning)
Information about the connected coils
Dot display
Information service
MR system components 3
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Guidance for attaching ECG electrodes, docking the table and
emergency evacuation
General patient information submitted from the software
Information concerning troubleshooting
You can navigate between the depicted icons by using the small
jogwheel. The selected icon is highlighted.
Confirm patient data
Displays the patient data of the registered patient
Table overview
Displays the current table position as well as the
patient orientation
Physio data
Displays the physiological data of the patient
Table lock/Table unlock
Activates/Deactivates the table lock function for inter-
ventional examination (toggle icon)
Starts a prepared measurement, during the measure-
ments, the display will be shut off
Displays further information (e.g. undocking of the
dockable patient table)
Close patient comfort
Confirms the patient comfort settings
Tool bar
3 MR system components
56 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Operating the Dot display
To operate the Dot display, use the jogwheel of the smaller control
unit. ( Page 54 Control units)
1Turn the jogwheel to navigate through the icons.
2Press the jogwheel to confirm the selection.
3If necessary, adjust your settings by turning and pressing the
Patient table
The patient table is used for positioning the patient and the coils. The
table comprises several sockets and connections.
MR system components 3
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(1) Tabletop
(2) Head end
(3) Table Stop button
(4) Handle to pull out the table top in case of emergency
(5) Emergency release
The tabletop can be moved horizontally into the magnet bore. When
moved completely out of the magnet, the tabletop may be moved
vertically as well.
The coil sockets are located at the head end and the foot end of the
patient table. For more information concerning the occupation of the
coil sockets, see: Coil operator manual
Coil sockets
3 MR system components
58 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Make sure that no liquids such as contrast medium, blood, or
cleaning agents get into the table connections.
The following connections are located at the foot end of the patient
(1) Headphones
(2) Vacuum cushion
(3) Squeeze bulb
(4) Placeholder [Intended for future use]
The paper roll holder can be mounted at the foot end of the table
below the handle. It includes a holder to reposit the headphones and
can be removed if required. To replace the paper roll (disposable),
you need to detach the headphone holder. If you remove the stick on
the paper roll, you can pull out the right mounting bracket. Then you
can replace the roll and let the bracket again lock into place.
Operating the patient table
The patient table can be controlled via the movement buttons and
the jogwheel on the larger control unit. ( Page 54 Control units)
Please note that this section only describes the operation of the
patient table. For details on positioning the patient, see: Operator
Manual Coils
Paper roll holder
MR system components 3
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(1) Table Up/Inward button
(2) Jogwheel, Center Position button
(3) Home Position button
(4) Table Down/Outward button
To operate the patient table safely and efficiently, operating
personnel must be familiar with its most important positions.
Home Position Table is at the height of moving into the magnet bore, tabletop is
moved completely out of the magnet
Last Scan Position If the tabletop was moved only in the horizontal direction, the tab-
letop can be returned into the position of the last measurement
Default Position The center of the Head/Neck 20 is in the magnet isocenter
Center Position The body region to be measured is in the magnet isocenter
Relative Position Distance between the slice marked with the light localizer and the
magnet isocenter
For interventional examinations, a table lock function is available via
the Dot display. ( Page 55 Dot display)
For some measurements, the tabletop is moved automatically.
3 MR system components
60 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
1Keep the jogwheel turned to move the patient table up/into or
down/out of the magnet bore.
Depending on how far the jogwheel is turned, the speed increases.
The table movement stops immediately once you release the
2Press the jogwheel for one second to move the patient table into
the Center Position.
Depending on the situation, you can also move the table
horizontally into the Last Scan Position or the Default Position by
pressing this jogwheel.
Pressing the jogwheel during an automatic table movement
(e.g., to the Home Position) stops the table immediately. Turning
the jogwheel in this case adjusts the speed and movement
direction according to the jogwheel position.
Press the corresponding button to move the patient table into the
required position.
The Table Up/Inward and the Table Down/Outward button can
be pressed in two stages for horizontal movements. Pressing the
button softly moves the table slowly. Pressing the button
forcefully moves the table more quickly.
Pressing one of these buttons during an automatic table
movement (e.g., to the Home Position) stops the table
Using the jogwheel
Using the buttons
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1Press the Table Stop button to stop the table movement.
2To reset the table stop, turn the Table Stop button clockwise until
it releases mechanically. Then simultaneously press the Table Up/
Inward and the Table Down/Outward button fully.
In case of accidents, e.g. patient emergency situation (e.g. heart
attack), the tabletop and patient must be moved out of the magnet
The fastest method for moving the tabletop out of the magnet
bore is to press the Home Position button. Select this method
whenever the power supply and/or motorized drive are intact.
1Press the Home Position button.
The tabletop moves completely out of the magnet.
2Rescue the patient.
In case of power failure and/or defective motorized drive, pull the
tabletop manually out of the magnet bore.
Stopping table movement
Rescuing the patient in an
Rescuing the patient manually
3 MR system components
62 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Patient rescue during emergency situations, e.g. quench with
failing quench pipe, fire with strong smoke development,
emergency situation involving patient (e.g. heart attack) and
simultaneous power failure!
Personal injury
After releasing the emergency release, pull the tabletop with
the patient manually out of the magnet.
1Pull the Emergency release (location is indicated by a label)
outward up to the end stop.
The MR measurement is terminated and the table loses the
referenced position.
2Turn up the pull-out handle and pull the tabletop out of the
3Rescue the patient.
The error regarding the power supply and/or the motorized drive
has been removed.
1Press the Emergency release back into its original position while
shifting the tabletop slightly in any direction until it audibly locks
into position.
2To reset the table, simultaneously press the Table Up/Inward
button and the Table Down/Outward button fully.
Resetting the Emergency
MR system components 3
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3Press the Home Position button.
After reaching the Home Position, the patient table is ready for
operation again.
Dockable patient table
The dockable patient table is an optional table that can be completely
removed from the magnet system. This enables the transport of
immobile patients.
The configuration of the dockable patient table is similar to the
standard table. This section only mentions the differences. For the
standard patient table, please refer to: ( Page 57 Description)
(1) Side rails
(2) Docking station
(3) Lateral pedal
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(4) Emergency undocking handle
(5) Pedals
(6) Handle at the foot end
If the table is removed from the system, you can use the pedals to lift
and lower the table manually.
The side rails can be folded out to secure patients during transport, or
as a arm rest for patients with infusions.
For better maneuverability, a fifth wheel is positioned in the middle,
underneath the dockable patient table. This fifth wheel functions as
center of rotation - the table can rotate around this center.
The label at the foot end of the dockable table indicates that your
table can only be operated on the 1.5 T system or the 3 T system,
Operating the dockable patient table
To avoid injuries during vertical table movement, a safety shut-down
is available at the carriage of the dockable patient table and a safety
switch is available at the docking station. If the table is docked, table
movement stops automatically if obstacles constrict vertical table
Undock the table only if the tabletop is in the Home position.
Side rails
Guiding wheel
Identification label
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Position the side rails as required: e.g. in a vertical position to
secure the patient, or in a horizontal position as arm supports.
The tabletop is in Home Position.
Brake for the castors is released.
Step completely on the left pedal to undock the table.
The table is removed from the system and can be moved in any
You can use the side rails to steer the table.
The guiding wheel (5th wheel underneath the table) allows for better
directional stability and easier steering.
(1) Guiding wheel is lifted/deactivated
(2) Guiding wheel is lowered/activated
(3) Table is braked
1For turning the table in place, navigating in curves and moving the
table straight ahead, set the lateral pedal to the middle position (2)
to lower/activate the guiding wheel.
2For moving the patient table laterally, lift the lateral pedal (position
1) to lift/deactivate the guiding wheel.
3Lower the pedal to the lowest position (3) to brake the table.
Undocking the table
Moving the dockable patient
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Dockable patient table may move against the wall or the
Possible injuries (for example, squashed fingers)
To move the table, always grasp the middle area of the
handle (not the outside edges).
4Move the table with the handle at the foot end of the table.
If the dockable patient table is not in use, make sure not to move
it to the back of the magnet.
Guiding wheel is activated.
Side rails are lowered.
Points of injury during docking of the table!
Damage to the system, injury to the patient
Ensure that the patient’s hair, parts of the body, or items of
clothing do not get caught between the table and the system.
1Use the table‘s momentum (to save strength) and move the table
into the docking station.
Docking the table
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2Position the table so that the docking nose is positioned in the
docking station and the table is positioned at the end stop of the
docking station.
The display shows if the table is positioned correctly and
completely in the docking station.
3Check the display if the table is ready for docking. If the table is not
ready for docking, reposition the table in the docking nose.
4Press the right pedal down fully with your foot to lock the table to
the MR system - in doubt press the pedal twice.
5Wait for the table to get ready after docking.
The “Wait” message at the display disappears and the tabletop
moves into the reference position.
Do not undock the table again, before the tabletop is in the
reference position.
Table cannot be docked to the system?
Position the table again so that the docking nose is positioned
correctly and completely in the docking station. Try again to
press the right pedal.
Pedal cannot be pressed
Check that the tabletop is completely in Home position and the
emergency undocking handle is not activated/pulled (reset with
left pedal).
Control units flash
Make sure that the Table Stop buttons are not pressed (at the
table and at the intercom) and that the intercom is powered on.
Table cannot be lowered
Remove any weight from the docking station and the table carriage
Troubleshooting: Problems
during docking
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Table moves downwards despite you want to lift the table
In certain cases (for example, after docking), the table must find
the reference position and moves slightly down. This is normal
Table does not move horizontally
Check that the side rails are fully stored in the carrying frame - oth-
erwise no table movement is possible.
Pedal cannot be pressed and the table is not pushed away from
the MR System
Set the lateral pedal to the middle position to deactivate the brake
and make sure that the tabletop is completely in Home position.
If undocking via the pedals does not work, the table can be undocked
by using the emergency undocking handle at the foot end (between
the pedals).
Wrong tabletop position for emergency undocking!
Uncontrolled table movement, tabletop crashes
Use the emergency undocking handle only when the tabletop
is in the outermost position (Home position).
Troubleshooting: Problems
during undocking
Undocking in case of
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Tabletop is in Home position.
Brake for the castors is released.
Pull the emergency undocking handle to undock table.
The table can be removed from the system.
1Press the emergency undocking handle back into its original
2Position the table with the docking nose in the docking station up
to the end stop. Then press the left pedal down fully with your
Laser light localizer
The laser light localizer facilitates correct patient positioning. The
laser light localizer is located on top at the entrance to the magnet
All laser-relevant locations at the MR system are identified by warning
labels affixed directly next to the laser opening.
For some examinations, a manual alignment of the laser light
localizer to the coil is not necessary. If all relevant data (e.g. patient
orientation, body height, examination) are registered, auto-
positioning is indicated on the Dot display at the magnet cover.
Using the laser light localizer
Anesthetized patients or patients who do not have an eye blink reflex
must be protected against the effects of the laser beam.
Resetting the emergency
undocking handle
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The patient is positioned on the tabletop.
The patient table has been moved to measurement height.
Laser beam of the laser light localizer!
Eye injury caused by laser beam
Ensure that the operating and adjustment devices as well as
methods given are used as described.
Inform the patient about the laser and request that he keeps
his eyes closed during positioning.
Ensure that helpless patients keep their eyes closed during
the positioning procedure.
1Press the Laser Light Localizer button on the control unit.
The laser light localizer is switched on. A crosshair is visible directly
below the area.
2Move the tabletop so that the crosshairs point precisely to the
region of interest.
The slice for measurement is marked. The display shows the
relative tabletop position of the marked slice.
3If the laser is correctly positioned, press the Center Position button
for one second to move the table into the magnet isocenter.
The tabletop moves to the selected position and the laser shuts off
When the table is not moving, the laser light localizer shuts off
automatically after 60 seconds.
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Alarm box
The alarm box has the following functions:
Displays alarm signals
Switches the MR system on and off
Magnet Stop / Magnet Quench
The alarm box is installed near the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
MR system malfunction!
Hazardous conditions for patients
Note the sounding alarm and signal.
Do not perform MR examinations.
Notify Siemens Service.
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LED LEDs light up to indicate
WARNING Error message, e.g. helium fill level is too
POWER Voltage supply of MR system is satisfactory
SYSTEM ON The MR system is switched on
1Check the WARNING LED for alarm messages.
An alarm is present when a yellow LED lights up and/or an alarm
2In case of an alarm: Check the host computer for error messages.
Press the Audio Alarm Off button to silence the alarm, and notify
Siemens Service.
3Verify that the POWER LED is green.
4If the POWER LED is not on: Check the power supply of the MR
The POWER LED is off, even though the power supply is
functioning properly?
Notify Siemens Service.
After a power failure, the battery powers the circuit of the
magnet emergency shutdown for another 14 days. During this
time, the magnet can still be quenched i.e. the magnetic field
can be shut down by pressing the Magnet Stop switch in case of
After installing remote monitoring, various error messages can be
output centrally (e.g. to the front door or gate):
Checking the LEDs
Remote monitoring
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Please contact Siemens Service regarding questions about remote
The intercom allows personnel and patients to communicate during
the examination. In addition, some important operations like
stopping the patient table can be managed from the intercom.
Optionally, music or automatic voice outputs can be played in the
examination room via the loudspeaker or the headphones.
The operating unit of the intercom is located at the syngo Acquisition
(1) Stop button
(2) Talk button
(3) Reset Patient Alert button
(4) Listen button
(5) Physio Signal button
(6) Audio connection
(7) Reset Stop button
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Patients may use the squeeze bulb to alert the operating personnel
(patient alert):
Continuous tone over the intercom
Brief feedback signal via the patient’s headphones and
loudspeaker in the examination room
Blinking button on the intercom
Message on the Dot display in the examination room
The alert can be reset by pressing the Reset Patient Alert or the Talk
button on the intercom. Alternatively, the alert reset is possible at the
control unit in the examination room.
Patients, for example, sedated patients, who may not be able to
alert the personnel must be monitored by a person present in the
examination room.
Operating the intercom
The intercom operation is partially software-based. The Patient
Comfort Configuration dialog box allows for several settings, for
example, Active Noise Cancellation to reduce background noise
from the system, can be activated. For detailed information regarding
the operation of the software, see: Software operator manual
Button Function
Listen Enables listening to the patient in the exami-
nation room
Talk Allows speaking to the patient (as long as the
button is pressed)
Reset Patient
Resets the patient alert
Physio Signal Switches the transmission of physiological sig-
nals on/off
Patient alert
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Button Function
Stop Stops the table movement and the measure-
ment immediately
Reset Stop Resets the table Stop
1Press the corresponding button.
2If necessary, adjust the volume using the +/- buttons. Press and
hold the buttons to adjust the volume.
If you hold the button for about one second, the volume increases/
decreases until you release the button.
Automatic voice output can be used for transmission of commands
e.g. breath hold commands.
1Use the Patient Comfort Configuration dialog box in the software
to initiate automatic voice output: Software Operator Manual
2On request, adjust the volume in the Patient Comfort
Configuration dialog box to the desired level in the examination
To play music in the examination room, an audio device can be
connected at the intercom.
1Connect a suitable cable to the audio device and to the connection
at the intercom.
2Adjust the final volume to the desired level using the control unit
at the magnet or the Patient Comfort Configuration dialog box.
3Start the music at the audio device.
In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace
The In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace (In-Room syngo Acq WP) is
an additional operating console in the examination room. It is used
for image viewing and MR system operation.
Transmitting automatic voice
Transmitting music
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The In-Room syngo Acq WP is connected with the host processor and
facilitates the examination process by allowing the operating
personnel to remain inside the examination room between
The In-Room syngo Acq WP is used as follows:
Displaying MR guided procedures
Quickly adjusting patient positioning for survey measurements
Immediately starting the measurement after administering
contrast medium
The constant presence of operating personnel inside the examination
room allows uninterrupted patient care and quick intervention in case
of complications.
The In-Room syngo Acq WP comprises the following components:
(1) LCD monitor
(2) Tray with trackball and keys
(3) Foot switch (optional)
As an alternative, the monitor can be suspended from the ceiling. For
this option, the tray with trackball and keys is not available.
Operating the In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace
The In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace (In-Room syngo Acq WP) is
operated via the trackball and three keys. The same software
functions are available as with the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
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Diagnosis at the In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace or use for
interventional procedures!
Risk of patient injury; incorrect diagnosis
Always plan appropriate emergency measures prior to
starting an MR-guided or MR-monitored interventional
Do not use the In-Room syngo Acquisition Workplace for
diagnostic purposes.
(1) Keys
(2) Trackball
(3) Handle
The keys have the same functions as those of the mouse.
1Roll the trackball to move the pointer on the program interface.
2Press the keys to execute a specific application.
The monitor height and tilt can be adjusted for easy and comfortable
Operating the trackball and the
Adjusting the monitor tilt
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1Release the locking lever by turning it counter-clockwise by 90°.
2Press lightly against the upper or lower edge of the display to move
the monitor into the desired tilt position.
1Turn the wheel clockwise to raise the monitor.
2Turn the wheel counter-clockwise to lower the monitor.
The footswitch is used to start and stop the MR measurement in the
examination room.
(1) Hose
(2) Hose connector
(3) Pushbutton unit
(4) Footswitch Start/Stop
For additional support, labels can be affixed to the footswitches.
Start label
Stop label
MR measurements with the footswitch are only possible for protocols
that were configured for manual start-up. This is the case e.g. for
protocols with MR measurements after administering contrast
Adjusting the monitor height
Operating the footswitch
Performing the measurement
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If the protocol is configured for repeated measurements, the next
measurement can be started with the footswitch after completing the
preceding measurement. For more information regarding the
configuration of protocols, see: Software operator manual
1Push the hose plug into the retaining rings of the pushbutton unit.
2Load a suitable protocol and start it at the syngo Acq WP or the In-
Room syngo Acq WP.
The MR system is waiting for the manual start of the protocol.
3Press the Start footswitch to begin the measurement.
As an alternative, you can start and end the measurement via the
In-Room syngo Acq WP or the syngo Acq WP.
4Press the Stop footswitch to end the measurement.
Other components and accessories
Gradient supervision
To prevent damage to the MR system by a malfunction of the
gradient system, a specially designed supervision is installed at your
MAGNETOM system.
This supervision monitors that cables, connections, or other
components of the gradient system do not show excessive heating. In
case of a malfunction, the measurement is stopped and an alarm
message is issued.
After 1 minute the system will be automatically switched to
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Gradient malfunction is detected.
An alarm message appears at the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
Dialog box at the syngo Acquisition Workplace
(1) Scanner hardware error
Automatic shutdown! Evacuate patient immediately from the
examination room! To prevent further damage, the system will
be switched to Standby within 1 minute! Call Siemens Service
1Immediately move the patient out of the magnet bore by pressing
the Home Position button.
Within the next 60 seconds, the system will be switched to
Standby automatically. Then, the patient table motors can not be
operated any longer.
2Call Siemens Service.
Acting in case of an alarm
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A malfunction within the supervision system is detected.
A corresponding error message appears at the syngo Acquisition
Dialog box at the syngo Acquisition Workplace
(1) Scanner hardware malfunction
Functional problem within automatic shutdown mechanism.
Please restart software of MeasRecon. If the problem persists,
please call Siemens Service immediately.
Call Siemens Service.
The supervision sensitivity is potentially affected, but the
operation of your MR scanner is still possible.
Acting in case of a supervision
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Physiological imaging
Triggering methods
MR imaging procedures are sensitive to patient movement. Images
may exhibit artifacts in the form of smears when motion times - for
instance, during respiration or heartbeat - are short compared to
measurement times. In particular, this problem occurs as a result of
the patient's heartbeat during cardiac examinations or as a result of
the patient's breathing during abdominal examinations.
Two different procedures are used to avoid motion artifacts in
images: prospective triggering and retrospective gating. Both
procedures are based on the correlation between measurement and
physiological signal (ECG signal, respiratory signal, pulse signal).
Prospective triggering
During prospective triggering (or antegrade triggering), a
measurement is triggered by using a so-called trigger signal derived
from the patient's physiological signal. This signal is usually defined
based on the time period during which organ movement is as low as
possible. The trigger delay is, for example, set to the end of the
systole for certain cardiac examinations so that the measurement is
running during the akinetic diastole. For respiratory triggering during
abdominal examinations, it is recommended to start the
measurement at the end of the respiratory period.
To determine the start time for the measurement, an acquisition
window is defined based on the signal form (e.g. R-wave in ECG,
minimum of respiratory curve). For example, the size of the
acquisition window is approx. 80 % of the RR interval for ECG
measurements. The acquisition window defines the range in which
the measurement can be triggered. The trigger time is defined by the
trigger delay.
Prospective triggering can be used for ECG, pulse, or respiratory
signal curves as well as for external trigger signal curves.
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Retrospective gating
Retrospective gating fundamentally differs from prospective
triggering. No actual triggering is taking place. The physiological
signal and data acquisition times are recorded simultaneously. The
measurement is performed completely independently of the patient’s
heartbeat or pulse. A temporal assignment of images to the
corresponding phase (e.g. heart stimulation) is performed after the
measurement (retrospectively).
In particular, retrospective gating is used to acquire images of the
beating heart. As compared to measurements using prospective
triggering, this technique is especially useful for displaying the late
diastole. Temporal resolution is freely selectable and may be higher
or lower than selected for the measurement.
Retrospective gating can be used for ECG, pulse, or external trigger
signal curves.
Physiological Measurement Unit (PMU)
The Physiological Measurement Unit (PMU) lets you control MR
measurement sequences using a patient's physiological signals (ECG,
respiration and pulse).
The PMU consists of the following components:
PERU (Physiologic ECG and Respiratory Unit): ECG and respiratory
PPU (Peripheral Pulse Unit): Pulse sensor
External trigger input
The physiological signals are acquired with receptors - ECG
electrodes, respiratory cushion and pulse sensor - directly at the
patient via the PERU (ECG, respiration) and PPU (pulse). The
measured data can be viewed at the Dot display in the examination
room and in the Physiological Display dialog window at the syngo
Acquisition Workplace.
4 Physiological imaging
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Only one PERU or PPU can be located in the examination room!
Two ECG and respiratory sensors in the examination room
interfere with one another in signal transmission. It is not
possible to determine the results.
Patient monitoring systems are optional accessories and are not part
of the PMU.
The Physiological Measurement Unit may be used only for
controlling MR measurement sequences. The unit does not
replace a patient monitoring system.
The wireless PERU simultaneously acquires three ECG channels as
well as the respiratory channel of the patient.
(1) ECG leads with clips
(2) Plug for respiration cushion
(3) Transmitter unit
(4) Control LEDs
The ECG electrodes and respiratory cushion are connected to the
To prevent skin irritations, the PERU has to be located in the
application cushion during the examination.
ECG and respiratory sensor
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(1) Application cushion
(2) Respiratory cushion with pressure hose
(3) Respiratory belt
The respiratory cushion is attached to the patient using the
respiratory belt.
The PPU acquires the patient's peripheral pulse. It consists of a
transmitter unit, a fiber-optic sensor and a removable finger adapter
(available in different sizes).
(1) Finger adapter
(2) Fiber optic cable
(3) Transmitter unit
(4) Control LEDs
Wireless pulse sensor (PPU)
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External trigger sources (e.g. patient monitoring system) may be
connected with the help of the trigger input to drive MR sequences.
The connection for the trigger input is located on the cover of the MR
system. Trigger input is galvanically isolated with respect to the MR
Both the PERU and the PPU are supplied with power via accumulators.
All other components of the PMU are supplied by system-internal
voltage sources. The charging station is installed separately near the
syngo Acquisition Workplace and is used for storing both units.
Accumulators should not be fully discharged before recharging them.
If only one green LED flashes, you should charge the accumulator for
the next patient. The maximum charging time is approx. 3 hours.
After being fully charged, the operating hours for the units cover
approximately 24 hours.
To charge a unit, it has to be placed firmly in the charging station.
The PERU and PPU can be charged together or separately in the
charging station. ( Page 88 Control LEDs)
Use only the charger included with delivery. Charging the units
with non-Siemens equipment may destroy the PERU and PPU.
If proper charging of the accumulators is not possible anymore,
please contact Siemens Service, as the PMU accumulators cannot be
The red LED goes out when the unit is positioned correctly in the
charging station. While charging, the green LEDs flash alternately as
moving light. If the accumulator is nearly discharged, only one LED
flashes at the beginning. With increasing charging status, a second
green LED flashes and then also the third LED. If the accumulators are
fully charged, the 3 green LEDs are on and stop flashing.
External trigger input
Charging station
LEDs during charging
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The transmitter unit includes three green LEDs for signaling the
battery status and one red LED as fault indicator (for example,
insufficient skin contact of the ECG electrodes).
(1) 3 Green LEDs (battery status)
(2) 1 Red LED (fault)
(3) Transmitter unit
Battery status and faults are also indicated on the Dot display and the
Physiological Display dialog window.
If the accumulator is not in the charging station, the green LEDs flash
regularly and simultaneously.
3 Green LEDs flash Fully or nearly fully (2/3) charged accumulator
2 Green LEDs flash 1/3 to 2/3 fully charged accumulator
1 Green LED flashes Nearly discharged accumulator; remaining operating duration is 1 hour
Red LED flashes (as regular as
the green LEDs)
Transmit function deactivated, unit is positioned outside the static mag-
netic field; no electrode/application fault detected
Red LED is off Transmit function activated; unit is positioned on the patient table in
the static magnetic field; no electrode/application fault detected
Red LED flashes rapidly PERU: electrode fault - one or more ECG electrodes are not applied cor-
rectly or fell off
PPU: application fault - pulse sensor is not applied correctly at the finger
A second set of sensors with charging station may be useful in
hospitals or radiology facilities because one PPU and PERU can be
permanently ready for operation, while a second PPU and PERU
are being charged.
The physiological signals are shown on the Dot display.
( Page 55 Dot display)
Control LEDs
Data display
4 Physiological imaging
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Additionally, battery status and electrode/application fault are
indicated on the display.
The Physiological Display lets you view the patient's physiological
signals at the syngo Acquisition Workplace. See: Software operator
Preparing the measurement
Monitoring vital parameters via the Dot display!
Anomalies of the vital parameters are not recognized or
recognized too late
Never use the Dot display to monitor the vital parameters of a
Use only suitable patient monitoring systems for monitoring
vital parameters.
1Ask the patient to lie still during the measurement.
Physiological Display
Informing the patient
Physiological imaging 4
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2Inform the patient that the knocking sounds during the
measurement are caused by switching the gradients on and off.
The PERU may also vibrate slightly.
Knocking sounds may affect the heart rate of patients, either
consciously or subconsciously. The resulting irregular cardiac
cycles adversely affect image quality.
The PERU is used together with ECG and respiratory triggering.
ECG electrodes are attached.
The patient table is in the Home position.
Hot ECG cables!
Patient burns
Place absorbent natural material between the ECG cables/
leads of the PERU and the patient’s skin.
1Position the patient on the patient table with the head toward the
magnet bore.
2Position the PERU in the application cushion.
Especially with respect to whole-body examinations, it should be
noted that artifacts (homogeneity distortions) may occur in the
direct vicinity of the PERU transmitter unit.
3Use the application cushion and position it together with the PERU
on the patient.
Attaching the PERU
4 Physiological imaging
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4Align the PERU on the patient in the direction of the patient’s feet.
5For the special case of triggered flow measurements/flow
quantification in the head region, please position the PERU next to
the patient's head (as shown in the picture) to reduce gradient
Position and connect the PERU and electrodes as usual. Then use
the electrodes as a pivot point and turn the PERU with the
application cushion counterclockwise until the cushion is lying next
to the patient's head.
ECG triggering
ECG triggering is a method for measuring heart sequences including
dynamic studies. It is also suitable for studies where pulse flow causes
artifacts. Provided that special sequences are in use, ECG triggering
can be applied in combination with respiratory-controlled methods.
A number of special sequences support retrospective gating.
The ECG leads are selected according to the potential difference
between the connected electrodes.
The three leads I, II and III are used and acquired in parallel via the
ECG channels. All curves display a prominent R wave when the ECG
electrodes and leads are correctly attached.
ECG leads
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The characteristic QRS complex of the ECG signal is used as a trigger
signal. Simultaneous acquisition and overlaying of the orthogonal
leads (vector cardiography) is used to minimize triggering errors due
to gradient switching and the magneto-hydrodynamic effect (i.e.
excess T-wave amplitude).
In the dialog box of the Physiological Display several trigger
methods are available:
VCG standard: VCG activated
ECG I: VCG inactive
ECG II: VCG inactive
ECG III: VCG inactive
Auto: Improved trigger algorithm; VCG activated; default trigger
If Auto is used, the signal characteristics can be relearned by
selecting Relearn in the context menu of the Physiological Display.
If triggering with Auto fails, preferably VCG standard should be used.
For ECG triggering, special MR Conditional and disposable electrodes
are used (the recommended ones are available through the
Accessories catalog).
The quality of the ECG signal for triggered measurements is enhanced
Proper placement of the electrodes
Good skin contact of the electrodes
Trigger methods
Disposable electrodes
Image quality
4 Physiological imaging
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Reduction of interference signals caused by electromagnetic
Due to cable loops
Interferences from electrical potentials caused by muscle
Attach the electrodes so that interferences from electrical
potentials caused by muscle movement and baseline drifts are
minimized. Suitable contact points are therefore areas that show
very little muscle or fatty tissue.
1Prepare the patient for the examination as early as outside the
examination room.
2On the chest of the patient, select locations with minimal muscle
and fat tissue for attaching the electrodes.
3In case of hairy skin: shave the points where you intend to attach
the electrodes.
Shave the patient outside the examination room to prevent
4Thoroughly clean the patient's skin at the locations involved.
However, do not use solutions containing alcohol.
5Then dry the skin with a paper towel.
6Use a suitable gel to prepare the skin for better signal transmission.
Finding the best position for the electrodes is a matter of trial and
error. ( Page 91 ECG leads)
Preparing the patient
Applying ECG electrodes
Physiological imaging 4
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Patients with an offset heart axis (e.g. dilatative cardiomyopathy)
may require a different orientation than parallel to the spine.
1Check the expiration date of disposable electrodes and order new
ones if necessary.
2Pull the protective foil off the electrodes and attach them.
3Use the application cushion and position it together with the PERU
on the patient. ( Page 89 Preparing the measurement)
4Connect the electrode clips of PERU to the ECG electrodes.
Perform the examination. See: Software operator manual
1Check to see if the leads show a preferably pronounced R-wave on
the Dot display. Information about the ECG signal quality is also
available at the display.
2In case you are using the Body 18 coil, position it over the heart.
Connect the coil and secure it with the belts. See: Coil operator
The display shows the following message: Initial Learningphase
active. Don´t move table.
3Wait at least 10 heart beats (learning phase for triggering) before
you move the patient table into the magnet.
The patient must not move during this learning phase. The
patient table is in the Home position.
The red LED (fault) at the PERU is flashing rapidly?
No analyzable signal is available.
Ensure that the ECG electrodes are attached correctly.
Performing the examination
Evaluating the signal quality
4 Physiological imaging
94 MR System | Operator Manual
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Pulse triggering
Pulse triggering uses the patient's pulse to trigger the measurement.
A pulse sensor is connected to the patient's toe or finger. The first
pulse wave (“premature pulse wave”) is used for triggering. This wave
corresponds to the systolic blood pressure.
A number of special sequences support retrospective gating.
Suitable finger adapter is attached.
1Ensure that the cable is not bent.
2Attach the pulse sensor to a finger or on a toe.
3Ensure that the pulse sensor is attached properly.
The red LED (fault) at the PPU is flashing rapidly?
No analyzable signal is available.
Ensure that the pulse sensor is attached correctly.
The pulse sensor is attached.
Perform the examination. See: Software operator manual
Attaching the pulse sensor
Performing the examination
Physiological imaging 4
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Respiratory triggering
To keep respiratory artifacts to a minimum, respiratory triggering is
primarily used in abdominal imaging. Data acquisition for respiratory
triggering begins when the respiratory signal reaches a predefined
level (approx. 20 % of the maximum value). Respiratory movement is
minimal in this range.
(1) Expiration
(2) Inspiration
The respiratory signal is acquired using a respiratory cushion
connected via a pressure hose to the ECG and respiratory sensor
(PERU). The respiratory cushion is attached to the patient via the
respiratory belt.
Retrospective gating cannot be applied.
1Ask the patient to lie still during the measurement.
2Inform the patient that the knocking sounds during the
measurement are caused by switching the gradients on and off.
The PERU may also vibrate slightly.
The plug of the respiration cushion is NOT connected.
Incorrect MR image due to disconnected respiratory cushion!
Incorrect diagnosis
As a last step, plug the connector of the respiratory cushion
into the allocated jack.
1Determine whether the patient is a thoracic or abdominal breather.
Informing the patient
Attaching the respiratory
cushion and belt
4 Physiological imaging
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Women and athletes are usually thoracic breathers.
Men and obese patients are usually abdominal breathers.
2If the patient is an abdominal breather, place the respiration belt
around his abdomen.
– or –
If the patient is a thoracic breather, place the respiration belt
around his chest.
As an alternative, the respiratory cushion and belt can be used in
combination with the Body 18.
3Slide the respiratory cushion underneath the respiratory belt.
The respiratory cushion is attached.
1Use the application cushion and position it on the patient together
with the PERU. ( Page 89 Preparing the measurement)
2For respiratory triggering alone, position the electrode leads
loosely on the respiratory belt.
3Connect the plug for the respiratory cushion to the appropriate
socket on the PERU.
4Ensure that the pressure hose of the respiration cushion is not
crimped or bent. Make sure the respiration cushion is not unduly
With quiet patients, a periodic signal will appear on-screen.
Perform the examination. See: Software operator manual
External triggering
Input for external trigger signal
The external trigger signal has to meet the following specifications:
Connecting the respiratory
Performing the examination
Physiological imaging 4
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Voltage-tim diagram for external triggering of the PMU
Name Value
UL0 V ... 0.8 V
UH2.5 V ... 5 V
tL(min.) 10 ms
tH(min.) 10 ms
Input current min. 5 mA
Input voltage max. ± 5 V
Internal contact +
External contact -
The measurement sequence is triggered by the rising edge of the
external signal.
The external trigger signal can be supplied via the connections in the
magnet cover.
1Connect the source of the external trigger signal to the cinch jack
trigger input (magnet cover, left).
2Perform external triggering. See: Software operator manual
4 Physiological imaging
98 MR System | Operator Manual
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MR system operation
Daily functionality checks
Before using the MR system, the functionality and/or cleanliness of
the following parts and areas must be checked:
Alarm box
Warning signs
Magnetizable materials
Exhaust vent
Patient table
Squeeze bulb
Checking the functionality and cleanliness
Large amount of liquid (for example, phantom fluid) spilled onto
patient table and seeping into electrical connections!
System malfunction due to electrical hazards
Immediately stop the running examination.
Shut down the computer system and power off the MR
system (SYSTEM OFF).
Notify Siemens Service.
1Check the LEDs on the alarm box.
2Check if all warning symbols and signs are present inside and
outside the examination room.
MR system operation 5
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Leaking hydraulic system!
Slipping hazard
Check the area around the patient table for hydraulic fluids
on the floor.
3Check the examination room, control room, and electronics room
for liquid spills and puddles on the floor.
4Ensure that no magnetizable materials or objects such as vacuum
cleaners, carts, ladders, and tools are present in the examination
5Ensure that the outlet of the exhaust vent line is not obstructed.
6Ensure that any contrast medium residue has been cleaned off the
patient table.
7Check the functionality of the squeeze bulb. The patient must be
able to trigger the patient alert using the squeeze bulb.
Starting up and shutting down the MR
There are three operating modes:
System On (full operation)
All MR system components are switched on. Examinations may be
System Off (system is not working)
All MR system components except cooling are switched off.
Standby (standby operation)
Only the host computer is switched on. Standby is useful for
patient evaluations on the computer after performing an
5 MR system operation
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The operating modes can be selected by pressing the corresponding
button on the alarm box or by using the System Manager in the
syngo MR software. See: Software operator manual
Additionally a main circuit breaker is located in the control room
which should NOT be used during proper functioning of the MR
system. It switches off the overall system including cooling, which
leads to helium boil-off.
Starting the system (System On)
System start-up includes the following steps:
Switching on the MR system at the alarm box
Switching on the syngo MR Workplace
Checking the MR system components
Do not perform preliminary examination steps (e.g. moving the
patient table, connecting coils) at the MR system while starting
up the system.
Prior to starting the system, the patient table should be in the Home
After “system off” or Standby, wait at least 30 seconds before you
switch on the system again.
MR system operation 5
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The daily functionality checks have been completed.
( Page 99 Daily functionality checks)
The coils used are fully connected to the coil sockets.
Coils comprising several parts (e.g. head coils) are closed.
1Turn the keyswitch to the right.
2Press the SYSTEM ON button.
The SYSTEM ON LED lights up. The MR system is switched on.
The software starts at the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
Since the syngo MR Workplace has its own voltage supply, it is
switched on separately from the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
Press the Power On switch at the computer of the syngo MR
The software of the syngo MR Workplace starts.
After switching on the syngo Acquisition Workplace and the
syngo MR Workplace, the system requires approx. 18 minutes to
warm up and get ready for acquisition.
1If a dialog window is displayed at the syngo Acquisition Workplace
informing you that the helium fill level is too low: Close the
window and notify Siemens Service or have the magnet refilled.
2Check all Table Stop buttons (at the intercom and at the patient
table). Ensure that these buttons function properly and stop the
table immediately.
3Check if pressing the squeeze bulb triggers the patient alert.
4Check if communication with the patient in the examination room
works properly.
5Check if image transmission of the video systems works properly.
Switching on the MR system at
the alarm box
Switching on the syngo MR
Checking the MR system
5 MR system operation
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6Check if the contact spring connectors at the door frame and the
door to the examination room are free of residues, such as
cleaning agents, oil, grease, paint splatters, blood drops, etc.
Shutting down the system (System Off)
Shutting down the system includes the following steps:
Shutting down the computer system
Switching off the MR system at the alarm box
When shutting down the system, the software of the syngo MR
Workplace is automatically ended as well.
Prior to shutting down the system, the patient table should be in the
Home Position.
To avoid possible data losses at the syngo MR Workplace, shut
down the syngo MR Workplace before the syngo Acquisition
If the user is logged on, the system must be shut down using
System > Control... or System > End Session. Otherwise, data
are lost.
All data have been saved - at the syngo Acquisition Workplace as
well as at the syngo MR Workplace.
1Select System > End Session at the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
The End Session dialog window is displayed.
Shutting down the computer
MR system operation 5
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2Select the Shutdown System option.
The computer system shuts down.
The software does not respond?
Simultaneously press the Ctrl, Alt, and S keys on the keyboard
and shut down the system with the System Manager.
The System Manager cannot be opened?
You can shut down the syngo Acquisition Workplace via the
Windows platform, which can cause data loss.
Simultaneously press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys on the
keyboard and choose the shutdown option.
System Manager and Windows do not respond?
Switch off the syngo Acquisition Workplace.
The computer system has been shut down (indicated by a message
that the system can be switched off).
2Turn the keyswitch to the left.
Shutting down the syngo MR Workplace
In the System On mode, you can only shut down the syngo MR
1Save your data.
2At the syngo MR Workplace, select System > End session.
The End Session dialog window is displayed.
Switching off the MR system at
the alarm box
5 MR system operation
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3Select the Shutdown System option.
The computer system shuts down.
In case of problems during shutting down, see troubleshooting
information: ( Page 103 Shutting down the computer system)
Starting/ending Standby
Standby can be switched on by using the System Manager in the
syngo MR software. See: Software operator manual
1Select System > Control to open the System Manager.
2To start Standby: On the Meas & Recon tab, click the Standby
The System Manager - Scanner StandBy dialog box opens.
3To end Standby: At the alarm box, press the SYSTEM ON button.
Preparing the MR system
To use the holder for infusion bottles you can position the rod on the
right side of the patient table (head end). If not in use, you can clamp
the holder in the affixing elements at the side of the table.
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Connecting the squeeze bulb
(1) Connection for headphones
(2) Connection for squeeze bulb
1Connect the hose connector of the squeeze bulb to the
corresponding connector at the foot end of the patient table.
2Connect the headphone to the corresponding connector at the
foot end of the patient table.
Setting tunnel conditions
Use the buttons and the jogwheel of the small control unit to set the
conditions in the magnet tunnel.
(1) Headphone button
(2) Jogwheel for settings
(3) Tunnel ventilation button
(4) Loudspeaker button
(5) Tunnel lighting button
1Click the corresponding button and use the jogwheel to increase or
decrease the setting.
2Confirm your setting by pressing the jogwheel.
The setting of the music volume has no effect on the voice
volume of patient announcements.
Preparing the patient
To use the holder for infusion bottles you can position the rod on the
right side of the patient table (head end). If not in use, you can clamp
the holder in the affixing elements at the side of the table.
5 MR system operation
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Heat development during the examination!
Patient burns
Instruct patients to press the squeeze bulb in case of strong
heat sensations.
Use of unapproved fMRI stimulation devices for the given
magnetic field strength!
Injury to patient and operating personnel
Ensure that the stimulation devices are approved for the field
strength of your MR systems. For example, devices approved
for low and medium field systems (0.2 – 1.5T) must not be
used on a 3T system.
Informing the patient
1Please note the safety instructions.
2Inform the patient about the possible effects of MR examinations
and the risks associated with the magnetic field.
3Show the patient how to activate the patient alert by pressing the
squeeze bulb.
4Ensure that the patient holds the squeeze bulb in his/her hand
during the measurement.
MR system operation 5
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Physiological effects
Due to the presence of alternating electromagnetic fields, patients
may experience various physiological effects during MR
Peripheral nerve stimulation through low-frequency fields of the
gradient coils ( Page 110 Exposure to low frequency
electromagnetic fields)
Warming of body tissue through RF fields of the RF transmitter coil
( Page 112 Exposure to RF electromagnetic fields)
These physiological effects can be evaluated by the technical
quantities dB/dt (stimulations) and SAR (warming) respectively.
It is generally accepted that no published evidence supporting the
occurrence of cumulative and/or long-term effects after exposure to
EMF emitted by the MR equipment exists.
Operating modes
To prevent health risks during MR measurements, several
international organizations (for example, IEC) and various national
health organizations have published guidelines and limit values. In
compliance with country-specific approval guidelines, they are the
basis for the monitoring functions integrated in the MR system with
respect to stimulation and warming effects. The limits against too
intense stimulation and warming effects (for example, dB/dt limits
and SAR limits) are based on current scientific literature related to
Two different operating modes are available depending on the
patient’s tolerance. With respect to stimulation and warming effects,
the operating modes are defined independently of each other and
can be selected separately.
The Normal Operating Mode can be used safely for all patients. This is
the standard mode. Routine patient monitoring is required.
( Page 33 Patient monitoring)
Scanning of pregnant patients with the Body coil must be limited to
the Normal Operating Mode with respect to the SAR level.
Normal Operating Mode
5 MR system operation
108 MR System | Operator Manual
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In the First Level Controlled Operating Mode, patients may
experience noticeable stress levels depending on the measurement
programs selected. The decision to change to the First Level
Controlled Operating Mode must be based on a medical
consideration of the potential risks and benefits for the patient.
Exposure to RF electromagnetic fields in the First Level
Controlled Operating Mode!
General or local hyperthermia of the patient
Do not examine patients with restricted thermoregulatory
capability (e.g. small children, elderly, sick, or medicated
Do not examine patients unable to communicate potential
overheating effects (e.g. small children, seriously ill,
paralyzed, unconscious, sedated, or handicapped patients).
Ensure that patients wear light clothing (e.g. light pajamas or
Remove all additional insulation, e.g. blankets which could
interfere with heat dissipation.
Carefully observe the patient and advise the patient once
again about the squeeze bulb.
Ensure medical monitoring of the patient (as required by the IEC
standard). Also consider the need for breaks during the
measurements, to allow the patient to cool off, for example.
First Level Controlled
Operating Mode
MR system operation 5
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Stereotactic frames and similar devices: tips of screws may heat
up considerably, especially if MR examinations are performed in
the First Level Controlled Operating Mode!
Localized burns of the patient
Please observe the recommendations and notes of the
manufacturer of the stereotactic frame.
If the device consists of conductive material, only perform
measurements in the Normal Operating Mode, if possible.
If you still need to switch to the First Level Controlled
Operating Mode, please observe the related safety notes.
To switch from the Normal Operating Mode to the First Level
Controlled Operating Mode, the user must explicitly select and
confirm the change. The request appears in the dialog window of the
syngo Acquisition Workplace. In the First Level Controlled Operating
Mode, medical supervision is mandatory.
Dialog window SAR Monitor
Exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields
During the measurement, patients are exposed to an electrical field
created by the time-varying magnetic fields of the gradient coils.
Assuming all other conditions remain constant, the strength of the
electrical field is directly proportional to the change of the magnetic
flux (dB/dt).
Switching operating modes
5 MR system operation
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Stimulation threshold: The electrical field affects the patient. If the
strength of the electrical field exceeds a certain threshold
(stimulation threshold), the patient experiences peripheral nerve
stimulation. Nerve stimulation manifests itself as e.g. tingling
sensations or slight muscle spasms in the ribs, side, abdomen, hip,
buttock, or thoracic regions, along the upper arms or the back
muscles in the shoulder region. Depending on physiological
conditions, the stimulation threshold may vary greatly from patient to
Stimulation limits: So-called stimulation limits were determined by
averaging the individual stimulation thresholds of test subjects during
an extensive clinical trial. Based on the statistical distribution, it can
be expected that up to 50 % of all patients will experience at least
mild stimulations after reaching this stimulation limit.
The MR system software includes a monitoring feature (stimulation
monitor) which monitors how close patients are to the stimulation
Look Ahead monitoring: Prior to starting an MR measurement
protocol, the stimulation monitor checks whether the stimulation
limits may be exceeded. If so, the measurement cannot be started. To
perform the examination, the parameters of the measurement
sequence must be adjusted accordingly.
Online monitoring: If the stimulation limit is exceeded while a
measurement is in progress, the active measurement is aborted.
The MR system can be operated in two operating modes which differ
with respect to different levels of stimulation.
The power limits are based on stimulation models derived from the
statistically determined stimulation limits. The higher the gradient
output is, the higher the probability and the intensity of the effects
(for example, peripheral nerve stimulation). To minimize the
occurrence of peripheral nerve stimulations, it is recommended to
operate the system in the Normal Operating Mode. However, heart
stimulations can be excluded.
Normal Operating Mode: In the Normal Operating Mode, the limit is
set to 80 % of the stimulation limit according to IEC 60601-2-33. At
the maximum performance allowed in this operating mode, the ratio
of patients affected by peripheral nerve stimulation is rather low.
Peripheral nerve stimulation
Operating modes
MR system operation 5
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First Level Controlled Operating Mode: In the First Level Controlled
Operating Mode, the performance limits are determined directly from
the statistically determined stimulation limits. Accordingly, at the
maximum performance allowed in this operating mode, up to 50 % of
all patients may experience stimulations.
Exposure to RF electromagnetic fields
During the course of an MR measurement, the patient’s body absorbs
energy from the RF field of the transmitter coil. Depending on the
type of transmitter coil used, the absorption is either concentrated
locally (when using so-called “Local RF Transmit Coils”) or relatively
uniform across the part of the body examined (when using volume
coils, for example, head, extremity, or body coil).
The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), expressed as W/kg, serves as a
stress indicator.
Unacceptably high local SAR values may lead to RF burns. High global
SAR values (head, exposed part of the body, whole body) may lead to
overstress the patient’s thermoregulation and the cardiovascular
The B1+ rms value (root mean square value of the MR-relevant
component of B1, which is indicated by the “+”) is displayed at the
syngo Acquisition Workplace for each sequence and may serve as an
indication of the RF magnetic field intensity. This can be used to
assess the risk of scanning a patient with an active or passive implant.
The energy absorbed in the course of the MR measurement warms
the tissue. The heat generated is dissipated by the thermoregulation
mechanisms of the patient, e.g. through increased perspiration and
blood flow.
The body temperature increases if the patient absorbs more energy
per unit of time than can be dissipated through thermoregulation.
The longer this condition lasts, the greater the increase in
The increase in core body temperature is usually well below 1°C
during the course of the MR examination (if the SAR limits described
below are maintained). Nevertheless, patients with a core
temperature higher than 39.5°C must not be scanned and patients
with a core temperature higher than 39.0°C must only be scanned in
the Normal Operating Mode.
Warming of body tissue
5 MR system operation
112 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
During the MR measurement, patients may experience heat
sensations on the skin and, as a consequence of the RF energy
absorption, patients may begin to perspire during the course of the
MR examination. Their pulse rate may increase as well. The individual
effects vary from patient to patient. The intensity of these effects
depends on the measurement program selected. As compared to the
Normal Operating Mode, measurement programs with considerably
higher intensities may be used in the First Level Controlled Operating
Mode. Following the examination, the body will cool off. The pulse
rate will return to normal.
Temperature control inside the examination room: A temperature
sensor, located near the air intake for the tunnel ventilation, monitors
the room temperature. If the room temperature exceeds 25°C, the
SAR limits are regulated and lowered by 0.25 W/kg per °C exceeding
25°C. As a result, the parameters of certain MR measurement
sequences may need to be adjusted.
Considering all possible tolerances, the SAR values (quantities)
are always calculated based on the worst-case assumption. This
ensures that the specific SAR limit is maintained.
Depending on the medical question, different coils are used for the
RF transmission (for example, head, extremity or body coil). The
different coils lead to different RF exposure situations for the patient.
Therefore, different SAR quantities and corresponding limits have
been established (for example, head SAR, whole body SAR, local SAR,
and SAR of the exposed part of the body). According to the guideline
for monitoring SAR, the software automatically determines the SAR
quantities and the corresponding limits to be monitored and to be
applied respectively. For the actual RF exposure situation, one of the
above-mentioned SAR quantities will show the highest “value to limit
ratio”. For example, in the case of a head examination with a typical
head coil, this will be the global head SAR. If however, a transmitting
coil with an inhomogeneous RF field is applied, this will be the local
SAR limits are observed by a software monitoring function.
Noticeable effects on the
SAR limits
SAR monitoring
MR system operation 5
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Look Ahead monitoring: Prior to each measurement, the values of
the SAR quantities to be observed are calculated (always as worst-
case values) and compared with the corresponding limit values. If one
of the calculated SAR values exceeds the corresponding limit, the
measurement cannot be started. The following message appears in
the dialog window of the syngo Acquisition Workplace: SAR Limit(s)
To ensure correct calculation of the SAR values, the weight of the
patient must be entered during registration.
This dialog window includes suggested changes to the examination
parameters which allow the examination to continue. In addition, a
button in the dialog window may be used to change the operating
In the First Level Controlled Operating Mode, often only minor
modifications (if any) may be required.
5 MR system operation
114 MR System | Operator Manual
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Online monitoring: The system constantly measures the transmit
power and ensures that the appropriate limit values are observed.
Examinations in progress will be aborted if the limit is exceeded.
Limit values: The SAR limits used by the Look Ahead monitoring
function are set according to country-specific approval guidelines at
the time of the syngo MR installation.
Normal operating mode: In the Normal Operating Mode, the patient
barely notices the effects of the RF field. The stress on the cardio-
vascular system is negligible.
First Level Controlled Operating Mode: In the First Level Controlled
Operating Mode, patients may experience noticeable stress levels
depending on the measurement programs selected. This usually
includes perspiration accompanied by an increase in pulse rate.
Patients with reduced thermoregulatory capability and higher
sensitivity toward increases in body temperature (e.g. patients with
fevers or cardiac decompression, patients with perspiratory
impairments, or pregnant women) may experience additional effects.
Display of SAR values: The current SAR values, encoded according to
the body regions of interest, can be accessed at any time. See:
Software operator manual
Starting/Stopping the measurement
Starting the measurement
The measurement protocol is loaded.
No MR measurement is active.
Select the Start icon at the Dot display. ( Page 55 Dot display)
The measurement begins.
The display is deactivated.
Stopping the measurement
The MR measurement is active.
Press any of the table movement buttons on the control unit.
( Page 54 Control units)
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The measurement is stopped.
The display is activated.
5 MR system operation
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All instructions in the operator manual regarding cleaning and, when
applicable, regarding disinfecting and sterilization must be always
Improper cleaning of the MR system!
Risk of electric shock
Only clean the MR system with a damp cloth.
For information regarding cleaning of RF coils, see: Operator Manual
Cleaning the LCD monitor/video display
The LCD monitor of the syngo Acquisition Workplace and the video
display are cleaned in the same way.
1Clean the LCD monitor/video display at least every two months.
2Prior to cleaning, switch off the LCD monitor/video display and
disconnect the main power plug. But if the monitor/display is under
hot running conditions, please wait till the monitor/display is
chilled (this can take up to one hour).
3Clean the monitor/video display using a microfiber cloth.
4If the LCD monitor/video display cannot be effectively cleaned with
the microfiber cloth: use window cleaner. Do not use window
cleaner on the monitor housing.
5Immediately remove any water drops from the LCD monitor/video
6Avoid scratching the surface area of the LCD monitor/video display.
7Avoid impacts to the LCD monitor/video display.
Maintenance 6
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The LCD monitor/video display are highly sensitive to mechanical
Cleaning the camera lens
Carefully clean the camera lens with a lint-free cloth and lens
Cleaning the data carrier
1Clean contaminated data carriers with a clean cloth (cotton or
2Follow the manufacturer's notes when cleaning CD/DVD data
Cleaning the plugs and connectors
1Dampen a soft cloth with water or a diluted household cleaner
solution. Do not use organic solvents such as alcohol or acetone.
2Carefully wipe the plugs and connectors with the cloth. Do not
touch the contacts.
Cleaning the patient table and the straps
1Clean the patient table using a liquid household agent.
2Wash the straps of the patient table at a temperature of 60°C.
3Use commercial disinfecting materials. However, do not use
solutions with alcohol or acetone.
Cleaning and disinfecting the receptors
1Do not use cleaners or disinfectants containing alcohol or ether.
2Do not use hard or sharp objects (e.g. knives or tweezers) to
remove residue.
3Clean the receptors with a commercially available cleaner. Follow
manufacturer’s instructions.
6 Maintenance
118 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
4Use a dampened cloth for cleaning.
Do not submerge the receptors in cleaning liquid.
5Disinfect the receptors with a commercially available disinfecting
agent. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Disinfecting system components
Disinfecting sprays damage electronic components. For this
reason, components may only be cleaned with a semi-dry cloth.
Flammable cleaning or disinfection agents may cause fire or
Injury to patient
Disinfect the system components with commercial
disinfecting materials. However, do not use solutions with
alcohol or acetone. Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Siemens does not test alcohol-containing, phenol-alkaline and
alkaline-based disinfectants for harmful effects on surfaces.
Avoid disinfecting system components with these materials.
Care and cleaning of floors
Do not use the following cleaning or care products:
Silicon-based cleaning or care products
Cleaning or care products with substances that release ammonia
Cleaning or care products that destroy the anti-static properties of
the floor covering
Maintenance 6
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Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Use commercially available cleaning or care products for the floor.
Follow manufacturer's instructions.
Return and disposal
MR System
Explosion hazard during improper disassembly!
Injury of persons
Ensure that only trained personnel disassemble the MR
system because the system includes a pressurized container
and cryogenic helium.
1Contact Siemens Service in case of questions about returning and
disposing the MR system and/or its components and accessories.
2Observe national regulations.
Siemens AG is obligated to accept the return of packaging
1Contact Siemens Service regarding questions with respect to the
return as well as subsequent disposal of packaging material.
2Observe national regulations.
Batteries and accumulators
Siemens AG is obligated to accept the return of batteries and
accumulators and to dispose of them.
6 Maintenance
120 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
1Contact Siemens Service with respect to questions regarding the
return and disposal of batteries and accumulators.
2Observe national regulations.
Maintenance 6
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6 Maintenance
122 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Appendix: regulatory
Medical devices of other manufacturers
Please note that this manual may also contain information about
medical devices that are NOT legally manufactured by Siemens.
These medical devices are either only distributed by Siemens, or
only mentioned for additional information.
In the following table you will find information about the medical
device, the corresponding legal manufacturer and, if applicable, the
authorized representative.
Product and CE Legal manufacturer
Respiration cush-
ion, respiratory
Pi-Products GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 8a
92224 Amberg, Germany
Application cush-
ion for PMU
Polyform GmbH & Co. KG
Braasstraße 15
DE-31737 Rinteln, Germany
Patient table TRUMPF Medizin Systeme GmbH + Co.KG
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 7-9
07318 Saalfeld, Germany
Appendix: regulatory information 7
MAGNETOM Skyrafit | syngo MR E11 123
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
CE for Physiological Measurement Unit (PMU)
The PMU (PPU, PERU) bears a CE marking in accordance with the
provisions of regulation 1999/5/EC of March 9, 1999 for radio and
telecommunications terminal equipment.
7 Appendix: regulatory information
124 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt
RSS standard(s) and part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le
Safety instructions 38
Burns 20
Coils 41
Coolant accidents 45
Measurement phantoms 41
Alarm box
Checks 72
Description 72
Imaging errors 33
Patient-related 37
System-related 34
Breathing difficulties 45
Frostbite 45
Alarm box 72
Daily functionality checks 99
Connections 118
Floor 119
Monitor/video display 117
MR system 117
Patient table 118
Receptors 118
Straps of the patient table 118
Accidents 41
With other devices and
accessories 28
Compatibility 28
Safety information 28
Computer system
Shutting down 103
Starting up 101
Cleaning 118
Implants 23
Safety information 23
Control cabinet
Description 48
Control units 54
Controlled access area 17
Dockable patient table 64
Device malfunctions
Safety information 20
Receptors 118
System components 119
Dot display 55
Information service 55
Dockable patient table
Docking 67
Moving 66
Operation 65
Undocking 66
Dockable patient table|
Description 64
Dockable patient table 67
Data recording, Overview 50
Dot display
Operation 57
ECG triggering
Description 91
Performing 92
Electromagnetic fields
Description 16
Safety instructions 16
Electronics cabinets
Description 47
Emergency switches 41
Rescuing the patient in an
emergency 62
Emergency buttons
Magnet Stop 42
Table Stop 44
Emergency Shut-down
Safety instructions 44
Emergency switches
Emergency Shut-down 44
Safety information 41
Environmental conditions 30
MR system 105
Preparation 105
External triggering
Description 97
Performing 98
Safety instructions 38
Safety instructions 46
Foot switch
Operation 79, 79
Functional check
Alarm box 72
Daily 99
Gradient cabinet
Description 48
Hazard hints
Configuration 16
Verbal signals 16
Common sources of danger 16
Contraindications 23
Electromagnetic fields 16
Mechanical hazards 25
MAGNETOM Skyrafit | syngo MR E11 125
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Noise development 31
Potential hazards 16
RF and gradient fields 20
Static magnetic field 18
Connection 106
Description 50
Device malfunctions 20
In-Room syngo Acq WP
Description 76
Operation 77
Description 74
Operation 75
Transmit music 76
Transmit voice output 76
syngo Acquisition Workplace 51
Laser light localizer|
Description 70
Look Ahead monitoring
Low-frequency fields 111
SAR monitoring 113
Magnet Stop
Safety information 42
Magnetic field
Low frequency fields 110
Physiological effects 110
Physiological effects; RF
fields 112
MR system 117
Safety information 38
Start/Stop 115
Starting and ending; with
footswitch 79, 79
Measurement phantoms
Accidents 41
Mechanical hazards
Safety instructions 25
Cleaning 117
In-Room syngo Acq WP 77
syngo Acquisition Workplace 50
Intercom 74
Look Ahead monitoring 111
Online monitoring 111
SAR monitoring 113
MR system
Operating modes 100
Shutting down the syngo MR
WP 104
Shutting down the system 103
Starting the syngo MR WP 102
Starting the system 101
Starting/ending Standby 105
Switching on/off 100
Nerve stimulation
Low-frequency fields 111
Noise development
Safety information 31
Online monitoring
Low-frequency fields 111
SAR monitoring 113
Operating consoles
In-Room syngo Acq WP 76
syngo Acquisition Workplace 49
syngo MR WP 53
Operating mode
First Level Controlled Operating
Mode 109
low-frequency fields 111
Normal Operating Mode 108
Performance limits 111
Standby 105
Switching operating modes 110
Dot display 57
Patient care
Patient instructions 32
Patient monitoring 32
Patient monitoring
Intercom 74
Patient table
Cleaning 118
Description 57
Display 55
Operation 59
Rescuing the patient 62
Physiological effects
Description 108
First Level Controlled Operating
Mode 109
Low frequency fields 110
low-frequency fields 111
Monitoring 111
Normal Operating Mode 108
Operating modes 108
RF fields 112
SAR limit values 113
SAR monitoring 113
Switching operating modes 110
Warming of body tissue 112
Physiological Measurement Unit
Data display 88
Description 84
Display 89
ECG and respiratory sensor 85,
External trigger input 87
Pulse sensor 86
MR system 105
Patient; For MR
examination 106
Pulse sensor
126 MR System | Operator Manual
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02
PPU 86
Pulse triggering
Description 95
Performing 95
Quality Assurance
Coils 41
Safety information 38
Rescuing the patient in an
emergency 62
Respiratory triggering
Description 96
Performing 96
Safety guidelines 15
Return and disposal 120
RF and gradient fields
Safety instructions 20
RF coils
Description 49
Safety guidelines
MR safety 15
Responsibility 15
Safety information
Contraindications 23
Emergency switches 41
Maintenance/repair 38
Preface 15
Limit values; Safety
information 113
Limits, high-frequency
fields 113
Monitoring 113
Signs and symbols
Warning and prohibition
signs 38
Squeeze bulb
Connection 106
Starting/ending Standby 105
Static magnetic field
Device malfunctions 20
Safety instructions 18
Super-conducting magnet
Description 47
syngo Acquisition Workplace
Description 49
Host processor 50
Keyboard 51
Monitor 50
Mouse 52
syngo MR WP
Description 53
Shutting down 104
Starting up 102
System control
Control units 54
Description 53
Table Stop
Safety information 44
Temperature control
Safety guidelines 113
Tool bar
Display 56
Triggering methods
Overview 83
Dockable patient table] 66
Video display
Cleaning 117
Warming of body tissue
Radio frequency fields 112
Warning labels
Warning and prohibition
signs 38
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130 MR System | Operator Manual
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Manufacturer’s note:
This device bears a CE mark in accordance with the
provisions of Council Directive 93/42/EEC of June 14, 1993
concerning medical devices and the Council Directive
2011/65/EU of June 08, 2011 on the restriction of the use
of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
The CE marking applies only to medical devices which have
been put on the market according to the above-mentioned
EC Directives. Unauthorized changes to this product are
not covered by the CE mark and the related Declaration of
Please note: For products that are not legally manufactured
by Siemens but distributed, please refer to the Appendix of
this manual!
Global Business Unit
Siemens AG
Medical Solutions
Magnetic Resonance
Henkestr. 127
DE-91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49913184-0
Global Siemens Headquarters
Siemens AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2
80333 Muenchen
Global Siemens Healthcare
Siemens AG
Healthcare Sector
Henkestraße 127
91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 84-0
Legal Manufacturer
Siemens AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2
DE-80333 Muenchen
Print No. M6-04401.621.02.02.02 | © 2015, Siemens AG

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