Siemens MOBYE-SLG75 Inductive TAG Reader User Manual MOBY E e

Siemens AG Inductive TAG Reader MOBY E e


Users Manual

3-2 MOBY E Configuration, Installation and Service Manual(4) J31069-D0105-U001-A5-76183.1 Basic Requirements!WarningDo not make changes to the devices.Violation will invalidate interference emission certification (BZT, FCC), CEand the manufacturer’s warranty.To choose the correct MOBY E components, apply the following criteria toyour particular application.STransmission distance (i.e. read/write distance)SThe amount of data to be transferredSMetal-free spaces for MDS and SLG/SLASStatic of dynamic transmission of the dataSSpeed for dynamic transmissionSTolerances of the trackingSEnvironmental conditions (e.g., moisture, temperature, chemical effects,and so on)SMaximum write frequency per MDSConfiguration and Mounting Guidelines

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