Siemens Hipath Xpressions Unified Messaging Users Manual User
HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging to the manual e55260af-8178-4399-ba1a-b65ac78a0e41
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- Contents
- 1 Unified Messaging with HiPathXpressions
- 2 Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
- 2.1 HiPathXpressions Client
- 2.2 Netscape Messenger
- 2.3 Microsoft Outlook Express
- 2.4 Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
- 2.5 Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
- 2.6 HiPathXpressions Outlook Extensions
- 2.6.1 System Requirements
- 2.6.2 Installation
- 2.6.3 Uninstallation
- 2.6.4 Starting Microsoft Outlook
- 2.6.5 Settings in Microsoft Outlook
- 2.6.6 Callback
- 2.6.7 Playback
- 2.6.8 Short Message Service (SMS)
- 2.6.9 Fax Messages
- Sending a Fax Message to a Contact
- Sending a Fax Message to the Originator of a Message
- Sending a Fax Message from the Exchange Address Book
- Sending a Fax Message from other Microsoft Office Applications
- Sending a Fax Message From Your Workstation
- Viewing Fax Messages
- Answering/Forwarding a Fax Message with Annotations
- 2.6.10 Fax-on-Demand
- 2.6.11 Voice Messages
- 2.6.12 Address Book
- 2.6.13 Client Assistant
- 2.6.14 Analyzing and Correcting Problems
- 2.6.15 Import from Internet Mail
- 2.7 HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
- 2.7.1 Settings for Unified Messaging
- 2.7.2 Sending Fax Messages
- 2.7.3 Using the Lotus Notes Fax Printer Extension
- 2.7.4 Fax on Demand
- 2.7.5 Displaying Received Faxes
- 2.7.6 Sending SMS Messages
- 2.7.7 Sending Voice Mails
- 2.7.8 Replying To a Message Via a Voice Comment
- 2.7.9 Sending Voice Mails Using Lotus Notes E-Mail Client
- 2.7.10 Synchronizing Read/Unread Marks
- 2.7.11 Using Telephony Functions Under Lotus Notes
- 2.8 HiPath Xpressions WebClient
- 2.9 Client Assistant
- 2.9.1 Overview
- 2.9.2 Web Browser
- 2.9.3 Help
- 2.9.4 Settings on Your Computer
- 2.9.5 Starting and Exiting the Client Assistant
- 2.9.6 General Procedure
- 2.9.7 User Data
- 2.9.8 Voice Mail System Settings
- 2.9.9 Configuring Forwarding
- 2.9.10 Configuring Notifications
- 2.9.11 Creating Distribution Lists
- 2.9.12 Fax Forms
- 2.9.13 Time Profiles
- 2.9.14 Creating Recordings
- 2.9.15 Default Output Devices
- 2.9.16 Switching to the WebClient
- 3 Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
- 3.2.1 Access Options
- 3.2.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access)
- 3.2.3 Options in the Main Menu
- 3.2.4 Selecting the Send Options
- 3.2.5 Connection
- 3.2.6 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access or Universal Access)
- 3.2.7 Call Forwarding (Forward Access)
- 3.2.8 Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)
- 3.2.9 Using your Mailbox for your Mobile Telephone
- 3.2.10 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences
- 3.3 Operating your Mailbox using VMS
- 3.3.1 Access Options
- 3.3.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access, "Own Mailbox Code")
- Overview
- Dialing your own Mailbox
- Default Edit Options
- Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access)
- Inbox
- Recording and Sending New Messages (Inbox / Sent Objects)
- Recording a Dictation
- Editing Distribution Lists
- Answering Machine Functions (Shortcut)
- Setting up a Telephone Connection
- Special Functions
- 3.3.3 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access, "External Mailbox" code)
- 3.3.4 Call Forwarding (CF, Forward Access)
- 3.3.5 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences
- 3.3.6 Setting up a Telephone Connection from the Main Menu
- 4 Fax Mail Service
- 5 Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
- Abbreviations
- Index

User Manual
HiPath Xpressions
Unified Messaging
This manual describes the entire function range of HiPath Xpressions. The modular design of
HiPath Xpressions means that all functions may not be installed on your system. The functions
described in this manual, therefore, may not be available. Please ask your system administrator
if you would like to find out which functions are installed on your system.
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-3
Nur für den internen Gebrauch Contents
Contents 0
1 Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 Differences Between E-Mail, Voice Mail and Fax Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.3 HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging User Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.4 Preparations on Your Telephone/PABX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.5 User-specific data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.5.1 Telephone system data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.5.2 Data for telephone access via PhoneMail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.5.3 Data for telephone access via VMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.5.4 Data for PC access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
2 Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1 HiPath Xpressions Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2 Netscape Messenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2.1 System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2.2 Setting up an Account in Netscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.3 Receiving Messages with Netscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.2.4 Sending Messages with Netscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions Distribution lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.2.5 Importing the HiPath Xpressions Address Book into Netscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.3 Microsoft Outlook Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.1 System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.2 Setting up an Account in Microsoft Outlook Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.3 Receiving Messages with Microsoft Outlook Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.3.4 Sending Messages with Microsoft Outlook Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone (SMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.3.5 Importing a HiPath Xpressions Address Book into Outlook Express . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.4 Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.4.1 System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.4.2 Setting up an Account in MS Outlook (Internet Operation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.4.3 Receiving Messages with MS Outlook (Internet Operation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
2.4.4 Sending Messages with MS Outlook (Internet Operation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone (SMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
2.4.5 Importing the HiPath Xpressions Address Book into MS Outlook
(Internet Operation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19

Contents Nur für den internen Gebrauch
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0-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual
2.5 Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.5.1 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.5.2 Receiving Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.5.3 Sending Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Sending Messages using SMS as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Adding HiPath Xpressions Addresses to the Microsoft Exchange
Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Other HiPath Xpressions Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
2.6 HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
2.6.1 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
2.6.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
2.6.3 Uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
2.6.4 Starting Microsoft Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 Network Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Phone Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Creating Input Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
2.6.5 Settings in Microsoft Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 Activating/Deactivating HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 The HiPath Xpressions Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
2.6.6 Callback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 Telephone Call To Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 Calling the Originator of a Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 Calling From the Exchange Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
2.6.7 Playback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38 Playback on the Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38 Playback on the PC Sound System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
2.6.8 Short Message Service (SMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39 Sending an SMS to a Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39 Sending an SMS to the Originator of a Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40 Sending an SMS from the Exchange Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
2.6.9 Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41 Sending a Fax Message to a Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42 Sending a Fax Message to the Originator of a Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42 Sending a Fax Message from the Exchange Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42 Sending a Fax Message from other Microsoft Office Applications . . . . . . . . 2-42 Sending a Fax Message From Your Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44 Viewing Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45 Answering/Forwarding a Fax Message with Annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47
2.6.10 Fax-on-Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49 Specify/Modify Remote Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49 Retrieving a Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-51
2.6.11 Voice Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-5
Nur für den internen Gebrauch Contents Sending a Voice Message to a Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-54 Sending a Voice Message to the Originator of a Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-54 Sending Voice Messages from the Exchange Address Book. . . . . . . . . . . 2-54 Playing Back a Voice Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-55 Forwarding a Message with a Voice Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57
2.6.12 Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
2.6.13 Client Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61
2.6.14 Analyzing and Correcting Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 Problems with Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 Problems with Callback and Voice Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 Problems with SMS, Fax and Voice Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62 Problems with the Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62 Problems with the Client Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
2.6.15 Import from Internet Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-63
2.7 HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64
2.7.1 Settings for Unified Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64 General Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65 Send Form Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-66 Unified Messaging Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
2.7.2 Sending Fax Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-68
2.7.3 Using the Lotus Notes Fax Printer Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-71
2.7.4 Fax on Demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-72
2.7.5 Displaying Received Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
2.7.6 Sending SMS Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-75
2.7.7 Sending Voice Mails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
2.7.8 Replying To a Message Via a Voice Comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-79
2.7.9 Sending Voice Mails Using Lotus Notes E-Mail Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80 Setting up an XPR Lotus Notes Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80 Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81
2.7.10 Synchronizing Read/Unread Marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82
2.7.11 Using Telephony Functions Under Lotus Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82 Making a Telephone Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82
2.8 HiPath Xpressions WebClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-83
2.8.1 Overview of Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-83
2.8.2 Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-83
2.8.3 Web Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-83
2.8.4 Starting and Exiting the WebClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-84 Starting the WebClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-84 Selecting a Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-85 Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-85 Login. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-86 Login via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-87 Logoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-88
2.8.5 Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89

Contents Nur für den internen Gebrauch
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0-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Composing Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89 Inserting File Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-90 Selecting File Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-92 Deleting File Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-92 Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-93
2.8.6 Fax-on-Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-93
2.8.7 Sent Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-93 Checking the Send Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-94 Changing Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-95 Sending Messages to Additional Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-95 Deleting Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-95
2.8.8 Receiving Messages (Inbox) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-96 Changing Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97 Reading Text Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97 Reading Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-98 Listening to Voice Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-99 Opening Message Attachments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-100 Forwarding Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-100
2.8.9 Replying to Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-100 Replying with the Original Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-101 Replying without the Original Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-101 Deleting Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-101
2.8.10 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-102 User Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103 Changing a Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-104 Selecting Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-105 Configuring Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-105 Changing the Telephone Password (PIN) for Telephone Access . . . . . . . 2-106 Forwarding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-107 POP3 Access Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-108
2.9 Client Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-109
2.9.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-109
2.9.2 Web Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-110
2.9.3 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-110
2.9.4 Settings on Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111 HiPath Xpressions Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111 Screen Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111 Cache and Proxy Server: Netscape Communicator/Internet Explorer. . . . . 2-111 Style sheets: Netscape Communicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111
2.9.5 Starting and Exiting the Client Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-112 Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-112 Login via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 Selecting a Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 Logout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-114
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2.9.6 General Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-115 Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-115 Changing Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-116 Saving Modifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-116
2.9.7 User Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-117 Changing Your Own Password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-118 Language Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-118 Supplementing User Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-118
2.9.8 Voice Mail System Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-119 Changing the Telephone Password (PIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-120 Selecting the Voice Mail System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-120 Configuring a Referral Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-121 Mailbox Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-121 Caller options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-121 Mobility number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-122 Forwarding Incoming Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-122 Editing Messages on the Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-123
2.9.9 Configuring Forwarding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-124
2.9.10 Configuring Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-126
2.9.11 Creating Distribution Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-131 Creating a Private Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 Editing Distribution Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 Deleting a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-134
2.9.12 Fax Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-135
2.9.13 Time Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-136
2.9.14 Creating Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-138 Personal Name Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-139 Creating and Editing Personal Greetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-140
2.9.15 Default Output Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-141
2.9.16 Switching to the WebClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-142
3 Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail . . . . 3-1
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.1.1 Preparations on your Telephone/PABX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.1.2 Explanation of the Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.1.3 Distribution lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.1.4 Referral Extension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.5 Default Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.6 Default Fax Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.7 Memory Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.8 Additional Features in VMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Direct Callback Connection with the Originator of a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Broadcast Call / Broadcast Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Private and Public Distribution Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.1.9 User Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

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0-8 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Repeating System Announcements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Requesting Help (PhoneMail) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Incorrect Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Terminating the Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Returning to the Main Menu (VMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3.2 Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.2.1 Access Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.2.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Dialing your own Mailbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3.2.3 Options in the Main Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Listening to/Retrieving Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 Playing Back Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Checking Recipient Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Recording and Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.2.4 Selecting the Send Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 Changing Answering Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 Changing Mailbox Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
3.2.5 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.2.6 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access or Universal Access) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 Leaving a Message for Mailbox Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.2.7 Call Forwarding (Forward Access) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.2.8 Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.2.9 Using your Mailbox for your Mobile Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Call Forwarding for Mobile Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Dialing your Mailbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
3.2.10 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
3.3 Operating your Mailbox using VMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.3.1 Access Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.3.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access, "Own Mailbox Code") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 Dialing your own Mailbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 Default Edit Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 Inbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 Recording and Sending New Messages (Inbox / Sent Objects) . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 Recording a Dictation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 Editing Distribution Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 Answering Machine Functions (Shortcut) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66 Setting up a Telephone Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67 Special Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67
3.3.3 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access,
"External Mailbox" code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78 Leaving a Message for Mailbox Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78 Additional Options in Guest Access or Universal Access Mode . . . . . . . . . . 3-78
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3.3.4 Call Forwarding (CF, Forward Access) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80
3.3.5 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 Listening to and forwarding incoming messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 Recording and Sending New Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86
3.3.6 Setting up a Telephone Connection from the Main Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access): . . . . . . . . . 3-98
4 Fax Mail Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.1 Requirements for Sending a Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.2 Requirements for Receiving a Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.3 Fax Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.4 Fax Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.1.5 Fax Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.2 Sending Fax Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2.1 Sending a Sample Fax Message from MS Windows Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2.2 Sending a Fax at Favorable Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4.2.3 Using Fax on Demand Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
5 Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.1 Application Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.2 SMS Features for GSM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2 Sending Short Messages to GSM Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.3 Tips for Everyday Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3.1 Sending a Callback Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3.2 Sending SMS Messages from Intranet Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z-1

Contents Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
0-10 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 1-1
Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
1 Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
1.1 Overview
HiPath Xpressions is a mail server for unified messaging. HiPath Xpressions integrates all mail
services for voice mail, fax-mail, e-mail and the short message service (SMS). A non-service-
specific mailbox is set up for every user. Each user can be assigned a personal e-mail address
and a personal fax number for the receipt of mail in this mailbox. The user’s telephone number
and GSM number are valid numbers that are used to leave voice messages in the user’s mail-
This mailbox can be accessed through a networked PC or through a telephone. The mailbox
can be maintained from any telephone or any PC with Internet access.
Every user in the office can be alerted to the arrival of new messages on the telephone by
means of the mailbox LED or an acoustic signal. Users en route can be alerted via SMS or pag-
The HiPath Xpressions server can be used as a mailbox server or as a gateway to other mail
The various formats are automatically converted on the server, provided the HiPath Xpressions
server has been installed. This means that incoming messages of a particular service can be
forwarded to other services provided the data conversion process is feasible. The following data
conversions are permitted, for example:
●Text-to-speech (TTS)
●MS-Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to fax
●Postscript to fax
●Adobe PDF to fax
●Fax to various graphic formats (JPG, TIF, BMP, DCX)
Separate service-specific addresses or numbers can be defined for every mailbox.

Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
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1-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Differences Between E-Mail, Voice Mail and Fax Mail
1.2 Differences Between E-Mail, Voice Mail and Fax Mail
All messages stored in HiPath Xpressions are e-mail messages. Your e-mail client, therefore,
displays all messages as e-mail messages. All voice or fax messages are provided as attach-
ments to the e-mail. The purpose of the telephone access facility to your mailbox, however, is
to distribute all messages according to the service. E-mail messages that only comprise an au-
dio attachment are displayed as voice mails and messages that only comprise an image attach-
ment are displayed as fax messages. You can configure Outlook 97, Outlook 98, Outlook 2000
or Outlook 2002 (Outlook XP) so that voice and fax messages are specially flagged. You can
achieve this by installing special forms (see Section 2.6.2).
1.3 HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging User Manual
This document contains all of the important entry fields for operating and configuring the sys-
tem. Depending on the operating system used (Windows 2000, NT, XP or Windows 98), the
screen resolution and PC configuration, the appearance of these fields may vary a little.
This manual describes how to operate your mailbox. It tells you:
●which settings you should make on your telephone/PABX (see Section 1.4).
●how to administrate your mailbox
– using a PC with Internet/intranet access: see Section 2.9
– using any telephone: see Chapter 3, “Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the
Voice Mail Service Voicemail”
●how to process incoming messages
– at your workstation on the PC: see Section 2.1, Section 2.2, Section 2.3, Section 2.4,
and Section 2.5
– at any networked PC: see Section 2.2, Section 2.3, and Section 2.4
– using your own telephone: see Chapter 3, “Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and
the Voice Mail Service Voicemail” and Section 3.2.8
– using any telephone: see Chapter 3, “Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the
Voice Mail Service Voicemail”
●how to send voice messages: see Section 3.2.6 and Section
●how to send faxes: see Chapter 4, “Fax Mail Service”
●how to send e-mails: see Chapter 2, “Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Ser-
●how to send short messages: see Section 5.2

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 1-3
Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
Preparations on Your Telephone/PABX
1.4 Preparations on Your Telephone/PABX
For the optimal use of your mailbox, set the call forwarding or CFNR function for the voice and
fax services. Voice or fax calls to your extension will then be forwarded to your HiPath Xpres-
sions mailbox. Please refer to the operating instructions for your telephone or PABX for infor-
mation on how to set up these functions. Your system administrator will tell you which numbers
you must set as the call forwarding destination.
1.5 User-specific data
This section provides you with an overview of all important user-specific or system-specific da-
ta. You will always have an overview of all important settings at hand if you note down all of the
relevant data here. Your system administrator will give you the information you need.
1.5.1 Telephone system data
1.5.2 Data for telephone access via PhoneMail
Number for call forwarding, voice service
= service access number for forward access
Number for call forwarding, fax service
Dial own mailbox
= service access number for direct access
Dial external mailbox
= service access number for guest access
Service access number for callback access
Service access number for universal access

Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
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1-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
User-specific data
1.5.3 Data for telephone access via VMS
You can change your password for telephone access to the mailbox. You should not write down
this password in the interests of security.
1.5.4 Data for PC access
Dial own mailbox
= service access number for direct access
Dial external mailbox
= service access number for guest access
Service access number for callback access
Service access number for universal access
User name of the HiPath Xpressions user
E-mail address for the HiPath Xpressions mailbox
HiPath Xpressions server name
IP address of the HiPath Xpressions server
Domain address of the HiPath Xpressions server
Server name for the inbox/incoming mail
(this can be identical to the domain address)
Server name for the outbox/outgoing mail
(this can be identical to the inbox)
Client Assistant URL

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 1-5
Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
User-specific data
You can change your password for telephone access to the mailbox. You should not write down
this password in the interests of security.
WebClient URL
Online documentation URL
HiPath Xpressions address book URL for importing
mail clients

Unified Messaging with HiPath Xpressions
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1-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
User-specific data

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-1
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
2 Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail
This chapter describes the PC access to your HiPath Xpressions mailbox. Using your PC,
HiPath Xpressions provides you with a standard access interface to your voice messages, fax
messages and e-mails.
In principle, all e-mail clients that support IMAP4 access can be used.
HiPath Xpressions supports the older POP3 access mode. This access mode, however, is not
recommended since it does not include mailbox synchronization when connected to the Lotus
Domino or Microsoft Exchange server. PC access is described using the following e-mail
●HiPath Xpressions Communications Client (see the relevant user manual)
●Netscape Messenger (see Section 2.2)
●Microsoft Outlook Express (see Section 2.3)
●Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation (see Section 2.4)
●Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation in conjunction with
Microsoft Exchange Server (see Section 2.5)
●Lotus Notes (see Section 2.7)
●HiPath Xpressions WebClient (see Section 2.8)
●Client Assistant (see Section 2.9)
(access to fax and voice messages only, no e-mail access)
HiPath Xpressions extensions can be installed for Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes. Outlook
extensions comprise the following functions:
●initiation of a telephone call to a contact
●callback to the originator of a message
●initiation of a telephone call from the Exchange address book
●voice message playback on a telephone
●voice message playback on a PC sound system
●sending a short message (SMS) to a contact
●transfer of a short message (SMS) to the originator of a message
●transfer of a short message (SMS) to a mobile telephone from the address book
●sending a fax message to a contact

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
2-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Client
●sending a fax message to the originator of a message
●sending a fax message from the Exchange address book
●sending a fax message from Microsoft Office applications
●sending a fax message from Explorer
●viewing fax messages
●answering/forwarding fax messages with annotations
●sending a voice message to a contact
●sending a voice message to the originator of a message
●sending a voice message from the Exchange address book
●form for voice message playback
●answering/forwarding voice messages with voice comments
●address book
●starting the Client Assistant
You can ask your system administrator to inform you about your personal HiPath Xpressions
user data that you require for mailbox processing tasks on the PC.
2.1 HiPath Xpressions Client
You will find a description of the HiPath Xpressions client in the manual entitled
HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging Communications Client.
2.2 Netscape Messenger
The descriptions in this chapter are based on Netscape Communicator Version 4.72.
2.2.1 System Requirements
●Netscape Communicator version 4.72 or higher
●Your PC must be equipped with a sound card, microphone, loudspeakers/headset and
the relevant playback software to allow voice messages to be processed on your PC.
●The relevant graphics software must be installed on your PC to allow fax messages to
be viewed. A graphics format that is supported by the user’s graphics software can be
set for each individual user.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-3
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Netscape Messenger
2.2.2 Setting up an Account in Netscape
Access to your HiPath Xpressions mailbox using Netscape Communicator is performed using
a profile created in Netscape Communicator. You can use a profile to communicate with a mail-
box on a mail server. You must create a separate profile for every mail server if you are using
a number of mail servers. Please refer to the description in Netscape Communicator for infor-
mation on how to create a new profile.
Start Netscape Communicator. Select the Preferences... command in the Edit menu. Then
open the category Mail & Newsgroups and enter your name and e-mail address under Iden-
tity. The other boxes are optional.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Netscape Messenger
Now click Mail Servers.
In the Mail Servers window, select the Edit... option under Incoming Mail Servers and enter
the server name and your user name. You must select IMAP as the Mail Server Type. Confirm
with OK.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-5
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Netscape Messenger
Now enter your user name and the address of the HiPath Xpressions server as the Outgoing
Mail Server in the Mail Servers window. The options listed are not supported and may not be
Confirm with OK. The account for accessing your HiPath Xpressions mailbox is now set up.
2.2.3 Receiving Messages with Netscape
Start Netscape Messenger to receive messages for the set up e-mail account. There are sev-
eral ways of doing this.
●Using Start menu → Program Files → Netscape Communicator → Netscape Messen-
●Using Netscape Navigator and selecting Communicator → Netscape Messenger
●Using the mailbox symbol in Netscape Communicator.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Netscape Messenger
When using the first two possibilities, click Get Msg and the password entry dialog appears. In
the last case, the input window opens immediately. Enter your HiPath Xpressions password.
The inbox opens and your messages are displayed once you have entered the correct pass-
All incoming messages are e-mail messages. Voice and fax messages are received as addi-
tional data in the form of attachments to the e-mail.
An incoming voice message is attached to an e-mail as an audio file. If you have entered the
relevant link for this file type (WAV) in Netscape, clicking the audio file starts the selected player
and you can listen to your voice message.
An incoming fax message is attached to an e-mail as a graphics file. If you are using graphics
software that is linked in Netscape to the file type of the attachment, the corresponding program
will be opened when you click on the attachment with the graphics file, thus displaying the fax.
The graphics file displays the fax. If JPEG is set as the graphics format, Netscape Messenger
will display the fax directly in the message window.
2.2.4 Sending Messages with Netscape
All messages that you create and send using Netscape Messenger are normal e-mail messag-
es. The HiPath Xpressions server can route your e-mail message, fax message or short mes-
sage to a distribution list, fax device or mobile telephone using a special addressing procedure. Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions Distribution lists
The personal distribution lists defined using the Client Assistant and the public distribution lists
provided by the system administrator can be entered as recipient addresses. Please refer to
Section 2.9.11, “Creating Distribution Lists” for information on the correct addressing of mes-
sages routed to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists. Fax Messages
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to a fax address are re-
ceived by the recipient as fax messages. Please refer to Chapter 4 for information on the cor-
rect addressing of messages to fax addresses.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-7
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Netscape Messenger Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to an SMS address are
received by the recipient as short messages. Please refer to Chapter 5, “Short Message Ser-
vice (SMS) for GSM” for information on the correct addressing of messages to SMS addresses.
2.2.5 Importing the HiPath Xpressions Address Book into Netscape
The HiPath Xpressions address book is provided by your system administrator as a file. The
import process allows you to copy the current contents of the HiPath Xpressions address book
locally into your client address book. After this, your address book will no longer be automati-
cally synchronized with the HiPath Xpressions address book, leaving you responsible for up-
dating it yourself.
To import the HiPath Xpressions address book, you must open your address book first. Select
File → Import.... The following window appears:
Select the LDIF file (address book) option and click Next.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-8 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook Express
Select the address book to be imported in this window. Clicking Open imports the HiPath
Xpressions address book.
2.3 Microsoft Outlook Express
The descriptions in this chapter are based on MS Outlook Express Version 5.002919.6700.
2.3.1 System Requirements
●Microsoft Outlook Express version 4.72 or higher.
●Your PC must be equipped with a sound card, microphone, loudspeakers/headset and
the relevant playback software to allow voice messages to be processed on your PC.
●The relevant graphics software must be installed on your PC to allow fax messages to
be viewed. A graphics format that is supported by the user’s graphics software can be
set for each individual user.
2.3.2 Setting up an Account in Microsoft Outlook Express
Start Microsoft Outlook Express and select the Accounts... command in the Tools menu. Click
Add in the Internet Accounts window and select Mail....

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-9
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook Express
The Internet Connection Wizard is started. Enter the name that is to appear in the From field in
the recipient’s inbox.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
2-10 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook Express
Enter your HiPath Xpressions e-mail address in the next window.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-11
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook Express
Set the name of your incoming mail server to IMAP. Enter the HiPath Xpressions server as the
incoming and outgoing mail server.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
2-12 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook Express
Enter your HiPath Xpressions user name as the IMAP account name. Enter your HiPath Xpres-
sions password as the password. The Log on using Secure Password Authentication option
is not supported.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-13
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook Express
The account for accessing your HiPath Xpressions mailbox is now set up. Click Finish.
2.3.3 Receiving Messages with Microsoft Outlook Express
To receive messages for the configured e-mail account, start Outlook Express and switch to the
inbox of your HiPath Xpressions account.
All incoming messages are e-mail messages. Voice and fax messages are received as addi-
tional data in the form of attachments to the e-mail.
An incoming voice message is attached to an e-mail as an audio file. If you have entered the
relevant link for this file type (WAV), clicking the audio file will start the selected player and you
can listen to your voice message.
An incoming fax message is attached to an e-mail as a graphics file. If you are using graphics
software that is linked to the file type of the attachment, the corresponding program is opened
by clicking the attachment containing this file. The graphics file displays the fax. Outlook Ex-
press displays JPEG files directly in the message window.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-14 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook Express
2.3.4 Sending Messages with Microsoft Outlook Express
All messages that you create and send using Microsoft Outlook Express are normal e-mail
messages. The HiPath Xpressions server can route your e-mail message, fax message or
short message to a distribution list, fax device or mobile telephone using a special addressing
procedure. Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists
The personal distribution lists defined using the Client Assistant and the public distribution lists
provided by the system administrator can be entered as recipient addresses. Please refer to
Section 2.9.11, “Creating Distribution Lists” for information on the correct addressing of mes-
sages routed to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists. Fax Messages
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to a fax address are re-
ceived by the recipient as fax messages. Please refer to Section , “Fax Mail Service” for infor-
mation on the correct addressing of messages to fax addresses. Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone (SMS)
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to an SMS address are
received by the recipient as short messages. Please refer to Chapter 5, “Short Message Ser-
vice (SMS) for GSM” for information on the correct addressing of messages to SMS addresses.
2.3.5 Importing a HiPath Xpressions Address Book into Outlook
The HiPath Xpressions address book can be obtained from your system administrator as a file.
The import process allows you to copy the current contents of the HiPath Xpressions address
book locally into your client address book. After this, your address book will no longer be auto-
matically synchronized with the HiPath Xpressions address book, leaving you responsible for
updating it yourself.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-15
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook Express
To import the address book, you must perform the following steps:
Select File → Import → Address Book.
Select Text File (Comma Separated Values) in the Address Book Import Tool window and
click Import.
Addressbook.csv for Outlook Express 4.x and Addressbook.oe5 for Outlook Express 5.x are
provided by the HiPath Xpressions server. Enter the import address book and click Next.
Use the Change Mapping... button in the following window to map the text fields and address
book fields. Clicking Finish imports the address book.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-16 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook Express

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-17
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
2.4 Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
The descriptions in this chapter are based on Microsoft Outlook 2000. Using Outlook 2000
(Outlook XP) makes it possible for the first time ever to operate Internet mail via IMAP2002 at
the same time as an Exchange connection (for further information on this, see Section 2.5).
2.4.1 System Requirements
●Microsoft Outlook 98, version 8 or higher, or Outlook 2000.
●Microsoft Outlook 98/2000 must be installed with the Internet Only option.
●Your PC must be equipped with a sound card, microphone, loudspeakers/headset and
the relevant playback software to allow voice messages to be processed on your PC.
●The relevant graphics software must be installed on your PC to allow fax messages to
be viewed. A graphics format that is supported by the user’s graphics software can be
set for each individual user.
2.4.2 Setting up an Account in MS Outlook (Internet Operation)
See Microsoft Outlook Express Section 2.3.2, “Setting up an Account in Microsoft Outlook Ex-

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-18 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
2.4.3 Receiving Messages with MS Outlook (Internet Operation)
To receive messages for the configured e-mail account, start Outlook and switch to the inbox
of your HiPath Xpressions account.
All incoming messages are e-mail messages. Voice and fax messages are received as addi-
tional data in the form of attachments to the e-mail.
An incoming voice message is attached to an e-mail as an audio file. If you have entered the
relevant link for this file type (WAV), clicking the audio file will start the selected player and you
can listen to your voice message.
An incoming fax message is attached to an e-mail as a graphics file. If you are using graphics
software that is linked to the file type of the attachment, the corresponding program is opened
by clicking the attachment containing this file.
2.4.4 Sending Messages with MS Outlook (Internet Operation)
All messages that you create and send using Microsoft Outlook Express are normal e-mail
messages. The HiPath Xpressions server can route your e-mail message, fax message or
short message to a distribution list, fax device or mobile telephone using a special addressing
procedure. Routing Messages to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists
The personal distribution lists defined using the Client Assistant and the public distribution lists
provided by the system administrator can be entered as recipient addresses. Please refer to
Section 2.9.11, “Creating Distribution Lists” for information on the correct addressing of mes-
sages routed to HiPath Xpressions distribution lists. Fax Messages
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to a fax address are re-
ceived by the recipient as fax messages. Please refer to Section , “Fax Mail Service” for infor-
mation on the correct addressing of messages to fax addresses. Routing Short Messages to a Mobile Telephone (SMS)
All e-mail messages that you send via the HiPath Xpressions server to an SMS address are
received by the recipient as short messages. Please refer to Chapter 5, “Short Message Ser-
vice (SMS) for GSM” for information on the correct addressing of messages to SMS addresses.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-19
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
2.4.5 Importing the HiPath Xpressions Address Book into MS Outlook
(Internet Operation)
The HiPath Xpressions address book can be obtained from your system administrator as a file.
The import process allows you to copy the current contents of the HiPath Xpressions address
book locally into your client address book. After this, your address book will no longer be auto-
matically synchronized with the HiPath Xpressions address book, leaving you responsible for
updating it yourself.
To import the address book, you must perform the following steps:
Select the File → Import and Export... command.
Select Import from another program or file in the Import and Export Wizard dialog box and
click Next.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-20 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Microsoft Outlook in Internet Mail Operation
Select Comma Separated Values (Windows) in the Import a File dialog box and click Next.
Enter the import address book. Select the Replace duplicates with items imported option
and click Next.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-21
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
Select the Contacts destination folder. Clicking Next imports the HiPath Xpressions address
2.5 Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
Outlook 2002 (Outlook XP) enables you to operate Internet mail via IMAP4 at the same time
as an Exchange connection.
2.5.1 System Requirements
– Your Exchange server must be connected to the HiPath Xpressions server via a con-
nector to enable you to receive and send HiPath Xpressions messages with Outlook
– Your PC must be equipped with a sound card, microphone, loudspeakers/headset and
the relevant playback software to allow voice messages to be processed on your PC.
– The relevant graphics software must be installed on your PC to allow fax messages to
be viewed. A graphics format that is supported by the user’s graphics software can be
set for each individual user.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-22 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
2.5.2 Receiving Messages
All messages which you receive via HiPath Xpressions can be found in your Exchange mailbox
inbox. Original voice and fax messages are received as additional data in the form of attach-
ments to the e-mail.
An incoming voice message is attached to an e-mail as an audio file. If you have entered the
relevant link for this file type (WAV), clicking the audio file will start the selected player and you
can listen to your voice message.
An incoming fax message is attached to an e-mail as a graphics file. If you are using graphics
software that is linked to the file type of the attachment, the corresponding program is opened
by clicking the attachment containing this file. The graphics file displays the fax.
2.5.3 Sending Messages
A new address type is available in your e-mail client. This address type is called an MRS ad-
dress and represents HiPath Xpressions addresses in Outlook. Sending Messages using SMS as an Example
Proceed as follows to send an SMS message with your e-mail client:

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-23
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
1. In your e-mail client, select the command for creating a new message.
2. Enter the recipient’s address in the To... box.
Please observe the following rules when entering the address:
– The entire address must be enclosed in square brackets [...].
– Enter the prefix MRS:SMS/
after the opening bracket– Now enter the telephone number of the mobile phone user in
the full international format. In the example above, +49 stands for Germany, 171 is the area
code for the D1 network and 7654321 is the user’s number (the + sign can be omitted).
3. Leave the Subject: input line blank or enter a message heading for your own archives (en-
tries in this line are ignored when messages are sent to SMS).
4. Enter the short message in the designated text input area. The message can be up to 160
characters long. The system administrator defines the procedures for sending longer mes-
sages (see Section 5.1.2, “SMS Features for GSM”). Special characters are permitted.
Avoid rich text formats (fonts, font sizes, font colors, etc.). Formats of this kind are lost when
the message is sent. If you use an auto signature on e-mails, note that the signature be-
longs with the message text. You are recommended to delete auto signatures from SMS
5. Send the message or save it in the outbox to be sent later.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation Adding HiPath Xpressions Addresses to the Microsoft Exchange Address
Adding an SMS address
If you want to send SMS messages to one particular user on a frequent basis, it is more con-
venient to add the address to your e-mail client’s address book.
Proceed as follows to add an SMS message recipient to the address book:
1. Open your e-mail client’s address book and select the command for creating a new entry.
The dialog box illustrated above appears.
2. Select MRS Address under Select the entry type.
3. Click OK.
The New MRS Address Properties dialog box now appears.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Outlook 2002 in Exchange Operation
The "MRS Address" type is only available if the HiPath Xpressions Exchange Connector is
installed. If this connector is not installed on your system, you can add the recipient to the
Internet address list using the syntax described below. Information on how to send an SMS
message using Netscape 4x can be found in Section 5.2.
4. Select the MRS - Gateway Address tab in the dialog box displayed above.
5. In the Display box, assign a meaningful name for the address book entry. You can use this
name to contact the address defined in the next box.
6. Enter the address of the recipient in the Address box.
Please observe the following rules when entering the address:
– Enter the prefix MRS:SMS/ at the beginning of the address.
– Now enter the telephone number of the mobile phone user in the full international format.
In the example above, +49 stands for Germany, 171 is the area code for the D1 network
and 7654321 is the user’s number (the + sign can be omitted).
Send Options are not relevant to the address type MRS Address.
You can enter other recipient data in the normal way in the tabs in the New MRS Address
Properties dialog box.
You can now click the To ... button and select the entry from the address book when you wish
to create a new message. The name that you assigned in the Display box is copied to the ad-
dress line.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Other HiPath Xpressions Addresses
In addition to SMS addresses, you can also contact
●HiPath Xpressions users: [MRS:<server name>/<user name>]
●HiPath Xpressions distribution lists: [MRS:<server name>/<distribution list name>]
●fax numbers: [MRS:FAXG3/<faxno>]
for example, [MRS:FAXG3/498972237877]
●SMTP addresses: [MRS:SMTP/<smtp address>]
for example, [MRS:SMTP/schwarz@otherserver.domain]
in addition to the SMS addresses.
2.6 HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
The HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions are extensions for Microsoft Outlook. The exten-
sions are available in three versions:
The Basic, Entry, and Standard HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions are extensions for Mi-
crosoft Outlook 97, Outlook 98, Outlook 2000, and Outlook 2002 (Outlook XP). The CTI func-
tionality is limited to the simple setup of a connection to the required user (no TAPI).
The HiPath Xpressions Entry Outlook Extensions are extensions for Microsoft Outlook 2000/
Outlook 2002, but, in comparison to Basic, with an improved user interface. The CTI function-
ality is limited, as for Basic, to the simple setup of a connection to the required user (no TAPI).
The HiPath Xpressions Standard Outlook Extensions are extensions for Microsoft Outlook
2000/2002 with the user interface and messaging functionality (fax, voice and SMS) as in Entry.
However the CTI functionality includes a series of convenient telephone functions for the opti-
mal integration of telephone and PC (TA P I ).
This chapter describes the versions Basic and Entry. The convenient telephone functions of
Standard are described in a separate user manual. To make things easier, the following sym-
bols are used:
identifies the functions that apply only to the Basic version and not the Entry
identifies the functions that apply only to the Entry and Standard versions and not
to the Basic version.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
The HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions can be used for e-mail operation with a Microsoft
Exchange server (referred to below as Exchange mail operation) as well as for e-mail operation
with a HiPath Xpressions server configured as an e-mail server for transferring Internet e-mails
(SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 protocols) (referred to below as Internet mail operation).
The Microsoft Outlook user interface can be extended using the following elements:
●Menu items in the Too l s menu.
●Buttons in the standard toolbar.
●HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions toolbar
●Tab in the Tools → Options... dialog.
●Forms for processing SMS, fax and voice messages.
2.6.1 System Requirements
●PC with sound card, microphone, loudspeakers/headset. Graphics card with resolu-
tion of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
●Windows 95 OEM Release 2.
●Operating system: Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Win-
dows NT or Windows 98.
●Network connection with TCP/IP protocol.
●soft Outlook 2000
●Microsoft Outlook 2000
●Microsoft Outlook 2002 (Outlook XP)
●The Windows accessory Imaging must be installed for fax processing. Imaging can be
installed later using the Windows Setup program (Control Panel →Add/Remove
Programs →Windows Setup →Accessories and Utilities →Imaging).
>The system requirements described here are valid for the complete installation of all
components. If you only require SMS functionality, for example, you do not need to
install a sound card or the Imaging windows accessory on your PC.

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2-28 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.2 Installation
The HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions are installed on your PC with a setup program.
There are two setup programs. One setup program is for installing the Basic version and one
setup program is for installing the Entry and Standard versions.
>Note that your server installation does not necessarily support all services offered
for Outlook extensions. Therefore, it is useless, for example, to install the SMS op-
tion if the HiPath Xpressions server in use does not have SMS components.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
During the setup, you can select or exclude the following services and features for installation:
●initiation of a telephone call to a contact
●callback to the originator of a message
●initiation of a telephone call from the Exchange address book
Voice output:
●voice message playback on a telephone
●voice message playback on a PC sound system
●sending a short message (SMS) to a contact
●transfer of a short message (SMS) to the originator of a message
●transfer of a short message (SMS) to a mobile telephone from the address book
Fax messages:
●sending a fax message to a contact
●sending a fax message to the originator of a message
●sending a fax message from the Exchange address book
●sending a fax message from Microsoft Office applications
●sending a fax message from Explorer
●viewing fax messages
●answering/forwarding a fax message with annotations
Fax on demand:
●retrieving fax messages
Voice messages:
●sending a voice message to a contact
●sending a voice message to the originator of a message
●sending a voice message from the Exchange address book
●form for voice message playback
●forwarding voice messages with voice comments

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2-30 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
hing for a user in the global Exchange addresses
●searching for a user in the global Exchange addresses
●calling a user
●sending a message (e-mail, SMS, fax or voice) to the user
Client Assistant:
●starting the Client Assistant
The Callback and Address book features are always installed.
>If these extensions have already been installed, Microsoft Outlook should be closed
down before reinstallation. If Microsoft Outlook is not closed down, the PC will
prompt you to restart the computer at the end of the setup process.
The address book component can only be used during Exchange mail op-
eration. If you use Internet mail operation, the address book should not be installed.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.3 Uninstallation
The HiPath Xpressions Outlook extensions can be uninstalled under Control Panel → Add/
Remove Programs → HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions → Change/Remove....
If the SMS, fax or voice components have been selected for installation, you should make sure
that you delete the installed HiPath Xpressions forms in the Microsoft Outlook Form Manager.
The Form Manager can be started in Microsoft Outlook under Tools → Options → Next →
Advanced Options... → User forms → Custom Forms → Manage Forms... → Personal
Forms Library.
>Microsoft Outlook should be closed down before uninstallation. If Microsoft Outlook
is not closed down, the PC will request you to restart the computer at the end of the
uninstallation process.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.4 Starting Microsoft Outlook
During the first start of Microsoft Outlook after the installation you will be asked for data relating
to the connection; input forms are also created. Network Connection
Under Network connection, specify whether your PC is connected to the server over a mo-
dem (Dial-up) or over a local network (LAN).
In During startup of Microsoft Outlook, specify whether the dialog should be displayed or not
displayed at every start.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Options
Define whether incoming voice messages are to be played back using your PC sound system
or on a telephone by selecting one of the option buttons under Playback voice messages via.
Under User information, enter your phone number in its international format.
In the Server field, enter your HiPath Xpressions server’s name.
In the Client Assistant field, enter your Client Assistant’s URL.
For E-Mail-System, indicate whether you are using Exchange mail operation or Internet mail
operation. Phone Number
Your phone number is needed for the Callback and Playback features. Please enter your
phone number in its international format.

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2-34 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Creating Input Forms
If the SMS, fax or voice components have been selected for installation, a form will be created
for each in your Personal Forms Library. As a result, Microsoft Outlook outputs a warning for
each form which must be confirmed by clicking Disable Macros.
2.6.5 Settings in Microsoft Outlook Activating/Deactivating HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
The HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions can be activated or deactivated after installation in
Microsoft Outlook under Tools → Options → Next → Advanced Options... → Add-In Man-
ager... → Xpressions450.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Message Format
If you are using Internet mail operation, you should select "plain text" as the message format
when sending messages (Tool s → Options → Mail Format → Message Format → Send in
this message Format → Plain Text). If you have selected "Microsoft Outlook Rich Text" as the
message format, the recipient or HiPath Xpressions server may not be able to read the mes-

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2-36 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions The HiPath Xpressions Tab
In Microsoft Outlook, in the dialog Tools → Options... in the HiPath Xpressions tab (referred
to below as HiPath Xpressions tab), you can configure the relevant data for generating your
telephone connections, playback, modifying your individual mailbox data and sending SMS, fax
and voice messages.
Define whether incoming voice messages are to be played back using your PC sound system
or on a telephone by selecting one of the radio buttons under Playback voice messages via.
Under User information, enter your phone number in its international format.
In the Server field, enter your HiPath Xpressions server’s name.
In the Client Assistant field, enter your Client Assistant’s URL.
For E-Mail-System, indicate whether you are using Exchange mail operation or Internet mail
In During startup of Microsoft Outlook, specify whether the Network connection
dialog should be displayed or not at every start.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.6 Callback
To use the features offered by this service, the number of your phone must be managed in the
HiPath Xpressions server. In addition, you must have the relevant authorization (such as CO
trunk access) for establishing a telephone connection with the required user.
After you have initiated a telephone call and activated callback, your telephone will ring when
the required user is free again. If you pick up, a telephone connection is set up to the required
user with the number dialed (see below). Telephone Call To Contact
If you have selected a contact who is in a contact folder and is entered in the Business
Phone or Mobile Phone fields, you can be connected to this phone number. To do this, click
Business Callback or Mobile Callback in the standard toolbar .
If you have selected a contact in a contact folder or if you have opened a contact who
is entered in one or more telephone entry fields, you can be connected to one of these phone
numbers. To do this, click the Call selected or current item button in the standard toolbar.
If the originator has more than one phone number, a drop-down menu containing the phone
numbers is displayed after you click the button. After making your selection, you are connected
with this phone number. Calling the Originator of a Message
If you open or select a message in any folder, from which the originator’s telephone
number can be determined, you can connect to the originator of the message by phone. To do
this, click either Business Callback or Mobile Callback .
If you open or select a message in any folder, from which the originator’s telephone
number can be determined, you can connect to the originator of the message by phone. To do
this click the Select or call current item button. If the contact has more than one phone
number, a drop-down menu containing the phone numbers is displayed after you click the but-
ton. After making your selection, you are connected with this phone number.
>To be able to determine the originator’s numbers, they must be entered as a contact
in the contact folder for standard message saving (together with the relevant data)
when starting up the Microsoft Outlook program. As a key for the search, the e-mail
address is used for normal e-mail messages and the originator’s phone number is
used for voice messages. If the originator cannot be determined in the contact folder,
in Exchange mail operation, the global Exchange address book is searched.

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2-38 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Calling From the Exchange Address Book
You can open the Exchange address book by clicking the Address Book button in the
standard toolbar. If you have selected an entry which is also entered in the Business Phone
or Mobile Phone fields, you can create a telephone connection with this number by clicking
either the Business Callback or Mobile Callback button.
2.6.7 Playback
If you open or select a voice message in any folder, depending on the setting, you can listen to
the message either on the telephone or over the PC sound system. Playback on the Telephone
To listen to the voice message on the telephone, the Playback voice messages via Phone
option on the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet must be selected.
After you have clicked the Playback button in the toolbar, your phone rings. If you pick up,
the voice message is output at the telephone. Playback on the PC Sound System
To listen to the voice message over the PC sound system, the Playback voice messages via
Sound system option on the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet must be selected.
After you have clicked the Playback button in the toolbar, the voice message is output via
the sound system on your PC (loudspeaker or headset).
>This feature is only available with Outlook 97/98 in Exchange mail operation.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.8 Short Message Service (SMS)
You can open the form for creating a new SMS by clicking the New Short Message button
in the toolbar. Enter the mobile telephone number in the recipient field. Write the SMS in the
message field. The SMS is sent to the mobile phone by clicking the Send button. Sending an SMS to a Contact
If you have selected a contact who is in a contact folder and has an entry in the Mobile
Phone field, this number will be transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Short Mes-
sage button.
If you have selected a contact who is in a contact folder and has an entry in the Mobile
Phone field, this number will be transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Short Mes-
sage to Contact button.
>Note that the message field is limited to 160 characters.

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2-40 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Sending an SMS to the Originator of a Message
If you have selected a message in any folder, for which the originator has a mobile tele-
phone number, this number is transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Short Mes-
sage button. If you have opened a message, click SMS Reply .
If you have selected or opened, in any folder, a message whose originator has a mo-
bile telephone number, this number will be transferred to the recipient field when you click the
SMS Reply button. Sending an SMS from the Exchange Address Book
You can open the Exchange address book by clicking the Address Book button in the stan-
dard toolbar. If you have selected an entry which also has an entry in the Mobile Phone field,
this number is transferred to the recipient field by clicking the New Short Message button.
>To be able to determine the originator’s mobile telephone number, they must be en-
tered as a contact in the contact folder for standard message saving (together with
the relevant data) when starting up the Microsoft Outlook program. As a key for the
search, the e-mail address is used for normal e-mail messages and the originator’s
phone number is used for voice messages. If the originator cannot be determined in
the contact folder, in Exchange mail operation, the global Exchange address book is
>This feature is only available with Outlook 97/98 in Exchange mail operation.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.9 Fax Messages
You can open the standard form for creating a new e-mail message by clicking the New Fax
Message button. Enter the recipient’s fax number in the recipient field. By clicking the To...
button you can select a fax address from the Contacts folder. You can write the fax message in
the message field or add the required documents from the server as attachments. (The system
administrator can tell you which documents can be converted). You can send the fax message
by clicking the Send button.
The cover page and logo which you have set using the Client Assistant will be used.
>Note that the address is conclusive for sending. Using the address, the server de-
cides which service should send the message. If you are sending the message to an
e-mail address, the recipient receives a regular e-mail and not a fax.

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2-42 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Sending a Fax Message to a Contact
If you have selected a contact in the contact folder who has an entry in the Business
Fax field, this number will be transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Fax Message
If you have selected or opened a contact who is in a contact folder and has a fax num-
ber, then this number is transferred to the recipient field when you click New fax message to
contact . If the contact has more than one fax number, a drop-down menu containing the
fax numbers is displayed after you click the button. After you have selected a fax number, it is
transferred to the recipient field. Sending a Fax Message to the Originator of a Message
If you have selected a message in any folder and this message’s originator has a fax
number, this number is transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Fax Message
button. If you have opened a message, click Fax Reply .
If you have selected or opened a message in any folder and this message’s originator
has a fax number, this number is transferred to the recipient field if you click the Fax Reply
button. If the originator has more than one fax number, a drop-down menu containing the fax
numbers is displayed after you click the button. After you have selected a fax number, it is trans-
ferred to the recipient field. Sending a Fax Message from the Exchange Address Book
You can open the Exchange address book by clicking the Address Book button in the stan-
dard toolbar. If you have selected an entry that has a fax number assigned, this number is trans-
ferred to the recipient field if you click the New Fax Message button. Sending a Fax Message from other Microsoft Office Applications
If you want to send the current document in any Microsoft Office application as a fax message,
>To be able to determine the originator’s fax number, they must be entered as a con-
tact in the contact folder for standard message saving (together with the relevant da-
ta) when starting up the Microsoft Outlook program. As a key for the search, the e-
mail address is used for normal e-mail messages and the originator’s phone number
is used for voice messages. If the originator cannot be determined in the contact
folder, in Exchange mail operation, the global Exchange address book is searched.
>This feature is only available with Outlook 97/98 in Exchange mail operation.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
File →Send To →Mail Recipient (as Attachment)...
(This example applies to Office 2000. For older versions of Office, use only File → Send To →
E-mail recipient).
The standard form for messages opens and the document is added as an attachment. Enter
the fax number in the recipient field. Extensions interprets the number as a fax number and the
message is sent as a fax message if you click the Send button.
>MS Outlook must be set as the standard e-mail program to use the functionality de-
scribed here. This can be configured in Internet Explorer under Internet Options →
Program Files.
>Note that form letters are not supported.

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2-44 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Sending a Fax Message From Your Workstation
If you want to send a document from your workstation (Desktop or Explorer) as a fax message,
click on the file with the right mouse button. Then select Send To → Mail recipient. The stan-
dard form for messages opens and the document is added as an attachment. Enter the fax
number in the recipient field. Extensions interprets the number as a fax number and the mes-
sage is sent as a fax message if you click the Send button.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Viewing Fax Messages
If you receive a new fax message, it is displayed in your inbox with a fax icon . If you open
the message, the fax form opens and the Fax tab sheet is displayed. The first page of the fax
message is shown in the page view on the tab sheet. You can print or save the fax mes-
sage. Rotate the current page towards the left or right , or zoom in or zoom out
and scroll to the previous or next page.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
By clicking the Thumbnail View button, you can change to the thumbnail view. If you click
on a page while in thumbnail view, the page is displayed in the page preview.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Answering/Forwarding a Fax Message with Annotations
When you Answer a fax message or Forward with annotation , you can add anno-
tations to the page. A window containing drawing tools opens if you click the Annotation Tool-
box . You can select a tool by clicking the corresponding tool with the left mouse button.
Clicking the Transfer annotations permanently button causes all annotations to be trans-
mitted to the document permanently.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
You can change the properties of the relevant tool (for example, color) by right-clicking the
Annotated pages are identified in the thumbnail view by an annotation symbol .

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.10 Fax-on-Demand
During a fax retrieval the fax function is used in the reverse way, which means that the fax mes-
sage is not sent to a recipient but is instead retrieved from the remote station. The remote sta-
tion has the fax message ready for this purpose. Specify/Modify Remote Station
You click Fax on demand . The Fax on demand window opens.
Buttons that are already in use are labelled. Buttons that have not been assigned do not have
an address.
To define the remote station, right-click an empty button. The window is expanded to the right.
Under Name and Phone number enter the name and calling number of the remote station for
fax on demand.
To change the remote station, right-click the button that you want to change. The window is ex-
panded to the right. Under Name and/or Phone number enter the new name and/or the new
calling number of the remote station for fax on demand.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
The window shrinks after you click OK. The button is now labelled with the name you specified
for the remote station for fax on demand.
In this way you can now specify the numbers of additional remote stations for fax on demand.
Close the Fax on demand window by clicking the upper right corner (x) of the window.

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Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Retrieving a Fax
Retrieve a fax by clicking Fax on demand . The Fax on demand window opens. Now click
the button that contains the name of the requested fax on demand remote station. The number
of the remote station is transferred to the Phone number field at the lower edge of the window.
At the same time, the Retrieve field to the right of this field is enabled.
By clicking Retrieve the indicated number is dialed, thus triggering the fax retrieval.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.11 Voice Messages
You can open a form for creating a new voice message by clicking the New Voice Message
button in the toolbar. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address in the recipient field.
By clicking the Start Record button, the recording starts and you
can speak your voice message into the microphone. By clicking the Send button, the voice
message is sent.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
that you can only record a voice message using your PC sound system and a micro-
phone. It is not possible to record a voice message using the telephone.By clicking the Send
that you can only record a voice message using your PC sound system and a microphone.
It is not possible to record a voice message using the telephone.By clicking the Send that
you can only record a voice message using your PC sound system and a microphone. It is not
possible to record a voice message using the telephone.By clicking the Send button, the
voice message is sent.
>Note that you can only record a voice message using your PC sound system and a
microphone. It is not possible to record a voice message using the telephone.By
clicking the Send button, the voice message is sent.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Sending a Voice Message to a Contact
If you have selected a contact who is in a contact folder and has an entry in the E-mail
field, this address will be transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Voice Message
If you have selected or opened a contact who is in a contact folder and has an e-mail
address, then this address will be transferred to the recipient field after you click the New voice
message to contact button. If the contact has more than one e-mail address, a drop-down
menu containing the E-mail addresses is displayed after you click the button. After you have
selected an e-mail address, it is transferred to the recipient field. Sending a Voice Message to the Originator of a Message
If you have selected a message in any folder and the message’s originator has an e-
mail address, this number is transferred to the recipient field if you click the New Voice Mes-
sage button. If you have opened a message, click Voice Reply .
If you have selected or opened a message in any folder and the message’s originator
has an e-mail address, this number is transferred to the recipient field if you click the Voic e
Message button. If the originator has more than one e-mail address, a drop-down menu
containing the e-mail addresses is displayed after you click the button. After you have selected
an e-mail address, it is transferred to the recipient field. Sending Voice Messages from the Exchange Address Book
You can open the Exchange address book by clicking the Address Book button in the stan-
dard toolbar. If you have selected an entry which has an e-mail address, the address is trans-
ferred to the recipient field if you click the New Voice Message button.
>To be able to determine the originator’s e-mail address, they must be entered as a
contact in the contact folder for standard message saving (together with the relevant
data) when starting up the Microsoft Outlook program. As a key for the search, the
originator’s phone number is used for voice messages.
>This feature is only available with Outlook 97/98 in Exchange mail operation.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Playing Back a Voice Message
If you receive a new voice message, it is displayed in your inbox with a voice message icon .
If you open the message, the voice message form opens and the voice player is displayed.
You can play back the voice message on your PC sound system by clicking the Start
button. You can stop the playback by clicking the Stop button. By clicking the Previous
button you can return to the beginning of the message. By clicking the Next button, you
can jump to the end of the message. Using the Rewind and Forward buttons, you can
rewind or forward the message a second at a time. Using the and buttons, you can se-
lect a section. If you have selected a section, you can then play back just this section. Using the
slider , you can select a position of your choice anywhere within the message. You
can save the voice message as a file by clicking the Save button.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
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2-56 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
You can play back the voice message on your PC sound system by clicking the Start
button. Using the Rewind and Forward buttons, you can rewind or forward the
message a second at a time. Using the and buttons, you can select a section if you
have stopped the message playback with the Pause button. If you have selected a section,
you can then play back just this section. Using the slider , you can select a po-
sition of your choice anywhere within the message. Using the Playback volume slider, you
can set the volume of the playback.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Forwarding a Message with a Voice Comment
If you open any message (e-mail, fax, etc.), you can add a voice comment and then forward it
by clicking the Forward with comments button.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.12 Address Book
You can open the address book by clicking the Find button in the Microsoft Outlook stan-
dard toolbar.

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
Enter the beginning of the user’s name you are looking for in the name field. If you click the
Search button, all the subscribers found are listed in the list box. You can select a user and
execute the following functions:
●call the user
●send an e-mail to the user
●send a fax message to the user
●send an SMS to the user
●send a voice message to the user.
If numerous telephone numbers have been assigned to one user, you can open a menu by
clicking the Call button. This menu lists all the telephone numbers assigned to the user for you
to choose from.
You can open the address book dialog by clicking the Server... button. In the Server
field, enter your Exchange Server from which the user data should be retrieved. The logical val-
ues entered in the other fields are predetermined and should not be altered.
You can open the address book settings dialog of the Exchange Server by right-click-
ing the Exchange Server text field button. In the Server field, enter your Exchange Server from
which the user data should be retrieved. The logical values entered in the other fields are pre-
determined and should not be altered.
You can open the dialog for the address book settings of the SCD by right-clicking the
Siemens Corporate Directory text field. In the Server field, enter your SCD server from which
the user data should be retrieved. The logical values entered in the other fields are predeter-
mined and should not be altered.
>If the user data should be looked for on an Exchange 2000 server, the port and base
object fields should be changed as follows:
Port: 3268
Base object: Domain Components (e. g. DC=exchange,DC=de)

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.13 Client Assistant
Clicking the Client Assistant button starts the configuration program for your HiPath
Xpressions mailbox using your default browser.
2.6.14 Analyzing and Correcting Problems
The problems and causes described below should help you to identify and correct problems
which may occur. If you are unable to solve a problem, it may be caused by the server. Please
consult your system administrator in this situation. Problems with Buttons
Description of error:
Following installation, the HiPath Xpressions buttons (for example, Business Phone) are not
Possible cause:
A Microsoft Outlook process was active during installation. Close down and then restart Mi-
crosoft Outlook.
The new buttons are not visible. By clicking Other Buttons in the right-hand border, other
buttons which are not visible are displayed. Problems with Callback and Voice Output
Description of error:
After clicking the buttons Business Callback, Mobile Callback or Playback, the telephone
does not ring.
Possible cause:
If the message "Unable to connect the Server", appears on the screen, it is indicative of a prob-
lem with the network or that the server name entered in the Server field in the
HiPath Xpressions tab sheet is incorrect. Correct this entry if necessary.
If the message does not appear on the screen, the number entered in the Phone number field
on the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet is probably incorrect. Correct this entry if necessary.

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2-62 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions Problems with SMS, Fax and Voice Messages
Description of error:
After sending an SMS, fax or voice message from Microsoft Outlook, an error message from
the server appears in your inbox stating that the message could not be sent.
Possible cause:
The entry in the E-Mail-System field on the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet is incorrect. Correct
this entry if necessary.
You are sending the message in “Microsoft Outlook Rich Text Format”. Ensure that the mes-
sage is sent in "Plain text" format.
Description of error:
Incoming fax and voice messages are not displayed in the inbox with the corresponding icon.
When you open the message, it appears in the form for normal e-mail messages.
Possible cause:
You are using Microsoft Outlook in Internet mail operation, but have entered Exchange as the
e-mail system in the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet. To correct the problem, enter Internet as the
e-mail system. Problems with the Address Book
Description of error:
When using the address book search, the address book cannot find users.
Possible cause:
The Exchange server entered under the address book settings may be incorrect. Correct the
server name if necessary. Problems with the Client Assistant
Description of error:
After clicking the Client Assistant button, the browser cannot find the Internet page.
Possible cause:
The link entered in the HiPath Xpressions tab sheet may be incorrect. Correct the entry if nec-

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HiPath Xpressions Outlook Extensions
2.6.15 Import from Internet Mail
If you own e-mail accounts on other servers, you can customize the options to allow the e-mails
in these accounts to be imported into your HiPath Xpressions mailbox. Please consult your sys-
tem administrator in this situation.

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
2Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
2.7 HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
HiPath Xpressions Extensions for Lotus Notes enhances your existing Lotus Notes application
to include the functions of an advanced Unified Messaging system. This system integrates all
communications services (telephony, e-mail, voice mail, fax and SMS. Lotus Notes mail exten-
sions are available with Lotus Notes e-mail client.
When you open the e-mail client via the button, you can select the required e-mail exten-
sion for the following communication services via the Create → Unified Messaging menu.
– Fax (mail extension for sending fax messages),
– Fax on demand (mail extension for retrieving fax messages),
– SMS (mail extension for sending SMS messages),
– Voice (mail extensions for sending voice mails) and
– Voice mail annotation (mail extension for answering or forwarding messages with voice
Information on how to use the integrated dialer can be found in Section 2.7.11, “Using Telepho-
ny Functions Under Lotus Notes”.
2.7.1 Settings for Unified Messaging
Various parameters can be set for the Unified Messaging features in the Actions → Unified
Messaging menu via the General settings, CTI settings, Send form settings and UM set-
tings menu items.
In some settings dialogs you can use the Default Settings button to import the default settings
stored in the XPR administration database.
>In the XPR administration database, your system administrator decides which pa-
rameters you can edit in the various setting menus. Therefore, you may not be able
to change all the parameters described here.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-65
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions General Settings
Tab Description
Administration Contains information on the XPR administration database location and
file names.
Services Displays the alias domains on the Domino server for communication us-
ing the Xpressions system.

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions Send Form Settings
Tab Description
Originator Additional originator information which should be included in the send
form can be entered here. Click the button to import existing address
book entries into the fields.
Signature If you have configured an address signature in the Lotus Notes e-mail
client, you can insert it in your fax message. You must enter the file
names in this tab.
Cover Page Here you can set whether a Lotus Notes or an Xpressions system fax
cover page should be used.
Search Here you can specify the address book fields in which originator infor-
mation for the send form should be searched for.
Options This tab contains settings for the send form’s margin and reply ad-
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-67
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions Unified Messaging Settings
Tab Description
Status This tab displays the inbox replication status (Activated: Yes or No) and
the masks for which an inbox replication is performed.
Replication Here you can set the server and database with which a replication
should be performed.

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
2.7.2 Sending Fax Messages
Proceed as follows to send a fax message:
1. Start the Lotus Notes e-mail client by clicking the button .
2. Select the Fax menu item in the Create → Unified Messaging menu. The e-mail exten-
sion for sending fax messages opens in a new window.
3. To select a recipient, press the Address button and then select the To: option. The address
book opens.
4. Select a recipient in the address book and confirm with OK. The name and fax number of
the selected recipient are now automatically entered in the To: and Fax To: address fields.
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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
5. You can send a copy of the fax message via e-mail by clicking in the cc: or bcc: address
fields and then selecting one or more recipients in the address book with the Address: →
cc & bcc button.
6. Enter a topic in the Subject: field (optional).
7. Write your message in the text entry field.
8. Once you have entered your fax message, you can immediately send this to the specified
recipient by clicking the Send button.
You can assign additional parameters using the Delivery Options button (optional) prior
to sending a fax message. The following tables describe the individual options:
>You can also enter a fax number manually in the To: address field (for example,
if a recipient is not in the address book).

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
Delivery Options
Cover Page Options
If you wish to use a cover page for the fax message you can enter a Lotus Notes cover page
name here.
Option Description
(Low, Normal, High)
Various options are available for assigning a content priority to
a fax message. Priority is set to Normal by default.
Return receipt You can activate the Return receipt option to receive e-mail
confirmation that the recipient has read the fax message.
Delivery Report:
(None, Only on error, Con-
firm delivery, Track entire
This option selects the propagation event for which a delivery
report should be created. The default setting is Only when er-
ror. You will receive the delivery report by e-mail.
Send priority:
(Low, Normal, High)
Various options are available for assigning a send priority to a
fax message. The send priority is preset to Normal.
Send Date: Specify a send date here if you do not want to send the fax
message immediately. You can enter a date in the entry field in
the DD.MM.JJJJ format, for example 24.12.2001, or you can
select a date from the calender using the button.
Send Time: You can allocate a time for sending the fax message here. You
can enter a time in the entry field in the HH.MM format, for ex-
ample, 12.15 or you can select a time from a time list using the
Reply address: If you wish to use a different reply address than your own, you
can select an address here. Your address is then not entered
in the fax message originator field but rather the address se-
lected here.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
You can define values for the fax message margins here. You can view and insert further fax
message information using the menu items offered by clicking the Tools button.
2.7.3 Using the Lotus Notes Fax Printer Extension
It is possible to send fax documents from any application via Lotus Notes using the XPR Fax
(Lotus Notes fax printer extension) client component. For this purpose a fax printer driver is in-
stalled on the system via which the fax documents created are transferred to the Lotus Notes
After transfer via the fax driver, the Lotus Notes client is started and the fax document is dis-
played with a selected fax form. Click the Send button to send the fax.
The XPR Fax menu item is available in the Actions menu in the Lotus Notes client. The follow-
ing configuration dialog is displayed when this menu item is opened.
Option Description
Show History... This menu item opens a window in which the history of the fax
message from creation to delivery is logged.
Insert Signature... If you have configured an address signature in the Lotus Notes
e-mail client, you can insert it in your fax message.

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2-72 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
You must enter your Lotus Notes user password in the Authentication section. This password
is used to open the Lotus Notes client. If the Remember Password option is activated, no
password needs to be entered when starting the Lotus Notes client via the fax printer driver.
In the Send Form section, you can set the fax form to be used.
2.7.4 Fax on Demand
The prepared fax pages of a fax on demand service can be requested via the fax on demand
function. The procedure is similar to that for sending fax messages. Proceed as follows:
1. To start the Lotus Notes e-mail client click the button .
2. Select the Fax On Demand menu item in the Create → Unified Messaging menu. The
e-mail extension for retrieving fax messages opens in a new window.
3. To choose the fax on demand service you must click the Address button and select the
Poll fax from: option. The address book opens.
4. Select a fax on demand service from the address book and click the OK button. The name
and fax number of the selected service are now automatically entered in the Poll fax from:
and Fax Poll No.: address fields.
>You can also enter a fax number manually in the Poll fax from: address field (for ex-
ample, if a fax on demand service is not in the address book).
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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
5. A topic can be entered in the Subject: field.
6. Click the Send button to retrieve the fax message immediately.
You can assign additional fax-on-demand parameters via the Delivery Options and Tools
buttons prior to retrieving a fax (see Section 2.7.2).
2.7.5 Displaying Received Faxes
Incoming fax messages are opened in a window in which you can use additional functions to
view the fax messages.
Menu item Description
Zoom in Zooms into the fax display step by step. You
can zoom into fax messages in steps of 50
% relative to the basic value (maximum 11
Zoom out Zooms out of the fax display step by step.
You can zoom out of the fax message in
steps of 50 % relative to the basic value
(maximum 11 steps)
First fax page The first page of a multi-page fax message
is displayed in the view (only available for
multi-page faxes).

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
Previous fax page Scrolls back one page in multi-page fax
messages (only available for multi-page
Next fax page Scrolls forward one page in multi-page fax
messages (only available for multi-page
Last fax page The view jumps to the last page of a multi-
page fax message (only available for multi-
page faxes).
Fax fit strategy Adjusts the fax message to the size of the
window currently opened.
Full page view The fax message is displayed as a com-
plete page. The page size does not depend
on the size of the display window.
Rotate by 180° Rotates the fax message view by 180°.
Rotate clockwise (90°) Rotates the fax message view by 90° to the
Rotate anti-clockwise (90°) Rotates the fax message view by 90° to the
Print Prints the fax message.
Menu item Description
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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
2.7.6 Sending SMS Messages
Proceed as follows to send an SMS message:
1. To start the Lotus Notes e-mail client click the button .
2. Select the SMS menu item in the Create → Unified Messaging menu. The e-mail exten-
sion for sending SMS messages opens in a new window:
3. To select an SMS recipient, press the Address button and select the To: option. The ad-
dress book opens.
4. Select an SMS recipient in the address book and select OK. The name and call number of
the selected recipient is now automatically entered in the To: and SMS-Nr.: address fields.
5. You can send a copy of the SMS message via e-mail by clicking in the cc: or bcc: address
fields and then selecting one or more recipients in the address book with the Address: →
cc & bcc button.
6. Enter a topic in the Subject: field (optional).
7. Write your message in the text entry field. Note that the message must not exceed 160
characters. The number of characters remaining is displayed in the document header near
the address fields.
>You can also enter a call number manually in the To : address field (for example,
if an SMS recipient is not in the address book).

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
8. Click the Send button to send the SMS message immediately.
You can enter additional send parameters via the Delivery Options and Tools buttons pri-
or to sending an SMS message (see Section 2.7.2).
2.7.7 Sending Voice Mails
Proceed as follows to send a voice mail:
1. To start the Lotus Notes e-mail client click the button .
2. Select the Voice menu item in the Create → Unified Messaging menu. The e-mail exten-
sion for sending voice mails opens.
3. Select a recipient in the address book and click OK.
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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
4. The following features are available in the voice mail control area located under the docu-
ment header.
5. Press the or button to start the recording process and then record your message.
6. Push the button to end the voice message. .
7. The following operating elements can be used if the message was recorded successfully.
Function Description
To record a message by tele-
Push this button to record a voice message with the tele-
To record a message by micro-
Push this button to record a voice message if you have a
built-in sound card with a microphone connected to it.
Function Description
Playback via the telephone Play back the voice message via the telephone.
The Position: progress bar displays the current position
in the tone document (relative to the entire duration of the
recording) irrespective of which medium is used for play-
ing back the message. The total length, time position and
current status of the playback are displayed in the win-
dow’s status area (under the control area).
Playback via the sound card Play back the voice message via the PC sound card A
built-in sound card with connected loudspeakers is re-
quired for this.
Position slider An estimated position in the voice message can be locat-
ed by moving the Position slider with the mouse. Use the
Position: and Length: status information to navigate to a
certain position in the message.
Stop Stop the message playback and recording and jump to
the beginning of the message.
Pause Pause the playback of the voice message. Resume the
playback procedure by clicking the two playback buttons.

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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
8. You can enter an additional text message in the text entry field.
9. Push the Send button to send a voice mail immediately.
You can assign additional send parameters via the Delivery Options and Tools buttons
prior to sending a message (see Section 2.7.2).
Return to the beginning of the
Push this button to return to the beginning of a recording
after pausing playback or after the complete message has
been played back.
Jump to end of message Push this button to jump to the end of the message (for ex-
ample, if you wish to attach a voice comment).
This button opens the Options window in which some of
the parameters for voice message playback can be mod-
Telephone Number Your telephone number is displayed in this input line if you
have a telephone at your workstation and the telephony
functions have been configured.
Local Telephone Number: In this field you can enter the phone number of a connec-
tion at which you are temporarily located.
Play Voice Mails on: If necessary, you can switch to a different telephone for
playing back voice messages. The voice mail is either
played back via the telephone at your workstation (My
Telephone Number) or via the telephone whose call num-
ber was specified under the Local Telephone Number.
Voice Mail Format: You can specify the country coding for your ISDN voice
mails via the Voice Mail Format combination field. A-Law
is used for Europe and usually µ-Law is used for the USA.
Function Description
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HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
2.7.8 Replying To a Message Via a Voice Comment
Proceed as follows to reply with a voice message to incoming messages of any format (e-mail,
fax, etc.).
1. Click the button to start the Lotus Notes e-mail client. .
2. Use the mouse to highlight an incoming message.
3. Select the Voice Mail Annotation menu item in the Create → Unified Messaging menu.
The e-mail extension for replying to voice mails opens.
4. This e-mail extension offers the same functions as the mail extension for sending voice
messages (see Section 2.7.7).
5. The recipient’s address is already entered in the address field. The incoming message text
(including the document header) is displayed in the text entry field. The incoming message
text fills the Subject: field (the preceding Re: stands for reply).
6. You can send a copy of the message via e-mail by clicking in the cc: or bcc: address fields
and then by selecting one or more recipients in the address book via the Address → cc
& bcc button.

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7. Record a voice message and push the Send button to send a voice mail immediately.
You can assign additional send parameters via the Delivery Options and Tools buttons
prior to sending the voice mail (see Section 2.7.2).
2.7.9 Sending Voice Mails Using Lotus Notes E-Mail Client
If Lotus Notes e-mail extensions are not installed, you can also send voice mails using the nor-
mal Lotus Notes e-mail client. Instead of entering an e-mail address you must enter a special
address format (XPR Lotus Notes address) in the To: address line. Setting up an XPR Lotus Notes Address
An XPR Lotus Notes address sets up connection between the Lotus Notes e-mail system and
the HiPath Xpressions system. To send messages comprising different formats (for example,
fax, SMS) from Lotus Notes to the Xpressions system, Lotus Notes addresses Xpressions via
an external domain.
An Xpressions Lotus Notes address must therefore be set up so that it not only holds the user
information (user name or telephone number) but also names the message format used and
the external domain. The following address format is used:
<Benutzer>@<Nachrichtenformat>@<fremde Domäne>
Unique user information such as a telephone or fax number is entered in the "user" address
part. The following services are available in Xpressions for the "message format".
–FAXG3 (analog fax),
–FAXG4 (digital fax),
–FAXG3REV (fax on demand),
–SMS (short message service) and
–Voice (voice mails).
The name of the "external domain" varies according to installation. Contact your system admin-
istrator for the domain names.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-81
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions Sending Messages
You wish to send a fax message to the user Hans Mustermann via the Lotus Notes e-mail client.
Mr. Mustermann’s fax number is 492404901302. Since you wish to send a fax message,
FAXG3 is used as the message format. NOTESGATE is the name of the external domain. Pro-
ceed as follows:
1. To start the Lotus Notes e-mail client, click .
2. Click the New Memo button to create a new message.
3. Enter the following address in the To: address field:
4. Write your message and click the Send button to send the message immediately.

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2-82 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions Lotus Notes Extensions
2.7.10 Synchronizing Read/Unread Marks
You can synchronize the read or unread status using the Xpressions server in the Settings →
Unified Messaging menu via the Synchronise "read" marks or Synchronise "unread"
marks menu items.
Use the mouse to highlight the read or unread message and then select the relevant menu item.
2.7.11 Using Telephony Functions Under Lotus Notes
The relevant party can be dialed directly from Lotus Notes. The party to be called can be se-
lected from the Lotus Notes address book. Making a Telephone Call
Perform the following steps to make a telephone call using the dialer:
1. Start the Lotus Notes e-mail client.
2. You can start the dialer via the Dialer menu item in the Actions → Unified Messaging
3. Enter the call number of the party to be called in the Dialer entry field or select a call num-
ber from the Lotus Notes personal or global address book using the buttons in the Address
Books field.
4. Once the Dial button is clicked, the dialer sets up a connection to your local telephone. The
dialer window closes after the call has been answered. Lift the receiver and the connection
to the calling station is set up.
5. Hang up to end the call.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-83
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient
2Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
2.8 HiPath Xpressions WebClient
You can set up and use your Unified Messaging mailbox using the HiPath Xpressions
2.8.1 Overview of Functions
The WebClient is a browser-based program for convenient use of your HiPath Xpressions mail-
box. You can create and administrate various types of messages using the clearly arranged
HTML pages. In addition to e-mails and fax messages, WebClient also supports SMS and voice
You can for example:
– compose new messages send them as e-mails, faxes, SMS or
– voice messages
– receive and reply to e-mails, faxes, SMS or voice messages
– activate incoming message notification
– administer messages (sort, delete and forward)
–retrieve faxes
2.8.2 Help
Besides this manual, the WebClient provides an online help that you can access any time as
soon as the WebClient has been started. The online help is opened by clicking the Help link on
the left margin of the window. Alternatively you can click the question mark icon at the top right-
hand side.
2.8.3 Web Browser
You can access the WebClient, for example, via Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or later
or via Netscape Navigator version 4.5 or later.
>JavaScript has to be activated or allowed; if necessary, configure your browser ac-
cordingly or contact your system administrator.

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HiPath Xpressions WebClient
2.8.4 Starting and Exiting the WebClient Starting the WebClient
To use the WebClient, you have to start the Web browser and select the WebClient.
The WebClient address depends on the configuration of your network. Contact your system
administrator for the address and note it here if necessary:
1. Start your Web browser and, if necessary, maximize the browser window to screen size in
order to get a better overview.
2. Enter the start address of the WebClient in the browser’s address field and push the return
button. The Login page is displayed in the browser window.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-85
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Selecting a Language
When started for the first time, the WebClient is displayed in the language of your server. You
can select another user language before logging on. The flag in the WebClient icon at the top
left of the page indicates the current user language.
●For example, click the icon with the German flag in the Siemens WebClient International
area to switch to German. All texts will immediately be displayed in German. Navigation
Once you have started and logged on to the WebClient (see Section, you can switch
to different pages for convenient use of your mailbox. The table of contents on the left margin
of the window can be used to navigate between the different pages.
●Click the link on the left margin of the window to switch to the corresponding page.

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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Login
You must log in as a user to work with the WebClient.
1. If necessary, switch to the Login page via the Log in link on the left margin of the screen.
2. Enter your user name in the User name text field.
3. Enter your password in the Password text field.
4. Click the Log in button. If login has been successful, the Inbox page is displayed. If login
has failed the corresponding notification will be displayed. Try again please. If login fails
again, contact your system administrator.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-87
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Login via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an encryption process designed to guarantee secure Internet
connection and data transfer. SSL ensures that the server and client verify each other’s identity
and can exchange encrypted data.
Throughout the connection, SSL encrypts and decrypts the data flow. This means that all infor-
mation is completely encrypted. This includes the Internet page (URL) requested by the client,
information submitted in forms (such as a credit card number), information confirming the au-
thenticity of HTTP access (user names and passwords) and all additional data exchanged by
the server and client.
You can apply for an SSl connection. This requires that your browser supports 128-bit SSL ci-
phers. Refer to the online help of your browser for more information. If the cipher strength is 56
bits or less you will need to update your browser software. Please contact your system admin-
istrator if any problems arise with the SSL. The procedure for using Microsoft Internet Explorer
and Netscape Navigator is described below.
SSL via Internet Explorer
1. Click the secure (SSL) link in the Access mode area. A dialog box opens.
2. Click the View Certificate button. A new window opens.
3. Select Install certificate → Next → Automatically... → Finish → OK → OK. The security
certificate will now be accepted.
4. Afterwards click Yes to accept the certificate. The window will close and you can log in as
described above.
SSL via Netscape Navigator
1. Click the secure (SSL) link in the Access mode area. A dialog box opens.
2. Click Next → Next → Accept without time limit → No warning → Next in the window
New Netsite certificate. The security certificate will now be accepted. The window will
close and you can log in as described above.

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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Logoff
Manual Logoff
When you are no longer using the WebClient you should log off for security reasons.
1. Click the Log off link on the left margin of the window. You will be logged off and the login
page will appear again.
2. Close the browser if necessary.
Automatic Logoff
If you leave the WebClient idle for more than ten minutes you will be logged off automatically
for security reasons. You will have to log in again. Ten minutes are the default setting. The time
that elapses before automatic logoff also depends on settings made by your administrator.
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient
2.8.5 Sending Messages Composing Messages
You can compose different types of messages on the New message page. You can also attach
files to messages and send the messages.
The procedure for composing messages is always the same irrespective of the message type.
The system automatically converts the text that you enter into a format suitable to the message
E-mails are not subject to any limitations and are sent as normal, unformatted text.
Fax messages are converted by the system into fax format and then sent.
A maximum of 140 characters can be used in SMS messages. Any additional charac-
ters will be deleted during dispatch. The WebClient displays the number of characters
in the Length of SMS message: field.

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2-90 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient
Voice mails can also be entered as text. The system then converts the text into an au-
dio file (WAV file format). This audio file is played back once the telephone connection
with the recipient has been established.
1. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address, fax or phone number in the To: text field.
2. Enter a meaningful subject in the Subject: text field.
3. Select the required message type in the Address Type: list field.
4. Enter the message text in the Message: field. Inserting File Attachments
The WebClient enables you to insert your own file attachments in all messages. The format of
the files that can be inserted depends on the message type selected:
There are no limitations. You can insert all file formats.
You can insert various image and text file formats. The system automatically converts
these into fax format. The following file formats are currently supported:
– *.BMP - MS Windows Bitmap
– *.doc - MS Word 2000
– *.epi - Encapsulated Postscript Including Preview
– *.epsEncapsulated Postscript
– *.gif - Graphics Interchange Format
– *.htm - Hypertext Markup Language
– *.JPG - Joint Photographers Expert Group
>●The address entered in the To: text field must always match the message type
selected from the Address Type: list field. An error occurs if an incorrect com-
bination is used (for example, e-mail to a telephone number or voice mails to a
fax connection) and the message is not sent.
●When composing messages, make their subject as meaningful as possible. The
subject is displayed on the Sent Items page and enables you to quickly recog-
nize the message there. When e-mails are sent, the subject goes with the mes-
●Always use the appropriate country and area code when entering the recipient’s
fax or phone number.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-91
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient
– *.png - Portable Network Graphics
– *.ppt - MS PowerPoint 2000
– *.ps - Postscript
– *.tga - Targa File Format
– *.TIF - Tagged Image File Format
– *.xls - MS Excel
You can only insert text files in *.txt format in SMS messages. Note that the SMS and
text file together must not exceed 140 characters. Any additional characters will be de-
leted during dispatch.
You can insert text files or voice files in voice messages. The following file formats are
currently supported:
– *.WAV - MS Windows voice file
– *.doc - MS Word 2000
>Only files of the same type can be inserted in a voice message. You can either attach
only text files or only voice files.

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2-92 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Selecting File Attachments
1. In the Step 1: text field, enter the name and path of the file you wish to insert. Use the
Browse... button to search your system for a file.
2. Click the Insert file attachment button; the file attachment is inserted. The attachment’s
name, path and size are displayed.
3. Insert other files in the same way as required. Deleting File Attachments
1. Highlight the checkbox of the attachments you wish to delete.
2. Click Delete. The files selected are immediately removed.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-93
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Sending Messages
After you have composed the message and attached the required files the message can be
●Click Send to send the message. You will be notified if the transfer to the server was suc-
cessful. Additional information on the send status can be found on the Sent Items page
(see Section 2.8.7) in the WebClient.
2.8.6 Fax-on-Demand
You can use the WebClient to receive fax messages from fax-on-demand providers. Fax mes-
sages retrieved are stored in your inbox on arrival.
1. Enter the fax number for the fax on demand in the To: text field.
2. Enter a meaningful subject in the Subject: text field. The subject is displayed on the Sent
Items page.
3. Select FOD (Fax on Demand) in the Send as list field.
4. Send the fax demand.
2.8.7 Sent Items
This page provides an overview of all the messages sent. It contains information on:
An explanation of the icons used can be found below the message list.
>It may take several minutes to retrieve the fax message. The duration depends on
the document size and the provider’s connection.
Type Message type
Sent Send status
To Recipient
Subject Subject of message
Date Send date
Size Message size in kilobyte
Action Possible actions

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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Checking the Send Status
The send status is displayed in the Sent column. The send status has the following meaning:
Icon Description
The file was successfully sent.
An error occurred when sending the file. The file was not sent.
The file is currently being sent. The send procedure has not yet been complet-
The message cannot be sent. The send procedure will be repeated at a later
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-95
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient
The message could not be sent because, for example, the fax number specified was busy. The
send procedure will be repeated at a later time. If the message was then successfully sent, this
is displayed as the send status. If the message could not be sent during the maximum number
of repetitions permitted, the send status changes to Error. The time interval between send pro-
cedures and the maximum number of repetitions are set by the server.
Additional information on the send status is displayed in the message header.
●Click the subject of the respective message. The message is displayed on a new page. In-
formation on the send status is displayed in the message header. Changing Sorting
When the Sent Items page is opened for the first time (see Section 2.8.7), messages are sort-
ed and displayed by the send date. The messages can be sorted into columns for a better over-
1. Click on the header of the column by which you want your messages sorted. The messag-
es are now displayed in descending order.
2. Click the column header again to reverse the order. Sending Messages to Additional Recipients
The WebClient allows you to specify several recipients for each message.
1. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address, fax or phone number in the To: text field. You can add
additional recipients separated by a semicolon in the To: field. You can also enter addition-
al recipients in the CC: field to send them a copy (carbon copy) of the message.
2. If necessary, change the selection in the Send as: list field. Note the limitations for the re-
spective message type.
3. Click Send. A message is displayed confirming that the message was successfully sent. Deleting Messages
You can delete messages on this page. All messages or selected ones can be deleted.
1. Highlight the checkboxes of the messages you wish to delete.
2. Click Delete. The messages selected are immediately deleted.
Messages are permanently deleted and no further security prompt is displayed.
Therefore, carefully select the messages to be deleted.

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HiPath Xpressions WebClient
To select all the messages, click the Invert the selection icon above the column with
the checkboxes. If individual messages have already been selected, the selection can be
reversed by clicking the Invert the selection icon.
2.8.8 Receiving Messages (Inbox)
The Inbox page provides an overview of all the messages received. It contains information on:
An explanation of the icons used can be found below the message list.
Type Message type
From Originator
Subject Subject of message
Date Receiving date
Size Message size in kilobyte
Action Possible actions
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-97
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Changing Sorting
When the Inbox page is opened for the first time, messages are sorted and displayed by the
send date. The messages can be sorted into columns for a better overview.
1. Click on the header of the column by which you want your messages sorted. The messag-
es are now displayed in descending order.
2. Click the column header again to reverse the order. Reading Text Messages
E-mails or SMS messages sent to your mailbox are converted into text. All text messages can
be read in the same way.
1. Click the subject of the respective message. The message is displayed on a new page.
2. Click the Inbox link on the left margin of the window to return to the inbox.

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2-98 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Reading Fax Messages
Fax messages sent to your mailbox are converted into images. Each incoming page is saved
as an individual image. The fax message subject field displays the number of pages (= images)
in the fax message.
1. Click on the subject of the fax message. One or more pages are displayed as images.
2. Click on an image to zoom into the page. A new page opens and the fax page is displayed
in full size. You can now print this page in the usual way. In Microsoft® Internet Explorer
and Netscape® Navigator the print function is located in the File menu under Print….
3. Click on your browser’s Back button to return to the small view of the fax message.
4. Click the Inbox link on the left margin of the window to return to the inbox.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-99
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Listening to Voice Messages
When someone calls your mailbox’s phone number, the mailbox reacts similarly to an answer-
ing machine and the caller can record a message. The message recorded is converted into an
audio file (WAV format) which you can open and play back.
1. Click on the subject of a fax message. A new page opens with the voice mail data.
2. Click the Play link next to the voice mail icon. The voicemail is displayed by the server and
stored on your computer. The Windows media player starts automatically and the voice
mail is played back.
3. Click the Inbox link on the left margin of the window to return to the inbox.

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2-100 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Opening Message Attachments
Messages sent to your mailbox can contain various attachments (files). In the case of fax mes-
sages, these are the pages displayed as images and in voice mails they are sound files con-
taining a message. The fax pages are automatically displayed by the WebClient and you can
use the mouse to open and play the audio files.
In addition to these files, you can receive a variety of other message attachments. These are
files of different formats. Your PC’s configuration and the programs installed determine whether
and how you can open, view or edit these files. You can open and view some image file formats
(for example, GIF or JPEG) using the browser.
Please contact your system administrator if problems should arise with message attachments. Forwarding Messages
Incoming messages can be forwarded as often as desired. The same options and limitations
for sending messages apply to forwarding messages (see Section 2.8.5).
1. Click the Forward icon in the Action column. The message selected is displayed on the
New message page.
2. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address, phone or fax number in the To: text field.
3. If necessary, change the selection in the Send as: list field. Note the limitations for the re-
spective message type.
4. ClickSend. You will be notified if the transfer to the server was successful.
2.8.9 Replying to Messages
You can reply to incoming messages. You can choose to reply to the message with or without
a copy of the original message.
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Replying with the Original Message
1. Click the Reply icon in the Action column. The original message opens on the New mes-
sage page. The To: and Subject: fields are already completed.
2. If necessary, change the selection in the Send as: list field. Note the limitations for the re-
spective message type.
3. Enter your reply text in the Message field.
4. ClickSend. A message is displayed confirming the message was successfully sent. Replying without the Original Message
1. Click on the Reply w/o original message text icon in the Action column The New mes-
sage page opens. The To: and Subject: fields are already completed.
2. If necessary, change the selection in the Send as: list field. Note the limitations for the re-
spective message type.
3. Enter your reply text in the Message field.
4. Click Send to send the reply. You will be notified if the transfer to the server was successful. Deleting Messages
You can delete messages on this page. All messages or selected ones can be deleted.
1. Highlight the checkboxes of the messages you wish to delete.
2. Click Delete. The messages selected are immediately deleted.
To select all the messages, click the Invert the selection icon above the column with
the checkboxes. If individual messages have already been selected, the selection can be
reversed by clicking the Invert the selection icon.
Messages are permanently deleted and no further security prompt is displayed.
Therefore, carefully select the messages to be deleted.

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2-102 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient
2.8.10 Options
You can view your current WebClient View settings and modify them if necessary. Some infor-
mation which can only be viewed but not modified is also displayed.
●Click one of the links to switch to the corresponding page.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-103
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient User Data
Your current user data is displayed on this page. You can view the data here but not modify it.

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2-104 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Changing a Password
You can change your password for the WebClient if required. For safety reasons, the password
must contain a minimum of eight characters. These may include special characters. The Web-
Client makes a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.
Changing a Password
1. Enter your current password once and the new one twice.
2. Click OK. The password is immediately changed and a corresponding message is dis-
For safety reasons, you should change your password at irregular but fairly frequent
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-105
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Selecting Languages
You can change the language set in the WebClient. The language selected here affects the cur-
rent user interface and the language in which the WebClient starts up.
Selecting Languages
1. Select the required language from the list field.
2. Click OK. The language is immediately converted and a corresponding message is dis-
played. Configuring Notifications
Notification settings for new incoming messages can be made via the Client Assistant user in-
terface. When you click the corresponding link in the WebClient you automatically advance to
the Client Assistant (see Section 2.9.10).

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2-106 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient Changing the Telephone Password (PIN) for Telephone Access
You can change the PIN (Personal Identification Number) for accessing your mailbox at any
time. You must change your PIN the first time you access your mailbox by telephone. The PIN
can be made up of any digits from 0 to 9. It must be between 6 and 24 digits in length.
Changing Personal Identification Number
1. Enter the new PIN twice.
2. Click OK. The new PIN is now valid and a corresponding message is displayed.
Operation via the telephone depends on the voice mail system configuration and is not de-
scribed here. You will receive the necessary information and operating instructions over
the telephone when you are connected to the voice mail system.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-107
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HiPath Xpressions WebClient Forwarding
You can automatically forward all incoming messages to any e-mail address you choose. Mes-
sages cannot be forwarded automatically to a telephone or fax connection. Notification is not
sent by SMS when forwarding is enabled.
Enabling forwarding
1. Enable forwarding.
2. Select the E-Mail service and enter an e-mail address.
3. Click OK. Forwarding is now enabled and a corresponding message is displayed.

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2-108 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
HiPath Xpressions WebClient POP3 Access Data
If you need to, you can access your Unified Messaging mailbox through another e-mail program
(such as Microsoft® Outlook). However, please note that a standard e-mail program will not give
you the full functionality but only the conventional e-mail functions and properties.
The POP access page provides the information required for accessing your mailbox through
an e-mail program.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-109
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant
2Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
2.9 Client Assistant
The Client Assistant intranet application must be installed on a satellite node or the
HiPath Xpressions server to allow the functions described below to be performed. Please con-
sult your system administrator if you have any queries.
2.9.1 Overview
The Client Assistant is a user-friendly, Web-based application for the individual configuration of
your HiPath Xpressions mailbox. Clearly laid out Web pages help you to configure your person-
al settings for e-mail, voice and fax messages to meet your own requirements.
Depending on the configuration of the Client Assistant some descriptions may differ from the
actual possibilities. Please consult your system administrator in this situation.
Overview of Functions
Using the Client Assistant you can, for example:
●check your user data and add additional information
●define a referral extension,
●activate incoming message notification,
●record and administer telephone announcements and greeting texts,
●administer messages (sort, delete, deflect),
●configure global daily and weekly profiles for telephone announcements and greeting texts
●define distribution groups and lists for sending messages,
●configure customized forwarding functions,
●use fax templates for sending your own faxes
●administer personal passwords and access data.

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Client Assistant
2.9.2 Web Browser
You can use the Web browsers listed below to operate the Client Assistant:
●Netscape Communicator version 4.72 or higher
●MS Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher
2.9.3 Help
Besides this manual, the Client Assistant provides an online help that you can access any time
as soon as the Client Assistant has been started. The online help will be opened by clicking the
Help link in the upper part of the window.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-111
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant
2.9.4 Settings on Your Computer HiPath Xpressions Mailbox
Configure your HiPath Xpressions mailbox functions using the Client Assistant. To do this, the
server must be installed in the system and started. You need a user name and a password for
accessing the features and the configuration parameters. Please contact your system admin-
istrator for further information. Screen Resolution
A screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels is required. Cache and Proxy Server: Netscape Communicator/Internet Explorer
Display problems may occur when using Client Assistant with a proxy server or activated cach-
ing. This means that old data which is no longer valid is displayed. For this reason, caching
should not be activated unless absolutely necessary. The browser should always load the most
recent document by bypassing proxy servers. This generates the best results.
Regardless, the cache settings must be modified as follows:
For the cache in “Netscape Communicator”, select
Edit → Preferences → Advanced → Cache → Document in cache is compared to docu-
ment on network → Every time
For the cache in “Internet Explorer”, select
Tools → Internet Options → General → Temporary Internet Files → Settings → Check
for newer versions of stored pages → Every visit to the page Style sheets: Netscape Communicator
To operate the Client Assistant correctly using Netscape Navigator, activate style sheets using
Edit → Preferences → Advanced → Enable style sheets.
>JavaScript has to be activated or allowed; if necessary, configure your browser ac-
cordingly or contact your system administrator.

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Client Assistant
2.9.5 Starting and Exiting the Client Assistant Login
To use the Client Assistant, you must start the Web browser, select the Client Assistant and log
on as a user.
The address (URL) of the Client Assistant depends on the configuration of your network.
Contact your system administrator for the address and note it here if necessary:
1. Start your Web browser and, if necessary, maximize the browser window to screen size in
order to get a better overview.
2. Enter the start address of the Client Assistant in the browser’s address field and
push the return button.
The login page will be displayed in the browser window.
3. Enter your user name in the User (or mailbox/ID number) field. Alternatively, you can en-
ter your code or mailbox number.
4. Enter your HiPath Xpressions password or mailbox PIN in the Password (or telephone
password) field.
5. Click the Login button.
If login has been successful your user data will appear on the page (see Section 2.9.7). If
login has failed the corresponding notification will be displayed. Try again please. If login
fails again, contact your system administrator.

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Client Assistant Login via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
You also have the option of performing a secure login via SSL. This requires that your browser
supports 128-bit SSL ciphers. Refer to the online help of your browser for more information. If
the cipher strength is 56 bits or less, you must first update your browser software. Please con-
tact your system administrator if problems should arise with the SSL.
The procedure for using Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator is described be-
low. Additional SSL information is provided in Section
SSL via Internet Explorer
1. Click the [SSL] link under the buttons. A dialog box opens.
2. Click the View Certificate button. A second window opens.
3. Select Install certificate → Next → Automatically... → Finish → OK → OK.
The security certificate will now be accepted.
4. Afterwards click Yes to accept the certificate. The window will close and you can log on as
described in the section above.
SSL via Netscape Navigator
1. Click the [SSL] link under the buttons. A dialog box opens.
2. Click Next → Next → Accept without time limit → No warning → Next in the window
New Netsite certificate.
The security certificate will now be accepted. The window will close and you can log on as
described in the section above. Selecting a Language
The language of the Client Assistant on initial startup depends on the system configuration. You
can select another user language directly after you log on. The selected language applies to all
language-relevant features (e.g. the Client Assistant user interface and the standard announce-
ments on your voicebox). The list of available languages depends on the system configuration,
which cannot be changed here.
1. Click the User data link on the left margin of the window.
2. Select the desired language for the Client Assistant and the voice mail system from the
Language selection list.
3. Click Save to complete the language conversion.

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Client Assistant Logout
Manual Logout
When you are no longer using the Client Assistant you should log out for security reasons.
1. Click the Logout link in the upper part of the window.
You will be logged out and the login page will appear again.
2. Close the browser if necessary.
Automatic Logout
If you do not use the Client Administrator for more than three minutes you will be logged out
automatically for security reasons. You will have to log in again.

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2.9.6 General Procedure Navigation
After you have started and logged on to the Client Assistant you can switch to different pages
to check the settings or to perform the desired changes. The table of contents on the left margin
of the window or the browser’s "Back" button can be used to navigate between the different pag-
Additional pages are displayed for some settings; to exit these pages, use the Back button.
1. Click the link on the left margin of the window to switch to the corresponding page.
2. Click the Back button if you want to return to the previous page.
Depending on the browser setting and the current page, not all functions are displayed on one
screen page. Use the browser’s scroll bar to view the non-visible operating elements.

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Client Assistant Changing Settings
In order to change the actual settings you can enter new data (text or numbers) in the relevant
entry fields. In some cases, you can only select the desired option from a list
or activate one or more options with a check mark. The steps described are conventional Win-
dows actions.
Therefore, incorrect entries can always be undone and overwritten. Saving Modifications
Modifications performed in the settings will not become active until they are saved. To do this,
use the Save button at the end of every page. On some pages, you can save single parameters
separately by clicking the Set button.
If you leave a page without clicking the Save or Set button the original settings will remain. You
will have to switch to the appropriate page again and repeat your entries.
Before saving, please check if all entries on the page meet your requirements and are correct.
>If the passwords or PINs are changed, please note that the original passwords are
no longer valid as soon as you have clicked the Save button.

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2.9.7 User Data
The User data page displays certain information on your Xpressions user account. You can
modify some of the settings, depending on the configuration of the Client Assistant. The exam-
ple below shows how, in addition to the password and language, you can modify or supplement
your user data as regards company, department, phone number, etc. This information might
appear in your fax address header, for example.
The entries are stored in the Xpressions system database and added to your user profile so
that they can be used as additional search parameters for the address book search.

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Client Assistant Changing Your Own Password
1. Click the Change button.
A new window opens.
2. Enter your current password once and the new one twice.
For safety reasons, the password must contain at least eight characters. These may in-
clude special characters. The Client Assistant is not case sensitive.
3. Click the Save button.
The window will be closed and your new password is immediately valid. You must use your
new password the next time you log on. Language Selection
See Section, “Selecting a Language”. Supplementing User Data
1. Enter the corresponding information in the enabled entry fields.
2. Click the Save button.

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2.9.8 Voice Mail System Settings
You can perform various settings for your personal mailbox on this page. To change the individ-
ual settings, proceed as described in the following sections. Please note that modifications will
not become active until you click the Save button at the end of the page.

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Client Assistant Changing the Telephone Password (PIN)
You can change your telephone password (PIN) for access to your voice mailbox. All digits from
0 to 9 can be used. The password itself must have at least four digits, unless your configuration
differs from the standard one. The password cannot contain more than 23 characters. The
password is checked for:
– Password length (too short or too long)
– Invalid characters (letters or special characters)
– String of a constant number, such as 444444
– Ascending or descending number string, such as 12345 or 654321
– Contains own telephone or voice mailbox number
– Contains a vanity number
– PIN was already used at an earlier time
– PIN is the same as the default PIN
Changing a password
1. Click the Change button.
A new window opens.
2. Enter your current password once and the new one twice.
3. Click the Save button.
The window will be closed and your new password is immediately valid. Selecting the Voice Mail System
You can select between PhoneMail and VMS via the Active voice mail system: list field pro-
vided two voice mail systems are available on your HiPath Xpressions system. You can find in-
formation on how to operate your voice mail via a telephone in Chapter 3, “Mailbox Processing
on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail”.
●Select the relevant voice mail system and then click Save.

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Client Assistant Configuring a Referral Extension
You can enter a direct dialing number to which your calls will be deflected if necessary. The
number entered here is used when activating call forwarding to the referral extension (see
Your deputy may be a user on the HiPath Xpressions server, on your phone PABX or an exter-
nal user (you need CO trunk access to enter an external number for a deputy). If the deputy is
an internal user, you can enter the number in short form (I. e. as an extension number) or in
long form (e. g. 32323 or +49 89 722 32323) . Otherwise enter the number in international for-
mat. The maximum length of the number is 22 digits.
●Enter the number of the desired extension without the CO exit code and prefix 0 but include
the country code. Mailbox Options
You can choose a detailed or a short greeting as well as the relative playback volume for your
voice mailbox user prompts.
– Example of a detailed greeting: "Select the star button to correct your entry".
– Example of a short greeting: "Correct entry with star".
Selecting User Prompts
1. Click the list field and select the appropriate greeting.
2. It will be activated by clicking Save. Caller options
You can offer callers options for categorizing their messages. Callers can highlight messages
as urgent.
●Click the checkbox for the desired options. The activated options are marked with a check
mark. (see screenshot on page 127)

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Client Assistant Mobility number
The Mobility number function allows you to define forwarding options that can be activated by
the caller via phone keys. Forwarding can be used for both internal and external destinations
or to trigger an action such as switching to another mailbox or granting callers call back access
(access to their mailbox).
Forwarding can be set up with different variants (actions) with each call forwarded being as-
signed its own phone key ranging from 0 to 9 as well as * and #. Your voice message should
inform the caller of the appropriate phone key. This must be recorded as a special greeting. If
the caller pushes the pre-defined phone key after listening to your greeting, the call is forwarded
using the specified action. You can also define various actions for multiple forwarding and make
them available to the caller.
Configured forwarding options and their destination numbers are displayed in the Number field.
The corresponding phone key is displayed under Reachable with key(s):. Existing forwarding
configurations can be quickly Enabled or Disabled.
The Forward Access menu page provides a definition of forwarding.
Configuring Forwarding
●Click Change key(s)...
Proceed as described in Section 2.9.9, “Configuring Forwarding”. Forwarding Incoming Calls
Independent of your voice mail system settings, you can also forward incoming calls directly
to another telephone, to your own extension or directly to your personal recorded greeting. The
call is immediately forwarded without user intervention.
1. Select the required option or enter the destination number to which callers are to be for-
warded under Forward to this number.
2. Then click the Save button.

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Client Assistant Editing Messages on the Telephone
Setting Personal Filters for Messages
You can set a filter for message playback on the telephone so that only certain messages are
played back in the event of queries. These will normally be messages from the Xpressions
Server inbox.
If the Xpressions (only available in "phone mail") checkbox is enabled, the system will also
consider messages saved in the Xpressions folder or Xpressions inbox window of Microsoft Ex-
change or Lotus Notes if connected.
1. Click the Edit button to specify details for the playback filter. A new page opens.
2. Select an inbox folder if necessary.
3. Select a filter option under Message type. The No messages option locks this message
type so that it is not considered for playback.

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2.9.9 Configuring Forwarding
Specify the different variants (actions) and phone keys for forwarding on the Forward Access
menu page. First of all, you can decide which call type you wish to forward, for example, Inter-
nal calls, External calls or After-hours greeting. If you select Alternate greeting, all incom-
ing calls will be forwarded. Now determine the forwarding action and the phone key to be
pushed by the caller.

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The table below describes the available actions:
Configuring Forwarding (General Procedure)
1. In the Access menu for list field, select the cases for which forwarding should apply.
2. Select the appropriate action in the list fields. The corresponding phone key is assigned at
the same time.
3. Finally, click the Save button to save your settings.
The phone keys and their destination numbers are displayed under Mobility number on
the Voice mail system settings page.
Action Description
Hang up Disconnects the call if the caller presses the relevant phone key.
Callback mode Allows callers access to their mailbox (callback access similar to "mail-
box LED" on their telephone).
Supervisor mode Allows switching to any mailbox, for example to call up messages there
(guest access).
Answering mode Activates the answering mode so that a message can be recorded.
Mobility number Forwards calls to a pre-defined mobility number.
Operator The operator number is set by default, and forwards calls to the central
Page the user The caller pages you by pressing the relevant phone key.
Referral extension Forwards calls to one of your defined extensions. Enter the appropriate
number in the field beside it.
Skip greeting Allows the caller to skip the greeting.
Dial the number Allows the forwarding of calls to any telephone number. If the caller push-
es the corresponding phone key, the call is immediately connected to the
telephone number specified here.
>Be sure to inform callers of your individual phone key(s) in an appropriate voice

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2.9.10 Configuring Notifications
You can activate automatic notification for new incoming messages. You can select the mes-
sage type and the method of notification. The system will then inform you of new incoming mes-
sages in the desired manner.
First, always use the uniform settings to define whether you want to use the Notification function
and at which time intervals the notification should be made. Proceed as follows:
>The List of notifications is processed sequentially. If a notification does not have a
valid time range, for example, the next notification in the list will be processed. The
option field need not be selected unless you want to delete a message.

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1. With the Active message types for MWI/CIT LED option, you can select the types of in-
coming messages (e-mails, fax messages, voice mails, or SMS) that should illuminate the
mailbox LED on your telephone.
2. First enable the Notification function by selecting the Enabled option. As a default, the no-
tification message is Disabled.
3. Under Notification options, select the maximum notification interval.
If, for example, you have selected 30 minutes in the Min. notification interval (in minutes)
list field, the system will search your mailbox for new messages every 30 minutes. If, for
example, five new messages have arrived during the time interval of 30 minutes, you will
receive a notification at the end of this time interval; this message will inform you of the
number of messages that have arrived in the last 30 minutes (in this case, five).
4. Click Save to save your settings.

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Creating a New Notification
The first time that you open the Notification page, there are no existing notifications. Proceed
as follows to create new notifications:
1. Click the Create notification button. A new page opens where you can select the options
and criteria for the new notification.
2. In the Notification of new incoming messages area, you can select the message type
for which you want to receive notification. The following options are available:

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●All messages (notification of a new "E-mail", "Fax", or "Voice Mail" message)
●E-mail (notification of new "E-mail" messages only)
●Fax (notification of new "Fax" messages only)
●Voice Mail (notification of new "Voice Mail" messages only)
For the message type that you have selected, you can also define whether you only want
to be notified of new messages that are marked "urgent" (Only if urgent option).
3. In the Notification to the following devices area, enable the device selection by clicking
the checkbox on the left side. The adjacent list field is now enabled.
4. In the list field, select the device to which the notification should be sent. The following op-
tions are available:
●SMS (notification via SMS on your mobile telephone)
●MWI/CTI LED (the mailbox LED on your telephone illuminates to notify you)
●E-mail (notification via e-mail)
If your user database already contains a number or address for a selected device, this
number or address is automatically entered in the Number/address: entry field. If no da-
tabase entry is available, you must enter the number or address manually.
5. If you would like to send a notification to another device, click the Add additional device
button and repeat step 3.
6. If you have defined several notifications, you can enable or disable the relevant notification
by clicking the appropriate checkbox. If the checkbox is activated, the corresponding noti-
fication is enabled.
7. In case there is an error in sending a notification to the selected device, you can define up
to two alternative notification devices using the If fails button. In this case, a window opens
in which you can select the notification devices in exactly the same way as described in
step 3. Once you have configured the alternative devices, click the Add button to close the
window. This opens a window in which you can save your settings by clicking OK.

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8. In the Time dependency area, you can now define a time range in which the notification
should take place. Click each of the entry fields from: and to: and enter the time range in
the form hours:minutes (for example, 08:00 for 8:00 a.m., 14:00 for 2:00 pm). You can
define additional time ranges via the Add additional time range button.
The time ranges are processed sequentially. If you want to delete a defined time range, you
must select it and then click Delete time range.
9. In the Days area, you can activate the checkboxes corresponding to the days on which you
want to use the Notification function.
10. Once you have entered all the information for the Notification function, you must confirm
by clicking Save.
11. The Back button returns you to the Notification function start page. The notification that
you have created is now shown there in the Notification list.

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2.9.11 Creating Distribution Lists
You can create and manage up to nine personal distribution lists quickly and conveniently with
the Client Assistant. A private distribution list is a combination of contacts. It is a straightforward
instrument for sending messages to a group of people. For example, if you frequently send
messages to the marketing team, it is best to create a distribution list with the name "marketing
team" which includes the names of all members of the marketing team. A message that is sent
to this distribution list goes to all the recipients named in the group. In addition, you can activate
a setting to allow all messages (e-mail, voice, fax or SMS messages) to be sent via the tele-
phone user interface to a distribution list (see Section, “Editing Distribution Lists”).
See Section 3.1.3 for information on how to send messages to a distribution list via telephone
when using PhoneMail and Section when using the voice mail system (VMS).
Depending on the system configuration, you may also be able to edit public distribution lists.
The editing of private and public distribution lists is identical. The following is a general descrip-
tion of how to work with distribution lists.
If a personal greeting is recorded for a distribution list, the checkbox under Recorded name
available is activated.

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Client Assistant Creating a Private Distribution List
1. Enter the desired group name in the Create new list field.
2. Click the Create private list button. The new distribution list is created and displayed in the
The newly created distribution list is still empty. Now you can create further, non-specific
distribution lists or you can edit the new distribution list by specifying the members and oth-
er details. Editing Distribution Lists
1. Click the name of the distribution list whose definition you want to edit. A new page opens.

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2. Enter a name for the distribution list in the Display name field if necessary. You may in-
clude blanks or special characters.
3. Then click the Save name button. A new distribution list is thus created. The corresponding
users or members must now be assigned to this distribution list.
4. If you would like to send messages from your Xpressions mailbox to a distribution list via
the telephone user interface, a corresponding number (01 to 099) must be assigned to the
list under Alternative list name. This number can be used later to address the distribution
list. Click the Save address button after entering the number. Existing number allocations
can be deleted with the Delete address button.
Adding Users to a Distribution List
The list of Available users displays all users registered in the system. The list of Available dis-
tribution lists displays all distribution lists created.
You can select single persons or existing distribution lists, or both, as members of your distri-
bution list. A person whose name thus appears several times in the members list will still only
receive a message once.
Only 50 list entries are displayed for selection at any one time.
1. If necessary, change the sort criteria for the lists by selecting a different option from the
Sort by list field and clicking the Sort button to update the sort action.
2. Click the Show next users button to display other entries in the list.
3. Click the Back to beginning button to display the first 50 entries again.
4. If you want to search for a particular name, enter the name in the Search user field and
click the Search button.
5. To add a user to the distribution list, click the name in the list of Available users.
6. Click the << button to add the selected user to the distribution list.
7. Further users or distribution lists are added likewise.
8. Click an entry in the List members list followed by the >> button to remove the entry from
the list.
9. If required, select other external addresses for the distribution list (e. g. e-mail addresses)
under Alternate addresses and click the << button to add these to the distribution list.
10. Then click the Back button to return to the Distribution lists page.
>If you do not have any privileges to edit this list, only the current settings will be
displayed. You will not be able to modify them, however, as the Save button and
the list of available users and distribution lists will be hidden.

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Client Assistant Deleting a Distribution List
You can delete a distribution list at any time if you have the privilege to do so (normally, this
privilege only applies to private lists).
1. Click the radio button in front of the desired distribution list to select it.
2. Click the Delete list button. A security prompt appears.
3. Confirm the security prompt. The selected distribution list is deleted.

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2.9.12 Fax Forms
You can choose which fax forms you want to use for your faxes. You can choose one of the fax
forms created with the HiPath Xpressions client. You can see the available fax forms in the pre-
view but you cannot create new fax forms.
Selecting fax forms
1. Click the fax form in the list (First page or Following pages). A new window will open and
you will see the image of the fax form.
2. Click in the radio button of the desired fax form and then on the Set as Default button to
take the selected fax form for future faxes.
3. Click Do not use a fax form if you do not want to use any of the fax forms listed.
The fax form currently selected will be displayed in the upper part of the window as Current
fax form.

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2.9.13 Time Profiles
With the help of Time profiles you can define when and with which voice greetings your mail-
box should react to incoming calls.
Creating Time Profiles
You can create a different time profile for each weekday by selecting the day and assigning the
appropriate greeting or greeting option to it.
If you want to use the same time profile for the entire week, just create a time profile for Monday
and select the Use monday settings for whole week option. With the Use system standard
settings option, you select a system-wide time profile that your administrator has created. Dur-
ing any time periods you have not defined, the mailbox uses the standard global system greet-
>First, in the Recordings menu (see Section 2.9.14), you must create the voice
greetings that are integrated into the time profile in this dialog.

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You can select the following options and greeting settings:
●Message recording not allowed
If this option is activated (check marked), the system only plays a greeting for the caller.
The caller cannot leave a message in your mailbox.
●Greeting not interruptible
If this option is activated, it is not possible to interrupt a greeting by pressing a telephone
key. You cannot use the telephone keys until the system has played the entire greeting.
In the greetings area, you can assign personal greetings text for different types of calls:
– internal call
Select the greeting that should be played when the incoming call is an internal one (for
example, within the company).
– external call
Select the greeting that should be played when the incoming call is an external one (for
example, a call from another country).
– when busy
Select the greeting that should be played when your telephone is busy and a call
comes in.
– Alternate greeting
The system plays an alternate greeting no matter what type of call (internal, external,
busy) comes in. If you set up a greeting here, the system uses only this greeting for
incoming calls. Any greetings that you may have selected for internal calls, external
calls, or calls when busy are deactivated when you select this option.
●After-hours greeting
Select the greeting that should be played when a call is received outside of the specified
business hours.
●Business hours
In the from and until entry fields, you can specify the business hours. Enter the time in
hours and minutes (in the form hh:mm). During any time periods you have not defined, the
mailbox uses the standard system greetings.
●Click the Save button to save the settings that you have made.

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2.9.14 Creating Recordings
You can record several greetings and create a personal name recording, as well as creating a
name recording for a distribution list for your mailbox. To make the recording you may use a
mobile phone or the telephone at your workstation, for example. In addition, you can use a voice
file created especially for this purpose.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-139
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant Personal Name Recording
You can record a personal name recording. This option is only available if no other greeting has
been recorded yet. Previously created name recordings can be edited or deleted in the same
way as normal greetings.
Name Recording
1. Activate the Personal name recording option.
2. The Select a method: allows you to decide whether to record the name recording via the
telephone (default setting) or whether to use an already existing name recording (voice
file). You can select the relevant file via the Browse button.
3. Click Create.
●If a previously recorded message is selected, this will be used as the personal greet-
ing. This completes the procedure and the recording is added to the list of existing re-
●When using the default method (recording via the telephone), an input window con-
taining the telephone number at which you will be called is displayed.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service For internal use only
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2-140 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Client Assistant
4. Click OK.
The system will call you immediately at the telephone number you entered.
5. Pick up the phone.
6. Click the Record button and say your name into the telephone.
7. Click the Pause button to interrupt the recording. The current length of the announcement
will be displayed.
8. Click the left end of the Positioning bar: to skip to the beginning of the recording.
9. Click the Play button to play back the recording and listen to it on the telephone.
10. To skip to a specific position of the recording, enter a number in the text field next to the Go
to position: button and then click on the button. The current position will be displayed in sec-
onds above the buttons and also on the positioning bar.
11. If you are satisfied with the recording, click the Exit button.
12. Click Save to accept the recording. The recording is added to the list of existing recordings.
If you are not satisfied with the recording you can delete it now. Creating and Editing Personal Greetings
Creating Greetings
Up to nine personal greetings can be recorded. To do this, first select a greeting number in the
Recording list field and then proceed in the same way as for personal name recordings (see
Section Greetings already created can be edited and deleted at any time.
Editing Greetings
1. Select the required greeting from the list of recordings.
2. An input window containing the telephone number where you will be called is displayed.
3. Click OK.
The system will call you immediately at the telephone number you entered.
4. Pick up the phone.
5. Edit the greeting as desired.
6. Click the Exit button.
>Please check the time profiles in which you used a greeting before you edit it.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-141
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant
7. Click Save to accept the recording. The recording is added to the list of existing recordings.
If you are not satisfied with the recording you can delete it now.
Deleting Greetings
1. Select the greeting you want to delete from the list.
2. Click the Delete recording button. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
3. Click OK. The selected greeting will be deleted.
2.9.15 Default Output Devices
The Default output devices page allows you to change the name of the printer for automatic
output of incoming faxes and to change the default output devices.
>Please check the time profiles in which you used a greeting before you delete it. If
you delete a greeting, a default system greeting will be used in the corresponding
time profile instead.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service For internal use only
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2-142 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Client Assistant
2.9.16 Switching to the WebClient
You can access your messaging mailbox on the WebClient directly from the Web Administrator.
Since you are already logged on to the system, you do not have to log on again for the Web-
Prompt Description
Printer for carbon copy The network printers that were configured in HiPath Xpressions
are listed here. If incoming faxes are not to be automatically out-
put to a printer, select No copy from the list box. To activate the
automatic output option, select a printer from the list box.
Default printer Select the network printer on which your incoming fax messages
are to be printed. This printer will be activated if you output a fax
or e-mail message to your default printer via the telephone user
Number of default fax de-
vice (internal only)
Enter the call number of the fax device that was configured on
your PABX as your default fax device. This fax device is activated
if you output a fax to your default fax device via the telephone
user interface.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 2-143
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant
1. Click Link to WebClient. A new window opens.
2. The Inbox page opens in the new browser window. You can now navigate and work in the
normal way in the WebClient.
Refer to Section 2.8 for information on how to operate the WebClient.

Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service For internal use only
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2-144 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Client Assistant

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-1
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
3 Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the
Voice Mail Service Voicemail
PhoneMail and/or VMS allows you to operate and manage your mailbox using the telephone.
Both systems function as both a telephone user interface (TUI) and the voice mail server im-
plemented in HiPath Xpressions.
PhoneMail and VMS allow you to retrieve and manage different types of messages (voice mes-
sages, fax messages, e-mails). You can also record voice messages for other users and sub-
sequently send these messages. In addition, you have the option of directly addressing the
mailbox of another subscriber to leave a message for this subscriber. You can forward calls re-
ceived at your extension to your mailbox. The callers will hear a personal greeting or can leave
a message in your mailbox. Various special functions such as the direct connection to the orig-
inator of an incoming message are also included in the scope of functions. VMS also allows
you to record and edit dictations and to broadcast messages.
All Xpressions users have their own mailbox on the Xpressions server. The mailbox can be ac-
cessed with PhoneMail or VMS using any telephone (a telephone that is connected to the tele-
phone system in your organization) or an external telephone (a telephone that sets up the con-
nection to the telephone system in your organization via a CO code).
The following sections describe the entire range of functions. The range of functions has been
restricted on your system if you are unable to access all services.
– You will find information about the operation of your mailbox using PhoneMail in
Section 3.2; a quick reference guide to the menus and key sequences is provided in
Section 3.2.10.
– You will find information about the operation of your mailbox using VMS in Section 3.3;
a quick reference guide to the menus and key sequences is provided in Section 3.3.5.
3.1 General
Please note the following information when using the Hicom 300/HiPath 4000 and HiPath
Xpressions telephone systems in conjunction with the VMS voice mail system:
–The Hicom 300 and HiPath 4000 communication systems provide a feature for sup-
pressing the display of your telephone number. You can configure this feature for all
calls or for the next call only. If the display suppression feature is activated, all called
users (also applies to internal calls) will be notified on the display that the caller is un-
– Using the "Manual PIN" feature provided in Hicom 300 and HiPath 4000 saves you
from the otherwise obligatory task of entering a PIN for identifying yourself when you
dial your own mailbox.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
3.1.1 Preparations on your Telephone/PABX
To make optimum use of your mailbox, set the call forwarding (CF) or call forwarding no reply
(CFNR) feature for forwarding calls from your extension to your HiPath Xpressions mailbox.
Please refer to the operating instructions for your telephone or PABX for information on how to
set up this feature. Your system administrator will tell you which numbers you must set as the
call forwarding destination.
3.1.2 Explanation of the Symbols
3.1.3 Distribution lists
You normally enter the recipient’s telephone number when you are sending messages. Alter-
natively, you can enter a distribution list number that you have created, or you can use a public
distribution list that has been created by the system administrator. A distribution list contains
users or more distribution lists. You can manage your distribution lists using the telephone and
using the Web-based configuration interface (see Section 2.9.11, “Creating Distribution Lists”)
and assign them a distribution list number. Otherwise, the distribution lists are set up for you by
the system administrator.
Lift up the handset.
Replace the handset.
Enter a digit sequence.
*Enter a name using a sequence of digits
*76Push the star key, 7 and 6 in succession.
This also applies for all other keys.
Push the illuminated function key.
Follow the user prompts!
Push the "Yes" dialog key. Follow the next
user prompts!
Follow the user prompts!
Push the "Next" or "Back"
dialog keys.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-3
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
3.1.4 Referral Extension
You can define a referral extension. Callers who are forwarded to your mailbox can connect to
this PhoneMail referral extension directly or can be automatically re-directed to this referral ex-
tension. This depends on how you have set the answering options in your mailbox. You can
manage your referral extension options yourself if the Web-based configuration interface is in-
stalled (see Section, “Configuring a Referral Extension”). This feature only applies to
the voice service.
3.1.5 Default Printer
Your system administrator can configure any network printer for use in Xpressions. You can de-
fine one of the printers in the list of printers available in Xpressions as the default printer. You
can access this printer through the telephone. You can assign the printer yourself using the
Web-based configuration interface (Section 2.9.15, “Default Output Devices”) or have the sys-
tem administrator perform this task.
3.1.6 Default Fax Device
You can define any fax address as your default fax device. This will make it easier to output e-
mail and faxes when you access your mailbox through the telephone. You can define the fax
device yourself using the Web-based configuration interface (Section 2.9.15, “Default Output
Devices”) or have the system administrator perform this task.
3.1.7 Memory Restrictions
If the memory in use is being monitored, you will be informed when accessing your mailbox if
the limit has been reached. If the memory used by your mailbox has exceeded 100% of the val-
ue set by the system administrator, it is no longer possible to send (forward or answer) mes-
sages in your own mailbox. If you are registered to Hicom, this also applies to other voice mail
service access options.
In this situation, you should delete messages which are no longer needed or contact the system
administrator. Regardless of the memory required by your mailbox, other callers can always
leave messages for you.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
3.1.8 Additional Features in VMS Direct Callback Connection with the Originator of a Message
You can initiate an immediate callback by dialing 07 if the originator’s telephone number was
transferred when a message was delivered (which is the case for internal callers unless the call
number display has been suppressed, and depends on the caller’s settings for external callers).
The message header shows whether or not this option is available. If the originator’s telephone
number was transferred, the message header will contain this number and it will also be an-
nounced. You must have the relevant privilege to initiate callbacks to external users. Broadcast Call / Broadcast Message
The Broadcast Call and Broadcast Message features allow you to send voice messages to a
particular recipient group. These features allow you to send the message to a significantly larg-
er group of recipients than with the "Send to distribution list" feature. In a broadcast call, the
recipients are called directly and do not receive a message in their mailbox. In a broadcast mes-
sage, all recipients receive a message in their mailbox. The subscribers to be reached using
these features are grouped into broadcast call and broadcast message distribution lists, which
can also be selected using distribution list numbers. Special privileges are required to initiate a
broadcast call or broadcast message.
Broadcast call and broadcast message distribution lists are provided by the system administra-
tor. Private and Public Distribution Lists
You normally enter the recipient’s telephone number when you are sending messages. Alter-
natively you can enter a distribution list number. Every distribution list contains a particular
group of recipients who are combined to form an address list. A message can, therefore, be
sent very quickly to this group. Every distribution list (address list) contains users or more dis-
tribution lists. You can create distribution lists of this kind yourself or you can access public dis-
tribution lists, which have been set up by the system administrator. When defining private dis-
tribution lists, please make sure that the associated code number is not part of the DID number
range of your organization. This will prevent the system from displaying an error message in-
forming you that this number has already been assigned to a user. Otherwise the code number
is freely definable. In the event that the code number that you have assigned for your private
distribution list already exists as a code number for a public distribution list, the system will au-
tomatically select your private distribution list when you enter this code number. It is possible to
link distribution lists by entering a number of distribution list numbers in succession. The mes-
sage will then be sent to a number of distribution lists. Distribution lists can also be combined
with single numbers.
Section 2.9.11, “Creating Distribution Lists” provides a detailed description of how to edit pri-
vate distribution lists.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-5
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
3.1.9 User Prompts
The prompts in the mailbox are output in the form of spoken announcements. You can listen to
these announcements through your telephone handset. If you are using a telephone from the
optiset series with an alphanumeric display in conjunction with a PABX of the Hicom 300 or Hi-
Path 4000 type, the user prompts will also be output visually on this display.
An an alternative to entering telephone numbers, the system generally allows you to enter
names by selecting the letters that are assigned to the number keys on the telephone. This
functions in a similar way to the entry of short messages using the keypad on your mobile
These announcements prompt you, for example, to enter certain digit keys to select a function
or to enter a number or a password.
All inputs for using the mailbox can also be performed with the keypad buttons, i.e. the 0 to 9
digit keys, the *(star) key and the #(hash) key. Repeating System Announcements
The announcement is repeated after a few seconds if you do not push any key when prompted
to do so. To hear a prompt again, simply wait until it is repeated. This is useful, for example, if
you did not hear the announcement properly. If an announcement is played a second time, you
will automatically be advised on how to find Help information (on using PhoneMail).
If you fail to push any key after the announcement has been played a second time and the
prompt has been repeated, the system will cancel the function after five seconds. Requesting Help (PhoneMail)
You can call up Help information by pushing the 0 key when you are prompted to select a
menu item. Additional help announcements describe the current selection options in the menu.
Help is unavailable if you are prompted to enter a telephone number or a password or if the 0
key is assigned a different meaning. Incorrect Entries
The system plays the relevant announcement if you enter an invalid digit, for example, when
you are selecting a menu item. You are subsequently prompted to repeat the entry. The call is
disconnected after a certain number of incorrect entries. The number of incorrect entries fol-
lowing which the call is disconnected depends on the system settings and can be changed by
the system administrator.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
General Terminating the Connection
– PhoneMail
You can terminate the connection to the mailbox at any time:
The messages are sent when the connection is terminated if you have recorded new messages
(Section, “Recording and Sending Messages”).
You can terminate the connection to the mailbox at any time:
If you have recorded a new message and this was the last action prior to terminating the con-
nection, this message will be sent when the connection is terminated. Returning to the Main Menu (VMS)
You have opened a submenu and want to quit this menu and return to the main menu:
You can use this key combination as an Escape function in the event that you "get lost" in the
system. In other words, if you find yourself in the awkward situation of no longer knowing where
you are in the menu, you can use the Escape function to return to a defined state from where
you are continue your operations.
Replace the handset.
*76Push the star key, 7 and 6 in succession.
This can be used while messages, greetings and the user’s own name
are being recorded (for forward access and guest access).
Replace the handset
0#Go to the main menu and push the 0 key and the pound key in succes-
0*Finishing and returning to the main menu:
Push the 0 key and the star key in succession (first you may have to can-
cel any settings that you already made by pushing the star key).

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-7
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2 Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2.1 Access Options
Xpressions users have the following access options:
●You can dial your own mailbox (direct access)
Dial the service access number for direct access and log onto the server by entering your
telephone number and password. You now have access to all messages stored in your
mailbox and to your mailbox settings. You can record messages for other users and sub-
sequently send these messages.
Please refer to Section 3.2.2, “Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access)” for more informa-
tion about direct access mode.
●You can dial an external mailbox (guest access)
Dial the service access number for guest access and dial the extension number of the re-
quired user. You can leave a message in the user’s mailbox or be transferred to a referral
extension. This depends on how the user has set his/her answering options.
Please refer to Section 3.2.6, “Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access or Universal Ac-
cess)” for more information about guest access mode. This access option is not available
if the voice service is deactivated.
●You can dial an external mailbox and access your own mailbox (universal access)
This is the same as guest access with the additional option of being able to access your
own mailbox.
●You can re-direct callers who dial your extension to your mailbox (forward access).
Calls received at your extension are then forwarded to your mailbox. Callers can leave a
message for you in your mailbox. You can, therefore, use the mailbox as an answering ma-
chine. Please refer to Appendix , "Call Forwarding (Forward Access)" for more information
about forward access mode. This access option is not available if the voice service is de-
●You can transfer callers to your mailbox (transfer access)
If you would like to give the caller the option of leaving a message for someone else or if
the caller is unable to enter a user’s extension number or if this extension number is to re-
main hidden from the caller, you can connect the caller directly to the mailbox by dialing the
transfer access number. This option is of particular interest if you are responsible for
switching calls.
●You can access your mailbox using the mailbox key on the telephone (Callback access)
if your mailbox contains new messages.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
3-8 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
The same functions that are provided with the Direct access option are available here.
Please refer to Section 3.2.8, “Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)”
for more information about Callback access mode.
●A call from your mailbox automatically informs you when new messages appear in your
mailbox (Outcall Access).
The same functions that are provided with the Callback access option are available here.
Please refer to Section 3.2.8, “Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)”
for more information about Callback access mode.
System announcements guide the user through menus and dialogs when the user opens
his/her own mailbox or an external mailbox. These announcements prompt the user to
make an entry or confirm an entry.
Please see Section 3.1.9, “User Prompts” for the principles of user prompts. You will find a
graphic overview of all menu functions in Section 3.2.10, “A Quick Reference Guide to the
Menus and Key Sequences”.
3.2.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access)
You can dial your own mailbox using the service access number for the direct access option.
Enter your phone number and your password. You now have unlimited access to your mailbox.
You can:
●retrieve new or old messages from your Inbox and from your "Xpressions" folder or by
scrolling up or down saved messages,
●retrieve Outbox messages,
●save or delete messages,
●fast forward or rewind message playback,
●repeat message playback and receive detailed information about the message,
●output fax messages to your default printer or to any fax device (optional),
●output e-mail to your default printer or to any fax device (optional),
●output e-mails as voice messages (only if the Text-To-Speech add-on software is installed)
●forward messages with or without an attachment (voice annotation),
●set up a direct connection to the originator of a message,
●reply to and send messages and, consequently, make use of the various send options,
●change your personal settings, which includes:

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-9
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
– your personal password for telephone access,
– the personal greetings (up to nine different greetings for different situations) as well as
a name greeting,
– the answering mode (accept messages mode or info greeting only),
– the private referral extension number or the number of the mailbox deputy,
– the type of prompts (detailed or short greetings),
– whether a notification should be output for incoming messages (as an SMS or a pag-
– whether the Xpressions folder should also be included when listening to messages
(this allows you to set up your e-mail client to place important messages in this folder
and to play these messages first),
– activation of automatic faxtone detection (for forward access) - optional,
– the private distribution lists,
– the user prompt language (only if several languages are installed on the server) - op-
– the types of messages that are to be processed using the telephone (you can specify,
for example, that only voice messages and fax messages are to be processed and that
no e-mails are to be processed);
●set up a connection to another user or to the switch. Dialing your own Mailbox
You will require a service access number, your telephone number and your password to access
your mailbox. In the interest of security, you will be prompted to assign a password when you
use your mailbox for the first time (see Section, “Changing the user prompts” or
Section, “Changing the Telephone Password (PIN)”). You can dial your own mailbox
from your own telephone and from any other telephone of your choice.
Dialing your own mailbox from your own extension:
Enter the service access number for the direct access option.
#Push the pound key.
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
3-10 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Dialing your own mailbox from any extension:
3.2.3 Options in the Main Menu
The main menu is selected when you dial your own mailbox:
Enter the service access number for the direct access option.
#Enter your own telephone number. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key
*#Enter your own name by selecting the letters that are assigned to the
number keys. Conclude the entry by pushing the pound key.
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
3Listen to/retrieve messages: push 3.
For additional prompt information in this situation: see Section,
“Listening to/Retrieving Messages”.
1Record/send messages: push 1.
For additional prompt information in this situation: see Section,
“Recording and Sending Messages”.
8Change answering options: push 8.
For additional prompt information in this situation: see Section,
“Changing Answering Options”.
9Change mailbox options: push 9. For additional prompt information in
this situation: see Section, “Changing Mailbox Options”.
7Connect: push 7.
For additional prompt information in this situation: see Section 3.2.5,

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-11
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail Listening to/Retrieving Messages
You can use your telephone to retrieve the following types of messages:
●Voice messages (optional):
You can listen to messages of this type directly.
●Fax messages (optional):
You can output messages of this type to your default printer or to a fax device.
●E-mail (optional):
You can output messages of this type to your default printer or to a fax device. You can also
listen to e-mails if the Text-To-Speech add-on software is installed.
You can retrieve these types of messages with your telephone from different folders in your
●"Xpressions" folder:
Messages are placed in this folder as a result of actions that you have performed (through
the initiation of rules or shift operations on the e-mail client/server).
Incoming messages are automatically placed in this default folder.
●"Saved Messages" folder:
This folder contains saved messages.
●Outbox messages:
This category includes messages that you recorded during the current connection session
(see Section, “Recording and Sending Messages”). These messages are sent
when you terminate the connection to the mailbox.
Messages that are stored in your mailbox belong to one of the following categories:
●Urgent messages:
These are messages that were marked as urgent when they were sent.
●Send and read receipts:
These are generated messages that you receive upon request when you send a message
and when the recipient of the message receives or reads the message.
●Notifications of non-receipt:
These are automatic messages that you receive if the system was unable to deliver the
sent message.
Messages that are stored in your mailbox have one of the following states:
●Unread messages:
This category includes messages that have not been retrieved and saved/deleted.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-12 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
●Read messages:
This category includes messages that you have already retrieved/listened to and saved but
not deleted yet.
To retrieve/listen to messages: Playing Back Messages
Messages that are stored in your mailbox are retrieved in the following order:
1. Received messages. The contents of the "Xpressions" folder or the Inbox are played back
in the following order:
a) Messages that are marked as urgent are played first.
b) This is followed by send and read receipts as well as undeliverable mail messag-
c) This is followed by all other messages. The following order applies:
- first unread messages,
- then read messages
2. Saved messages
3. Outbox messages: The messages are played back in chronological order.
You receive an announcement that informs you what categories of messages you have. You
also receive information on how many messages are saved in your mailbox, according to un-
read, read, and waiting to be sent, and how many of each type there are (voice mail, fax, e-
mail). If you activated the inclusion of the "Xpressions" folder, the announcement will start with
the name of the currently processed folder . If you have configured your mailbox setting to filter
out certain message types (for example, e-mails), these messages will not be signaled on the
telephone. To retrieve messages of this type, you must change your mailbox settings (Section, “Changing the playback options” or Section or access your mailbox via your
Dial your own mailbox (see Section, “Dialing your own Mailbox”).
3Push 3 in the main menu (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main
Menu”) to retrieve or listen to messages.
Automatic retrieval of messages if new messages are stored in your
mailbox and Callback access mode is activated (see Section 3.2.8, “Us-
ing the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)”) or through the
automatic notification of Xpressions

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-13
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Message header
The date and time of the message receipt are announced at the beginning of each message.
Incoming messages also play back the name and extension number of the caller if this is an
internal user. For external calls, the call number is played back if it was transferred with the mes-
sage. The originator of e-mail messages is announced, provided TTS is installed and activated.
Options available when listening to the message header
The following options are available when listening to the message header:
You can also output the fax message or e-mail to an external fax device, provided your system
administrator has enabled this option. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front
of the telephone number.
3Skip message header and go directly to message:
push 3
2Skip message and play next message header: push 2.
72Jump back to previous message header:
push 7 and then push 2.
1Output fax message or e-mail (optional)
to default printer:
push 1 or push one of the following options if your administrator has
configured these options
1#Output fax message or e-mail (optional)
to default printer:
push 1 and then push the pound key.
11Output fax message or e-mail (optional)
to default fax device:
push 1 and then push 1 again.
12Output fax message or e-mail (optional)
to any fax device:
push 1 and then push 2. Your system will now prompt you to enter the
number of the required fax device.

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Options available when listening to a message
You can use the following options to pause the playback of stored messages texts:
*Pause playback:
push the star key.
3Resume paused playback:
push 3.
*2Skip message and play next message:
push the star key, then push 2.
*4Save message:
push the star key, then push 4.
*6Delete message:
push the star key, then push 6.
*71Play back message details:
push the star key, 7 and 1 in succession.
*73Repeat message playback:
push the star key, 7 and 3 in succession.
*77Repeat associated message header:
push the star key, 7 and 7 in succession.
*78Repeat eight seconds of the message (or three lines in e-mails):
push the star key, 7 and 8 in succession.
*91Jump ahead to next message category:
push the star key, 9 and 1 in succession.
*93Jump ahead to the end of the message:
push the star key, 9 and 3 in succession.
*98Skip eight seconds (or three lines in e-mails) of the message:
push the star key, 9 and 8 in succession.
*7#Return to the main menu:
push the star key, 7 and the pound key in succession.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Options available after messages have been heard
You can decide how a message is to be processed once it has been played. The following op-
tions are provided:
The following options are available after you have saved (option 4) or deleted (option 6) a mes-
The following options are available if you call the originator (option 7 and 0).
You can also dial external originators, provided your system administrator has enabled this op-
tion. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front of the telephone number.
73Repeat the message: push 7 and then push 3.
4Save message: push 4.
6Delete message: push 6.
#Jump to next message: push the pound key.
The next saved message is now played.
1Reply to message: push 1.
You can subsequently record a reply message. See Section,
“Recording and Sending Messages” for information about recording
You can only use this option for messages that were sent by another
mailbox user.
9Forward a message: push 9.
Your system will now prompt you to enter the extension number of the
user to whom you would like to forward the message. You also have the
option of recording an additional remark that will be forwarded with the
70Call the originator: push 7 and then push 0.
#Dial stored telephone number of the message originator
#Enter the message originator’s number. Conclude the entry by pushing
the pound key.
*#Enter the name of the originator by selecting the letters that are as-
signed to the number keys and conclude the entry by pushing the pound

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3-16 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Options available when listening to Outbox messages
The following options are available when you are listening to messages that you have recorded
for a subsequent send action (see Section, “Recording and Sending Messages”):
The following options are subsequently available if you change the recipient (option 2).
Adding recipient numbers
#Send message is OK, continue: push the pound key.
1Re-record send message: push 1.
See Section, “Recording and Sending Messages” for informa-
tion about recording messages.
2Change recipient: push 2.
3Change send options: push 3.
To change the send options, please refer to Section, “Recording
and Sending Messages”.
6Delete send message: push 6.
1Push 1.
The system now prompts you to enter the required recipient number.
#Enter the recipient’s number. This can also be a distribution list number
(see Section 3.1.3, “Distribution lists”). Conclude the entry by pushing
the pound key.
You can now add an additional recipient number or:
*#Enter the name of the recipient by selecting the letters that are assigned
to the number keys. Conclude the entry by pushing the pound key.
You can now add an additional recipient name or:
#Cancel the function and continue.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Deleting recipient numbers Checking Recipient Numbers
6Push 6.
The system now prompts you to enter the extension number or distribu-
tion list number to be deleted.
#Enter the recipient’s number. Conclude the entry by pushing the pound
You can now delete an additional recipient number or:
*#Enter the name of the recipient by selecting the letters that are assigned
to the number keys. Conclude the entry by pushing the pound key.
You can now delete an additional recipient name or:
7Cancel the function and continue.
9Push 9.
The recipient numbers are now announced.
#Cancel the function and continue.

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3-18 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail Recording and Sending Messages
You can record voice messages and send them to other users.
To record messages:
After you have sent a message to the Outbox, you can listen to this message again, re-record
this message if required, add, delete and check recipient numbers and change the send op-
tions again before you disconnect the mailbox connection.
Dial your own mailbox (see Section, “Dialing your own Mailbox”).
1Push 1 in the main menu (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main
Menu”) to record messages.
A recorded announcement prompts you to start recording the message
after you hear the beep. Push 1 a second time if you want to skip the
announcement and hear the beep for recording the message.
Record the message.
Control and correction options are available during the recording of the
message (see Section, “During the recording process”).
You will hear a beep 10 seconds before the recording process is con-
Any pauses at the start or end of the recorded voice message are de-
tected by the system and deleted.
*#Once the message has been recorded: wait or push the star key and
then push the pound key.
#Enter the extension number of the recipient and conclude the entry with
the pound key or
*#Enter the name of the recipient by selecting the letters that are assigned
to the number keys and conclude the entry by pushing the pound key.
#Release the Outbox message without special send options: push the
pound key again.
The message is sent when you terminate the connection to the mailbox.
3Select the send options and release the Outbox message: push 3.
The message is sent when you terminate the connection to the mailbox.
6Cancel the function and delete the recorded message: push 6.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
To do this, retrieve the messages stored in your mailbox (see Section, “Listening to/Re-
trieving Messages”). Correction options are available when you are playing Outbox messages
(see Section, “Options available when listening to Outbox messages”).
During the recording process
You can control and correct the recorded message during the actual recording process. The
following options are available while the message is being recorded.
3.2.4 Selecting the Send Options
Once the message has been addressed to every recipient, you can send the message using
special options. The following options are available.
*Pause recording process:
push the star key.
1Resume paused recording process:
push 1.
*61Pause, delete and repeat recording process:
push the star key, 6 and 1 in succession.
*6#Pause, delete and cancel recording process:
push the star key, 6 and the pound key in succession.
*73Pause recording and check recorded message:
push the star key, 7 and 3 in succession.
*78Pause recording and listen to last eight seconds:
push the star key, 7 and 8 in succession.
3Following entry of recipients: push 3 to select the send options.
The following options are available (multiple selection possible) if you set the special send op-
1request Receipt or read receipt: push 1 or
2mark message as private: push 2 or
3mark message as urgent: push 3 or
4request future delivery: push 4 or
#confirm the send options and release the outbox message.

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3-20 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Selecting the send options for future delivery
The following additional options are available if you marked a message for future delivery: Changing Answering Options
You use the answering options to define how calls that are forwarded to your mailbox are han-
dled. Calls are forwarded to your mailbox if your extension is busy or if you do not answer the
call (your system administrator must have configured this option) or if you have programmed
call forwarding to your mailbox. You can change your answering options in your personal set-
tings if you have access to these settings via the Web-based configuration interface
(Section 2.9.13, “Time Profiles”).
The answering options include:
●Greetings and answering mode
Callers who are forwarded to your mailbox hear a greeting (a system greeting is set by de-
fault). You can select the following types of greetings from a maximum of nine greetings
that you have recorded (sorted according to priority):
1request once-off future delivery: push 1 or
2request multiple future delivery: push 2.
You now have the following options:
21re-send message every week: push 1 or
22re-send message every month: push 2
You will be prompted to enter the month or the day of the week and the time if you selected
one of these three options (once-off, weekly or monthly delivery):
#enter the month or day(s) of the week and the time and confirm your en-
tries by pushing the pound key;
#enter the current month, day of the week or the time: push the pound
#confirm the entered date or time: push the pound key.
The following options are available once you have completed the time entries:
1re-enter the send options for future delivery: push 1 or
9listen to the set send options: push 9 or
#confirm the send options for future delivery and release the outbox

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
– Alternative greeting:
You can define an alternative greeting. All callers will hear this greeting.
– After-hours greeting:
Callers who dial an extension outside of business hours will hear this greeting. You can
use this greeting to notify callers of your office’s business hours. You can program the
business hours using the Web-based configuration interface (Section 2.9.13, “Time
– Greeting when extension is busy:
Callers will always hear this greeting when your extension is busy. For example, you
can set a greeting to inform the caller that the extension is currently busy.
– Personal greeting for external and internal callers:
You can define one of your personal greetings for internal calls and one for external
calls. You may want to have a more formal greeting for external callers. You can inform
internal callers of your current whereabouts, for example.
You can specify for each of these greetings whether callers who are re-directed to your
mailbox are permitted to leave a message or not. Preventing callers from leaving messag-
es is practical, for example, if you are non-contactable for a long period of time. In this sit-
uation, you should provide a message to alert callers to this fact.
●Forwarding calls to your personal PhoneMail referral extension
You can set your personal PhoneMail referral extension.
If you have set Greeting only as the answering mode, the caller will be re-directed to your
referral extension either automatically or by pushing a key, provided that the caller remains
on the line after the greeting has been played. This number is also used for the settings in
the programmable caller menu of the forward access service.
You can record your name in the same way as a greeting. Other users will hear your name
when they send messages to you or receive messages from you.
You can enter a number here to allow the caller to reach your mobile phone. Like the Pho-
neMail referral extension number, this setting can also be used in the forward access
●Mailbox deputy
In the event of your absence, you can define an Xpressions user who will receive a copy
of all messages that arrive in your mailbox and are addressed to you.
●Call forwarding of your telephone
You can use any telephone to control the call forwarding of calls to your extension, provided
the system administrator has enabled this feature. You can also configure call forwarding
to your mailbox in a number of simple steps.

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3-22 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
To set the answering options:
Changing the personal greeting
The following options are available if you selected one of the five greeting categories provided:
Selecting a personal greeting or a system greeting as a personal greeting
Dial your own mailbox (see Section, “Dialing your own Mailbox”).
8Push 8 in the main menu (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main
Menu”). The menu for changing the answering options is played.
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
1In the menu for changing the answering options: push 1.
1Change alternative greeting: push 1 or
2change greeting indicating that extension is busy: push 2 or
3change greeting for internal callers: push 3 or
4change greeting for external callers: push 4 or
5change after-hours greeting: push 5.
1Change personal greeting: push 1
The system prompts you to enter the greeting number after you have pushed 1.
Enter the number of the personal greeting.
You now have the following options:
1Re-record personal greeting: push 1 or
4Keep or activate personal greeting:
push 4 or
6Set a system greeting as a personal greeting: push 6.
The system prompts you to record the new greeting after the beep if you have pushed 1.
Record the greeting. The same control options and key sequences
available when you are recording messages are available here (see
Section, “During the recording process”). These key sequences
include *7# to pause recording/return to the main menu, *76 to pause
recording/terminate the connection.
*#End the recording process and activate the greeting: push the star key
and then push the pound key.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-23
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Defining the answering mode
If you prevent users from leaving messages, ensure that the greeting text corresponds to the
answering option. The caller should be aware of the fact that he or she cannot leave a message.
Check the PhoneMail referral extension in this case.
Defining the PhoneMail referral extension number for call forwarding
You can also define external PhoneMail referral extension numbers, provided your system ad-
ministrator has enabled this option. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front
of the telephone number.
Record name
4Permit callers to leave messages: push 4 or
6Prevent callers from leaving messages: push 6.
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
3In the menu for changing the answering options: push 3.
You now have the following options:
1Change referral extension number: push 1 or
4Cancel, keep referral extension: push 4.
The system prompts you to enter the referral extension number after you have pushed 1.
#Enter the referral extension number and confirm the entry with the
pound key or
*#Enter the name of the referral extension by selecting the letters that are
assigned to the number keys and confirm your entry by pushing the
pound key.
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
4In the menu for changing the answering options: push 4.
You now have the following options:
1Record new name: push 1 or
4Cancel, keep previous recording: push 4.
The system prompts you to enter your name after the beep if you have pushed 1.

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3-24 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Defining a mobile phone number for call forwarding
You can only define mobile phone numbers if your system administrator has enabled this op-
tion. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front of the telephone number.
Defining mailbox deputy numbers
Say your name.
The same control options and key sequences available when you are
recording messages are available here (see Section, “During
the recording process”). The following key sequences are also permit-
ted: *7# to pause recording/return to the main menu, *76 to pause re-
cording/terminate the connection. The *78 key sequence for playing
back the last eight seconds of the recorded messages is not permitted.
*#End the recording process: push the star key and then push the pound
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
5In the menu for changing the mobile phone number: push 5.
You now have the following options:
1Change mobile phone number: push 1 or
2Enable function: push 2 or
3Disable function: push 3 or
#Cancel, retain mobile phone number and status: push the pound key.
The system prompts you to enter required mobile phone number entries if you have pushed 1.
#Enter the mobile phone number and confirm the entry with the pound
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
6In the menu for changing the answering options: push 6.
You now have the following options:
1Change mailbox deputy: push 1 or
2Enable mailbox deputy: push 2 or
3Disable mailbox deputy: push 3.
#Cancel, keep referral extension: push the pound key.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-25
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Defining the call forwarding settings
You can also define external call forwarding destinations if your system administrator has en-
abled this option. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front of the telephone
number. Changing Mailbox Options
You can customize your mailbox. You can change your mailbox options in your personal set-
tings if you have access to these settings via the Web-based configuration interface (see Sec-
tion 2.9, “Client Assistant”).
These settings include:
●Private distribution lists
You can create, modify, check and delete distribution lists for recurring send requests to
certain users.
●User prompts
You can choose between shorter and more detailed user prompts. Experienced users can
set shorter system greeting texts if the short user prompt option is selected.
The system prompts you to enter the mailbox deputy number if you have pushed 1.
#Enter the mailbox deputy number and confirm your entry with the pound
key or
*#Enter the name of the referral extension by selecting the letters that are
assigned to the number keys and confirm your entry by pushing the
pound key.
8In the main menu: push 8 to access the answering options.
7In the menu for changing the answering options: push 7.
You now have the following options:
1Change the call forwarding destination: push 1 or
4Enable call forwarding on Xpressions: push 4 or
6Disable call forwarding: push 6 or
#Cancel, retain any call forwarding settings: push the pound key.
The system prompts you to enter the call forwarding destination if you have pushed 1.
#Enter the call forwarding destination and confirm your entry by pushing
the pound key or

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-26 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
You can change the password required for telephone access to your mailbox at any time.
●Set notifications
You can set the system to send a short message (SMS message) to your mobile phone
when new mail arrives in your mailbox. You can also set Xpressions to try to reach you at
a number of telephones or to reach you via a pager if you are using one.
If you are working in an integrated Lotus Notes or MS Exchange environment or if the
Xpressions server is also configured as an e-mail system (please consult your system ad-
ministrator in this regard), you can specify whether messages that are stored in your
"Xpressions" folder can be processed on the telephone prior to Inbox messages. If this fold-
er does not already exist, it is automatically created when you activate the system.
You can also define the order in which the messages in your Inbox should be announced,
and set the message playback volume to different volume levels.
You can choose to have the messages in your Inbox played back without any user inter-
vention. However, you can interrupt the message playback at any time by pushing a key.
●Faxtone detection
You can activate or deactivate faxtone detection in forward access mode, provided this has
been enabled in the system. This enables callers to send faxes as well as voice messages
to your mailbox if a fax access number is not available or cannot be used for your system,
and provided that voice mails and faxes are to be forwarded to the same forwarding desti-
nation. You must have configured the relevant forwarding settings or you must provide your
fax partners with an appropriate direct address.
You can select another language for the user prompts. This also applies to all other access
options if you make calls from your extension or any other extension, as soon as you have
dialed your own mailbox.
●Playback options
You can define which message types (voice messages, fax messages, e-mails) should be
played and whether older messages of these types can be processed on the telephone.
To change your mailbox options:
Dial your own mailbox (see Section, “Dialing your own Mailbox”).
9Push 9 in the main menu (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main
Menu”). The menu for changing the mailbox options is played.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-27
Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Private distribution lists
Creating or changing distribution lists
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
1In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 1.
You now have the following options:
1Create new distribution list: push 1 or
3Change distribution list: push 3 or
6Delete distribution list: push 6 or
9Check distribution lists step-by-step: push 9 or
#Cancel the function and continue.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
1In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 1.
You now have the following options:
1Create new distribution list: push 1 or
3Change new distribution list: push 1.
#Enter the distribution list number and confirm the entry with the pound
The following options are available after you have entered the distribution list number:
1Change distribution list name: push 1 or
2Add numbers to distribution list: push 2 or
3Check numbers in the distribution list: push 3 or
6Delete numbers from the distribution list, push 6 or
#Cancel the function and continue.
The system prompts you to record your distribution list name after the beep after you have
pushed 1.
Record the distribution list name.
The same control options and key sequences available when you are
recording messages are available here (see Section, “During
the recording process”). The *78 key sequence for playing back the last
eight seconds of the recorded messages is not permitted.
*#End the recording process: push the star key and then push the pound

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-28 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Deleting a distribution list
Changing the user prompts
Change password
The system will prompt you to enter additional numbers or names to be added or deleted after
you have pushed 2 or 6.
Add or delete numbers or names.
The same control options available when you are recording messages
are available here (see Section, “Adding recipient numbers” or
Section, “Deleting recipient numbers”).
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
1In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 1.
You now have the following options:
6Delete distribution list: push 6
#Enter the distribution list and confirm the entry with the pound key
The following options are available after you have entered the distribution list number:
4Cancel delete operation: push 4 or
#Delete distribution list and continue: push the pound key.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
2In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 2.
You now have the following options:
2Switch to Short: push 2 or
1Switch to Detailed: push 1 or
#Keep the current user prompts and return to the main menu.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
3In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 3.
You are now prompted to enter a new password.
#Enter a new password and confirm your entry with the pound key.
The password can comprise any digit sequence. It must have a mini-
mum of six characters and may not be longer than 24 characters.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Setting notifications
The new password is confirmed when it is entered.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
4In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 4.
You now have the following options:
3Change notifications: push 3 or
4Enable notifications: push 4 or
9Check notifications: push 9 or
#Cancel and return to the main menu.
The following options are available after you have selected one of the options 3, 4 or 9:
11Select pager: push 1 and then push 1 again
12Select pager 2: push 1 and then push 2
21Select text pager 1: push 2 and then push 1
22Select text pager 2: push 2 and then push 2 again
31Select company telephone: push 3 and then push 1
32Select home telephone: push 3 and then push 2
33Select additional telephone: push 3 and then push 3 again
42Select additional telephone 2: push 4 and then push 2
43Select additional telephone 3: push 4 and then push 3
44Select additional telephone 4: push 4 and then push 4 again
45Select additional telephone 5: push 4 and then push 5
46Select additional telephone 6: push 4 and then push 6
51Select SMS destination: push 5 and then push 1
#Cancel and return to the main menu.
The following options are available after you have selected a device for the notification set-
1Change all settings: push 1 or
6Activate or deactivate the device: push 3 or
#Cancel and return to the main menu or
2Change the destination number or callback number: push 2

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
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3-30 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Changing Settings
Activating/deactivating faxtone detection
Changing the language
#Enter destination number or callback number and confirm your en-
tries by pushing the pound key.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
5In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 5.
11Activate "Xpressions" folder: push 1 or
12Deactivate "Xpressions" folder: push 2 or
1#Keep current folder setting and return to the main menu
31Newer messages first: push 1 or
32Older messages first: push 2 or
3#Keep current presentation sequence and return to the main menu
55Increase volume: push 5 or
58Reduce volume: push 8 or
5#Keep current volume and return to the main menu
71Enable automatic message playback: push 1 or
72Disable automatic message playback: push 2 or
7#Keep the current playback option and return to the main menu.
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
6In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 6.
You now have the following options:
4Activate faxtone detection: push 4 or
6Deactivate faxtone detection: push 6
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
7In the menu for changing the mailbox options: push 7.
You now have the following options:
Enter the number of the language or
#Confirm and return to the main menu.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Changing the playback options
9In the main menu: push 9 to access the mailbox options.
8In the menu for changing the playback options: push 8.
You now have the following options:
1Set which message types (media types) are to be processed: push 1
2Set whether old messages are to be played when messages are re-
trieved: push 2 or
#Confirm and return to the main menu.
When setting which message types (media types) are to be processed on the telephone (op-
tion 1), you are offered the following options (multiple selection possible):
1Process voice messages (yes/no): push 1,
2Process fax messages optional) (yes/no), push 2,
3Process e-mails (optional) (yes/no): push 3.
Push the keys for the required options in succession, for example, 1 and 3. After you have
pushed one or more keys, the announcement indicates whether the selected message type
is activated or deactivated.
#Confirm and return to the main menu, or
*Cancel and return to the main menu.
When setting whether old and new or only new messages are to be played (option 2) on re-
trieving messages, you will be offered the following options (multiple selection possible).
1Process old messages also (yes/no): push 1,
2Process old fax messages also (yes/no), push 2,
3Process old e-mails also (yes/no): push 3.
Push the keys for the required options in succession, for example, 1 and 3. After you have
pushed one or more keys, the announcement indicates whether or not old messages for the
selected message type will be played back.
#Confirm and return to the main menu, or
*Cancel and return to the main menu.

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2.5 Connection
You can call the switch or another user while you are connected to a mailbox. To do this, you
must select the main menu of the mailbox. To call a user while you are connected to the mail-
You can also set up a connection to external users, provided your system administrator has en-
abled this option. To do this, dial the trunk seizure code (normally 0) in front of the telephone
After listening to a new or old message, you can enter 70 to connect directly to the originator
of the message (see Section, “Options available after messages have been heard”).
7push 7 in the main menu (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main
You now have the following options:
0Call user: push 0 or
#Cancel and return to the main menu or
6Terminate the mailbox connection
(see also Section, “Terminating the Connection”).
Once you have pushed 0, the following options are available:
#Call the switch: push the pound key or
#Enter the required user number and conclude the entry with the pound
*#Enter the name of the relevant user by selecting letters that are as-
signed to the number keys and conclude your entries by pushing the
pound key.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2.6 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access or Universal Access)
You can dial the mailbox of another user directly, regardless of whether the user is currently
contactable. You can leave a voice message for the user in the external mailbox, provided the
user has enabled the option to leave messages.
If the user prompts do not appear in the language of your choice, a language selection will be
offered after a short pause (see Section, “Changing the language”). After selecting the
language, you can return to dialing the user mailbox.
To dial the mailbox of another user:
To dial your own mailbox (only available in the universal access mode): Leaving a Message for Mailbox Owners
You can leave a message after the beep if the user whose mailbox you have dialed with guest
access has enabled the option to leave a message.
Control and correction options are available during the recording of the message (see Section, “During the recording process”). You will hear a beep 10 seconds before the recording
process is concluded. Any pauses at the start or end of the recorded voice message are
detected by the system and deleted.
The following additional options are available during the recording process:
Enter the service access number for the guest access option. Please
consult your system administrator if you do not know the access number
for the guest access option.
#Enter the extension number of the relevant user and conclude the entry
by pushing the pound key.
*#Enter the name of the relevant user by selecting letters that are as-
signed to the number keys and conclude your entries by pushing the
pound key.
#Push the pound key.
(see Section 3.2.2, “Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access)”)
*Pause recording, control functions during the recording process:
see Section, “During the recording process” (during recording).
###Re-dial a mailbox with guest access again to leave a message in this
push the pound key three times in succession.
##0Connect to a user number or the switch:
push the pound key twice and then push 0.

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
You can also just replace the handset after you have left the message. The message will always
be sent.
3.2.7 Call Forwarding (Forward Access)
You can set your telephone to re-direct calls to your mailbox. Use the call forwarding feature for
this purpose (a distinction is made in Hicom 300 between variable and fixed call forwarding) or
set this in the answering options menu (see Section, “Defining the call forwarding set-
tings”). The way in which you set up the call forwarding feature on the telephone depends on
the telephone system and type of telephone that you are using. Please refer to the user manual
and operating instructions for your PABX and telephone respectively for more detailed informa-
You must use the service access number of the mailbox for forward access as the call forward-
ing destination number. Callers who dial your extension number will be re-routed to the mailbox.
Callers can leave a message in your mailbox or can be transferred to your PhoneMail referral
extension. This depends on how you have set your answering options (see Section,
“Changing Answering Options”) or which actions you have defined in the Web-based configu-
ration interface. You can also have fax calls received at your extension (see Section,
“Changing Mailbox Options”). These messages are also saved in your mailbox.
You have the same options as those available with guest access if you dial an extension num-
ber and the user has configured call forwarding on his/her telephone. If the user allows you to
leave messages, you can do so after the beep.
Control and correction options are available during the recording of the message (see Section, “During the recording process”). You will hear a beep 10 seconds before the recording
process is concluded.
Any pauses at the start or end of the recorded voice message are detected by the system and
deleted. The following additional options are available during the recording process:
You can also just replace the handset after you have left the message. The message will always
be sent.
Before recording a message on your own mailbox, you have the following options:
*Pause recording, control functions during the recording process:
see Section, “During the recording process”.
If you have forwarded your own telephone to your mailbox, you can only access the
main menu of your mailbox (see Section 3.2.3, “Options in the Main Menu”) after di-
aling your number (before recording a message) by entering "Pound" followed by
your telephone password.
#Dial your own mailbox: push the pound key.

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2.8 Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)
The following requirements must be fulfilled to allow you to use this service:
●Your PABX must support the mailbox function. The Hicom 300/300 E/300 H and
Hicom 150/150 E/150 H systems currently support this function.
●Your telephone must be equipped with a mailbox key. Examples of Hicom telephones that
are equipped with a mailbox key include Set 500, Set 700 or optiset E memory and
optiset E advance.
●The mailbox function must be linked to the mailbox. Your system administrator must have
configured this.
●At least one new message must be located in your mailbox.
You can only use the callback access service from your own extension or your own mobile
phone provided that the latter is known to the server.
Enter the service access number for the Callback access option.
Please consult your system administrator if you do not know the access
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
or If the mailbox LED is illuminated:
for optiset:
Push the "Mailbox" key. The following appears in the display:
Push "continue".
Select "play".
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
for Set 400/500/700:
Push the "Mailbox" key. The following appears in the display:
Push the "Play" key.
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
The "Listen to/retrieve" menu is now activated (see Section, “Listening to/Retrieving
Messages”). All control options are available during and after the message playback.
3.2.9 Using your Mailbox for your Mobile Telephone
You can also use your mailbox as a mailbox for your mobile phone. The advantage of this is
that all messages are stored in one single mailbox, regardless of whether these messages
were addressed to your telephone at your workstation or to your mobile telephone.
Please note the following differences in comparison to the conventional use of the mailbox. Call Forwarding for Mobile Phones
You can set your mobile phone to re-direct calls to your mailbox. To do this, use the call for-
warding function (you can normally choose between automatic call forwarding and conditional
call forwarding on mobile phones, for example, if your extension is busy or cannot be reached).
Please consult your mobile phone operating instructions for information on how to set up the
call forwarding function.
You must use the CO number of the Xpressions server followed by the extension number of
your telephone at your workstation as the call forwarding destination number. Please consult
your system administrator if you do not know the CO number of the Xpressions server.
Callers who dial your mobile number will be re-routed to the mailbox. Callers can leave a mes-
sage in your mailbox or can be transferred to your PhoneMail referral extension. This depends
on how you have set your answering options (see Section, “Changing Answering Op-

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail Dialing your Mailbox
You can dial your own mailbox using the service access number for the direct access option
(see also Section 3.2.2, “Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access)”).
You can dial your own mailbox (direct access) from any (external) telephone:
You can use the callback access service if you dial the mailbox from your mobile telephone (see
Section 3.2.8, “Using the Mailbox with the Mailbox Key (Callback Access)”). The most practical
option is to store the access number for the callback access service in your mobile phone ad-
dress book.
Dialing your own mailbox from a mobile phone (Callback access):
Enter the service access number for the direct access option including
the CO number of your company.
Please consult your system administrator if you do not know the access
#Enter your own telephone number. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
Enter the number of the telephone at your workstation and not the num-
*#Enter your own name by selecting the letters that are assigned to the
number keys. Conclude the entry by pushing the pound key.
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
Enter the service access number for the callback access service includ-
ing the CO number of your company.
Please consult your system administrator if you do not know the access
#Enter your personal password. Conclude the entry by pushing the
pound key.
Activate the notification function (see Section, “Setting notifications”). An
SMS message will then be sent to your mobile phone each time your mailbox re-
ceives a new message.

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
3.2.10 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences
The following lists contain the key sequences that must be pushed to use mailbox functions.
Retrieve/listen to messages
During the playback of a message:
Key sequence Function
3Retrieve/listen to messages, messages are played
1# Output fax message/e-mail to the default printer
11 Output fax message/e-mail to the default fax device
12 Output fax message/e-mail to any fax device
3Pause message playback, go directly to message
72 Jump to message header of previous message
2Jump to message header of next message
*Pause message playback
3Resume paused message playback
*2 Jump to message header of next message
*4 Pause message playback, save message
*6 Pause message playback, delete message
*71 Play back message details
*72 Jump to message header of previous message
*73 Pause message playback, repeat message playback
*77 Pause message playback, repeat message header playback
*78 Pause message playback, play back part of the message
*91 Pause message playback, jump to next message category
*93 Pause message playback, fast forward to the end of the message
*98 Pause message playback, fast forward in the message

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Following the playback of a message:
Recording and sending messages
4# Save played message and continue
41 Save played message and reply
49 Save played message and forward
470 Save played message and call message originator
6# Delete played message and continue
61 Delete played message and reply
69 Delete played message and forward
670 Delete played message and call message originator
73 Repeat played message
11 Re-record played Outbox message
121 Played Outbox message: Add recipient numbers
126 Played Outbox message: Delete recipient numbers
129 Played Outbox message: Check recipient numbers
131 Played Outbox message: Request receipt
132 Played Outbox message: Mark as private
133 Played Outbox message: Mark as urgent
134 Played Outbox message: Prepare for future delivery
16 Delete played Outbox message
Key sequence Function
1Record message, message is placed in the Outbox
11 Jump directly to the beep indicating the start of the recording process

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
During the recording of messages or greetings
Changing answer options
*Pause recording
1Resume paused recording process
*61 Pause recording and re-record the message
*6# Pause recording and delete the message
*73 Pause recording and check the message
*78 Pause recording, check the last eight seconds of the message
*7# Pause recording, return to the main menu (only for direct access and
callback access, not for message recording)
*70 Pause recording, set up connection to user or switch (only for guest ac-
cess and forwarding access)
*76 Pause recording, terminate the connection (not for message recording in
direct access or callback access)
Key sequence Function
8111 Set alternative greeting: Change greeting
8114 Set alternative greeting: Accept messages
8116 Set alternative greeting: Do not allow messages to be left
8121 Set greeting to indicate busy extension: Change greeting
8124 Set greeting to indicate busy extension: Accept messages
8126 Set greeting to indicate busy extension: Do not allow messages to be left
8131 Set internal greeting: Change greeting
8134 Set internal greeting: Accept messages
8136 Set internal greeting: Do not allow messages to be left
8141 Set external greeting: Change greeting
8144 Set external greeting: Accept messages
8146 Set external greeting: Do not allow messages to be left
8151 Set after-hours greeting: Change greeting
8154 Set after-hours greeting: Accept messages
8156 Set after-hours greeting: Do not allow messages to be left
831 Forward call: Change PhoneMail referral extension
834 Forward call: Keep PhoneMail referral extension
841 Record name
844 Keep name

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Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service Voicemail
Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
Changing mailbox options
851 Forward call: Change mobile phone number
852 Forward call: Activate mobile phone number
853 Forward from call: Deactivate mobile phone number
861 Change mailbox deputy number
862 Activate mailbox deputy number
863 Deactivate mailbox deputy number
871 Set call forwarding number
874 Activating call forwarding on Xpressions
876 Deactivate call forwarding
Key sequence Function
911 Create private distribution list:
913 1Change private distribution list: Record name
913 2Change private distribution list: Add phone numbers
913 3Change private distribution list: Check phone numbers
913 6Change private distribution list: Delete phone numbers
916 4Delete private distribution list: Cancel
916 #Delete private distribution list: Confirm
919 Check private distribution list
922 Switch prompt level to short user prompts
921 Switch user prompts to detailed prompts
93 Change password
943 Notifications: Set notification destinations
944 Notifications: Activate or deactivate
949 Check notifications
9511 Activate "Xpressions" folder
9512 Deactivate "Xpressions" folder
9531 Play back new messages first
9532 Play back old messages first
9555 Increase playback volume
9558 Reduce playback volume
9571 Activate automatic message playback
9572 Deactivate automatic message playback
964 Activate faxtone detection
966 Deactivate faxtone detection

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Operating your Mailbox with PhoneMail
97 Change user prompt language
981 Playback options, message type
982 Playback options, old messages
Key sequence Function
70 Call user
76 Terminate mailbox connection
7# Cancel and return to the main menu
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-43
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
3Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
3.3 Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The entire range of functions is described below. The range of functions has been restricted on
your system if you are unable to access all services.
An explanation of the icons used can be found in Section 3.1.2. Please read the introductory
information in Section 3.1 to find out about the basic functions of your voice mail system.
3.3.1 Access Options
HiPath Xpressions users have the following access options:
●You can dial your own mailbox (direct access, "Own mailbox" code).
Dial the service access number for direct access and log onto the server by entering your
PIN and a password, if one is required. You now have access to all messages stored in
your mailbox and to your mailbox settings. You can record messages for other users and
subsequently send these messages.
You will find more information about direct access mode under Appendix , “Using your own
Mailbox (Direct Access, "Own Mailbox Code")”
●You can dial an external mailbox (guest access and universal access, "External mail-
box" code).
Dial the service access number of the mailbox for guest access or universal access and
dial the extension number of the required user. You can leave a message in the user’s mail-
box or be transferred to a referral extension. This depends on how the user has set his/her
answering options.
You will find more information about guest access or universal access mode under Section
3.3.3, “Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access, "External Mailbox"
●You can re-direct calls received at your extension to your mailbox (CF, forward access).
Calls received at your extension are then forwarded to your mailbox. Callers can leave a
message for you in your mailbox. In this way you can use the mailbox as an answering ma-
Please refer to Section 3.3.4, “Call Forwarding (CF, Forward Access)” for more information
about forward access mode.
●You can check your mailbox for new messages using the mailbox key on the telephone
(callback access). The same functions that are provided with the direct access option are
available here.
●You can also use a notification feature (User outcall).

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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3-44 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
This allows the server to notify you of a new message via any telephones of your choice in
addition to illuminating the mailbox LED. See Section, “Configure notification fea-
System announcements guide the user through the selection options (menus) when the
user opens his or her own mailbox or an external mailbox. The announcements prompt you
to make the relevant entries. Please see Section 3.1.9, “User Prompts” for the principles of
user prompts.
You will find a graphic overview of all menu functions in Section 3.3.5, “A Quick Reference
Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences”.
3.3.2 Using your own Mailbox (Direct Access, "Own Mailbox Code") Overview
You will need a service access number, your PIN and a password, if one is required, to access
your mailbox. If you are using your mailbox for the first time and a password entry prompt is
configured, you will either enter the default password that you have been assigned or you will
be prompted to define a new password if this option has been configured in the system. To pro-
tect your data, you should immediately change the default password that you have been as-
signed (see Section, “Define and change the password”). The system may also be
configured to prompt you to record a personal name greeting when you access the mailbox for
the first time if a name greeting has not already been recorded. To do this, please use the stan-
dard edit options (see Section, “Default Edit Options”) and follow the recorded voice
Once you have entered the service access number, your PIN and a password, if one is re-
quired, you have unlimited access to your mailbox:
●edit new or old messages:
– play back messages,
– forward messages with/without comments,
– delete messages,
– set up a direct connection to the originator of a message,
– reply to messages.
●send messages
●change your personal settings, which includes
– your personal password for telephone access,
– the personal greetings (nine greetings in total),
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
– the language setting,
– the name greeting,
– the referral extension,
– the mailbox deputy,
– the info service number (assignment of greetings to answering mode),
– the answering mode (accept messages mode or info greeting only),
– set the notification feature,
– set the playback options,
●edit your private distribution lists
●create a broadcast call or broadcast message
●record dictations
●set up a connection to another user or to the switch Dialing your own Mailbox
You can dial your own mailbox from your own telephone and from any other internal or external
telephone of your choice. If you are dialing your mailbox via the public telephone network, dial
the CO number of your organization first followed by your service access number.
Enter the service access number for the direct access option.
*Enter your PIN and confirm the entry by pushing the star key.
or If you entered the incorrect PIN,
#delete the entire entry by pushing the pound key and then re-enter the
if necessary
*Enter your personal password. Confirm the entry by pushing the star
or If you entered an incorrect password,
#Delete the entire entry by pushing the pound key and then re-enter the
correct password.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS Default Edit Options
The following default entries are available for operating the mailbox. However, you can only se-
lect those default entries that are of logical relevance to the menu in question:
1Start/stop recording.
3Start/stop playback.
04Reverse the currently set playback order: The following basic setting
is defined by the system:
●New messages of the various message groups will be played back
first, starting with the first message group and the newest message.
●Previously heard messages of the various message groups will then
be played back, starting with the first message group and the new-
est message.
●Following this entry, previously heard messages of the various mes-
sage groups will be played back, starting with the last message
group and the oldest message. The new messages of the various
message groups will then be played back, starting with the last mes-
sage group and the oldest message:
Push 0 and then push 4.
06Restores the basic setting (see above) of the playback order:
Push 0 and then push 6.
4Rewind the recording by 10 seconds (voice message).
Rewind the text by three sentences (e-mail message).
44Rewind to the start of the recording (voice message).
Rewind to the start of the text (e-mail message).
6Fast forward the recording by 10 seconds (voice message).
Fast forward the text by three sentences (e-mail message).
66Fast forward to the end of the recording (voice message).
Fast forward to the end of the text (e-mail message).
*Scroll messages or confirm entries or terminate function, depending on
the menu.
#Delete the entry or recording and make a new entry or recording as re-
quired, depending on the menu.
0*Cancel the process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access)
The main menu is selected when you dial your own mailbox. You can call the following functions
in the main menu: Inbox
You can access this submenu by pushing 3 in the main menu or by selecting the callback ac-
cess option.
First you will hear an announcement informing you of the number of new and old messages in
the various message groups stored in your mailbox.
●New messages are messages that you have not yet played back from start to finish.
●Old messages are messages that you have already played back from start to finish but not
deleted yet.
Key Function
3Play back and edit incoming messages (Inbox) (see
1Record and send new message and edit sent messages (Out-
box / Sent Objects) (see Section
2Record a dictation (Section
8Special functions (administration functions) (Section
5Open, create and edit address folders
7Answering machine function (shortcut) (Section
02 Set up a telephone connection from the main menu
0* Play back main menu options

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The following options are available while the system is informing you of the number of
new and old messages stored in your mailbox:
The message header is played back following notification by the system of the number of old
and new messages. This comprises the date and time the message was received and the type
of message that was sent. The caller’s number is also played back. If the message received is
an internal message and a HiPath Xpressions mailbox has been configured for this user, the
name will be played back as well. For external calls, the call number is played back if it was
transferred with the message.
*Play back first message header:
Push the star key.
0*Quit current playback and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
1Record a new message and send it to one or more recipients (multi-
address distribution):
Push 1.
03Automatic playback of incoming messages:
This function allows the incoming messages to be automatically played
back in sequence with the associated send information (message head-
Push 0 and then push 3.
04Reverse the currently set playback order: The following basic setting
is defined by the system:
●New messages of the various message groups will be played back
first, starting with the first message group and the newest message.
●Previously heard messages of the various message groups will then
be played back, starting with the first message group and the new-
est message.
●Following this entry, previously heard messages of the various mes-
sage groups will be played back, starting with the last message
group and the oldest message. The new messages of the various
message groups will then be played back, starting with the last mes-
sage group and the oldest message:
Push 0 and then push 4.
06Restores the basic setting (see above) of the playback order:
Push 0 and then push 6.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Selection options in the Inbox
1Record a new message and send it to one or more recipients (multi-
address distribution):
Push 1.
3Listen to message:
Push 3.
3Pause playback and resume playback:
Push 3.
5Repeat message header:
Push 5.
*Skip message and play back next message header:
Push the star key.
04Reverse the currently set playback order: The following basic setting
is defined by the system:
●The new messages of the various message groups are played back
first, starting with the first message group and the newest message.
●Previously heard messages of the various message groups will then
be played back, starting with the first message group and the new-
est message.
Following this entry, previously heard messages of the various message
groups will be played back first, starting with the last message group and
the oldest message. The new messages of the various message groups
will then be played back, starting with the last message group and the
oldest message:
Push 0 and then push 4.
042Jump to the previous message type:
Push 0, push 4 and push then 2.
043Jump to the previous message group:
Push 0, push 4 and push then 3.
06Restores the basic setting (see above) of the playback order:
Push 0 and then push 6.
062Jump to the next message type:
Push 0, push 6 and push then 2.
063Jump to the next message group:
Push 0, push 6 and push then 3.
03Automatic playback of incoming messages:
Push 0 and then push 3.

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
01Enable or disable automatic playback of subject of an e-mail mes-
This disables the playback of the subject of an e-mail message in the
message header. Calling this function a second time re-enables the au-
tomatic playback of the subject of an e-mail message.
Push 0 and then push 1.
7Reply to message:
Push 7.
8Forward the message:
Push 8.
07Connect to the originator:
Push 0 and then push 7.
02Connect to a user:
Push 0 and then push 2.
2Mark message as unread (only possible if the message has been
played back from start to finish):
Push 2.
#Delete message (only possible if the message has been played
back from start to finish):
Push the pound key.
91Listen to all recipients (AN and CC fields) of an e-mail message:
Push 9 and then push 1.
92Listen to the attachments of an e-mail message:
Push 9 and then push 2.
93Print fax or e-mail message:
Push 9 and then push 3.
95Play back information about the attachments of an e-mail message:
Push 9 and then push 5.
0*Finish and return to main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-51
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
You can make the following entries while you are listening to a message:
4Rewind the recording by 10 seconds (voice message):
Rewind the text by three sentences (e-mail message):
Push 4.
44Rewind to the start of the recording (voice message):
Rewind to the start of the text (e-mail message):
Push 4 twice in quick succession.
4Rewind the recording by x minutes (voice message):
Rewind the text by x sentences (e-mail message):
Push 4 and enter the number of minutes or sentences.
Permitted number ranges for x: 1 to 3 and 5 to 9.
Remark: The input format for the number of minutes/sentences to
be rewound is a single-digit figure.
Example: Entering a 3 rewinds a voice message by three minutes.
Example: Entering a 5 rewinds an e-mail message by five sentences.
6Fast forward the recording by 10 seconds (voice message):
Fast forward the text by three sentences (e-mail message):
Push 6.
66Fast forward to the end of the recording (voice message):
Fast forward to the end of the text (e-mail message):
Push 6 twice in quick succession.
6Fast forward the recording by x minutes (voice message):
Fast forward the text by x sentences (e-mail message):
Push 6 and enter the number of minutes or sentences.
Permitted number ranges for x: 1 to 5 and 7 to 9.
Note: The input format for the number of minutes/sentences to be
rewound is a single-digit figure.
Example: Entering a 1 fast forwards a voice message by one minute.
Example: Entering a 2 fast forwards an e-mail message by two sentenc-
05 Jump to position of your choice in the message:
Push 0 and 5 in succession, enter the position.
*Confirm your entry by pushing the star key.

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3-52 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The input format for defining the position permits the following inputs:
The following options are available if you want to send a new message now to the Inbox:
Input formats
(voice message)
four-digit input
three-digit input
two-digit input
single-digit input
Ex.: "1130" jump to position 11 minutes and 30 seconds
Ex.: "325" jump to position 3 minutes and 25 seconds
Ex.: "45" jump to position 45 seconds
Ex.: "9" jump to position 9 seconds
Delete entry and make new selection: push the pound key.
Input formats
(e-mail message)
[S-S...] multi-digit input
Ex.: "22" jump to sentence 22
Delete entry and make new selection: push the pound key.
09Enable or disable user prompts:
This function disables the spoken announcements. Calling this function
a second time re-enables the spoken announcements.
Push 0 and 9 in succession.
1Record a new message and send it to one or more recipients (multi-
address distribution):
Push 1.
*Select a distribution list (see Section
Enter the code number for the distribution list and push the
star key to conclude the entry. Repeat this step if you want to
send the message to additional distribution lists.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the distribution list num-
ber entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of selecting
*Select a recipient:
Enter the call number and push the star key to conclude the
entry. Repeat this step if you want to send the message to ad-
ditional recipients.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the call number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering
a call number immediately afterwards.
You can repeat this step if required.
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-53
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
You can initiate a reply immediately if you have received a message from a user to whom
an immediate reply can be sent. To do this, proceed as follows:
Subsequent functions
*Conclude and confirm entry of the distribution list(s) or call num-
push the star key.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the distribution list(s) or call num-
ber(s) entered:You can resume the process of entering a new distribu-
tion list code or call number immediately afterwards.
Push the pound key.
The standard operating steps are now available for recording and editing
your message (see Section, “Default Edit Options”).
1Start/stop recording of new message:
Push 1.
5Special delivery options:
See Section, “Special send options:”.
Push 5.
*Start delivery:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
7Record and send a reply to messages that allow an immediate re-
Push 7.
The standard operating steps are now available for recording and editing
your message (see Section, “Default Edit Options”).
1Start/stop recording of new message:
Push 1.
5Special delivery options:
See Section, “Special send options:”.
Push 5.

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The following options are available if you want to add comments to a message and
subsequently send this message to one or more recipients:
Direct callback connection with the originator of a message (only possible if the
originator’s call number was transferred)
*End recording and initiate delivery:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
8Forward message with or without comments to one or more recip-
push 8.
The procedures for selecting a recipient or a distribution list are the
same as those described in Section, “The following options are
available if you want to send a new message now to the Inbox:”.
Once you have entered the distribution list(s) or recipient number(s), the
standard operating steps for recording and editing your message are
available (see Section, “Default Edit Options”).
1Start/stop recording comments:
Push 1.
5Special send options:
See Section, “Special send options:”.
Push 5.
*End recording of comments and start delivery:
Push the star key.
#Delete comments (for example, to record new comments):
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
07Direct callback to originator:
Push 0 and 7 in succession.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-55
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Connection with a recipient of your choice
The following options are available for setting up a connection to a recipient of your choice:
Print the fax or e-mail message
The following options are available if you want to print the fax or e-mail message
02Set up connection to recipient of your choice:
Push 0 and then push 2.
*Select a recipient:
Enter the recipient’s call number and push the star key to conclude the
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete the recipient call number entry:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering a recipient
call number immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
1Output on default fax device (provided this has been defined):
Push 1.
2Output on default printer (provided this has been defined):
Push 2.
3Enter the number of a fax device:
Push 3.
*Select the fax device:
Enter the fax number and push the star key to conclude the
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the fax number entered :
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering
a fax number immediately afterwards.
You can repeat this step if required.
*Cancel this function
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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3-56 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Recording and Sending New Messages (Inbox / Sent Objects)
You can access this submenu by selecting 1 in the main menu (see Section
You can record voice messages and send them to other users via individual call numbers, dis-
tribution lists, broadcast calls and/or broadcast messages.
This submenu provides the following functions:
(a) Record a new message and send it to one or more recipients
1Recording a new message and sending it to one or more recipi-
Push 1 and proceed as described under (a) in Section
2Record a new message and send it using the Broadcast message
Push 2 and proceed as described under (b) in Section
4Record a new message and send it using the Broadcast call fea-
Push 4 and proceed as described under (c) in Section
*Scroll previously sent messages:
Push the star key and proceed as described under (d) in Section
04Reverse the currently set playback order (see Section for
more information):
Push 0 and then push 4.
06Reverse the playback order again (see Section for more infor-
Push 0 and then push 6.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
1Recording a new message and sending it to one or more recipi-
Push 1.
The procedures for selecting a recipient or a distribution list are the
same as those described under "Sending a new message" in
Once you have entered the distribution list(s) or call number(s), the stan-
dard operating steps for recording and editing your message are now
available (see Section
1Start/stop recording of new message:
Push 1.
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-57
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Special send options:
5Special delivery options:
Push 5.
*Quit message recording and start delivery:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
1Request read receipt:
Push 1.
2Mark message as "Private":
Push 2.
3Mark message as "Urgent":
Push 3.
4Request future delivery:
Push 4.
*Enter the required time of delivery:
Enter the delivery time and push the star
key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the delivery time:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering
the time of delivery immediately afterwards.
5Send the message again:
Push 5.
1Send the message again in one week:
Push 1.
2Send the message again in one month:
Push 2.
*Confirm and return to the previous menu:
Push the star key.
#Delete and return to the previous menu:
Push the pound key.
*Confirm and return to the previous menu:
Push the star key.
#Delete and return to the previous menu:
Push the pound key.

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3-58 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
(b) Sending messages using the broadcast message feature (see Section
The following options are provided. Note: You require special privileges to send messages us-
ing the broadcast message feature.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
2Re-record message and send it using broadcast message feature:
Push 2.
*Select a broadcast distribution list:
Enter the code numbers of the broadcast distribution list and push the
star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the entered code numbers of a
broadcast distribution list:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the code
numbers of the broadcast distribution lists immediately afterwards.
Once you have entered the distribution list(s), the standard operating
steps for recording and editing your message are now available
(see Section, “Default Edit Options”).
1Start/stop recording of broadcast message:
Push 1.
*Activate/broadcast the message:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-59
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
(c) Sending messages using the broadcast call feature (see Section
The following options are provided. Note: You require special privileges to send messages us-
ing the broadcast call feature.
(d) Scrolling previously sent messages
The following options are available when you are scrolling the outbound journal:
4Re-record a message and send it using the broadcast call feature:
Push 4.
*Select a broadcast call list:
Enter the code numbers for the broadcast call list and push the star key
to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the entered code numbers for the
broadcast call list:
Push the pound key. You can resume the entry of the code numbers for
a broadcast call list immediately afterwards.
Once you have entered the distribution list(s), the standard operating
steps for recording and editing your message are now available
(see Section, “Default Edit Options”).
1Start/stop recording the broadcast call:
Push 1.
*Activate/broadcast the broadcast call:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
3Listen to message:
Push 3.
3Pause playback.
Push 3.
3Resume playback: The input options available when listening to
the message are available again.
Push 3.
*Next message: The selection options available under "Scroll Outbound
Journal" are now available.
Push the star key.
44Jump to the start of the message: The selection options available un-
der "Scroll Outbound Journal" are now available.
Push 4 twice in quick succession.

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3-60 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Recording a Dictation
You can record dictations using the VMS system and send each dictation to a different user.
Select 2 in the main menu to record a dictation (see Section, “Options in the Main Menu
(Direct Access)”):
Selection options for recording and sending a dictation
The following options are available for recording dictations:
5Status query (play back message header):
Push 5.
8Extend the request:
Push 8.
#Delete message:
Push the pound key.
1Send new message:
Push 1.
Special privileges are required for recording and receiving dictations. These privileg-
es are assigned by the system administrator.
*Enter the mailbox number:
Enter the mailbox number and conclude the entry by pushing the star
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete the call number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the recip-
ient call number immediately afterwards.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-61
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The following additional functions are provided in addition to the default edit options (see Sec-
tion, “Default Edit Options”):
The input format for defining the position permits the following inputs:
2Overwrite the recording from the current dictation position:
Push 2.
4Rewind the dictation by x minutes:
Push 4 and enter the minutes.
Permitted number ranges for x: 1 to 3 and 5 to 9.
●The input format for the number of minutes to be rewound is a sin-
gle-digit figure. Example: Entering a "3" rewinds the dictation by
three minutes.
●Entering "44" is not possible since this combination is used for re-
winding to the start of the message.
5Play back (announce) status report (position in the dictation):
Push 5.
6Fast forward the dictation by x minutes:
Push 6 and enter the minutes.
Permitted number ranges for x: 1 to 5 and 7 to 9.
●The input format for the number of minutes to be rewound is a sin-
gle-digit figure. Example: Entering a "1" fast forwards the dictation
by one minute.
●Entering "66" is not possible since this combination is used for fast
forwarding to the end of the message.
05 Jump to any position in the dictation:
Push 0 and 5 in succession, enter the position.
*Confirm your entry by pushing the star key.
Input formats
four-digit input
three-digit input
two-digit input
single-digit input
Ex.: "1130" jump to pos. 11 minutes and 30 seconds
Ex.: "325" jump to pos. 3 minutes and 25 seconds
Ex.: "45" jump to position 45 seconds
Ex.: "9" jump to position 9 seconds
Delete entry and make new selection: Push the pound key
09Disable or re-enable user prompts:
Push 0 and 9 in succession.
*Quit dictation recording and start delivery:
Push the star key.

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3-62 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Editing Distribution Lists
You can select two different types of distribution lists in the VMS system. The first list includes
your private distribution lists, which you manage yourself, and the second list includes the pub-
lic distribution lists, which can be accessed by every user in the system and can only be edited
by the system administrator. These distribution lists simplify the task of distributing messages
since they provide a simple means of creating different user groups, which can then be ad-
dressed by entering the distribution list code number. You can access the set up menu for the
distribution lists as follows.
Select 5 in the main menu to edit a distribution list (Section, “Default Edit Options”):
To select the distribution list type (see also Section select 7 or 9.
The following user inputs are permitted once you have selected the distribution list type:
#Delete dictation:
push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
7Select private distribution lists:
Push 7.
9Select public distribution lists:
Push 9.
Remark: You can only view public distribution lists. Only the system ad-
ministrator is authorized to make changes.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
1Create new distribution list:
Push 1.
*Scroll the available distribution lists:
Push the star key.
04Reverse the default playback direction: (last distribution list first):
Push 0 and then push 4.
06Restore the default playback direction: (first distribution list first):
Push 0 and then push 6.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-63
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
If you want to create a new distribution list (option 1):
If you want to play back the entries in a distribution list:
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
*Enter a code number for the new distribution list:
Enter the code number for the new distribution list and push the star
key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete the entered distribution list
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering a new
*Enter the first user number into the new distribution list:
Enter the new number into the new distribution list and push the star
key to conclude the entry.
Remark: You can enter all of the required numbers into the distribution
list by repeating this procedure.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the new number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering a new
number immediately afterwards.
*Close the distribution list:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
*Scroll the available distribution lists:
Push the star key.
04Reverse the default playback direction: (backwards)
Push 0 and then push 4.
06Restore the default playback direction: (forwards)
Push 0 and then push 6.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
3Play back the selected distribution list:
Push 3.

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Add entries to a selected distribution list:
*Play back users:
Push the star key.
Remark: Repeatedly pushing the star key plays back all of the users in
the selected distribution list in succession.
04Reverse the default playback direction (last user first): Push 0 and
then push 4.
06Restore the default playback direction: (first user first): Push 0 and
then push 6.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
3Quit playback process:
Push 3.
*Scroll the available distribution lists:
Push the star key.
4Edit distribution list:
Push 4.
1Add number:
Push 1.
*Enter the new user number into the distribution list:
Enter the new number into the distribution list and push the star key to
conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the new number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering a new num-
ber immediately afterwards.
*Close the distribution lists:
Push the star key.
4Save entries and quit process:
Push 4.
Remark: Once you have completed this entry, a mode that allows you to
use the star key to select additional distribution lists for playback or edit-
ing is reactivated.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-65
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Delete entries from a selected private distribution list:
To delete whole distribution lists:
*Scroll the available distribution lists:
Push the star key.
4Edit distribution list:
Push 4.
*Scroll address list:
Push the star key.
#Delete selected number:
Push the pound key.
4Quit process:
Push 4.
Remark Once you have completed this entry, a mode that allows you to select ad-
ditional distribution lists for playback or editing is reactivated.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
*Scroll the available distribution lists:
Push the star key.
#Delete the selected distribution lists:
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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3-66 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Answering Machine Functions (Shortcut)
You can use this function to specify how the server should respond to calls. You can set one of
your personal greetings here or you can record a new greeting.
Note: You can only use this menu to configure the answering machine functions. The settings
defined here apply to all callers ("Alternative greeting"). You must set all other answering ma-
chine options in the "Special Functions" menu (see Section, “Special Functions”).
You can access the menu for configuring the answering machine functions by pushing 7 in the
main menu (see Section, “Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access)”).
This menu provides the following setting options:
Select a personal greeting:
Enter the code number for the required personal greeting (1 to 9)
1Start/stop recording of new greeting:
Push 1.
3Start/stop greeting playback:
Push 3.
4Rewind the greeting by 10 seconds:
Push 4.
44Rewind to the start of the greeting:
Push 4 twice in quick succession.
6Fast forward the greeting by 10 seconds:
Push 6.
66Fast forward to the end of the greeting:
Push 6 twice in quick succession.
*Save the greeting and activate the setting:
Push the star key.
#Delete greeting:
Push the pound key.
0*Finish and return to main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-67
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Setting up a Telephone Connection
You can dial a user of your choice directly if you are in the main menu of direct access mode.
Please note that special privileges are required for setting up external connections.
Push 0 and then push 2 to set up a telephone connection from the main menu (see Section, “Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access)”).
This menu allows you to perform the following operations: Special Functions
You can use the special functions to make various settings in the VMS system:
●change the language of the user prompts (system language/alternative language),
●define deputy (mailbox deputy, referral extension),
●change password,
●define notification features (user outcall, SMS),
●change playback options,
●set or cancel call forwarding,
●set mailbox options (set a greeting for call forwarding, CF),
●define or change greetings.
Push 8 in the main menu (see Section, “Options in the Main Menu (Direct Access)”) to
perform settings using the "Special Functions" menu.
The following functions can be selected in the "Special Functions" menu:
*Enter the call number:
Enter the call number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete the call number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the recipi-
ent call number immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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3-68 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change language of the user prompts (system language/alternative language)
Key Function Description in
1Change language of the user prompts (system lan-
guage/alternative language)
2Change mailbox deputy Section
3Change referral extension Section
4Define or change password Section
5Configure notification feature Section
6Change the playback options Section
08 Enable or disable call forwarding Section
8Set a greeting for call forwarding (CF) Section
7record personal greetings Section
9Edit generic greetings Section
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
1Change user prompt language:
Push 1.
Select user prompt language:
Enter the code number for the required language.
*Keep original language setting and return to "Special Functions"
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change mailbox deputy
Your messages are placed directly into the deputy’s mailbox. A copy is kept, however, in your
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
2Change mailbox deputy:
Push 2.
1Define call number of the mailbox deputy:
Push 1.
*Enter call number:
Enter the relevant number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the call
number of the mailbox deputy immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
*Activate mailbox deputy and return to the "Special Functions"
Push the star key.
#Deactivate mailbox deputy and return to the "Special Functions"
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change referral extension
The caller can dial the referral extension if call forwarding is enabled.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
3Change referral extension:
Push 3.
1Define call number of the referral extension and activate referral ex-
Push 1.
*Enter call number:
Enter the relevant number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the call
number to be used as the referral extension immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
2Define switch as referral extension:
Push 2.
*Quit the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Define and change the password
Configure notification feature
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
4To define or change the password:
Push 4.
#Delete password (may be limited to users with special privileges):
Push the pound key.
*Enter password and confirm entry:
Enter a digit sequence and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the password entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the pass-
word immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
5Select notification feature:
Push 5.
1Configure "User outcall" notification:
Push 1.
2Configure SMS notification:
Push 2.
*Quit the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Configure "User outcall" notification / SMS notification
Please note that a special privilege may be required for external call numbers. The notification
feature is only authorized if the user has been assigned this privilege. Please note also that the
entered start and end time (validity period) applies to all working days of the week.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
5Select notification feature:
Push 5.
1Configure "User outcall" notification:
Push 1.
2Configure SMS notification:
Push 2.
2Define destination number:
Push 2.
*Enter destination number:
Enter the relevant number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the desti-
nation number immediately afterwards.
0*Finish and return to main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
4Select start time entry:
Push 4.
*Enter the start time for the notification:
Enter the start time for the notification and push the star key to conclude
the entry. The input format for the definition of the start time allows the
following inputs to be made:
Input format
[hhmm] four-digit input
Ex.: "0700" notification start at 7 hours 00 minutes
Delete input and make new selection: Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
6Select end time entry:
Push 6.
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change the playback options
*Enter the end time for the notification (validity period):
Enter the end time for the notification and push the star key to conclude
the entry. The input format for the definition of the end time allows the fol-
lowing inputs to be made:
Input format
[hhmm] four-digit input
Ex.: "1635" means end of delivery at 16 hrs 35 minutes
Delete input and make new selection: Push the pound key.
Example The completion of the above entries means that you will be notified on
working days between the hours of 07.00 and 16.35 as soon as a new
mail is placed in your mailbox.
*Enable notification:
Push the star key.
#Disable notification:
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
6Select playback options:
Push 6.
1Change volume:
Push 1.
5Reduce volume:
Push 5.
8Increase volume:
Push 8.
*Keep current volume / save changed volume:
Push the star key.
#Cancel volume changes:
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Enable or disable call forwarding
Setting a greeting for call forwarding (CF):
Setting a greeting for call forwarding allows you to define what happens to calls that are re-di-
rected to your mailbox. If you have programmed a fixed call forwarding destination (CF), calls
will be re-directed to your mailbox if your extension is busy, you do not answer the call or if you
enable call forwarding to your mailbox.
●Accept messages or info greeting feature
You can use this feature to specify whether callers who are re-directed to your mailbox can
leave a message or not. Preventing callers from leaving messages is practical, for exam-
ple, if you are non-contactable for a long period of time. In this situation, you should provide
a message to alert callers to this fact.
Callers who are diverted to your mailbox hear a greeting (a generic greeting is set by de-
fault). The following types of greetings can be distinguished:
– Personal greetings:
You can record nine different personal greetings, enabling you to select an appropriate
greeting for any particular situation from this range of greetings.
– Generic greetings:
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
08Enable or disable call forwarding:
Push 0 and then push 8.
*Enter forwarding number and enable call forwarding:
Push the star key.
*Enter the call forwarding number:
Enter the relevant number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the call for-
warding number immediately afterwards.
#Disable call forwarding:
Push the pound key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The system provides up to nine generic greetings for you to select from. These generic
greetings are created by the system administrator.
●Setting different greetings:
You can also specify whether the selected greeting should be played for all calls (alterna-
tive case) or whether different greetings should be played for internal calls, external calls,
calls made to a busy extension or calls made outside of business hours. You may want to
have a more formal greeting for external callers. You can inform internal callers of your cur-
rent whereabouts, for example. You may also want to inform callers that your extension is
busy and that they should try again later.
Setting a greeting for call forwarding (CF):
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
8Set the option to set greeting for call forwarding (CF):
Push 8.
5Set a greeting for after-hours callers:
Push 5.
6Set a greeting for callers who dial a busy extension:
Push 6.
7Set a greeting for internal callers during business hours:
Push 7.
8Set a generic greeting for all callers (alternative case):
Push 8.
9Set a greeting for external callers during business hours:
Push 9.
0Only a greeting should be played (prevent callers from leaving mes-
Push 0.
or alternatively

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
The following functions are available in addition to the default edit options (see Section,
“Default Edit Options”) when you are listening to the selected greeting:
Record personal greetings
Personal greetings are greetings that you can record yourself. 10 different options are provided
for recording personal greetings but the first option (selection 0) is reserved for recording your
name, which is announced to every caller.
1Configure answering machine function (permit users to leave a
Push 1.
3Start/stop listening to set greeting:
Push 3.
*Quit function and continue in menu:
Push the star key.
#Delete info service number and continue in menu:
Push the pound key.
0Select a generic greeting:
Push 0.
or alternatively
1Select a personal greeting:
Push 1.
Select a generic or a personal greeting:
Enter the code number for the required greeting (1 to 9).
*Quit function and continue in menu:
Push the star key.
#Delete info service number and continue in menu:
Push the pound key.
3Start/stop listening to set greeting:
Push 3.
*Quit playback:
Push the star key.
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Edit generic greetings
Generic greetings are greetings that are provided by the VMS system. A total of nine different
greetings can be provided for users. The creation or modification (option 9 in the "Special Func-
tions" menu in Section of these greetings is restricted to the system administrator.
7Select or re-record a personal greeting:
Push 7.
Select a personal greeting:
Enter the code number for the required personal greeting (1 to 9) and
push the star key to conclude the entry.
Remark: You can re-record your name by selecting code number 0. The
function sequence for re-recording a personal greeting is identical to the
function sequence for recording a new personal greeting.
The default edit options (see Section are available for re-record-
ing a greeting.
*Quit the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu:
Push the star key.
The default edit options (see Section, “Default Edit Options”) are
available for editing personal greetings.
*Save the greeting text:
Push the star key.
8Select special functions in main menu:
Push 8.
9Edit generic greetings:
Push 9.
Select a generic greeting:
Enter the code number for the required generic greeting (1 to 9) and
push the star key to conclude the entry.
*Quit the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu:
Push the star key.
The default edit options (see Section, “Default Edit Options”) are
available for editing the generic greetings.
*Save the greeting text:
Push the star key.

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3.3.3 Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access,
"External Mailbox" code)
You can dial the mailbox of another user directly, regardless of whether the user is currently
contactable. You can leave a voice message for the user in the external mailbox, provided the
user has enabled the option to leave messages.
To dial the mailbox of another user: Leaving a Message for Mailbox Owners
You can leave a message after the beep if the user whose mailbox you have dialed with guest
access or universal access has enabled the option to leave a message. Otherwise the connec-
tion is interrupted after the greeting has been played.
The standard control and correction options are available during the recording process (see
Section, “Default Edit Options”). During the recording process, you will hear a warning
advising you that the available recording time has almost come to an end. The amount of time
available for recording a message and the point at which the warning is output depends on how
the system settings have been defined. Any pauses at the start or end of the recorded voice
message are detected by the system and deleted.
You can just replace the handset after you have recorded the message. The message will al-
ways be sent. Entering the Escape sequence in universal access mode switches the mailbox
to your own mailbox. This option is not available in guest access mode. Additional Options in Guest Access or Universal Access Mode
If the delay between dialing the mailbox and making the first entry is sufficiently long to assume
that the user does not understand the user prompts, the system prompts the user to change
the language of the user prompts. The following selection options are available in this regard:
Enter the service access number for the guest access or universal
access option:
Please consult your system administrator if you do not know the access
*Enter the extension number of the relevant user:
Enter the relevant number and push the star key to conclude the entry.
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the number entered:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering the desti-
nation number immediately afterwards.
0*Switch to own mailbox:
Push 0 and then push the star key.
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-79
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Direct connection to the attendant console (optional, if configured)
Set up connection to an internal user/device of your choice
The following options are available for setting up a connection to an internal user/device of your
*Leave language of user prompts unchanged:
Push the star key.
Enter the code number for the required language:
Enter the code number for the required language.
9Set up connection to the attendant console:
Push 9.
02Open connection menu:
Push 0 and then push 2.
*Select a user/device:
Enter the recipient’s call number and push the star key to conclude the
#If the entry was incorrect: Enter the call number of the user/device:
Push the pound key. You can resume the process of entering a call num-
ber immediately afterwards.
0*Cancel the process and return to the main menu:
Push 0 and then push the star key.

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3.3.4 Call Forwarding (CF, Forward Access)
You can set your telephone to re-direct calls to your mailbox. To do this, use the feature call
forwarding (a distinction is made in Hicom 300 between variable and fixed call forwarding).
The way in which you set up the call forwarding (CF) feature depends on the telephone system
and type of telephone that you are using. Please consult the operating instructions of your tele-
phone for more detailed information.
You must use the service access number of the mailbox for forward access as the call forward-
ing destination number. Callers who dial your extension number will be re-routed to the mailbox.
Callers can leave a message in your mailbox or can be transferred to your referral extension.
This depends on how you have set your answering options (see Section, “Special
Functions”). The destination number can be identical to the number for direct access in Hicom
You have the same options as those available with guest access or universal access if you dial
an extension number and the user has configured call forwarding on his/her telephone. If the
user allows you to leave messages, you can do so after the beep. The standard control and
correction options are available during the recording of the message (see Section Dur-
ing the recording process, you will hear a warning advising you that the available recording time
has almost come to an end. The amount of time available for recording a message and the point
at which the warning is output depends on how the system settings have been defined.
You can also just replace the handset after you have left the message. The message will always
be sent.
You can select function 07 to be transferred to a predefined referral extension if the owner of
the mailbox that you reached has enabled this option on his or her telephone.
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For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
3.3.5 A Quick Reference Guide to the Menus and Key Sequences
The following lists contain the key sequences that must be pushed to use mailbox functions.
The main menu provides the following selection options for mailbox operation: Listening to and forwarding incoming messages
During announcement of the number of new and old messages in the mailbox:
During playback of the message header and while or after listening to a new or old
1Open "Record and Send New Messages" menu
2Open "Record Dictation" menu
3Open "Listen to Incoming Messages" menu
5Open "Edit distribution list" menu
7Open "Answering Machine (Shortcut)" menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
02 Open "Set up Telephone Connection" menu
0* Repeat main menu options
Key sequence Function
3Open "Listen to Incoming Messages" menu
1Record a new message
*Play back first message header
03 Automatic playback of incoming messages
04 Reverse playback order
06 Reverse playback order again
1Record a new message
3Listen to message
3Pause and resume playback
5Repeat message header
*Skip message and play back next message header
04 Reverse playback order

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
You can make the following entries while you are listening to a message:
042Jump to previous message type
043Jump to next message group
06 Reverse playback order again
062Jump to next message type
063Jump to next message group
03 Automatic message playback
01 Disable automatic playback of subject or an e-mail message
7Reply to message
8Forward message
07 Connect to the originator
02 Connect to a user
2Mark message as unread
#Delete messages
91 Listen to AN and CC fields of an e-mail message
92 Listen to the attachments of an e-mail message
93 Print the fax or e-mail message
96 Play back information about the attachments of an e-mail message
0* Cancel the entire process and return to main menu
4Rewind the recording by 10 seconds (voice message)
Rewind the text by three sentences (e-mail message)
44 Rewind to the start of the recording (voice message)
Rewind to the start of the text (e-mail message)
4Rewind the recording by x minutes (voice message)
Rewind the text by x sentences (e-mail message)
6Fast forward the recording by 10 seconds (voice message)
Fast forward the text by three sentences (e-mail message)
66 Fast forward to the end of the recording (voice message)
Fast forward to the end of the text (e-mail message)
6Fast forward the recording by x minutes (voice message)
Fast forward the text by x sentences (e-mail message)
05 Jump to any position in the message
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
09 Enable or disable user prompts
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Send new message
1Open "Record and Send New Messages" menu
Enter the distribution list or recipient
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
*Terminate selection and confirm
#Delete selection
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop recording
5Select special send options
1Request a read receipt
2Mark message as "Private"
3Mark message as "Urgent"
4Deliver message later
Enter delivery time
*Confirm time
#Delete time
5Send message again
1Send message again one week later
2Send message again one month later
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Start/stop playback
4Rewind the message by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the message
6Fast forward the message by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the message
*Cancel recording and start delivery
#Delete message
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu

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Record a reply
Add comments to a message and forward
7Open reply menu
1Start/stop recording
5Select special send options
1Request a read receipt
2Mark message as "Private"
3Mark message as "Urgent"
4Deliver message later
Enter delivery time
*Confirm time
#Delete time
5Send message again
1Send message again one week later
2Send message again one month later
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Start/stop playback
4Rewind the message by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the message
6Fast forward the message by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the message
*End recording of reply and start delivery
#Delete reply
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Forward" menu
Enter the distribution list or recipient
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
*Terminate selection and confirm
#Delete selection
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Direct callback connection with the originator of a message (only possible if the originator’s call
number was transferred)
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop comment recording
5Select special send options
1Request a read receipt
2Mark message as "Private"
3Mark message as "Urgent"
4Deliver message later
Enter delivery time
*Confirm time
#Delete time
5Send message again
1Send message again one week later
2Send message again one month later
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Start/stop comment playback
4Rewind comments by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the comments
6Fast forward the comments by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the comments
*End recording of comments and start delivery
#Delete comments
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
07 Initiate direct callback

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Connection with a recipient of your choice
Print the fax or e-mail message Recording and Sending New Messages
(a) Record a new message and send it to one or more recipients
02 Open "Set up Phone Connection" menu
Enter call number
*Confirm entry (connection is set up)
#Delete entry
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
93 Print the fax or e-mail message
1Print on default fax device
2Print on default printer
3Enter the number of the fax device
Enter the number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
*Cancel this function
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Key sequence Function
1Open "Outbound Journal" menu
1Re-record a message and send it one or more recipients
2Re-record a message and send it using the broadcast message feature
4Re-record a message and send it using the broadcast call feature
*Scroll previously sent messages
04 Reverse playback order
06 Reverse playback order again
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Record and send new message
Enter the distribution list or recipient
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
(b) Send a message using the broadcast message feature
*Terminate selection and confirm
#Delete selection
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop recording
5Select special send options
1Request a read receipt
2Mark message as "Private"
3Mark message as "Urgent"
4Deliver message later
Enter delivery time
*Confirm time
#Delete time
5Send message again
1Send message again one week later
2Send message again one month later
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
*Confirm and return to previous menu
#Delete and return to previous menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Start/stop playback
4Rewind the message by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the message
6Fast forward the message by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the message
*Cancel recording and start delivery
#Delete message
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
2Record and send new broadcast message
Enter broadcast message number
*Confirm entry
5Specify start and stop time
#Delete entry

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(c) Send a message using the broadcast call feature
(d) Functions available while scrolling previously sent messages (TODO)
*Terminate selection and confirm
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop recording
3Start/stop playback
4Rewind the message by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the message
6Fast forward the message by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the message
*Activate/broadcast the message
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
4Record and send new broadcast call
Enter broadcast call number
*Confirm entry
5Specify start and stop time
#Delete entry
*Terminate selection and confirm
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop recording
3Start/stop playback
4Rewind the message by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the message
6Fast forward the message by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the message
*Activate/broadcast call
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Listen to message
3Pause/resume playback
07Connect to originator
02Connect to a user
*Next message
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Record and send a dictation
*Next message
44Jump to start of message
5Status query (playback of message header)
#Delete message
1Distribute messages
5Status query (playback of message header)
Key sequence Function
2Open "Dictations" menu
Enter mailbox number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Start/stop recording of dictation
2Rewind to the start of the dictation and re-record (overwrite) it
3Start/stop dictation playback
4Rewind the dictation by 10 seconds
44 Rewind to the start of the dictation
4Rewind the dictation by x minutes
5Status report (play back position in the dictation)
6Fast forward the dictation by 10 seconds
66 Fast forward to the end of the dictation
6Fast forward the dictation by x minutes
05 Jump to any position in the dictation
Enter the position mmss (entry format: minutes, seconds)
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
09 Disable user prompts
*Cancel dictation recording and start delivery
#Delete dictation
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Edit distribution list
Select type of distribution list to be used for distributing messages
The following user inputs are permitted once you have selected the relevant distribution
Create new distribution list (push 1)
Play back the entries in a distribution list
5Open "Distribution lists" menu
7Select private distribution lists
9Select public distribution lists
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
1Create new distribution list
*Scroll available distribution lists
04Reverse playback direction (last distribution list first)
06Reverse playback direction again (first distribution list first)
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Key sequence Function
Enter a code number for the new distribution list
*Confirm the entry of the code number
#delete the code number entered
Enter the first user number in the new distribution list
*Confirm the entry of the user number
Repeat this procedure for additional user numbers
#delete the user number entered
*Close the distribution list or
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
7Select private distribution lists
9Select public distribution lists
*Scroll available distribution lists
04Reverse playback direction (last distribution list first)
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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Add entries to a selected distribution list
Delete entries from a selected distribution list
06Reverse playback direction again (first distribution list first)
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Play back selected distribution list
*Play back user
Repeatedly pushing the star key plays back all of the users in the selected
distribution list in succession.
04Reverse playback direction (last distribution list first)
06Reverse playback direction again (first distribution list first)
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
3Quit play back of users
7Select private distribution lists
9Select public distribution lists
*Scroll available distribution lists
4Edit selected distribution list
1Add new number
Enter user number
*Confirm user number
#Delete entry
*Close distribution list
4Save changes and quit process
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
7Select private distribution lists
9Select public distribution lists
*Scroll available distribution lists
4Edit selected distribution list
*Scroll address list
#Delete selected number
4Quit processing

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Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Delete entire distribution lists
Answering machine functions (shortcut)
3.3.6 Setting up a Telephone Connection from the Main Menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
7Select private distribution lists
9Select public distribution lists
*Scroll available distribution lists
#Delete selected distribution list
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Key sequence Function
7Open "Call Forwarding" menu
Select code number of the private greeting (1 to 9)
1Start/stop recording of new greeting
3Start/stop greeting playback
4Rewind the greeting by 10 seconds
44 Rewind to the start of the greeting
6Fast forward the greeting by 10 seconds
66 Fast forward to the end of the greeting
*Save greeting and activate setting
#Delete greeting
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Key sequence Function
02 Open "Set up Telephone Connection" menu
Enter the recipient’s call number
*Confirm the entry of the recipient’s call number
#delete the recipient call number entered
0* Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-93
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Special Functions
You can select the following functions in the Special Functions submenu
Change user prompt language
Change mailbox deputy
Key sequence Function
8Open "Special Functions" menu
1Change user prompt language
2Change mailbox deputy
3Change referral extension
4Define or change password
5Configure notification feature
6Change the playback options
08 Enable or disable call forwarding
8Set a greeting for call forwarding (CF)
7Record personal greetings
9Edit generic greetings
8Open "Special Functions" menu
1Change user prompt language
Select the language of the user prompts
*Keep original language setting and return to "Special Functions" menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
2Change mailbox deputy
1Specify call number of the mailbox deputy
Enter the call number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
*Activate mailbox deputy and return to the "Special Functions“ menu
#Deactivate mailbox deputy and return to the "Special Functions" menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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3-94 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change referral extension
Define or change password
Configure notification feature
8Open "Special Functions" menu
3Change referral extension
1Specify the call number of the referral extension
Enter the call number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
2Define switch as referral extension
*Cancel the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
4Define or change password
#Delete password (special privileges may be required to access this function)
Enter the password
*Confirm the entry
#If the entry was incorrect: delete the password entered
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
5Select option to configure notification feature
1Configure "User outcall“ notification
2Configure SMS notification
*Cancel the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Enter destination number:
2Define destination number
Enter destination number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-95
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Change the playback options
Enter the start time:
4Select start time entry
Enter the start time hhmm for the notification
(entry format: hours, minutes)
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Enter the end time:
6Select end time entry
Enter the end time hhmm for the notification
(entry format: hours, minutes)
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
Enable notification:
*Enable notification
Disable notification:
#Disable notification
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
6Select setting to change playback options
1Change volume
5Reduce volume
8Increase volume
*Keep current volume / save changed volume
#Cancel volume changes
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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3-96 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Enable or disable call forwarding
Set a greeting for call forwarding (CF)
8Open "Special Functions" menu
08 Enable or disable call forwarding
*Enter forwarding number and enable call forwarding
Enter forwarding number
*Confirm entry
#Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
#Disable call forwarding
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
8Select option for setting greeting for call forwarding (CF)
Define purpose of greeting:
5Set a greeting for after-hours callers
6Set a greeting for callers when your extension is busy
7Set a greeting for internal after-hours callers
8Set a generic greeting for all callers (alternative case)
9Set a greeting for external callers during business hours
Select answering mode:
0Only a greeting should be played
1Configure answering machine function
3Start/stop listening to the set greeting
3Start/stop greeting playback
4Rewind the greeting by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the greeting
6Fast forward greeting by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the greeting
*Quit playback
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu
*Leave function as is and continue in menu
#Delete info service number and continue in menu
Select a greeting:
0Select a generic greeting
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 3-97
For internal use only Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service
Operating your Mailbox using VMS
Record personal greetings
Edit generic greetings
1Select a personal greeting
Select generic / personal greeting:
Select a generic or a personal greeting
*Leave function as is and continue in menu
#Delete info service number and continue in menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
7Select option to record personal greetings
Select a personal greeting
1Start/stop recording of greeting
3Start/stop listening to greeting
4Rewind the greeting by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the greeting
6Fast forward greeting by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the greeting
#Delete greeting
*Save greeting text
*Cancel the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu
8Open "Special Functions" menu
9Select option to edit generic greetings
Select a generic greeting
1Start/stop recording of greeting
3Start/stop listening to greeting
4Rewind the greeting by 10 seconds
44Rewind to the start of the greeting
6Fast forward greeting by 10 seconds
66Fast forward to the end of the greeting
#Delete greeting
*Save greeting text
*Cancel the function and return to the "Special Functions" menu

Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service For internal use only
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3-98 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Operating your Mailbox using VMS Dialing an External Mailbox (Guest Access, Universal Access):
Additional options in universal access mode:
Following an excessive delay with the first entry:
Direct connection to the attendant console:
Connection to a user of your choice:
Enter the service access number for the guest access or universal access
Enter the extension number of the relevant user
*Confirm entry
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete entry of number
0*Switch to own mailbox
*Leave language of user prompts unchanged
Enter the code number for the required language
9Set up connection to the attendant console
02Open connection menu
Enter the call number of a user/device
*Confirm entry
#If the entry was incorrect: Delete entry
0*Cancel the entire process and return to the main menu

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 4-1
Fax Mail Service
4 Fax Mail Service
4.1 Overview
The following options are available to fax-mail users in HiPath Xpressions, depending on how
the system is configured.
●You can send and receive fax messages on your workstation using the default e-mail client.
An incoming fax is displayed as an attached graphics file (TIF or JPEG file) in an e-mail.
●You can retrieve and output fax messages on the telephone. Fax messages can be output
a) standard fax device,
b) standard printer,
c) any fax machine.
4.1.1 Requirements for Sending a Fax
The Xpressions fax function can be used from every PC application that permits data to be di-
rectly sent to an e-mail recipient. This chapter describes how to use Xpressions to send files
from Microsoft Windows Explorer in the form of a fax message.
4.1.2 Requirements for Receiving a Fax
Please read Section , "Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service" on page 2-1 for
information on receiving a fax with an e-mail client.
To retrieve and output fax messages on the phone, see Section, "Listening to/Retrieving
Messages" on page 3-11 .
4.1.3 Fax Cover
Your system administrator can provide you with various cover pages that are sent as the first
page of the fax. Different variable components such as the originator, recipient or subject line
can be added automatically to the cover page. You can use the Client Assistant (see
Section 2.9.12, “Fax Forms”) to define the cover page that is to precede your fax pages. Alter-
natively you can consult your system administrator in this regard.
This function only works if your Internet e-mail address in your mail client corresponds to the
STMP address of your Xpressions mailbox.

Fax Mail Service
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4-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
4.1.4 Fax Logo
Your system administrator can provide you with various templates that appear on every page
of a fax message. Like the cover page, different variable components can be added to the tem-
plate. You can use the Client Assistant (see Section 2.9.12, “Fax Forms”) to define the template
that is to be used in your faxes. Alternatively you can consult your system administrator in this
The fax cover page and template can be combined.
This function only works if your Internet e-mail address in your mail client corresponds to the
STMP address of your Xpressions mailbox and if the conversion of text to fax format is per-
formed on the server.
4.1.5 Fax Display
Incoming faxes are saved in Xpressions in an internal fax format. This fax format can also be
displayed by the HiPath Xpressions client. Incoming faxes must be converted to a suitable for-
mat, however, if these faxes are to be displayed by a different mail client. Your system admin-
istrator configures one of the graphics formats listed below as the default conversion format on
your system. This format is globally valid. An additional viewer software may be required if the
mail client used cannot display this graphics format. You can have the system administrator set
a different graphics format specially for your mailbox to facilitate access via IMAP4 or POP3.
You should always try to convert all mailbox data to the same graphics format since this places
the least demands on the system.
The conversion process supports the following graphics formats:
BMP Windows bitmap
BMP_COL Windows bitmap with trilinear grayscale interpolation
DCX Multi-page PCX format (standard Microsoft fax format)
JPG JPEG format with 9 grayscales
TIF One-page compressed TIF fax format
TIF_BMP Uncompressed TIF bitmap format
TG3 Multi-page compressed TIF fax format

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 4-3
Fax Mail Service
Sending Fax Messages
4.2 Sending Fax Messages
To send fax messages, proceed in exactly the same way as for sending an e-mail. The recipient
address selected must be an STMP address in Xpressions that Xpressions can interpret as a
fax address and can therefore trigger the fax send action. Please remember that not all file for-
mats can be used to create a fax.
4.2.1 Sending a Sample Fax Message from MS Windows Explorer
Start the Explorer and select a file that you would like to send as a fax.
To do this, right-click the required file. A context menu is displayed. Select the Send to com-
mand and then select the Mail Recipient command in the submenu. A different e-mail program
can be started, depending on the links set. MS Outlook is used in this example. Proceed in the
same way for all other mail programs.
You can also explicitly open the mail program, enter your text in the program and send the text
as a fax.

Fax Mail Service
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4-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Sending Fax Messages
A window for creating a new message opens. The selected file is automatically inserted as an
attachment. You must now enter the fax recipient in the form of an e-mail address:
In the To: address field enter the fax recipient’s address.
Please observe the following rules when entering the address:
– Enter the prefix FAXG3/ at the start of the address.
– Now enter the user’s number in the form <internal fax number> or <international fax number>
by entering the <country code><area code><fax number> without using special characters
such as blanks, plus signs or hyphens, and not in the form that you would use when dialing the
number yourself.
– Enter the @ character followed by the domain address of your Xpressions server. The do-
main address is available from your system administrator.
For example, FAXG3/ or FAXG3/
Xpressions recognizes from this address that the message is to be routed to the recipient as a
To send the message, click the Send button or open the File menu and select one of the send
The subject line is only sent with the fax if you have selected the corresponding cover page.
However, the subject line continues to be used as a sort criterion in your Sent Items box.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 4-5
Fax Mail Service
Sending Fax Messages
A fax cover page and/or fax logo set for your mailbox will only be sent with the fax if the e-mail
address you are using in the selected mail program corresponds to your Xpressions Internet
4.2.2 Sending a Fax at Favorable Rates
All e-mail clients that allow the priority of send jobs to be set also allow fax jobs with a preset
time delay to be created, which in turn reduces charges incurred. These clients include,
for example, Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange or Netscape Messenger. Just set the priority
to Low or Very Low, and the fax will only be sent during the night. The exact send times are
defined by your system administrator.
4.2.3 Using Fax on Demand Services
You can use fax on demand services in all e-mail clients. Send a blank e-mail to FAXG3REV/
<fax on demand number>@<myserver.domain>. This fax on demand number must be entered
in international format. Xpressions retrieves the required fax pages for you and places them in
your mailbox.

Fax Mail Service
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4-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Sending Fax Messages

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 5-1
Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
5 Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
The SMS for GSM module must be installed on the Xpressions server to allow the functions
described below to be used. Please consult your system administrator if you have any queries.
5.1 Overview
The short message service (SMS) for GSM (global system for mobile communications) enables
you to use a standard mail program to send short messages to GSM network users, i.e. to mo-
bile phone users in the supported mobile network (for example, D1 and D2).
This service also allows SMS scenarios to be implemented, for example gathering Internet in-
formation and sending it as a short message.
5.1.1 Application Options
To use SMS for GSM, you can select any e-mail client that provides the facility to send e-mails
via STMP. This includes programs such as Eudora or the integrated e-mail clients in WWW
browsers such as Netscape Messenger and Microsoft Outlook Express. You can also use SMS
with MS Exchange (either in the way described here or using an installed Xpressions Exchange
connector as described in Section, “Sending Messages using SMS as an Example”).
5.1.2 SMS Features for GSM
●Messages that are sent with SMS for GSM are not sent via the usual fixed network and
SMS provider. SMS for GSM therefore reduces costs.
●Two GSM 900 networks are supported in each country. These are D1 (Telekom) and D2
(Vodafone) in Germany and A1 and A max in Austria.
●An SMS message may be up to 160 characters long. Your system administrator can con-
figure the way in which your system handles messages that exceed this length:
a) the message is not sent,
b) only the first 160 characters are sent,
c) only the first line is sent,
d) all lines up to the first blank line are sent,
e) combination of b) and c)
f) combination of b) and d)
●Approximately 300 messages can be sent per hour for every connected transmitter.
●Special characters are permitted in the message. Some special characters may be trans-
ferred incorrectly, depending on the service center selected.

Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
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5-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Sending Short Messages to GSM Users
●The network operators normally save SMS messages for up 48 hours if the mobile phone
user cannot be reached.
5.2 Sending Short Messages to GSM Users
This section describes how to use your mail software to send SMS messages to mobile phone
users in the supported mobile network.
The procedures are described using the Netscape Messenger mail client integrated in
Netscape Communicator 4.x as an example. The procedure is identical if you want to use a dif-
ferent e-mail client.
The Internet e-mail software used must support the STMP standard e-mail protocol (for outgo-
ing e-mails) if you want to use it to send SMS messages to mobile users in the supported mo-
bile networks.
There is no guarantee that an SMS message will reach the recipient. The service
centers may send a positive confirmation signal, even if the recipient number does
not exist.
Reply messages from mobile phone users are not supported in this version of SMS
for GSM.

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 5-3
Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
Sending Short Messages to GSM Users
Proceed as follows to send an SMS message using Netscape 4.x:
1. Open the Netscape Messenger mail client and select the command for creating a new
2. In the To: address field enter the recipient’s address.
Please observe the following rules when entering the address:
– Enter the prefix SMS/
at the beginning of the address– Now enter the telephone number of the mobile phone
user in the full international format. In the example above, +43 stands for Austria, 664 is
the area code for the A1 network and 7654321 is the user’s number. (The + sign can be
– Enter the @ character followed by the domain address of your Xpressions server.
3. Leave the Subject: input line blank or enter a message heading for your own archives (en-
tries in this line are ignored when the message is sent).
4. Enter the short message in the designated text input area. The message can be up to 160
characters long. The system administrator defines the procedures for sending longer mes-
sages (see Section 5.1.2, “SMS Features for GSM”). Special characters are permitted.
Avoid rich text formats (fonts, font sizes, font colors, etc.). Formats of this kind are lost when

Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
5-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Sending Short Messages to GSM Users
the message is sent. If you use an auto signature on e-mails, note that the signature be-
longs with the message text. You are recommended to delete auto signatures from SMS
5. Send the message or place it in the outbox to be subsequently sent.
Adding an SMS address to the Netscape address book
If you want to send SMS messages to one particular user on a frequent basis, it is more con-
venient to add the address to the Netscape address book.
Proceed as follows to add an SMS message recipient to the address book:
1. Open the Netscape address book and select the command for creating a new entry. The
New Card dialog illustrated above appears.
2. Select the Name tab as illustrated above.

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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual 5-5
Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
Tips for Everyday Use
3. Enter the recipient’s address in the E-Mail Address box.
Please observe the following rules when entering the address:
– Enter the prefix SMS/
at the beginning of the address– Now enter the telephone number of the mobile phone
user in the full international format. In the example above, +43 stands for Austria, 664 is
the area code for the A1 network and 7654321 is the user’s number.
– Enter the @ character followed by the domain address of your Xpressions server.
You can enter other recipient data in the normal way in the tabs in the New Card dialog box.
You can now click the To : button and select the entry from the address book when creating a
new message. The names entered in the First Name and Last Name boxes in the Netscape
address book entry are copied to the address line.
5.3 Tips for Everyday Use
5.3.1 Sending a Callback Number
You can enter the number under which you can be reached in a separate line in the SMS mes-
sage. Example:
Hello Martin, Stephen here. Please call me at the following number:
A number is automatically selected when you scroll a message in the Siemens S4, S6 and S10
mobile phones. This number can be dialed directly when you push the talk key.
5.3.2 Sending SMS Messages from Intranet Pages
If you are working in an intranet environment and are providing WWW pages for other users,
you can create hyperlinks in these pages which will allow users to send SMS messages directly
to mobile phone users in the supported networks. A sample HTML link is provided below:
<a href=“mailto:SMS/436647654321@myserver.domain“>
SMS to Martins mobile phone</a>
The address that follows mailto: is the same as the address that is entered directly in an In-
ternet e-mail program (see Section 5.2, “Sending Short Messages to GSM Users”).
The address can also be used in WWW server applications such as CGI Scripts. Siemens also
provides the facility, if requested, to send an SMS message directly from an individually created
WWW page. Please consult your Siemens contact partner in this regard.

Short Message Service (SMS) for GSM
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
5-6 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
Tips for Everyday Use
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual A-1
For internal use only Abbreviations
This list contains all of the abbreviations used in this manual.
BMP Bitmap Grafikformat von Microsoft 1
DCX Grafikformat für Fax von Microsoft 1
GSM Global System for Mobile communication, Global einheitliches Funktelefon-
netz 1
IMAP, IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol, aktuelles Internet Mail Protokoll 1
IP Internet Protokoll 4
JPG, JPEG Grafikformat der Joint Photographic Experts Group 1
MRS Bezeichnung des Xpressions450 Adresstypes 25
OEM Original Equipement Manufacurer, Originalhersteller 27
PC Personalcomputer 1
PDF Portable Document Format, Dokumentenformat von Adobe 1
POP3 Post Office Protocol, älteres Internet Mail Protokoll 1
SMS Short Message Service, Dienst für Kurznachrichten an Mobilfunktelefone 1
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Standard Internet Mail Protokoll 2
Abbreviation Definition

Abbreviations For internal use only
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
A-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
TG3 mehrseitiges komprimiertes TIFF Fax-Format 2
TIF, TIFF Tagged Image File Format, Standard Fax Grafikformat 1
TTS Text To Speech, Text nach Sprache Konvertierung 1
URL Uniform Resource Locator, eindeutige Web-Adresse 4, 5
WAV Wave audio file format 6
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HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Z-1
Nur für den internen Gebrauch Index
Index Z
Accept messages 3-23, 3-68, 3-75, 3-76, 3-
Access options 3-43
Address book
add Xpressions450 addresses to Ex-
change address book (for Exchange inte-
gration) 2-24
Adobe PDF 1-1
Alternative greeting 3-21
Answering mode 3-23
Answering options 3-20, 3-67
Audio files 1-2
Bitmap 4-2
BMP 1-1, 4-2
Call forwarding 1-3, 3-2, 3-34, 3-80
Call forwarding no reply 1-3, 3-2
Callback 3-4
Callback access 1-3, 1-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-43
Carbon copy 2-142
CF 3-80
Changing a password 2-118
Choosing a voice mail greeting 2-121
general 2-1
Netscape Messenger 2-2
Outlook (via Internet) 2-17
Outlook Express 2-8
Xpressions450 Client 2-2
Client Assistant 1-4, 2-109
answering mode 2-125
cache and proxy settings 2-111
callback mode 2-125
changing mailbox user prompts 2-121
default output devices for fax 2-141
distribution lists 2-131, 2-133, 2-134
fax forms 2-135
forward access menu 2-124
forwarding 2-122
mobility number 2-125
network printer 2-142
operator 2-125
pager 2-125
password 2-112, 2-118
personal name recording 2-139, 2-140, 2-
PIN 2-112
preview for fax forms 2-135
public distribution lists 2-131
referral extension 2-125
Selecting a Language 2-113
selecting a language 2-113
SSL connection 2-113
start link 2-112
supervisor mode 2-125
time profiles 2-136
URL 2-112
user account 2-117
voice mail system settings 2-119
Configuring a referral extension 2-121
Configuring distribution lists 2-131
Connecting 3-32
Conversion 1-1
for PC access 1-4
for telephone access 1-3
of telephone system 1-3
Data formats 1-1
DCX 1-1, 4-2
Default edit options 3-76
Default fax device 2-142, 3-3
Default output devices 2-142
Default printer 2-142, 3-3
Dialing an external mailbox 3-7, 3-33, 3-43,

Index Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
Z-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual
Dialing your own mailbox 3-7, 3-43
Direct access 1-3, 1-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-43, 3-44
Display suppression 3-1
Distribution lists 3-62
use on the telephone 3-2, 3-4
Domain address 1-4
E-mail 1-2
E-mail address 1-4
Explanation of symbols 3-2
Fax addressing 4-4
Fax Cover 4-1
Fax Display 4-2
Fax format 4-2
Fax Logo 4-2
Fax-mail 1-2, 4-1
Fax-on-Demand 4-5
Filters for playing back messages 2-123
Forward access 1-3, 3-7, 3-34, 3-43, 3-80
Generic greetings 3-74
Greeting only 3-23, 3-76
deleting 2-141
editing 2-140
GSM 5-1
Guest access 1-3, 1-4, 3-7, 3-33, 3-43, 3-78
Help 3-5
Image file 1-2
Import from Internet Mail 2-63
Importing the address book
into Netscape Messenger 2-7
into Outlook 98 (Internet Access) 2-19
into Outlook Express 2-14
Inbox server 1-4
JPEG format 1-1, 4-2
Language selection 3-33
Login 2-112
Lotus Notes client
address format 2-80
address signature 2-66
alias domains 2-65
blind carbon copy 2-69
dialer 2-82
fax cover page 2-66, 2-70
inbox replication 2-67
playing back voice messages 2-78
read confirmation 2-70
recording voice messages 2-77
retrieving fax messages 2-72
send priority 2-70
sending a fax message 2-68
user password 2-72
voice comment 2-78
Mailbox 3-35
Mailbox access 1-1
Mailbox key 3-7, 3-35
Mailbox options 3-25
Main menu 3-10, 3-47
Manual PIN 3-1
Memory restrictions 3-3
Message header 3-13
Message restrictions 3-3
Microsoft Outlook 2-17
Microsoft Outlook Express 2-8
MRS address 2-22
MS-Office 1-1
Name greeting 3-21, 3-23
Name recording 2-139
Netscape Messenger 2-2
Notification modes 3-26, 3-29, 3-78
Number for call forwarding 1-3
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Z-3
Nur für den internen Gebrauch Index
Online documentation 1-5
Outbox server 1-4
Outlook (via Internet) 2-17
Outlook Express 2-8
Outlook Extensions
system requirements 2-27
Overview 1-1
Password 3-28
PC access 2-1
data for PC access 1-4
PCX format 4-2
PDF 1-1
Personal greeting 3-21, 3-22, 3-74
Phone access
with mobile phone 3-36
PhoneMail referral extension 3-3, 3-21, 3-23
Playback options 3-26, 3-31
Playback volume 2-121
Postscript 1-1
Preparations on your Telephone and PABX
Printer 2-142, 3-3
Receiving a fax 4-1
Receiving messages
for Exchange integration 2-22
on the telephone 3-11
with Netscape Messenger 2-5
with Outlook (Internet Access) 2-18
with Outlook Express 2-13
Recording greetings 2-138
Re-directing callers 3-7, 3-43
Referral extension 3-3, 3-21, 3-23
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 2-113
Sending a fax 4-1
at favorable rates 4-5
with a time delay 4-5
Sending messages
fax message 4-3
for Exchange integration 2-22
for guest access 3-33, 3-78
on the telephone 3-18, 3-56, 3-60, 3-62,
short message 5-3
with Netscape Messenger 2-6
with Outlook Express 2-14
Sending SMS 5-3
Server name 1-4
Setting up an account
for Netscape Messenger 2-3
for Outlook (Internet Access) 2-17
for Outlook Express 2-8
Short message service 5-1
SMS 5-1
System greeting 3-20, 3-22
System requirements
Client Assistant 2-111
for clients in Exchange integration 2-21
for Netscape Messenger 2-2
for Outlook (for Internet Access) 2-17
for Outlook Express 2-8
for Outlook Extensions 2-27
WebClient 2-83
quick reference guide 3-38, 3-81
Telephone access
access options 3-7
data for telephone access 1-3
dialing an external mailbox 3-7, 3-43
dialing own mailbox 3-7, 3-9, 3-43
distribution list use 3-2, 3-4
explanation of symbols 3-2
mailbox key 3-7
main menu 3-10, 3-47
re-directing callers 3-7, 3-43
using mailbox key 3-35
Telephone password 2-120
Telephone user interface 2-133
Text-to-speech 1-1
TIF format 1-1, 4-2

Index Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
Z-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual
Transferring 3-32
Unified Messaging 1-1
Universal access 1-3, 1-4, 3-7, 3-33, 3-43, 3-
User name 1-4
User outcall 3-43
User Prompts 3-5
User prompts 3-25, 3-30, 3-78
User-specific data 1-3
Using your own mailbox 3-8, 3-44
Vanity number 2-120
Voice mail VMS 3-80
Voicemail 1-2, 3-1
attachments 2-92
fax-on-demand documents 2-93
forwarding 2-107
language 2-85
login 2-86
message type 2-89
PIN 2-106
send status 2-94
sort order 2-97
SSL connection 2-87
user data 2-103
WebClient Introduction 2-83
Xpressions Client 2-2

Reference No.: A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany.
BA 0103 1.0
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Issued by Information and Communication Networks
Hofmannstraße 51, D-81359 München
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Subject to availability.
Right of modification reserved.
The information provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of per-
performance which is case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a
result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall
only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of the contract.
1P A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619