Sierra Wireless ULC ACRD2 CDPD, PCMCIA modem User Manual 8561

Sierra Wireless Inc. CDPD, PCMCIA modem 8561


PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page iAirCard CEInstallation GuideRevision A DraftPart Number: 2110044September 1998
Installation Guide AirCard CEPN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page iiThis page is intentionally left blank.
AirCard CE Installation GuidePage iii 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. AImportant NoticeBecause of the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception ofdata can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) orbe totally lost. Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wirelessdevices such as the Sierra Wireless modem are used in a normal manner with a well-constructed network, the Sierra Wireless modem should not be used in situationswhere failure to transmit or receive data could result in damage of any kind to theuser or any other party, including but not limited to personal injury, death, or loss ofproperty. Sierra Wireless, Inc., accepts no responsibility for damages of any kindresulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using the SierraWireless modem, or for failure of the Sierra Wireless modem to transmit or receivesuch data.Patents"Some or all of the following US patents covers Portions of this product: D367062;D372248; D372701; 5515013; 5617106; 5629960; and other patents pending."© 1998 Sierra Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in Canada.First Printing September 1998.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of thepublisher.The software described in this guide is © 1998 Sierra Wireless, Inc. All rightsreserved.AT is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.Windows CE is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.The information in this guide is subject to change without notice and does notrepresent a commitment on the part of Sierra Wireless, Inc. Sierra Wireless, Inc.shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from thefurnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page ivRegulatory InformationThe equipment certifications appropriate to your device are marked on the deviceand the accompanying product specific information. Where appropriate, the use ofthe equipment is subject to the following conditions.CAUTIONUnauthorized modifications or changes not expressly approved bySierra Wireless, Inc. could void compliance with regulatory rules,and thereby your authority to use this equipment.!!WARNING (EMI) - United StatesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitspursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in anappropriate installation. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communication. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp!!WARNING (EMI) - Canada "This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radionoise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interferencecausing equipment standard entitled 'Digital Apparatus', ICES-003of the Department of Communications.""Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruitsradioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe Bprescrites dans la norme sur le materiel brouilleur: 'AppareilsNumeriques', NHB-003 edictee par le ministre des Communications."RSA Licensee
AirCard CE Installation GuidePage v 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. AIf you have purchased this product under a United States Government contract, itshall be subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DefenseFederal Acquisitions Regulations (DFARs) Section 252.227-7013 for Department ofDefense contracts and as set forth in Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FARs)Section 52.227-19 for civilian agency contracts or any successor regulations. Iffurther government regulations apply, it is your responsibility to ensure compliancewith such regulations.Safety and HazardsDo not operate the Sierra Wireless modem in areas where blasting is in progress,where explosive atmospheres may be present, near medical equipment, near lifesupport equipment, or any equipment which may be susceptible to any form of radiointerference. In such areas, the Sierra Wireless modem MUST BE TURNED OFF.The Sierra Wireless modem can transmit signals, which could interfere with thisequipment.Do not operate the Sierra Wireless modem in any aircraft, whether the aircraft is onthe ground or in flight. In aircraft, the Sierra Wireless modem MUST BE TURNEDOFF. The reason for this is that when operating in the CDPD or cellular circuitswitched mode, the Sierra Wireless modem can transmit signals, which couldinterfere with various onboard equipment systems.The driver or operator of any vehicle should not operate the Sierra Wireless modemwhile in control of a vehicle. Doing so will detract from the driver or operator’scontrol and operation of that vehicle. In some states and provinces, operating suchcommunications devices while in control of a vehicle is an offence.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page viCCuussttoommeerr  SSeerrvviicceeHelp DeskOpen between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time604 231 1128Sales DeskOpen between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST604 231 1100Warranty and Service DeskOpen between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST604 231 1157EmailAirCardCE@sierrawireless.comsupport@sierrawireless.comsales@sierrawireless.comWebpageConsult our webpage for up-to-date product descriptions,documentation, application notes, firmware upgrades,troubleshooting tips, and press releases:wwwwww..ssiieerrrraawwiirreelleessss..ccoomm
AirCard CE Installation GuidePage vii 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. AContents1. Overview ..............................................................1-11.1. Before You Begin....................................................................1-11.2. Introduction to the AirCard CE ...........................................1-11.3. Your AirCard CE Components ............................................1-12. Congratulations!..................................................2-13. Applying for Activation.......................................3-13.1.1. Packet Data Activation on a CDPD Network....................3-14. Install and Use the AirCard CE...........................4-14.1. First Time Installation of the AirCard CE...........................4-14.1.1. Installing the Watcher for Windows CE Software ............4-24.1.2. Inserting AirCard CE in H/PC ..........................................4-34.1.3. Install the Battery ..............................................................4-34.1.4. Setting Up CDPD Mode....................................................4-34.1.5. Warranty Registration .......................................................4-44.2. Using the AirCard CE............................................................4-55. Troubleshooting..................................................5-16. Technical Specifications.....................................6-16.1. AirCard CE.............................................................................6-16.2. AirCard CE Approvals..........................................................6-2
Installation Guide AirCard CEPN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page viii6.3. AirCard CE Environmental..................................................6-27. Warranty and Customer Service ........................7-17.1. Warranty.................................................................................7-17.2. Service Requirements.............................................................7-27.3. Registering the Warranty......................................................7-2
PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 1-11. Overview1.1.  Before You BeginPlease take a moment to fill in the warranty registrationcard that was shipped with this manual. After sendingin the warranty, it will be activated.1.2.  Introduction to the AirCardCEThe AirCard CE is a Type II PC Card CDPD cellularradio-modem that works with Handheld PCs (H/PC) orsub-notebook laptop PCs that supports Windows CE2.0 or later. It gives the user of the CE deviceimmediate mobile access, to network information andmission critical applications needed to do the job.1.3. Your AirCard CEComponentsEach AirCard CE kit contains the followingcomponents.• AirCard CE radio modem• Extendable antenna
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 1-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. A• Installation Guide• Watcher for Windows CE (one floppy disk)• Standard 1 year warrantyOptional items for the AirCard CE.• Rechargeable power pack• Adapter Connector for HP ac adapter
PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 2-12. Congratulations!
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PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 3-13.  Applying for Activation3.1.  Packet Data Activation ona CDPD NetworkTo register your AirCard CE for packet data activationon CDPD networks, contact your local CDPD serviceprovider.1. Give the CDPD service provider the EID(Equipment Identifier or identification number ofthe radio/modem). The EID number has thefollowing format: 00-A0-D5-xx-xx-xx.NOTELook for this number on the back ofyour AirCard CE and on a labelaffixed to the outside of the packagethat the card was shipped in.2. The CDPD service provider supplies the following:• A Network Entity Identifier (NEI) and yourInternet Protocol address (IP). These identifythe AirCard CE on a CDPD network or on theInternet.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 3-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. A• The Domain Name Server (DNS) address. TheDNS is required for Internet connectivity, i.e.,for web browsing. The DNS server translatesfriendly names to Internet addresses. Theservice provider allocates a primary addressand may give out a secondary address. Thesecondary address is used as a backup if theprimary DNS is not functioning.• The service provider’s side designation (A orB).IMPORTANT Record the NEI, channel designation,and DNS in the following table. Thisinformation is needed when installingWatcher for Windows CE.Service ProviderNEISide Designation(A or B)Primary DNS
PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 4-14.  Install and Use theAirCard CE4.1.  First Time Installation ofthe AirCard CEThis section contains instructions for installing theAirCard CE modem and the Watcher for Windows CEsoftware. Also this section has instructions on how touse the AirCard CE on a regular basis.NOTE If Windows CE Services software wasinstalled on the desktop PC computerthat your H/PC will be connected to,ignore these steps and go to the nextsection.1. Install the Windows CE Services software intoyour desktop computer, unless it was alreadyinstalled. Follow the instructions in Microsoft’sThe Handheld PC Companion manual ifnecessary.2. Connect the H/PC to the desktop computerfollowing the instructions in Microsoft’s TheHandheld PC Companion manual.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 4-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. A4.1.1.  Installing the Watcher for WindowsCE SoftwareNOTEThe H/PC must be running Windows CEversion 2.0 or later for the Watcher forWindows CE software to operateproperly.To install the Watcher for Windows CE software,follow these steps.1. Insert the software for AirCard CE floppy disk intothe desktop computer’s floppy disk drive.2. Click on Start, then Run. Type A: setup, thenclick on OK.NOTE If the floppy disk drive has a differentdrive letter, use that drive letter in placeof the A, e.g., B: setup.3. The Watcher for Windows CE softwareautomatically starts the wizard, and shows theWelcome screen.4. Follow the steps in the wizard.NOTE The applications and AirCard CE devicedrivers are now installed on the H/PC.5. After the wizard finishes, reset your H/PC. Refer toinstructions in Microsoft’s The Handheld PCCompanion manual and the manual that camewith your handheld PC, if necessary.
AirCard CE Installation GuidePN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 4-34.1.2.  Inserting AirCard CE in H/PC1. With the top label facing up, gently push theAirCard CE into the empty PC card slot in theH/PC computer.CAUTIONUse caution when inserting the card intothe H/PC card slot. Forcing the cardmay damage the connector pins. If youfeel resistance while inserting the card,remove it immediately and check forbent pins.4.1.3.  Install the Battery1. 2. 4.1.4.  Setting Up CDPD ModeAt this point, you are ready to activate the Air Card CE.After activating the software on your H/PC, you can usethe AirCard CE on the CDPD network.1. Double tap the Wireless Expert icon on yourH/PC to show the Wireless Expert for WindowsCE screen.2. Tap the Next tab until the screen shows theModem address (NEI) field, the Name of theinternet host (DNS) fields with zeros in them, andthe Side designator, A or B field.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 4-4 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. ANOTE The identification number (EID) shownin this screen should match up with theEID shown on the back of the AirCardCE H/PC card, and on the label affixedto the outside of the package theAirCard CE was shipped in.3. Tap the NEI field to move the cursor to it, andenter the NEI received from the CDPD serviceprovider.4. Tap the DNS field to move the cursor to it, andenter the DNS (name server of the CDPD serviceprovider) received from the CDPD serviceprovider.5. Tap the down arrow in the side designator, A or Bfield and set the side designation received from theCDPD service provider.6. Tap the Next tab to finish and at this point, youshould be able to register with the CDPD network.4.1.5. Warranty RegistrationProduct registration is important because it ensures thatyou will stay up to date on product upgrades andaccessories and receive warranty service and technicalsupport. Please be sure to register your radio/modem byeither sending in the Warranty card, using the Warrantyregistration feature of Watcher for Windows CE, or viathe Sierra Wireless Webpage.
AirCard CE Installation GuidePN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 4-54.2.  Using the AirCard CE1. With the top label facing up, gently push theAirCard CE into the empty PC card slot in theH/PC computer.2. If necessary, gently push the AirCard CE’s batterypack onto the end of the AirCard CE.3. Double-tap the Watcher icon to connect????
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PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 5-15. TroubleshootingFor more up-to-date and detailed troubleshooting tips,visit Sierra Wireless website at<>.Problem Suggestion1. There is noresponse afterinserting theAirCard CE.2. No confirmationbeeps sound wheninserting theAirCard CE into aH/PC.3. You cannotregister with aCDPD serviceprovider.Make sure the NEI is configuredcorrectly.Check that you are in the CDPDcoverage area, or your immediatelocation is preventing theradio/modem from receiving asignal, e.g., you are in an area ofweak signal strength.Make sure that the antenna isinserted correctly.4. Watcher forWindows CE will
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 5-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. Anot work with theTCP/IP stack.5. There is noresponse from theAirCard CE or theCOM port is busy.
PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 6-16. TechnicalSpecifications6.1. AirCard CEModem V.34 protocol, AMPS, and CDPD R1.1protocol stack.Voltage +5 Vdc at 300 mA supplied by the H/PC.TransmitterPower600 mW (Class III) full duplex.CDPDaccountsUp to 4 NEIs.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 6-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. A6.2. AirCard CE ApprovalsCompliant with CDPD 1.1 part 409 and FCC part 15.6.3.  AirCard CE EnvironmentalOperatingTemperature0 to +55º C (ambient, outside PCMCIAenclosure)StorageTemperature-20 to +65º CHumidity 95% non-condensingVibration As per PCMCIA spec 15-g peak10-20 000 Hz (non-operating).ESD As per PCMCIA spec.Shock As per PCMCIA spec.Drop 76 cm (30”) onto non-cushioning vinylcovered concrete.
PN 2110044 Rev. A 07/13/01 Page 7-17. Warranty andCustomer Service7.1. WarrantySierra Wireless Inc. warrants AirCard CE radio/modemagainst all defects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of one year from the date of purchase.The sole responsibility of Sierra Wireless Inc. underthis warranty is limited to either repair or, at the optionof Sierra Wireless Inc., replacement of the AirCard CEradio/modem. There are no expressed or impliedwarranties, including those of fitness for a particularpurpose or merchantability, which extend beyond theface hereof.Sierra Wireless Inc. is not liable for any incidental orconsequential damages arising from the use, misuse, orinstallation of the AirCard CE radio/modem.This warranty does not apply if the serial number labelhas been removed, or if the AirCard CE radio/modemhave been subjected to physical abuse, improperinstallation, or modification.
Installation Guide AirCard CEPage 7-2 07/13/01 PN 2110044 Rev. A7.2. Service RequirementsIn the event of equipment malfunction, Sierra WirelessInc., or one of its authorized agents should perform allrepairs.7.3.  Registering the WarrantyTo register the warranty:Complete the Registration Card located at the end ofthis Guide.Return the Registration Card to Sierra Wireless Inc., byone of the following:• Service Mail• E-mail• Fax

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