Sierra Wireless ULC MC8355-L Multi-band Radio Module User Manual Installation Instructions

Sierra Wireless Inc. Multi-band Radio Module Installation Instructions


Installation Instructions

1/8   MC8355 TM Module Installation and Collocation Guidelines   for Lenovo Portable Host Devices    Document Number : UY610-03-0066-20 Rev.1  January 21, 2011   FCC ID: N7NMC8355-L                                         IC: 2417C-MC8355  Model: MC8355TM  Sierra Wireless Incorporated  13811 Wireless Way Richmond, BC, V6V 3A4 Canada                     Revision Histry Revision Number  Date  Description 1  01/ 21/ 2011 Initial release
2/8  - Index -  1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3  2 HOST INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ........................................................................................... 4 2.1 Label Requirements............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Portable Hosts (WLAN antenna to user separation distance <20cm).................................................................4 2.3 End User Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 4  3 COLLOCATED INSTALLATION GUIDELINES............................................................................. 5  4 CLASS I PERMISSIVE CHANGE DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS.................................... 6  5 INDIVIDUAL WLAN SAR EVALUATION ................................................................................. 7  6 SIMULTANEOUS RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION GUIDELINES FOR COLLOCATED TRANSMITTERS ALLOWABLE THROUGH A CLASS I PERMISSIVE CHANGE ....................... 8 6.1 Portable Hosts: Sum of Total SAR < SAR Limit................................................................................................ 8 6.2 Portable Hosts Max Collocated SAR vs. Distance ............................................................................................. 8
3/8  MC8355TM Module Installation and Collocation Guidelines   for Lenovo Portable Host Devices 1 Introduction This document provides module and antenna installation and collocation guidelines for Lenovo tablet computer model TP00019A to be authorized for use with the MC8355TM module through a FCC/IC Class I Permissive Change process in accordance with the Supplement Note to FCC KDB 616217.   The following installations for Portable host configurations are addressed in this document.   1) The MC8355gwTM module can be installed as a standalone transmitter in a Portable notebook/netbook or Tablet (hereafter called Portable notebook) meeting the following conditions: Portable notebooks that meet the technical parameters are defined in Section 2 and Section 3.    These parameters define the Portable notebook configuration used as the baseline host to evaluate SAR.    Alternatively, a more conservative host approved through a Class II Permissive change can also be referenced as the conservative baseline where new Portable notebooks with greater antenna separation distance or lower SAR can be added through a Class I Permissive change.  2)  Allow the host device collocated transmission with the MC8355TM module approved under FCC ID: N7NMC8355-L, IC: 2417C-MC8355 through a Class I permissive change process.    The collocated transmitters must meet the technical requirements defined in Section 3.  3)  Allow end-user installation provided module/notebook Two-Way Authentication has been addressed so that modules can only be activated in approved notebooks. Other configurations not specifically described in this document may be authorized in a Class I permissive changes through coordination with Sierra Wireless Incorporated to verify that all technical requirements defined in Supplement Note to FCC KDB 616217 or other relevant FCC specifications are adequately addressed. The installation and collocation guidelines are applicable only for Tablet computers where WWAN and collocated antennas are located in the keyboard section or display portion of a Tablet computer where SAR evaluation is completed with the proper antenna separation distance to the keyboard or display antenna as defined in KDB 616217 and Section 4 of KDB 447498.  Any collocated transmitter or antenna that does not meet the technical requirements defined in this document requires a Class II permissive change to authorize simultaneous transmission.
4/8 2 Host Installation Guidelines  This section defines host installation limitations for Portable notebooks. Supporting RF exposure information is located in Section 4.   2.1 LabelRequirementsThe FCC and Industry Canada IDs must be permanently affixed on the exterior of the Portable notebook or readily accessible under a panel or battery pack of the host device that cannot be separated from the host device itself.  2.2 PortableHosts(WLANantennatouserseparationdistance<20cm)The  MC8355TM module can be installed for use in any authenticated Portable notebook device with the WLAN antenna limitations defined in Table 1 in Section 3.        2.3 EndUserInstallationTwo-way authentication documentation must be submitted as part of a Class II permissive change allowing end-user installation into Portable notebooks that utilize the method of authentication.
5/8 3  Collocated Installation Guidelines  Collocated transmitters can be operated simultaneously with the MC8355TM module, provided the technical parameters listed in Table 1 are maintained and the information specified in Section 4 is on file as part of a Class I permissive change.  A Class II permissive change is required if the host device does not meet the requirements specified in Table 1 and in section 6.  Table 1  Host Device Limitations Parameter Requirement  RF Exposure Justification Co-location Guide sanction in this document Device type  Tablet     Display size  Any    WWAN Antenna locations  Display    Tablet display orientation Secondary Landscape orientation is disabled.    Exterior Display Material  Any    WWAN module location  Anywhere    Maximum WWAN SAR  1.290 mW/g (1g)  Supplement to KDB 616217 D03 Section 4  Section 5 Minimum WWAN to User Distance  15 mm    Supplement to KDB 616217 D03 Section 4  Section 5 Minimum Portable Collocated Transmitter SAR  0.310 mW/g (1gram) Supplement to KDB 616217 D03 Section 4 KDB 447498 D01 Section 3 Section 6.1 Collocated Bluetooth Transmitter z P ≤ 60/f(GHz)  z Antenna-to-antenna or antenna-to-person distance ≥ 5cm KDB 616217 D01 Table-2 KDB 447498 D01 Section 3   Distance to external USB ports  > 5cm  Supplement to KDB 616217 D03 Section 2    Other devices may be approved as collocated transmitters, provided the technical requirements of KDB 616217 are satisfied.
6/8 4  Class I Permissive Change Documentation Requirements  The following documentation must be kept on file to allow simultaneous transmission as part of a Class I permissive change.  A Class II permissive change is required if the technical requirements of KDB 616217 cannot be met. •  List of all collocated transmitters with FCC and IC IDs •  Verification that all WWAN and WLAN antennas are >5cm from external USB, PCMCIA or other notebook I/O ports that support an external plug-in transmitter. •  Drawings showing antenna locations and separation distances •  Antenna types with respective dimensions and far field antenna gains •  Specific module to antenna RF coaxial cable losses   • RF exposure analyses demonstrating compliance with Section 4) of KDB 616217 as shown below
7/8 5 IndividualWLANSAREvaluation Portable RF exposure evaluation has been completed based on SAR measurements on the Portable notebook computer (Lenovo Model: TP00019A) that provided 1.5 cm of separation distance between the WWAN antenna and the end user as illustrated in Figure 1.  The measured 1-g SAR for the WWAN configuration was 1.290 mW/g (1g) as reported in the Class II Permissive Change application.  New Portable notebooks with greater antenna separation distance or lower SAR can be added through a Class I Permissive change. Figure 1    Antenna Locations                 23.6mm SAR probe Tx                                             Rx WWAN WWAN  15mm  WWAN TxWWAN Rx SAR probe Secondary Landscape mode Secondary Portrait mode Tablet Lap held mode WWAN transmission is not supported at Secondary Landscape screen mode.
8/8 6 SimultaneousRFExposureEvaluationGuidelinesForCollocatedTransmittersAllowablethroughaClassIPermissivechange 6.1 PortableHosts:SumofTotalSAR<SARLimitA portable collocated transmitter can be operated simultaneously with the MC8355TM WWAN transmitter provided the individual SAR results for the portable collocated transmitter are less than the value specified below based on Section 4)a) of the Supplement to KDB 616217.    The maximum individual SAR value is calculated based on the WWAN 1-g SAR of 1.290 mW/g.        SARWWAN         SARcollocated         1.6              1.6    SARcollocated  <  1.6 - SARWWAN  SARcollocated  <  1.6 – 1.290  SARcollocated  <  0.310 mW/g   6.2 PortableHostsMaxCollocatedSARvs.DistanceIf the summation of SAR exceeds the FCC limit, collocation is permitted through a Class I permissive change provided the minimum allowable separation distance derived from the equation below is satisfied.    An alternate equation provides the maximum collocated SAR based on a specified separation distance as defined in section 4. b) ii) of the Supplemental note of KDB 616217.         SARWWAN         SARcollocated            1.6              1.6                          antenna-to-antenna distance                                       5        +                 <  1 5 x (             +                )1.5 <  antenna-to-antenna distance (cm)   SARcollocated = 1.6 x (                             )2/3  - SARWWAN

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