Sierra Wireless ULC MC8792 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz multi-band Module User Manual HW Integration Guide

Sierra Wireless Inc. 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz multi-band Module HW Integration Guide

User manual

2130114Rev 1.8.2CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini CardHardware Integration Guide Proprietary and ConfidentialIncludes:MC5725 / MC5725VMC5727 / MC5727V    MC8775 / MC8775V    MC8780 / MC8781    MC8785V    MC8790 / MC8790V    MC8791V    MC8792V
PrefaceRev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 1 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Important Notice Duetothenatureofwirelesscommunications,transmissionandreceptionofdatacanneverbeguaranteed.Datamaybedelayed,corrupted(i.e.,haveerrors)orbetotallylost.AlthoughsignificantdelaysorlossesofdataarerarewhenwirelessdevicessuchastheSierraWirelessmodemareusedinanormalmannerwithawell‐constructednetwork,theSierraWirelessmodemshouldnotbeusedinsituationswherefailuretotransmitorreceivedatacouldresultindamageofanykindtotheuseroranyotherparty,includingbutnotlimitedtopersonalinjury,death,orlossofproperty.SierraWirelessacceptsnoresponsibilityfordamagesofanykindresultingfromdelaysorerrorsindatatransmittedorreceivedusingtheSierraWirelessmodem,orforfailureoftheSierraWirelessmodemtotransmitorreceivesuchdata.Safety and Hazards DonotoperatetheSierraWirelessmodeminareaswhereblastingisinprogress,whereexplosiveatmospheresmaybepresent,nearmedicalequipment,nearlifesupportequipment,oranyequipmentwhichmaybesusceptibletoanyformofradiointerference.Insuchareas,theSierraWirelessmodemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.TheSierraWirelessmodemcantransmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewiththisequipment.DonotoperatetheSierraWirelessmodeminanyaircraft,whethertheaircraftisonthegroundorinflight.Inaircraft,theSierraWirelessmodemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.Whenoperating,theSierraWirelessmodemcantransmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewithvariousonboardsystems.Note: Some airlines may permit the use of cellular phones while the aircraft is on the ground and the door is open. Sierra Wireless modems may be used at this time.ThedriveroroperatorofanyvehicleshouldnotoperatetheSierraWirelessmodemwhileincontrolofavehicle.Doingsowilldetractfromthedriveroroperatorʹscontrolandoperationofthatvehicle.Insomestatesandprovinces,operatingsuchcommunicationsdeviceswhileincontrolofavehicleisanoffence.Limitation of LiabilityTheinformationinthismanualissubjecttochangewithoutnoticeanddoesnotrepresentacommitmentonthepartofSierraWireless.SIERRAWIRELESSANDITSAFFILIATESSPECIFICALLYDISCLAIMLIABILITYFORANYANDALLDIRECT,INDIRECT,SPECIAL,GENERAL,INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,PUNITIVEOREXEMPLARYDAMAGESINCLUDING,BUTNOTLIMITEDTO,LOSSOFPROFITSOR
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide2 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.REVENUEORANTICIPATEDPROFITSORREVENUEARISINGOUTOFTHEUSEORINABILITYTOUSEANYSIERRAWIRELESSPRODUCT,EVENIFSIERRAWIRELESSAND/ORITSAFFILIATESHASBEENADVISEDOFTHEPOSSIBILITYOFSUCHDAMAGESORTHEYAREFORESEEABLEORFORCLAIMSBYANYTHIRDPARTY.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,innoeventshallSierraWirelessand/oritsaffiliatesaggregateliabilityarisingunderorinconnectionwiththeSierraWirelessproduct,regardlessofthenumberofevents,occurrences,orclaimsgivingrisetoliability,beinexcessofthepricepaidbythepurchaserfortheSierraWirelessproduct.Patents PortionsofthisproductmaybecoveredbysomeorallofthefollowingUSpatents:5,515,013 5,629,960 5,845,216 5,847,553 5,878,2345,890,057 5,929,815 6,169,884 6,191,741 6,199,1686,339,405 6,359,591 6,400,336 6,516,204 6,561,8516,643,501 6,653,979 6,697,030 6,785,830 6,845,2496,847,830 6,876,697 6,879,585 6,886,049 6,968,1716,985,757 7,023,878 7,053,843 7,106,569 7,145,2677,200,512 7,295,171 7,287,162 D442,170 D459,303D599,256 D560,911andotherpatentspending.Thisproductincludes technologylicensedfromLicensedbyQUALCOMMIncorporatedunderoneormoreofthefollowingUnitedStatespatentsand/ortheircounterpartsinothernations:4,901,307 5,056,109 5,101,501 5,109,390 5,228,0545,267,261 5,267,262 5,337,338 5,414,796 5,416,7975,490,165 5,504,773 5,506,865 5,511,073 5,535,2395,544,196 5,568,483 5,600,754 5,657,420 5,659,5695,710,784 5,778,338ManufacturedorsoldbySierraWirelessoritslicenseesunderoneormorepatentslicensedfromInterDigitalGroup.Copyright ©2008SierraWireless.Allrightsreserved.Trademarks AirCard®and“HeartoftheWirelessMachine®”areregisteredtrademarksofSierraWireless.Watcher®isatrademarkofSierraWireless,registeredintheEuropeanCommunity. SierraWireless,theSierraWirelesslogo,theredwavedesign,andthered‐tippedantennaaretrademarksofSierraWireless.QUALCOMM®3G
PrefaceRev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 3 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Windows®isaregisteredtrademarkofMicrosoftCorporation.QUALCOMM®isaregisteredtrademarkofQUALCOMMIncorporated.Usedunderlicense.Othertrademarksarethepropertyoftherespectiveowners.Contact InformationConsultourwebsiteforup‐to‐dateproductdescriptions,documentation,applicationnotes,firmwareupgrades,trouble‐shootingtips,andpressreleases:www.sierrawireless.comSales Desk: Phone: 1-604-232-1488Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific TimeE-mail: sales@sierrawireless.comPost: Sierra Wireless13811 Wireless WayRichmond, BCCanada            V6V 3A4Fax: 1-604-231-1109Web:
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide4 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.
Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 5 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Table of ContentsIntroduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7The Universal Development Kit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7Required connectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8Guide organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Related documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Power Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Overview of operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13Power signals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13Electrostatic discharge (ESD)   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Module power states  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Disconnected state   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14Off state  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14Normal state  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15Low power mode   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Usage models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15RF Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17RF connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Ground connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Shielding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19Antenna and cabling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20Interference and sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Power supply noise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21Interference from other wireless devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21Device-generated RF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22Host / Module Interfaces   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide6 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.LED output   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23Regulatory Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Important notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25Safety and hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25Important compliance information for North American users  . . . . . . . . . . .  26EU regulatory conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27Acronyms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 7 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.1: IntroductionSierraWireless’MiniCardmodulesformtheradiocomponentfortheproductsinwhichtheyareembedded.MiniCardsareavailableforuseonCDMAandGSMnetworks,including:Note: Throughout this document, MC57xx and MC87xx refer to the entire suites of CDMA and GSM Mini Cards respectively.•MC5725/MC5725V/MC5727/MC5727V—OperateonCDMAnetworksusingtheCDMAIS‐95A,1X,and1xEV‐DO(IS‐856)networkstandards,andsupportGPS.•MC8775 / MC8775V—operateonGSMnetworksusingtheGSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPAnetworkstandards,andsupportStandaloneGPSfunctionality.•MC8780 / MC8781 / MC8785V / MC8790 / MC8790V / MC8791V / MC8792V—operateonGSMnetworksusingtheGSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPAnetworkstandards,andsupportStandaloneGPS,gpsOneXTRA™,A‐GPS,selectedenhancedNavigation2.0features,andfiveNMEAsentences.Purpose of this guideThisguideaddressesissuesthataffecttheintegrationofSierraWirelessmodulesintohostproducts,andincludesdesignrecommendationsforthehostproducts.Note: An understanding of network technology and experience in integrating hardware components into electronic equipment is assumed.The Universal Development KitSierraWirelessmanufacturesaUniversalDevelopmentKit(UDK)thatfacilitatesallphasesoftheintegrationprocess.Thiskitisahardwaredevelopmentplatformthatisdesignedtosupportmultiplemembersofthewirelessembeddedmoduleproductfamily.Itcontainsthehardwarecomponentsthataretypicallynecessaryforevaluatinganddevelopingwiththemodule,including:•Developmentboard•Cables•Antennas•Otheraccessories
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide8 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Required connectorsNote: Contact vendors before choosing your connectors — the numbers included here are for reference only. Choose connectors that are appropriate to your design.Whenintegratingthesemodulesintoyourhostdevice,youneedthefollowingconnectortypes:•RFcablesthatmatewithHiroseU.FLconnectors(modelU.FL#CL331‐0471‐0‐10).ModulesincludeoneortwoconnectorjacksdependingonindividualmodulesupportfordiversityorGPSfunctionality.•Industry‐standardmatingconnectorfor52‐pinEDGE—somemanufacturersincludeTyco,Foxconn,andMolex.Forexample,theconnectorusedontheMiniCardDevKitboardisaMolex67910‐0001.•Industry‐standardUSIMconnector(MC87xxonly)—theactualconnectoryouusedependsonhowyourdeviceexposestheUSIMsocket.Forexample,theUSIMconnectorusedontheMiniCardDevKitboardisanITTCCM03‐3518.Guide organizationThisguideincludesthefollowingsections:1. Introduction(thissection)2. Power Interface(p.13) Describespowercontrolsignalsusedbythemoduleanddiscussesdesignissuesrelatedtopowersupplyintegration.3. RF Integration(p.17) Describesantennaconnectionmethodsandgroundingissues,RFinterferenceanddesenseissues.4. Host / Module Interfaces(p.23) DescribesLEDoutput.5. Regulatory Information(p.25) Describesregulatoryapprovalsandregulatoryinformationrequirements.6. Acronyms and Definitions(p.29) Listsacronymsanddefinitionsusedthroughoutthisguide.7. Index(p.33)Note: The term "host" always refers to the host device.Related documentsThisguidedealsspecificallywithhardwareintegrationissuesthatareuniquetotheMC57xxandMC87xxmodules.
IntroductionRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 9 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Table1‐1listsotherdocumentsreferencedinthisguide.Table 1-1: Related documentation Document title DescriptionAT Command Set for User Equipment (UE) (Release 6) Standard AT commands for GSM / UMTS devices.Download this document (3GPP TS 27.007) from 1X Standard Technical requirements for CDMA systems, including details on sleep cycle index (SCI) values.Order this document, CDMA 2000 Series Release A (2000) (document # TIA/EIA/IS-2000 Series, Release A) from MiniCard CnS Reference (Document 2130754)CnS (Control and Status) messages that are supported by the MC5725 / MC5725VAirCard 595U/595, EM5625 Embedded Module, MC5720/MC5725/MC5725V MiniCard AT Command Reference (Document 2130620)Proprietary, basic AT commands for the MC5725 / MC5725V / MC5727 / MC5727V. For MC87xx-specific commands, see UMTS Modems Supported AT Command Reference (Document 2130617).AirCard595U/595, EM5625 Embedded Module, MC5720/MC5725/MC5725V MiniCard Extended AT Command Reference (Document 2130621)Proprietary AT commands for the MC5725 / MC5725V / MC5727 / MC5727V. For MC87xx-specific commands, see MC87xx Modem Extended AT Command Reference (Document 2130616).FCC Regulations - Part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices This section of the FCC Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 deals with radio frequency devices, including shielding requirements for embedded modules.Download this regulation from level 3 Techniques for testing and measuring electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity.Order this document from Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130663)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC5725.MC5725V Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130671)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC5725V.MC8775 PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130697)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8775.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide10 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.MC8775V with Audio PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130700)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8775V.MC8780 / MC8781 PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130782)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8780 / MC8781.MC8785V PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2130932)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8785V.MC8790 PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2111279)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8790.MC8790V PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2111280)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8790V.MC8791V PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2131032)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8791V.MC8792V PCI Express Mini Card Product Specification (Document 2131033)Features, mechanical and electrical specifications, and standards compliance of the MC8792V.MC87XX Modem CnS Reference (Document 2130602)CnS (Control and Status) messages supported by the MC87xx series of modems.MC87xx Modem CnS Reference (Voice) (Document 2130817) Voice-related CnS (Control and Status) messages supported by the MC8775V, MC8785V, MC8790V,MC8791V, and MC8792V.UMTS Modems Supported AT Command Reference (Document 2130617)Proprietary, basic AT commands for the MC87xx. For MC57xx-specific commands, see the AirCard 595U/595, EM5625 Embedded Module, MC5720/MC5725/MC5725V MiniCard AT Command Reference (Document 2130620).MC87xx Modem Extended AT Command Reference (Document 2130616)Proprietary AT commands for the MC87xx. For MC57xx-specific commands, see the AirCard595U/595, EM5625 Embedded Module, MC5720/MC5725/MC5725V MiniCard Extended AT Command Reference (Document 2130621).Mobile Station (MS) Conformance Specification; Part 4: Subscriber Interface ModuleSIM testing methods.Download this document (3GPP TS 11.10-4) from 1-1:  Related documentation (Continued)Document title Description
IntroductionRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 11 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.PCI Express Mini Card Dev Kit Quick Start Guide (Document 2130705)Setup and configuration of modules.PCI Express Mini Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 1.1Download this document from Serial Bus Specification, Rev 2.0 Download this specification from 1-1:  Related documentation (Continued)Document title Description
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide12 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.
2Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 13 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.2: Power InterfaceOverview of operationNote: This chapter contains information for CDMA (MC57xx) and GSM (MC87xx) modules.  Information that is unique to specific module types is clearly identified.Themoduleisdesignedtousea3.3V(nominal)powersupply,providedbythehost.Itisthehost’sresponsibilitytoprovidesafeandcontinuouspowertothemoduleatalltimes;themoduledoesNOThaveanindependentpowersupply,orprotectioncircuitstoguardagainstelectricalissues.Themodule’spowerstateiscontrolledbythehost’sassertion/de‐assertionoftheW_Disable#signal.Themodulealsomonitorsitssupplyvoltageandrequestsshutdownifthesupplyisinsufficient.Power signalsThemodulemustbeconnectedtoa3.3Vpowersupply(asdescribedinPCIExpressMiniCardElectromechanicalSpecifi‐cationRevision1.1).TheMC87xxhasmorepowerpinsthantheMC57xxduetohigherpeakcurrentrequirementsforGSMdevices.Fordetailedpinoutandvoltage/currentrequirementsofthesemodules,seetheProductSpecificationDocumentforyourMiniCard.Electrostatic discharge (ESD)YouareresponsibleforensuringthatthehosthasadequateESDprotectionondigitalcircuitsandantennaports:•(Operational)RFport(antennalaunchandRFconnector):IEC‐61000‐4‐2—Level(ElectrostaticDischargeImmunityTest)•(Non‐operational)Hostconnectorinterface:JESD22‐A114‐B+/‐1kVHumanBodyModelandJESD22‐C101+/‐125VChargedDeviceModelSpecificrecommendationsareprovidedwhereneededinthisguide,however,thelevelofprotectionrequireddependsonyourapplication.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide14 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Note: ESD protection is highly recommended for the USIM connector at the point where the contacts are exposed, and for any other signals from the host interface that would be subjected to ESD by the user of the product.Module power statesNote: The module unit defaults to the Normal state when VCC3.3 is first applied in the absence of W_Disable# control.Themodulehasfourpowerstates:•Disconnected Nopowertothemodule.•Off Powertothemodule,butthemoduleispoweredoff.•Normal Themoduleisactive.Severalmodesarepossible(Receive,Transmit,Sleep,Shutdown).•Low power (“airplane mode”) Themoduleisactive,butRFisdisabled.Statemachinesareimplementedinthemoduletomonitorthepowersupplyandoperatingtemperature.Disconnected stateNote: The difference between the Disconnected and Off states is that, in the Off state, the module is still connected to the power source and draws minimal current.Thisstateoccurswhenthereisnopowertothemodule—thehostpowersourceisdisconnectedfromthemoduleandallvoltagesassociatedwiththemoduleareat0V.Whetherthehostdeviceisalsopoweredoffdependsonthepowerraildesign.Iftheconnectionbetweenthepowerrailandthemoduleiscontrolledbythehost,thehostcanstaypoweredonandcutthepowertoputthemodemintothedisconnectedstate.Ifthepowerrailissharedbetweenthehostdeviceandthemodule,thehostispoweredoffwhenthemoduleispoweredoff.Off stateInthisstate,thehostispoweredupandthemoduleispowereddown(butstillconnectedtothepowersource).ThehostkeepsthemodulepoweredoffbydrivingtheW_Disable#signallow.Inthisstate,themoduledrawsminimalcurrent.
Power InterfaceRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 15 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Normal stateNote: This is the default state when VCC3.3 is first applied in the absence of W_Disable# control.Thisistheactivestateofthemodule.Inthisstate:•Themoduleisfullypowered.•Themoduleiscapableofplacing/receivingcallsorestab‐lishingdataconnectionsonthewirelessnetwork.•TheUSBinterfaceisfullyactive.Low power modeInthisstate,RF(bothRxandTx)isdisabledinthemodule,buttheUSBinterfaceisstillactive.Thislowpowermode(ʺairplanemodeʺ)iscontrolledbysoftwarecommandsthroughthehostinterface.Forinstructionsonusingthecommands,refertoATCommandSetforUserEquipment(UE)(Release6)(+CFUN=0command),AirCard595U/595/MC5725/MC5725VMiniCardCnSReference(Document2130754)(CNS_RADIO_POWER[0x1075]command),orMC87XXModemCnSReference(Document2130602)(DisableModemcommand).Usage modelsUsagemodelscanbeusedtocalculateexpectedcurrentconsumption.AsampleusagemodelisprovidedinTable2‐1.Thisexamplemodelappliestoabattery‐operateddevice.Inpractice,becausethemoduleisisolatedfromthebattery(thehostdevicemanagesthepowersource),themAhratingsdependonthedevice’ssupplyefficiency.Table 2-1: Power consumption of a sample application Used by a field worker (data only) Used for remote data loggingUpload (module Tx) 1000 kB/day 40 kB/hDownload (module Rx) 500 kB/day 100 kB/dayCoverage / data rate 1X / 80 kbps IS-95 / 14.4 kbpsHours of operation 8/day (off 16 hrs/day) 24/dayTotal power consumed over 24 hours60 mAh 200 mAh
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide16 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Themoduleautomaticallyentersslottedsleepmodewhenthereisnotransmissionorreceptionoccurring(SCI=2).Transmitpowerisassumedtobe+3dBm.
3Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 17 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.3: RF IntegrationTheMC87xx operatesonthefrequenciesdetailedinTable3‐1.Table 3-1: MC87xx— Supported frequencies Product Band Frequencies (MHz)MC8775MC8775VMC8780MC8781MC8785VMC8790MC8790VMC8791VMC8792VGSM 850 Tx: 824–849 Rx: 869-894EGSM 900 Tx: 880-915 Rx: 925-960DCS 1800 Tx: 1710-1785 Rx: 1805-1880PCS 1900 Tx: 1850-1910 Rx: 1930-1990MC8775MC8775VMC8780MC8781MC8785VMC8790MC8790VMC8791VMC8792VBand I UMTS 2100 Tx: 1920–1980 Rx: 2110–2170MC8775MC8775VMC8780MC8781MC8785VMC8790MC8790VMC8792VBand II UMTS 1900 Tx: 1850–1910 Rx: 1930–1990MC8775MC8775VMC8780MC8781MC8785VMC8790MC8790VBand V UMTS 850(Band VI is included as a subset of Band V)Tx: 824–849 Rx: 869–894
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide18 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.RF connectionWhenattachinganantennatothemodule:Note: To disconnect the antenna, make sure you use the Hirose U.FL connector removal tool (P/N UFL-LP-N-2(01)) to prevent damage to the module or coaxial cable assembly.•UseaHiroseU.FLconnector(modelU.FL#CL331‐0471‐0‐10)toattachanantennatoaconnectionpointonthemodule,asshowninFigure3‐1(themainRFconnectoronthetopside;thediversityRForGPSconnectoronthebottomside).•Matchcoaxialconnectionsbetweenthemoduleandtheantennato50Ω.•MinimizeRFcablelossestotheantenna;therecommendedmaximumcablelossforantennacablingis0.5dB.MC8792V Band VIII UMTS 900 Tx: 880–915 Rx: 925–960MC8775VMC8780MC8781MC8785VMC8790MC8790VMC8791VMC8792VGPS 1575.42Table 3-1:  MC87xx— Supported frequencies Product Band Frequencies (MHz)
RF IntegrationRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 19 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Figure 3-1:  Antenna connection points and mounting holesGround connectionWhenconnectingthemoduletosystemground:•Preventnoiseleakagebyestablishingaverygoodgroundconnectiontothemodulethroughthehostconnector.•Connecttosystemgroundusingthetwomountingholesatthetopofthemodule(asshowninFigure3‐1).•MinimizegroundnoiseleakageintotheRF. Dependingonthehostboarddesign,noisecouldpotentiallybecoupledtothemodulefromthehostboard.Thisismainlyanissueforhostdesignsthathavesignalstravelingalongthelengthofthemodule,orcircuitryoperatingatbothendsofthemoduleinterconnects.ShieldingThemoduleisfullyshieldedtoprotectagainstEMIandtoensurecompliancewithFCCPart15‐“RadioFrequencyDevices”(orequivalentregulationsinotherjurisdictions).Note: The module shields must NOT be removed.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide20 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Antenna and cablingNote: Values in this guide are taken from the appropriate product specification documents (PSDs) (listed in Related documents, page 8) — in the case of a discrepancy between this document and the relevant PSD, use the value listed in the PSD.Whenselectingtheantennaandcable,itiscriticaltoRFperfor‐mancetomatchantennagainandcableloss.Choosing the correct antenna and cablingConsiderthefollowingpointsforpropermatchingofantennasandcabling:•Theantenna(andassociatedcircuitry)shouldhaveanominalimpedanceof50Ωwithareturnloss≤ 10dBacrosseachfrequencybandofoperation.•Thesystemgainvalueaffectsbothradiatedpowerandregulatory(FCC,IC,CE,etc.)testresults.Developing custom antennasConsiderthefollowingpointswhendevelopingcustom‐designedantennas:•AskilledRFengineershoulddothedevelopmenttoensurethattheRFperformanceismaintained.•Identifythebandsthatneedtobesupported,particularlywhenboththeMC57xxandMC87xxwillbeinstalledinthesameplatform.Inthiscase,youmaywanttodevelopseparateantennasformaximumperformance.Determining the antenna’s locationConsiderthefollowingpointswhendecidingwheretoputtheantenna:•AntennalocationmayaffectRFperformance.Althoughthemoduleisshieldedtopreventinterferenceinmostapplica‐tions,theplacementoftheantennaisstillveryimportant—ifthehostdeviceisinsufficientlyshielded,highlevelsofbroadbandorspuriousnoisecandegradethemodule’sperformance.•Connectingcablesbetweenthemoduleandtheantennamusthave50Ωimpedance.Iftheimpedanceofthemoduleismismatched,RFperformanceisreducedsignificantly.•Antennacablesshouldberouted,ifpossible,awayfromnoisesources(switchingpowersupplies,LCDassemblies,etc.).Ifthecablesarenearthenoisesources,thenoisemaybecoupledintotheRFcableandintotheantenna.Disabling the diversity antenna•MC57xx—IfyourhostdeviceisnotdesignedtousetheMC57xxmodule’sdiversityantenna,terminatetheinterfacewitha50Ωload.
RF IntegrationRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 21 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.•MC8780/MC8781/MC8785V/MC8790/MC8790V/MC8791V/MC8792V—UsetheATcommand!RXDEN=0todisablereceivediversityor !RXDEN=1toenablereceivediversity.Interference and sensitivityNote: These modules are based on ZIF (Zero Intermediate Frequency) technologies; when performing EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) tests, there are no IF (Intermediate Frequency) components from the module to consider.SeveralsourcesofinterferencecanaffecttheRFperformanceofthemodule(RFdesense).Commonsourcesincludepowersupplynoiseanddevice‐generatedRF.RFdesensecanbeaddressedthroughacombinationofmitigationtechniquesandradiatedsensitivitymeasurement.Power supply noiseNoiseinthepowersupplycanleadtonoiseintheRFsignal.Note: Values in this guide are taken from the appropriate product specification documents (PSDs) (listed in Related documents, page 8) — in the case of a discrepancy between this document and the relevant PSD, use the value listed in the PSD.Thepowersupplyripplelimitforthemoduleisnomorethan200mVp‐p1Hzto100kHz.Thislimitincludesvoltagerippleduetotransmitterburstactivity.Interference from other wireless devicesWirelessdevicesoperatinginsidethehostdevicecancauseinterferencethataffectsthemodule.Todeterminethemostsuitablelocationsforantennasonyourhostdevice,evaluateeachwirelessdevice’sradiosystem,consideringthefollowing:•Anyharmonics,sub‐harmonics,orcross‐productsofsignalsgeneratedbywirelessdevicesthatfallinthemodule’sRxrangemaycausespuriousresponse,resultingindecreasedRxperformance.•TheTxpowerandcorrespondingbroadbandnoiseofotherwirelessdevicesmayoverloadorincreasethenoisefloorofthemodule’sreceiver,resultinginRxdesense.Theseverityofthisinterferencedependsontheclosenessoftheotherantennastothemodule’santenna.Todeterminesuitablelocationsforeachwirelessdevice’santenna,thoroughlyevaluateyourhostdevice’sdesign.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide22 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Device-generated RFNote: The module can cause interference with other devices such as hearing aids and on-board speakers.  Wireless devices such as the Mini Card transmit in bursts (pulse transients) for set durations (RF burst frequencies). Hearing aids and speakers convert these burst frequencies into audible frequencies, resulting in audible noise. AllelectroniccomputingdevicesgenerateRFinterferencethatcannegativelyaffectthereceivesensitivityofthemodule.TheproximityofhostelectronicstotheantennainwirelessdevicescancontributetodecreasedRxperformance.Compo‐nentsthataremostlikelytocausethisinclude:•Microprocessorandmemory•Displaypanelanddisplaydrivers•Switching‐modepowersuppliesTheseandotherhigh‐speeddevices(inparticular,theprocessor)candecreaseRxperformancebecausetheyrunatfrequenciesoftensofMHz.Therapidriseandfalloftheseclocksignalsgenerateshigher‐orderharmonicsthatoftenfallwithintheoperatingfrequencybandofthemodule,affectingthemodule’sreceivesensitivity.ExampleOnasub‐systemrunningat40MHz,the22ndharmonicfallsat880MHz,whichiswithinthecellularreceivefrequencyband.Note: In practice, there are usually numerous interfering frequencies and harmonics. The net effect can be a series of desensitized receive channels.Note: It is important to investigate sources of localized interference early in the design cycle.
4Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 23 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.4: Host / Module InterfacesLED outputThemoduledrivestheLEDoutputaccordingtothePCI‐ExpressMiniCardspecification(summarizedinTable4‐1,below).Table 4-1: LED statesState Indicates CharacteristicsOff Module is not powered. Light is off.On Module is powered and connected, but not transmitting or receiving.Light is on.Slow blink Module is powered and searching for a connection.LED is flashing at a steady, slow rate.•250 ms ± 25% ON period•0.2 Hz ± 25% blink rateFaster blink Module is transmitting or receiving.LED is flashing at a steady, faster rate.•Approximately 3 Hz blink rateNote: MC572x modules support customer-defined LED controls.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide24 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Figure 4-1:  Example LEDCurrent limiting ResistorLEDVCC 3.3VMIOMiniCard
BRev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 25 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.B: Regulatory InformationImportant noticeBecauseofthenatureofwirelesscommunications,trans‐missionandreceptionofdatacanneverbeguaranteed.Datamaybedelayed,corrupted(i.e.,haveerrors)orbetotallylost.AlthoughsignificantdelaysorlossesofdataarerarewhenwirelessdevicessuchastheSierraWirelessmodemareusedinanormalmannerwithawell‐constructednetwork,theSierraWirelessmodemshouldnotbeusedinsituationswherefailuretotransmitorreceivedatacouldresultindamageofanykindtotheuseroranyotherparty,includingbutnotlimitedtopersonalinjury,death,orlossofproperty.SierraWirelessanditsaffiliatesacceptnoresponsibilityfordamagesofanykindresultingfromdelaysorerrorsindatatransmittedorreceivedusingtheSierraWirelessmodem,orforfailureoftheSierraWirelessmodemtotransmitorreceivesuchdata.Safety and hazardsDonotoperateyourMC57xx/MC87xxmodem:•Inareaswhereblastingisinprogress•Whereexplosiveatmospheresmaybepresentincludingrefuellingpoints,fueldepots,andchemicalplants•Nearmedicalequipment,lifesupportequipment,oranyequipmentwhichmaybesusceptibletoanyformofradiointerference.Insuchareas,theMC57xx/MC87xxmodemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.Otherwise,theMC57xx/MC87xxmodemcantransmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewiththisequipment.Inanaircraft,theMC57xx/MC87xxmodemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.Otherwise,theMC57xx/MC87xxmodemcantransmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewithvariousonboardsystemsandmaybedangeroustotheoperationoftheaircraftordisruptthecellularnetwork.Useofacellularphoneinanaircraftisillegalinsomejurisdictions.Failuretoobservethisinstructionmayleadtosuspensionordenialofcellulartelephoneservicestotheoffender,orlegalactionorboth.Someairlinesmaypermittheuseofcellularphoneswhiletheaircraftisonthegroundandthedoorisopen.TheMC57xx/MC87xxmodemmaybeusednormallyatthistime.
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide26 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.Important compliance information for North American usersTheMC57xx/MC87xxmodemhasbeengrantedmodularapprovalformobileapplications.IntegratorsmayusetheMC57xx/MC87xxmodemintheirfinalproductswithoutadditionalFCC/IC(IndustryCanada)certificationiftheymeetthefollowingconditions.Otherwise,additionalFCC/ICapprovalsmustbeobtained.1. Atleast20cmseparationdistancebetweentheantennaandtheuser’sbodymustbemaintainedatalltimes.2. TocomplywithFCC/ICregulationslimitingbothmaximumRFoutputpowerandhumanexposuretoRFradiation,themaximumantennagainincludingcablelossinamobile‐onlyexposureconditionmustnotexceed:·5dBiintheCellularbandand4dBiinthePCSbandfortheMC8775/MC8775V/MC8780/MC8781/MC8785V/MC8790/MC8790V/MC8791V/MC8792V.·5.1dBiintheCellularbandand4.15dBiinthePCSbandfortheMC5725/MC5725V/MC5727/MC5727V.3. TheMC57xx/MC87xxmodemanditsantennamustnotbeco‐locatedoroperatinginconjunctionwithanyothertransmitterorantennawithinahostdevice.4. AlabelmustbeaffixedtotheoutsideoftheendproductintowhichtheMC57xx/MC87xxmodemisincorporated,withastatementsimilartothefollowing:·ForMC5725/MC5725V/MC5727/MC5727V: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7N‐MC5725 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC5725·ForMC8775/MC8775V: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8775 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC8775·ForMC8780: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8780·ForMC8781: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8781 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC8781·ForMC8785V: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8785 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC8785
Regulatory InformationRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 27 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.·ForMC8790/MC8790V: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8790 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC8790·ForMC8792V: ThisdevicecontainsFCCID:N7NMC8792 ThisequipmentcontainsequipmentcertifiedunderIC:2417C‐MC87925. AusermanualwiththeendproductmustclearlyindicatetheoperatingrequirementsandconditionsthatmustbeobservedtoensurecompliancewithcurrentFCC/ICRFexposureguidelines.TheendproductwithanembeddedMC57xx/MC87xxmodemmayalsoneedtopasstheFCCPart15unintentionalemissiontestingrequirementsandbeproperlyauthorizedperFCCPart15.Note:Ifthismoduleisintendedforuseinaportabledevice,youareresponsibleforseparateapprovaltosatisfytheSARrequirementsofFCCPart2.1093andICRSS‐102.EU regulatory conformitySierraWirelessherebydeclaresthattheMC8775,MC8775V,MC8780,MC8781,MC8785V,MC8790,MC8790V,MC8791V,andMC8792Vmodemsconformwithallessentialrequire‐mentsofDirective1999/5/EC.TheDeclarationofConformitymadeunderDirective1999/5/ECisavailableforviewingatthefollowinglocationintheEUcommunity:SierraWireless(UK),Limited LakesideHouse 1FurzegroundWay,StockleyParkEast Uxbridge,Middlesex UB111BD England
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide28 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.
CRev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 29 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.C: Acronyms and Definitions.Table C-2: Acronyms and definitionsAcronym or term DefinitionAGC Automatic Gain ControlBER Bit Error Rate - a measure of receive sensitivityBLER Block Error RateCall Box Base Station Simulator - Agilent E8285A or 8960, Rohde & Schwarz CMU200CDMA Code Division Multiple AccessdB Decibel = 10 x log10 (P1/P2) P1 is calculated power; P2 is reference powerDecibel = 20 x log10 (V1/V2) V1 is calculated voltage, V2 is reference voltagedBm Decibels, relative to 1 mW - Decibel(mW) = 10 x log10 (Pwr (mW)/1mW)DUT Device Under TestEDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM EvolutionEM Embedded ModuleESD ElectroStatic DischargeFER Frame Error Rate - a measure of receive sensitivityGPRS General Packet Radio ServicesGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM Global System for Mobile communicationsHz Hertz = 1 cycle/secondinrush current Peak current drawn when a device is connected or powered onIS-2000 3G radio standards for voice and data (CDMA only)IS-95 2G radio standards targeted for voice (cdmaONE)LDO Low Drop Out - refers to linear regulatorMC5725 / MC5725V / MC5727 / MC5727V Sierra Wireless Mini Cards used on CDMA networks
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide30 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.MC57xx Any of the following CDMA Mini Cards: MC5725 / MC5725V / MC5727 / MC5727VMC8775 / MC8775V / MC8780 / MC8781 / MC8785V / MC8790 / MC8790V / MC8791V / MC8792VSierra Wireless Mini Cards used on GSM / UMTS networksMC87xx Any of the following GSM / UMTS Mini Cards: MC8775 / MC8775V / MC8780 / MC8781 / MC8785V / MC8790 / MC8790V / MC8791V / MC8792VMHz MegaHertz = 10E6 Hertz (Hertz = 1 cycle/second)MIO Module Input/OutputMPE Maximum Permissible Exposure — the level of radiation to which a person may be exposed without hazardous effect or adverse biological changesOTA Over-The-Air or Radiated through the antennaPCS Personal Communication System - PCS spans the 1.9 GHz radio spectrumRF Radio FrequencyRMS Root Mean SquareSA Selective AvailabilitySensitivity (Audio) Measure of lowest power signal that the receiver can measureSensitivity (RF) Measure of lowest power signal at the receiver input that can provide a prescribed BER / BLER / SNR value at the receiver output.SIM Subscriber Identity ModuleSNR Signal to Noise RatioSOF Start of Frame - a USB functionUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver TransmitterUDK Universal Development Kit (PCI Express Mini Card Dev Kit)UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications SystemUSB Universal Serial BusUSIM Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleTable C-2:  Acronyms and definitionsAcronym or term Definition
Acronyms and DefinitionsRev 1.8.2  Oct.08   Proprietary and Confidential 31 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.VCC3.3 3.3 V supply voltageWCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access — In this document, the term “UMTS” is used instead of “WCDMA”.XIM In this document, XIM is used as part of the contact identifiers for the USIM interface (XIM_VCC, XIM_CLK, etc.).Table C-2:  Acronyms and definitionsAcronym or term Definition
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide32 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.
Rev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 33 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.IndexNumerics1XCDMAStandard9Aacronymsanddefinitions29–31airplanemode15antennaconnectionandmountingpoints19connectionconsiderations18custom,considerations20diversityantenna,disabling20limit,matchingcoaxialconnections18location,considerations20matching,considerations20maximumcableloss18ATcommands3GPPspecification,details9lowpowermode,setting15standard,MC57xx(referencedocument)9standard,MC87xx(referencedocument)10ATcommands,extendedMC57xx,reference9MC87xx,reference10ATcommands,standardMC57xx,reference9MC87xx,reference10Ccablelossantenna,maximum18CDMA1XStandard9CnSMC57xxreference9MC87xxreference10connectiongrounding19connectors,requiredEDGEmating(52‐pin)8host‐module8RF,Hirose8USIM8currentconsumptionusagemodels15DDCS1800RFparameters,MC87xx17desense.SeeRFdisconnected,modulepowerstate14diversityantennadisabling20EEDGEconnector,manufacturers8EGSM900RFparameters,MC87xx17electrostaticdischarge.SeeESDESDprotectionrequirements13–14testingtechniquesdocument(IEC‐61000‐4‐2)9FFCCregulations,relevantsection9GGPSbandRFparameters,MC87xx18groundingconnectionconsiderations19GSM850RFparameters,MC87xx17HHost⁄Moduleinterface23–24Iimpedancemodule‐antenna20interferencedevicegenerated22powersupplynoise21wirelessdevices21LLEDexample24states23lowpowermodesetting,ATcommands15lowpower,modulepowerstate15
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide34 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.MMC5725ATreference(extended)9ATreference(standard)9CnSreference9networkssupported7productspecification9MC5725Vproductspecification9MC5727ATreference(extended)9ATreference(standard)9CnSreference9MC8755CnSreference,andMC87xx10MC8755VCnSreference,andMC87xx10MC8765CnSreference,andMC87xx10MC8775ATreference(extended),andMC87xx10ATreference(standard),andMC87xx10CnSreference,andMC87xx10networkssupported7productspecification9RFparameters17MC8775VATreference(extended),andMC87xx10ATreference(standard),andMC87xx10CnSreference,andMC87xx10networkssupported7productspecification10RFparameters17MC8780ATreference(extended),andMC87xx10ATreference(standard),andMC87xx10networkssupported7productspecification10RFparameters17MC8781ATreference(extended),andMC87xx10ATreference(standard),andMC87xx10networkssupported7productspecification10RFparameters17MC8785Vnetworkssupported7MiniCardDevKitQuickStartGuide11PCIExpressSpecification11SeealsoMC5725,MC5725V,MC5727,MC5727V,MC8775,MC8775V,MC8780,MC8781,MC8785Vmodulepowerstates14–15Nnetworkssupported,bymoduletype7noiseleakage,minimizing19RFinterference,powersupply21normal,modulepowerstate15Ooff,modulepowerstate14PPCIExpressMiniCardspecification11PCS1900RFparameters,MC87xx17powerdefaultstate15disconnected,characteristics14normal,characteristics15off,characteristics14requiredsupplyvoltage13signals,overview13state,disconnected14state,lowpower15state,normal15state,off14states,module14–15supply,RFinterference21supply,ripplelimit21powerinterface13–16productspecification(PSD)9,10PSD(ProductSpecificationDocument)9,10Rregulatoryinformation25–27EU27FCC26limitationofliability25safetyandhazards25RFantennacableloss,maximum18antennaconnection,considerations18cabletype,required8desensedevice‐generated22interferenceotherdevices22powersupply21wirelessdevices21parametersMC87xx17parameters,MC87xxDCS180017
IndexRev 1.8.2  Oct.08 Proprietary and Confidential 35 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.EGSM90017GPS18GSM85017PCS190017UMTS190017UMTS210017UMTS85017,18Sshieldingmodule,compliance19SIMtestingmethods,MSconformancespecification10SeealsoUSIMTtestingESDimmunity,techniquesdocument(IEC‐61000‐4‐2)9UUDK(UniversalDevelopmentKit)components,included7UMTS1900RFparameters,MC87xx17UMTS2100RFparameters,MC87xx17UMTS850RFparameters,MC87xx17,18UniversalDevelopmentKit(UDK)components,included7UniversalSerialBus.SeeUSB.usagemodelscurrentconsumption15USBspecification11USIMconnectortype,required8WW_Disable#Normalstate15offstate14ZZIF(ZeroIntermediateFrequency)21
CDMA and GSM / UMTS Mini Card Hardware Integration Guide36 Proprietary and Confidential 2130114 In the event of a discrepancy in values between this guide and the Product Specification Document (PSD), the PSD takes precedence.

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