Sierra Wireless ULC PCIE100 Cellular/ PCS CDMA Transmitter Module User Manual WM DEV PCIE100 UserGuide

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Cellular/ PCS CDMA Transmitter Module WM DEV PCIE100 UserGuide

Users Guide

  confidential © Page : 1 / 37 This  document  is  the sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  PCIE-100 User Guide   Reference:  WM_DEV_PCIE-100_PTS_003 Revision:  001 Date:  July, 01th 2008
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 2 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Document Information Level  Date  History of the evolution   001  01/07/2008  Creation (Preliminary version)  EMH
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 3 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Overview This document defines and specifies the PCIE-100 Wavecom product.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 4 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Contents Document Information................................................................................................................. 2 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 3 Contents ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Cautions ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Trademarks................................................................................................................................. 7 Copyright .................................................................................................................................... 7 1 References ...................................................................................................................... 8 1.1 References documents..................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1 WAVECOM reference document .............................................................................. 8 1.1.2 General reference document................................................................................... 8 1.2 List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 9 2 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Mini-PCI Pin Out ............................................................................................................ 11 2.2 Not Connected Pins ....................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 13 2.3.1 Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................................... 13 2.3.2 Pin description ..................................................................................................... 13 2.3.3 Application........................................................................................................... 13 2.3.4 Power consumption.............................................................................................. 13 Idle Mode power consumption ....................................................................... 14 GSM power consumption ............................................................................... 14 GPRS power consumption.............................................................................. 14 EGPRS power consumption ............................................................................ 16 UMTS power consumption ............................................................................. 17 2.4 SIM Interface ................................................................................................................ 18 2.4.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 18 2.4.2 Pin description ..................................................................................................... 19 2.4.3 Application........................................................................................................... 19 2.5 Reset signals ................................................................................................................. 20 2.5.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 20 2.5.2 Pin description ..................................................................................................... 21
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 5 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.5.3 Application........................................................................................................... 21 2.6 FLASH-LED signal .......................................................................................................... 22 2.6.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 22 2.6.2 Pin description ..................................................................................................... 22 2.6.3 Application........................................................................................................... 22 2.7 USB 2.0 interface........................................................................................................... 23 2.7.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 23 2.7.2 Pin description ..................................................................................................... 23 2.7.3 Application........................................................................................................... 24 2.8 RF interface .................................................................................................................. 25 2.8.1 RF connection ...................................................................................................... 25 2.8.2 RF performances.................................................................................................. 26 3 Environmental Specifications .......................................................................................... 27 3.1 Temperature Range....................................................................................................... 27 3.2 Mechanical specifications ............................................................................................... 27 3.2.1 Mechanical drawings ............................................................................................ 27 3.3 Thermal specifications ................................................................................................... 28 4 Peripheral devices references ......................................................................................... 29 4.1 Mini-PCI Connector........................................................................................................ 29 4.2 Mini-PCI Latch Up.......................................................................................................... 29 4.3 SIM Card Reader ........................................................................................................... 29 4.4 Antenna Connector........................................................................................................ 29 4.5 GSM antenna ................................................................................................................ 29 5 Noises and design.......................................................................................................... 30 5.1 EMC recommendations .................................................................................................. 30 5.2 Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 30 6 Appendix....................................................................................................................... 31 6.1 Standards and Recommendations................................................................................... 31 6.2 Safety recommendations (for information only) ............................................................... 34 6.2.1 RF safety ............................................................................................................. 34 General ........................................................................................................ 34 Exposure to RF energy .................................................................................. 34 Efficient terminal operation ............................................................................ 34 Antenna care and replacement....................................................................... 34 6.2.2 General safety...................................................................................................... 35 Driving ......................................................................................................... 35 Electronic devices.......................................................................................... 35 Vehicle electronic equipment.......................................................................... 35 Medical electronic equipment ......................................................................... 35
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 6 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable. Aircraft ......................................................................................................... 35 Children........................................................................................................ 35 Blasting areas ............................................................................................... 36 Potentially explosive atmospheres .................................................................. 36
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 7 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.   Cautions This platform contains a modular transmitter. This device is used for wireless applications. Note that all electronics parts and elements are ESD sensitive. Information  provided  herein  by  WAVECOM  is  accurate  and  reliable.  However  no  responsibility  is assumed for its use and any of such WAVECOM information is herein provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. General information about WAVECOM and its range of products is available at the following internet address:  Trademarks ®, WAVECOM®, WISMO®, Open AT® and certain other trademarks and logos appearing on this document, are  filed or registered  trademarks of Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries.  All other  company  and/or  product  names  mentioned  may  be  filed  or  registered  trademarks  of  their respective owners.  Copyright This manual is  copyrighted by WAVECOM with all rights reserved. No  part of this manual may be reproduced  in  any  form  without  the  prior  written  permission  of  WAVECOM.  No  patent  liability  is assumed with respect to the use of their respective owners.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 8 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  1 References 1.1 References documents For  more  details,  several  references  documents  can  be  consulted.  The  WAVECOM  reference documents  are  provided  in  the  WAVECOM  documents  package  contrary  at  the  general  reference documents which are not WAVECOM owner. 1.1.1 WAVECOM reference document 1.1.2 General reference document [1] PCI EXPRESS MINI CARD ELECTROMECHANICAL SPECIFICATION, REV 1.2 [2] USB2.0 standard
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 9 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  1.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation  Definition AC  Alternative Current AT  ATtention (prefix for modem commands) CLK  CLocK CMOS  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CS  Coding Scheme dB  Decibel DCS  Digital Cellular System E-GSM  Extended GSM EMC  ElectroMagnetic Compatibility EMI  ElectroMagnetic Interference ESD  ElectroStatic Discharges FTA  Full Type Approval GND  GrouND GPIO  General Purpose Input Output GPRS  General Packet Radio Service GSM  Global System for Mobile communications LED  Light Emitting Diode na  Not Applicable NOM  NOMinal NTC  Négative Temperature Coefficient PCB  Printed Circuit Board RF  Radio Frequency RST  ReSeT RX  Receive  SIM  Subscriber Identification Module SPI  Serial Peripheral Interface SPL  Sound Pressure Level SPK  SPeaKer TBC  To Be Confirmed TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TP  Test Point
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 10 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Abbreviation  Definition TX  Transmit TYP  TYPical USB  Universal Serial Bus VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio  .
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 11 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2 Interfaces 2.1 Mini-PCI Pin Out  Pin Number  Pin Name  Description  I/O  Voltage Domain 1  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 2  VBATT  Power Supply  I  3.3V 3  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 4  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 5  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 6  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 7  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 8  SIM_POWER  SIM  O  1V8 / 2V9 9  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 10  SIM_DATA  SIM  I/O  1V8 / 2V9 11  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 12  SIM_CLK  SIM  O  1V8 / 2V9 13  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 14  SIM_RESET  SIM  O  1V8 / 2V9 15  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 16  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 17  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 18  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 19  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 20  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 21  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 22  RESET  RESET  I  3.3V 23  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 24  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 25  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 26  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 27  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 28  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 29  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 30  NC  NC  N/A  N/A
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 12 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  31  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 32  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 33  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 34  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 35  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 36  USB_D-  USB  I/O  3.3V 37  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 38  USB_D+  USB  I/O  3.3V 39  VBATT  Power Supply  I  3.3V 40  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 41  VBATT  Power Supply  I  3.3V 42  FLASH_LED  Status  O  Open Drain 43  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 44  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 45  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 46  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 47  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 48  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 49  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 50  GND  Power Supply  I  GND 51  NC  NC  N/A  N/A 52  VBATT  Power Supply  I  3.3V  2.2 Not Connected Pins Not connected  pins are  expected  to be  not terminated  on either  the add-in  card or  system board side  of  the  connector.  These  pins  are  reserved  for  definition  with  future  revisions  of  this specification. Non-standard  use of  these  pins may  result in  incompatibilities in  solutions aligned  with the  future revision.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 13 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.3 Power supply 2.3.1 Electrical Characteristics  Input power Supply Voltage   VMIN  VNOM  VMAX  IMAX  Ripple max (Uripp) VBATT 3.0  3.3  3.6     (TBD) 2.3.2 Pin description  Signal  Pin number VBATT  2, 39, 41, 52 2.3.3 Application The power supply is one of the key issues in the design of a PCI Extreme product. The PCIE-100 is supplied by one single power supply VBATT.  Due to the bursted emission in GSM / GPRS, the power supply must be able to deliver high current peaks in a short time.  When designing the power supply for your application please pay specific attention to power losses. Ensure that the input voltage VBATT never drops below specification. Any voltage drops that may occur in a transmit burst should not exceed XXX mV. The  best  approach  to  reducing  voltage  drops  is  to  use  a  board-to-board  connection  as recommended, and a low impedance power source. The resistance of the power supply lines on the host board and of a battery pack should also be considered. 2.3.4 Power consumption Power consumption is dependent on the configuration used. It is for this reason that the following consumption values are given for each mode, RF band and type of wireless feature needed (GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS)  All the following information is given assuming a 50 Ω RF output. The  following  consumption  values  were  obtained  by  performing  measurements  on  PCIE-100 samples at a temperature of 25° C. Three VBATT values are used to measure the consumption, VBATTMIN (3.0V), VBATTMAX (3.6V) and VBATTTYP (3.3V).  The average current is given for the three VBATT values.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 14 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable. Idle Mode power consumption  Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V unit Idle Mode   62    mA GSM power consumption  Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  500    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  200    mA PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  500    mA 900 MHz  PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  200    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  450    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  200    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  450    mA GSM Connected Mode 1900 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  200    mA GPRS power consumption  Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  500    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  200    mA PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  500    mA 900 MHz  PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  200    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  450    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  200    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  450    mA GPRS (1Tx, 4Rx) Connected Mode 1900 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  200    mA
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 15 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.   Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  690    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  255    mA PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  620    mA 900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  270    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  550    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  265    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  550    mA GPRS (2Tx, 3Rx) Connected Mode 1900 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  265    mA   Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  940    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  340    mA PCL5 (TX power 33dBm)  780    mA 900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  360    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  750    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  360    mA PCL0 (TX power 30dBm)  750    mA GPRS (4Tx, 4Rx) Connected Mode 1900 MHz  PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  360    mA
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 16 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable. EGPRS power consumption  Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL8 (TX power 27dBm)  315    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  215    mA PCL8 (TX power 27dBm)  315    mA 900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  215    mA PCL2 (TX power 26dBm)  315    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  215    mA PCL2 (TX power 26dBm)  310    mA EGPRS MCS9 (1Tx, 4Rx) Connected Mode 1900 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  215    mA   Operating mode  Parameters IMIN average VBATT=3.6V INOM average VBATT=3,3V IMAX average VBATT=3,2V Unit PCL8 (TX power 27dBm)  445    mA 850 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  285    mA PCL8 (TX power 27dBm)  445    mA 900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 5dBm)  285    mA PCL2 (TX power 26dBm)  445    mA 1800 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  285    mA PCL2 (TX power 26dBm)  445    mA EGPRS MCS9 (2Tx, 3Rx) Connected Mode 1900 MHz PCL15 (TX power 0dBm)  285    mA
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 17 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable. UMTS power consumption  Power consumption in WCDMA is fully linked to required output power of the PCIE-100. Here is an evaluation of the consumption made in Band 1 on middle frequency.  Consumption versus Output power @ ARFCN 9750200250300350400450500550600650700750800850900-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22Output power (dBm)I(mA)
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 18 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.4 SIM Interface The  Subscriber  Identification  Module  can  be  directly  connected  to  the  PCIE-100  through  this dedicated interface. The  SIM  interface  controls  a  3V  /  1V8  SIM.  This  interface  is  fully  compliant  with  GSM  11.11 recommendations concerning SIM functions. 2.4.1 Features The SIM interface controls 1.8V and 3V SIM card.  Electrical Characteristics of SIM interface Parameter  Conditions  Minimal  Typical  Maximal Unit SIM_DATA Internal Pull Up  SIM_DATA to SIM_VCC  6,5  10  14  kOhms Input low voltage threshold    0.3      Volts Input high voltage threshold        VDD – 0.6  Volts Input low current      1    mA Input high current      20    µA Output low voltage level        0.4  Volts Output low voltage level    0.8 * SIM_VCC     Volts Capacitive load      30    pF Rise / Fall Time      0,8    µs SIM_CLK & SIM_RST Digital output low level       0.4  Volts Digital output high level   0,8 * SIM_VCC     Volts Capacitive load       30  pF SIM_CLK Rise / Fall Time        40  ns SIM_CLK Rise / Fall Time        100  ns Output low voltage level        0.4  V Output low voltage level    0.8 * SIM_VCC     V
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 19 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.4.2 Pin description  Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Description SIM_CLK  12  O  2V9 / 1V8  SIM Clock SIM_RESET  14  O  2V9 / 1V8  SIM Reset SIM_DATA  10  I/O  2V9 / 1V8  SIM Data SIM_POWER  8  O  2V9 / 1V8  SIM Power Supply 2.4.3 Application    The  SIM  interface  controls  1.8V  and  3V  SIM  card.  It  is  recommended  to  add  Transient  Voltage Suppressor  diodes  (TVS)  on  the  signal  connected  to  the  SIM  socket  in  order  to  prevent  any Electrostatics Discharge. TVS diodes with low capacitance (less than 10 pF) have to be connected on SIM-CLK and SIM-DATA signals to avoid any disturbance of the rising and falling edge. These types  of diodes are mandatory for the Full Type Approval. They shall be placed as close as possible to the SIM socket. The following references can be used: DALC208SC6 from ST Microelectronics.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 20 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.5 Reset signals 2.5.1 Features  Electrical Characteristics of the signals Parameter  Minimum  Typ  Maximum  Unit VIH 2    3.6  V VIL -0.5    0.8  V Input Capacitance    7    pF Output Capacitance    30    pF Input leakage current  -10    10  µA RESET Output Capacitance  -50    50  µA  POWER ON SEQUENCE3.3 VRESETRESET SEQUENCE3.3 VRESETPOWER OFF SEQUENCE3.3 VRESETT_PVPGLT_PERSTT_FAILRESET PIN ASSERTED
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 21 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Parameter  Minimum  Typ  Maximum  Unit T_PVPGL    TBD    ms T_PERST    TBD    ms RESET T_FAIL    TBD    ms   • T_PVPGL => RESET must remain active at least this long after power becomes valid • T_PERST => When asserted, RESET must remain asserted at least this long • T_FAIL => When power becomes invalid, RESET must be asserted within this time  2.5.2 Pin description Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Description RESET  22  I/O Open Drain*   3.3V  PCIE-100  Reset 2.5.3 Application The  RESET  signal  is  de-asserted  to  indicate  when  the  system  power  sources  are  within  their specified  voltage  tolerance  and  are  stable.  RESET  should  be  used  to  initialize  the  card  functions once power sources stabilize. RESET is asserted when power is switched off and also can be used by the system to force a hardware reset on the card. The system may also use RESET to cause a warm reset of the add-in card.  GNDRESET Reset commandT1  Rohm DTC144EE  Open  collector  or  open  drain  transistor  can  be  used.  If  an  open  collector  is chosen,  T1  can  be  a Rohm DTC144EE.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 22 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.6 FLASH-LED signal  2.6.1 Features FLASH-LED status  FLASH-LED status  PCIE-100   status LED OFF  Radio is incapable of transmitting. LED ON  Radio is capable of transmitting.    Electrical characteristics of the signal Parameter  Condition  Minimum  Typ  Maximum  Unit VOL      0.4    V IOUT      8    mA  2.6.2 Pin description  Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description FLASH-LED  42  O  Open Drain    Active Low 2.6.3 Application  FLA SH -LED VBA T T« GSM  »D112R14 7 0  Ω R1 value can be harmonized depending of the LED (D1) characteristics.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 23 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.7 USB 2.0 interface A  2-wire  USB  slave  interface  is  available,  compiling  with  USB  2.0  protocol  signalling.  The  USB interface signals are USB-DP, USB-DM and GND. The USB interface supports USB 2.0 in all three modes (Low Speed, Full Speed, and High Speed). Because there is  not a separate USB-controlled  voltage  bus,  USB functions implemented  on a  PCI Express Mini Card add-in card are expected to report as self-powered devices. All enumeration, bus protocol,  and  bus  management  features  for  this  interface  are  defined  by  Universal  Serial  Bus Specification, Revision 2.0.  2.7.1 Features   12Mbit/s full speed transfer rate  3.3V type compatible  USB Soft connect feature  Electrical characteristics of the signals Parameter  Min  Typical  Max  Unit USB_D-, USB_D+  3  3.3  3.6  V  2.7.2 Pin description   Signal  Pin number I/O I/O type  Description USB_D+  38  I/O  USB  Differential data interface positive USB_D-  36  I/O  USB  Differential data interface negative
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 24 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.7.3 Application    For USB  interface,  it is  recommended to  add EMI/RFI/ESD protection  between  PCIE-100  and USB connector  like  shown  on  previous  schematic.  The  following  references  can  be  used:  STF2002-22 from SEMTECH.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 25 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  2.8 RF interface The impedance is 50 Ohms nominal and the DC impedance is 0 Ohm. Main and diversity antenna connector are available in wavecom PCIE-100 product.  Connection of main antenna is mandatory.  Connection of diversity antenna is not mandatory, but if diversity antenna is not used, performances will reduce (especially in HSxPA)           2.8.1 RF connection The  miniature  coaxial  antenna  connector  from  Hirose  with  following  reference  331-0471-0-01  is implemented in Wavecom PCIE-100 board. A wide variety of cables with UFL connectors is offered by different suppliers.  Here are the main specifications of the RF connection Main Antenna Connector  Diversity Antenna Connector Mini-PCI Connector
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 26 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.   An extraction tools is needed to remove the RF connector when plugged on Wavecom PCIE-100.   To  disconnect  connectors,  insert  the  end  portion  of  U.FL-LP-N-2  and  U.FL-LP(V)-N-2  under  the connector flanges and pull off vertically, in the direction of the connector mating axis. To mate the connectors, the mating  axes of both  connectors must  be aligned  and the connectors can  be  mated.  The  "click"  will  confirm  fully  mated  connection.Do  not  attempt  to  insert  on  an extreme angle. 2.8.2 RF performances TBD
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 27 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  3 Environmental Specifications 3.1 Temperature Range  Wavecom specifies following temperature range PCIE-100 product  Conditions Temperature range Operating / Class A  -20 °C to +55°C Operating / Storage / Class B   -40 °C to +85°C (TBC)  Function Status Classification: Class A:    The PCIE-100 shall have full function during and after an external influence. The GSM performance shall meet the minimum ETSI requirements. Class B:    Any  functions  can  be  out  of  specified  tolerances.  All  the  functions  will  be  going  back  to  normal tolerances automatically after that the external influence has been removed. Performance is allowed to go outside of the minimum ETSI requirements, but it must be possible to connect a call and send an SMS.  3.2 Mechanical specifications PCIE-100  is  fully  compatible  with  Mini-PCI  Express  Standard  as  described  in  [1].  Standard connectors and latch up solutions could be used.  3.2.1 Mechanical drawings The next page gives main mechanical specifications of PCIE-100.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 28 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.    3.3 Thermal specifications The PCIE-100 card temperature profile depends on host cooling approach including: • Natural convection • Forced air • Direct attach  Location of “heat sources” near the PCIE-100 add-in card can negatively impact the thermal design. Do not place the add-in card near other host heat sources or “down wind” from such heat sources. Inadequate cooling may cause the WWAN add-in card to overheat:  4
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 29 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  5  This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two conditions:  [1] this device may not cause harmful interference, and  [2] This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This  equipment  complies  with  FCC  RF  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an  uncontrolled environment.  The  antenna(s)  used  for  this  transmitter  must  be  installed  to  provide  a  separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.” Maximum  antenna  gain  that  can  be  used  with  this  product  is  6.9dBi  for  850MHz  and  3.0dBi  for 1900MHz.
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 30 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  Peripheral devices references 5.1 Mini-PCI Connector • Kyocera (see • Molex (see ) 5.2 Mini-PCI Latch Up • Molex (see ) 5.3 SIM Card Reader • ITT CANNON CCM03 series (see ) • AMPHENOL C707 series (see ) • JAE (see ) 5.4 Antenna Connector The following cable reference has been qualified for being mounted on PCIE-100: • RG178 5.5 GSM antenna GSM antennas and support for antenna adaptation can be obtained from manufacturers such as: • ALLGON ( ) • IRSCHMANN ( )
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 31 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  6 Noises and design 6.1 EMC recommendations The EMC tests have to be performed as soon as possible on the application to detect any possible problem. When designing, special attention should be paid to: • Possible  spurious  emission  radiated  by  the  application  to  the  RF  receiver  in  the  receiver band • ESD  protection  is  mandatory  for  all  peripherals  accessible  from  outside  (SIM,  serial  link, etc.) • Biasing of the microphone inputs • Length of the SIM interface lines (preferably <10cm) • Ground plane: WAVECOM recommends having a common ground plane for analog / digital / RF grounds. • Metallic case or plastic casing with conductive paint are recommended  Note: The PCIE-100 does not include any protection against overvoltage. 6.2 Power Supply The power supply is one of the key issues in the design of a GSM terminal. A  weak power supply design could affect in particular: • EMC performances. • the emissions spectrum  • the phase error and frequency error  WARNING: Careful attention should be paid to: • Quality  of  the  power  supply:  low  ripple,  PFM  or  PSM  systems  should  be  avoided (PWM converter preferred). • Capacity to deliver high current peaks in a short time (pulsed radio emission).
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 32 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  7 Appendix 7.1 Standards and Recommendations  Specification Reference  Title 3GPP TS 45.005  v5.5.0 (2002-08) Release 5  Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio  Access  Network; Radio transmission and reception GSM 02.07 V8.0.0 (1999-07)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Stations (MS) features (GSM 02.07 version 8.0.0 Release 1999) GSM 02.60 V8.1.0 (1999-07)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General  Packet  Radio  Service  (GPRS);  Service  description,  Stage  1 (GSM 02.60 version 8.1.0 Release 1999) GSM 03.60 V7.9.0 (2002-09)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Digital  cellular  telecommunications  system  (Phase 2+);  General Packet  Radio  Service  (GPRS);  Service  description;  Stage  2  (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 43.064 V5.0.0 (2002-04)  Technical  Specification  Group  GERAN;  Digital  cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS);  Overall  description  of  the  GPRS  radio  interface;  Stage  2 (Release 5) 3GPP TS 03.22 V8.7.0 (2002-08)  Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio  Access  Network; Functions  related  to  Mobile  Station  (MS)  in  idle  mode  and  group receive mode; (Release 1999) 3GPP TS 03.40 V7.5.0 (2001-12)  Technical Specification Group Terminals; Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 03.41 V7.4.0 (2000-09)  Technical  Specification  Group  Terminals;  Technical  realization  of  Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) (Release 1998) ETSI EN 300 903 V8.1.1 (2000-11)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Transmission planning aspects of the speech service in the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) system (GSM 03.50 version 8.1.1 Release 1999)
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 33 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.   Specification Reference  Title 3GPP TS 04.06 V8.2.1 (2002-05)  Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE  Radio  Access  Network; Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface; Data Link (DL) layer specification (Release 1999) 3GPP TS 04.08 V7.18.0 (2002-09)  Technical Specification Group Core Network; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 04.10 V7.1.0 (2001-12)  Technical Specification Group Core Networks; Mobile  radio  interface  layer  3  Supplementary  services  specification; General aspects (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 04.11 V7.1.0 (2000-09)  Technical  Specification  Group  Core  Network;  Digital  cellular telecommunications  system  (Phase 2+);  Point-to-Point  (PP)  Short Message Service (SMS) support on mobile radio interface (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 45.005  v5.5.0 (2002-08)  Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio  Access  Network; Radio transmission and reception (Release 5) 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.8.0 (2002-08)  Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Radio subsystem link control (Release 5) 3GPP TS 45.010 V5.1.0 (2002-08)  Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Radio subsystem synchronization (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.010 V5.0.0 (2002-06)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Transcoding (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.011 V5.0.0 (2002-06)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Substitution and muting of lost frames for full rate speech channels (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.012 V5.0.0 (2002-06)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full  rate  speech;  Comfort  noise  aspect  for  full  rate  speech  traffic channels (Release 5)
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 34 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.   Specification Reference  Title 3GPP TS 46.031 V5.0.0 (2002-06)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full  rate  speech;  Discontinuous  Transmission  (DTX)  for  full  rate speech traffic channels (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.032 V5.0.0 (2002-06)  Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full  rate  speech;  Voice  Activity  Detector  (VAD)  for  full  rate  speech traffic channels (Release 5) TS 100 913V8.0.0 (1999-08)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General  on  Terminal  Adaptation  Functions  (TAF)  for  Mobile  Stations (MS) (GSM 07.01 version 8.0.0 Release 1999) GSM 09.07 V8.0.0 (1999-08)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General requirements on interworking between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and the  Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) or  Public  Switched  Telephone  Network  (PSTN)  (GSM  09.07  version 8.0.0 Release 1999) 3GPP  TS  51.010-1  v7.8.0  (2007-12) Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE ;  Radio  Access Network ;Digital  cellular  telecommunications  system  (Phase 2+);Mobile  Station  (MS)  conformance  specification;  Part  1: Conformance specification (Release 5) 3GPP  TS  51.011  V5.0.0  (2001-12) Technical  Specification  Group  Terminals;  Specification  of  the Subscriber  Identity  Module  - Mobile  Equipment  (SIM  -  ME)  interface (Release 5) ETS 300 641 (1998-03)  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Specification  of  the  3  Volt  Subscriber  Identity  Module  -  Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) interface (GSM 11.12 version 4.3.1) GCF-CC V3.30.1   Global Certification Forum – Certification criteria  NAPRD.03 V3.14.0 (2008-01)   North America Permanent Reference Document for PTCRB tests
PRELIMINARY WM_DEV_PCIE100_PTS_003 July, 01th 2008  confidential © Page : 35 / 37 This  document  is  the  sole  and  exclusive property  of  WAVECOM.  Not  to  be  distributed  or  divulged  without  prior written agreement.  Ce  document  est  la  propriété  exclusive  de  WAVECOM.  Il  ne  peut  être  communiqué  ou  divulgué à  des  tiers  sans  son autorisation préalable.  7.2 Safety recommendations (for information only) IMPORTANT: FOR THE EFFICIENT AND SAFE OPERATION OF YOUR GSM APPLICATION BASED ON PCIE-100. PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY 7.2.1  RF safety General Your  GSM  terminal  is  based  on  the  GSM  standard  for  cellular  technology.  The  GSM  standard  is spread all over the world. It covers Europe, Asia and some parts of America and Africa. This is the most used telecommunication standard. Your GSM terminal is actually a low power radio transmitter and receiver. It sends out and receives radio frequency energy. When you use your GSM application, the cellular system which handles your calls controls both the radio frequency and the power level of your cellular modem. Exposure to RF energy This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:           (1) This device may not cause harmful interference           (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Maximum  antenna  gain  that  can  be  used  with  this  product  is  4.9dBi  for  850MHz  and  10.9dBi  for 1900MHz There has been some public concern about possible health effects of using GSM terminals. Although research  on  health  effects  from  RF  energy  has  focused  on  the  current  RF  technology  for  many years,  scientists  have  begun  research  regarding  newer  radio  technologies,  such  as  GSM.  After existing  research  had  been  reviewed,  and  after  compliance  to  all  applicable  safety  standards  had been tested, it has been concluded that the product was fitted for use. If  you  are  concerned  about  exposure  to  RF  energy  there  are  things  you  can  do  to  minimize exposure. Obviously, limiting the duration of your calls will reduce your exposure to RF energy. In addition, you can reduce RF exposure by operating your cellular terminal efficiently by following the below guidelines.
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