Sierra Wireless ULC Q24EX001 Wireless CPU User Manual Wireless CPU Q24 Series

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Wireless CPU Wireless CPU Q24 Series

Users Manual

     WM_        Wireless CPU Q24 Series   Product Technical Specification        Revision: 003  Date: November 2006
     confidential © Page: 1 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Product Technical Specification Reference: WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001 Revision: 003 Date: November 2006                           Powered by the Open AT® Software Suite
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 2 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Cautions This platform contains a modular transmitter. This device is used for wireless applications. Note that all electronics parts and elements are ESD sensitive. Information provided herein by WAVECOM is accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use and any of such WAVECOM information is herein provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. Trademarks ®, WAVECOM®, WISMO®, Open AT® and certain other trademarks and logos appearing on this document, are filed or registered trademarks of Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries. All other company and/or product names mentioned may be filed or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright This manual is copyrighted by WAVECOM with all rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of WAVECOM. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of their respective owners.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 3 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Web Site Support  General information about Wavecom and its range of products: Specific support is available for the Q24 Classic, Plus, Extended and Auto Wireless CPU:,,, Carrier/Operator approvals:       Open AT® Introduction:  Developer support for software and hardware:
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 4 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Overview This Product Specification document defines and specifies the Wireless CPU Q24 Series is available in four different GSM/GPRS Class 10 quad-band versions: • Q24 Classic:  EGSM 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 16 Mb of PSRAM (32/16), T° range [-20°C / +55°C]. • Q24 Plus:  EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 16 Mb of PSRAM (32/16), T° range [-20°C / +55°C]. • Q24 Extended:  EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 4 Mb of SRAM (32/4), extended T° range. • Q24 Automotive:  EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 4 Mb of PSRAM (32/4), extended T° range. This version is dedicated to automotive applications. This document covers the Wireless CPU alone and do not include the programmable capabilities provided in Open AT® Software Suites.  For detailed software programming guides, refer to the documents shown in the "Reference documents" section. Open AT® Software Suites allow developers to natively execute ANSI C software programs directly on the Wireless CPU.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 5 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Document History Revision  Date  List of revisions   001  May 2006  Creation (Preliminary version)   002  September 2006  First update   003  November 2006  Update
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 6 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Contents 1 References.......................................................................................................10 1.1 Reference Documents ..................................................................................... 10 1.1.1 Wavecom Reference Documents............................................................. 10 1.1.2 General Reference Documents ................................................................ 10 1.2 Abbreviations.................................................................................................. 11 2 General Description .........................................................................................14 2.1 General Information ........................................................................................ 14 2.1.1 Overall Dimensions ................................................................................. 14 2.1.2 Open AT® Software Suite ........................................................................ 14 2.1.3 GSM/GPRS Features ............................................................................... 15 2.1.4 Interfaces ................................................................................................ 15 2.1.5 External RF Connection Interfaces........................................................... 16 2.1.6 SIM Card Holder ..................................................................................... 16 2.1.7 Green Policy............................................................................................ 16 2.2 Functional Architecture................................................................................... 17 2.2.1 RF Functionalities ................................................................................... 18 2.2.2 Baseband Functionalities ........................................................................ 18 3 Interfaces ........................................................................................................19 3.1 General Purpose Connector (GPC)................................................................... 19 3.2 Power Supply ................................................................................................. 20 3.2.1 Power Supply Description....................................................................... 20 3.2.2 Power Supply Recommendation ............................................................. 22 3.2.3 Power Consumption ............................................................................... 24 3.3 Electrical Information for Digital I/O................................................................. 28 3.4 Serial Interface ................................................................................................ 28 3.4.1 SPI Bus ................................................................................................... 28 3.4.2 SPI Auxiliary Bus .................................................................................... 28 3.4.3 Two-wire Bus Interface (I2C) ................................................................... 29 3.5 Keyboard Interface .......................................................................................... 29 3.6 Main Serial Link (UART1) ................................................................................ 30 3.7 Auxiliary Serial Link (UART2) .......................................................................... 32 3.8 SIM Interface .................................................................................................. 32 3.8.1 General Description................................................................................. 32 3.8.2 SIM Card Holder ..................................................................................... 34 3.9 General Purpose Input/Output......................................................................... 36
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 7 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.10 Activity Status Indication ................................................................................ 37 3.11 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)................................................................... 38 3.12 Audio Interface ............................................................................................... 38 3.12.1 Microphone Inputs.................................................................................. 39 3.12.2 Speaker Outputs ..................................................................................... 42 3.13 Buzzer Output ................................................................................................ 44 3.13.1 Hardware Description ............................................................................. 44 3.14 Battery Charging Interface .............................................................................. 45 3.14.1 Hardware Description ............................................................................. 45 3.14.2 Temperature Monitoring ......................................................................... 47 3.14.3 Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh Charging Algorithm .......................................................... 47 3.14.4 Li-Ion Charging Algorithm....................................................................... 49 3.15 ON / ~OFF....................................................................................................... 52 3.15.1 General Description................................................................................. 52 3.15.2 Operating Sequences.............................................................................. 53 3.16 BOOT (optional) .............................................................................................. 55 3.17 Reset Signal (~RST) ........................................................................................ 56 3.17.1 General Description................................................................................. 56 3.17.2 Reset Sequence ...................................................................................... 58 3.18 External Interrupt (~INTR)............................................................................... 58 3.19 VCC output ..................................................................................................... 59 3.20 Real Time Clock Supply (VCC_RTC) ................................................................. 60 3.21 RF Interface .................................................................................................... 61 3.21.1 RF Connections....................................................................................... 61 3.21.2 RF Performance ...................................................................................... 62 3.21.3 Antenna Specifications ........................................................................... 62 4 Technical Specifications...................................................................................63 4.1 General Purpose Connector Pin-out Description.............................................. 63 4.2 I/O Circuit Diagram ......................................................................................... 67 5 Environmental Specifications ...........................................................................68 5.1 Environmental Qualifications .......................................................................... 69 5.1.1 Reflow Soldering:.................................................................................... 70 5.2 Mechanical Specifications............................................................................... 71 5.2.1 Physical Characteristics .......................................................................... 71 5.2.2 Mechanical Drawings ............................................................................. 71 6 Connector and Peripheral Device References....................................................73 6.1 General Purpose Connector Data Sheet .......................................................... 73 6.2 SIM Card Reader............................................................................................. 73 6.3 Microphone .................................................................................................... 73 6.4 Speaker........................................................................................................... 73
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 8 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  6.5 Antenna Cable ................................................................................................ 73 6.6 RF board-to-board Connector.......................................................................... 74 6.7 GSM Antenna ................................................................................................. 74 7 Appendix.........................................................................................................75 7.1 Standards and Recommendations .................................................................. 75 7.2 Safety Recommendations (for Information only).............................................. 77 7.2.1 RF safety................................................................................................. 78 7.2.2 General safety ......................................................................................... 79
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series   confidential © Page: 9 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Table of Figures Figure 1: Functional architecture .............................................................................. 17 Figure 2: Power supply during burst emission.......................................................... 21 Figure 3: Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) versus Frequencies in GSM & DCS.......... 23 Figure 4: UART1 Serial Link signals .......................................................................... 31 Figure 5: UART2 Serial Link signals .......................................................................... 32 Figure 6: SIM Card holder constraints ...................................................................... 34 Figure 7: Buzzer connection ..................................................................................... 45 Figure 8: Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh charging waveform ............................................................. 49 Figure 9: Li-Ion full-charging waveform .................................................................... 52 Figure 10: Power-ON sequence diagram .................................................................. 54 Figure 11: Power-OFF sequence diagram ................................................................. 55 Figure 12: RST pin connection.................................................................................. 58 Figure 13: Reset sequence diagram .......................................................................... 58 Figure 14: Wireless CPU pin position (bottom view) ................................................. 66 Figure 15: I/O Circuit Diagram................................................................................... 67 Figure 16: Q24 Classic, Q24 Plus and Q24 Extended Environmental classes............ 69 Figure 17: Q24 Automotive environmental classes ................................................... 70 Figure 18: Mechanical drawing. ............................................................................... 71
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series References ©Confidential  Page: 10 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  1 References 1.1 Reference Documents For more details, several reference documents may be consulted. The Wavecom reference documents are provided in the Wavecom documents package contrary to the general reference documents, which are not Wavecom owned. 1.1.1 Wavecom Reference Documents [1] Automotive Environmental Control Plan for Wireless CPU Q24 Series  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_DCP_001 [2] Environmental Control Plan for Wireless CPU Q24 Series  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_DCP_002 [3] Wireless CPU Q24 Series Customer Design Guidelines WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_002 [4] Wireless CPU Q24 Series Process Customer Guidelines WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_003 [5] AT Commands Interface Guide for OS 6.57 WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_0044 [6] AT Commands Interface Guide (Bluetooth) WM_ASW_BLU_UGD_001 [7] ADL User Guide for Open ATA® V3.12 WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_006 1.1.2 General Reference Documents [8] "I²C Bus Specification", Version 2.0, Philips Semiconductor 1998 [9] ISO 7816-3 Standard
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series References ©Confidential  Page: 11 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  1.2 Abbreviations Abbreviation Description 3GPP  Third Generation Partnership Project ADC  Analog to Digital Converter A/D  Analog to Digital conversion AT  ATtention (prefix for modem commands) AUX  AUXiliary CBS  Cell Broadcast Service CLK  CLocK CMOS  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CODEC  COder DECoder CPU  Central Processing Unit CTS  Clear To Send dB  Decibel DC  Direct Current DCD  Data Carrier Detect DCS  Digital Cellular System DCXO  Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator DR  Dynamic Range DSR  Data Set Ready DTR  Data Terminal Ready EDGE  Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution EGSM  Extended GSM EN  Enable ESD  ElectroStatic Discharges ETSI  European Telecommunications Standards Institute FEM  Front End Module FR  Full Rate GND  GrouND GPI  General Purpose Input GPC  General Purpose Connector GPIO  General Purpose Input Output GPO  General Purpose Output GPRS  General Packet Radio Service GSM  Global System for Mobile communications
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series References ©Confidential  Page: 12 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Abbreviation Description IF  Intermediate Frequency INTR  INTeRrupt I/O  Input / Output LCD  Liquid Crystal Display LED  Light Emitting Diode LNA  Low Noise Amplifier LSB  Less Significant Bit MAX  MAXimum MIC  MICrophone MIN  MINimum MMS  Multimedia Message Service MS  Mobile Station NOM  NOMinal NTC  Negative Temperature Coefficient PA  Power Amplifier PBB  PolyBrominated Biphenyl PBDE  PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers PCB  Printed Circuit Board PCL  Power Control Level PCS  Personal Communications Services PLL  Phase Lock Loop RAM  Random Access Memory RF  Radio Frequency RI  Ring Indicator RoHS  Restriction of Hazardous Substances RST  ReSeT RTC   Real Time Clock RTS  Request To Send RX  Receive  SCL  Serial CLock SDA  Serial DAta SIM  Subscriber Identification Module SMS  Short Message Service SPI  Serial Peripheral Interface SPK  SPeaKer
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series References ©Confidential  Page: 13 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Abbreviation Description SRAM  Static RAM TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TU  Typical Urban fading profile TUHigh  Typical Urban, High speed fading profile TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TX  Transmit TYP  TYPical UART  Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter VLSI  Very Large Scale Integration VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series General Description ©Confidential  Page: 14 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  2 General Description 2.1 General Information The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are self-contained EGSM/GPRS 900/1800 and 850/1900 quad-band Wireless CPUs with the following characteristics: Note: The Q24 classic is limited to GSM only (GPRS not supported). 2.1.1 Overall Dimensions Completely shielded: • Length: 58.4 mm • Width: 32.2 mm • Thickness: 3.9 mm: - Excluding Shielding legs - 6, 2 mm for Q24 Automotive, which offers either a MMS or UFL connector       on the top side • Weight:<11 g (12g for Q24 Automotive) 2.1.2 Open AT® Software Suite Every Wavecom Wireless CPU comes with the "Open AT® Software", which has the following five elements: Î Open AT® IDEs Î Open AT® Applications Î Open AT® Plug-Ins Î Open AT® Operating Systems Î Open AT® Firmwares The Open AT® Software Suite enables a customer to develop within the Open AT® IDE an ANSI C based Open AT® Application, which is natively executed under the Open AT® OS which may utilise one or more Open AT® Plug-Ins and connect to wireless networks, peripheral devices & companion controllers via the Open AT® Firmware. Among other things (please refer to Open AT® Programming Guides), the Open AT® firmware offers: • Real Time Clock (RTC) with calendar • Echo Cancellation and noise reduction (quadri codec) • Full GSM or GSM/GPRS Operating System stacks
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series General Description ©Confidential  Page: 15 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are designed to integrate various types of specific process applications such as vertical applications (telemetry, multimedia, automotive).  The Open AT firmware offers a set of AT commands to control the Wireless CPU. With this standard Operating System, some interfaces of the Wireless CPU are not available since they are dependent on the peripheral devices connected to the Wireless CPU.   This symbol is used to indicate that the interfaces are not available with AT commands. The Operating System is Open AT® compliant.  The Open AT OS offers a set of Open AT® AT API’s to control the Wireless CPU. The limitation mentioned above is not valid in this case. 2.1.3 GSM/GPRS Features • 2-Watt EGSM 900/GSM 850 radio section running under 3.6 volts • 1-Watt GSM1800/1900 radio section running under 3.6 Volts • Hardware GSM/GPRS class 10 capable (except the Wireless CPU Q24 Classic) 2.1.4 Interfaces • Complete interfacing is through a 60-pin connector: o SPI and 2-wire bus interface o Keyboard interface o Two serial link interfaces (UART1 and UART2) o 3V/1.8V SIM interface o GPIOs o Activity status indication interface o Analog to digital converter o Analog audio o Buzzer interface o Battery charging interface o External interrupt o Power supply interface o Back-up battery interface • Optional SIM holder (offered on Wireless Q24 Classic and Wireless CPU Q24 Plus)   AAATTT
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series General Description ©Confidential  Page: 16 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  2.1.5 External RF Connection Interfaces The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are available with different external RF connection configurations:  Product reference  UFL  UFL or MMS   Antenna pad   IMP Position  Bottom side  Top side  Top side  Bottom side Q24 Classic  X   X X Q24 Plus  X   X X Q24 Extended  X   X X Q24 Automotive   X X X 2.1.6 SIM Card Holder The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are available with a SIM Card holder at the TOP: SIM interface location Product reference  60-pin connector  Optional SIM holder Q24 Classic  X X Q24 Plus  X X Q24 Extended  X  Q24 Automotive  X   Caution: • The Wireless CPU Q24 Series does not allow two SIM Cards to be connected at the same time. • If a Wireless CPU Q24 Classic or Q24 Plus is used with a SIM Card holder at the top, it is mandatory to avoid a SIM interface connection through the 60-pin General Purpose Connector (GPC). 2.1.7 Green Policy The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are compliant with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment). Directive 2002/95/EC which sets limits for the use of certain restricted hazardous substances.  This directive states that "from 1st July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)".
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series General Description ©Confidential  Page: 17 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  2.2 Functional Architecture The global architecture of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series is shown below:                 Figure 1: Functional architecture GENERAL PURPOSE CONNECTOR Power supply Battery management SIM supply FLASH RAM Audio interface RF interface A/D converter  SIM controller CPU Vocoder Memory management RTC Keyboard controller SPI –I2C Controller UART1 –UART2Controller Transceiver PA front-end module RF CONNECTIONS
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series General Description ©Confidential  Page: 18 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  2.2.1 RF Functionalities The Radio Frequency (RF) range complies with the Phase II EGSM 900/DCS 1800 and GSM 850/PCS 1900 recommendations. The frequencies are given below: GSM band  Transmit band (Tx)  Receive band (Rx) GSM 850  824 to 849 MHz  869 to 894 MHz EGSM 900  880 to 915 MHz  925 to 960 MHz DCS 1800  1710 to 1785 MHz  1805 to 1880 MHz PCS 1900  1850 to 1910 MHz  1930 to 1990 MHz  The Radio Frequency (RF) part is based on a specific quad-band chip. It includes a: • Digital low-IF receiver, • Quad-band LNAs (Low Noise Amplifier), • Offset PLL (Phase Locked Loop) transmitter, • Frequency synthesizer, • Digitally controlled crystal oscillator (DCXO), • Tx/Rx FEM (Front-End module) for quad-band GSM/GPRS. 2.2.2 Baseband Functionalities The Wireless CPU Q24 Series digital parts are based on the PHILIPS-VLSI chip (ONE C GSM / GPRS Kernel). This chipset uses a 0.25 μm CMOS mixed technology, which allows massive integration as well as low current consumption.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 19 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3 Interfaces Note: Some of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series interface signals are multiplexed in order to limit the total number of pins. But this architecture imposes some restrictions. Example:  If the SPI bus and 2-wire bus are multiplexed and if the SPI bus is used, then the 2-wire bus is not available. Caution: To power-ON the Wireless CPU Q24 Series correctly and to avoid any damage, all external signals must be inactive when the Wireless CPU Q24 Series is OFF.  3.1 General Purpose Connector (GPC) A 60-pin connector, with 0.5 mm pitch, is provided to interface the Wireless CPU Q24 Series with a customer application board containing either an LCD module, or a keyboard, a SIM connector, a battery connection, etc.  The GPC is made by the KYOCERA / AVX group with the following reference: • 14 5087 060 930 861. The matting connector has the following reference:  • 24 5087 060 X00 861. For further details, refer to section "6.1General Purpose Connector Data Sheet".
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 20 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The available interfaces on the GPC are shown below: OS 6.57  Open AT Section  Name Supported Not supported  Supported  Not supported 3.4  Serial interface X  X  3.5  Keyboard Interface X  X  3.6  Main Serial Link  X    X   3.7  Auxiliary Serial Link  X    X   3.8  SIM interface X  X  3.9  General Purpose IO  X    X   3.10  Activity status indication  X  X  3.11  Analog to digital converter  X  X  3.12  Audio Interface X  X  3.14  Battery charging interface X  X  3.15  ON/~OFF  X  X  3.16  Boot  X  X 3.17  Reset  X  X  3.18  External interrupt X  X  3.19  VCC output X  X  0  Real Time Clock   X    X   0  RF interface X  X  3.2 Power Supply 3.2.1 Power Supply Description The power supply is one of the key factors in the design of a GSM terminal.  Due to the burst emission in GSM / GPRS, the power supply must be able to deliver high current peaks in a short time. During these peaks, the ripple (Uripp) on the supply voltage must not exceed the limits specified, see the table ""Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency" given below. • In communication mode, a GSM/GPRS class 2 terminal emits 577μs radio bursts every 4.615ms. (see the Figure 2: Power supply during burst emission). • In communication mode, a GPRS class 10 terminal emits 1154μs radio bursts every 4.615ms.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 21 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006   Uripp VBATTT Uripp  T = 4,615 ms t = 577 μs  Figure 2: Power supply during burst emission Two different inputs are provided for the power supply: • VBATT is used to supply the RF part and • VDD is used to supply the baseband part. VBATT:  Directly supplies the RF components with 3.6 V. It is essential to keep a minimum voltage ripple at this connection in order to avoid any phase error. In particular, VBATT supplies the RF Power Amplifier. The current waveform is bursted with the following duty cycles: • 1/8 of the time (around 577 μs every 4.615 ms for GSM/GPRS class 2), • 2/8 of the time (around 1154 μs every 4.615 ms for GSM/GPRS class 10). The rising time is around 10 μs. VDD: Supplies the +2.8 V ballast regulators of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. It is essential to keep the voltage over 3.1 volts at any time.  Notes: • It is possible to connect VBATT and VDD together. • In the event of separate power supply, they must be in same state: e.g. either active or inactive at the same time. GND: The grounding connection of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series is made through the shielding Ö The four "legs" must be soldered to a complete ground plane. The power supply voltage for VBATT and VDD is given below: Power supply pin-out Signal  Pin number VBATT 55,57,58,59,60 VDD 11 GND Shielding legs
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 22 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Electrical characteristics Signal  MIN  NOM  MAX VBATT  3.2 V   3.6 V  4.5 V * VDD  3.1 V    4.5 V *Max operating Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 2:1. 3.2.2 Power Supply Recommendation  The VBATT voltage limits must be considered at any time. The worst condition is during the burst period transmission, when current consumption is at its highest. During this period, the VBATT voltage is minimum:  • The output voltage of the power supply drops.  • Voltage drop is present between the power supply output and the Wireless CPU supply pins (VBATT). To ensure a good design, make sure that during a transmit burst period, the total drop in voltage should not set the Wireless CPU supply voltage (VBATT) below VBATTMIN= 3.2V.  Notes:  • During a transmit burst, Wireless CPU nominal current is 1.4A only. • To design the Wireless CPU power supply with a margin, a target of 2A is recommended.   Caution: • If VBATT<3.2V, the Wireless CPU automatically powers OFF. • When a Wireless CPU is supplied with a battery, the total impedance (battery + contacts + protections + PCB) should be < 150mΩ to limit voltage drop-out within emission burst. • As the radio power amplifier is directly connected to the VBATT, the Wireless CPU Q24 Series are sensitive to any voltage variation. When a DC/DC converter is used, Wavecom recommends to set the converter frequency in such a way that the resulting voltage does not exceed these values, which are given in the following table.  "Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency".
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 23 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Freq. (kHz) Uripp Max (mVpp) Freq. (kHz) Uripp Max (mVpp)  Freq. (kHz)  Uripp Max (mVpp) <100 50  800  4  1500  34 200 15.5 900 15.2  1600  33 300 6.8 1000 9.5  1700  37 400 3.9 1100 32  1800  40 500  4 1200 22 >1900 40 600 2 1300 29     700 8.2 1400 30         05101520253035404550200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Input Frequency (kHz)Uripp (mVpp)for f<100kHz Uripp Max = 50mVpp for f> 1800kHz Uripp Max = 40 mVpp  Figure 3: Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) versus Frequencies in GSM & DCS Refer to Wireless CPU Q24 Series Customer Design Guidelines [3], for further information on power supply design.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 24 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.2.3 Power Consumption The Wireless CPU Q24 Series support different power consumption modes: Working modes  Comments OFF mode  The Wireless CPU is in OFF mode. ALARM mode  The Wireless CPU is in OFF mode with RTC block running, when an ALARM occurs, the Wireless CPU wakes-up automatically.  FAST idle mode  The Wireless CPU is synchronized with an RF GSM/GPRS network. The internal 26 MHz of the Wireless CPU is constantly active.  SLOW idle mode  The Wireless CPU is synchronized with an RF GSM/GPRS tester. The internal 26 MHz of the Wireless CPU is not constantly active. FAST Standby mode The SIM and Radio interface are deactivated via  AT command or Open AT API: -The embedded application is running -The serial port remains active (AT commands are available). The internal 26 MHz of the Wireless CPU is constantly active.  SLOW Standby mode This mode is similar to the FAST Standby mode. All the features are disabled (no GSM, no GPRS, no SIM and no Serial port). The internal 26 MHz of the Wireless CPU is not constantly active. Communication mode A GSM/GPRS communication is established with a RF GSM/GPRS network.  The power consumption depends on the configuration used. It is for this reason that the following power consumption values are given for each modes, RF bands and software used (AT or Open AT®). All the following information is given, by assuming a 50 Ω RF output. Three VBATT values are used to measure the consumption, VBATTMIN (3.2V), VBATTMAX (4.5V) and VBATTTYP (3.6V).  The average current is given for three VBATT values and peak current given is the maximum current peak measured with three VBATT voltages. For more information on power consumption measurement, hardware configuration, SIM used, and software Dhrystone application, see the AT Command Interface Guide or OS 6.57 [5] and Wireless CPU Q24 Series Customer Design Guidelines [3]. When Wireless CPU is in Alarm mode, no voltage must be applied to any pin of the 60-pin connector, except on the BAT-RTC (pin 56) for RTC operation or ON/~OFF (pin 6) to power-ON the Wireless CPU. Power Consumption without Open AT® Processing The following measurement results are relevant only when: • There is no Open AT® application,  • The Open AT® application is disabled,
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 25 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  • No processing is required by the Open AT® application. Operating mode  Parameters  INOM average IMAX average IMAX peak  Unit OFF Mode  VBATT= 3.6V  16.5  18    μA Alarm Mode  VBATT= 3.6V  18.5  20    μA Paging 9  10.5  11  150Rx mA Fast Idle Mode  Paging 2  13  13.5  150Rx mA Paging 9  2.8  3  150Rx mA Slow Idle Mode   Paging 2  5.5  5.8  150Rx mA Fast Standby  VBATT = 3.6V  9.5  11  -  mA Slow Standby  VBATT = 3.6V  1.5  2  -  mA PCL5 217 225 1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  PCL19 90 95 250Tx mA PCL0 165 175 800Tx mA Connected Mode DCS1800 PCS1900  PCL15 90 100 250Tx mA Gamma 3  209  220  1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  Gamma 17 87 90 250Tx mA Gamma 3  150  170  800Tx mA Transfer Mode  Class 8 (4Rx/1Tx)  DCS1800 PCS1900  Gamma 18 84 95 250Tx mA Gamma 3  380  410  1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  Gamma 17 130 160 270Tx mA Gamma 3  258  290  800Tx mA GPRS Transfer Mode  Class 10 (3Rx/2Tx)  DCS1800 PCS1900  Gamma 18 123 150 240Tx mA TX means that the peak current is measured during a TX transmission burst   RX means that the peak current is measured during a RX reception burst   1 Slow Idle mode power consumption depends on the SIM Card used. Some SIM Cards respond faster than others, the longer the response time, the higher the consumption. The measurements were performed on a large number of 3V SIM Cards and the results in brackets shown in the above table are the minimum and maximum currents measured from among all the SIM Cards used. Power Consumption with Open AT® Software The power consumption with Open AT® software used is the Dhrystone application and the following consumption results were measured while performing on the Dhrystone application.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 26 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Operating mode  Parameters  INOM average IMAX average IMAX peak  Unit OFF Mode  VBATT = 3.6V  16.5  18    μA Alarm Mode  VBATT = 3.6V  18.5  20    μA Paging 9  10.5  11  150Rx mA Fast Idle Mode  Paging 2  13  13.5  150Rx mA Paging 9  N/A  N/A  N/A  mA Slow Idle Mode   Paging 2  N/A  N/A  N/A  mA Fast Standby  VBATT = 3.6V  9.5  11  150Rx mA Slow Standby  VBATT = 3.6V  N/A  N/A  N/A  mA PCL5 232 240 1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  PCL19 101 110 250Tx mA PCL0 175 185 800Tx mA Connected Mode DCS1800 PCS1900  PCL15 100 110 250Tx mA Gamma 3  209  220  1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  Gamma 17 87 90 250Tx mA Gamma 3  150  170  800Tx mA Transfer Mode  Class 8 (4Rx/1Tx)  DCS1800 PCS1900  Gamma 18 84 95 250Tx mA Gamma 3  380  410  1400Tx mA GSM850 EGSM900  Gamma 17 130 160 270Tx mA Gamma 3  258  290  800Tx mA GPRS Transfer Mode  Class 10 (3Rx/2Tx)  DCS1800 PCS1900  Gamma 18 123 150 240Tx mA Consumption Waveform  The consumption waveforms are given for an EGSM900 network configuration with AT software running on a Wireless CPU. The VBATT voltage value is 3.6V typical.  Four significant operating mode consumption waveforms are described as: • Connected mode with one TX and one RX burst at PCL5 (33dBm) • GPRS class 10 transfer mode with two TX bursts and three RX burst at Gamma 3 (33dBm) • Slow Idle mode with a paging 9 (every 2 seconds) • Fast Idle mode with a paging 9 (every 2 seconds)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 27 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The following waveform shows only the current form versus time: Current Waveform Connected mode  with One TX  burst at PCL5 and one RX burst   Slow idle mode paging 9   GPRS Class 10 Transfer mode with two TX bursts at PCL5 and three RX burst  Fast idle mode paging 9
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 28 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.3 Electrical Information for Digital I/O All digital I/O comply with a 3 volt CMOS. Electrical characteristics Parameter  I/O type  min  Max  Conditions VIL  CMOS  -0.5 V  0.8 V   VIH  CMOS  2.1 V  3.0 V   VOL  1X  -0.2V  0.2 V  IOL = -1 mA -  2X  -0.2V  0.2 V  IOL = -2 mA -  3X  -0.2V  0.2 V  IOL = -3 mA VOH  1X 2.55 V 2.95V  IOH = 1 mA -  2X 2.55 V 2.95V  IOH = 2 mA -  3X 2.55 V 2.95V  IOH = 3 mA 3.4 Serial Interface 3.4.1 SPI Bus  The SPI bus includes a CLK signal (SPI_CLK), an I/O signal (SPI_IO), and an EN signal (SPI_EN) complying with the SPI bus standard.  The frequency clock is programmable from 812 kHz to 13 MHz. Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with SPI_CLK  10  O  CMOS 1X (C5)  Pull-up to 2V8  SPI Serial Clock SCL SPI_IO  8  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X (C2)  Pull-up to 2V8  SPI Data  SDA SPI_EN  28  O  CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  SPI Enable  GPO3 (C2), (C3) and (C5): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.4.2 SPI Auxiliary Bus  A second SPI Chip Enable (called SPI_AUX) must be used to add a second SPI peripheral to the Wireless CPU Q24 Series.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 29 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state Description  Multiplexed with SPI_CLK  10  O  CMOS 1X (C5)  Pull-up to 2V8 SPI Serial Clock  SCL SPI_IO  8  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X (C2) Pull-up to 2V8  SPI Data  SDA SPI_AUX  26  O  CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  SPI Aux. Enable  GPO0 (C2), (C3) and (C5): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.4.3 Two-wire Bus Interface (I2C) The two-wire bus interface includes a CLK signal (SCL) and a DATA signal (SDA) complying with a standard two-wire bus interface. The frequency clock is programmable either to a 96 kHz or a 400 kHz. Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description SCL  10  O  CMOS 1X (C5)  Pull-up to 2V8  Serial Clock SDA  8  I/O  CMOS / CMOS1X (C2)  Pull-up to 2V8  Serial Data (C2) and (C5): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.5 Keyboard Interface Equivalent circuit   Key 2V8 GND 2V8 Key Press Detector Row0 Col0 D Q COLUMN 0 COLUMN 4 CLOCK GND COLUMN [0] Key Release Detector Q D ROW 0 ROW 4 ROWCK ROW [0] Select Select
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 30 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  An AT command or open AT API allows the input key code to be obtained (see the AT+CMER command description). This code must then be processed by the application. For a total of 25 keys (5 rows x 5 columns), the keyboard interface provides 10 connections: • 5 rows (ROW0 to ROW4) and • 5 columns (COL0 to COL4) The scanning is digital, and the debouncing is performed in the Wireless CPU. No discrete components such as R, C (Resistor, Capacitor) are needed. Pin description Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description ROW0  13  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-down to 0V  Row scan ROW1  15  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-down to 0V  Row scan ROW2  17  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-down to 0V  Row scan ROW3  19  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-down to 0V  Row scan ROW4  21  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-down to 0V  Row scan COL0  23  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-up to 2V8  Column scan COL1  25  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-up to 2V8  Column scan COL2  27  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-up to 2V8  Column scan COL3  29  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-up to 2V8  Column scan COL4  31  I/O  CMOS / CMOS 1X  Pull-up to 2V8  Column scan 3.6 Main Serial Link (UART1) A flexible 6-wire serial interface is available, complying with V24 protocol signaling, but not with V28 (electrical interface) due to a 2.8 volt interface. The signals are: • TX data (CT103/TX) • RX data (CT104/RX) • Request To Send (CT105/RTS) • Clear To Send (CT106/CTS) • Data Terminal Ready (CT108-2/DTR) • Data Set Ready (CT107/DSR)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 31 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The two additional signals are: • Data Carrier Detect (CT109/DCD). • Ring Indicator (CT125/RI).  Figure 4: UART1 Serial Link signals Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with CT103/TXD1  39 I CMOS High impedance Transmit serial data  CT104/RXD1  32 O CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  Receive serial data  CT105/RTS1  30 I CMOS High impedance Request To Send  CT106/CTS1  37 O CMOS 1X (C1)  2V8  Clear To Send   CT107/DSR1  36 O CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  Data Set Ready  CT108-2/DTR1  34 I CMOS High impedance Data Terminal Ready  CT109/DCD1  51 O CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance Data Carrier Detect GPIO3 CT125/RI1   54 O CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance  Ring Indicator  GPIO2 CT102/GND  Shielding legs     Ground    (C1) and (C3): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" Caution: • The rise and fall time of the reception signals (mainly CT103) must be less than 200 ns. • The Wireless CPU Q24 Series are designed to operate using all the serial interface signals. In particular, it is necessary to use RTS and CTS signals for hardware flow control in order to avoid data corruption during transmission.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 32 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.7 Auxiliary Serial Link (UART2) For specific applications, an auxiliary serial interface (UART2) is available on the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. E.g. Bluetooth connectivity: See AT commands interface guide (Bluetooth) [5].  Figure 5: UART2 Serial Link signals  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with CT103 / TXD2  18 I CMOS (C4) Pull down to 0V Transmit serial data  GPI CT104 / RXD2  20 O CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  Receive serial data  GPO2 CT106 / CTS2  24 O CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance  Clear To Send  GPIO0 CT105 / RTS2  35 I CMOS  High impedance  Request To Send  GPIO5 (C1), (C3) and (C4): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.8 SIM Interface 3.8.1 General Description The following five signals are available: • SIM_VCC: SIM power supply. • SIM_RST: Reset. • SIM_CLK: Clock. • SIM_DATA: I/O port. • SIM_PRES: SIM Card detection. The SIM interface controls a 3V / 1V8 SIM (and a 5V SIM through an external SIM driver). This interface is fully compliant with the GSM 11.12 recommendations concerning SIM functions.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 33 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description SIM_CLK  3 O 2V9/1V8  0V  SIM Clock SIM_RST  5 O 2V9/1V8  0V  SIM Reset SIM_DATA  7 I/O 2V9/1V8  0V  SIM Data SIM_VCC  9  O  2V9/1V8  0V  SIM Power Supply SIM_PRES  50 I  2V8  High impedance SIM Card Detect Caution: Disturbances (digital noise, ESD) in the SIM signals may interrupt the Wireless CPU functionality, a good layout of these signals are recommended: • Ground separation between SIM signals and others signals • ESD protections (Refer to Wireless CPU Q24 Series Customer Design Guidelines [3]) Electrical Characteristics Parameters  Conditions  Min  Type  Max  Unit SIM_DATA VIH  IIH = ± 20 μA  0.7xSIMVCC   V SIM_DATA VIL  IIL = 1 mA      0.3xSIMVCC V SIM_RST, SIM_CLK VOH Source current = 20 μA  0.9xSIMVCC   V SIM_DATA  Source current = 20 μA  0.8xSIMVCC   V SIM_RST, SIM_DATA, SIM_CLK VOL Sink current = -200 μA    0.4 V SIMVCC = 2.9V  2.84  2.90  2.96  V SIM_VCC  Output Voltage  SIMVCC = 1.8V  1.77  1.8  1.86  V SIM_CLK  Rise/Fall Time  Loaded with 30 pF    20    ns SIM_RST, Rise/Fall Time  Loaded with 30 pF    20    ns SIM_DATA, Rise/Fall Time  Loaded with 30 pF    0.7    μs SIM_CLK Frequency     3.25 MHz Note for SIM_PRES connection: • When not used, SIM_PRES must be tied to 2V8  • When used, a low to high transition means that the SIM Card is inserted and a high to low transition means that the SIM Card is removed.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 34 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.8.2 SIM Card Holder An optional SIM Card holder may be placed on top of Wireless CPU. This SIM Card holder does not use the SIM_PRES signal. Caution: Customers are advised to verify that the SIM Card environmental specification  used is compliant with the Wireless CPU Q24NG environmental specifications [3] (see the Wireless CPU Q24NG Product Technical Specification WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001). Any application must be qualified by the customer with the SIM Card in storage, transportation and operation. Some ESD protections were placed to protect SIM form ESD stress; ESD protection position is described in Figure 6 and should be taken into account during a mechanical design.  Figure 6: SIM Card holder constraints  (see next page)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 36 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.9 General Purpose Input/Output The Wireless CPU Q24 Series provide: • 6 General Purpose I/O, • 4 General Purpose Output, • 1 General Purpose Input. They are used to control any external devices such as an LCD or a Keyboard backlight.  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with GPIO0  24 I/O CMOS / CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O  CT106/CTS2 GPIO1  52 I/O CMOS / CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose O  FLASH LED GPIO4  53 I/O CMOS / CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O   GPIO5  35 I/O CMOS / CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O  CT105/RTS2 GPO0  26  O  CMOS 3X (C3)  2V8  General Purpose O  SPI_AUX GPO1  22  O  CMOS 3X (C3)  0V  General Purpose O   GPO2  20  O  CMOS 3X (C3)  2V8  General Purpose O  CT104/RXD2 GPO3  28  O  CMOS 3X (C3)  2V8 General Purpose O  SPI_EN GPI  18 I  CMOS (C4)  Pull down to 0V General Purpose I  CT103/TXD2 (C1), (C3) and (C4): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram"  The following GPIOs are not available (reserved) with a Wireless CPU running with an AT commands firmware:  AAATTT
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 37 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with GPIO2  54 I/O CMOS / 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O  CT125/RI1 GPIO3  51 I/O CMOS / 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O  CT109/DCD1 (C1): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.10 Activity Status Indication The activity status indication signal may be used to drive a FLASH LED through an open collector transistor. Q24 Series LED status  LED status  Comments OFF  Wireless CPU in download mode or Wireless CPU is in OFF mode. ON  Permanent  Wireless CPU switched ON, not registered on the network. Slow flash LED ON for 200 ms, OFF for 2 s Wireless CPU switched ON, registered on the network. Quick flash LED ON for 200 ms, OFF for 600 ms Wireless CPU switched ON, registered on the network and communication is in progress.  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Multiplexed with FLASH LED  52  O  CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance LED driving  GPIO1 (C1): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to chapter "I/O Circuit diagram"
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 38 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.11 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Equivalent circuit           An Analog to Digital Converter is provided by the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. This converter is a10-bit resolution, ranging from 0 to 2.8 V.  Pin description Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Description AUXV0 33 I Analog A/D converter Electrical Characteristics Parameter  Min  Max  Unit Resolution 10 Bits Hardware sampling rate  17  Ksps/s Input signal range  0  2V8  V ADC reference accuracy  0.75  2  % Integral accuracy  +/- 1    LSB Differential accuracy  +/- 1    LSB Input impedance ( R )  10    MΩ Input impedance ( C )    100  nF 3.12 Audio Interface Two different microphone inputs and two different speaker outputs are supported.  The Wireless CPU Q24 Series also include an echo cancellation feature, which allows hands-free operation. AUXV0 Q24 Series
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 39 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Caution:  When speakers and microphones are exposed to the external environment, it is recommended to add ESD protection on the audio interface lines. 3.12.1 Microphone Inputs The MIC2 inputs already include the biasing for an electret microphone, thus allowing easy connection to a handset. The MIC1 inputs do not include an internal bias. MIC1/SPK1 may be used for a hands-free system or a handset, including biasing circuit for the microphone. The microphone connections may be either differential or single-ended, but using a differential connection in order to reject common mode noise and TDMA noise is strongly recommended.  Caution:  While using a single-ended connection, ensure to have a good ground plane, a good filtering as well as shielding, in order to avoid any disturbance on the audio path. Common Microphone Input Characteristics Both microphone inputs are designed with the following audio transmit characteristics: Internal audio filter characteristics Frequency  Gain 0-150 Hz  < -22 dB 150-180 Hz  < -11 dB 180-200 Hz  < -3 dB 200-3700 Hz  0 dB >4000 Hz  < -60 dB  The gain in the MIC inputs are internally adjusted and may be tuned from -6.5 dB to 51.3 dB by using AT commands (refer to  AT commands documentation [5]).
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 40 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Microphone gain versus Max input voltage Using Controller 1  Using Controller 2 Transmit Gain (dB) Max Vin (mVrms) Transmit Gain (dB) Max Vin (mVrms) +30 43.80  -6.5  3031 +33 31.01  -6  2861 +36 21.95  0  1434 +39 15.54  +9.5  480 +42 11  +10  454 +45 7.79  +30.3  43.80 +48 5.51  +30.8  41.36 +51 3.9  +50.8  4.14 - - +51.3 3.90 *  For more details, refer to the AT commands documentation [5]  MIC1 Microphone Inputs The MIC1 inputs are differential and do not include internal bias. To use these inputs with an electret microphone, bias must be generated outside the Wireless CPU Q24 Series in accordance with the characteristic of this electret microphone. These inputs are the standard inputs used either for an external headset or a hands-free kit.  The impedance of microphone 1 must be around 2 kΩ. AC coupling is already embedded in the Wireless CPU. Equivalent circuits DC equivalent circuit  AC equivalent circuit
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 41 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Description MIC1P  42 I  Analog  Microphone 1 positive  input MIC1N  44 I  Analog  Microphone 1 negative input  Electrical Characteristics MIC1 Electrical characteristics Parameters  Min Typ Max Unit DC Characteristics  -  -  -  -  V AC Characteristics 100 Hz<F<5 kHz  Z1 80  120 160  KΩ MIC2 Microphone Inputs The MIC2 inputs are differential inputs. They already include convenient biasing for an electret microphone (0.5 mA and 2 volts). This electret microphone may be directly connected to these inputs. The impedance of microphone 2 must be around 2 kΩ. These inputs are the standard inputs for a handset design, while MIC1 inputs may be connected either to an external headset or a hands-free kit. AC coupling is already embedded in the Wireless CPU. Equivalent circuit DC equivalent circuit  AC equivalent circuit   Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Description MIC2P  46 I  Analog  Microphone 2 positive  input MIC2N  48 I  Analog  Microphone 2 negative input
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 42 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Electrical Characteristics MIC2 Electrical characteristics Parameters  Min  Typ  Max  Unit MIC2-  0.225  0.35  0.475  V MIC2+  2.025  2.15  2.275  V Output current  0.5  1  mA Internal biasing  DC Characteristics R2  900  1150  1400  Ω AC Characteristics 100 Hz<F<5 kHz Z2  1.2  1.5  1.8  KΩ 3.12.2 Speaker Outputs Two speaker outputs are available: SPK1 and SPK2.  Both speaker outputs may be represented as follows: Equivalent circuit Common Speaker Output Characteristics The connection may be differential or single-ended, but using a differential connection to reject common mode noise and TDMA noise is strongly recommended. Moreover, in single-ended mode, the power is reduced by two, compare to the differential mode Caution:  When using a single-ended connection, ensure to have a good ground plane, a good filtering as well as a good shielding in order to avoid any disturbance on the audio path. Speaker outputs SPK1 and SPK2 are push-pull amplifiers and may be loaded down to 150Ω and up to 1 nF  The impedance of the speaker amplifier outputs in differential mode is: R ≤ 1 Ω +/-10 % . When speaker output is not used, the speaker interface is in three states and a 20K +/-30% impedance is kept between SPK1N and SPK1P as well as SPK2N and SPK2P.  These outputs are differential and the output power may be adjusted by step of 2 dB. The output may be directly connected to a speaker. The gain in the speaker outputs are internally adjusted and may be tuned by using AT commands (refer to the AT commands documentation [5]). Q24 Series
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 43 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Speaker gain versus Max output voltage Receive Gain (dB)* Max output level (Vrms) Max.speaker load (Ω) +2 1.74  150 0 1.38  50 -2 1.099  32 -4 0.873  32 -6 0.693  32 -8 0.551  32 -10 0.437  32 -12 0.347  32 -14 0.276  32 -16 0.219  32 -18 0.174  32 -20 0.138  32 -22 0.110  32 -24 0.087  32 -26 0.069  32 *Analog gain: may not be significant Speaker 1 Output Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Description SPK1P  41  O  Analog  Speaker 1 positive output SPK1N  43  O  Analog  Speaker 1 negative output Speaker 2 Output Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Description SPK2P  45  O  Analog  Speaker 2 positive output SPK2N  47  O  Analog  Speaker 2 negative output
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 44 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.13 Buzzer Output  3.13.1 Hardware Description The buzzer interface is accessible through an open drain embedded on the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. A buzzer may be directly connected between this output and VBATT. Equivalent circuit     Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Description BUZZER  49 O  Analog  Buzzer output  Operating conditions Parameter  Condition  Min  Max  Unit VOL  Iol = 100mA    0.4  V IPEAK  VBATT = VBATT Max    100  mA  Q24 Series
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 45 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Caution:  A diode against transient peak voltage must be connected as described below.  Figure 7: Buzzer connection For the implementation of the buzzer interface, refer to the Customer Design Guidelines [3]. 3.14 Battery Charging Interface 3.14.1 Hardware Description Caution:  The battery charging interface does not allow the Wireless CPU to be supplied and is only used to charge a battery connected to VBATT. Battery charging is performed through a switching transistor connecting the VBATT signal to the Charger (CHG_IN signal). The switching transistor is controlled by the operating system with two kinds of algorithms. Equivalent circuit              BAT_TEMP Q24 Series CHG_IN Charger controller 5K6 T Charger detection VBATT
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 46 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The Wireless CPU Q24 Series supports three types of battery technologies: • Ni-Cd (Nickel-Cadmium), which is charged with the algorithm 0 • Ni-Mh (Nickel-Métal Hydrure), which is charged with the algorithm 0 • Li-Ion (Lithium-Ion), which is charged with the algorithm 1 The algorithm controls the frequency and the connected time of switching transistor (T).  To select the algorithm: • AT+WBCM=4,0Æ Ni-Cd/Ni-Mh (by default) • AT+WBCM=4,1ÆLi-Ion • AT+WBCM=4,2ÆTo know which algorithm is used  During the charging procedure, battery charging level is controlled. When the operating system is not activated (VBATT< 3V2), the battery charging procedure remains possible by hardware control as long as the charger is plugged: • VBATT<2V8: the battery is charged through a trickle current • 2V8<VBATT<3V2: pre-charging current  (min=40mA, typ=50mA, max=60mA) The purpose of the trickle and pre-charging current is to: • Allow the battery charging, even if VBATT is too low to power-ON the Wireless CPU.  • Avoid battery damage, by preventing the battery from being discharged below the minimum battery level.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 47 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin number I/O  I/O type  Description CHG_IN  1, 2, 4  I  Analog  Current source input BAT_TEMP  38 I Analog A/D converter  Electrical Characteristics Parameter  Min  Typ Max  Unit Resolution 10 bits Sampling rate  90.3  Ksps/s Input Impedance  (R)   1M  kΩ Input Impedance  (C)    100  nF BAT_TEMP Input signal range 0  2V8  V CHG_IN   <BattLevelMax+0.5*  - 6  V * The min CHG_IN voltage depends on the battery characteristics. (see the following chapter). 3.14.2 Temperature Monitoring Temperature monitoring is available only for the Li-Ion battery with algorithm 1. The BAT-TEMP ADC input must be used to sample the temperature analog signal provided by an NTC temperature sensor. The minimum and maximum temperature range may be set by an AT command (See the Li-Ion charging algorithm). 3.14.3 Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh Charging Algorithm During the charging process of a Ni-Cd and Ni-Mh battery, it is required to tune  software parameters in the Wireless CPU operating system: AT+WBCM=<Mode>, <ChargeInd>, <BattLevelMax>, <BattLevelMin>, <TPulseInCharge>, <TPulseOutCharge>, <BattIntRes>, <BattChangeLevel > (See the AT command Interface Guide [5]). Caution:  The parameters need to be tuned according to the battery specifications.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 48 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The main parameters to be tuned are: Parameters related to time: • TPulseInCharge: Monitoring time of the VBATT voltage during a charging process (T2) • TPulseOutCharge: Monitoring time of the VBATT voltage when charging process is not activated(T3) Parameters related to voltage: • BattLevelMin: Minimum VBATT voltage allowed by the battery (>3.2V) • BattLevelMax: Maximum VBATT voltage allowed by the battery (<4.5V)  Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh battery and tunable parameter Parameter  Default value  Min  Max  Unit T1  1000 (Not tunable)  ms T2  100 100 10000 ms T3  5000 100  10000 ms BattLevelMin  3400 3400  3800 mV BattLevelMax  4200 4000  5000 mV  Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh charging process Charger connected: CHG_IN =VBATT+0.5V VBATT  Operating system Charging status  Switching transistor (T) VBATT<2V8  Not activated  Trickle charge  Open 2V8<VBATT<3V2  Not activated  Pre-charging  50mA typ cross the switching transistor 3V2<VBATT VBATT<BattLevelMin Activated Charging process is automatically started Open (T2)/Close (T1) periodically Charging process running Open (T2)/Close (T1) periodically Activated Charging process not activated VBATT is monitored periodically (T3) BattLevelMin<VBATT VBATT<BattLevelMax Deactivated Trickle charge  Open >=BattLevelMax  Activated Charging process is ended Open   The graph below summarizes the charging process (charge and discharge).
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 49 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Note:  A charger is connected to the CHG_IN pin of the Wireless CPU.                Figure 8: Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh charging waveform 3.14.4 Li-Ion Charging Algorithm During the charging process of a Li-Ion battery, it is required to tune parameters embedded in the Wireless CPU operating system: AT+WBCM=<Mode>,<ChargeInd>,<TdeltaTemp>,<BattLevelMax>, <BattLevelMin>, <MaxVoltPulse>, <MaxBatteryTemp>,<MinBatteryTemp>,<Charging_Current>, <DedicatedVoltStart>, <Battery_Pulse_Charging_Timeout>, <Battery_Fast_Charging_Timeout>, <TPulseOutCharge>, <BattIntRes>, <BattChangeLevel> (See the AT command Interface Guide [5]). Caution:  The parameters need to be tuned according to the battery specifications. The main parameters to be tuned are: Parameters related to time: • BatteryFastChargingTimeout: Maximum duration of the fast charging period. (T1) • BatteryPulseChargingTimeout: Maximum duration of the charging pulse period.(T2) • TPulseOutCharge: Monitoring time of the VBATT voltage when charging process is not activated(T3) Parameters related to voltage: • BattLevelMin: Minimum VBATT voltage allowed by the battery (>3.2V) • BattLevelMax: Maximum VBATT voltage allowed by the battery (<4.5V) • DedicatedVoltStart: Pulse charging is started above this threshold voltage  Parameter related to charging current: • ChargingCurrent: Charging current delivered by the charger VBATT=BattLevelMax:Charging process ended VBATT=BattLevelMin:Charging process automatically started T3  T3 T2 T2  T1 T1  T1  T2 Switching transistor: Closed Open Time VBATT BattLevelMax BattLevelMin  Time
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 50 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006   Parameters related to safety: These parameters are important; as they ensure that the battery will not be damaged. • MaxVoltPulse: Maximum VBATT over-voltage supported by the PCM of the battery (Protection Circuit Module) • TdeltaTemp: Delta time interval to measure the variation of the battery temperature  • Min_Battery_Temp_Volt: Lowest value for battery temperature sensor voltage in mV (highest temperature with a NTC • Max_Battery_Temp_Volt: Highest value for battery temperature sensor voltage in mV (lowest temperature with a NTC)   Li-Ion battery and tunable parameters Parameters  Default value  Min  Max  Unit T1  90 70 90 min T2  90 60 90 min T3  5000 100 10000 ms BattLevelMin  3400 3400 3800 mV BattLevelMax  4200 4000 5000 mV DedicatedVoltStart  4000 4000 4199 mV ChargingCurrent  500 500 800 mA MaxVoltPulse  4608 4200 4608 mV TdeltaTemp  3 1 5 mm Max_Battery_Temp_Volt  2171 (≈3˚C) 1816 (≈14˚C) 2256 (≈ 0˚C)  mV Max_Battery_Temp_Volt  908 (≈42˚) 831 (≈45˚C) 1233 (≈31˚C)  mV
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 51 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Li-Ion charging process Charger connected: CHG_IN =VBATT+0.5V VBATT  Operating system Charging status  Switching transistor (T) VBATT<2V8  Not activated Trickle charge  Open 2V8<VBATT<3V2  Not activated Pre-charging   50mA typ cross the switching transistor 3V2<VBATT<BattLevelMin  Activated  Fast charging process is automatically started Close Fast charging process running Close (<T1) BattLevelMin<VBATT VBATT< DedicatedVoltStart Activated Charging process not activated VBATT is monitored periodically (T3)  Deactivated Trickle charge Open DedicatedVoltStart <VBATT VBATT<BattLevelMax Pulse charging process running Open (0.1s)/Close (1s) periodically  (<T2)  Activated Charging process not activated VBATT is monitored periodically (T3)  Deactivated Trickle charge Open >=BattLevelMax  Activated When VBATT is measured >=BattLevelMax, the open time of the switching transistor increases until it reaches 10s, then the charging process is ended. Open: Timing increases regularly from 0.1s to 10s Close: 1s Open and close being periodical  The graph below summarizes the charging process (charge and discharge).  Note:  A charger is connected to the CHG_IN pin of Wireless CPU.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 52 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006                      Figure 9: Li-Ion full-charging waveform 3.15 ON / ~OFF 3.15.1 General Description This input is used to switch ON or OFF the Wireless CPU. A high level signal must be provided on the ON/~OFF pin to switch ON the Wireless CPU. The voltage level of this signal must be maintained between 2.4 V and 5V for a minimum of 1 s. This signal may be left at high level until switched OFF. Switching transistor state Time 1s 1s  1s 1s Pulse charging mode <T1 Closed Open VBATT BattLevelMax BattLevelMin  Time Fast charging mode  DedicatedVoltStart <T2 VBATT>=BattLevelMax  The opening time of the switching transistor increases until it reaches 10s, then the charging process is ended 10 The charge of the battery is ended and being monitored periodically (T3) T3  T3 When VBATT=BattLevelMin, the fast charging mode is automatically started   1s 1s 1s  1s 1s 1s  1s Li-Ion charging optimization method
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 53 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  To switch OFF the Wireless CPU, the pin ON/~OFF must be released and, through the firmware, the Wireless CPU may be switched OFF (using the AT+CPOF command). Equivalent circuit         Pin description Signal  Pin I/O I/O type Description ON/∼OFF  6 I CMOS Power ON/OFF  Electrical Characteristics Parameters  Min Max Unit VIL 0 0.6 V VIH 2.4 5 V 3.15.2 Operating Sequences Power-ON Once the Wireless CPU is supplied, the application must set the ON/~OFF signal to high, to start the Wireless CPU power-ON sequence. The ON/~OFF signal must be held for 1 sec minimum. After this time, an internal mechanism maintains this on hold condition. During the power-ON sequence, an internal reset is automatically performed by the Wireless CPU for 240 ms (typical). During this phase, any external reset should be avoided. GND ON/∼OFF47K 100K 47K VDD Q24 Series
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 54 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Once initialization is completed (timing is SIM and network dependent) the AT interface answers "OK" to the application1. For further details, please refer to the AT commands documentation (AT+WIND, AT+WAIP).         Figure 10: Power-ON sequence diagram Power-OFF To power-OFF the Wireless CPU correctly, the application must set the ON/~OFF signal to low and then send the AT+CPOF command to de-register from the network and switch off the Wireless CPU. Once the "OK" answer is issued, the Wireless CPU is set to OFF mode. Then the VDD may be disconnected.                                            1   For this, the application must send AT↵. If the application manages hardware flow control, the AT command may be sent during the initialisation phase. Another solution is to use the AT+WIND command to obtain an unsolicited status from the Wireless CPU. VDD ON/~OFF Internal RESET Status: 1s minimum 240ms Typ OFF mode  Reset mode  ON mode  Ready SIM and network dependent AT command:  “AT” is send  “OK” is received
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 55 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006           Figure 11: Power-OFF sequence diagram Caution:  It is not allowed to power-OFF the Wireless CPU by disconnecting the supply pins VBATT and VDD. Note:  Instead of sending AT+CPOF, use the Wireless CPU external interrupt pin (see the External interrupt) 3.16 BOOT (optional) This input may be used to download software to the Flash memory of the Wireless CPU. For applications based on AT commands, this is a backup download procedure (refer to document [3] Customer Design Guidelines). The internal BOOT procedure starts when this pin is low during Wireless CPU reset. Caution:  • This BOOT pin must be left open for normal use or Xmodem download. • The nominal firmware download procedure uses the Xmodem. In Internal BOOT mode, low level must be set through a 1KΩ resistor.  • BOOT = logical state 0, for download mode and • BOOT = logical state 1, for normal mode. VDD ON/~OFF Status:  Ready  OFF mode Network dependent AT+CPOF  “OK” answer
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 56 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description BOOT  12  I  CMOS (C5)  Pull-up to 2V8  Flash Downloading (C5): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to the chapter "I/O Circuit diagram" 3.17 Reset Signal (~RST) 3.17.1 General Description The reset signal is used to force a reset procedure by providing low level, for at least 500 μs. The Wireless CPU remains in reset mode as long as the ~RST signal is held low. The reset process is activated either by the external ~RST signal or automatically by an internal signal (coming from a reset generator).  • ∼RST = logical state 0, for Wireless CPU Reset and • ∼RST = logical state 1, for normal mode. Note:  A software reset is always preferred to a hardware reset. The automatic reset is activated during a power-ON sequence. During a power-ON sequence, the ~RST pin of the Wireless CPU is set to the logical state 0. Caution:  During a power-ON sequence of the Wireless CPU, avoid to apply any voltage in the ~RST pin.  • Otherwise: - Wireless CPU reset procedure may not perform correctly - Wireless CPU may be damaged
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 57 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Equivalent circuit          Pin description Signal  Pin number  I/O  I/O type  Description ∼RST  14 I/O Schmitt Reset  Electrical characteristics Parameters  Min  Max  Condition VT- 0.9  1   Hysteresis thresholds  VT+ 1.7  1.8   Reset state 0  0.4  IOL = -50 μA ∼RST Normal mode 2.74  2.86  IOH = 50 μA  This signal may also be used to provide a reset to an external device. It then behaves as an output. If no external reset is necessary, then this input may be left open.  System Reset  GND GND 10nF GND Power ON Reset   2V8 10nF VT- VT+ 4K7 4K7 ~RST  Q24 Series
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 58 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  If used (as an emergency reset), it must be driven either by an open collector or an open drain output:    Figure 12: RST pin connection For the implementation of the reset interface, refer to the Customer Design Guidelines 3.17.2 Reset Sequence To activate the "emergency "reset sequence, the ~RST signal must be set to low for 500 μs minimum. As soon as the reset is completed, the AT interface answers "OK" to the application.  In this case, the application must send AT↵. If the application manages hardware flow control, the AT command may be sent during the initialization phase.  Another solution is to use the AT+WIND command to obtain an unsolicited status from the Wireless CPU. For further details, refer to the AT commands documentation [5].        Figure 13: Reset sequence diagram 3.18 External Interrupt (~INTR) The Wireless CPU Q24 Series provide an external interrupt input ~INTR. This input is highly sensitive. An interrupt is activated on a falling edge.  If this signal is not used, it may be left open.  If used, this input must be driven either by an open collector or an open drain output. GND ~RST External reset External reset Status:  Ready  ON mode Min 500µsTyp: 2ms Ready Reset mode SIM and network dependent
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 59 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin description Signal  Pin number  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description ~INTR  16 I CMOS (C5) Pull-up to 2V8 External Interrupt (C5): To obtain more details on I/O type, refer to the chapter "I/O Circuit diagram"  Electrical characteristics Parameter  Min  Max  Unit VIL -0.5 0.7 V VIH 2.2 3.0 V  The external interrupt may be used to switch OFF the Wireless CPU. To enable this feature, AT+WFM=1, 83 must be entered:  The ON/OFF signal exists earlier in open or in low level, if an interrupt is received on the external interrupt pin, the Wireless CPU changes automatically to OFF mode, similar to an AT+CPOF command. Notes:  • By default, this feature is not activated • Use AT+WFM=1,84 to return to default mode 3.19 VCC output This output may be used to power some external functions. This power supply is available when the Wireless CPU is ON. Pin description Signal  Pin number  I/O  I/O type  Description VCC  40 O Supply Digital supply Operating conditions Parameter  Condition  Min  Max  Unit I = 0    2.86  V Output voltage I = 100 mA  2.74    V Output Current       100  mA
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 60 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006   3.20 Real Time Clock Supply (VCC_RTC) The VCC_RTC input is used to provide a back-up power supply for the internal Real Time Clock (RTC).  The RTC is supported by the Wireless CPU when power-ON, but a back-up power supply is necessary to save date and time information, when the Wireless CPU is switched off. If the RTC is not used, this pin may be left open. Equivalent circuit          If VDD<2.6V, the RTC regulator is disabled, a back-up battery is then necessary to save date and time information. Pin description Signal  Pin number  I/O  I/O type  Description VCC_RTC  56  I/O  Supply  RTC Back-up supply Operating conditions Parameter  Condition  Min  Typ  Max  Unit Input voltage    2    2.75  V Input current   VCC_RTC=2.5 V VDD=3.6V   3 10 μA Output voltage  VDD=3.6V, Iout=0.5mA  2.65  2.7  2.75  V Output current  VDD=3.6, Vout=2.25V  0.4  1  2  mA Q24 Series RTC block RTC regulator  BAT-RTC VDD>2.6V
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 61 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006   3.21 RF Interface The impedance is 50Ω nominal and the DC impedance is 0Ω. 3.21.1 RF Connections The RF interface supports 4 type of connections: • U.FL Connector (on both sides) A wide variety of cables fitted with U.FL connectors are proposed by different suppliers. • MMS Connector The MMS connector stands on three pliable legs. The design guarantees the receptacle stability after placement. The MMS snap on mating system ensures a correct positive connection on each time. A wide variety of cables fitted with MMS connectors are proposed by different suppliers. • Soldered solution  A soldered solution is preferably based on an RG178 coaxial cable. • IMP connector  This connector is dedicated to different board applications and must be soldered to the customer board. The supplier is Radiall with the following reference:  R107 064 900 or R107 064 920. Notes: • The Wireless CPU Q24 Series does not support an antenna switch for a car kit, but this function may be implemented externally and it may be driven using a GPIO. • The antenna cable and connector should be selected in order to minimize losses in the frequency bands used for GSM 850/900MHz and 1800/1900MHz. • 0.5dB may be considered as a maximum value for loss between the Wireless CPU and an external connector. • In order to maintain the RoHS status of the Wireless CPU, Wavecom recommends that lead-free solder wire and flux be used for Wireless CPU assembly on the motherboard and RF cable, assembly on the Wireless CPU.. Example: • Solder Wire: Kester 245 Cored 58 (Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5) • Flux: Kester 952-D6
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Interfaces ©Confidential  Page: 62 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  3.21.2 RF Performance RF performance is compliant with the ETSI recommendation ETSI TS 151 010-1. The main parameters for a GSM receiver are:  • GSM850 Reference Sensitivity = -104 dBm Static & TUHigh • EGSM900 Reference Sensitivity = -104 dBm Static & TUHigh • DCS1800 Reference Sensitivity = -102 dBm Static & TUHigh • PCS1900 Reference Sensitivity = -102 dBm Static & TUHigh • Selectivity @ 200 kHz: > +9 dBc  • Selectivity @ 400 kHz: > +41 dBc • Linear dynamic range: 63 dB • Co-channel rejection: >= 9 dBc And for Transmitters: • Maximum output power (EGSM & GSM850): 33 dBm +/- 2 dB at ambient temperature • Maximum output power (GSM1800 & PCS1900): 30 dBm +/- 2 dB at ambient temperature • Minimum output power (EGSM & GSM850): 5 dBm +/- 5 dB at ambient temperature • Minimum output power (GSM1800 & PCS1900): 0 dBm +/- 5 dB at ambient temperature 3.21.3 Antenna Specifications The antenna must fulfill the following requirements, as specified in the table below: • The optimum operating frequency depends on the application. A dual-band or a quad-band antenna must operate in these frequency bands and have the following characteristics: Q24 Characteristic EGSM 900  DCS 1800  GSM 850  PCS 1900 TX Frequency  880 to  915 MHz 1710 to  1785 MHz  824 to 849 MHz  1850 to  1910 MHz RX Frequency  925 to  960 MHz 1805 to  1880 MHz  869 to 894 MHz  1930 to  1990 MHz Impedance  50Ω  Rx max  1.5 :1 VSWR  Tx max  1.5 :1 Typical  radiated gain  0dBi in one direction at least
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Technical Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 63 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  4 Technical Specifications 4.1 General Purpose Connector Pin-out Description Pin  Name  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Dealing with unused pins 1 CHG_IN I Supply  - Supply for battery charging  Not connected 2 CHG_IN I Supply  - Supply for battery charging  Not connected 3 SIM_CLK O -  0V Clock for SIM interface Not connected if Q24 SIM Card holder is used 4 CHG_IN I Supply  - Supply for battery charging  Not connected 5 SIM_RST O -  0V Reset for SIM interface Not connected if Q24 SIM Card holder is used 6 ON/~OFF I CMOS  -  Power ON/OFF control  Must be used 7 SIM_DATA I/O -  0V  I/O for SIM interface Not connected if Q24 SIM Card holder is used 8 SDA/SPI_IO I/O  CMOS/CMOS 1X (C2) Pull-up to 2V8 Two-wire interface or SPI Serial Data Not connected 9 SIM_VCC O  Supply  0V  SIM Card supply Not connected if Q24 SIM Card holder is used 10 SCL/SPI_CLK  O  CMOS 1X (C5)  Pull-up to 2V8 Two-wire interface or SPI Serial clock Not connected 11 VDD  I  Supply  -  Low power supply  Must be used 12 BOOT  I CMOS (C5) Pull-up to 2V8  BOOT Test point (Download purposes) 13 ROW0 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-down to 0V  Keyboard Row  Not connected 14 ~RST I/O Schmitt  0V  Reset  Test point (Debug purposes) 15 ROW1 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-down to 0V  Keyboard Row  Not connected 16 ~INTR  I CMOS (C5) Pull-up to 2V8  External interrupt  Not connected 17 ROW2 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-down to 0V  Keyboard Row  Not connected
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Technical Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 64 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin  Name  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Dealing with unused pins 18  GPI or CT103/TXD2  I CMOS (C4) Pull-down to 0V General Purpose Input or  Transmit serial data (UART2) Not connected 19 ROW3 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-down to 0V  Keyboard Row  Not connected 20  GPO2 or CT104/RXD2  O  CMOS 3X (C1) or  CMOS 1X (C1)  2V8 General Purpose Output or  Receive serial data (UART2) Not connected 21 ROW4 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-down to 0V  Keyboard Row  Not connected 22 GPO1  O  CMOS 3X (C3)  0V  General Purpose Output  Not connected 23 COL0 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-up to 2V8  Keyboard Column  Not connected 24  GPIO0 or  CT106/CTS2 I/O O CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) or CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O or  Clear To Send (UART2) Not connected 25 COL1 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-up to 2V8  Keyboard Column  Not connected 26  GPO0 or SPI_AUX O O CMOS 3X  (C3) or CMOS 1X (C3) 2V8 General Purpose Output or SPI_AUX Not connected 27 COL2 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-up to 2V8  Keyboard Column  Not connected 28  GPO3 or SPI_EN or O O CMOS 3X (C3) or CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8 SPI  enable or General Purpose Output Not connected 29 COL3 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-up to 2V8  Keyboard Column  Not connected 30 CT105/RTS1  I COS  High impedance Request To Send (UART1) 100kΩ pull-up to 2V8  with test point (download and debug purposes) 31 COL4 I/O  CMOS/ CMOS 1X Pull-up to 2V8  Keyboard Column  Not connected 32 CT104/RXD1  O  CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  Receive serial data (UART1) Test point (Download purposes) 33 AUXV0  I Analog  High impedance Auxiliary ADC input 0  Tied to GND 34  CT108-2/DTR1  I CMOS  High impedance Data Terminal Ready (UART1) 100kΩ pull-up to 2V8  with test point (download and debug purposes)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Technical Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 65 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin  Name  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Dealing with unused pins 35  GPIO5 or  CT105/RTS2 I/O I CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) or CMOS  High impedance General Purpose I/O or  Clear To Send (UART2) Not connected 36  CT107/DSR1  O  CMOS 1X (C3)  2V8  Data Set Ready  (UART1)  Not connected 37 CT106/CTS1  O  CMOS 1X (C1)  High impedance Clear To Send (UART1) Test point (Download purposes) 38 BAT_TEMP  I Analog  High impedance ADC input for battery temperature measurement Tied to GND 39 CT103/TXD1  I CMOS  High impedance Transmit serial data (UART1) 100kΩ pull-up to 2V8  with test point (download and debug purposes) 40 VCC  O Supply  2V8  2.8 V digital supply output  Not connected 41 SPK1P  O Analog  -  Speaker 1 positive output  Not connected 42 MIC1P  I Analog  -  Microphone 1 positive input  Not connected 43 SPK1N  O Analog  -  Speaker 1 negative output  Not connected 44 MIC1N  I Analog  -  Microphone 1 negative input  Not connected 45 SPK2P  O Analog  -  Speaker 2 positive output  Not connected 46 MIC2P  I Analog  -  Microphone 2 positive input  Not connected 47 SPK2N  O Analog  -  Speaker 2 negative output  Not connected 48 MIC2N  I Analog  -  Microphone 2 negative input  Not connected 49 BUZZER  O  Analog  -  Buzzer output  Not connected 50 SIM_PRES  I CMOS  High impedance SIM Card Detect  Tied to 2V8 51  GPIO3  or CT109/DCD1 I/O O CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) or CMOS2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O or  Data Carrier Detect (UART1) Not connected 52  GPIO1 FLASH LED I/O O CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) or CMOS2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O or  Flash LED Not connected 53 GPIO4 I/O  CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O  Not connected
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Technical Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 66 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Pin  Name  I/O  I/O type  Reset state  Description  Dealing with unused pins 54  GPIO2 or CT125 / RI1 I/O O CMOS/CMOS 2X (C1) or CMOS 2X (C1) High impedance General Purpose I/O or  Ring Indicator (UART1) Not connected 55 +VBATT  I  Supply  -  Battery Input  Must be used 56 VCC_RTC I/O Supply  2V8  RTC back-up supply  Not connected 57 +VBATT  I  Supply  -  Battery Input  Must be used 58 +VBATT  I  Supply  -  Battery Input  Must be used 59 +VBATT  I  Supply  -  Battery Input  Must be used 60 +VBATT  I  Supply  -  Battery Input  Must be used                Figure 14: Wireless CPU pin position (bottom view) 1260 59
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Technical Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 67 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  4.2 I/O Circuit Diagram The following drawings show the internal interface of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. The type indication per interface can be found in the previous chapters. Type  Circuit  Type  Circuit (C1)  (C4)  (C2)  (C5)  (C3)     Figure 15: I/O Circuit Diagram  100K GND 2V8 IN 100K GND 2V8 IN GND 2V8 IN DIR OUT 100K GND 2V8 OUT GND 2V8 IN DIR OUT
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Environmental Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 68 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  5 Environmental Specifications The Wireless CPU Q24 Classic and Q24 Plus are compliant with the following operating classes: Condition  Temperature range Operating / Class A  -20°C to +55°C for GSM 850 / 900 -10°C to +55°C for GSM 1800/1900 Storage  -40°C to +85°C  The Wireless CPU Q24 Automotive and Q24 Extended are compliant with the following operating classes: Conditions  Temperature range Operating / Class A  -20°C to +55°Cfor GSM 850 / 900 -10°C to +55°C for GSM 1800/1900 Operating / Class B  -30°C to +75°C Operating / Class C  -40°C to + 85°C Storage  -40°C to + 85°C  Classification and Wireless CPU Q24 Series: • Class A:  The Wireless CPU remains fully functional, meeting GSM performance criteria in accordance with ETSI requirements, across the specified temperature range.   • Class B:  The Wireless CPU remains fully functional, across the specified temperature range. Some GSM parameters may occasionally deviate from the ETSI specified requirements and this deviation may not affect the ability of the Wireless CPU to connect to the cellular network and fully functional, as it does within the Class A range. • Class C:  The functional requirements will not be fulfilled during external influence, but will return to fully functional automatically, after the external influence has been removed.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Environmental Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 69 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  5.1 Environmental Qualifications For the Wireless CPU Q24 Classic, Q24 Plus, and Q24 Extended, applied environmental qualifications are defined in the table below: ENVIRONMENTAL CLASSESTYPE OF TEST STANDARDS STORAGE TRANSPORTATION OPERATING (PORT USE)Class 1.2 Class 2.3 Class 7.3Cold IEC 68-2.1 -25° C                              72 h -40° C                               72 h -20° C (GSM900)                 16 hAb test -10° C (GSM1800/1900)    16hDry heat IEC 68-2.2 +70° C                              72 h +70° C                               72 h +55° C                               16 hBb testChange of temperature IEC 68-2.14 -40° / +30° C              5 cycles -20° / +30° C (GSM900) 3 cyclesNa/Nb test                                      t1 = 3 h -10° / +30° C (GSM1800/1900):3 cycles                    t1 = 3 hDamp heat IEC 68-2.30  +30° C               2 cycles  +40° C               2 cycles  +40° C               2 cyclescyclic Db test 90% - 100% RH                           90% - 100% RH                            90% - 100% RHvariant 1 variant 1 variant 1Damp heat IEC 68-2.56  +30° C               4 days  +40° C               4 days  +40° C               4 daysCb testSinusoidal vibration IEC 68-2.6 5 - 62 Hz     :               5 mm / sFc test 62 - 200Hz :               2 m / s23 x 5 sweep cycles5 - 20 Hz     :        0.96 m2 / s3 10 -12 Hz     :        0.96 m2 / s3Random vibration IEC 68-3.36 20 - 500Hz :         - 3 dB / oct 12 - 150Hz :         - 3 dB / octwide band Fdb test 3 x 10 min 3 x 30 min  Figure 16: Q24 Classic, Q24 Plus and Q24 Extended Environmental classes For more details, refer to the document: "Environmental Control Plan" for Wireless CPU Q24 Series [2] Electro-Static Discharge (ESD): According to the EN 61000-4-2 standard, the maximum ESD level supported by the Wireless CPU series on contact discharges is ±1 kV on the 60-pin connector, ±2 kV on the antenna connector, and ±4 kV on the SIM Card holder.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Environmental Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 70 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  For the Wireless CPU Q24 Automotive, environmental qualification applied is defined in table below: Test Designation  Standards  Definition / Severities Resistance to Heat  IEC 60068-2-2  Temperature: +85°C Duration: 504 h Resistance to cold test IEC 60068-2-30 Db Storage temperature: -40±2°C Storage time: 72 h Cooking Test  -  Temperature: +70 ±2°C Duration: 100 days Damp heat test  IEC 60068-2-3 Storage temperature: +40±2°C Storage humidity: 95±3% Storage time: 21 days Damp heat cycle test  IEC 60068-2-30 Db Upper temperature: +55±2°C Number of cycles: 10 Temperature change  IEC 60068-2-14 Nb Low temperature: -40°±2°C High temperature: +85±2°C Total duration: 11 days Thermal Shock  IEC 60068-2-14 Low temperature: -40°±2°C High temperature: +85±2°C Total duration: 200 hours Resistance to sinusoidal vibration IEC 60068-2-6 Fc [10 Hz to 16 Hz]: ±5 mm (peak) [16 Hz to 62 Hz]: 5 g (peak) [62 Hz to 200Hz]: 3g (peak) [200 Hz to 1000 Hz] 1g (peak) Test duration: 20 cycles Sweep directions: X / Y / Z Resistance to random vibration  IEC 60068-2-64 Frequency range: 10 Hz - 2000 Hz Spectrum level:   0.1 g2/Hz at 10 Hz 0.01 g2/Hz at 250 Hz 0.0005 g2/Hz at 1000 Hz 0.0005 g2/Hz at 2000 Hz Duration: 16 h Vibration axis: X / Y / Z Resistance to mechanical shock  IEC 68-2-27  Peak acceleration: 30g / 100g / 200g Direction: ±X, ±Y, ±Z ESD Test  IEC 1000-4-2 1 kV contact discharge on 60-pin connector 2 kV contact discharge on RF connector 4kV contact discharge on SIM interface Figure 17: Q24 Automotive environmental classes For more details, refer to the document: "Automotive Environmental Control Plan" for Wireless CPU Q24 Series [1] 5.1.1 Reflow Soldering: The Wireless CPU Q24 Series do not support any reflow soldering.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Environmental Specifications ©Confidential  Page: 71 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  5.2 Mechanical Specifications 5.2.1 Physical Characteristics The Wireless CPU Q24NG sub-series have a complete self-contained shield.  • Dimensions  :  58.4 x 32.2 x 3.9 mm external dimensions  (excluding shielding pins) • Weight  :  <11 g (12g for Q24 Automotive) 5.2.2 Mechanical Drawings The following page gives the mechanical specifications of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. Figure 18: Mechanical drawing. (see following page)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Connector and Peripheral Device References ©Confidential  Page: 73 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  6 Connector and Peripheral Device References 6.1 General Purpose Connector Data Sheet The supplier for the GPC connector is KYOCERA/ELCO, available from Ref: 14 5087 060 930 861, or 19 5087 060 930 861. 6.2 SIM Card Reader These SIM Card holder references may be used in customer application with Wireless CPU Q24 version, not already equipped with a SIM Card holder. • ITT CANNON CCM03 series (see • AMPHENOL C707 series (see ) • JAE (see ) Drawer type: • MOLEX 99228-0002 (connector) / MOLEX 91236-0002 (holder) (see 6.3 Microphone Potential suppliers: • HOSIDEN  • PANASONIC  • PEIKER  6.4 Speaker Potential suppliers: • SANYO • HOSIDEN • PRIMO • PHILIPS 6.5 Antenna Cable The following cable reference has been certified for mounting on the Wireless CPU Q24 Series: • RG178
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Connector and Peripheral Device References ©Confidential  Page: 74 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  6.6 RF board-to-board Connector The supplier for the IMP connector is Radiall ( with the following references:  • R107 064 900. • R107 064 920. The supplier for the MMS connector is Radiall ( 6.7 GSM Antenna GSM antenna and support for antenna adaptation may be obtained from the manufacturers such as: • ALLGON ( • HIRSCHMANN (
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 75 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  7 Appendix 7.1 Standards and Recommendations GSM ETSI, 3GPP, GCF, and NAPRD03 recommendations for Phase II. Specification Reference  Title 3GPP TS 45.005 v5.5.0 (2002-08) Release 5 Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE. Radio Access Network; Radio transmission and reception GSM 02.07 V8.0.0 (1999-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Stations (MS) features (GSM 02.07 version 8.0.0 Release 1999) GSM 02.60 V8.1.0 (1999-07) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description, Stage 1 (GSM 02.60 version 8.1.0 Release 1999) GSM 03.60 V7.9.0  (2002-09) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2 (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 43.064 V5.0.0 (2002-04) Technical Specification Group GERAN; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Overall description of the GPRS radio interface; Stage 2 (Release 5) 3GPP TS 03.22 V8.7.0  (2002-08) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE. Radio Access Network; Functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode and group receive mode; (Release 1999) 3GPP TS 03.40 V7.5.0  (2001-12)  Technical Specification Group Terminals; Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 03.41 V7.4.0  (2000-09) Technical Specification Group Terminals; Technical realization of Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) (Release 1998) ETSI EN 300 903 V8.1.1 (2000-11) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Transmission planning aspects of the speech service in the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) system (GSM 03.50 version 8.1.1 Release 1999) 3GPP TS 04.06 V8.2.1  (2002-05) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface; Data Link (DL) layer specification (Release 1999)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 76 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Specification Reference  Title 3GPP TS 04.08 V7.18.0 (2002-09) Technical Specification Group Core Network; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 04.10 V7.1.0 (2001-12) Technical Specification Group Core Networks; Mobile radio interface layer 3 Supplementary services specification; General aspects (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 04.11 V7.1.0 (2000-09) Technical Specification Group Core Network; Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Point-to-Point (PP) Short Message Service (SMS) support on mobile radio interface (Release 1998) 3GPP TS 45.005  v5.5.0 (2002-08) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE. Radio Access Network; Radio transmission and reception (Release 5) 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.8.0 (2002-08) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Radio subsystem link control (Release 5) 3GPP TS 45.010 V5.1.0 (2002-08) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Radio subsystem synchronization (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.010 V5.0.0 (2002-06) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Transcoding (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.011 V5.0.0 (2002-06) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Substitution and muting of lost frames for full rate speech channels (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.012 V5.0.0 (2002-06) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Comfort noise aspect for full rate speech traffic channels (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.031 V5.0.0 (2002-06) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) for full rate speech traffic channels (Release 5) 3GPP TS 46.032 V5.0.0 (2002-06) Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Full rate speech; Voice Activity Detector (VAD) for full rate speech traffic channels (Release 5) TS 100 913V8.0.0 (1999-08) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General on Terminal Adaptation Functions (TAF) for Mobile Stations (MS) (GSM 07.01 version 8.0.0 Release 1999)
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 77 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Specification Reference  Title GSM 09.07 V8.0.0 (1999-08) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General requirements on inter-working between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and the  Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) or Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) (GSM 09.07 version 8.0.0 Release 1999) 3GPP TS 51.010-1 v7.3.1  (2006-10) Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE ; Radio Access Network ;Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 1: Conformance specification (Release 7) 3GPP TS 51.011 V5.0.0  (2001-12) Technical Specification Group Terminals; Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface (Release 5) ETS 300 641 (1998-03) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Specification of the 3 Volt Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) interface  (GSM 11.12 version 4.3.1) GCF-CC V3.23.1 (2006-07)  Global Certification Forum – Certification criteria NAPRD03 v3.8.1 (2006-08) North America Permanent  Reference Document for PTCRB tests The Wireless CPU Quik Q24 series connected to a development kit board application is certified to be in accordance with the following Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Power listed on the Gant is conducted for Part 22 and conducted for Part 24. This device contains EGSM/GPRS Class 10 functions in the 900 and 1800MHz Band, which are not operational in U.S. Territories. This device can be used only for mobile and fixed applications. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed at a distance of minimum 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operated with any other antenna or transmitter.  Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. Antennas used for this OEM module must not exceed 1.4 dBi gain for GSM 850 MHz and 7 dBi for GSM 1900 MHz for fixed operating configurations. For mobile operations the gain must not exceed 1.4 dBi for GSM 850 MHz and 3dBi for GSM 1900 MHz. This device is approved as a module to be installed in other devices. Installed in portable devices, the RF exposure condition requires a separate mandatory equipment authorization for the final device.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 78 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  The license module will have a FCC ID label on the module itself. The FCC ID label must be visible through a window or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily removed.   If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the device that contains one of the following text:  FCC ID: O9EQ24CL001 FCC ID: O9EQ24CL003  FCC ID: O9EQ24PL001  FCC ID: O9EQ24PL003  FCC ID: O9EQ24PL005  FCC ID: O9EQ24PL006  FCC ID: O9EQ24AU001  FCC ID: O9EQ24AU002  FCC ID: O9EQ24EX001  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  o This device may not cause harmful interference. o This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 7.2 Safety Recommendations (for Information only) Caution:  For the efficient and safe operation of your GSM applications based on the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. Please read this information carefully. 7.2.1  RF safety General Your GSM terminal is based on the GSM standard for cellular technology. The GSM standard is spread all over the world. It covers Europe, Asia and some parts of America and Africa. This is the most used telecommunication standard. Your GSM terminal is actually a low power radio transmitter and receiver. It sends out as well as receives radio frequency energy. When you use your GSM application, the cellular system which handles your calls controls both the radio frequency and the power level of your cellular modem.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 79 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006 Exposure to RF Energy There has been some public concern on possible health effects of using GSM terminals. Although research on health effects from RF energy has focused on the current RF technology for many years, scientists have begun research regarding newer radio technologies, such as GSM. After existing research had been reviewed, and after compliance to all applicable safety standards had been tested, it has been concluded that the product was safe to use. If you are concerned about exposure to RF energy, there are things you can do to minimize the exposure. Obviously, limiting the duration of your calls will reduce your exposure to RF energy. In addition, you can reduce RF exposure by operating your cellular terminal efficiently by following the guidelines given in the sections below.  Efficient Terminal Operation For your GSM terminal to operate at the lowest power level, consistent with satisfactory call quality: • If your terminal has an extendable antenna, extend it fully. Some models allow you to place a call with the antenna retracted. However your GSM terminal operates more efficiently with the antenna when it is fully extended. • Do not hold the antenna when the terminal is « IN USE ». Holding the antenna affects call quality and may cause the modem to operate at a higher power level than needed. Antenna Care and Replacement • Do not use the GSM terminal with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Replace the damaged antenna immediately. You may repair antenna to yourself by following the instruction manual provided to you. If so, use only a manufacturer-approved antenna. Otherwise, have your antenna repaired by a qualified technician. • Buy or replace the antenna only from the approved suppliers list. Using of unauthorized antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the terminal and may violate local RF emission regulations or invalidate type approval. 7.2.2  General safety Driving Check with the laws and regulations regarding the use of cellular devices in the area where you have to drive, as you always have to comply with them. When using your GSM terminal while driving, please: • give full attention to driving, • pull-off the road and park before making or answering a call, if driving conditions so require.
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 80 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  Electronic Devices Most electronic equipments, for example in hospitals and motor vehicles are shielded from RF energy. However, RF energy may affect some improperly shielded electronic equipment.  Vehicle Electronic Equipment Check with your vehicle manufacturer/representative to determine if any on-board electronic equipment is adequately shielded from RF energy.  Medical Electronic Equipment Consult the manufacturer of any personal medical devices (such as pacemakers, hearing aids, etc) to determine if they are adequately shielded from external RF energy. Turn your terminal OFF  in health care facilities when any regulations posted in the area instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using RF monitoring equipment. Aircraft Turn your terminal OFF before boarding any aircraft. • Use it on the ground only with crew permission. • Do not use it in the air. To prevent possible interference with aircraft systems, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations require you should have prior permission from crew members, to use your terminal while the aircraft is on the ground. In order to prevent interference with cellular systems, local RF regulations prohibit using your modem while airborne.  Children Do not allow children to play with your GSM terminal. It is not a toy. Children could hurt themselves or others (by poking themselves or others in the eye with the antenna, for example). Children could damage the modem, or make calls that increase your modem bills.  Blasting Areas To avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn your unit OFF when you are in a « blasting area » or in areas posted: « turn off two-way radio ». Construction crew often uses remote control RF devices to set off explosives.  Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Turn your terminal OFF in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Though it is rare, but your modem or its accessories could generate sparks. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injuries or even death. Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. They include fuelling areas such as petrol stations; below decks on boats;
  Wireless CPU Q24 Series Appendix ©Confidential  Page: 81 / 81 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.  WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_001-003  November 2006  fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders. Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid, or explosives, in the compartment of your vehicle, which contains your terminal or accessories. Before using your terminal in a vehicle powered by liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane), ensure that the vehicle complies with the relevant fire and safety regulations of the country in which the vehicle is used.
WAVECOM S.A. - 3 esplanade du Foncet - 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex - France - Tel: +33(0)1 46 29 08 00 - Fax: +33(0)1 46 29 08 08Wavecom, Inc. - 4810 Eastgate Mall - Second Floor - San Diego, CA 92121 - USA - Tel: +1 858 362 0101 - Fax: +1 858 558 5485WAVECOM Asia Pacific Ltd. - Unit 201-207, 2nd Floor, Bio-Informatics Centre – No.2 Science Park West Avenue - Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin - New Territories, Hong Kong

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