Sierra Wireless ULC Q2686 Q2686 User Manual Manual

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Q2686 Manual



confidential ©Page : 1/ 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.WISMO Quik Q2686Product Technical SpecificationReference: WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001Revision: 006Date: April 4th 2006 Powered by the Wavecom Operating System and Open AT®
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 2 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Document InformationLevel Date History of the evolution001 01/17/2005 Creation (Preliminary version)002 06/01/2005 Pin-out modification (see chapter 3.1)003 15/09/2005 Update Functional architecturePin-out modification (see chapter 4.1)Add RESET state of all IO of all interfaceUpdate power supply range (see chapter 3.2)Update  electrical  information  for  digital  IO  (see  chapter 3.2)Update SPI bus configuration (see chapter 3.4)Remove 3 GPIO  (see chapter 3.9)Change  MIC1  biasing  voltage  configuration  (see  chapter 3.11)Change SPK1 definition to  only single ended (see chapter 3.11)Update ON/ÕFF operating sequence (see chapter 3.14)Update BOOT definition (see chapter 3.15)Update  ~RESET  operating  sequence  and  electrical characteristics(see chapter 3.14)Update Interrupts activation (see chapter 3.17)Update RTC electrical characteristics (see chapter 3.19)Update  PCM  description  and add  waveform  (see  chapter 3.21)004 November 22, 2005Update Q2686 version “Overview” sectionUpdate “Cautions”, “Trademarks” and “Copyright”Update “Electrical information  for  digital  I/O”  (see  chapter 3.3)Update SPI max frequency (see chapter 3.4)Update available GPIO (see chapter 3.9)Add “OFF state“ voltage caution (see chapter 3.2)Update “Battery charging interface” (see chapter 3.13)Update “Analogue audio interface” (see chapter 3.11)Update ”Environmental Specifications” (see chapter 4.2)Update  “General  Purpose  Connector  pin  out  description” (see chapter 4.1)005 February 2006Update “PCM interface” waveform (see chapter 3.21)Update  “Electrical  information  for  digital  IO”  absolute maximum rating (see chapter 3.3)Update “General purpose connector” (see chapter 3.1)Update “SPI bus” speed (see chapter 3.4.1)Update “I²C bus” (see chapter 3.4.2)Update  “Main  serial  link  UART  1”  maximum  speed  (seechapter 3.6)Update  “Auxiliary  serial  link  UART  2”  maximum  speed (see chapter 3.7)Update “SIM” General description (see chapter 3.8.1)Update “USB 2.0 interface” features (see chapter 3.22)Update “Operating system upgrade” (see chapter 6.3)Update  “General  purpose  input  /  output”  signals description (see chapter 3.9)Update  “General  purpose  connector  pin  out  description” signal description(see chapter 4.1)Update “Battery charging interface” (see chapter 3.13)Update “Analog to µDigital Converter” (see chapter 3.10)Update “FLASH-LED signal” (see chapter 3.20)Update ‘Analogue Audio interface” (see chapter 3.11)006 March  2006Update “Power consumption” (see chapter 3.3.2)Update “ON/~OFF signal” (see chapter 3.14)Update “BAT-RTC” (see chapter 3.19)
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 3 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Update  “Electrical  information  for  digital  IO”  absolute maximum rating (see chapter 3.3)Update  “Buzzer  output”  remove  PWM  features  (  see chapter 3.12 )Update  “EMC  recommendation”  add  ESD recommendations (see chapter 6.1.1 )Update “SPI bus” add waveforms ( see chapter 3.4.1 )Update “I²C bus” add waveforms ( see chapter 3.4.2 )Update  “Analog  to  Digital  Converter“  sampling  rate  (  see chapter 3.10)
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 4 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 5 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.OverviewThis document defines and specifies the WISMO QUIK Q2686, available under two GSM/GPRS Class 10 quad-band versions:  Q2686:  EGSM/GPRS  900/1800/850/1900 MHz  version  with  32 Mb  of Bursted Flash memory and 8Mb of SRAM (32/8)
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 6 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.ContentsDocument Information....................................................................... 2Overview ............................................................................................ 5Contents ............................................................................................ 6Table of figures ................................................................................ 10Cautions .......................................................................................... 11Trademarks ...................................................................................... 11Copyright ......................................................................................... 111References................................................................................. 121.1 References documents ..........................................................................121.1.1 WAVECOM reference document ....................................................121.1.2 General reference document ..........................................................121.2 List of abbreviations ..............................................................................132General description.................................................................... 162.1 General information...............................................................................162.1.1 Overall dimensions ........................................................................162.1.2 Environment and mechanics..........................................................162.1.3 GSM/GPRS Features......................................................................162.1.4 Interfaces.......................................................................................162.1.5 Operating system ..........................................................................172.1.6 Connection interfaces ....................................................................172.2 Functional description ...........................................................................182.2.1 RF functionalities...........................................................................192.2.2 Baseband functionalities................................................................192.3 Operating System..................................................................................193Interfaces .................................................................................. 203.1 General Purpose Connector (GPC) .........................................................203.2 Power supply ........................................................................................213.2.1 Power supply description ..............................................................213.2.2 Power consumption ...................................................................... Power consumption without Open AT®processing..................23
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 7 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Power consumption with Open AT®software.......................... Consumption waveforms samples........................................... Connected mode current waveform....................................... Slow Idle mode current waveform ......................................... Fast Idle mode current waveform .......................................... Transfer mode Class 10 current waveform ............................ Power supply pinout................................................................273.3 Electrical information for digital I/O........................................................283.4 Serial interface.......................................................................................303.4.1 SPI bus..........................................................................................303.4.1.1 SPI waveforms ........................................................................303.4.1.2 SPI configuration .....................................................................313.4.1.3 SPI1 bus..................................................................................313.4.1.4 SPI2 bus..................................................................................323.4.2 I2C bus..........................................................................................333.4.2.1 I²C waveforms .........................................................................333.4.2.2 I²C bus pin out.........................................................................343.5 Keyboard interface.................................................................................353.6 Main serial link (UART1)........................................................................363.7 Auxiliary serial link (UART2) ..................................................................383.8 SIM interface.........................................................................................393.8.1 General Description .......................................................................393.9 General Purpose Input/Output ...............................................................413.10 Analog to Digital Converter....................................................................433.11 Analogue audio interface.......................................................................443.11.1 Microphone inputs ........................................................................443.11.1.1 Common microphone inputs characteristics ............................443.11.1.2 Main Microphone Inputs (MIC2)..............................................443.11.1.3 Auxiliary Microphone Inputs (MIC1) ........................................453.11.1.4 Micro Electrical characteristics.................................................453.11.2 Common speaker outputs characteristics ......................................463.11.2.1 Differential Connection.............................................................463.11.2.2 Single-ended Connection .........................................................463.11.3 Speaker outputs ............................................................................463.11.3.1 Speaker 2 Outputs...................................................................463.11.3.2 Speaker 1 Outputs ...................................................................473.11.3.3 Speakers Outputs Power .........................................................473.12 Buzzer Output .......................................................................................483.13 Battery charging interface .....................................................................493.13.1 Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh Charging algorithm .................................................493.13.2 Li-Ion Charging algorithm ..............................................................503.13.3 Pré-Charging hardware controlled .................................................513.13.4 Temperature monitoring................................................................513.14 ON / ~OFF signal...................................................................................523.14.1 Operating sequences.....................................................................523.14.1.1 Power ON................................................................................523.14.1.2 Power OFF...............................................................................533.15 BOOT signal..........................................................................................54
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 8 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.3.16 Reset signal (~RESET)...........................................................................553.17 External Interrupt ..................................................................................573.18 VCC_2V8 and VCC_1V8 output ..............................................................583.19 BAT-RTC (Backup Battery) ....................................................................593.19.1 Interface description ......................................................................593.20 FLASH-LED signal .................................................................................603.21 Digital audio interface (PCM) .................................................................623.21.1 Description ....................................................................................623.22 USB 2.0 interface ..................................................................................653.23 RF interface 663.23.1 RF connections..............................................................................663.23.2 RF performances ...........................................................................663.23.3 Antenna specifications ..................................................................674Technical specifications ............................................................ 684.1 General Purpose Connector pin out description .....................................684.2 Environmental Specifications.................................................................714.3 Mechanical specifications......................................................................734.3.1 Physical characteristics .................................................................734.3.2 Mechanical drawings ....................................................................735Connectors and peripheral devices references ........................... 755.1 General Purpose Connector ...................................................................755.2 SIM Card Reader ...................................................................................755.3 Microphone...........................................................................................755.4 Speaker .................................................................................................765.5 Antenna Cable.......................................................................................765.6 RF Board to board connector.................................................................765.7 GSM antenna ........................................................................................766Design Guidelines ...................................................................... 776.1 HARDWARE and RF ..............................................................................776.1.1 EMC recommendations .................................................................776.1.2 Power Supply ................................................................................776.1.3 Layout requirement .......................................................................786.1.4 Antenna.........................................................................................806.2 Mechanical integration..........................................................................806.3 Operating System upgrade....................................................................807Appendix ................................................................................... 817.1 Standards and Recommendations.........................................................81
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 9 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.7.2 Safety recommendations (for information only) .....................................857.2.1 RF safety .......................................................................................857.2.1.1 General ....................................................................................857.2.1.2 Exposure to RF energy.............................................................857.2.1.3 Efficient terminal operation ......................................................857.2.1.4 Antenna care and replacement ................................................867.2.2 General safety................................................................................867.2.2.1 Driving.....................................................................................867.2.2.2 Electronic devices ....................................................................867.2.2.3 Vehicle electronic equipment ...................................................867.2.2.4 Medical electronic equipment ..................................................867.2.2.5 Aircraft ....................................................................................877.2.2.6 Children ...................................................................................877.2.2.7 Blasting areas..........................................................................877.2.2.8 Potentially explosive atmospheres ...........................................87
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 10 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Table of figuresFigure 1 : Functional architecture ................................................................... 18Figure 2 : Power supply during burst emission .............................................. 21Figure 3 : SPI Timing diagrams, Mode 0, Master, 4 wires.............................. 31Figure 4 : I²C Timing diagrams, Master .......................................................... 33Figure 5 : Ni-Cd / Ni-Mh charging waveform .................................................. 49Figure 6 : Li-Ion full charging waveform ......................................................... 50Figure 7 : Power-ON sequence (no PIN code activated).................................. 52Figure 8 : Power-OFF sequence...................................................................... 53Figure 9 : Reset sequence waveform.............................................................. 55Figure 10 : Real Time Clock power supply...................................................... 59Figure 11 : FLASH-LED state during RESET and Initialization time ................. 61Figure 12 : PCM Frame waveform.................................................................. 63Figure 13 : PCM Sampling waveform............................................................. 63Figure 14 : Environmental classes .................................................................. 72Figure 15 : Mechanical drawing ..................................................................... 74Figure 16 : Layout requirement ...................................................................... 79
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 11 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.CautionsThis platform  contains a modular  transmitter. This device is used for wireless applications. Note that all electronics parts and elements are ESD sensitive.Information  provided  herein  by  WAVECOM  is  accurate  and  reliable.  However no  responsibility  is  assumed  for  its  use  and  any  of  such  WAVECOM information  is  herein  provided  “as  is”  without  any  warranty  of  any  kind, whether express or implied.General information about WAVECOM and its range of products is available at the following internet address: http://www.wavecom.comTrademarks®, WAVECOM®, WISMO®, Open AT®and certain other trademarks and logos appearing  on  this  document,  are  filed  or  registered  trademarks  of  Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries. All other company and/or product names mentioned may be filed or registered trademarks of their respective owners.CopyrightThis manual is copyrighted by WAVECOM with all rights reserved. No part of this  manual  may  be  reproduced  in  any  form  without  the  prior  written permission  of  WAVECOM.  No  patent  liability  is  assumed  with  respect  to  the use of their respective owners.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 12 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.1References1.1 References documentsFor  more  details,  several  references  documents  can  be  consulted.  The WAVECOM  reference  documents  are  provided  in  the  WAVECOM  documents package  contrary  at  the  general  reference  documents  which  are  not WAVECOM owner.1.1.1 WAVECOM reference document[1] Automotive Environmental Control Plan for WISMO Quik Q2686 WM_PRJ_Q2686_DCP_001[2] WISMO Quik Q2686 Customer Design GuidelinesWM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_003[3] WISMO Quik Q2686 Process Customer GuidelinesWM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_004[4] AT Commands Interface Guide for OS 6.60WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_0031.1.2 General reference document[5] “I²C Bus Specification”, Version 2.0, Philips Semiconductor 1998[6] ISO 7816-3 Standard
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 13 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.1.2 List of abbreviationsAbbreviation DefinitionAC Alternative CurrentADC Analog to Digital ConverterA/D Analog to Digital conversionAF Audio-FrequencyAT ATtention (prefix for modem commands)AUX AUXiliaryCAN Controller Area NetworkCB Cell BroadcastCEP Circular Error ProbableCLK CLocKCMOS Complementary Metal Oxide SemiconductorCS Coding SchemeCTS Clear To SendDAC Digital to Analogue ConverterdB DecibelDC Direct CurrentDCD Data Carrier DetectDCE Data Communication EquipmentDCS Digital Cellular SystemDR Dynamic RangeDSR Data Set ReadyDTE Data Terminal EquipmentDTR Data Terminal ReadyEFR Enhanced Full RateE-GSM Extended GSMEMC ElectroMagnetic CompatibilityEMI ElectroMagnetic InterferenceEMS Enhanced Message ServiceEN ENableESD ElectroStatic DischargesFIFO First In First OutFR Full Rate
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 14 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Abbreviation DefinitionFTA Full Type ApprovalGND GrouNDGPI General Purpose InputGPC General Purpose ConnectorGPIO General Purpose Input OutputGPO General Purpose OutputGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM Global System for Mobile communicationsHR Half RateI/O Input / OutputLED Light Emitting DiodeLNA Low Noise AmplifierMAX MAXimumMIC MICrophoneMIN MINimumMMS Multimedia Message ServiceMO Mobile OriginatedMT Mobile Terminatedna Not ApplicableNF Noise FactorNMEA National Marine Electronics AssociationNOM NOMinalNTC Négative Temperature CoefficientPA Power AmplifierPa Pascal (for speaker sound pressure measurements)PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control CHannelPC Personal ComputerPCB Printed Circuit BoardPDA Personal Digital AssistantPFM Power Frequency ModulationPSM Phase Shift ModulationPWM Pulse Width ModulationRAM Random Access MemoryRF Radio Frequency
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 15 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Abbreviation DefinitionRFI Radio Frequency InterferenceRHCP Right Hand Circular PolarizationRI Ring IndicatorRST ReSeTRTC  Real Time ClockRTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime servicesRTS Request To SendRX Receive SCL Serial CLockSDA Serial DAtaSIM Subscriber Identification Wireless CPUSMS Short Message ServiceSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceSPL Sound Pressure LevelSPK SPeaKerSRAM Static RAMTBC To Be ConfirmedTDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTP Test PointTVS Transient Voltage SuppressorTX TransmitTYP TYPicalUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-TransmitterUSB Universal Serial BusUSSD Unstructured Supplementary Services DataVSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 16 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.2General description2.1 General informationWISMO Quik Q2686 is a self-contained E-GSM/GPRS 900/1800 and 850/1900 quad-band Wireless CPU including the following characteristics :2.1.1 Overall dimensions   Length: 40 mm  Width: 32.2 mm  Thickness: 4 mm2.1.2 Environment and mechanics  Green policy: RoHS compliant  Complete shieldingThe  Q2686  Wireless  CPU  is  compliant  with  RoHS  (Restriction  of Hazardous  Substances  in  Electrical  and  Electronic  Equipment)  Directive 2002/95/EC  which  sets  limits  for  the  use  of  certain  restricted  hazardous substances.  This  directive  states  that  “from  1st  July  2006,  new  electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium,  hexavalent  chromium,  polybrominated biphenyls  (PBB)  or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)”.Wireless CPUs which are compliant with this directive are identified by the RoHs logo on their label.2.1.3 GSM/GPRS Features  2 Watts EGSM 900/GSM 850 radio section running under 3.6 Volts  1 Watt GSM1800/1900 radio section running under 3.6 Volts  Hardware GPRS class 10 capable2.1.4 Interfaces  Digital section running under 2.8 Volts and 1.8V.  3V/1V8 SIM interface  Complete interfacing :oPower supplyoSerial linkoAnalogue audiooPCM digital audio oSIM cardoKeyboard
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 17 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.oUSB 2.0 slaveoSerial LCD (not available with AT commands)2.1.5 Operating system  Real Time Clock with calendar  Battery charger  Echo Cancellation + noise reduction (quadri codec)  Full GSM or GSM/GPRS Operating System stack2.1.6 Connection interfacesWISMO Quik Q2686 has four external connections :  Three for RF circuit:oUFL connector oSoldered connectionoIMP connection   One for base band signals:o100 pin I/O connector.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 18 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.2.2 Functional descriptionThe global architecture of WISMO Quik Q2686 is described below :AUDIOPOWERUART2PCMUART1USBSIM 1.8V/3VEBIDACADCGPIOSPI1I2CSPI2EXT_ITRFINTERFACESUPPLY INTERFACEAUDIO FILTERMEMORYFLASH / SRAMRFFRONT ENDRFTRANSCEIVERCOAXUFLIMPANTENNAQ2686BOARDTOBOARDINTERFACECONNECTORCHARGERRTCUSB detectionKEYPADFigure 1: Functional architecture
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 19 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.2.2.1 RF functionalitiesThe  Radio  Frequency  (RF)  range  comply  with  the  Phase  II  EGSM  900/DCS 1800 and GSM 850/PCS 1900 recommendation. The frequencies are :Transmit band (Tx) Receive band (Rx)GSM 850 824 to 849 MHz 869 to 894 MHzE-GSM 900 880 to 915 MHz 925 to 960 MHzDCS 1800 1710 to 1785 MHz 1805 to 1880 MHzPCS 1900 1850 to 1910 MHz 1930 to 1990 MHzThe Radio Frequency (RF) part is based on a specific quad band chip including:  a Digital low-IF receiver  a Quad-band LNAs (Low Noise Amplifier)  an Offset PLL (Phase Locked Loop) transmitter  a Frequency synthesizer  a Digitally controlled crystal oscillator (DCXO)  a Tx/Rx FEM ( Front-End Wireless CPU) for quad-band GSM/GPRS2.2.2 Baseband functionalitiesThe digital part of the WISMO Quik Q2686 is composed of a PCF5212 PHILIPS chip. This chipset is using a 0,18  µm CMOS mixed technology, which allows massive integration as well as low current consumption.2.3 Operating SystemWISMO Quik Q2686 is designed to  integrate various types of specific process applications such as vertical applications (telemetry, multimedia, automotive…).The  Operating  System  offers  a  set  of  AT  commands  to  control  the  Wireless CPU.  With  this  standard  Operating  System,  some  interfaces  of  the  Wireless CPU  are  not  available since  they  are  dependent  on  the  peripheral  devices connected to the Wireless CPU. The Operating System is Open AT®compliant.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 20 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.3Interfaces3.1 General Purpose Connector (GPC)A  100-pin  connector  is  provided  to interface  the  WISMO  Quik  Q2686  with  a board  containing  either  a  serial  LCD  Wireless  CPU,  a  keyboard,  a  SIM connector, or a battery connection. The available interfaces on the GPC are described below.chapter Name Driven by OS 6.60Not driven by OS 6.60Driven by Open AT®V4.00Not driven by Open AT®V4.003.4 Sérial Interface X X3.5 Keyboard Interface X X3.6 Main Sérial Link X X3.7 Auxiliary Sérial Link X X3.8 SIM Interface X X3.9 Général Purpose IO X X3.10 Analog to Digital ConverterX X3.11 Analog audio Interface X X3.12 Buzzer Output X X3.13 Battery Charging InterfaceX X3.17 External Interruption X X3.18 VCC_2V8 and VCC_1V8X X3.19 BAT-RTC (Backup Battery)X X3.20 FLASH-LED signal X X3.21 Digital Audio Interface (PCM)X X3.22 USB 2.0 Interface X X
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 21 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.3.2 Power supply3.2.1 Power supply descriptionThe power supply is one of the key issue in the design of a GSM terminal. Due to the bursted emission in GSM / GPRS, the power supply must be able to deliver high current peaks in a short time. During the peaks the ripple (Uripp) on the supply voltage must not exceed  a certain limit (see Table 1Power supply voltage“ Power Supply Voltage”).   In  communication  mode,  a  GSM/GPRS  class  2  terminal  emits  577µs radio bursts every 4.615ms. (See Figure 2)UrippVBATTTUrippT = 4,615 mst = 577 µsFigure 2: Power supply during burst emission  In communication  mode,  a GPRS class  10  terminal emits  1154µs  radio bursts every 4.615ms.Only  the  VBATT  power  supply  input  is  necessary  to  provide  the  Q2686 Wireless CPU.VBATT:   supplies directly the RF components with 3.6 V. It is essential to keep a minimum  voltage  ripple  at  this  connection  in  order  to  avoid  any  phase error. The RF Power Amplifier current (2.0 Apeak in GSM /GPRS mode) flows with a ratio of: o1/8 of the time (around 577µs every 4.615ms for GSM /GPRS cl. 2) and o2/8 of the time (around 1154µs every 4.615ms for GSM /GPRS cl. 10). The rising time is around 10µs.   is  internally  used  to  provide  through  several  regulators,  the  power supply VCC_2V8 and VCC_1V8 needed for the base band signals.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 22 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.The WISMO  QUIK Q2686 shielding case is the grounding. The ground has to be connected on the mother board through a complete layer on the PCB.Input power Supply VoltageVMIN VNOM VMAX Ripple max (Uripp)VBATT1,2 3.2 3.6 4.8 10mVppTable 1Power supply voltage(1): This value has to be guarantied during the burst (with 2.0A Peak in GSM or GPRS mode)(2): max operating Voltage Stationary Wave Ratio (VSWR) 2:1When  supplying  the  Wireless  CPU  with  a  battery,  the  total  impedance (battery+protections+PCB)should be <150 mOhms.When the Wireless CPU is in Alarm mode, no voltage must be applied on any pin  of  the  100-pin  connector  excepted  on  the  BAT-RTC  (pin  7  )  for  RTC operation, or ON/~OFF (pin 19) to power ON the Wireless CPU.3.2.2 Power consumptionThe power  consumption is depending  of the configuration  used.  That’s why, the  following  consumption  values  are  given  for  each  modes,  RF  bands  and software used (AT or Open AT™).All following information are given assuming a 50 RF output.The following consumption values are given by measurement on Wireless CPU samples, at temperature of 25°C.Three  VBATT values  are  used to  measure  the  consumption,  VBATTMIN (3.2V), VBATTMAX (4.8V) and VBATTTYP (3.6V). The average current is given for the three VBATT values and the peak current given is the maximal current peak measured with the three VBATT voltages.For  more  information  about  working  mode  description,  see  Appendix  of  AT Command Interface Guide OS 6.60 [4]For more information about consumption measurement procedure, see WISMO Quik Q2686 Customer Design Guidelines [2].
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 23 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Power consumption without Open AT®processingThe following measurement results are relevant when : there is no Open AT®application  the Open AT®application is disabled no processing is required by the Open AT®application Power consumption without Open AT®processingWorking modes parameters IMINaverageVBATT=4,8VINOMaverageVBATT=3,6VIMAXaverageVBATT=3,2VIMAXpeak unitAlarm Mode 21 16 15 µAPaging 9 (Rx burst occurrence ~2s) 15 17 18 160 RX mAFast Idle Mode Paging 2 (Rx burst occurrence ~0,5s) 17 18 19 160 RX mAPaging 9 (Rx burst occurrence ~2s) 1.5(1.5 to 1.75)1.6(1.6 to 1.9)1.7(1.7 to 2.05) 160 RX mASlow Idle Mode 1Paging 2 (Rx burst occurrence ~0,5s) 4(4 to 4.3)4.4(4.4 to 4.75)4.6(4.6 to 4.95) 160 RX mAFast Standby Mode 30 36 39 mASlow Standby Mode 1.4 1.4 1.5 mAPCL5 (TX power 33dBm) 210 218 222 1450 TX mA850/900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 6dBm) 81 89 92 270 TX mAPCL0 (TX power 33dBm) 145 153 157 850 TX mAConnected Mode1800/1900 MHz PCL19 (TX power 6dBm) 77 85 88 250 TX mAPCL3 (TX power 33dBm) 201 209 213 1450 TX mA850/900 MHz PCL17 (TX power 5dBm) 78 85 88 270 TX mAPCL3 (TX power 30dBm) 138 146 149 850 TX mATransfer  Modeclass  8 (4Rx/1Tx)1800/1900 MHz PCL18 (TX power 0dBm) 74 81 84 250 TX mAPCL3 (TX power 33dBm) 364 372 378 1450 TX mA850/900 MHz PCL17 (TX power 5dBm) 112 120 123 270 TX mAPCL3 (TX power 30dBm) 237 245 248 850 TX mATransfer Modeclass 10 (3Rx/2Tx)1800/1900 MHz PCL18 (TX power 0dBm) 104 111 115 250 TX mATX means that the current peak is the RF transmission burst (Tx burst)RX means that the current peak is the RF reception burst (Rx burst)1The  Slow  Idle  Mode consumption  is  depending  of  the  SIM  card  used.  Any SIM cards responses are speeder than others, more the response is long, more the consumption is high. The measurements have been preformed with many 3V  SIM  cards,  the  result  under  brackets  are  the  min  and  the  max  current measured among all the SIM used.
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WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 25 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Consumption waveforms samples.The  consumption  waveforms  a  given  for  a  EGSM900  network  configuration, with an AT software running inside the Q2686/X60 Wireless CPU.The VBATT voltage as the typical value of 3.6V.Four significant workings modes consumption waveforms are described : Connected Mode (PCL5 : Tx power 33dBm) Slow Idle mode (Paging 9) Fast idle mode (Paging 9) Transfer mode (GPRS class 10, PCL3 : Tx power 33dBm )The following waveform provide only the form of the current, for good current values, see chapter and Connected mode current waveformConnected mode  33dBmCurrent(A) / Time (s) PEAK
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WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 61 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.See  chapter  “3.3 Electrical  information  for  digital  I/O”  for  Open  drain,  2V8  and  1V8  voltage characteristics and for Reset state definition.Undefined2sModule Status~RESETpin 18FLASH-LEDpin 171led OFFFigure 11 : FLASH-LED state during RESET and Initialization timeThe FLASH-LED state is high during the RESET time and undefined during the software initialization time. During software initialization time, during 2 seconds max after RESET cancellation , the FLASH-LED signal is toggling and it doesn’t provide the Wireless CPU status. After the 2s, the FLASH-LED provides the true status of the Wireless CPU.Electrical characteristics of the signalParameter Condition Minimum Typ Maximum UnitVOL 0.4 VIOUT 8 mA
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WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 70 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Signal Name Signal NameDescription I/O* VoltageMux NominalPin Number Nominal MuxVoltage I/O* DescriptionNC-7 87 88 NC-6NC-9 89 90 NC-8NC-11 91 92 NC-10NC-13 93 94 NC-12NC-15 95 96 NC-14NC-17 97 98 NC-16NC-19 99 100 NC-18*The I/O direction information is concerning only the nominal signal. When the signal is configured in GPIO, it can always be an Input or an Output.** For more information about the multiplexing of those signals, see “General purpose input /output” chapter 3.9
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WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 76 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.5.4 SpeakerPossible suppliers :  SANYO  HOSIDEN  PRIMO  PHILIPS5.5 Antenna CableA wide variety of cables fitted with UF-L connectors is proposed by HIROSE :  UF-L pigtails,  Ex :Ref = U.FL-2LP(V)-04-A-(100)  UF-L  Ref = U.FL-R-SMT  UF-L cable assemblies,  Between series cable assemblies.More information is also available from  coaxial  cable  can  be  also  soldered  on  the  RF  pad.  The  following  reference has been qualified for being mounted on WISMO Quik Q2686:  RG178  RG3165.6 RF Board to board connectorThe  supplier  for  the  IMP  connector  is  Radiall  ( with the following reference :   R107 064 900.5.7 GSM antennaGSM  antennas  and  support  for  antenna  adaptation  can  be  obtained  from manufacturers such as:  ALLGON ( )  IRSCHMANN ( )
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 77 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.6Design GuidelinesThe purpose of the following paragraphs is to give design guidelines. 6.1 HARDWARE and RF6.1.1 EMC recommendationsThe EMC tests have to be performed as soon as possible on the application to detect any possible problem.When designing, special attention should be paid to:  Possible spurious emission radiated by the application to the RF receiver in the receiver band  ESD  protection  is  mandatory on  all  signals  which  have  external accessibility  (  typically  human  accessibility  ).  See  WISMO  Quik  Q2686 Customer  Design  Guidelines  WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_003  [2] for  ESD protection samples. oTypically ESD protection is mandatory for :  SIM (if accessible from outside)  serial link,…  EMC  protection  on  audio  input/output  (filters  against  900MHz emissions)  Biasing of the microphone inputs  Length of the SIM interface lines (preferably <10cm)  Ground  plane :  WAVECOM  recommends  to  have  a  common  ground plane for analog / digital / RF grounds.  Metallic case or plastic casing with conductive paint are recommendedNote :The Wireless CPU does not include any protection against overvoltage.6.1.2 Power SupplyThe power supply is one of the key issues in the design of a GSM terminal.A weak power supply design could affect in particular :  EMC performances  the emissions spectrum   the phase error and frequency errorWARNING:Careful attention should be paid to :
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 78 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.  Quality of the power supply : low ripple, PFM or PSM systems should be avoided (PWM converter preferred).  Capacity  to  deliver  high  current  peaks  in  a  short  time  (pulsed  radio emission).6.1.3 Layout requirement
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 79 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Figure 16 : Layout requirement
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 80 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.6.1.4 AntennaWARNING:Wavecom strongly recommends to work with an antenna manufacturer either to  develop  an  antenna  adapted  to  the  application  or  to  adapt  an  existing solution to the application. Both the mechanical and electrical antenna adaptation is one of the key issues in the design of the GSM terminal.6.2 Mechanical integrationAttention should be paid to :  Antenna cable integration (bending, length, position, etc)  Legs of the Wireless CPU to be soldered on the Ground plane6.3 Operating System upgradeThe  WISMO  Quik  Q2686  Operating  System  is  stored  in  flash  memory  and  it can easily be upgraded.IMPORTANT:In order to follow the regular evolutions of the GPRS standard and to offer state of  the  art  Operating  System,  Wavecom  recommends  that  the  application designed around a WISMO (or WISMO based product) allows easy Operating System  upgrades  on  the  Wireless  CPU  via  the  standard  Xmodem  protocol. Therefore, the application shall either allow a direct access to the WISMO serial link through an external connector or implement any mechanism allowing the WISMO Operating System to be downloaded via Xmodem.The  Operating  System  file  can  be  downloaded  into  the  modem  using  the Xmodem  protocol.  AT+WDWL  command  allows  to  launch  the  download process (see description in the AT command User Guide.The necessary serial signals to proceed with the Xmodem downloading are:Rx, Tx, RTS, CTS and GND.The Operating System file can be also downloaded into the modem using the DOTA (download over the air) feature. This feature is available with Open AT®interface. For more detail, please, refer to the Open AT®documentation.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 81 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.7Appendix7.1 Standards and RecommendationsGSM ETSI, 3GPP, GCF and NAPRD03 recommendations for Phase II & FCC.Specification Reference Title3GPP  TS  45.005  v5.5.0 (2002-08) Release 5Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio Access Network; Radio transmission and receptionGSM  02.07  V8.0.0  (1999-07)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile  Stations  (MS)  features  (GSM02.07  version 8.0.0 Release 1999)GSM  02.60  V8.1.0  (1999-07)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);General  Packet  Radio  Service  (GPRS);  Service description, Stage 1 (GSM 02.60 version8.1.0 Release 1999)GSM  03.60  V7.9.0  (2002-09)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase2+); General  Packet  Radio  Service  (GPRS);  Service description; Stage 2 (Release 1998)3GPP  TS  43.064  V5.0.0 (2002-04)Technical  Specification  Group  GERAN;  Digital  cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio  Service  (GPRS);  Overall  description  of  the  GPRS radio interface; Stage 2 (Release 5)3GPP  TS  03.22  V8.7.0 (2002-08)Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio Access  Network;  Functions  related  to  Mobile  Station (MS)  in  idle  mode  and  group  receive  mode;  (Release 1999)3GPP  TS  03.40  V7.5.0 (2001-12)Technical Specification Group Terminals;Technical  realization  of  the  Short  Message  Service (SMS)(Release 1998)3GPP  TS  03.41  V7.4.0(2000-09)Technical  Specification  Group  Terminals;  Technical realization  of  Cell  Broadcast  Service  (CBS) (Release 1998)ETSI  EN  300  903  V8.1.1(2000-11)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Transmission planning aspects of the speech service in the GSMPublic  Land  Mobile  Network  (PLMN)  system (GSM 03.50 version 8.1.1 Release 1999)
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 82 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Specification Reference Title3GPP  TS  04.06  V8.2.1 (2002-05)Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network;  Mobile  Station  -Base  Station  System  (MS  -BSS)  interface;  Data  Link  (DL)  layer  specification (Release 1999)3GPP  TS  04.08  V7.18.0 (2002-09)Technical Specification Group Core Network;Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile  radio  interface  layer  3  specification  (Release 1998)3GPP  TS  04.10  V7.1.0 (2001-12)Technical Specification Group Core Networks;Mobile  radio  interface  layer  3  Supplementary  services specification; General aspects (Release 1998)3GPP TS  04.11  V7.1.0(2000-09)Technical  Specification  Group  Core  Network;  Digital cellular  telecommunications  system  (Phase2+); Point-to-Point  (PP)  Short  Message  Service  (SMS) support on mobile radio interface(Release 1998)3GPP  TS  45.005  v5.5.0 (2002-08)Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE.  Radio Access  Network;  Radio  transmission  and  reception (Release 5)3GPP  TS  45.008  V5.8.0 (2002-08)Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGERadio  Access  Network;  Radio  subsystem  link  control (Release 5)3GPP  TS  45.010  V5.1.0 (2002-08)Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGERadio  Access  Network;  Radio  subsystem synchronization (Release 5)3GPP  TS  46.010  V5.0.0 (2002-06)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Full rate speech; Transcoding (Release 5)3GPP  TS  46.011  V5.0.0 (2002-06)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Full  rate  speech;  Substitution  and  muting  of  lost frames forfull rate speech channels (Release 5)3GPP  TS  46.012  V5.0.0 (2002-06)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Full  rate  speech;  Comfort  noise  aspect  for  full  rate speech traffic channels (Release 5)
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 83 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.Specification Reference Title3GPP  TS  46.031  V5.0.0 (2002-06)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Full rate speech; Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) for full rate speech traffic channels (Release 5)3GPP  TS  46.032  V5.0.0 (2002-06)Technical  Specification  Group  Services  and  System Aspects;Full  rate  speech;  Voice  Activity  Detector  (VAD)  for  full rate speech traffic channels (Release 5)TS  100  913V8.0.0 (1999-08)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);General  on  Terminal  Adaptation  Functions  (TAF)  for Mobile  Stations  (MS)  (GSM  07.01  version  8.0.0 Release 1999)GSM  09.07  V8.0.0 (1999-08)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);General  requirements  on  interworking  between  the Public  Land  Mobile  Network  (PLMN)  and  the  Integrated  Services  Digital  Network  (ISDN)  or  Public Switched  Telephone  Network  (PSTN)  (GSM  09.07 version 8.0.0 Release 1999)3GPP  TS  51.010-1  v5.0.0 (2002-09)Technical  Specification  Group  GSM/EDGE;  Radio Access  Network;Digital  cellular  telecommunications system  (Phase  2+);Mobile  Station  (MS)  conformance specification;  Part  1:  Conformance  specification (Release 5)3GPP  TS  51.011  V5.0.0 (2001-12)Technical  Specification  Group  Terminals;  Specification of  the  Subscriber  Identity  Module  -Mobile  Equipment (SIM -ME) interface (Release 5)ETS 300 641 (1998-03) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);Specification of the 3 Volt Subscriber Identity Module -Mobile  Equipment  (SIM-ME)  interface  (GSM  11.12 version 4.3.1)GCF-CC V3.7.1 (2002-08) Global Certification Forum –Certification criteria NAPRD03 V2.6.0 (2002-06)  North  America  Permanent  Reference  Document  for PTCRB testsThe Q2686 Wireless CPU connected on a development kit board application is certified to be in accordance with the following Rules and Regulations of the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC).Power listed on the Gant is conducted for Part 22 and conducted for Part 24This device contains GSM, GPRS Class 10 functions in the 900
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 84 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.and 1800MHz Band which are not operational in U.S. Territories.This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed applications. The antenna(s) usedfor this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20cmfrom all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.Antennas used for this OEM module must not exceed 3.3dBi gain for PCS 1900 MHzand 6dBd(8.14dBi) GSM 850 MHz for mobile and fixed operating configurations. This device isapprove as a module to be installed in other devices.Installed in other portable devices, the exposure conditions required a separate equipment authorization.The license module had a FCC ID label on the module itself. The FCC ID label must be visible through a window or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily removed.  If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the device that contains the following text: Contains FCC ID: O9EQ2686 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating Q2686 Wireless CPU are advised to• clarify any regulatory questions,• have their completed product tested,• have product approved for FCC compliance, and• include instructions according to above mentioned RF exposure statements in end product user manual.Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsiblefor  compliance  could  void  the  user’s  authority  to  operate  the  equipment.
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 85 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.7.2 Safety recommendations (for information only)IMPORTANTFOR THE EFFICIENT AND SAFE OPERATION OF YOUR GSM APPLICATION BASED ON WISMO Quik Q2686PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY7.2.1 RF safety7.2.1.1 GeneralYour GSM terminal1is based on the GSM standard for cellular technology. The GSM  standard  is spread  all  over  the  world.  It  covers  Europe,  Asia  and  some parts  of  America  and  Africa.  This  is  the  most  used  telecommunication standard.Your  GSM  terminal  is  actually  a  low  power  radio  transmitter  and  receiver.  It sends  out  and  receives  radio  frequency  energy.  When  you  use  your  GSM application,  the  cellular  system  which  handles  your  calls  controls  both  the radio frequency and the power level of your cellular modem. Exposure to RF energyThere  has  been  some  public  concern  about  possible  health  effects  of  using GSM  terminals.  Although  research  on  health  effects  from  RF  energy  has focused  on the  current  RF  technology  for  many  years,  scientists  have  begun research  regarding  newer  radio  technologies,  such  as  GSM.  After  existing research  had  been  reviewed,  and  after  compliance  to  all  applicable  safety standards had been tested, it has been concluded that the product was fitted for use.If you are concerned about exposure to RF energy there are things you can do to minimize exposure. Obviously, limiting the duration of your calls will reduce your  exposure  to  RF  energy.  In  addition,  you  can  reduce  RF  exposure  by operating your cellular terminal efficiently by following the below guidelines. Efficient terminal operationFor  your  GSM  terminal to  operate  at  the  lowest  power  level, consistent  with satisfactory call quality :If your terminal has an extendible antenna, extend it fully. Some models allow you  to  place  a  call  with  the  antenna  retracted.  However  your GSM  terminal operates more efficiently with the antenna fully extended.Do not hold the antenna when the terminal is «IN USE ». Holding the antenna affects  call  quality  and  may  cause  the  modem  to  operate  at  a  higher  power level than needed.1based on WISMO2D
WM_PRJ_Q2686_PTS_001April 4th 2006confidential ©Page : 86 / 87This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Antenna care and replacementDo not use the GSM terminal with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Replace a damaged antenna  immediately.  Consult  your  manual  to  see  if  you  may  change  the antenna yourself. If so, use only a manufacturer-approved antenna. Otherwise, have your antenna repaired by a qualified technician.Use  only  the  supplied  or  approved  antenna.  Unauthorized  antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the terminal and may contravene local RF emission regulations or invalidate type approval.7.2.2 General safety7.2.2.1 DrivingCheck the laws and the regulations regarding the use of cellular devices in the area where you have to drive as you always have to comply with them. When using your GSM terminal while driving, please :  give full attention to driving,  pull  off  the  road  and  park  before  making  or  answering  a  call  if  driving conditions so require. Electronic devicesMost  electronic  equipment,  for  example  in  hospitals  and  motor  vehicles  is shielded  from  RF  energy.  However  RF  energy  may  affect  some  improperly shielded electronic equipment. Vehicle electronic equipmentCheck  your  vehicle  manufacturer  representative  to  determine  if  any  on-board electronic equipment is adequately shielded from RF energy. Medical electronic equipmentConsult  the  manufacturer  of  any  personal  medical  devices  (such  as pacemakers,  hearing  aids,  etc...)  to  determine  if  they are  adequately  shielded from external RF energy.Turn your terminal OFF in health care facilities when any regulations posted in the area instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using RF monitoring equipment.
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