Sierra Wireless ULC WMOI3A Transmitter module for mobile applications User Manual

Sierra Wireless, Inc. Transmitter module for mobile applications Users Manual


Users Manual

WMOi3 Integrated ModemMain Electrical Parameterand FunctionalSpecification 1                                     Users Manual
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.2Contents / Sommaire1 Introduction ................................................................................... 31.1 Scope ..................................................................................................... 32 Generality....................................................................................... 32.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 32.2 Physical characteristics........................................................................... 32.3 Integrated Modem Design ...................................................................... 43 Interface Description ..................................................................... 53.1 The main connector................................................................................ 53.2 PIN Description....................................................................................... 83.2.1 Power Supply ......................................................................................... 83.2.2 Serial Link RS232......................................................................................... 83.2.3 Remote SIM Interface ............................................................................. 93.2.4 Audio...................................................................................................... 93.3 SIM Interface........................................................................................ 113.4 RF Interface .......................................................................................... 114 Connectors................................................................................... 124.1 Interface Connector .............................................................................. 124.2 RF Connector........................................................................................ 125 Safety Precautions .......................................................................135.1 Safety in explosive substance environments......................................... 135.2 Aircraft safety....................................................................................... 135.3 Safety in medical equipment environments .......................................... 135.4 Vehicle safety ....................................................................................... 135.5 Precautions in case of loss or theft ....................................................... 145.6 Precautions for antenna release............................................................ 145.7 Conclusion............................................................................................ 14
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.31 Introduction1. ScopeScopeScopeScopeThis document describes the interfaces, the technical specifications, the mainelectrical parameters and functional descriptions for the integrated modemcalled WMOi3. This product includes a WM2C-G900-G1900 EGSM/PCS dualband module (pls refer to the WM2C-G900/G1900 specifications).2 Generality2. OverviewOverviewOverviewOverviewThe integrated modem is a product with a sole connector which puts togetherall the interface signals in order to facilitate its integration.It has an integrated SIM connector as well as a standard RF connector typeMMCX (Miniature Micro Connector). Physical characteristicsPhysical characteristicsPhysical characteristicsPhysical characteristicsThe WMOI3 integrated modem has a complete self-contained shield.The physical characteristics are the following ones:Physical characteristic QualificationDimensionAbsolute maximumdimension46 x64 x 12.4mmWeight About 80 gVolume 36.21 cm3Case Zamack +stainless steel
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Integrated Modem DesignIntegrated Modem DesignIntegrated Modem DesignIntegrated Modem Design
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.53 Interface Description3. The main connectorThe main connectorThe main connectorThe main connectorThis is a 50 pins interface connector with a pitch of 1.27 from SAMTEC,referenced FTS-125-01-L-DV. FTS-125-01-L-DV. FTS-125-01-L-DV. FTS-125-01-L-DV. (see figure1)Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1 : 50 pins connector Bottom view : 50 pins connector Bottom view : 50 pins connector Bottom view : 50 pins connector Bottom viewGND+5VGNDSPK2NSPK2PSPK1PSPK1NMIC2PMIC2NMIC1PMIC1NGNDGPIO0CT104/RXCT105/RTSCOL4COL2COL0ROW3ROW1SPI_ENSPI_CLKSIMRSTSIMPRES1GNDGND+5VCT109/DCDGPIO2CT125/RIGPIO1CT106/CTSON/~OFFAUXV0~RSTGNDBOOTCT103/TXCT107/DSRCT108-2/DTRCOL3COL1ROW4ROW2ROW0GNDSPI_IOSIMCLKSIMVCCSIMDATA1357911131517192123252729313335373941434547492468101214161820222426283032343638404244464850
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.6The following table describes the electrical characteristics of the interface.Some signals require particular connections and are specified in boldcharacters.Pin #Pin #Pin #Pin # NameNameNameName I/OI/OI/OI/O I/O typeI/O typeI/O typeI/O type DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescription CommentCommentCommentComment1 GND GROUND High current2 GND GROUND High current3 +5V I Supply High current4 +5V I Supply High current5 CT109/DCD O CMOS/2X RS232-Data CarrierDetect6 GND GROUND High current7 GPIO2 I/O CMOS/2X General Purpose I/O8 SPK2N O Analog Speaker2 negativeoutput9 CT125/RI O CMOS/2X RS232-Ring Indicator10 SPK2P O Analog Speaker 2 positiveoutput11 GPIO1 I/O CMOS/2X General Purpose I/O12 SPK1P O Analog Speaker 1 positiveoutput13 CT106/CTS O 1X RS232 interface ClearTo Send14 SPK1N O Analog Speaker 1 negativeoutput15 ON/~OFF I Power ON/OFF control16 MIC2P I Analog Microphone 2 positiveinput17 AUXV0 I Analog Auxiliary ADC input18 MIC2N I Analog Microphone 2 negativeinput19 ~RST~RST~RST~RST I Reset active low Open CollectorOpen CollectorOpen CollectorOpen Collector20 MIC1P I Analog Microphone 1 positiveinput21 GNDGNDGNDGND I Ground22 MIC1N I Analog Microphone 1 negativeinput23 BOOTBOOTBOOTBOOT I BOOT Open CollectorOpen CollectorOpen CollectorOpen Collector24 GND GROUND High current25 CT103/TXCT103/TXCT103/TXCT103/TX I RS232 interface -Transmit Pull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100KΩΩΩΩwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not used26 GPIO0 I/O CMOS/2X General Purpose I/O27 CT107/DSR O 1X RS232 interfaceData Set Ready28 CT104/RX O 1X RS232 interface –Receive
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.729 CT108-CT108-CT108-CT108-2/DTR2/DTR2/DTR2/DTR I RS232 interfaceData Terminal Ready Pull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100KΩΩΩΩwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not used30 CT105/RTSCT105/RTSCT105/RTSCT105/RTS I RS232 interfaceRequest To Send Pull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCPull up to VCCwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100Kwith 100KΩΩΩΩwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not usedwhen not used31 COL3 I/O 1X Keyboard column32 COL4 I/O 1X Keyboard column33 COL1 I/O 1X Keyboard column34 COL2 I/O 1X Keyboard column35 ROW4 I/O 1X Keyboard row36 COL0 I/O 1X Keyboard column37 ROW2 I/O 1X Keyboard row38 ROW3 I/O 1X Keyboard row39 ROW0 I/O 1X Keyboard row40 ROW1 I/O 1X Keyboard row41 GND GROUND High current42 SPI_EN O 1X SPI enable43 SPI_IO I/O 1X I2C Data or SPI Data44 SPI_CLK O 1X I2C Clock or SPI Clock45 SIMCLKSIMCLKSIMCLKSIMCLK O 2X Clock for SIM Interface 3V mode3V mode3V mode3V mode46 SIMRSTSIMRSTSIMRSTSIMRST O 2X Reset for SIM interface 3V mode3V mode3V mode3V mode47 SIMVCCSIMVCCSIMVCCSIMVCC O SIM card supply 3V mode3V mode3V mode3V mode 6mA  6mA  6mA  6mA maxmaxmaxmax48 SIMPRES1SIMPRES1SIMPRES1SIMPRES1 I SIM card detect Connected toConnected toConnected toConnected toSIM connectorSIM connectorSIM connectorSIM connectorpin 8.Pin 4 of SIMPin 4 of SIMPin 4 of SIMPin 4 of SIMconnector mustconnector mustconnector mustconnector mustbe pulled downbe pulled downbe pulled downbe pulled downto GND with 1to GND with 1to GND with 1to GND with 1KKKKΩΩΩΩ49 SIMDATASIMDATASIMDATASIMDATA I/O 3X I/O for SIM interface 3V mode3V mode3V mode3V mode50 GND GROUND High currentNota : VCC could be either 3V or 5V.Nota : VCC could be either 3V or 5V.Nota : VCC could be either 3V or 5V.Nota : VCC could be either 3V or 5V.All digital I/O are CMOS 3V compatible.Operating conditionsParameter I/O type Min Max ConditionVIL CMOS -0.5V 0.8VVIH CMOS 2.1V 3.0V1X 0.2V IOL   = -1 mA2X 0.2V IOL   = -2 mAVOL3X 0.2V IOL   = -3 mA1X 2.6V IOH   =  1 mAVOH 2X 2.6V IOH   =  2 mA
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.83X 2.6V IOH   =  3 mA3. PIN DescriptionPIN DescriptionPIN DescriptionPIN Description3.   Power Supply  Power Supply  Power Supply  Power SupplyThe main power supply will be provided through a double connection.These connections are respectively the pin 3 and 4 for the +5V and the pins 1and 2 for the ground (GND).The power supply is  5V +/-5% 1A.3.2.2  Serial Link RS232This interface is needed for communication with a remote terminal withrespect to the RS232 V.28 standard levels. As the integrated modem does notinclude a transceiver MAX3238 or MAX3237, this one has to be added outsidewith a SUBD9. The connection between the WMOi3 and the transceiver mustnot exceed 10 cm. The table below lists the needed signals for this interface :PIN numberPIN numberPIN numberPIN number SignalSignalSignalSignal DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescription5 DCD Data Carrier Detect28 RX Reception25 TX Transmission29 DTR Data Terminal Ready27 DSR Data Set Ready30 RTS Request To Send13 CTS Clear To Send9 RING Ring indicator2GND GroundWhen the RS232 V.28 level is not needed, the above signals can be used asTTL 3V CMOS compatible signals.Application example needing V.28 levels :Application example needing V.28 levels :Application example needing V.28 levels :Application example needing V.28 levels :Integratedmodem50 PINCONNECTORRS 232INTERFACETRANSCEIVER+SUBD9PC10 cm max.Standard RS232
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.   Remote SIM Interface  Remote SIM Interface  Remote SIM Interface  Remote SIM InterfaceA SIM connector is already integrated on the integrated modem (see 3.3 SIMinterface). However there is the possibility to implement a remote SIMconnector using the signals described in the table below.PIN numberPIN numberPIN numberPIN number SignalSignalSignalSignal47 SIMVCC46 SIMRST45 SIMCLK50 GND49 SIMDATA48 SIMPRES3.   Audio  Audio  Audio  AudioThe modem allows the connection of a handset or a headset through AUDIOsignalsThe audio end stage  must respects the following specifications : Microphone 2The MIC2 inputs are differential ones. They already include the convenientbiasing for an electret microphone (0,5 mA and 2 Volts). This electretmicrophone can be directly connected on these inputs. The impedance of themicrophone 2 has to be around 2kΩ. These inputs are the standard ones for anhandset design while MIC1 inputs can be connected to an external headset ora handsfree kit.The gain of MIC2 inputs is internally adjusted. The gain can be tuned from30dB to 51dB. The connexion to the microphone is direct.Pin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionSignalSignalSignalSignal Pin #Pin #Pin #Pin # I/OI/OI/OI/O I/O typeI/O typeI/O typeI/O type DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionMIC2P 16 I Analog Microphone 2 positiveinputMIC2N 18 I Analog Microphone 2 negativeinput
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Microphone 1The MIC1 inputs are differential and do not include internal bias. To use theseinputs with an electret microphone, bias has to be generated outside theWMOI3 modem according to the characteristic of this electret microphone.These inputs are the standard ones used for an external headset or a handsfreekit. The connection can be either differential or single-ended but using adifferential connection in order to reject common mode noise and TDMA noiseis recommended. When using a single-ended connection, be sure to have avery good ground plane, a very good filtering as well as shielding in order toavoid any disturbance on the audio path.The gain of MIC1 inputs is internally adjusted. The gain can be tuned from30dB to 51dB. Pin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionSignalSignalSignalSignal Pin #Pin #Pin #Pin # I/OI/OI/OI/O I/O typeI/O typeI/O typeI/O type DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionMIC1P 20 I Analog Microphone 1 positiveinputMIC1N 22 I Analog Microphone 1 negativeinput3.2.4.3 Speaker 2Speaker outputs SPK2 are push-pull amplifiers and can be loaded down to 50Ohms and up to 1nF. These outputs are differential and the output power canbe adjusted by step of 2dB. The output can be directly connected  to a speaker.The connection can be differential or single-ended but using a differentialconnection to reject common mode noise and TDMA noise is recommended.When using a single-ended connection, be sure to have a very good groundplane, a very good filtering as well as shielding in order to avoid anydisturbance on the audio path.Pin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionSignalSignalSignalSignal Pin #Pin #Pin #Pin # I/OI/OI/OI/O I/O typeI/O typeI/O typeI/O type DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionSPK2P 10 O Analog Speaker 2 positive outputSPK2N 8 O Analog Speaker 2 negative output
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable. Speaker 1Speaker outputs SPK1 are push-pull amplifiers and can be loaded down to 50Ohms and up to 1nF. These outputs are differential and the output power canbe adjusted by step of 2dB. The output can be directly connected to a speaker.The connection can be differential or single-ended but using a differentialconnection to reject common mode noise and TDMA noise is recommended.When using a single-ended connection, be sure to have a very good groundplane, a very good filtering as well as a shielding in order to avoid anydisturbance on the audio path.Pin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionPin descriptionSignalSignalSignalSignal Pin #Pin #Pin #Pin # I/OI/OI/OI/O I/O typeI/O typeI/O typeI/O type DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionSPK1P 12 O Analog Speaker 1 positive outputSPK1N 14 O Analog Speaker 1 negative output3. SIM InterfaceSIM InterfaceSIM InterfaceSIM InterfaceThe provided SIM connector has been designed for 3V technology for 3V technology for 3V technology for 3V technology SIMs only.SIMs only.SIMs only.SIMs only.The remote Sim  connector must be placed    at 10cm max. from the WMOi3. RF InterfaceRF InterfaceRF InterfaceRF InterfaceThe RF connector is MMCX (Miniature Micro Connector) standard type for asurface mounting.An antenna can be directly connected through the matting connector  or usinga small MMCX / SMA adapter.The antenna must comply with the following specifications :EGSMEGSMEGSMEGSM PCSPCSPCSPCSFrequency RXFrequency RXFrequency RXFrequency RX 925 to 960 MHz 1930 to 1990 MHzFrequency TXFrequency TXFrequency TXFrequency TX 880 to 915 MHz 1850 to 1910 MHzImpedanceImpedanceImpedanceImpedance 50 
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.124 Connectors4. Interface ConnectorInterface ConnectorInterface ConnectorInterface ConnectorThe main connector is a 50 pins interface connector from SAMTEC.ReferenceReferenceReferenceReference TypeTypeTypeType RemarksRemarksRemarksRemarksCLP-125-02-L-D Low Profile Standard connector used on starter kit boardFLE-125-02-S-D HighProfile To be used if you place components below the modemFFSD-25-04.00-01-NFlat cable TBD4. RF ConnectorRF ConnectorRF ConnectorRF ConnectorThe standard RF connector is a MMCX type (Miniature MicroConnector) from Amphenol, IMS, ….Amphenol Reference Type Coax cable reference908-41300 Straight plug RG-174, 188, 316908-41200 Straight plug RG-178, 196908-43300 Right Angle plug RG-174, 188, 316908-43200 Right Angle plug RG-178, 196
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.135 Safety PrecautionsIt is important to follow any special regulations regarding the use of radioequipment due in particular to the possibility of radio frequency, RF,interference. Please follow the safety advice given below carefully.  Safety in explosive substance environments Safety in explosive substance environments Safety in explosive substance environments Safety in explosive substance environments• WMOI3 is not recommended to be used in a gas station.• In fuel depots, chemical plants and locations where explosives areignited , users are reminded to comply with restrictions regarding theuse of radio devices.  Aircraft safety Aircraft safety Aircraft safety Aircraft safetyThe use of WMOI3 on board aircraft is forbidden by law. Consequently, SwitchOFF OFF OFF OFF your modem when in an aircraft, disrupt the cellular network is illegal.Failure to observe this instruction may lead to suspension or denial of cellulartelephone services to the offender, or legal action or both. Safety in medical equipment environmentsSafety in medical equipment environmentsSafety in medical equipment environmentsSafety in medical equipment environments Switch OFFOFFOFFOFF your WMOI3 when in hospital. There may be a hazard associatedwith the operation of your modem close to inadequately protected personalmedical devices such as hearing aids and pacemakers. Please address allquestions to the medical devices manufacturer to determine if it is adequatelyprotected.  Vehicle safety Vehicle safety Vehicle safety Vehicle safety• Do not use your WMOI3 modem while driving, unless equipped with acorrectly installed vehicle hands-free kit.• Comply with national regulations on the use of cellular telephones invehicles.• If incorrectly installed in a vehicle, the WMOI3 modem could interferewith the correct functioning of vehicle electronics. To avoid suchproblems, ensure that the installation has been performed by a skilledpersonnel.• Safety on the road requires that it is not permitted to signal incomingcalls by sounding the vehicle’s horn or flashing the lights.
WMOi3 integrated Modemconfidential©This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulgedwithout prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriété exlcusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peutêtre communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable.  Precautions in case of loss or theft Precautions in case of loss or theft Precautions in case of loss or theft Precautions in case of loss or theftIn case of missing your WMOI3 and/or your SIM card, please notify yournetwork operator immediately in order to avoid misuse.  Precautions for antenna release Precautions for antenna release Precautions for antenna release Precautions for antenna releaseIt is important to make sure that the antenna stands in an open space for aproper functioning of the WMOI3 wireless modem. ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusionYour WMOi3 modem is the product of advanced engineering, design andcraftsmanship carried out by Wavecom and it should be treated with care.

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