Signify 9290013016X LED Lamp User Manual TempConfidential User Manula Revise 1
Philips Lighting(China) Investment Co.,Ltd. LED Lamp TempConfidential User Manula Revise 1
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TempConfidential_User Manula_Revise 1
PHILIPS In personal I lee wireless I I U lighting a Philips Lighting Holding av. 2015 >Rretofeleericshodrepomtieederioewheiedlreah med ”NEH. -eeiore rephcire. tron nfi power and lstthe bulb cool to amid EEdIiGl iitxk a! hunt ~The device is for indoor use only ' anusalhami'lm “Wilhfilmmnr outdoors, ciPEiumut: IBI'RUCTIONS: >This devise ts mdefisnad oiiriterided to be used by children I2 yars ofage or younger ~Do nm place the device on hot surfaces, 'Farsafely reasons, do rm open device. whichwitl also void the warranty. >Usethe bidbonlv in a scam rated iorthisbutti quI'ED wmtn'v: Philips warrants thatthis devicewil he hoe riom defects in material and vrnrlintanship and willoperate ror2 years based on upon 3 hours average usage per day/7 days per week. when used as directed, irmlsdonde doesnot conform to the warranty, Philips will send you, at its olnction. iii repuoemem devioe or rerund your ”final primrose price upon receipt ortite retumed devioe. register reoeiptand proof ofwrchtse. Pieose ail our mllefvee numoer leanmssseposo. write to Phi is (addrss lndiated on the padaging) ortrisit i. annurce luminan- aoua tension I1 IIIlIllIl Mn Immflhul mullx z. Demane l-appttcatton ihteetsiils res lrrstntctti-ts Pour en savoir plus sur le wnéme Hue et sort utilisation. inside: Ie ma www.mflamuemt FCC iD Hueampiance bianche lamps nan-rte E12 LED i'ampoute : mamzsuatzmat Kit: in Hue arnb'unee bianche en mines lamps narnme E12 LED l'imvwle .zl-vsawmoo'laolsx ED i. Paltru your right “In and mm on your-wall IIIM writer 1 start the Hue Int: Iridioilowme institutions Plea: so towwwmeediuecom to learn more about Hue and hawto uselt. FCC ID Hue white ambiance candle Elz LED lamp: MBWBEODIBMEX FCC ID Hue white and ootoroartdle Etz LED lamp: ZAGEwszsootsolsx rm up mm m hat-ICE: themes or modifications madeto this device not expressly approved by Philips Uehtine North Amerlra Corporation ('Philips') may void the us RI and Canadian audroruation to operate this device. The advanced interlude module oomplies with Fix ridlitiun exposure llmts set thuran umm‘rolled ei-ivaonment. This device shotld helnsrailed and operated with a minimum distanm or 20 centimeters oetween the radiator and your body. The minufsflum is not Mmmhle for any radio chV interferenceceiused by unauthorized modifications to this flulpmem Sudi modifications could Void the unv‘s authtwitv to operate the equipment This duke has been tested and iound to oomply with the limits tor a Class a digital devise pursuantto Part Ismhe FCC lilies. These lirmtsaredesiwied In provide reasonable Wmflinn aaatrot iremiitd lmalferemelt a raidurtial lmflhflmflhmm. Manda-n radiate radio frequency erierizyartd. if not lnaalied and Ind tn accordance with the instructions may muse harmful inteirorertoeto ram oommunitatr'ons however. there ts rro gtarameethat rnterrerertoewrlt not contain a partidiiartnsbtiiatlort rider dovtoe does arise www.meethue oom/wananty to find out how to return the device. This limited wanantir does not cover devises supremo aodderit. nellm. douse. hits-e or acts diced, REPLACEMENT DR REFUND lsmuRSOLE REMEDr. EXCEPTTOTHE EXTENT PRoHiarrED EVAPPuotBLE LAW. ANY IMPLIED wARRArmEsARE iJMITED IN DURATION TOTHE DURATION OFTHIS WARRANTY LIABiLITV FDR lhciDEimL on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE IS HEREEV EXPRESLV EXCLUDED. some states and provinces do not allow inclusion afincidartnl moonsluuumal dilnales. so the ibwe limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranly aives you speciilc legal "Em and you mayalsn itave ottreritghts which vary from stateto state and provlnretn alumna. cLEArrIirraAnD MAINTENANCE Do notctsan the devicewhen rtis on and connecosd to the powersuwlv. Th avoid suahdtlnl the device. clean only with a $03 dry doth Do not use cleaning agents to clean the dance. Manatee Ill aecordartos with disposal taws in your area cat apparel estconfomte a l'allneals de ia realeiitentation de la Fcc at a la itorme CNR dlndrretne Canada son ionaionrtememest isstiietti eta deux commons suivantes; (l) I‘appfirell he dolt DIS mule! d‘lnherférenus nirflsibIES: (1)1'apoareildott acuepteitoute Interference money compris is inteierertres our patient tsetse un ionctiorrnemeit non desire. coronation Ic. Hue ambiance planche Iampe rlariinte E12 LED l'ampotde: Numero de l'emamrisc :zom-zmsx Hue amtiance blanche en colorae Iampe ilarnrrie El: LED l‘ampoule: Numeio do i'eriterpnse : 208125015X mappareilmnquedeiaclaueaestoomomteaia norme .rtadlerrne NMa-oos. Cet appareil numerioue ne (“ONE pas lat utilities applialblas aux Equipments“ classe Ben termes d'ernisslons de omit radioelestrtdue. teiles que défirlles par te Réyemerrt sur le trnarillaee radiootectrioue étahli par le Minisiére 65 communications du Canada This device complies with Perl l5 of the FCC Rules and with RSS of Industry car-do operation Is subiee to the fullnwlru two conditions: (I) this device may not cause hariiiiuilnierieienm. and 0) this devioe must REED! any interiors-me received indudirigimalaeum that may cause undesired operation. It certification: iC Hue white ambiance candle EI2 LED lam mlzzotEx IC Hue white and colorcandle Elz LED lamp: zomz-aolsx This Gas 5 dlliml 80mm: complies wilh Canadian ICES-005. This dliiltal apparatus does not etrceed the class a limits forraifitrnoise ern‘isions from digital apparatus as setoul in the Radio Interference Regulations afthe Canadian Department or communications harmm lnteriererrce to radio orteierilsmn reeeptiertwhidr can be determined tar turning the deviceorrand artthe user oetoouagedmoytocureooieintoirerereeoyorreorme oftherellowing measurs ~Reorisnt or retoaie the receivlrin antenna tlnoeoseths Emmi between the device and retailer. - CannKtIMdEW: "In: in all“! mimitdfisalfiom Mmlmlm the mls connected. ' Corsult the male! n! a li'cerlsm ldb/televisinn technician ror help. Mycmnrs ormodiiltziions mmlyiflprwed bytite partyiespdnaibte for compliance oordd void the tears amiorlmuoeretethisequlpment rorprudtxtavailabiein the llsa/Cariadanrarlia, onlychanrtei “-26 can be operated. Selection prooie diarrnois is not rxtssiole wrtRhInasnrD cautious: "rho bulbs sulfide for use In open luminaries {tint-es). . The truth: notsuirableiormtalivenctosed fixtures ~The hulbts mtlriterrciedior toewlih arrieraemyettitiimm oremersency Ilahis >The bulb’s notcompatide with photo controls. occupancy serous. or timing dorm term spedfimlly desigied tor Hue. ~‘ihebulbsriotsulrwteioiusawlthm. u 'Hue Personalvnreless Lighting- is ahadernarir owned by Philips Lighting Holding av. Philips and the Philips shield emblem are rammed nadamalks MKOnlI'Ild-hlil Philips N.V. wide-3W: Whats RF mode flaqtia'iw trend: 2400-24515 MHz Wiretees eommmiationt protooot IEEE auzts.4 Omar"! channels diannelsil e 16 Marian-lawman: Torperattrre (upaafimt): an Air: Terriperaorre (snags) 45-50 'c Relative htlmdily: 5-55 I non oondeniine and» power. -05Wrier Ilrrw AVIS :les modtfrmiors opponeesacet appaleil sans avolr ete winteritentaporouveee par Phtltns Liam-u ironh Arnenoi corporation {'Phlrm pewem annuler l'auiorrsation d-utilisation do eat appareilocoayee W a FCC aux Ends-unto at par lrtdustrie ceriada. Cet eouloernertt est conforms aux tirrrttes d'exoositton a la radiation FCC pigs-rises pour un environnarasit liore Get equlpernent dditetre lnstalleet simlaite avoc rare distance rniriirnale do 20 crn entre le radiateur or wire cums. Philip! New” Mable pourdeslmerferems nuisitttes dans les communtiztiorts radioeiestridues a l'equipemant rrest pas instant ou utilise mniormémenl au mode oomph: A l'issue dEs tests dorrt il a fart I'obiet. net équrpenient a 4M declare oorirorme a la sealants de la roalememtton Eccappinoleamrappareitsnumerimsdedaoea c: “mun: want 00m [2qu humir IriIhllillhm 755mm Cat eqtmerneitt garters. unit: et pent enietoe as ondas radoelectnrares. ii estsusteptioie de aeerdes interference nuisibls dare ls commtaricatiorrs radaelectriortes s'il met pas rrtstalie otr utilise ctxiforniement au mode d'einplo't Ceperidmt rabsertoe dinterrerenoes dans une installation partiurliEre list pas garartrie Dans le as on net eoulperirertt cieeiut desert Mamet en rout-riomrappareiL ll est matte dusty: de corms: irrtererertcs en appllmarrt urte ou plusteurs desmsura suhantes 1" «Gamer l‘anllenm do movie"; immrla diaence enoe l'eoulpement et le recepteun - racoorder l‘éqilporenta une prise de pot-antsituee stir un oircuit oihorentde oelui st. lame! to restarteur est connecte; . pieirdre oorrserlaupres dim dianbuteurou d‘iattechnrciert brevets radio/TV. Pulles nrodlls disWIlbts sill: marché USA/Cami. sail Ireanal li~2s permrtt eoeudlteaes La selection d‘alrs canaux 5t Irruosdoie AtrEeraEIliEms Er M— Eri GARDE : . cette :mpplle pout etre tmllsée dans des ltariinaires priveirs -t:ette amppue rreit pas adepoee aux iumlnaires totaleritent tonnes - Celt: ampnue n’a 935 M tongue pour etre utilise: darts des Iampesde sortie d'ureenoe. - (site amoordo irest pas oompatisle avec les imenuptells phom—etecmoues les detecieurs de presence, rii les minuteries. a mains due ca systemes n‘alem elé spéciilquement tongue Pour elle. {em ampotde n'esl pas adaptee atoiwriateurs. -l?i!que de choc elecmaue — Ne pet utiliser Papa-rail s'il Est dlrectemenrt expose a lean. - Avant de changer l'anwule, eteieriez I'appana‘l et Iaissu l‘ampoule refrain" poi: enter de vous oritrei ou de sirbii un choc elecmdue. " (Hue Personal \mrdaas mnp est trite mardue de commerce app-Hanan“ Philips LIahIirttI Holdlnii av. Fhllivfi e! l'emm: du butcher Phlllpi sum ties marques doposees de Koriirliiilke Philips N.V. Wit-mill: Bandedem-mapotale moderadiofredttenrzesanslil: 2 400-2 4835 MHz Protocoie de commumiatton sansfil: IEE auztsA narrator deiurtciionnemerit :canauii n a as mu- errvironrrsnrentala : temperatue (ionizttonrtemerit); act. 40‘: Temperature (moms): >25 a so 'i: unediteieiadvezsasssisaiscondensamon Corsummation enveille«:iusiDn des dommanes lndlrects ou museums, to limitation on l'exlusion dozens pourrait ire pas s'appliouer a vous. cotte garantie vous octrroie des drorts iuridiouas spEciridues et ias autres drorts dont vous pouvez behefldor verterit onion loo ants et In: Wrices. NETromsE ET ENTREI'IEN : Ne nemyez pescetappareti Iprsdu'li e3 ant-rte et raccoide a l'alimtalion. Pour enter de raver l'apoaiert. remover-lie a raids d'un (MM deXBI m uMqufimGM. N‘tmllw aucm pradmt as names: surl'apnaML Respeciez lies |éelsladons réeosant ia mlse au rebut darts votieregion il
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2016:12:20 18:37:52+08:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.2 Modify Date : 2016:12:20 18:38:11+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2016:12:20 18:38:11+08:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.2 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:3d509888-81b5-4a33-9adb-7c6def29ad7f Instance ID : uuid:03cec2d4-f663-46b4-9c6e-b77d8d86de98 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.2 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by