Signify LRM1761 Wireless Multi Sensor User Manual 20170816 v1

Philips Lighting(China) Investment Co.,Ltd. Wireless Multi Sensor 20170816 v1

User Manual_20170816_v1 - user manual

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Document ID3523911
Application ID07pHpEAPm4yaTRMs+FNNug==
Document DescriptionUser Manual_20170816_v1 - user manual
Short Term ConfidentialYes
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize111.16kB (1389557 bits)
Date Submitted2017-08-23 00:00:00
Date Available2018-02-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-08-09 13:07:52
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2017-08-09 13:07:52
Document Title4422 107 06021_sh-460_OSW-LRM1761_20170801_Fin2LR(wzp).cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: Wang;Zhi Pei

Wireless Multi Sensor
Instaltation Instructions
\nstmctvons démstaflahon ‘HS‘EUBUDHSEHWL‘ISUI’VEEH \nshuccvonns dn mskalaclbn
\suuzmmpmamstanazmnc Instauatymnstmnms {yxhfluflfi fiéfiarfi
n LRMflm a
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4422107 06021 1August 2017 www lvghtmg phmps com
Wmdow p h \
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to Max 4mm
At h = 2 5 m
vatrd at .20 ‘c
£9 FCC/\C comptrance statement
Thrs devrce comptres wrth part 15 or the FCC rutes for the
Unrted States and Industry Canada (IC) Utenserexempx
RSS standard(s) Operarron rs sub]e(t to me fottowrng
two Eondmons (1) Thrs devrce may not cause harmful
mtcvfcmncc‘ and (2) thrs devree rnust accept any vmcrfnmncn
reeerved, rnetudrng rmerrerenee that may cause uhdesrred
operatron Any changes or modrficarrons not expressty
approved by Phrtrps could vord the useros authorrty to operate
thrs equrprnent Thrs product rs rnterrded for cprnrnercrat use
FCC Radvancn Exposure statement
Thrs eourprnent Comptlcs wrth FCC radratron exposure trmrts
set forth for an uneontrolted envrrorrment
Thrs eqmpmem shoutd be rnstalted and operated wrrh
mrnrmum drstance 20 cm between the radrator & your body
r: Radratron Exposure Statement
Thrs eqmpmem comptres wrth rc 12557102 radrarron exposure
lrrruts set forth for an uncontrolted envrronment
® DECLARATION DE CON EORMrTE’ A LA FCC/IC Thrs edurprnent shoutd be rnstalted and operated wrth
Ce drsposrtrf est eonforrrre a ta partre 15 des regtes de ta mrnrmum drstanee 20 em between the radrator & your body
Eederat Communrcatrons Commrssron (FCC) des BaKSrUnIs et
détndusme Canada (rc) exempts de lrcence R55 norme(s) Son RF Exposure Informatron
fundvonncmtnt est assurettr aux deux eondrtrons Suvvantcs Thrs devrce meets the EU reourrernents (1999/519/EC)
(1) Ce drsposrtrf he dort pas provoquer de brourtlage on the trmrtatron of exposure of the generat pubtre to
préwdmabte, et (2) Il don aceepter \out brourttage recu, electromagnetrc fietds by way of heatth protectron The devrce
y ccmpns le brourtlage pouvant entrarher un mauvars complres wrth RF specrficatrons when the devlce used at 3211
fundvonncmtnt Tous tes Changcmcnts pu madlficatmns non (m form your body
expresserrrerrt approuve's par thps‘ sent suseeptrbtes
doannuter te drort de toutrtrsateur a se servrr de eet equrpement
Ce produrt est exctuswernent destrne’ a un usage commercrat
Hereby phrtrps Lrghtrng deetares that the radro equrprnent type
Cet equrpement est eonrorme aux trmrtes doexposrtron LRMwm rs rn comptranee wrth Dvreclvve 2014/53/EU The iult text
aux rayonnernents IC erablres pour un envrronnernent or the EU dectaratron or conformvty rs avarlable at the totlowrng
non controte Cet eourpernent dort etre rnstalte’ et utrtrse’ Internet address
avec un rrrrnrrnurrr de zoem de drstarree entre ta Source de htt www tr htrn hrtr s (cm rharn voducls tr htrn sconhots red
rayonnement et votre corps
«12017 Phrups ngmmg Holdmg 5v an nghts reserved PHIUPS
Specvficanons are subrect to change wrthout notrce
Trademarks are the property or Phrtrps trghtrng Hotdrng av
or therr respectrve owners
4422 ‘07 060m IAuguleOW wwwhghtrhg phrtrpseom

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FCC ID Filing: 2AGBW-LRM1761

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