Silver Star Intelligent Technology B3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner User Manual

Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Users Manual

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Document ID2828257
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize343.04kB (4288055 bits)
Date Submitted2015-12-02 00:00:00
Date Available2015-12-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-12-01 18:34:21
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Document Titleuntitled

Owner’s Manual
Company:Shenzhen Sltver Star Intelligent Technology 00.. Ltd
Address:Bullding D, Huiqing Soiencepark. Dafu Industrial Areas.
Guanguang Road Guanlan Town. Baoan Dlstrict,
Shenzhen Guangdong
'm: m. " .. . * hum. :va1 man” . ,nsvvm‘
WW “1v“ I‘M-3M w. "m \. Mum! w;
‘ 2‘ www vxmnul mm
Con1ems at a Glance
Important Satay minions
Whelcomaeh Xrobot box?
4me SkieBmsh
-Lai Wm
Gmrghg meut
-Gusrging Tms
- Change XW Movement
Heme Control
meol Mapping Feature
Set mem Gearing Schedue
< Replace meofs Emily
~5M1g Xrobm
Troude Nunbcr:
Sen Ghsdmp swalam
Sumofl a. Warranty
menl's Clearing Behavior
menl's Chalenges
Important Safety Instructions
Basic safety precautions should always be icliowed. including the tollowing:
- Read ALL instructions beiore using.
- To protect against electrical shock. do not Immerse any panoi Xrobot-Mththe
exception oi his mopping cloth — into water or other liquids.
- Unplug Xrobot irorn outlet when not in use and before conducting maintenance.
- Donet operate Xrobotor his chargingsiatlenlt they have beendamaged In anyway.
it Xrobot isnot working as he should. orhseheen dropped.damaged.iefl outdoors.
or dropped In water. contact
- Donut handle Xrobotor hischalging station with wet hands:uee only on dry surfaces‘
- Do not use Xrobot outdoors.
~ Xrobot is not intended forueebypereone (including minimum mowed physical
or mental capabilities. or lack oi experience and knowiedge. unless under the dose
supervision of a person responsible let their saiety.
Do not mutilate or lncincmtc the battery. x It will explode at high temperatures.
- Do not expose Xrobott's charging station to high temperaturesoraliaw moisture or
humidity 01 any kind to come into contact with his station
- Do not let meot plok up toxic materials (chlorlne bleacharrrnmianmin cleaner;
- Do not let Xrow pick up anything that is burningorsmoking. such ascigerettee.
matches. orhct ashes. DomtuseXrobot tcpick up flammable or ccmbuslibleiiquids
such as gasoline. nor use him in areas where they may be present.
- Donotuerobain enencioeed space filled with vaporsgiven oitbyoil-based paint.
paint thinner, mothvprcciing substances. flammable dust. or other explosive or toxic
- Leaks from battery cells can occur under extreme usage or temperature conditions
If the liquid gels on skin, wash quickly with water. Ii me liquid gets into the eyes, flush
them immediately with clean water for a minimum of 10 minutes. and seek medical
-meot iscompoeed cfelectronic components that in rare or unintended cases can
cause hazards of heating. fireprolherrnallmclionsfurthermorebecause Xrobot is
capable ol and intended for autonomous mavemenl and clearing. his use poses
the risk 01 oolllslon with pmpeny, pets. and persons. and unlntenllonally displaced
articles. such as small valuables. jewelry. or the hair of persons or pets lying on the
floor. among olhers.
- Donol use medl lor anything other (hanhls [mended purpose,as specified in lhls
Labelling requrremems:
Thisdevicecomplieswimpan150ltheFocmles.0perafim isswjeot lo the
folawinglwooomiflons: (1) hisdevioemaynmeausehannmlmrlelmoe. and
(mmaewoenmaooept arw Imeflereme received. includng ”mm
Information to user:
Information to me user:
Note: This embrna'll rasbemmeuarum lamp” wllhlhellmltsfora
01m 8 dgiml device. wreumt to pan 15 ollheFOGRulee Theeeimnsare
deeignedloprwide reasonable proleclionaga‘nst harmfulhlerleremeina
reslden‘llalinstdlatlm. This ngeratesusesammradlateradlo
no guarmhee lha! htarlerenoe willnot occur in apaticula installation If this
mamwmmuimmtoradioormmrecepfim. whid‘l
canbedetermhed by nimlngmewipmmtofl and on. lheueerismragad
-Wmmmmmmmachmmm commune
What Comes in Xrobot's Box?
. Xrobot, your intdligent floor deans!
. meofs chalging station
BIO maJn brush
# Charging adapter
® Remote control
Philips head selewdr'rver
)éx 2 Side brushes (1 spare)
\ Cleaning lool (lo deaanobot)
Extra screws & Blindfold slickevs
Mop anachmem
2 microfiber cloths (or mopping
m Filler raglacemenl
Owners manual. Quick start guide
3. Warranty card
Bumps: stickas
Xrobot‘s Anatomy
Top view
Cover muons Dlsplay
Charging plates
Front wheel UV lamp
Slde brush holder Ballery cuvaq
Main brush
Mam brush molov
Brush holder
{Mala mm
mo ' ' l
WW Wheels
ON/OFF switch
Charging mlel —
(m thm's may
Dispkxy screen
Cover buttons
From left to right:
Tum the uv lamp OFF/0N
Choose Xrobot's charting pvogram
Choose Xrobot's cleaning mode
Pu! Xrobot in charging mode
Start deaning
Get Xrobotls Ready toCleon
Install Xrobot's Side Brush
Xrobol's side bmsh helps him sweep along corners.walls,and other hard-to-reach
places. To install the side bnlSthSe materials found inside Xroboi's packagingm
Phillips head sereiwdriver. and one oi the darken shorter screws included Inside lhs
small plastic bag of screws
r 4’ )4
Flip Xrobot over onto a flat surface and use the Phillips head screwdriver to secure
Xrobm's side blush imo me side brush lioldsr.You may use the remaining side brush
in a spam,
Let Xrobot Charge
Betoreheisreauytoclean.Xrobot must
be tully charged.
Tum Xrobol's side power switch ON.
and his screen will light up. To charge
Xrobct. place him near his charging
station and press the CHARGE button.
It Xrobotcan‘t lind his charging stationhe
needs to be synced with his station See
page 20 tor Instructions
It Xrulmt's screendoesnot lightup when you llip his power switch ON. Xrohot’s battery
might be too drained for him to recogn'ze his charging station — but don't worry!
Simply unplug the adapter lrom the
charging station and instead plug it di-
rectly into the inlet above Xm‘x
ONIOFF switch to MD him regain
The charging station's memory can store the cleaning schedule and current time
for at least 8 hours without electricity This will give you plenty of time to re-piug the
adapter back into the charging station afterXrobot comes to life.
Xrobot’s First Clean
Xrobol Is now ready todeanl PressmaSTAFlTbunon onhls oovertwloe—orme
Xrobot's Standby Mode
It Xrobdl is left idle [or more than aminulebe wfll [um hisscreen on and enter into
s1andby mode ro preserve battery.
In [his mods‘ motors will sit Quietly, await'ng your command [0 Ether resume
cleaning or 9010 charge.
To getXrobot back to daening
4- Press START on Xtobm‘ssa-een Woe.
4 Press the ONIOFF union on Xvobors remote“: wake h'm up. then press
AUTO on me remote to send hh‘n back to work.
To send Xrobot Io his charm simian:
9 Press the ONIOFF button on Xruhor'a remote to wake him up, then press
4' Press CHARGE on W's cover»
Chewing 'Xtoho!
Charging Station
Pug ma charging mater into xm; stationtommitONJhescmenonhlssmfion
should «gm up.
Pboawuborschargingstafioncnahard. flatsuflacewithuptoflnch ofspece
In 99neral.xrobofsd\anoeoiMdhghisslalmisdirecflyrelaledlofl’lemtd
The inlrared vammitler whom; station should be clean and has 01 dust.
2“ (0.5111) 2'! (0.5m)
—. _ i? .4 —.
Xrobot is smart and will automatically search [or his charging station when his battery
falls belcrw 15%.
You may also direct Xrobot to his charging station at any time by pressing the
CHARGE button on his remote.
ll you press any button while Xrobot is looking lor his charging static", he will stop
searching and wil enter standby mode.
Monuol Charging
Hug the power adapter directly into the inlet on Xrobot's side. above his
ON/OFF switch.
PIadng Xrobot on me charging station does not put Xrobotlnto charge mode.
Xrobol's charging plates active when he is pm in charge modsbypmssing
CHARGE on his coveteuemole. Fot amanual charge plug Xrobot dreary
lathe wall
Sync Xrobot with his charging station
Ierobotcan't tindhis ct'arging station. the stetlonand Xrobot are out of sync and
you needtosync uptheiroodingfolowthese steps:
1. Bring Xrobot close to his charging station.
2. Disconnect the charging station lrom madame.
3. Switch Xrobot OFF.
4. Plug the adecter into the charging station.
5. Press and hold the Select/Adm button the charging station.
6. While hotding the Select/Ad just buttottlum Xrobot ONusing the switch onhis side.
7. Xrobot wilierrlt wooonseCLNve chime to indicate the ciwging station ha been
8. It you do not hearthe wiperanobot and the charging elation OFEdisoonnect
mestationfromtheadapter. repeat the processkeetarttvun step 1).
Charging Time
When Xrobot ischargingthe battery bars show his charge level. Xrobot wil display
theword READY on his screen as soon as his battery ls tul.
Xrobot can sit idly on his charging stetlon for m to 5 consecutive days: afterward.
youslmd tumlissidspowerwtchOFF.
leobpt's Cleaning Moges
Cover Buttons
Auto Settings
Xrobot is equipped with three automatic cleaning modes: Xrobot Quick Chen. and
Touch Up. On these settings, he will automatically mneimar around your home.
cyclng through no anus-it cleaning patterns: Spiral Trackm. Wattle Track?" and
Wall Track”. Choose the setting that best suits your deening needs.
Auto 1: Robot
Xrobot will thoroughly ooveralargearea betore amon'iatlcally returning to his charging
station when his batteryfals below 15%.
DTo sehctthls setting, turn Xrobat ON. and pig: the START button twig-A
Auto 2: Quick Clean [30 min)
Xrobot will quickly and efficiently clean a "radium—sized area tor 30 nimtee Delete
going on charge mode: he will then return to his shaming station.
>To select this setting, press the MODE button on meet’s cover mtil you see the
word AUTO on his screen.
D Press the PROGRAM button mtil Xrobotdispbys the number 02.
> Press START to confirm your selection.
>After30minutee Xrobotentsrsdtarge modeand retunstohischarg‘ng station.
Auto 3: Touch Up (Is min)
For when you are on-the—go. makeXrobotdashacrossa smallarea tor15minutes.
Alter touching up your room.Xrobot will enter charge mode and will return to his
charghg station.
bTo select this setting, press the MODEbuttononx'obot'seovermtilyouseetne
wdAUTOon hisscteen.
bPresstnePFIOGRAMbuIImmti Xrobotdisptaysthsmmbuz.
> Mar 15 mimesofdaenthmbot marsdwargemodoand returnsbaduo his
Select Xiobot's movement patterns
> Press the MODE button twice. ‘I'hewovdSPOTwilappearorIXrobm'ssaeen.
> PmsstherGRAMbtmononoa.Mice,armmetmastomoosemeot‘s
movement pattern. 1 indicates Spiral pattem (1 - 4 mins). 2 indicates Zgzag
pattern ov Wattle Track” (1 - 4 mins). and 3 indicates Wal Trackm pattern (-10
> Press START to confirm your seiectlon.
C‘fil “
1 indicates Spiral Track” 2 IndcatesWatfle Track". 3 indicates Wail Track”l
(1 — 4 flirts). (1 — 4 mhs). (~10 mlns).
When the SPOT cleaning mode is avenxrnbm Mliamomafimly enlerdwge mode
and relums back to his charging siation.
Xrobot returns to charge oiier short cleaning tasks
AflerXrobotMfllis your command of SpoICiean, Quick Clean (30 minutes) or
Touch Up (15 minutes). he goes back to ris charging station regardless or how
much banay he has left. flywprelelxma looontinwcleaningwu can keep him
using Xrobofs Weariscavsrbuflonsi
Send Xrobot to charge
b Hess the CHARGE Mon. Theredbanery sign Mlappearonxrobm's screen,
and Xrobot will begin searching for his charging station.
Switch the UV lighi on/off
The UV lighi is turned on by defsun avarylimsywsvvild\XrobleN.PressthaUV
Control Ame
Xrobot‘s remote control
works at an average Wall/Corners
distance 0' 10 feet. It
must be pointed
dlrectty at meotwlth UV
no obstalde blocking
its signal. meot's
remote has the
loiowlng buttons: Navigation Amws
Powsr — Puts Xrobot in standby moda To put Xrobot in standby mode. the power
switch on Xrubot‘s side is still turned ONt
Auto - Activates meot‘s default cleanlng mode (Robot/M01).
Walls/Corners - Activates Xrobot’s Wall Track”I mode. Sets meol to clean along
walls and perimeters at a mom.
UV - Tums the UV Ilght on and all.
Spot - Activates Xrobot’s Spiral Track"M mode. Sets Xroomtodean using spiral.
spot-cleaning movements.
Charge - Sends mem to search for his charglrig station.
Speed - Setsxiobot‘s speed to either slow, medium, or fast.
Navigatlorl anows - Guide Xiobot fovward, backward. fight. or left. Hold each button
down to keep mem moving in the desired direction; release to stop him.
Pause - Pauses or unApauses dexn’s movement‘
Sync Xrobot with his remote
lembot ism respondingtnyoweomandsonthe mayo“ may need to
resynchronlze the remote with mem‘Fouow mese megs:
1. Slvflch meot OFFbyttmhg the power switm Michel‘s side OFF.
2. PmandhuldeALBEUlm‘mononmeremme.
3. MfleholdhgdawnmePALSE ( I I )umomum the powerswflchmxml‘s
sideto ON.
Xrobol wll chllp [Moe to Indute that me remote has been synchronlzed.
I! you do n01 hear mem chirp. repeat the process.
Xrobot's Mopping Feo‘rure
Tounstallebot's mopplngattachmenwlace
it between his left and right wheels with It:
laIIS tacing downward Press down gently
unttl you hear a “click,"
You may dampen Xrubot’s mopptng cloth
wtth water or cleaning hound batons plac-
ing it on his mopping attachment. With his
mopinstaltedxnxncen mop. sweep. and
vacuum Simultaneously.
Remove the mapping attachment when med is cleaningcarpets or nJgsTo do so,
gently press the tails inward and lift the attachment up‘
The mopping atom can be washed manually or in the washing machine A spare
cloth Is provided In meot‘s package for your convenience.
Set Xrobqtfs Cleaning Schedule
A look at Xrobm’s charging station
There an 5 buttons on Xvobot‘s charging stalion:
OKIAmo Ramma
Them mmons am used to prom: meot'smily cleaning was.
Set the Time & Doy
Xrobot usesa 24-hourciock. it you want Xrobot to standeaning at 6:00 AM set his
scheduie time to 08:00. It you want him to start at 8:00 PM. set it to 20:00.
The charging station‘s deteutt time is 8.00 AM. The station displays 08:00 when it's
turned on for the first time. or when you have unplugged it for 8 or more hours.
To set the current time and day on meot's charging station. follow these steps:
b To set the minutes. press the clock button once. The digits tor the minutes
wll blink. Use the adlust (+) button to seiect the current mlnutes. Press the dock
button to move on to the hour digits.
> To set the hours. press the clock button until the digits for hours blink. Use
the adjust (+) button to select the current hours. Press the stock button again to
rnoveonto the weekday.
b Weekdays are defined as:
Su= Sunday Mo = Monday Tu=Tuesday We=Wednesday 1Tt=111ursday
Fr: Friday Se: Saturday
To set the weekday, press the ciock button until a weekday symbol blinks on the
screen. Use the adlust (+) button to select the current day. Press OK to save.
Scheduling Cleaning
Alter setting the current lime and day on Xrobot‘s station. youoen program Xrobot's
weekly cleaning schedule. Keep in mind that Xtobot works on e 24 hour schedule.
> To set the minutes. press the schedule (bell) button mos. The digits tor the
m’nutes will blink. Use the adjust (+) button to select the deared minutes and
press the schedule button again to move to the hour dlgits.
D Toselthehwrs.pressthesottedtielbetnbuttonuntlithedigltstorhwrs
orpresstheschedule button agalntomoveto setscttngtheweekdays.
D To set the weel To move betweendays, ueethe adiust (+) button to moveon to the nut day.
is still blinking. When all desired daysare selected. press OKtn save.
b Todemlsctadaymreesthe powerbuttonwt'iiethedayisblink’ng.
> it We charging station ls unplugged or turned on for more than 3 hours. his
schedule will reset.
You can choose and all weekdays tor cleanmg obot starts hlS cleaning at the
selected time- ’30) on all programmed day , Mo, Tu, Th),
Bock—lo-buck cleaning cycles (UUlo-resume).Sel Xrobollolvelslun
cleaning when fully charged
meot's baa-whack cleaning (sum-resume) mode is among the unique 'salures
mm set him apart lrom otherroboficvacuun cleanersAutoAresumeenables Xrobat
toget bmklowofiassoonashisbaflery isfulyrschargad.
To acfivate hackle-back cleaning cycles, press thecycle/OK menOanODOfS
charglng station. A broomrshaped sign wlll llgm upon mem stations screanJ'hIs
means that Xrobot's onback-Ic-bam cycles mode and will automatically resume
cleaning when his balmy reaches lull charge.
m lg. m nwm m l; m Xunmvl
mg EvCFu Tllv‘n: lu: wllv ~ ~
( tron agam When at 1‘ Xrobot‘ nn ‘ ay
m cl‘c-ct untll l'. 5 lumed o" by you, or URN the charglng stamn l3 reset alter
bemg unnlugged ln- me! 8 hmns
lerobot isscheduledl
Fans 8. Maintenance
To eiect the dustbin. gently push the
button on vts back Pull the dustbin out
With one or both hands.
T0 empty the dustbin. open the trans-
parent vent on the front.
You may wtpe the dusthm Wllh a dry
cloth or brush it With [he cleaning tool.
When done. sI-de the duslbm back
IMO Xrobot and make sure It IS properly
Never wash the duslbin nor m it with
water or any other tluid.
Three filters are located inside the dustbin's ceiling; they capture fine particles and
allergens, and prevent therr escape from the dustbin
To remove the filters. eject the dustbin and
pull the filter's frame towards you.
You will see three filter layers:
4» Must! filler for larger parlicles
+ Electrostatic filter for tine particles
+ HEPA filter tor subrmicron particles
Use the cleaning tool to brush dust at! the filters.
N is recommended that you change the electrostatic and HEPA filters every 4 — 6
months, depending on the frequency and intensity at Xrobot's cleaning.
Main Brush
Remove the Mom Brush
Remove the screwoanobot‘s main brush
using a Phillips head screwdriver. Keep
the screw and the end piece (the mam
brush holder) In a safe place away from
children or animals reach,
Clean the Mom Brush
It isrecornrnended that youclean Xrubot's
main brush on a regular basis. Use the
cleaning tool to rcmuvc dust and debris
from both ends of the bmsh, as well as
llS compartment insrdeXrobot Use a pair
0' scissors to cut ott any hair or threads
wrapped around the brush,
Install the Main Brush
To reinstall the brush. replace the end
piece (main brush holder) and Insert the
opposite end of the bmsh into the square
indentation insideXrobotLestlyJe-tighten
the screw.
Side Brush
Install the Sioe Brush
When you first adopt Xrobot his side
brush is not yet attached. You will need
to smaw ll onto xrobol uslng a dark grey
sasw lrom the srmll plastic bag ol
screws Inchded In his package.
Remove and clean Xrobm's side blush one
regular basis.
Cletmlng )(ml'lm a :er‘lsor:
Dlrt and dust on Xrobol‘s ground delectron and wall sensors can afleclhls parlor-
mance. Cleaning these sensors regularly ensures that Xrobot keeps working at his
bssl Use a soft clom slightly moistened with cold water or alcohol lowrpe Xrobot's
ground detection sensors on hrs belly. and hls wall sensors along his bumper.
Blindfold Slickers
Darkrcolored carpeling and certain
floor pallems may seem like edges (0
Xrobot‘s ground delectlon sensors." you
notice that Xlobot mops whh TROUBLE
NR (M on your carpal. you may need
to "blindfold” Xlobul by covering his
ground delectlon sensors Xrobol's
ground detection sensors are located
on his underbelly. near his bumper.
While blindfolded. Xrobot willbeunable
lo doles! slairs or sharp edges.
Dirl sensors
Fora more emaientclealwmol i5 equippedwithdln detection sensors“ medl readr
es 3 panicularly dirty spot while cleaning. his dirt detection sensors will activate, the
word DIRTY wnll appear on h|5 screen.and Xrobotwillincreasa hiscleanlnginlsnsilyr
Reptcclng Xrobot S buttery
To replace Xrobot's hatteryremovethebattery ooverusinga Phillips head screwdriver
Caretulty lift the battery out 01 Its compartment. and unplug the connectrng wrresv -
Plug the new battery in at the circuit tunctton and slide it Into the empty compart-
ment Trghten the screws on the battery cover,
Storing Xrohot
Do not let Xrobot srt Idty wtth hlS power swrtch ON for more than a week; swutch tum
OFF to conserve his battmy.
If you arenot using Xrobot toransxtsnded pariodoftime.unplug the charging station,
remove Xrobot's Datteryand store everythlng Inadry place at room tempetature.
Trouble Numbers
Likely Cousels) f0 Xrobot's Trouble Numbers
Wheanobotlaces an unconfiortabtesituationhe wtll notfly you oydisplayingTROUBLE
NR, coupled with a Modiglt number on his screen, Each number corresponds to a
certain issue Xrobot is having.
Ifnoba's problem persistsaner attempting the suggested solutionsyou may want to
perform a self checkup test (see next section), At any time you may also contact our
customer care center at www yxrobot com . We love hearing lrom our lellaw
DObsweep family members!
Not a fan of reading? Visit www tor handy video guides. or scan
this smart phone barcode:
Trouble Number 00: Let! Wheel
Trouble number 00 pertains to an issue With
W's left wheel.
What to do:
Start by checking the Iett wheel for jamming,
Use the cleaning tool or compressed air
to remove any dust or debris that may be
jamming the tall wheel. If this does not solve
the problem and mect still shows Troub‘e
Number 00, perform a checkup test to see
how the Wheels respond to the test.
Trouble Number Oi. Right Wheel
Trouble number 01 pertains to an issue wrth
Xrobot’s right wheel.
What to do:
Start by checking the nght wheel [or jammrng.
Use the cleaning tool or compressed arr
to remove any dust or debris that may be
jamming the right wheel, I! Ihis does not
solve the problem and meot still shows
Trouble Number 01 , perform a checkup test
to see how the wheels respond to the test.
Trouble Number 02: Main Brush
Trouble number02 means XIODOt'S main
brush is unable to move freely
What to do:
Flemove the main brush using a Phillips
head screwdriver. and clean it thorough-
ly trom end to end. You may use a parr
0t selssors to out hair or thread wrapped
around Xrobot's brushnra pair at tweezers
to remove congestion from the motor area
(the square metal indentation where the
mainbrusn is held)” Xrobcl displaysTrouble Nr 02 while cleanan on a shagcarpetor
rug. you may remove his main brush and allow him to vacuum without it.
Trouble Number 03: iron! Wheel
Trouble number 03 means Xrobot's iron! wheel rs unable to move lreeiy.
What i0 do:
Remove debris oongesting the lronl wheel using compressed air and the cleaning
tool. It the congestion is not removable from the outside. disconnect lhe from wheel
using a liar head screwdriver for leverage, and remove me obsmmicn. Fora com-
prehensive how-lo video, visir awnersbobswaepcom.
Trouble Number 04: Ground Deieclion Sensors
Trouble number 04 means Xroml‘s ground de-
tection sensors are blocked or dime Xrobor‘s
four. oval-shaped ground detections sensors
are located on his underbelly. near his bumper:
What to do:
Wipe Ihe sensors using a clean. dry clolh or
dust them using compressed air.
Imebot frequenflydispleysthisrrcublenumber
while working on dark-colored or palterned
carpeting. you may need ‘0 blindfold hlmPeel the backs off of Xrobot's blindfold
stickers and place them on each of his four sensors so that they are completely
covered. While blindfolded,»obotwill be unable to detect srairsorsharp edgesHead
more abour Xrobot's blindlold stickers on page 38‘
Trouble Number 05; Well Sensors
Trouble number 05 means Xrobars wall
sensors are blocked or dirty.
What to do:
Do a visual check on Ihe transparent slnpe
on Xrobor‘s bumper. n it is too dlny tor you to
see what is behind IL wipe 'n with a clean.
damp cloth.
To ensure nothing is jammed under the
bumper. gentry tap it and use compressed
air to clear it of debris, II the issue persists.
lry mnning a chedvup test on Xrobot
Trouble Number 06: Touch Sensors
sensors. It is likely that a small piece 01
debris is trapped under the bumper
What it) do:
Slowly and oarsl‘uly lap on xrobors bumper
to clear out any obstructions Use ,
compressedakto clear'noldust and /
Press on both ends 01 the front bumper until you hear a tiny 'cllck‘ sound, ll the
bumper IS 001 clicking on KS ends. it IS DOSSer that one or more 0' Xroch's tOUd‘l
sensor: has a broken arm and needs to be replaced.
Trouble Number 07; Main Brush Installation
TrouUanunbaeraans Xrobot'smainbrushisnotpropartyinstalled.
trouble Number 06: Dustbin
Trunua nunber 08 mars Xrobot's dlmbln Is not 9mm hstalod. or ht dustbin:
metal contact points are dirty.
What to do:
Remove meol‘s dustmn and empty it. Turn the dustbin around and gantry Mpe the
two metal connectors on its bottom. Lastly. clean the metal contact points 'nsida
meot where the dustbin is Inserted.
Trouble Number 09: Muinboord
Trude number 09 general» means meut'a malnboard ls malfunctlonhg and needs
to be replaced.
mt to do:
Xrnbot like” needs to visit the Xrnbn hospital for treatment] But don' I worry. Xrohot’s
doctors are just an e-mail away. Send a shot axplmation to
and leave the rest to them!
Trouble Number 10: Power System
Trouble number10 means Xrobot‘s powersystem is in trouble.
What to do:
The reason tor trouble number 10 can range between the following
4* The most likely reason for trouble“! isthat Xrobot has got no charge
left and is starving. Plug him directly to the wall and allow him to
charge for a tew hours.
'3‘ W5 battery connectors are loose.0pen the battery compartment
and check the battery connectors.
«b It Xrobot starts showing trouble number 10 assoon as he
automatically docks on his charging station. the issue can be one at
the following:
-Xrobot is in need of a new charging stationIo test this.plug Xrobot
directly to his adapter. If the issue is resolved charging station is the
reason for meot’s trouble number.
-It the issue perslsts even after manual recharglng and checking the
battery connection," is likely that W: adapter is the cause for the
issue. If you have a measuring device handy. check to see if the
current at the adapter is above 560m
Self Checkup Syslem
It can somelimes be dilficult to know what examly is wrong with meol if he is not
leeling well or working the way he used to, To make it easier (or you to diagnose
me real reasonbehlrld Xrobol‘s odd behaviof or reduced produmlvlly. he ls equlpped
with a comprehensive home checkup test A a simple procedure that allows you lo
examine 5% cl Xrobol’s pails independertly.
Put Xrobot in checkup mooe
Sel Xrohol‘s slde power switch to OFF and place him on a IlgMWored suflace.
Whlleholdlngdownlhe START buncnon Xlobol’s oovemum Xvobarspowerswflch ON.
meol will tum on and emit a three-lone beeping tune. The screen will show 3 won: or
a number sign. Xvobot is now in chedwp mode. Do not mess any buttons.
Step One, Ground detection sensors
Right altar Xrobot enters checkupmode and while
Xrobot isonthelloor,lookethisscreen¥oushould
see tour lights indicating TROUBI£ NR, MIN
in the center cl Xrobot's display. It all tour lights do
not tum ON upon enteran the chedvup mode,
flip Xrobot over and wipe the ground detecting
sensors with a clean cloth. Check again to see it all four lights tum on, I! the problem
persists. Xrobot’s sensors may he ed to be changed. In that case. contact www
To check the ground detection sensors. lift up Xrobot aboul 6 inches 011 the gromd
(more than 150ml You WIII see that the tour lights will tum oil.
It all tour lights turnolt vmlle meot Is I iited,put meol back on the lloor andoontlnue to
the next step without pressing any additional buttons.
Step Two: Wcrll sensors
Use a thick, flat, and white
surtace, to imitate a wall and
drag it around Xrobot's bumper.
'l'he 5 Indicators along the
top 0! the display (UV. AUTO.
DOCK) will light up as you
move your imitation wall
around the bumper.
Step Three. Touch und bumper sensots
To move on to this test. press the
UV button on the cove twice. The
UV button is located on the lower lelt
corner at Xlobot‘s displayi Xrobot's
screen will then go blank
Press on thanght and Iett slde 0t Xroba’s
bumper and the words “DtRT' and
"MINS. CLEANING" should light up.
indicating that his sensors are working
pmperty. It you press the center of
the but-ripen. both words appear at
the same time. It any ward tents to
llgl’tt up,it is likety that Xl'ObOt needs a
new bumper. In that case, contact
Step Four: Display screen
Press the UV button one more time. Each wand and icon on the semen will light up
in a repeating rotation.
Step live: Brush and suction power
Preserdn‘sUV left button one mom time until all icons on the screen light upNow
mess the PROGRAM button located to right next to the UV button.
In this mode, the bmshes start rotatlng and you will teal air flowing horn the back at
the dustbin. Ignore the Signs and numnars on the display in (his test mode. If you
dononoel air flowmg out or (no dustblnrhcn Xrobot's vacuum motor may need to be
319p Six UV lig'il and wheels
Thisfinalstepistotw Xrobot's UV light and his wheelsHolerobotuD and Im him
off the floor to keep him from running awayl Then press lhe MODE buflon and his
wheels will drive forward.
Next. fllp Xrobot over and you WIII see hs UV lamp light up.
Press MODE once more‘Xroboi'S wheels will drive backwarcs and his UVlampwill
lurn ollr
ll everything responds properly. Xrobot's inlernal pens are working correctly!Conlacl
www.yxmbotrcom If you have any QUGSIIDHS. as doctors at (he Xrobol
hospilal are always ready to helpl
Suppon & Warranty
Worronly information
A meot product purchased from anatmwrized sellerand usedanywhereln
the world lncludel a 1-year limited warranty. 2»yaar warranty on the battery, five
years at etbeidized replacement. and a lifetime of support. The warranty covers
labor and all parts, except cuisines, litters. and mopping clothe Postal charges are
not covered by the wanemy.
Additional coverage plans are avallable for purchase at myxrobotmm.
Evenaltetxrobot'swan-anty is overall his replacement pans and his visits to hospital
are subsidized between 2596-5096 tor five years from the date he was first adopted.
To Eli/stems warranty.regieter him pnline and keep your original purchase
To register Xrobot. visitwwwyxrobotoom.
Xrobot‘s Cleaning Behavior
Xrobot's cleaning pattern mylookqultedlilavanflrom thaweyahumanwoddclean:
he may spin in a gradually widening cireie. follow along walls. or zigzag across a
small area Sometimes he may seem to be ignoring some spaces or spending too
much timamolhera—bm don‘t wortyl meoi's din sensors tell him to pay more
attention to particulariydustyorsoiled areasRaet awed. Xrobot will efficienlrydean
you home within the course at 8 MI cycle — Just check his dustbin for the evidence!
it is best toletXrobot workin his ownwayavenflhla movements appaemddMavlng
him around. manipulating his movements. or picking him up may confuse him and
disrupt his cycle
If you wish to oonlrol )fiobut'a movements manusliyyeu my use the navigational
buttons on his remote cuntrulll your rooms are divided by higher ledges than waot
is able to climb, you may gently push him oven
Xrobot‘s Challenges
meot isdesigned to maneuveraround furniture almost shapes and sizesbutoertm'n
conflguratiom may confuse him temporarily. Xrobot may sometimes findltdimcult
to clean under chairs with narrow legs. or lumiture that is too low [or his bumper
sensors to deflect "regularly-shaped furniture, such as chairs with circular bottoms.
may also oonluse him for a moment—but don't worry. Xrobotusualiy finds his way
around with lime.
Slindlnlrl stickers
Xrobot uses infrared light to detect edges and stairszbecause dark-colored carpet
absorbs most IghtJl may seem llkeanedge to ms sensors." Xrobotcontinually
displama TROUBLE NR 04 on his screen while working on dark-colored carpet.
simph/ txwer the lam ground detection sermon: on his underbelly with [he blindfold
stickers that came in his box.Just remember thatMienmeotis ‘blindfolded' hewill
notbe abletodetectedges orstairs!
Main brush
mum's main bmshmhich is designed (OWN deep into carpetmay also have trou-
ble tumlng on rugs with long fibers orlri'ngaXou may remove tha‘smaln brush
and allow him to vawum without it when this happene
m: mop.whlch is attached to his bottomisdesigned tosit flat against the floor
and leave behind ecleen irallBecause of this.Xrobot may have atough time climbing
aver elevated surfaces while moppingMake sure to remove Wsmop when he is
not cleaning srmcth surfaces such as tile or hardwood.
Sometimes Xrobm will attempt m drive up angled surfacesgstfing sluck forafew
minutes Debra he deddes to cleansotmwheve elseffhis is because Wwants
Asbngaerobol does notstopwith aTrouble Numberon Nsdisplamallow him lofind
Nsownwayarmnd yourhomaand continua deanlngfl’alm male of the areaerobd
finds the most challenging, and if possible spread or adjust some 01 your furniture
I. Where can I find Xrobot's training videos?
Xrobot's'how-to' videos can be found at Xrobot'sowners'eomen www.yxrobot.
2‘ How long should Xrabot's battery lost?
The exact time depends on the type at the surfaoexrobotlsciemlngaswell as
the age of the battery Generally. the smoother the aurtam (hardwood or tile for
example), the longer the battery will last When fully charged.arieerobotusually
cleans between 45 to 90 minutes.
3. My Xrobot’s battery never seems to charge fully.Howdol knowthut
it is full and ready to clean?
When Xrobol charges using thewall adapteroroharging slationthe red bars flash on
his digital display. Mth no battery issues. Xrobot is tullycharged within 4 hours. and
you will see the word 'Ready' Ilght up on hls screen.
4. How often should I empty the dustbin?
mecn's dustbin has a 1Lcapacity—threettmeslarger than most robotic vacuum
cleaners on the market todayl 111's means you may not need to empty the dustbin
Immediately alter every cleaning. Dependan on the file at the mom and the amount
of particles piled up,meot can parlorm up to aroundsixcleanings before he fills his
dustbin. Simply remove the dustbin and check to see it emptying is necessary.
5. How often should I clean Xrobot's brushes?
Xrobot'e brushesdoalolotthework picking up hair and larger debris, so it is
notice a thick covering of hair. dust. and debris on his bmshee. remove and clean
them. Remembertocleen thenotcheethat hold Xrobot'e brushes in place on his
interion This assures they stay in good condition tor a long time
6. My Xrobot won't turn on no matter what I do.
it Xrobotodycharged lorshort arnou'itottlrnaand doesnot startalteruslng his ON/
OFF switch or his charging station. it's likely that his battery has drained too low to
operate. To recharge him. unplug the adapter that normally attaches to the charging
station and plug it directly Into the inlet on Xrobot's slde.Let Xrobot recharge tulw this
way betora using again. After this procedure. you will beabla to charge Xrobot
manualtyor automatically uang the docking station." you place Xrobot on hischarg’ng
station. always make sure to tum hirn ON first. to activate the charghg plates on his
bottom.VVhen Xrbbot charges. the battery bars on We display blink.
7. Why rs m Xrobot bee‘prng?
It Xrobrx is stationaryandieltONwithcutcieanlngcroharglng.he will beep once every
five minutes to alert you that his battery is draining. Prefi the power button on the
remote to put Xrobot instandbymodeortum him oticompieteiy with his side power
button. You will have to switch this button ONihe next timeyouwantflobdtioclean.
meot also beepswhenhe encounters a problem cleaning and needs assistance.
Along with his souncb. you win see 5 Trouble Number on the digital display which
letsyouknowleerobot has stoppadOcnsutt this menuai‘s Trouble Numbers sec-
tion to resolve meat's error messages.
8.Xrobot is having trouble finding his charging station. Where is the
best place to put his station?
ForXrobotto find his charging station.he needs to face it directly. Xrobotwillfindhis
station more easity it it you place it near the perimeter oi the room with plenty of
spam In front at it, so that he may detect the station lmm atanln order torXrobotto
dock properly. be sure to place the charging station about 2 inches away from the
wall, facing outward on a flat surface like hardwood or tiie flooring instead ot carpet.
To tadlltate erot's work. find a spot for the charging station where Xrobot has a
higher charm of passing through.
9. Hell Xrutxx’s brush in larmullipiecleansondam having problems
removing ii.
"themainorsldabmshesamdmcultto remove. it lsliketybecausehair. string or
to meot . You can use scissors to cutthe hair wrapped around either brush,
down to reach the corners. but do not force the brushes out as this can damage
|0.Xrobot gets stuck under my! urniture or travels over wires that tan-
gle up his brush. How can I stop him from going inla these areas?
Xrobot atwayswams loeweepandooveralllhe spaoeehe can find in your homeBe-
causehe's soeager, he mayget Intotrouble once In awhile. ifhe manewerssnugty
under a piece of turniture‘ he may take longer than expected to get out. ll there us
only one open entrance, )Oobot mayneedaiewmnutesto figuraout hawto escape
on his awn.You will not have to assist him when this happensynleserobmstops
cleaning completely and starts beeping.
l l. Why does Xrobot star'l up when I did not lell him to clean?
meot may begin cleaningon his own; ntyfl you enable the GO lunction or if he is
scheduled to clean. FiretJook at the display on Xrobot‘s charging station," the SETBI
icon of a broom with thewora'GO'appears, Xrobm Is programmed to start working
immediately once he fully recharges. To d‘eable this function. click the GO button
located on the left at thecharging station screen." this is not me case,checerobot's
cleaning schedule. Make sure you have selthe correct time on the charging station.
hisa24hourdock.soyouwillneedtoenter1:00ifitis1AMand13:00i1iti31 PM,
Apply the same rule when programming Xrobot'sweekiy cle'aning schedule.
12. When should I use the circle and zigzag spol functions?
or dustt it Is a great way to target a newty soiled area. such as one particular spll In
an otherwise clean area. The zigzag spot function (wattle track'") is also useful for
smell spaces. It is very effective when mopping as its movement pattern minimizes
streaking on tile or dewood floors.
l3. My meot is stopping and showing 0 Trouble Numberon the screen
How can I fix this?
Xrobot's Trouble Nr notifies you at the spedtlc reason I15 work has been lnternrpted.
This intelligent. sell-scanning feature allows you to identify the source at the problem
quickly. A Trouble Nr rarely signals a defect and can be soNed with simple prooe~
dues. Along with words 'Trouble Nr.‘ there will also be a number on the center
otxrobot's screen (where meot's cleaning mlnutesean be seenm-ie numbers range
from 00 to 09. Each nunber represents an issue with a specific mechanical part at
XrobotIo understand Xrobot's lenguegeueonsult the Troubleshooting section of the
manual for the cause of the problem as well as its solution
It What is the best way to clean Xrobot‘s wheels?
To remove dirt and dust. use the cleaning tool or compressed air to clear the creas-
es 0! the wheels. For more efficient rernwal,putXrobot inCheck-Upmode (found in
the Salt Check-Up section of this manual) and test the wheels. Clean the sides and
bottom at the wheels as they sph In order to aehleve the most thorough clean.
15. My Xrobot just stopped while cleaning and the screen went off.
What do I do next?
Like other electronic devices with a CPU (computerssmen phones.etc.). Xrobot
mightexperienoeemomentery hall inhisopereting systemYou can usually getXrobot
back to work by simpty turning the power button on his side OFF and ON again.
Innis does not solve the issue.meot mhtmad a mstanXou can rasian him by
phgghg the poweradapter dream/tome Hat on his she.
16, I have a question and need to contact Xrobot's support team.
How do I do that?
Cal us ml! tree 4008371309 [or support in Grim and the United States 07.
s—rnailusat www‘ goal is wgetbacktoyouvdflmaday‘
Towalch Xrobot's hmM-to,rapalr.and Wing videos. otder parts. and to
connect wim your extended Xrobot famiy members, visit www‘yxmbot.
§ 15.19 Labelling requirements.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received. including interference that may
Iuse undesired operation.
§ 15.21 Information to user.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
§ 15.105 Information to the user.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
8 digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not
instaled and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful
interference to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that
interference will not our in a particular installation. if this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which In be determined by
turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-lncrease the separation between theequipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV tedinician for help.

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