Silverlit Toys TX027145-0607 RC Airplane User Manual

Silverlit Toys Manufactory Ltd. RC Airplane

User Manual

Download: Silverlit Toys TX027145-0607 RC Airplane User Manual
Mirror Download []Silverlit Toys TX027145-0607 RC Airplane User Manual
Document ID708839
Application IDQ2A9ZhUCp1bubfhfqwQXAA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize98.24kB (1228043 bits)
Date Submitted2006-09-25 00:00:00
Date Available2006-09-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-09-13 16:47:14
Document Lastmod2006-09-13 16:54:12
Document TitleUser Manual

instruction manual
,, ”magma“
tBl'an’e A WARNING:
Not for Children under 3 years.
CHOKING HAZARD — Small parts.
Key Features:
no not touch the running oropeiteri
Do not play above someone‘s headi
Adult supervision is required!
~ Digital Proportional
- Strong Foam Body
- No Assembly Required
safely Pr-caufions:
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressl approved by the party responsrbielurcprnpiianoe could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment
- Keep hands, hair and loose clothing away imm the prupe ier when power switch is turned ON,
' Turn of! transmitter and Plane when nut in use
t Retrial/e battery iiciii transmitter when not in use,
- Parental guidanoe is reminniendad tor the itiglit
- Keep your plane in your sight so that you ran supeniss ltall the time.
- New and alkaline batteries are recommended tor use in transrnitrertb obiairr best and maximum periorinanoe,
- You are sdrised to replace with new batteries as soon as the function beoornes impaired.
- Users should keep and retain this inlorrrietrdn lorluture relorenoe.
- Users should keep strict aoountanoe wilh the instruction manual while open-mall the produd,
- Your Transmitter charger is tailor-matte Val the rechargeable battery used In plane. Do not use |ItD charge any battery other than that In the plane
Fcc statements
This device complies with part 15 oi the FCC rules. Operation is subject to lhetoliowing Fro wnifionsz—
”This device may Ml. CSUSE harmful interference, and
zmiis device must accept any interference received, including lnterterenoe that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limits tor a Class a digital devioe, pursuant to Part is or the FCC
Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmlul interiorenoe in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio lreousncy endigy and. ii not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmiui intenerence to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interlerence will not occurin a particular installation. It this equipment does cause harmlul interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tumlng the equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the lnlenerence by one or more or the toilowing measures:
- Heonent or relocate the receiving antenna. .
- increase the separation between the equipment and recerver.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a Circuit dittsrsnt twirl that to which the receiver is connected,
Battery Cautions:
, Nanvrechargeable batteries are not to be recharged
- Rechargeable batteries are to be removed From the toy before
being charged (Transmitter only),
- Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged by an adult
. Dinerenl types at batteries or new and used batteries are not to
be mixed (Transmitter only).
~ Only batteries or the same or equivalent type as recommended
are to be used.
, Batteries are to be inserted with correct pmiarity.
v Exhausted batteries are ta be removed frDm the toy
(Transmitter only)
- The supply terminals are not to be short-circuiled,
Care and Maintenance:
- Always remove batteries from the toy when it is not being
used for a long period or time. (Fortransmittsr only)
, wipe the toy gently with a clean damp cloth.
, Keep the toy away irom direct heat.
, Do not submerge the toy into water that can damage the
electronic assemblies
N ate:
, Parental guidance is recommended when installing or
replacing batteries,
- Under the environment with electrostatic discharge, the
sample may malfunction and require user to reset the sample.
Special Note to Adults:
, Regularly examine tor damage to the plug, enclosure and
other parts. In the event ofany damage, the toy must not be
used with the transmitter charger until the damage has been
- This toy is not intended for children under 3 years old.
- This toy must only be used with the recommended charger
- Do not try to charge other batteries with transmitter Charger
Bathly requirement tor pi...
Power supply _
Rating nosembw
WES Eatlzrtes a s v Ni—MH Rechargeable battery Pack
Requires 3 s v NtsMH Rechargeable Battery Paddrlnctudfid)
Ban-try nuull-mlnllnrl’urismltur:
powersuppry a
Rating DC9\/,3EW
Batteries 5 n i.5 “AA"ILRSIAMB
‘ Requires 6 xi 5 V"AA size batteries tnotinciudedl
SfulEfLTt® Silveriit Toys (11 s A) lno Po Box i237, Walnut, CA917EB
©2005 Silverlit Toys Menutactory Limited All nghls reserved.
1A Plane
2. transmitter
3. Antenna
4. Instruction Manual
Plane Rudder
Chargmg Socket
Screw up the antenna
wllh the (ransmlllar Baliery Cover
Power indicawr
iner swwlch
Righl slick
Pu” out the cover and take
out the charging wire
Charging mug
Battery Installation - Transmitter
Make sure the power switch is on "OFF" position
t Use screwdriverto loosen In screws on the hattery case In
anh—clockwtse (pic 1)
2 Put 5 AA lee hattenes tn the battery compartment as per the polarity
shown lnstde.1plc 2)
3 hghten the screw rn cluohwrsetprc 3)
Battery Charging:
Tum all the Plane and transmltter, put the plug in the socket on plane
then turn on the power switch or transmitter. The green LED will light up
when the plane is being charged The green LED will turn all when the ,
hattery rs tully charged it may take up In 15 minutes to fully charge the _ ,
hattery and a lulty charged hattery can serve up to 2 minutes flight The \ y
chzlglng times may vary as to the battery status heeause ymlrcnarger , r 3 y l t
has intelligent charging control The green LED wrtl light up when The green LED will tunt or! when
_ the plans It herng chimed. the hattery rs lully charger]
Playground and Weather selectlon:
a) In house. You can play it anytime, he sure to let your Plane away
from eleclric iarl‘ arr-eondrhaner
h) Outdoor It‘s hetter m a sunny day, and In calm wind or slight breeze
(Esp no more than Beautort scale 1 , light arr [smoke can tleat but
teat can‘t rneyeil
Preeaution Because or its light weight lt may be blown away under
strong wind.
0) We suggest you can play ll on grass to oreteot your plane when il
impacts on ground
at Du not play your plane when rt ts rairnngr smwviltg, or near high power
1 Set the ONIOFF switch on Plans to on. BE sum; THE TRANSMITTER IS "OFF" when turn on the Plane.
2 Screw in the antenna on transmitter.
3 Set the let layer on Iransmllterto MINIMUM throttle, then set rtto on.
4 Push up the throttle to the top driver the plane and throw the plane outto its tying trend.
5. When your plane lly stapler you can move the right lever to eontrol the plane turn counterclockwise and clockwtse.
a The table will give you a rough idea at the relation between transmitter operating and the plane response
7 Landlng turn yuul plane laclltg the wind, then throttle down.
Left Lever Actlan
rake cflalld Go up
Go down and land
stability of fly Turn counter clockwise
stability of fly Tum clockwise
#85519 9 04,9 01
z Current
l Vlfilld
' 44mg“
.4~ l and
”M and"
z Sel lne rlghl lever rn ils nevlrel pnsllinrl, lnen pvsn llre lnralne la MAXIMUM lp drlve lne plane and hand mrpw llre plane ovl 107 llrglrl
it? ;,
~ ‘ sddden or hardly
x; : , re smg _up planes
. M I We need wlllcause
M X ‘7/“ dropping
a) The called mglll pallern would he
pl lune plane relses lls nose very qu‘lckly. iI may lly near stalllllg speed and lall down.
Von should pull me lelt lever down (lhmllle down) lo let it lly in horizontally
3r When ydur plane can fly sleedily, you can move me rigm lever le lel or lighl ed lhal llcarl lurrl to lell or n‘grll You may need Io slrlke hul nol hold (he rlgm
lever lprerrsy adjuslmenl.
The ”Iumlrlg" luncnon depends on llre rudder lumlng lell and rignl. please nole lhal illne plane response slnwly lp ypvr eprnrnend.
you shnuld lhl‘oltle up (a! better parlarmanoe.
Propeller penl rnrm
. omorr swllpn ls OFF
, Weak Eil'ef‘l
, eel emu. up an
- Rune-gs me baIW'Y paelr
we Plane (urns erpvnd
and depends elrer laklng all
, Rudder ii ml rn noulfil ppsllrpn
.snpnelne ngnl lever rn me upnuslln dlreevpn
Czn‘l lake ml or drpp awn el
. plene duesn‘l run (a me wind perpre hklng plr.
, Weak aner
_ Flying errne wrung Elevalurnngle pr speed
, Del (he plane nrn (0 me wlrld perprererlnp err
- Rearrange me barred Pm
. Play rpr nrpre skills. such as lune lne rlnprde Tllmmar rpr preclse
ppwer epnnel crflmke (nnl nerd) lne lellodmml lmrun rrerrenvner.
Dmp dawn al lne drnrprng
erele pr perore lake on
. Wank pnwar
, Racham‘e me plane.
R/E Plane dues npl repel nl repel
ppprly rp aperenpn py rrensnrrller
, nrgnerreqdeney rnlenerenee ooevrred neerro nrpn-vpllage
lrnep. llamiulmels and mm was olbulldlllg
~Avold muse ll wsemle, pr anw endlner place la upurau m-
m Plpnp
Loss el cenlrpl
«35519 p 02_p 03
-Anolner rudlp eenlrpl ch Plane usmgms same neppeney
and enenrrel ls opera-ed neerypur we Plane
—Uulcllhe ednlrel ram mdlxlzncs
vmovelu enpmer place wnerewlnpvlredlp lrequeney lnrenerenpe
rrprn enolnpr dame
- Ensun lna lrllsnrla u lvlry amended The RIC Plane lly upln so
nrelere rn open spree

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