Simcom 0805152008007 GSM/GPRS Module User Manual Name
Shanghai Simcom Ltd. GSM/GPRS Module Name
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User Manual
SIM340DZ EVB User Guide SIM340DZ EVB User Guide Document Name: SIM340DZ EVB User Guide Version: Date: DocId: Status: 2.01 2006-07-21 SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Release General Notes Simcom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support application and engineering efforts that use the products designed by Simcom. The information provided is based upon requirements specifically provided to Simcom by the customers. Simcom has not undertaken any independent search for additional relevant information, including any information that may be in the customer’s possession. Furthermore, system validation of this product designed by Simcom within a larger electronic system remains the responsibility of the customer or the customer’s system integrator. All specifications supplied herein are subject to change. Copyright This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of SIMCOM Limited., copying of this document and giving it to others and the using or communication of the contents thereof, are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design. All specification supplied herein are subject to change without notice at any time. Copyright © SIMCOM Limited. 2006 SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 2 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................3 Version History .................................................................................................................................4 1. SIM340DZ EVB ...........................................................................................................................5 2. EVB accessory ..............................................................................................................................7 3. Accessory Interface .......................................................................................................................8 3.1 Power Interface ...................................................................................................................8 3.2 Audio Interface....................................................................................................................9 3.3 SIM card interface.............................................................................................................10 3.4 Antenna Interface ..............................................................................................................10 3.5 RS232 Interface................................................................................................................. 11 3.6 Operating Status LED .......................................................................................................12 4. Test Interface...............................................................................................................................13 4.1 Serial Interface ..................................................................................................................13 4.2 J2---GPIO..........................................................................................................................14 4.3 J3---LCD & I/O.................................................................................................................15 5. EVB and accessory equipment....................................................................................................16 6. Illustration:..................................................................................................................................16 6.1 Running:............................................................................................................................16 6.2 Connecting Net and calling...............................................................................................17 6.3 Downloading.....................................................................................................................17 6.4 Turns off............................................................................................................................17 6.5 Charging............................................................................................................................17 7. 60 PIN assignment of DIP connector of EVB board...................................................................18 Figure Index FIGURE 1: EVB TOP VIEW ...................................................................................................................5 FIGURE 2: EVB BOTTOM VIEW..........................................................................................................6 FIGURE 3: EVB ACCESSORY...............................................................................................................7 FIGURE 4: POWER INTERFACE ..........................................................................................................8 FIGURE 5: AUDIO INTERFACE ...........................................................................................................9 FIGURE 6: SIM CARD INTERFACE...................................................................................................10 FIGURE 7: ANTENNA INTERFACE ...................................................................................................10 FIGURE 8: SERIAL PORTS.................................................................................................................. 11 FIGURE 9: STATUSLED ......................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 10: TEST INTERFACE OVERVIEW.....................................................................................13 FIGURE 11: J1 INTERFACE.................................................................................................................13 FIGURE 12: J2 INTERFACE ................................................................................................................14 FIGURE 13: J3 INTERFACE ................................................................................................................15 FIGURE 14: EVB AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT .........................................................................16 FIGURE 15: DIP CONNECTOR OF EVB BOARD .............................................................................18 SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 3 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide Version History Data Version Description of change Author 2006-4-12 1.00 Origin Qianhuai 2006-6-12 1.01 Update the figure in the document Qianhuai 2006-7-21 2.01 SCOPE This document give the usage of SIM340DZ EVB, user can get useful info about the SIM340DZ EVB quickly through this document. This document is subject to change without notice at any time. SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 4 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 1. SIM340DZ EVB Figure 1: EVB TOP view SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 5 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide Figure 2: EVB BOTTOM view A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: L: M: N: O: SIM340DTE with SIM340DZ module interface SIM card interface headset interface Download switch, turn on or off download function VBAT switch, switch the voltage source from the adaptor or external battery VCHG ON/OFF control (shifter S3) PWRKEY key, turn on or turn off SIM340DZ main and debug serial port MAIN serial port for downloading, AT command transmiting, data exchanging DEBUG serial port source adapter interface light buzzer headphones interface Operating of module may interfere with medical devices like hearing aides and pacemakers. Please always keep the module more than 20 centimeters away from such medical devices when the module is powered on. The module has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 6 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide The module generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and ,if not installed and used In accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the module does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on , the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ------Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ------Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ------Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -------Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. EVB accessory Figure 3: EVB accessory A: antenna SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 7 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide B: antenna transmit line C: headset D: 5V DC source adapter E: serial port line 3. Accessory Interface 3.1 Power Interface Figure 4: Power Interface Pin Signal I/O Adapter input SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Description 5V/2.5A DC source input Page 8 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 3.2 Audio Interface Figure 5: Audio Interface Headset interface: Pin Signal I/O Description MIC1P Positive microphone input SPK1P Positive receiver output SPK1N Negative receiver output MIC1N Negative microphone input Earphone interface: Pin Signal Input/Output MIC2P&SPK2P I/O SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Description Auxiliary positive input and output Page 9 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 3.3 SIM card interface Figure 6: SIM card interface 3.4 Antenna Interface Figure 7: Antenna Interface SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 10 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 3.5 RS232 Interface Figure 8: Serial Ports Serial Port 1——MAIN Interface Serial Port 2——DEGUG Interface Main Interface: Pin Signal I/O Description DCD Data carrier detection TXD Transmit data RXD Receive data DTR Data Terminal Ready GND RTS Request to Send CTS Clear to Send RI Ring Indicator Pin Signal I/O Description DEBUG_TX Transmit data DEBUG_RX Receive data GND GND Debug Interface: SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 GND Page 11 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 3.6 Operating Status LED Figure 9: StatusLED Working state of status LED as list: Name Description STATUS M1 VBAT ON/OFF indicator Bright:VBAT ON; Extinct: VBAT OFF M2 GSM_NET status indicator Blinking at a certain frequency according various GSM net status M3 GSM part status indicator Bright: Module runs normally Extinct: System is powered unconventionally SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 12 of 19 down or module runs SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 4. Test Interface Figure 10: Test interface overview 4.1 Serial Interface J1---RS232 Interface Figure 11: J1 Interface RS232 Interface Pin List: Pin Signal I/O Description TXD Transmit data RXD Receive data DCD Data carrier detection RI Ring Indicator CTS Clear to Send GND DTR Data Terminal Ready DEBUG_RX Receive data RTS Request to Send 10 DEBUG_TX Transmit data SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 GND Page 13 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 4.2 J2---GPIO Figure 12: J2 Interface KEY & CTRL Pin List Pin Signal NC KROW0 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 10 NC 11 STATUS 12 NC 13 NC 14 GPIO8 SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 I/O Description Keypad array interface status of module :on or off Control signal of BUZZER Page 14 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 4.3 J3---LCD & I/O Figure 13: J3 Interface LCD & I/O Interface Pin List: Pin Signal I/O Description DISP_D0 I/O Display data line DISP_A0 Display data or address select DISP_CLK Display clock output NC DISP_EN Display enable output AUXADC1 Adc input VBAT VBAT CHG_IN Charger Input GND 10 TEMP SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Ground For measure of the battery temperature Page 15 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 5. EVB and accessory equipment At normal circumstance, the EVB and its accessory are equipped as the Figure 14 Figure 14: EVB and accessory equipment 6. Illustration: 6.1 Running: (1) Connect the SIM340DTE with SIM340DZ module to the 60pins connector on SIM340DZ EVB, inserting 5V direct current source adapter, switching the S1 switch on off state, S2 switch on ON state; (2) Press the PWRKEY for about 1 second, and then SIM340DZ module begins running. You can see the light M2 on the EVB flashing at a certain frequency. By the state, you can judge whether the EVB and SIM340DZ can run or not. No function and test can be executed when we have not connected necessary accessories. SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 16 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 6.2 Connecting Net and calling (1) connect the serial port line to the MAIN serial port, open the HyperTerminal(AT command windows) on your Personal computer, the location of the HyperTerminal in windows2000 is START→accessory→communication→HyperTerminal. Set correct Baud Rate and COM number. The Baud Rate of SIM340DZ is 115200, and the COM number based on which USB port your serial port line insert in, you should select such as COM3 or COM4 etc. (2) Connect the antenna to the SIM340DTE with SIM340DZ module using an antenna transmit line, insert SIM card into the SIM card interface, insert headphones or headset into its interface. (3) Act on the step of running which mentioned above, power on the system, typing the AT command in the HyperTerminal, and then the SIM340DZ module will execute its corresponding function. 6.3 Downloading Connect the serial port line to the MAIN serial port, connect the direct current source adapter, run the download program and press the START key, then switch the S1 switch on ON state, S2 switch on ON state, then EVB provide the function of downloading. 6.4 Turns off Turn off SIM340DZ module: press the PWRKEY for about 1 second, SIM340DZ module will be turned off. 6.5 Charging Connect the SIM340DTE with SIM340DZ module to the 60pin connector interface and the external battery to charging interface, which have been provided on the EVB. Insert the direct current source adapter; switch shifter S2 on the OFF state, shifter S3 on the ON state, then the SIM340DZ will go to the charging state. SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 17 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 7. 60 PIN assignment of DIP connector of EVB board Figure 15: DIP connector of EVB board Connection diagrams PIN NO. PIN NAME I/O PIN NO. PIN NAME I/O GND VBAT GND VBAT GND VBAT GND VBAT 10 GND VBAT 12 ADC1 11 CHG_IN 14 VRTC 13 TEMP_BAT 16 NETLIGHT 15 NC 18 NC 17 PWRKEY SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 18 of 19 SIM340DZ EVB User Guide 20 NC 19 STATUS 22 NC 21 NC 24 NC 23 GPIO8 I/O 26 NC 25 VSIM 28 KROW0 27 SIM_RST 30 NC 29 SIM_I/O I/O 32 NC 31 SIM_CLK 34 NC 33 SIM_PRESENT 36 NC 35 NC 38 SPI_EN 37 DCD 40 SPI_CLK 39 DTR 42 SPI_DO I/O 41 RXD 44 SPI_AO 43 TXD 46 NC 45 RTS 48 DBGRX 47 CTS 50 DBGTX 49 RI 52 AGND 51 AGND 54 MIC1P 53 SPK1P 56 MIC1N 55 SPK1N 58 MIC2P 57 SPK2P 60 MIC2N 59 SPK2N SIM340DZ-EVB_UGD_V2.01 Page 19 of 19
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